Music & Movie cityconnection - City of Dacono

Page created by Clifton Alexander
Music & Movie cityconnection - City of Dacono


  01             Music & Movie
                 Schedule &

National Night Out
Returns August 3

                                 03   Summer Splash
                                      is Back on July 6
Music & Movie cityconnection - City of Dacono
     & MOVIE
     Schedule &

01                                                                     Join us
                                                                       at Centennial Field, under
                                                                       the blue water tower, for an
                                                                       evening of great live music
                                                                       and a movie!

                                                                       Food trucks will be available
                                                                       selling dinner and dessert.
                                                                       Due to the nature of the events,
                                                                       outside alcohol will not be
                                                                       permitted and pets must be left
                                                                       at home.

                                                                       July 10
                                                                       Band: FACE Vocal Band
                                                                       Movie: Ghostbusters
                                                                       (Original 1984)

                                                                       August 14
                                                                       Band: Journey to the Heart
                                                                       Journey/Heart tribute band
                                                                       Movie: Sonic the Hedgehog

                                                                       August 28
                                                                       Band: Chris Daniels & the Kings
                                                                       Movie: Bill & Ted’s Excellent

     THANKYOU                                                          Adventure

                                                                       September 11
     Thank you to the 2021 Music and Movie's sponsors for their
     generous contributions that make our community events possible.   Band: Paizley Park
                                                                       Prince tribute band
             Official Sponsor                                          Movie: The Goonies
            S U M M E R H E AT                SUMMER BREEZE

                                                                       September 25
                                                                       Movie double feature
                                                                       The Lion King
                                                                       (1994 animated version)
                                                                       Raiders of the Lost Ark
             SUMMER FUN
                                                                       July-August Dates: Bands begin at 6:45 p.m.,
                                                 John Wargo            movies begin at sunset
                                                   Realtor             September Dates: Band begins at 5:15 p.m.,
                                           Shields Group Colorado      movies begin at sunset
Music & Movie cityconnection - City of Dacono
2021                     COORDINATED
                                                                                    DO YOU
                                                                                    NEED HELP
The 2021 Coordinated Election will be conducted as a Mail Ballot                    FINDING A
Election. The date of the Coordinated Election is November 2, 2021.

Mail ballots will be sent beginning October 11 to registered voters. Mail
ballots must be received by the county clerk and recorder no later than             Find the latest locations to get a
7 p.m. on Election Day. Voters are encouraged to drop off ballots at                vaccine at
designated drop-off sites or mail their ballots in time to be received by
the county clerk before the polls close. Postmarks do not count; ballots            The Weld County Department of
must be in the hands of the county clerk by 7 p.m. on Election Day in               Public Health and Environment
order to be counted.                                                                has first and second doses of the
                                                                                    Moderna COVID-19 vaccine available
If you want to vote in person, you may return your mail ballot and vote             every Thursday from 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
in person at a voter service and polling center. Even if you do not return          Appointments are preferred, but
your mail ballot, you may still vote in person. The deadline to vote in             walk-ins can be accommodated. To
person is 7 p.m. on Election Day. All voters who vote in person must                make an appointment to receive the
provide identification.                                                 vaccine at the Health Department
                                                                                    Clinic, please call 970-304-6420.

                                                                                    DID                The COVID-19
                                                                                                       vaccine from
                                                                                    YOU                Pfizer is now
                                                                                                       available for use
                                                                                    for people ages 12-15, following

Parking Reminder                                                                    authorization from the Food and
                                                                                    Drug Administration (FDA) and
In the City of Dacono, certain vehicles are prohibited from parking                 official recommendation from the
on City streets. These vehicles include trailers, camper trailers, trailer          Centers for Disease Control and
coaches, camper coaches, semitrailers, recreational vehicles, or mobile             Prevention (CDC).
homes, whether attached or detached from a motor vehicle. Exceptions
to the on-street parking prohibition include:

• Municipal vehicles and trailers
• For visitation purposes not exceeding seventy-two (72) hours                     City Council and Mayor
• For loading of the vehicle not exceeding twenty-four (24) hours                  Nomination Petitions
No motor vehicle, bus, trailer coach, camper coach, mobile home, self-              Available Starting August 3
propelled motor home, or recreational vehicle shall be used for sleeping            Are you interested in running
overnight on any public or private street, public right-of-way, or public or        for City Council or Mayor?
private property within the City. Persons visiting a residence within the
                                                                                    This November, Dacono voters will
City may sleep overnight in a bus, trailer coach, camper coach, mobile
                                                                                    elect two (2) City Councilmembers
home, self-propelled motor home, recreational vehicle on a public or
                                                                                    and Mayor. Nomination petitions can
private street, public right-of-way, or public or private property within the
                                                                                    be picked up beginning Tuesday,
City for no longer than seventy-two (72) hours.
                                                                                    August 3, at 8 a.m. from the Dacono
Please remember that Dacono Municipal Code expressly prohibits the                  City Clerk. Petitions must be returned
parking of any vehicle, trailer, motor home, boat on lawns in the city limits       no later than 5 p.m. on Monday,
of Dacono. Finally, no person shall offer for sale, sell, offer for lease, lease,   August 23. Qualified candidates must
store, repair, dismantle, or service a motor vehicle; or knowingly allow            have resided in the City of Dacono
another person to offer for sale, sell, offer for lease, lease, store, repair,      for at least twelve (12) consecutive
dismantle, or service a motor vehicle, in a public or private parking area,         months, be 18 years of age, and a
on a private street, or in the public right-of-way within the City.                 registered voter. Please contact
                                                                                    Valerie Taylor, City Clerk, or email
QUESTIONS?                             Please contact the Dacono Police
                                       Department at 303-833-3095.                  questions.
Music & Movie cityconnection - City of Dacono
     Returns August 3
                                                          National Night Out &

02                                                        FREE Movie at the Park,
                                                          6 p.m.

                                                          This year National Night Out
                                                          is moving to Clem Dufour
                                                          Park. Join the Dacono Police
                                                          Department and Mountain View
                                                          Fire Rescue for an evening
                                                          designed to promote public
                                                          safety and enhance community
                                                          relations between our first
                                                          responders and residents.

                                                          The Dacono Police Department
                                                          hosts the annual event with
                                                          complimentary Kona Ice,
                                                          hamburgers and brats, games,
                                                          music, and an outdoor movie at
                                                          dusk. Check out police cars and
                                                          fire apparatus too!

     National Night Out is an annual community-building
     event promoting police-community partnerships
     and neighborhood camaraderie to make our
     neighborhoods safer and better places to live.

     What a great way to meet
     your neighbors and strengthen
     neighborhood spirit!
Music & Movie cityconnection - City of Dacono
Summer Lunch
                                                                           The Weld Food Bank is partnering
                                                                           with the New Horizons Christian
                                                                           Church to offer a free summer
                                                                           lunch program.

                                                                           Kids 18 and under are eligible for a
A Message from                                                             free lunch Monday through Friday
Chief Dave Beebe,                                                          between 12 p.m.-1 p.m. Lunch is
Mountain View Fire                                                         served underneath the pavilion at
Protection District                                                        Clem Dufour Park. The program
                                                                           runs through July 30.

                                                                           Please contact the Weld Food
                                                                           Bank Child Programs Coordinator
Merging with Rocky Mountain Fire allowed us to revisit
                                                                           at 970-356-2199 x302 for more
the District's Mission, Vision, and Values (MVV). Both organizations
had very similar and current MVV's; however, it was decided to take the
best from both and update the MVV for the expanded district. A wide
variety of stakeholders worked on the project, and the new Mission,
Vision, and Values clearly state what the organization is about.

                                              Mission, Vision,             Mosquito Control
                                              and Values:
                                              To see the full document,    FIGHT THE BITE
                                              please visit      COLORADO!
                                                                           Mosquito season is in full swing,
                                                                           and to combat mosquitoes, the City
                                              To preserve and protect      of Dacono contracts with Vector
                                              our community from           Disease Control International (VDCI)
                                              all hazards through          for seasonal mosquito control. The
                                                                           services include survey/mapping
                                              exceptional preparedness,
                                                                           services of larval breeding sites,
                                              prevention, education,       mosquito breeding site inspection
                                              and emergency response.      and larviciding services (spraying),
                                                                           and adult mosquito trapping. So, if
                                              VISION                       you have a pesky mosquito problem,
                                                                           call the MosquitoLine 877-276-4306.
To establish the standard of excellence by being customer-centric,
                                                                           with any of the following issues:
inspiring a high-performance environment, being driven by
innovation, and being proud of our organization.                          • Reports concerning       • Request notification when
                                                                            mosquito annoyance          spraying is scheduled
                                                                            areas, to be placed on
VA L U E S                                                                  a no-spray or opt-out     • Request information on
                                                                                                        how to control and/or
Trust, Teamwork, and Professionalism. Establish the standard                process for no spraying
                                                                                                        prevent mosquitoes on
                                                                            in front of your home
of excellence in how we preserve and protect our communities.                                           private property
                                                                          • Request health and
Trust. We are honest and transparent. We are loyal, responsive, and         safety information       • Request information
                                                                                                       on what surveillance or
compassionate. We have the courage to act.                                  about mosquito control
                                                                                                       treatment programs are
                                                                            operations and pesticide
Teamwork. We respect each other and communicate effectively.                products used              taking place in the City
We are stronger through diversity. We are adaptable, flexible, and
                                                                           Get more information on protecting
resilient.                                                                 yourself and your family from
Professional. We are dedicated to our craft and enhance our                mosquitoes and West Nile disease at
abilities through continued training, development, and education.
Music & Movie cityconnection - City of Dacono
            IS BACK

03                                                                                    Join us at the Splash Pad
                                                                                      at Clem Dufour Park on
                                                                                      July 6 for Summer Splash
                                                                                      from 1 p.m.-3 p.m.

                                                                                      Enjoy a complimentary Kona
                                                                                      Ice, and let's celebrate summer.

                                                                                      Thank you to Occidental
                                                                                      Petroleum and St. Vrain
                                                                                      Sanitation District, the official
                                                                                      event sponsors.

 Stay cool
 this summer.
 The Splash Pad is open
 daily from 9 a.m.-8 p.m.
 through Labor Day,
 weather permitting.

            Community Grant Applications
            Community groups and organizations that serve or benefit Dacono        Applications are due
            residents are invited to submit an application for FY 2022 funding.
                                                                                   Monday, September 13, 2021.
            The amount available for community organization grants varies
                                                                                   For more information, go to
            annually according to City Council priorities and available revenue.
            Eligibility is limited to applicants who are recognized community
            service organizations, organized and federally designated for tax
            purposes as non-profit corporations or organized school groups.
Music & Movie cityconnection - City of Dacono
FARMS TO FAMILIES                                                                 City Hall Online
FRESH PRODUCE TRUCK                                                               Services During
is Coming to Dacono!
                                                                                  To serve you better, the Dacono
                                                                                  City Hall is undergoing extensive
                                                                                  remodeling. As a result, between
                                                                                  July and October, some in-person
                                                                                  services will be unavailable.
                                                                                  City offices continue to operate
                                                                                  in temporary locations during
                                                                                  construction. Before heading
                                                                                  to City Hall, please call
                                                                                  303-833-2317 to get the most
                                                                                  up-to-date information on office
                                                                                  locations and availability.

                                                                                  The City of Dacono offers many
                                                                                  convenient online services. For
                                                                                  example, it is safe and convenient
                                                                                  to pay a water bill, submit a
                                                                                  building permit application, or
                                                                                  remit sales tax online. Go to
The Weld County Food Bank is pleased to bring the fresh produce truck    for convenient
to Dacono this summer on July 12 and July 26 as part of the Farms to              links and instructions.
Families program. The truck will be located at the Clem Dufour baseball
field parking lot on Forest Avenue from 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Fresh produce is
free while it lasts. For more information, go to
to-families or call 970-356-2199.
                                                                                  City of Dacono
                                                                                  City Hall: 512 Cherry Street, Dacono, CO 80514
                                                                                  Phone: 303-833-2317
                                                                                  Hours: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
City of Dacono to Resume                           Carbon Valley Help Center:     Water: 303-833-2317 x121
Water Non-Payment Penalties                        303-833-6626
                                                                                  Trash (Waste Connections): 303-288-2100
and Disconnections                                 Our Center of Longmont:        Sewer (St. Vrain Sanitation): 303-776-9570
                                                                                  Emergency Police/Fire: 911
The City Council approved Ordinance 905 on         United Way of Weld County:
                                                                                  Police (non-emergency): 303-833-3095
June 14, 2021, reinstating all water penalties     970-353-4300
for past-due account balances. Customers           Weld County Emergency
                                                                                  City Council meets the 2nd & 4th Monday of
with a past due balance of $20 or more on the      Rental and Assistance (ERA):
                                                                                  each month at 6 p.m. Meeting agendas are
August 5th billing cycle will receive a late fee   970-400-6600
                                                                                  typically posted online and at City Hall by
and a pink warning notice. Disconnections will                                    4 p.m. the Friday preceding the meeting.
                                                   Upcoming Dates:
begin on September 21, 2021.                                                      Planning and Zoning Commission meets the
                                                   August 5:
If your account includes a past due amount,        First Late Fee Charged         2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m.
please take this opportunity to pay the entire     September 21:                  Municipal Court is the 3rd Thursday of each
balance, or make arrangements for a payment        First Disconnection            month at 9 a.m. & 1 p.m.
plan no later than September 20, 2021, to
                                                   Remember, if your water
avoid disconnection. Customers establishing
a payment plan will still receive a monthly
                                                   gets disconnected on           Calendar
                                                   September 21, your entire
late fee until the balance falls below $20.                                       July 5                   August 3
                                                   bill will need to be paid,     City offices closed      National Night Out
Water service will not be disconnected if the
                                                   including all penalties,       in observance of
payment terms are followed.                                                                                September 6
                                                   before it can be turned        Independence Day         City offices closed
If a payment plan is not a good option, there      back on. Don't let that
                                                                                  July 6                   in observance
may be assistance available through local          happen, be proactive,          Summer Splash at         of Labor Day
non-profit organizations, including:               not reactive!                  Clem Dufour Park
Music & Movie cityconnection - City of Dacono
City of Dacono
512 Cherry Street
Dacono, CO 80514


                          SUMMER 2021

                          in this issue:

                          Music & Movie Summer
                          Series Schedule &

                          National Night Out

                          Returns August 3

Music & Movie cityconnection - City of Dacono Music & Movie cityconnection - City of Dacono
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