Creating the world's most liveable community - City of Greater Bendigo priority projects for government and private sector investment

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Creating the world's most liveable community - City of Greater Bendigo priority projects for government and private sector investment
the world’s
most liveable
City of Greater Bendigo
priority projects for
government and
private sector
Creating the world's most liveable community - City of Greater Bendigo priority projects for government and private sector investment
Welcome to
                                                                                                           Greater Bendigo
                                                                                                           Greater Bendigo – creating the world’s most
                                                                                                           liveable community.
                                                                                                           The City of Greater Bendigo is pleased to present this
                                                                                                           investment prospectus.
                                                                                                           The City would welcome the opportunity to partner with the
                                                                                                           public sector and private industry to help achieve its vision for
                                                                                                           Greater Bendigo to be the world’s most liveable community.
                                                                                                           Greater Bendigo’s population is growing and diversifying because
                                                                                                           it is able to provide residents with an affordable lifestyle that
                                                                                                           places them within easy reach of health, education, employment,
                                                                                                           recreation and cultural opportunities.
                                                                                                           This prospectus highlights a range of projects, from ‘shovel ready’
                                                                                                           through to those in the first phase of planning. This represents
                                                                                                           the City’s strength of long-term planning and recognising what it
                                                                                                           needs now and into the future to remain a successful community.
                                                                                                           Delivering the projects in this prospectus will drive future
                                                                                                           economic growth and job creation for Greater Bendigo and the
                                                                                                           wider region, enhance community health and wellbeing, and
                                                                                                           improve our overall liveability.
                                                                                                           The projects represent an investment in the future of Greater
                                                                                                           Bendigo and we respectfully seek your support for our vibrant

                                                                                                                                Acknowledgement of Country
                                                                                                                                The City of Greater Bendigo is on both Dja Dja Wurrung
                                                                                                                                and Taungurung Country, whose ancestors and their
                                                                                                                                descendants are the traditional owners of this country.
                                                                                                                                The City of Greater Bendigo acknowledges that they
                                                                                                                                have been custodians for many centuries and continue
                                                                                                                                to perform age old ceremonies of celebration, initiation
                                                                                                                                and renewal. We acknowledge their living culture and
                                                                                                                                their unique role in the life of this region.
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Creating the world's most liveable community - City of Greater Bendigo priority projects for government and private sector investment
Who are we?                                                                                                                To Deniliquin

Greater Bendigo is one of Australia’s largest                                                           To Swan Hill

inland cities, supporting a local population of                                            To Mildura
112,0001 and regional population of close to
240,0002. These numbers are forecast to reach
200,0003 and about 350,0004 respectively by 2050.                                                                                                   To Shepparton

The City wants Greater Bendigo to be a place of excellence for all                                                                                                  To Wangaratta

citizens. Our population is becoming increasingly culturally, religiously                                                                   Nagambie
and ethnically diverse. We strive to be an inclusive community that is        To Mildura                               Bendigo                                           Euroa
accessible for all, celebrates multiculturalism, and acknowledges and
respects its Traditional Owners, the Dja Dja Wurrung, Taungurung and                              Maldon                                   Heathcote
Gurai-illam Wurrung language groups of the Central Kulin nation.                       Maryborough
Bendigo has a fascinating history and was once one of the richest
cities in the world after gold was discovered here in 1851. The impact
of the gold rush is still evident today, particularly through our beautiful                                                                            Broadford
streetscapes and historic buildings.
Greater Bendigo consists of an urban area and many rural small towns
and villages, all of which contribute to our strong sense of community
and provide residents with great lifestyle alternatives. Inner-city living,
family homes, or hobby or large-scale farms can all be found here.
We are also a service and infrastructure centre surrounded by Mount
Alexander, Campaspe, Central Goldfields, Macedon Ranges, Loddon,
Mitchell and Strathbogie shires, which see Bendigo as a viable
alternative to travelling to Melbourne to access the services                                                                     Melbourne
they need.
Our location in the geographic centre of Victoria is two hours
from Melbourne by road or train and a 90-minute drive
from Melbourne Airport. Although easily accessible,
this distance has seen Greater Bendigo develop into
a largely self-contained regional centre, where more
than 90 per cent of the workforce lives locally. Our main
industries are healthcare and social assistance, retail,
manufacturing, construction, and education and training.
The region’s economy is valued at $9.8B5 per annum. Large
employers range from major institutional organisations
to private business, including Bendigo Health,
Bendigo and Adelaide Bank, Hazeldene’s
Chicken Farm, Thales Australia, Australian
Defence Apparel, La Trobe University,
Keech Australia, SERCO, Parmalat,
MSD Animal Health, Fosterville
and Mandalay Resources mines,
Industrial Conveyancing, Hofmann
Engineering, various Victorian
Government departments and 7,500
small to medium-sized businesses that
supply essential support services for a
growing regional economy.

1,2. ABS 2016
3,4. Based on Victoria in Future 2016
5. Regional Development Victoria 2016                                                                                                                                               5
Creating the world's most liveable community - City of Greater Bendigo priority projects for government and private sector investment
The answer: Greater Bendigo
Greater Bendigo is proud to be                     and Land Use Strategy, Commercial Land and            The City is also working to establish Greater
                                                   Activity Centre Strategy, Economic Development        Bendigo as a ‘smart city’ and believes technology
a major partner of the Victorian                   Strategy, Environment Strategy and Plan               will be able to help improve liveability and solve
and Australian Governments.                        Greater Bendigo, .                                    some of our local challenges, particularly around
Together, we have a great history                                                                        ground water, transport, enhancing community
                                                   Increasingly, Greater Bendigo is acting as
                                                                                                         engagement and improving health outcomes.
of delivering essential services                   a solution for families and businesses that
                                                                                                         A number of the projects highlighted in this
                                                   find living and operating in capital cities
and infrastructure to residents.                   unsustainable. The advent of high speed internet
                                                                                                         booklet can be adapted into ‘smart’ projects.

The projects in this prospectus complement         has meant that people do not have to be in            Our many attributes, such as award-winning
existing Australian, Victorian and Local           the same city or even the same country to do          restaurants and cafes, a celebrated arts and
Government strategies and policies. They           business, so this has allowed them to choose          culture scene, a range of festivals and major
demonstrate the City’s ability to plan and build   liveability over accessibility.                       events, quality recreation facilities, and beautiful
for the future, setting a benchmark in the Local                                                         heritage and natural surrounds also contribute
                                                   To ensure Greater Bendigo can support an
Government sector as a forward thinking,                                                                 to our brand as a liveable community.
                                                   expected population of 200,000, there will need
creative and adaptable organisation.               to be approximately 40,000 more jobs created.         Greater Bendigo has the capability to continue to
Our guiding documents include the Community        One of our highest growth demographics is 25-34       drive the development of a strong, diverse economy
Plan 2017-2021, Municipal Public Health and        year olds. To ensure these people can transition      and vibrant community life. But these twin
Wellbeing Plan 2017-2021, Greater Bendigo          through their careers locally, it will be important   objectives, which are arguably what any community
Residential Strategy, the award-winning            to develop ongoing employment opportunities           or city would strive for, can only be achieved
Connecting Greater Bendigo: Integrated Transport   from entry level through to senior positions.         when public and private industry work together.

Creating the world's most liveable community - City of Greater Bendigo priority projects for government and private sector investment
City centre revitalisation
       Great small cities need a     Gov Hub
     great core. The City has an     Decentralisation of Australian and Victorian
ambitious target to have 10,000      Government agencies would enhance the city
                                     centre and deliver an employment boost. It
  people living in the city centre   would also support the decentralisation of
     by 2050 and an additional       private businesses that complement the work of
                                     government agencies. The Victorian Government
 232,000m² of commercial floor       has allocated $1M to investigate developing
       space available by 2031.      a customer service hub or ‘Gov Hub’ in
                                     central Bendigo.
     The changing nature of the      Total project cost – $100M (approximate)
    retail sector means we need      Victorian Government – $7M for fitout
  to think differently about how     City of Greater Bendigo – sale of land
  to re-populate the city centre,    Other – $80M-$100M (public private partnership)                           Artist impression: Bendigo Baths

        which already features a
  number of important arts and       Bendigo Law Courts                                     Bendigo Baths
  cultural institutions, parkland                                                           A recommendation from the City’s Rosalind
                                     The current Bendigo Law Courts serve Greater           Park Recreation Reserve Precinct Master Plan is
and open space, award-winning        Bendigo and the wider Loddon Campaspe                  to turn the former Municipal Baths, which have
      cafes and restaurants, and     region. The courts are not large enough, are           been closed off to the public for more than half a
    beautiful heritage buildings.    unsafe for family law matters, and there are           century, into a new area of high quality parkland
                                     a range of Occupational Health and Safety              with a waterbody and wetland at its heart.
                                     compliance issues associated with the building.        Located centrally within the upper reserve on
  These projects will strengthen     Redevelopment or relocation of the courts would        Barnard Street, the former baths sit next to the
   the heart of Greater Bendigo      provide a significant boost for the construction       Faith Leech Aquatic Centre and just a short walk
       and deliver infrastructure    industry and produce a contemporary, more              from the city centre and Bendigo Hospital. The
                                     secure and accessible facility featuring modern        City has allocated $100,000 to the detailed design
   that will further enhance our     technology. The project will create better service     for the project.
   liveability, drive job creation   outcomes for anyone who uses the courts. The
                                                                                            Costs associated with this project will be confirmed
                                     Victorian Government has allocated $3.9M to
   and prompt complementary          Court Services Victoria to develop a business
                                                                                            by June 2018.
   private industry investment.      case for the redevelopment.
                                     Total project cost – $120M (approximate)               City centre development
                                     Victorian Government – $120M                           In order to support the ongoing development
                                                                                            and revitalisation of our city centre, it is necessary
                                                                                            to progressively renew and expand the capacity
                                     High-end hotel                                         of water infrastructure. It is ageing and there are
                                     Greater Bendigo needs more accommodation               problems with water pressure, which is limiting
                                     options for visitors. An outcome of the Victorian      development in parts of the city centre. The City
                                     Visitor Economy Strategy is that regional and          has undertaken preliminary assessment with
                                     rural Victoria have a more diverse product             a range of service providers and needs funding
                                     offering to attract visitors for longer stays.         for a feasibility study to fully scope the
                                     There is appropriate land available in the city        works required.
                                     centre to house a hotel with up to 180 rooms.          Total project cost – $100,000
                                     Total project cost to be determined                    Victorian Government – $100,000
                                     Victorian Government – land and project facilitation
                                     Local Government – land
                                     Other – private investment

Creating the world's most liveable community - City of Greater Bendigo priority projects for government and private sector investment
Vibrancy and culture
                                               Greater Bendigo’s reputation as
                                               a leader in the provision of arts
                                                  and cultural experiences has
                                                   been firmly established over
                                                the past decade. The example
                                               of the Arena Theatre Company,
                                                       one of Australia’s longest
                                                  running producers of theatre
                                                   for young people, relocating
                                                 from Melbourne to Bendigo’s
                                                        View Street Arts Precinct                                                                Artist impression: Central Deborah Gold Mine
                                                                 reinforces this.
                                                    Bendigo is also one of four     Bendigo Art Gallery exhibitions                        Bendigo Heritage Attractions,
                                                    Local Government areas to       Bendigo Art Gallery has developed a reputation         Central Deborah Gold Mine
                                                    participate in the Victorian    for staging international-standard exhibitions         redevelopment
                                                                                    that attract significant visitor numbers and           Bendigo Heritage Attractions manages and
                                                      Government’s inaugural        deliver a dynamic and varied suite of public           operates City of Greater Bendigo assets, including
                                                    Regional Centre for Culture     programs and events. The gallery is second             the Central Deborah Gold Mine, Bendigo
                                                                                    only to the National Gallery of Victoria in terms
                                                     2018, which is a year-long     of attendances at cultural institutions across
                                                                                                                                           Tramways and the Bendigo Joss House Temple.
                                                                                                                                           The Central Deborah Gold Mine redevelopment
                                               celebration of arts, culture and     Victoria. The gallery attracts significant interest    will create a contemporary function centre
                                                                                    from private donors, who see it as a potential
                                                 community in regional areas.       recipient for their art works and collections.
                                                                                                                                           catering for events and weddings, and offer an
                                                                                                                                           enhanced interpretative centre, improved retail
                                               Greater Bendigo also embraces        To sustain the growth in visitor numbers and           space, and visitor hub for all Bendigo Heritage
                                                 its heritage streetscapes and      to enable the acceptance of pledged collections        Attractions experiences, including evening tram
                                                                                    and bequests, the gallery will need to expand          services through the city’s CBD area.
                                                 assets. The City is continually    its exhibition space and storage capacity.
                                                   looking for opportunities to     Continued Victorian Government investment in
                                                                                                                                           Total project cost – $6M

                                                 adapt or re-use sites without      Bendigo Art Gallery’s exhibitions, programming         Australian Government – $2M
                                                                                    and future expansion.                                  Victorian Government – $3M
                                                         forgetting our history.
                                                                                                                                           City of Greater Bendigo – $1M
                                                                                    Bendigo Showgrounds
                                                                                    The Bendigo Agricultural Show Society estimates
                                                                                    it injects $74.8M annually into the local economy.
                                                                                    More than 605,000 people go through the
                                                                                    showgrounds each year. Every Sunday there is
                                                                                    a community market that attracts about 9,000
                                                                                    people, while annual events include Groovin the
                                                                                    Moo, the Australian Sheep and Wool Show, and
                                                                                    the Bendigo Swap Meet. A master plan for the site
                                                                                    is being developed, which will highlight future
                                                                                    investment opportunities.
                                                                                    Australian and Victorian Government funding to
                                                                                    deliver projects identified following the completion
                                                                                    of the master plan.

Artist impression: Central Deborah Gold Mine
Creating the world's most liveable community - City of Greater Bendigo priority projects for government and private sector investment
Bendigo Gasworks site
                                                                                                          The Bendigo Gasworks is a significant heritage
                                                                                                          site that is considered to be a rare example of a
                                                                                                          provincial gasworks retaining equipment that
                                                                                                          demonstrates the processes of gas manufacture
                                                                                                          over time. The former Bendigo Gas Company
                                                                                                          and later the Gas and Fuel Corporation used the
                                                                                                          1.7ha site. Limited work has been undertaken on
                                                                                                          the site since 1973 and it is considered unsafe
                                                                                                          for general public access. A feasibility study has
                                                                                                          been prepared to identify possible re-use options
                                                                                                          for the site, with the intention of preparing a
                                                                                                          more detailed master plan. Any future funding
                                                                                                          would be expected to come from the Australian
                                                                                                          Government, Victorian Government, City and
                                                                                                          private investment.
                                                                                                          Costings associated with this project will
                                                                                                          be confirmed as the master plan for the site
                                                                                                          is developed.

Dai Gum Loong                                      Golden Dragon Museum
The City and the Golden Dragon Museum are          expansion
raising funds to purchase a new Imperial Dragon,   The Golden Dragon Museum is a renowned
Dai Gum Loong. He will replace current Imperial    tourist attraction in Bendigo that houses a superb
Dragon, Sun Loong, who parades through             Chinese collection of antiquities that are rarely
Bendigo’s streets during the annual Bendigo        seen outside of China. It offers a living history of
Easter Festival and is the highlight of the Gala   Chinese people since their arrival on the Bendigo
Parade. Funding is needed to purchase Dai Gum      goldfields to the present day. Expanding the
Loong, restore and conserve Sun Loong, and for     museum would see it developed into a dedicated
the Bendigo Chinese Association to buy 100 new     Chinese cultural centre. A business case has
uniforms, gators and sashes for performances.      been prepared by the City and the Museum.
It is envisaged Sun Loong will hand over the       The project is also an investment in enhancing
streets to Dai Gum Loong in 2019.                  cultural relations and further promoting the
Total project cost – $750,000                      diversity of our community.
Australian Government – $250,000                  Total project cost – $16M
Victorian Government – $250,000                   Australian Government – $5M
Local Government – $100,000                       Victorian Government – $10M
Other – $150,000 (community donations,             Local Government – $1M
partly funded)

= confirmed funding                                                                                                                                           13
Creating the world's most liveable community - City of Greater Bendigo priority projects for government and private sector investment
Connecting Greater Bendigo
         A diverse, accessible and
   far-reaching public transport
  network with complementary
  timetables and infrastructure
    is the key to keeping Greater
  Bendigo moving and liveable.
  The network would help limit
       traffic congestion, support
  active travel (walking, cycling
 and catching public transport)
     and accommodate forecast
                population growth.
  The City’s Connecting Greater
  Bendigo: Integrated Transport
  and Land Use Strategy (ITLUS)          Artist impression: Golden Square station
          is truly innovative in its
approach to people movement            Bendigo Metro Rail expansion
    and places Greater Bendigo         Bendigo Metro Rail is a key action in the Victorian    • Service more trains in V/Line workshops
  at the forefront of influencing      Government’s public transport action plan for            (support job creation)
                                       Bendigo and is in the City’s ITLUS. There are 24
    commuter travel behaviour.         services to Melbourne each day and trains also
                                                                                             Victorian Government funding to implement and
                                                                                             promote the Bendigo Metro Rail service, open
 The Victorian Government has          stop in the suburbs of Kangaroo Flat, Eaglehawk
                                                                                             more stations, and deliver a more frequent and
  already supported the rollout        and Epsom. There is scope to include these and
                                                                                             efficient service.
                                       other suburbs in an expanded rail network that
       of ITLUS and adopted the        would create our own metro-style rail service.
strategy’s One-in-Five program,        Bendigo Metro Rail complements the Victorian          Bendigo Railway Station and
                                       Government’s $91M investment in passenger rail
   which encourages people to                                                                precinct redevelopment
                                       services across Bendigo and Echuca as part of
walk, ride, scoot or catch public      the Regional Rail Revival. The following stations     The Victorian Government is currently investing in
                                       (to be built or re-opened) and additional track       a major upgrade of the Bendigo Railway Station
       transport one day in their      work and infrastructure are required to enhance       to cope with expanding use and is funding a
                     working week.     rail services:                                        master plan to scope potential development
                                                                                             opportunities in the wider station precinct owned
                                        • Golden Square station (re-open)
                                                                                             by VicTrack. Relocating the stabling of trains
                                        • Marong station (new) and rail line upgrade         from the Bendigo Railway Station precinct to a
                                        • Huntly station (new)                               suitable site on the edge of Bendigo would free
                                                                                             up land in the railway station precinct for major
                                        • Harcourt station (located in Mount Alexander       redevelopment opportunities. The City is working
                                          Shire, re-open or new)                             with the landowners of a number of large
                                        • Goornong station (new)                             adjoining sites to develop complementary
                                                                                             land uses and development proposals.
                                        • Duplicate the rail line between Bendigo
                                          and Kyneton to provide greater capacity            For the Victorian Government to work with the City
                                          for additional services                            to facilitate planning and redevelopment of the
                                        • Continued upgrade of Swan Hill and                 Bendigo Railway Station precinct and adjoining
                                          Echuca rail lines                                  development sites.

Creating the world's most liveable community - City of Greater Bendigo priority projects for government and private sector investment
Bendigo Airport terminal                             Intersection upgrades                                Trails and active travel network
building upgrade                                     A safe, clean and efficient freight system is        Following consultation with regional partners
In 2017, the City completed stage two of the         central to the future prosperity and liveability     and the community, including through
Bendigo Airport expansion project that delivered     of Greater Bendigo and the region. The City has      preparation of the Greater Bendigo Public Space
a new 1,600m runway capable of accepting             recently completed the Bendigo Freight Study:        Plan and Plan Greater Bendigo, the City has
aircraft carrying up to 70 people. When an airline   How goods are moved around Greater Bendigo,          identified the following strategic priorities for
commits to operating out of Bendigo for daily        which puts Greater Bendigo at the forefront          trail, walking and cycling network improvements
flights, it is going to need an improved terminal    of strategic planning, new investment and            for tourism, everyday travel and recreation.
building. The terminal building will require the     infrastructure maintenance decisions. Design          • Construction of the Bendigo ‘Low Line’
extension of power, water, telecommunications        and timely delivery of solutions that tackle both       walking and cycling corridor
and sewerage services, which will be essential       public safety and improve freight efficiency offer
to support regular passenger transport services      the greatest opportunities. The study found           • Ironbark Gully Trail and public space corridor
and also the development of a business park          investment in the following key intersections           with signalised main road crossings
for aviation-compatible businesses.                  will bring immediate city-wide and long-term          • La Trobe University to Bendigo Railway Station
                                                     regional benefits:                                      and city centre walking and cycling priority link
Total project cost – $10M (new terminal building
and utilities extension)                              • Sailors Gully/Bendigo-Pyramid Road                 • Spring Gully Mountain Bike Trail Network and
                                                        intersection, Eaglehawk North                        Goldfields Trail
Australian Government – $4.5M
Victorian Government – $4.5M                          • Howard Street/Midland Highway intersection,        • McIvor Road underpass, linking Spring Gully
                                                        Epsom                                                Trail with Bendigo Creek Trail
City of Greater Bendigo – $1M
                                                      • Hattam Street/Allingham Street intersection,       • Walking, cycling network and horse trail
                                                        Golden Square                                        way-finding and directional signage
                                                     For the Victorian Government to continue to invest    • O’Keefe Rail Trail provision of infrastructure
                                                     in road safety and to prioritise upgrading these        and Heathcote to Wallan extension
                                                     intersections, as highlighted in the City’s
                                                                                                          Victorian Government investment in infrastructure
                                                     freight study.
                                                                                                          to enhance Greater Bendigo’s trail network.

Creating the world's most liveable community - City of Greater Bendigo priority projects for government and private sector investment
Healthy heart of Victoria
                                                 Many factors affect our health     Making health everybody’s business,                     New library and community hubs
                                                  and wellbeing, such as where      Loddon Campaspe councils                                Today, a library is much more than a place to
                                                     and how we live, work and      Rural communities have poorer health outcomes           borrow books. The Goldfields Library Corporation
                                                                                    than their metropolitan peers, with rural people        Plan 2015-2019 identifies the need to provide
                                                    play, the health of our local   dying up to 2.5 years earlier. They are more likely     welcoming and flexible spaces that enable
                                                 environment, our income and        to be obese, have higher rates of tobacco smoking       people to work, connect, learn and relax. The
                                                                                    and higher levels of alcohol consumption. Local         Bendigo Library is also reaching capacity. It has
                                                   education level, what we eat     Government has a mandate to protect, improve            approximately 2,000 people pass through each
                                               and drink, and our relationships     and promote the health and wellbeing of                 day, so there is a need to modernise existing
                                                                                                                                            infrastructure in neighbouring suburbs to
                                                    with family and friends. The    communities. Over the past 12-18 months, councils
                                                                                                                                            develop contemporary, fit-for-purpose library
                                                                                    across Victoria have led the development of new
                                                     success and liveability of a   Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plans but         and community hubs. The City would like to
                                                      community can largely be      due to their low revenue base, the majority of          develop two new library and community hub
                                                                                    Loddon Campaspe councils have limited resources         sites, one in Kangaroo Flat and the other
                                                 attributed to how healthy it is.   to lead the implementation of their plans. This         in Eaglehawk.
                                                 The City has identified a range    leaves the effort with local health services, which     There is an opportunity to co-locate the
                                                   of projects that will enhance    have limited influence across the wider community.      Eaglehawk hub in the Peter Krenz Leisure Centre.
                                                                                                                                            The project would include upgrading the centre
                                                    the health and wellbeing of     A regional prevention network of health and
                                                                                                                                            to meet modern expectations of an aquatic and
                                                                                    wellbeing brokers is required to work across the
                                                    residents and also the local    six Loddon Campaspe councils, supported by a            leisure facility and consolidate other services
                                                  environment, which includes       central team, to drive the delivery of Municipal        at the venue. The redevelopment will build on
                                                                                    Public Health and Wellbeing Plans. The brokers          the strengths of Canterbury Park, Lake Neangar,
                                                       how we will manage our       will be experienced public health practitioners         surrounding regional facilities and the
                                                           waste into the future.   who will work with their local communities to           heritage gardens.
                                                                                    build knowledge and commitment, drive systems           Costings associated with these projects will
                                                                                    change and make health everybody’s business.            be confirmed by June 2018.
                                                                                    Total project cost – $4.5M (over four years)
                                                                                    Victorian Government – $4.5M                            Regional Resource
                                                                                                                                            Recovery Centre
                                                                                    Bendigo Creek restoration                               In August 2017 the Victorian Government
                                                                                    This is a flagship project in the City’s Greater        Environment Minister approved the Loddon
                                                                                    Bendigo Environment Strategy 2016-2021. The             Mallee Waste and Resource Recovery
                                                                                    Bendigo Creek is the City’s hidden gem. More than       Implementation Plan. This plan identified the
                                                                                    30 per cent of the City’s population live within five   need for a regional-scale waste facility within
                                                                                    minutes’ walk of the creek corridor, while 16 schools   the southern area of the region, with Bendigo
                                                                                    and 80 per cent of our retail floor space are located   being the major generator and manager of waste
                                                                                    along the creek. The City would like to return part     in this area. The City’s existing landfill is due to
                                                                                    of the creek to a natural water way, particularly in    reach capacity in approximately 2020/2021 and
                                                                                    the highly modified sections (some constructed          alternative facilities will need to be planned
                                                                                    sections will need to remain but require significant    for, constructed and operational prior to this
                                                                                    restoration). Restoration of the creek requires a       date. The proposed facility would maximise
                                                                                    strategic effort involving the City, Dja Dja Wurrung,   resource recovery for municipal, commercial
                                                                                    Department of Environment, Land, Water and              and industrial waste.
                                                                                    Planning, Coliban Water, North Central Catchment        Total project cost – $30M (approximately)
                                                                                    Management Authority and the community.
                                                                                                                                            Australian Government – $12.5M
                                                                                    For the Victorian Government to work with the City      Victorian Government – $12.5M
                                                                                    to adopt the Bendigo Creek restoration project
                                                                                                                                            Local Government – $5M
                                                                                    as a flagship and transformative project, and
                                                                                    undertake a series of business cases, feasibility
                                                                                    studies and construction projects.

Artist impression: Bendigo Creek restoration
Food Hub                                                  Regional sporting facilities
Eating well is good for our health, so the localisation   As Greater Bendigo continues to grow, so too         Bendigo Regional Athletics Complex
of food services is essential for our wellbeing and       does the need for additional facilities that         The City has completed detailed designs for a
to help address food insecurity issues. Research          complement our 21st century city. These facilities   lighting upgrade to support night time athletics
indicates the high cost of food is a major contributor    will ensure residents have the opportunity to        competition and training, as well as soccer
to food insecurity. This, together with more              pursue their sporting interests locally.             training on the infield area during the winter
extreme weather, harsher farming environments                                                                  months. Extension of the pavilion and spectator
and decreasing farming resources means there              Garden Gully Hockey Pavilion                         areas is also necessary, and will include two
needs to be greater emphasis on and support for                                                                new unisex change rooms, amenities, additional
                                                          This project includes the refurbishment of
agribusiness and non-farming methods such as the
                                                          existing clubrooms and construction of a new         storage and landscaping.
development of food hubs and urban agriculture.
                                                          double-storey building. The project will deliver
The Victorian Government is currently developing                                                               Total project cost – $1.45M (lighting – $400,000 /
                                                          six change rooms, storage for nine hockey clubs,
a Food and Fibre Centre of Excellence at Bendigo                                                               pavilion and spectator area – $1.05M)
                                                          social space, meeting room, office, kitchen/kiosk,
Kangan TAFE, and a food hub would complement                                                                   Victorian Government – $1M
                                                          amenities and elevated spectator viewing areas.
this facility. The City has completed a business case
                                                                                                               City of Greater Bendigo – $450,000
and is seeking to undertake the detailed design           Total project cost – $4.3M
and development of a regional food hub that can           Victorian Government – $3M
support food relief, education and production.                                                                 Bendigo Botanic Gardens,
                                                          City of Greater Bendigo – $1.3M
Total project cost – $200,000                                                                                  White Hills community hub
                                                          Note – the City has funded and is currently
Victorian Government – $100,000                           constructing a new International Hockey              This facility will form the heart of the
City of Greater Bendigo – $100,000                        Federation-accredited wet pitch valued at $1.5M.     Bendigo Botanic Gardens, White Hills and is
                                                                                                               considered stage two of the Garden for the
                                                          Junortoun sports hub                                 Future development. It will provide essential
Women in sport                                                                                                 visitor amenities and allow the Gardens to
                                                          This facility would be developed at the Catholic
The Victorian Government has recently created                                                                  deliver important educational programs and
                                                          College Bendigo, Junortoun campus. Suburbs
the first Office of Women in Sport. Continued                                                                  demonstrate environmentally sustainable design.
                                                          to the east of Bendigo, including Junortoun
investment in sporting facilities and infrastructure      and Strathfieldsaye, are experiencing incredible     Total project cost – $5M
that encourage women and girls to participate             growth and participation in sport. This project      Victorian Government – $2.5M
in sport, particularly women’s change rooms               would deliver multiple ovals, tennis and netball
and the creation of female and family-friendly            courts, change rooms, kiosk facilities and           City of Greater Bendigo – $2.5M
environments, is essential.                               expansion of the stadium.
Continued Victorian Government investment                 Total project cost – $8M                             Bendigo Health towers removal
in women’s sport, particularly the upgrade of
                                                          Victorian Government – $4M                           To complete the construction of the $630M
infrastructure in rural and regional areas.
                                                          City of Greater Bendigo – $2M                        world-class Bendigo Hospital, it is proposed
                                                                                                               to relocate a substantial array of ambulatory
                                                          Other – $2M
Lord’s Raceway                                                                                                 rehabilitation services, dental services and
                                                                                                               support services from the north and east
The Bendigo Harness Racing Club is one of                 Kennington Recreation Reserve
                                                                                                               towers (located to the right of the Anne Caudle
Victoria’s largest clubs, conducting 33 harness           pavilion upgrade
                                                                                                               Centre) to the former hospital site where an
meetings a year at its Lord’s Raceway Complex in          This project was identified as part of a 2013        Ambulatory Care Centre of Excellence will be
Junortoun. There is an overarching plan for the           review of the most efficient and effective ways      developed. The link bridge over Arnold Street
multi-purpose harness complex to construct a new          to allocate sporting facilities for junior and       will allow interaction between the new hospital
covered horse stall area at a cost of approximately       senior sport to enhance participation across the     and the Ambulatory Care Centre of Excellence.
$2M, which will enable the club to attract key            municipality. Upgrading the pavilion will provide    The total project cost includes construction,
racing events such as the Inter Dominion heats            facilities suitable for sports men and women, as     refurbishment, relocation, demolition and
and the Breeders Crown series. This development           well as provide a centre for community activities.   landscaping elements.
will attract significant visitor numbers, providing a     The City has previously converted old tennis
further boost to local tourism and accommodation          courts at the reserve into three multipurpose        Total project cost – $52M
providers. The covered area will allow the venue to       tennis/netball courts with lighting at a cost        Australian Government – $26M
become multipurpose, so it could support riding           of $438,000.                                         Victorian Government – $26M
for the disabled, a men’s shed on non-race days/
nights and horse sales.                                   Total project cost – $3.4M
                                                          Victorian Government – $1.5M
Total project cost – $2M
                                                          City of Greater Bendigo – $1.9M
Victorian Government – $1M
City of Greater Bendigo – $250,000
Other – $750,000

Thriving regional communities
       Greater Bendigo includes      Rural community hubs                                   Marong Regional Business
   productive agricultural areas     Develop hubs across the rural areas of the             Park development
     and many small towns and        municipality that can serve as activity centres        The City is developing the region’s first business
                                     for communities by providing meeting places,           park 15 kilometres west of Bendigo in Marong.
     villages such as Heathcote,     consulting rooms for visiting services, library        This is a key project identified in the Loddon
        Axedale, Huntly, Marong,     agencies and WiFi. Infrastructure already              Campaspe Regional Growth Plan and the City’s
                                     exists, so funding is required to modify these         economic development and transport strategies.
Elmore, Goornong, Kamarooka,         premises for future use. The Goldfields Library        The 300ha business park is located near the
        Lockwood, Neilborough,       Corporation Plan 2015-2019 identifies the need         junction of the Calder, Calder Alternative and
                                     to provide welcoming and flexible spaces that
Sebastian, Woodvale, Raywood,        enable people to work, connect, learn and relax.
                                                                                            Wimmera Highways, and the railway that serves
                                                                                            much of north western Victoria. It would support
   Mia Mia and Redesdale. They       Master planning work to support this type of           more than 3,000 jobs, focused on transport,
 are renowned for their lifestyle,   development has been done for the Raywood              warehousing, logistics, storage, distribution and
                                     and Redesdale communities, however there               manufacturing. To support the development
     strong sense of community       are other communities that require similar             of the site, water, sewerage, gas and electricity
  and for the opportunities they     infrastructure. It is expected the development of      capacity will need to be expanded and supplied
                                     each site would cost approximately $2.5M, the          to the site. The City is working with VicRoads to
   provide for residents, visitors   following breakdown in costs is an estimate.           plan the three entrance points, which will require
                 and businesses.     Total project cost – $2.5M (per site)                  extensive road works. VicRoads needs to prepare
                                                                                            the business case and an Environmental Effects
                                     Australian Government – $500,000                       Statement for the western and northern bypasses
                                     Victorian Government – $500,000                        of the Marong township, which will secure
                                     City of Greater Bendigo – $1.2M                        safe traffic flows and access, and facilitate the
                                     Other – $300,000                                       expansion and growth of the business park.
                                                                                            For the Australian and Victorian Governments to
                                                                                            fund upgrading utilities and prepare a business
                                     Heathcote dementia village                             case investigating the development of the western
                                     business case                                          and northern bypasses
                                     Dementia is the single greatest cause of
                                     disability in older Australians. There are currently
                                     no dementia-only care facilities in Victoria.
                                     Heathcote is considered to be an ideal location to
                                     develop the village due to its proximity to natural
                                     and built attractions and a major capital city and
                                     regional city, and ideal climate. A state-of-the-art
                                     dementia village would maximise the quality
                                     of life of dementia sufferers by providing a safe
                                     and stimulating environment. At the same time
                                     the village would also serve as a research centre
                                     into medical breakthroughs to prevent future
                                     generations suffering from the disease.
                                     A business case would investigate the provision
                                     of a 150-place dementia village, including a
                                     teaching/research/workforce development
                                     centre in Heathcote.
                                     Total project cost – $330,000
                                     Australian Government – $150,000
                                     Victorian Government – $150,000 
                                     City of Greater Bendigo – $10,000 
                                     Other – $20,000 

= confirmed funding                                                                                                                             23
The pace of change today is the        Renewable energy                                        Groundwater solutions
fastest it has ever been and the       Solar parks                                             Shallow groundwater can be found under
   slowest it will ever be again.                                                              Bendigo’s surface. In central Bendigo the problem
                                       The development of solar parks on contaminated
                                                                                               has historically been alleviated by mining, which
                                       areas is an innovative way to make use of
                                                                                               lowered groundwater levels. Since mining ceased
 As a result of this change, it is a   land that is already available and cannot be
                                                                                               in 2011, groundwater is returning to its naturally
                                       developed. Council has a policy to reduce
   necessity for great cities to be    greenhouse gas emissions by 50 per cent by 2020,
                                                                                               shallow levels. The historic mine shafts and
                                                                                               tunnels provide flow paths for the groundwater
 constantly innovating. Bendigo        based on a 2011 emissions profile. The most
                                                                                               and concentrate discharges at various points
  has been a host for innovation       productive way to achieve this is to transition our
                                                                                               along the Bendigo Creek. The discharges are
                                       electricity consumption to zero carbon electricity.
    since the gold rush began in                                                               saline, contain elevated levels of arsenic, heavy
                                       Furthermore, the City’s Greater Bendigo                 metals and hydrogen sulphide (rotten egg gas).
   1851 with institutions like the     Environment Strategy 2016-2021 sets a goal for          The Victorian Government has made a short-term
    Bendigo and Adelaide Bank          the municipality to be powered 100 per cent by          investment in managing this problem, which
                                       renewable energy by 2036. The City is currently         involves pumping and treating groundwater
                  leading the way.     investigating solar park options in conjunction         from the Central Deborah Gold Mine tourist
                                       with the Bendigo Community Power Hub and                attraction to prevent discharge into the Bendigo
   We need to be coming up with        the old White Hills landfill is one site being          Creek. This is an expensive way to manage the
    innovative solutions to issues     investigated as a potential site for a 2MW or           problem and a long-term financially, socially and
                                       4MW solar park.                                         environmentally sustainable solution is required
like water, energy, transport and                                                              to ensure the continued prosperity and liveability
               civic engagement.       Total project cost – $5M (for Council to own,
                                                                                               of urban Bendigo
                                       construct and operate)
                                       Victorian Government – $5M                              For the Victorian Government to fund and deliver
                                                                                               a permanent solution in consultation with the
                                       For the Victorian Government to make available          City by 2021.
                                       surplus government land sites that are not
                                       suitable for commercial or residential use.
                                       These sites would be subject to further
                                       investigation to see if they could be used
                                       for solar energy generation.
                                       For the Victorian Government to create
                                       legislation to support the co-generation
                                       of electricity across private boundaries.

                                       Embedded solar network
                                       The View Street Arts Precinct is an ideal
                                       location for an embedded network
                                       to reduce the costs of our electricity
                                       bills across the Bendigo Art Gallery,
                                       The Capital Theatre and neighbouring                                                 GREATER BENDIGO
                                                                                                                      ENVIRONMENT STRATEGY
                                       sports facilities. A feasibility study                                                    2016 - 2021
                                       indicates savings of up to $45,000 per
                                       annum would be achieved from the
                                       consolidation of the electricity supply
                                       into an embedded network.
                                       Detailed design – $50,000 (City of Greater Bendigo)
                                       Implementation and construction of the
                                       embedded network – $500,000 (Victorian
                                       Installation of on-site generation systems – $200,000
                                       (Victorian Government)

Bendigo Health Innovation and                       A City Deal for Bendigo                                  Jobs for tomorrow
Digital Health Accelerator                          A City Deal will ensure that the heart of regional       There is an opportunity for the Bendigo
Digital innovations are changing the way            Victoria is able to continue being a renowned            Manufacturing Group to partner with leading
healthcare is delivered. Development of an          place to live, work and visit. The Bendigo City          Australian and international research institutions
Innovation Centre at Bendigo Health will            Deal offers something unprecedented for the              to build and retain local jobs, and local capability
address the current challenges facing our           Australian and Victorian Governments to be a             in innovation and technology. The advanced
nation’s health care delivery system such as cost   part of. It encompasses the only current City            manufacturing sector relies on further investment
efficiency, quality of care and innovative health   Deal bid backed by a local consortia model               in capacity, research and development, and
care delivery, and provide rapid assessment,        of governance, with strong local financial and           the latest technology such as robotics to help it
coordinated facilitation and partnership            intellectual investment. The proposal takes full         deliver for local, national and export customers.
development. Start-up companies often lack          advantage of the collaboration happening in              To ensure the sector supports further investment,
the opportunity to access a world-class health      Bendigo, this is fully highlighted with one of the       education, training and retains and grows jobs,
system but the centre will empower clinicians,      key pillars of the deal being the first municipal        dedicated resources are required to be the
researchers and health start-ups to pursue an       bond for Australia facilitated by Bendigo Bank.          conduit between industry wanting to do research
entrepreneurial mindset within a structured         Discussions with Australian and Victorian                and applied research universities.
collaborative framework.                            Governments to date have been encouraging
                                                                                                             Total project cost – $450,000
                                                    and constructive.
Although strongly focused on digital health, the                                                             Victorian Government – $150,000
project could deliver best practices and helpful    For the Australian and Victorian Governments
                                                                                                             City of Greater Bendigo – $150,000
resources to aid all innovators in developing       to work together with the City and the Smarter
an idea that is impactful and economically          Bendigo consortium to negotiate, secure and fund         Other – $150,000
sustainable in a regional context. This supports    a City Deal that will secure the future of the Greater
start-up companies to have their innovations        Bendigo region for decades to come.
validated, tested and potentially accelerated
into the health sector.
For the Victorian Government to provide seed
funding of $2M to project manage and stimulate
the initiative.

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