A year of delivery Manchester Crane Survey February 2019 - Deloitte

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A year of delivery Manchester Crane Survey February 2019 - Deloitte


A year of delivery
Manchester Crane Survey
February 2019
A year of delivery Manchester Crane Survey February 2019 - Deloitte
A year of delivery Manchester Crane Survey February 2019 - Deloitte
A year of delivery |
                                                                        Manchester Crane Survey 2019

Contents                                               01
The report                                             02
Key findings                                           03
Development snapshot                                   04
1. Residential                                         05
2. Office                                              10
3. Student accommodation, education and research       14
4. Hotel, retail and leisure                           17
Development map                                        20
Development table                                      21
Endnotes                                               32
Contacts                                               33

A year of delivery Manchester Crane Survey February 2019 - Deloitte
A year of delivery |
                    Manchester Crane Survey 2019

The report

                      A report that measures the volume of development taking place across Central Manchester and Salford and its impact.
                      Property types include residential, office, hotel, retail and leisure, student accommodation, education and healthcare.

                      Central Manchester and Salford.

                      Developers building new schemes or undertaking significant refurbishment of the following size (minimum) =
                      office – 10,000 sq ft, retail – 10,000 sq ft, residential – 25 units, education and healthcare – 10,000 sq ft, leisure and
                      hotel schemes > 35 rooms.

                      Data for the Crane Survey was recorded between 13 January 2018 and 11 January 2019.

                      The Deloitte Real Estate team in Manchester has monitored construction activity and committed pipeline
                      development across the city and has carried out field research. This research has been verified with industry contacts
                      and in-house research teams.

A year of delivery |
                                                                            Manchester Crane Survey 2019

Key findings

 14,480 residential units under            Anticipated level of residential
 construction during 2018 is               delivery over the next 3 years
 double than that under                    is due to exceed the previous
 construction during 2016                  10 years combined.
 (6,963 units)

                                           Significant investment in the Corridor
 Over 25 per cent of office                Manchester has resulted in over
 space under construction is               1.1m sq ft of education
 pre-let, a significant step up            and research space under
 from 2017 (10 per cent)                   construction.

 31 schemes completed during               85 per cent of office space
 2018, comprising 16 residential           under construction is
 developments, 6 offices,                  new build grade A space.
 5 hotels, 2 education facilities,
 1 dining venue, and
 1 multi-storey car park.

 The total number of schemes under construction increased by 34 per cent
 compared to 2017.

A year of delivery |
                    Manchester Crane Survey 2019

Development snapshot
 Which sectors are the most active? (number of schemes under construction)1                Residential units
                                                                                           completed 2007-2018:

                                                                                           Anticipated residential units
                              9                                                            due to complete 2019-2021:

                             3 Education and research
                                3 Student residential
                                    1 Retail and leisure                        48                          14,480
                                              1 Other                        Residential

Number of new starts
                                                     New completions               Office space
                                                     in 2018                       under construction
                                                     31                            2,070,897 sq ft
                44     2018

                32     2017
                                                                                   (535,100 sq ft is pre-let)
                39     2016
                                                     Office floorspace             2,129 hotel
                28     2007                          under construction            rooms currently
                21     Average (2007-2018)           has increased                 under construction.
                                                     by 0.5m sq ft                 840 hotel rooms
                                                     compared to last year         were completed in 2018

A year of delivery |
                                                                                                                         Manchester Crane Survey 2019

1. Residential
For the third consecutive year, the residential sector has been         Residential development activity increase between 2017 and
the main driver of the record levels of development activity in         2019 (units)
Manchester, clearly evidenced by the large number of cranes
visible on the city’s skyline. 48 residential schemes were on site in         2016                       2017                         2018
2018, up from 41 in 2017, and these are set to deliver an impressive
14,480 units. 3,345 more units are under construction compared
to the same time last year and the projected delivery over the next
three years is greater than the total number of residential units
delivered between 2007 and 2018.

Based on 2017’s construction figures, it was reasonable to assume
that new construction starts and the growth in this sector may                                       11,135
have been subdued in 2018. This expectation was compounded by                                                                      14,480
an anticipated period of economic and political uncertainty due to      This is a   30% increase between 2017 and 2018.
Brexit. Crane Survey 2019 data evidences ongoing investment in
the residential market, with 5,733 units commencing construction
on 23 new sites in 2018.                                                Units under construction

New starts during 2018 included:

•• Embankment West , Select Property Group (503 units)                       5,963
•• Mount Yard, FEC (136 units)
•• Elizabeth Tower at Crown Street, Renaker (664 units)
•• Crusader Mill, Capital and Central (201).

                                                                            Manchester city centre           Salford city centre

A year of delivery |
                    Manchester Crane Survey 2019

Developing the skyline – tall buildings (Above Ground Level)



                                 110m                    110m             110m

      Manchester                  Angel                 Oxygen             Affinity                              CIS             Beetham            Deansgate
       Town Hall                 Gardens                Tower             Riverview                           Tower             Tower              Square

Density and scale continue to typify residential construction activity.      Units under construction by sub-area
Large schemes form the majority of the construction pipeline with                           6,000
17 schemes set to deliver more than 350 units each. The pattern
of tall buildings being delivered around the inner ring road is now                         5,000
taking shape and making a significant impact on the skyline, with
                                                                          Number of units

nine schemes of over 25 storeys at various stages of construction.                          4,000

2018 was also a landmark year for completions in the residential
sector. In total, 2,569 units completed, the highest level since 2006
and 1,317 units more than in 2017. These figures were bolstered
by the completion of several build-to-rent schemes in Ancoats and                           1,000
New Islington, including Manchester Life’s Smith’s Yard and Sawmill
Court, Mulbury The Astley. A further five schemes were completed in                            0
                                                                                                    Salford            City    Northern   Manchester     Southern
Salford, including Slate Yard Wharf and Middlewood Locks.                                                             centre    fringe     periphery        arc

A year of delivery |
                                                                                                                                               Manchester Crane Survey 2019

   Salford city centre is the location of a cluster of residential                               Looking ahead, completions in 2019 are projected to exceed 5,500
   developments with 1,299 units delivered and seven new starts                                  units before rising above 7,500 in 2020: this will have a significant
   in 2018. In total, 5,963 units are under construction, meaning                                impact on the residential population in the city centre. Assuming two
   that Salford has overtaken neighbouring areas as a key residential                            residents per unit, based on residential delivery from January 2016
   growth area and recorded the highest level of completions in                                  to December 2018, the population within the study area has already
   2018. The Chapel Street corridor has been a major contributor,                                increased by 12,000 and is set to increase by a further 28,400 by
   with schemes such as Chapel Wharf and The Crescent under                                      the end of 2021 and therefore in excess of 100,000. This population
   construction. The Salford University campus masterplan, plus                                  growth will require services and amenities to support it, some of
   further phases of development at Greengate, mean that this                                    which are already planned as part of emerging neighbourhoods,
   area has significant further potential, supported by improved                                 such as new education and health facilities at Great Jackson Street,
   connectivity with Manchester City Centre.                                                     and a new park at the heart of the Mayfield masterplan.

   Residential development pipeline


Number of residential units






                                      2006   2007     2008    2009   2010   2011   2012   2013      2014    2015    2016      2017     2018     2019     2020     2021

                              Completed      Under construction

A year of delivery |
                    Manchester Crane Survey 2019

Population per sub area (2013)                               Current population based on Crane Survey data 2013-2018

                            Population per sub area (2013)

                               = 300 people
                               Salford city centre
                               Northern fringe
                               Manchester periphery
                               City centre
                               Southern arc

     = 300 people                                               = 300 people
     Salford city centre                                        Salford city centre
     Northern fringe                                            Northern fringe
     Manchester periphery                                       Manchester periphery
     City centre                                                City centre
     Southern arc                                               Southern arc

Anticipated population per sub area by 2021                  Due to residential growth, the city centre, especially to the north
                                                             and the east, has now extended well beyond the inner ring road,
                                                             a physical boundary that for many years has defined the Crane
                                                             Survey research area.

     = 300 people
     Salford city centre
     Northern fringe
     Manchester periphery
     City centre
     Southern arc

A year of delivery |
                                                                                                                                    Manchester Crane Survey 2019

   Completed schemes in past 12 months                                                   elsewhere, representing a 3.8 per cent increase in the city centre
                  2,000                                                                  and 6.5 per cent elsewhere over the two-year period. There are
                                                                                         higher value sub-areas within the city centre, with Deansgate
                                                                                         and Spinningfields averaging £1,339 p/m for a two-bedroom
                                                                                         property, and New Islington at the lower end of the scale
Number of units

                                                                                         averaging £917 p/m.2

                                                                                         Considering affordability, the average salary in the city centre
                   500                                                                   is £28,558.3 Assuming a target average spend of 30 per cent
                                                                                         of gross income on rent, in line with Manchester City Council’s
                                                                                         Affordability Framework, this equates to an affordable rental
                          Salford    City Spinningfields/Northern   Southern Manchester   value of £713.5 p/m per person. However, most two-bedroom
                                    centre   Leftbank    Fringe       Arc    Periphery
                                                                                         apartments are shared between couples or a pair of young
                                                                                         professionals, and this increases the affordability of even the
                                                                                         higher end of the rental market for this particular demographic.
   Two-bedroom units constitute 58 per cent of the units under
   construction to 2021, with apartments making up the entire                            The delivery of residential properties in the city is now coming
   market save for ground floor townhouses and schemes too                               broadly into line with the average target specified in Manchester’s
   small for our survey. Conscious of the perceived uniformity of                        Core Strategy (2012) and is beginning to catch up with successive
   accommodation options in the city, a fact demonstrated by the                         years of undersupply against targets between 2009 and 2017.
   limited number of families in the city – just over 100 children                       The appetite for city centre residential development is unlikely
   lived in the Deansgate and Piccadilly wards in 2016, emerging                         to waiver; with the city centre identified to provide a further
   regeneration areas are seeking to deliver more diversity in terms                     10,000 new units to contribute toward the 201,000 net additional
   of the types of units and tenures. For example, the Northern                          dwellings required across GM between 2018 and 2037 identified
   Gateway and the Great Ducie Street Framework areas will include                       by the draft Greater Manchester Spatial Framework (GMSF) 4.
   lower density blocks and family housing, as well as high quality
   public realm, providing another option for those looking to remain                    There are approximately 14,600 units with planning permission
   in the city. This traditional family housing is likely to be delivered                within our survey area at present and moving forward, we
   in areas outside the current Crane Survey boundary, such as                           may see schemes move away from a focus on build-to-rent
   Northern Gateway and East Manchester.                                                 apartments for sharers to provide co-living options or a variety
                                                                                         of apartment typologies to appeal to different demographics,
   Looking at rental values of property, the average price for a                         including down sizers. There is clearly more capacity for growth
   two-bedroom property in March 2016 was £945 per month (p/m)                           based on the number of extant permissions, but how they
   and £688 p/m outside the city centre. At the end of 2018, average                     physically manifest themselves beyond 2021 is likely to change
   values were £981 p/m in Manchester City Centre and £733 p/m                           and further diversify the rental market.

A year of delivery |
                    Manchester Crane Survey 2019

2. Office
With 2,070,897 sq ft of floorspace under construction across            Office floorspace under construction                                                        2018
13 schemes, 2018 was a busy year for Manchester’s office                                     2017
sector. The amount of floorspace under construction is 37 per cent
up on 2017 activity and significantly more than the pipeline of
1.5m sq ft per annum between 2015 to 2017. The increase in
volume under construction is also due to three years of strong
activity in the sector, resulting in the continued delivery of
schemes that commenced back in 2016 and 2017. This is reflected
in the relatively low completion figure of 450,000 sq ft delivered
during 2018.
                                                                                   1.5m sq ft                                                       2.1m sq ft
Alongside a strong year for the construction pipeline, the
city experienced a flurry of high profile deals and occupier            Office development pipeline
announcements both in identified regeneration areas and the city
core. This is testament to the city’s resilience at a time of broader
economic and political uncertainty. Major deals included HPE at
Circle Square, Booking.inc and The Farm at St John’s, WeWork
at Dalton Place, HMRC at 3 New Bailey, and Amazon at Hanover                1,200,000
House. To continue to attract commercial investment, create new
jobs and retain talent, the supply of Grade A floorspace needs to
be maintained, along with the strong delivery of residential units in
the city.                                                                       900,000
                                                                        Sq ft
















                                                                                Completed               Under construction                        Let under construction                    2021

A year of delivery |
                                                                                                                         Manchester Crane Survey 2019

 Annual gross value added (GVA) for the city of Manchester                   Whilst the number of new starts was lower than in 2017, the scale
 increased between 2011 to 2017 from £14.5bn to £19.5bn due                  and quantum of new commercial office development increased,
 mainly to the drive in business services operating in the city, GVA         both in terms of height and scale of floorplates, reflecting an
 for the city centre is now 29.5 per cent of the total for the Greater       appetite in the market for new builds over refurbishments. Other
 Manchester area. This will continue to increase as Manchester               new starts include:
 and Salford generate further demand for prime Grade A office
 floorspace.                                                                 •• No.1 and No. 2 Circle Square: the first commercial blocks of this
                                                                                major regeneration site
 New starts made a large contribution to the total floorspace under
 construction, with ten new office schemes starting on site in 2018          •• Brazennose House: major development due to deliver part of the
 due to deliver 1,541,797 sq ft. These are spread across the city, with         Lincoln Square masterplan
 four in the city core, three in Salford, plus the Manchester Goods
 Yard in St. John’s. This new space is a result of strong pre-let activity   •• Two New Bailey: office block delivering Grade A space as part of
 and long-term strategic regeneration plans. In addition, three                 New Bailey in Salford.
 further schemes (Old Granada Studios, Bonded Warehouse and
 ABC) are being delivered at St. John’s by Allied London and are part        All seven of the office schemes that completed in 2018 were
 of larger mixed-use schemes that also include studio space for the          refurbishments of existing buildings. In 2017, 28 per cent of
 creative, digital and media industry as part of the Enterprise City         the office floorspace under construction was to refurbishment
 initiative.                                                                 schemes. In 2018 this figure dropped to fifteen per cent, with
                                                                             only one new office refurbishment scheme under construction
 Office floorspace under construction                                           as more new build schemes are brought forward. Despite this,
                                                                             refurbishments remain an attractive choice for operators,
                                                                             demonstrated by Amazon’s decision to take 90,000 sq ft of space
        600,000                                                              in the refurbished Hanover House.

                                                                             Hanover House is an important part of the £800m NOMA
                                                                             development. Growth in the northern quadrant of the city centre
Sq ft

                                                                             will start to spread the spatial distribution of Grade A office
        300,000                                                              accommodation across the city, helping to create a competitive
                                                                             destination for inward investment, retail and leisure. It will also
        200,000                                                              act as a catalyst for the development of areas for the next wave
                                                                             of residential growth in New Cross, Northern Gateway and Great
                                                                             Ducie Street.
                  Salford     City centre      St. Johns    Southern arc

A year of delivery |
                    Manchester Crane Survey 2019

New office starts per survey






        2007         2008        2009         2010      2011        2012       2013        2014        2015       2016        2017        2018

Positivity continues outside of the Survey area: The Hut Group              demand. With the change of occupier market, the product has
(THG) committed to the delivery of the first phase of a new one             also changed to include quirky fit-outs with an emphasis on more
million sq ft campus as part of Airport City, which is designated as        and better breakout spaces to improve collaborative working and
a key employment area for Manchester. Major office deals reported           moving away from the more corporate offering at Spinningfields.
in 2018 were by creative, media and tech sector occupiers, taking
over the lead role from financial and legal service occupiers who           Although current data on the office market is encouraging,
were previously the sector driving office development in the city.          the pace of Brexit negotiations is weighing heavily on business
There are now 82,300 creative sector jobs based in the Greater              sentiment. According to Deloitte’s latest CFO Survey6, the mood
Manchester area5.                                                           among Chief Financial Officers became more pessimistic about the
                                                                            long term impact of the UK leaving the EU, ranking it as the biggest
This change demonstrates the diversification of the job market in           threat to business in the coming year. Confidence among CFOs has,
the city, the increasing attractiveness of Manchester as a location         in fact, fallen to the lowest levels in two years, with only 12 per cent
for this sector, and the long-term efforts that have been made by           saying that now is a good time to take risk.
Manchester City Council to promote economic growth and retain
talent. This is likely to intensify as St. John’s and the Enterprise City
initiative continue to progress over the next five years, providing a
range of smaller SME-type occupancies to larger more conventional
floorplates for established occupants, and revisiting some parts
of the masterplan to deliver additional commercial space to meet

A year of delivery |
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Manchester Crane Survey 2019

 Business optimism
  Net % of CFOs who are more optimistic about the financial prospects of their
  company than three months ago
More optimistic

Less optimistic

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           2018 Q1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     2018 Q3
                                                                                               2011 Q1

                                                                                                                   2012 Q1
                                                                                                                             2012 Q3
                                                                                                                                       2013 Q1
                                                                                                                                                 2013 Q3
                                                                                                                                                           2014 Q1
                                                                                                                                                                     2014 Q3
                                                                                                                                                                               2015 Q1
                                                                                                                                                                                         2015 Q3
                                                                                                                                                                                                   2016 Q1
                                                                                                                                                                                                             2016 Q3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       2017 Q1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 2017 Q3
                         2007 Q3
                                   2008 Q1
                                             2008 Q3
                                                       2009 Q1
                                                                 2009 Q3
                                                                           2010 Q1
                                                                                     2010 Q3

                                                                                                         2011 Q3

 To put the sentiment about Brexit into context, 54 of the FTSE 100
 companies have cited Brexit as their principal risk or the cause of
 broader risk around market and economic uncertainty. Only one
 identified climate change as their principal risk. Deloitte’s Annual
 Report Insights 20187 shows how the largest businesses are
 managing the challenges they are currently faced with.

 Nonetheless, based on the pipeline supply under construction and
 scale of deals in 2018, Manchester has so far remained resilient
 despite Brexit uncertainty. This is helped by the growth of tech
 businesses in the regional centre. The efforts to position the city
 as a go-to location for growth sector occupiers are now being
 realised, and further high profile new office starts are anticipated in
 2019 in areas such as Circle Square, NOMA and St John’s.

A year of delivery |
                       Manchester Crane Survey 2019

   3. Student accommodation, education
   and research
   Student accommodation                                                                             The University of Manchester has the highest percentage of
   Following limited construction activity in 2017 after the completion                              international students in the UK (25 per cent), and as many as 180
   of Vita’s second Manchester site at Circle Square, three new                                      nationalities are represented on campus. These students tend to
   purpose-built student accommodation schemes commenced                                             seek out higher value, catered facilities with high-end amenities
   in 2018. Vita has started on their second Circle Square site; and                                 in the city centre close to campus, which has further driven the
   work on two tall buildings have commenced, Unite Student’s New                                    demand for this type of offering from Vita and Downing.
   Wakefield scheme and Downing Student’s River Street scheme.
   Together these schemes will deliver 1,794 new bedspaces.                                          With 100,000 students attending university in the region, Greater
                                                                                                     Manchester has one of the largest concentrations of students in
   While these purpose built student accommodation products                                          Europe and provides the city with an enormous supply of new
   will target different price points, they respond to the demands                                   graduates each year across a wide range of subjects who can
   of Generation Z students for high quality, well-managed                                           contribute to future economic growth. Supply of high quality
   accommodation in central locations, requirements which are                                        accommodation is an important factor that continues to attract
   entirely consistent with the build-to-rent model designed for life                                students to the city.

   Student housing development pipeline

Number of student beds




                               07   08   09   10   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19   20
                                                                                                     students studying in Manchester
                         Completed        Under construction

A year of delivery |
                                                                                                                    Manchester Crane Survey 2019

Education and research                                                  On the University of Manchester campus, the Henry Royce
The profile and status of its higher education institutions positions   Institute has now commenced construction. ‘The Royce’ will house
Manchester as a magnet for talent. Both Manchester Metropolitan         state-of-the-art equipment and facilities that will enable advances
University and the University of Manchester continue to invest in       across a wide range of areas, including 3D printing of biomedical
campus improvements and new facilities.                                 materials, and self-heating coatings for buildings. Close by, work
                                                                        on the mammoth Manchester Engineering Campus Development
The collective investment by Manchester Metropolitan University,        continues apace and is due to be delivered by the end of 2021. This
the University of Manchester and associated research and                will provide another world-leading research and state of the art
development schemes has resulted in an outstanding year for             education facility.
Corridor Manchester. Two new schemes started in 2018, with
1,134,458 sq ft of floorspace currently under construction. This        Other campus improvements include the completion of two
is testament to the work that has been carried out over the             Manchester Business School projects and University Green,
past ten years to position Oxford Road Corridor as the centre of        providing 11 new retail units at the heart of the campus. Significant
Manchester’s knowledge economy.                                         projects have taken place to continue the enhancement of
                                                                        Oxford Road Corridor for all users. These include public realm
                                                                        improvements at Brunswick Park and completion of the Oxford
                                                                        Road Corridor Bus Priority Scheme which has also improved the
Education and research development pipeline                             Oxford Road campus for pedestrians and cyclists.
                                                                        The Graphene Engineering Innovation Centre (GEIC) was delivered
                                                                        in 2018 and provides space and facilities focused on improving
         800,000                                                        the commercial prospects of Graphene and drive UK innovation in
                                                                        materials technology.

Sq ft



                    2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

         Completed       Under construction

A year of delivery |
                    Manchester Crane Survey 2019

Investment in GEIC and the Henry Royce Institute has provided             With 100,000 students attending university
physical assets contributing to the vision of Graphene City® –
a community of over 200 leading 2D materials scientists and               in the region, Greater Manchester has one
engineers that will itself become an international research and           of the largest concentrations of students
development centre. This will focus attention on attracting
investment and innovators from around the globe and further               in Europe and an enormous supply of new
cementing Corridor Manchester as an international location for            graduates across a wide range of subjects
research, innovation and collaboration.
                                                                          each year who can contribute to future
At Manchester Metropolitan University, work started in 2018               economic growth. Supply of high quality
on a new Arts and Media Facility to replace the Mabel Tylecote
building, which is due to open in 2020. In December 2018,                 accommodation is an important factor that
planning permission was approved for the £35m School of Digital           continues to attract students to the city.
Arts (SODA). Programmed for delivery in 2021, this new building
will provide learning and training facilities that will help to meet
the demand in the city for skills from tech and creative sector
businesses, 69 per cent of which say they are struggling to recruit
highly-skilled workers across the digital, media and creative                                                Henry Royce Institute
                                                                                                             160,000 sq ft
Further education also has a role to play in the success of a city
by attracting and retaining talent, and in particular to develop
the skills of young people in the region. Manchester College,
recognising the opportunity provided by the consolidation of
its campuses and location in the vicinity of future employers for
its students, is searching for a city centre site. This should have
benefits for not only immediate locality of the final site but also the
city as a whole.

                                                                                   Arts and Media Facility
                                                                                   135,000 sq ft

A year of delivery |
                                                                                                                                      Manchester Crane Survey 2019

  4. Hotel, retail and leisure
  Hotel                                                                                 840 new bedspaces were completed in 2018 across five schemes.
  The number of new hotel rooms currently under construction in                         This is the highest number of rooms delivered on record and
  the city has reached a record level, with 2,129 new bedspaces in                      demonstrates the capacity and appetite for new hotels in the
  the delivery pipeline. Compared to 2018 figures, this is an uplift                    city. The significant step-up in delivery rates reflects the maturing
  of over 900 bedspaces, and 1,300 more than the average annual                         tourism sector in Manchester. The majority of hotels in the city are
  construction rate since 2008. The pipeline remains strong moving                      classed as 4-star (3,800 rooms), and 3,100 are 3-star. Several new
  into 2019 with new starts anticipated including the new QBIC hotel                    hotel brands now operate in the city, expanding the city centre’s
  at John Dalton House.                                                                 hotel portfolio to include Hotel Indigo, AC Marriott, Crown Plaza
                                                                                        and Stalybridge Suites
  In total nine new hotels are under construction: four of these
  schemes are within the city core, two are located within NOMA                         This growth is in part due to the strength of the business visitor
  and the Northern Gateway and one within the Southern Arc.                             economy, with Manchester’s Convention Bureau positioning the
  A further two schemes are still under construction that                               city as a world-leading conference destination. In 2017/18,
  commenced development during the course of 2017 and are due                           29 conferences took place (of which 20 were international) worth
  to complete in 2019, taking the total number of rooms in the city                     an estimated £26.7m for the local economy 9. Additionally, the
  centre to over 10,000.                                                                number of passengers arriving in Manchester from the current top
                                                                                        20 global business destinations has gone up from 200,000 in June
                                                                                        2017 to 350,000 in June 2018, representing an additional
                                                                                        1.8m journeys per annum.

  Hotel development pipeline

Number of bedrooms




                             2006   2007     2008    2009   2010   2011   2012   2013      2014    2015    2016      2017     2018     2019     2020     2021
                     Completed      Under construction

A year of delivery |
                    Manchester Crane Survey 2019

Travel to Manchester Airport from top 20 business destinations            Looking ahead, there is a sense of optimism in the region about
                                                                          tourism, as we can expect to see the start of the expansion at
           2017                                     2018                  three Manchester museums in 2020 and the phased opening of
                                                                          RHS Garden Bridgewater, Europe’s largest garden project. There
                                                                          remains a strong pipeline for hotels, with many further new
                                                                          entrants to the market now in possession of planning permission
                                                                          for major developments.

                                                                          Retail and leisure
                                                                          The Green at Circle Square, the only new leisure scheme that
                                                                          started in 2018, will provide retail and leisure use as well as an
                                                                          exhibition and event space to support the wider office, student
                                                                          accommodation and hotel development being delivered or
        2.4m                                                              planned as part of the Circle Square masterplan.
                                              4.2m                        There are no standalone retail schemes in construction; however,
                                                                          continuing the trend reported last year, there remains a consistent
                                           passengers                     level of retail and leisure floorspace under construction, with
                                                                          310,470 sq ft in 2018 compared to 316,661 sq ft in 2017. This space
                                                                          will be delivered as part of office and residential schemes and will
Manchester Airport has also added new weekly routes, with new             provide retail units and leisure space designed to service a new
direct services among others to Mumbai, Tel Aviv, Malaysia and            population. This type of use is an essential component of high
Los Angeles. International connectivity will be further bolstered         density residential neighbourhoods in the city and an important
by the opening of the first new passenger pier in spring 2019, one        part of placemaking in commercial and mixed use schemes. This
of the first major infrastructure phases to be delivered as part of       has been the case in Ancoats and New Islington, where new food
Manchester Airport’s £1bn transformation programme.                       and beverage openings and announcements have taken place in
                                                                          2018, predominantly by independents. This has established the
2019 is likely to be a strong year for tourism in the city given the      area as a destination in its own right, with residential delivery in this
addition of new air routes, a high profile conference calendar, plus      area reaching its highest level to date and Ancoats being named by
the Manchester International Festival taking place in July, bringing      Timeout in 2018 as the 13th ‘coolest district in the world’.
with it international attention to the city’s cultural scene. This year
may also see the commencement of work on the Factory project,             Across Manchester City Centre, 2018 saw a raft of new restaurant
which will provide a world-class cultural venue and a permanent           openings from established London brands and Manchester-based
home for the festival in the new St John’s quarter.                       independents, including The Ivy, Mana, Tast and Dishoom.

A year of delivery |
                                                                                                                      Manchester Crane Survey 2019

Although the market is demonstrating strength in terms of new             In spite of weaker consumer sentiment across the UK,
hotels, restaurants and leisure openings, levels of disposable            Manchester’s food and beverage independents have used this
income nationally fell by eight per cent one quarter, which is the        opportunity to take advantage of the demand for quality and
sharpest drop since the Deloitte Consumer Tracker started in 2011.        experience. New businesses have positioned themselves in central
This is linked to an unexpected rise in the rate of inflation in August   locations and new neighbourhoods, alongside Manchester’s strong
and real wage growth remaining modest by historical standards.            creative and digital sector, forming an integral part of Manchester’s
Alongside this, announcements of retail and leisure closures were         attractive lifestyle offer.
frequent throughout 2018 as the sector underwent structural
change as a result of changing spending habits.                           Some of Manchester’s most complex and large-scale development
                                                                          sites are acting as temporary leisure destinations as part of
Net % of consumers who said their level of confidence has                  branding and placemaking programmes. Mayfield continues to
improved in the past three months                                         position itself as an evening and weekend venue, while St John’s
                                                                          and NOMA have hosted events over several years, helping to
 0                                                                        embed these areas in the fabric of the city. The rise of meanwhile
 -2                                                                       uses, the expansion of independents in the face of general
                                                                          consumer trends, and the growth of residential are all essential for
                                                                          ensuring that Manchester continues to attract and retain young
 -6                                                                       people, who will be key to future economic growth.





      Q3 2011
      Q4 2011
      Q1 2012
      Q2 2012
      Q3 2012
      Q4 2012
      Q1 2013
      Q2 2013
      Q3 2013
      Q4 2013
      Q1 2014
      Q2 2014
      Q3 2014
      Q4 2014
      Q1 2015
      Q2 2015
      Q3 2015
      Q4 2015
      Q1 2016
      Q2 2016
      Q3 2016
      Q4 2016
      Q1 2017
      Q2 2017
      Q3 2017
      Q4 2017
      Q1 2018
      Q2 2018
      Q3 2018
      Q4 2018

Source: The Deloitte Consumer Tracker

A year of delivery |
                    Manchester Crane Survey 2019

Development map


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                                                                                                 ITY 75                      VICTORIA
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         T                                 CHAPEL ST                                 77                                                                                                            C
                                                                                                                                                                                               106 OAT

                        81            79

                                                                                                                          SS S
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                                                                 CENTRAL                 BRID                                                                                                           T                   102 92               ST
                                                             73                                                        CRO

                                                                83                           GE S
                                                                                                 T                                                                                                         95
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               93           RD
                                                              70                                                                                                                                                             96        L  LA

                                                   90                                  36                                        24                                                                      100                         PO

                                                                               SPINNINGFIELDS                                                                                                                         97



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                                                                                                                                                            UNIVERSITY OF 50

                                                                                                                                                          64 MANCHESTER
                                                                                                                      ESS R



     Under construction                          Completed

A year of delivery |
                                                                                                                            Manchester Crane Survey 2019

Development table
                                                                  Total size      Completion
No. Name/address              Developer        Main use           (sq ft/units)   date       Comments

City core – Under construction

1    Motel ONE and Wilde      Alliance         Hotel              590 rooms       Q4 2021    Dual-operated hotel block replacing Peterloo House, which
     Aparthotels, 3 St.                                                                      will be split between 328 rooms operated by Motel ONE and
     Peters Square                                                                           262 studios and one bedroom aparthotel units operated by
                                                                                             Wilde Aparthotels. The latter is part of the StayCity brand.

2    Unite Student, New       Unite Student    Student            603 units       Q2 2020    32-storey student residential development with ground
     Wakefield Street                          Residential                                   floor commercial space arranged in 5-10 bed clusters with
                                                                                             shared kitchen facilities and some studio flats.

3    Vita, Circle Square      Select Property Student             384 units       Q4 2019    Vita Student’s 18 Storey serviced apartments, including
     (Building 9)             Group           Residential                                    residents hub.

4    MSCP and Hotel, Circle Bruntwood          Hotel              150 hotel rooms, Q2 2020   18 Storey building with a multi-storey car park of 1,100
     Square                                                       1,100 parking              spaces and a hotel of 150 beds. Including an array of
                                                                  spaces                     commercial uses, office space and leisure facilities.

5    Affinity Living Block    Select Property Residential         266 units       Q4 2019    17 storey block comprising 266 apartments in a 17 storey
     1, Circle Square         Group                                                          building with a range of communal residential facilities.
     (Buildings 7 and 8)

6    Affinity Living Block    Select Property Residential         411 units       Q2 2020    Development comprises 411 apartments in a 36 storey
     2, Circle Square         Group                                                          building with shared lounge areas, co-working spaces, gyms
     (Buildings 5 and 6)                                                                     and private entertainment spaces.

7    No. 1 Circle Square      Bruntwood        Office             154,914 sq ft   Q2 2020    The development comprises 18 storeys of high quality office
     (Building 2)                                                                            space, which is part of the wider Circle Square masterplan
                                                                                             for the former BBC site.

8    No. 2 Circle Square      Bruntwood        Office             233,792 sq ft   Q4 2019    The development comprises 14 storeys of high quality office
     (Building 4)                                                                            space, which is part of the wider Circle Square masterplan
                                                                                             for the former BBC site.

9    The Green, Circle        Bruntwood        Retail / Leisure   11,959 sq ft    Q4 2019    The Green’ forms part of the Circle Square masterplan which
     Square                                                                                  is to comprise retail/leisure uses including an exhibition and
                                                                                             concert hall.

10   Manhattan Luxury         Property         Residential        42 units        Q3 2019    Development of 42 1 and 2 bed apartments in a 7 storey
     Apartments               Alliance Group                                                 building near China Town.

Red text denotes new starts since last Crane Survey.

A year of delivery |
                    Manchester Crane Survey 2019

                                                                 Total size      Completion
No. Name/address              Developer        Main use          (sq ft/units)   date       Comments

11   Big Yellow Storage       Big Yellow       Other (Storage)   92,000 sq ft    Q1 2019   Storage facility is the first development within the revised
     Facility                 Group PLC                                                    Water Street SRF area, endorsed by Manchester City Council
                                                                                           in 2017. It is aimed at both businesses and residents with a
                                                                                           variety of storage spaces.

12   Heron House              Bruntwood and Office               100,000 sq ft   Q3 2019   Works comprise of soft strip and CAT A fit out of offices and
                              Manchester                                                   full fit out of the Registrars including replacement windows
                              City Council                                                 and reconfiguration of main entrances to the building.

13   Brazennose House         Marshall CDP     Office            150,000 sq ft   Q2 2020   Demolition works took place in September 2018, with the
                              and M&G                                                      main works build commencing shortly after. The scheme
                                                                                           will front the new development proposals for Lincoln Square
                                                                                           and form a major part of the redevelopment of this city
                                                                                           centre block.

14   London Warehouse         Capital and      Hotel             166 rooms       Q2 2019   120,000 square foot, seven storey edifice will include a 166-
                              Centric                                                      bed four star apart hotel, operated by the Nativegroup and
                                                                                           new ground floor commercial operated by Bistrotheque.

15   Bespoke Hotels,          Property         Hotel             189 rooms       Q4 2019   189-bed hotel with ancillary bar, restaurant and casino to be
     Portland Street          Alliance Group                                               operated by Bespoke Hotels, known as Hotel Brooklyn.

16   Hyphen, Mosley Street Boultbee            Office refurb     64,000 sq ft    Q2 2019   The development brings two buildings under one address
                           Brooks Real                                                     and provides an additional 5,700 sq ft of retail space on
                           Estate                                                          ground floor level in addition to a one storey rooftop

17   Citu NQ                  FCIM             Residential       183 units       Q3 2019   The development comprises 8 storeys with ground floor
                                                                                           commercial units, communal facilities and a rooftop garden.

18   Landmark                 Castlebrooke     Office            178,000 sq ft   Q3 2019   £100m development will provide 178,000 sq ft in 13 storey
                                                                                           building on former cinema site.

19   OneTwoFive               Worthington’s    Office            113,500 sq ft   Q4 2019   The £70million development comprises 113,500 sq ft of
                                                                                           Grade A office space over 12 storeys with 12,100 sq ft of
                                                                                           flexible retail space on the ground floors.

20   Manchester New           Urban and Civic Residential        351 units       Q4 2019   Site now being delivered by new owner Urban and Civic,
     Square                                                                                which has to work with the existing basement car park
                                                                                           delivered through the previous scheme.

A year of delivery |
                                                                                                                         Manchester Crane Survey 2019

                                                             Total size         Completion
No. Name/address            Developer        Main use        (sq ft/units)      date       Comments

21   Kampus and Minto &     Capital and      Residential     536 units          Q1 2020   Two phased project to provide neighbourhood comprising
     Turner                 Centric and                                                   both refurbished and new build elements and includes
                            Henry Boot                                                    49,000 sq ft of ground floor commercial space.

22   AXIS                   Property         Residential     172 units          Q2 2019   27 storey Build-to-Rent tower aimed at institutional
                            Alliance Group                                                investors.

City core – Complete

23   City Buildings, NOMA   The Co-Op        Hotel           187 rooms          Q4 2018   Project comprises the refurbishment and restoration of
                            Group                                                         Grade II listed City Buildings on Corporation Street and will
                                                                                          be operated by Hotel Indigo once complete.

24   Dalton Place           Tesco Pension    Office refurb   65,750 sq ft       Q1 2018   Offers 65,000 sq ft of office space over six upper floors. The
                            Fund                                                          ground floor has been reconfigured into four units aimed at
                                                                                          restaurant and café operators.

25   NOMA – Hanover         The Co-Op        Office refurb   91,000 sq ft       Q3 2018   Project involved the restoration and refurbishment of
                            Group                                                         Grade II Listed Building to provide a new office for Amazon,
                                                                                          accompanied by 18,000 sq ft of ground floor commercial.

26   Salisbury House        Beech Holdings Residential       98 units           Q1 2018   Conversion of former office space into studio and one bed
                                                                                          residential apartments completed in January 2018.

27   121 Princess Street    Beech Holdings Residential       127 units          Q2 2018   Existing 8 storey building converted to provide studio, 1 and
                                                                                          2 bed apartments and retains historic features throughout.

28   40 Chorlton Street     Staying Cool     Hotel           41 rooms           Q4 2018   Conversion of former cotton warehouse into an aparthotel
                                                                                          operated by Stay Cool.

29   Core, Brown Street     Boultbee         Office refurb   48,000 sq ft       Q3 2018   The 12 month £8m refurbishment provides 48,000 sq ft of
                            Brooks                                                        Grade A space.

30   Windmill Green         FORE             Office refurb   78,000 sq ft       Q4 2018   Windmill Green comprised a comprehensive refurbishment
                            Partnership                      office and 9,600             project that stripped the existing structure and extends the
                                                             sq ft of retail              previous floorplate to deliver Grade A office space.

31   Corn Exchange Hotel    AVIVA            Hotel           114 rooms          Q1 2018   Aparthotel on top four floors of the Corn Exchange operated
                                                                                          by Roomzzz. Included conversion of the existing turret to
                                                                                          the Corn Exchange on Hanging Ditch into a unique room.

A year of delivery |
                    Manchester Crane Survey 2019

                                                                  Total size         Completion
No. Name/address              Developer        Main use           (sq ft/units)      date       Comments

32   Commercial Union         Bruntwood        Office refurb      66,000 sq ft       Q2 2018   £5m transformation to offer high-quality​workspace
     House                                                                                     adjacent to Albert Square.

Spinningfields / St. John’s – Under construction

33   ABC, Quay Street         Allied London    Office             130,000 sq ft    Q3 2019     Part of the wider Enterprise City development in
                                                                  office, cinema               Manchester, which is part occupied by post-production
                                                                  and 32,000 sq ft             company ‘The Farm’ following partial completion. The
                                                                  of studios                   Everyman Cinema will occupy 10,500 sq ft once complete.

34   Old Granada Studios      Allied London    Hotel              22 units, 210      Q2 2021   Mixed use redevelopment OGS will deliver new build
                                                                  hotel rooms,                 elements comprising container-style offices and residential
                                                                  70,000 sq ft                 units with the refurbishment of the former Granada HQ to
                                                                  studios, and                 recreate four independent film and television studios, a 210
                                                                  40,000 sq ft                 bed hotel, ground floor commercial and a roof top bar with
                                                                  offices.                     swimming pools.

35   Manchester Goods         Allied London    Office             265,000 sq ft      Q4 2021   Office block with basement car park currently under
     Yard                                                                                      construction, which will become the new home of Booking.
                                                                                               inc once complete.

Spinningfields / St. John’s – Complete

36   Hardman Square           Allied London    Retail / Leisure   17,900 sq ft       Q4 2018   3 storey building with roof top area replaces the Lawn Club
     Pavilion                                                                                  and becomes the new home of The Ivy. Part of a wider
                                                                                               scheme to redevelop Hardman Square.

37   Bonded Warehouse         Allied London    Office             63,500 sq          Q4 2018   Mixed use development in Bonded Warehouse includes
                                                                  ft of mixed                  offices, leisure and retail spaces and music studios.
                                                                  110,000 sq ft of

Northern Fringe – Under construction

38   The Lancastrian,         Balfour Beatty   Residential        274 units          Q3 2020   £65m scheme delivered by Balfour Beatty Investment
     Oldham Road (New                                                                          and AIG Global Real Estate for a major build-to-rent
     Cross)                                                                                    development, ‘The Lancastrian’.

39   Mount Yard, Angel        FEC              Residential        136 units          Q4 2020   Mount Yard forms Plot 5 of the Angel Meadows
     Meadow                                                                                    development and will comprise of a part 9, part 12 storey
                                                                                               residential development with townhouses and residential
                                                                                               amenity uses at ground level.

A year of delivery |
                                                                                                                     Manchester Crane Survey 2019

                                                           Total size       Completion
No. Name/address             Developer       Main use      (sq ft/units)    date       Comments

40   Hampton by Hilton,      Create          Hotel         221 rooms        Q1 2020   Designed by TG Architects, the part 7 part 9 storey hotel will
     Sharp Street            Developments                                             also include a restaurant, fitness centre and meeting space.

41   StayCity, Mason Street CEPF II          Hotel         224 rooms        Q4 2019   224 bedroom Aparthotel including 48 one bed and 176
     (New Cross)            Mason Street                                              studio apartments which will be managed by Staycity
                            Developments                                              Aparthotel brand.

42   The Hallmark            Delph Property Residential    146 units        Q4 2019   Previously known as Green Quarter 7, Hallmark targets the
                             Group                                                    Build to Rent market.

43   Angel Gardens           Moda Living     Residential   466 units        Q4 2019   PRS scheme forms the first residential block within 20-acre
                                                                                      mixed-use redevelopment scheme NOMA and includes a
                                                                                      publically accessible courtyard area and private residential
                                                                                      amenity spaces, including rooftop games area.

Northern Fringe – Complete

44   Halo                    Forshaw Land    Residential   66 units         Q4 2018   Halo comprises 66 one, two and three bed apartments in six
                             and Property                                             storey block with basement car parking.

45   North Central           Progressive     Residential   64 units and     Q4 2018   40 two-bedroom and 24 one-bedroom apartments with
                             Living                        4,500 sq ft of             ground floor retail and basement parking.

46   AC Marriott, New        Axel Hospitality Hotel        172 rooms        Q3 2018   The new AC Marriott hotel development will also include a
     Cross                                                                            café bar, fitness centre and meeting rooms.

Southern Arc – Under construction

47   Elizabeth Tower and     Renaker         Residential   664 units        Q3 2020   Mix of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom apartments, as well as
     the Crown, Great                                                                 townhouses, duplexes and triplexes making up 664
     Jackson Street                                                                   residential units in 54 storey tower. Includes resident
                                                                                      basement car parking and landscaping.

48   Burlington Square       Salboy and      Residential   273 units        Q2 2020   The development comprises of 273 apartments over 9
                             Factory Estates                                          storeys with ground floor communal facilities, commercial
                                                                                      units and rooftop communal area.

49   River Street            Downing         Student       807 units        Q4 2020   Downing’s latest Manchester development comprises of
                             Student         Residential                              over 800 student bed spaces within a part 32 storey, part
                                                                                      10 storey and part 5 storey building and will include a mix
                                                                                      of studios, clusters bedrooms and apartments as well as
                                                                                      residential amenity space.

A year of delivery |
                    Manchester Crane Survey 2019

                                                             Total size        Completion
No. Name/address              Developer        Main use      (sq ft/units)     date       Comments

50   The Royce                Henry Royce      Education/    160,000 sq ft     Q2 2020    The Royce will be the UK national centre for research and
                              Institute        Research                                   innovation of advanced materials. The hub is within the
                                                                                          University of Manchester campus, with ‘spokes’ formed
                                                                                          by universities of Sheffield, Leeds, Liverpool, Cambridge,
                                                                                          Oxford and Imperial College London.

51   Arts and Media           Manchester       Education/    135,000 sq ft     Q4 2019    This development includes the erection of a new arts
     Department, Mable        Metropolitan     Research                                   and media building, including the retention of the former
     Tylecote                 University                                                  Town Hall façade. It will include a theatre, poetry library,
                                                                                          performance space, café, social space, university teaching
                                                                                          and office space.

52   City Gardens             DeTrafford       Residential   86 units          Q2 2020    City Gardens is an 11 storey building offering 27 one
                                                                                          bedroom and 51 two bedroom apartments, along with eight
                                                                                          triplexes with private terraces.

53   Excelsior                Mulbury City     Residential   108 units         Q2 2020    The development comprises of 108 apartments within an 8
                                                                                          storey canalside development.

54   St George’s Gardens      DeTrafford       Residential   138 units         Q4 2020    The development comprises the fourth phase of
     Phase 1 and Phase 2                                                                  development in Castlefield by DeTrafford. 11 storeys
                                                                                          containing 138 apartments, including a roof terrace.

55   Cornbrook Works          Bellward         Residential   363 units         Q4 2020    Development on the Trafford border will deliver a 19 and a
                              Properties                                                  16 storey block with townhouses and family-oriented duplex

56   Cornbrook Hub            Glenbrook        Mixed Use     280 residential   Q4 2020    The development comprises a part 14, part 15 storey
     (Phase 1)                CB Limited                     units, 154 bed               building to form 280 residential apartments with ground
                              and Peel Land                  hotel, 88 bed                floor commercial units, 154 bed hotel, and a 88 bed
                              (Intermediate)                 aparthotel                   aparthotel.

57   Trilogy, Ellesmere       Glenbrook        Residential   232 units         Q4 2018    8 to 12 storey PRS scheme in Castlefield funded by a
     Street                                                                               Moorfield and Glenbrook partnership.

58   MECD                     University of    Education     840,000 sq ft      Q3 2021   £350 million facility will house more than 6,750 students
                              Manchester                     education and                when operational.
                                                             research facility.

A year of delivery |
                                                                                                                         Manchester Crane Survey 2019

                                                          Total size        Completion
No. Name/address            Developer       Main use      (sq ft/units)     date       Comments

59   8 First Street         Patrizia/Ask    Office        173,600 sq ft     Q1 2019       Pre-lets have been secured with both Gazprom and WSP,
                            Real Estate                                                   who are due to take a combined 95,000 sq ft. Completes
                                                                                          early January 2019.

60   The Sky Gardens        DeTrafford      Residential   166 units         Q1 2019       Second phase of DeTrafford’s ‘Manchester Gardens’ all
                                                                                          comprise duplex and triplex apartments or penthouses.

61   Owen Street (Phase     Renaker         Residential   Phase 1 – 846;    Q4 2019       The tallest of four towers (66 storeys; 200m) will be second
     1 and 2)                                             Phase 2 – 648     (P1) and Q4   tallest in the UK after ‘The Shard’ once complete. First tower
                                                          units.            2020 (P2)     due for completion in Spring 2019.

Southern Arc – Complete

62   The Roof Gardens       DeTrafford      Residential   71 units          Q1 2018       First phase of DeTrafford’s ‘Manchester Gardens’ comprises
                                                                                          49 townhouses and 22 apartments.

63   Manchester Business    Bruntwood and Hotel           326 rooms in      Q1 2018       210 bed 4* Crowne Plaza hotel and 116 bed Stalybridge
     School Executive       University of                 two hotels and                  Suites operate the hotel linked to 12,000 sq ft conferencing
     Education Centre       Manchester                    12,600 sq ft of                 facility supporting the new Business School.

64   Manchester Business    Bruntwood and Education       Additional        Q4 2018       Refurbishment of existing business school and retail
     School Precinct        University of                 floorspace:                     precinct provides 376,000 sq ft of new and refurbished
     Refurbishment          Manchester                    45,000 sq ft                    space.
                                                          education and
                                                          12,300 sq ft

65   Graphene Engineering University of     Education     90,000 sq ft      Q2 2018       Delivery of second Graphene-dedicated building was
     Innovation Centre    Manchester                                                      funded by UKRPIF, Masdar and Innovate UK, focussed on the
     (GEIC)                                                                               commercialisation of the wonder material.

Salford Fringe – Under construction

66   100 Embankment         Ask Property    Office        209,864 sq ft     Q2 2020       100 Embankment is the second of two Grade A office
                            Development                                                   buildings to be constructed, with Embankment 101
                                                                                          completing in 2016.

67   Embankment West        Select Property Residential   503 units         Q3 2020       Embankment West will see the creation of Select Property
                            Group                                                         Group’s fourth residential brand ‘Origin Homes’.

A year of delivery |
                    Manchester Crane Survey 2019

                                                            Total size      Completion
No. Name/address              Developer       Main use      (sq ft/units)   date       Comments

68   Gore Street              Grainger        Residential   364 units       Q2 2020   Three blocks, ranging between 22 and 13 storeys in height,
                                                                                      are split between 364 apartments and 11 townhouses, and
                                                                                      will also include a gym, café, and private lounge.

69   Middlewood Locks         Fairbriar       Residential   546 units       Q4 2020   JV Fairbriar International secured £35m funding facility
     (Phase 2)                International                                           from the Homes and Communities Agency’s Home Building
                                                                                      Fund to bring forward the second phase of the 2,200 unit

70   The Slate Yard           Muse/Legal &    Residential   199 units       Q2 2021   This development forms part of the wider comprehensive
     (Phase 3), Salford       General/ECF                                             phased regeneration of Salford city centre and the final
     City Centre                                                                      phase of Slate Yard.

71   X1 Manchester Waters X1                  Residential   216 units       Q2 2020   This X1 development comprises of two blocks, one 10
                          Developments                                                storeys and the other 12, providing a total of 216 units in

72   X1 The Landmark          X1              Residential   191 units       Q4 2019   Located adjacent to the Middlewood Locks development in
                              Developments                                            Salford, this development will offer a range of one, two and
                                                                                      three bedroom apartments as well as townhouses.

73   Two New Bailey           Muse/Legal &    Office        188,500 sq ft   Q1 2020   The office development comprises of Grade A office space
     Square                   General/ ECF                                            forming plots B5 and B6 of the New Bailey Scheme.

74   Riverside House, New     Muse/Legal &    Office        11,147 sq ft    Q2 2019   The development comprises a four storey new build office
     Bailey                   General/ ECF                                            scheme overlooking the River Irwell towards Spinningfields.

75   The Residence            Elliot Group    Residential   300 units       Q2 2020   Part 15 part 34 storey tower with resident gym and a
                                                                                      commercial unit at ground floor. Private off street parking
                                                                                      is located at lower ground floor level with additional
                                                                                      residential amenities.

76   Adelphi Wharf            Fortis and      Residential   383 units       Q4 2019   The 2nd and 3rd phases of the development comprise 383
     (Phase 2 & 3)            Knight Knox                                             apartments over 7 storeys with ground floor commercial

77   Affinity Riverside       Select Property Residential   188 units       Q1 2020   Affinity Living is a new premier residential product from
                              Group                                                   Select Property Group. Riverside will be 17 storeys and will
                                                                                      deliver improved riverside public realm with the adjacent
                                                                                      Riverview scheme.

A year of delivery |
                                                                                                                    Manchester Crane Survey 2019

                                                           Total size      Completion
No. Name/address            Developer        Main use      (sq ft/units)   date       Comments

78   Affinity Riverview     Select Property Residential    318 units       Q4 2021   Adjacent to Riverside, Affinity Riverview will comprise a 35
                            Group                                                    storey residential tower once complete.

79   Outwood Wharf          Peterloo         Residential   263 units       Q2 2019   Works commenced in July 2017 on this 18 storey pre-
                            Estates                                                  fabricated residential block, which focuses on delivering
                                                                                     larger family apartments.

80   Downtown               Property         Residential   368 units       Q3 2019   Scheme of 1, 2 and 3 bedroom units will incorporate a spa,
                            Alliance Group                                           gym, concierge, cinema room and business centre.

81   Trinity, Blackfriars   Salboy           Residential   380 units       Q4 2019   Scheme unlocked by £22.5m GMCA Housing Fund loan and
                                                                                     incorporating the Blackfriar Pub.

82   The Crescent           Salboy           Residential   399 units       Q2 2019   The scheme will comprise a part 22, part 17 storey private-
                                                                                     rented residential scheme with ground floor commercial on
                                                                                     the former site of the Black Horse pub in Salford.

83   Chapel Wharf           Dandara          Residential   995 units       Q2 2020   22 storey scheme constructed on a 4.2 acre site adjacent
                                                                                     to the Lowry Hotel uses pre-fabricated construction
                                                                                     techniques and includes ground floor retail.

84   Exchange Court         Renaker          Residential   350 units       Q1 2019   Will become tallest building in Salford once complete at 44

Salford Fringe – Complete

85   Bridgewater Point      Knight Knox      Residential   220 units       Q4 2018   Buy-to-let development comprises 220 units, made up
                            and Fortis                                               of a mixture of studio, 1, 2, and 3 bedroom units and
                            Developments                                             townhouses.

86   Middlewood Locks       Fairbriar        Residential   571 units       Q4 2018   First phase of 2,215 PRS scheme in Salford delivers 571
     (Phase 1)              International                                            units and ground floor commercial spaces across six blocks
                                                                                     adjacent to canal basin.

87   House, Irwell          Urban Splash     Residential   171 units       Q4 2018   Similar modular homes to the New Islington hoUSe scheme
     Riverside                                                                       comprising 71 houses and 100 apartments. Residents have
                                                                                     moved into the first phase of units, with the wider site to
                                                                                     complete in Q4 2018.

88   The Slate Yard, New    Muse/Legal &     Residential   135 units       Q2 2018   Second of two forward-funded PRS schemes as part of
     Bailey (Phase 2)       General/ECF                                              Salford city centre redevelopment project is now complete,
                                                                                     with Phase 3 now on site.

A year of delivery |
                    Manchester Crane Survey 2019

                                                                 Total size      Completion
No. Name/address              Developer        Main use          (sq ft/units)   date       Comments

89   Adelphi Wharf            Fortis and       Residential       202 units       Q3 2018   Delivery of the first phase provides 202 apartments over 8
     (Phase 1)                Knight Knox                                                  storeys to contribute to the 585 units being constructed as
                                                                                           part of the Adelphi Wharf project.

90   MSCP, New Bailey         Muse/Legal &     Other (Parking)   633 spaces      Q4 2018   The development comprises a nine storey 633 space multi-
                              General/ECF                                                  storey car park and the second MSCP in New Bailey.

Manchester Periphery – Under construction

91   Crusader Mill            Capital and      Residential       201 units       Q4 2020   Will deliver 126 apartments in the existing mill and a
                              Centric                                                      further 75 apartments in an adjacent new 10-storey

92   Vesta                    Manchester       Residential       169 units       Q3 2020   Vesta Street is Manchester Life’s seventh project in the
                              Life                                                         Ancoats and New Islington area and comprises 169 units.

93   Lampwick                 Manchester       Residential       213 units       Q3 2020   The Lampwick development in New Islington comprises of
                              Life                                                         two buildings ranging from 6 to 10 storeys and also includes
                                                                                           ground floor commercial space.

94   New Little Mill          Manchester       Residential       68 units        Q1 2020   Conversion of the grade two-listed New Little Mill in Ancoats
                              Life                                                         into 68 apartments.

95   Burlington House         Belgravia Living Residential       91 units        Q3 2019   Marks the first major development in Piccadilly Basin since
                                                                                           2011 to provide a variety of apartment types.

96   Islington Wharf          Waterside        Residential       101 units       Q3 2019   A residential scheme which lies adjacent to the Ashton canal
     (Phase 4)                Places                                                       just north of Manchester Piccadilly Station.

97   Oxygen Tower             Property         Residential       357 units       Q4 2021   Mix of 1 bed and 2 bed apartments with 12 townhouses.
                              Alliance Group                                               The building steps up from 8 to 14 and 31 storeys and will
                                                                                           benefit from 24-hour concierge with commercial floorspace
                                                                                           on podium level.

98   Warehaus                 McCaul           Residential       40 units        Q1 2019   Redevelopment of historic toy manufacturer includes 32
                                                                                           apartments and 8 townhouses and the three building
                                                                                           elements are named Thorpe House, Booth House and Roper

99   Blossom Street           Mulbury City     Residential       143 units       Q4 2019   £30m scheme comprises 49 one-bedroom apartments,
                                                                                           90 two-bedroom apartments and one three-bedroom
                                                                                           apartment, plus the three townhouses and 4,000 sq ft of

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