Page created by Bruce Guerrero

Welcome to Limerick, one of Ireland’s         Limerick scores highly on accessibility,
fastest growing cities. A city that is        with an international airport – Shannon
at the centre of a region that offers         Airport – with direct services to the
exceptional quality of life, with a vibrant   US, UK and mainland Europe just 20
cultural and social heartbeat as well as      minutes away; an excellent rail and
a revitalised employment/innovation           motor way network and two busy
ecosystem.                                    commercial ports, in the city and further
                                              out the estuary at Foynes.
Driven by a dynamic framework,
‘Limerick 2030 – an Economic and              Limerick offers an excellent quality of
Spatial Plan’, Limerick is currently          life, with house prices 30% lower than
enjoying an economic renaissance, with        the national average. It also offers an
record investment and employment in           outstanding mix of high quality primary
the city through indigenous and foreign       and second level schools.
direct investment.
                                              Furthermore, the largest city on the
The vibrant economy is underpinned            longest river in either Ireland or the UK,
by a population base of 450,927 people        it is also the gateway to the Wild Atlantic
living within 60 minutes of Limerick,         Way, one of the fastest growing tourism
with almost 50% under 35 years. This          driving routes in the world today, and
- together with a 70,000 third level          just 90 minutes from world famous
student population base living within 90      destinations such as the Cliffs of Moher,
minutes of Limerick – ensures a highly        Ring of Kerry and the Rock of Cashel.
educated workforce.
much more positive future.         projects – Opera Site, Cleeves
                                Limerick Twenty Thirty DAC’s       Riverside Quarter, Mungret
                                role is to be a key architect      Park, Thomas and O’Connell
                                of that future. As Chairman,       Street Georgian properties
                                together with our board and        and more - and using them
                                executive, we have a clear         as vehicles to drive the
                                vision for the role it will play   ongoing transformation of
                                in this.                           our city, county and region.

                                That vision is to be               As we’ve already shown with
                                recognised not just                Gardens International, we will
                                nationally but internationally     develop to top international
There’s something very          for delivering the most            standards, with innovation,
proud and positive about the    innovative region, reinventing     with a focus on sustainability,
journey that Limerick is on.    Limerick as an exciting and        so that we attract investment
Turn the clock back a decade    modern place to live, learn,       and grow jobs in Limerick
and it was a city, not too      work and grow up in.               and, ultimately, continue that
unlike many others, without                                        exciting journey with Limerick
a clear future or sense of      It’s high on ambition but the      Twenty Thirty at the wheel.
direction.                      Limerick of today has lots
                                of ambition and Limerick
Thanks, however, to a real      Twenty Thirty has a plan to
spirit of partnership and       match that ambition and for        Conn Murray
perseverance, it now has        realising that vision.             Chairman
a clear vision of what lies                                        Limerick Twenty Thirty
ahead – a city on the move,     It’s around enabling               Strategic Development DAC
taking what are still early     economic development and
but significant and confident   investment in Limerick by
strides on that journey to a    building out our key, strategic

Just over two years ago         of activity that will change
when we set out our initial     the economic, social and
‘projects brochure’, we         visual landscape of the city
had just embarked on our        and county way beyond
first major build project,      what we’ve already proudly
Gardens International – then    achieved.
it stood part developed
and dilapidated, a motif        Getting to this juncture
for the financial crash that    has required huge input
devastated our national and     from our team and many
local economy.                  stakeholders, not least in
                                terms of planning. The Opera
Today, the award winning,       Site has been the stand-out        In the meantime, we will
Gardens International           project in that regard, with       also look to other projects,
stands as an icon for what      work now underway after            including potential
Limerick Twenty Thirty          the most detailed planning         partnerships, as we keep
DAC represents in the           submission and process ever        the momentum rolling. The
ongoing revitalisation of       undertaken in the city.            output from all of this will
our city and region – a                                            enhance the dynamic and
development company with        As this 555,000 sq ft              deliver huge and positive
transformational impact.        development emerges into           change for our city, county
                                the Limerick skyline, the          and region.
With four full years, a huge    Cleeves Riverside Quarter
body of planning work and       across on the Shannon’s
an established reputation       north-side, Mungret Park in
for state-of-the-art building   the city’s suburbs and two         David Conway
work behind us since we         city centre Georgian rebuilds      CEO
were established in 2016,       will follow the same route.        Limerick Twenty Thirty
Limerick Twenty Thirty is       The collective will be game-       Strategic Development DAC
now moving onto a new           changing for Limerick.
phase and elevated level
                                                                            Capacity: 550,000 sq. ft.
                                                                            Jobs: 3,000
                                                                            Project Value: €275 million
                                                                            including site cost & planning.
                                                                            Stage: An Bord Pleanála granted
                                                                            planning permission for the
                                                                            development in February 2020,
                                                                            and works commenced onsite in
                                                                            Q4 2020.

                                                                            Project Summary

                                                                            The 3.7 acre Opera Site project
GARDENS                                                                     will be a landmark commercial
                                                                            development in a regional and
INTERNATIONAL                                                               national context and one that
                                                                            will reflect Limerick’s status as
Capacity: 112,000 sq. ft.                                                   a leading destination for inward
Jobs: 500+                                                                  investment.
Project Value: €20 million
Stage: Completed, tenants in place

Project Summary

The 0.6 acre Gardens
International Office site is a       Awards won by Gardens
striking example of the new          International:
standard of office space that
Limerick Twenty Thirty is            1. Winner of the New Build
bringing to market.                      Workplace category at
                                         the Royal Institute of the
A wonderful model of ‘old                Architects of Ireland (RIAI)
meets new’, this project mixes           annual awards 2019.
the captivating architecture of
the early 19th century Roches        2. Winner of Design Project of
Hanging Garden and Mercantile            the Year at the KPMG Irish
Building, the former General Post        Independent Property Industry
Office developed there a century         Excellence Awards 2019.
later and a new build structure
into an entirely complementary       3. Winner of Architectural
architectural success. Emerging          Project of the Year at the Irish
as one of the most talked-feats          Building & Design Awards
of office architecture in the            2019, also shortlisted for
state today, the 112,000 sq. ft of       Commercial/Office Building         The 1.62 hectare site will be
Grade A office accommodation             Project of the Year.               developed at an estimate
completed in Q4 2018 after a                                                construction cost of €275m
twelve month build programme.        4. Winner of an AAI Award from        and is financed, thanks in the
                                         the Architectural Association      main to €170m funding from
Designed by Carr Cotter &                of Ireland 2020.                   the European Investment Bank
Naessens Architects, it is                                                  and the Council of Europe
Limerick’s first city centre LEED    5. Highly commended as a              Development Bank. John Sisk
Gold certified office scheme,            Regional Finalist in the           & Sons commenced demolition
meeting the exacting demands             National/International Civic       and enabling works in November
of large-scale, knowledge-               Trust Awards 2020, Garden’s        2020, and Coady Architects &
based enterprises looking to             was one of only two Irish          Woods Baggott are appointed
locate in Europe.                        finalists.                         to deliver detailed designs for
                                                                            the campus-wide basement
                                                                            and One Opera Square office

                                                                            A transformational project for
                                                                            Limerick, the fully developed
                                                                            site will be capable of employing
up to 3,000 people across a
555,000 sq. ft. employment
campus. The project will be
developed over a five year
period to LEED Gold standard.
As an employment hub, it will
also transform into a bustling
destination complete with
restaurants, bars and open
entertainment spaces. The
design will also be entirely
complementary to and protect
important Georgian architecture
on the site.

The Opera Site will be a key
driver for increased economic
activity in the City Centre with    CLEEVES                               The site has been in use since
                                                                          the mid-nineteenth century
potential to deliver significant    RIVERSIDE                             and a number of the original
employment opportunities and                                              buildings remain. These include
act as a catalyst for other major   QUARTER                               the 150ft brick chimney stack
city centre investment.                                                   and the 4 storey cut limestone
                                    Capacity: 10 acres Mixed use          Flaxmill building both of which
                                    Jobs: Up to 4,000                     are considered landmark
                                    Project Value: €300 million           features for the site.
                                    Stage: Masterplan
                                                                          Cleeves Riverside Quarter has
                                    Project Summary                       the potential to provide a mixed
                                                                          use scheme of residential,
                                    Cleeves Riverside Quarter is          commercial, educational
                                    a strategic brownfield site in        and cultural accommodation
                                    Limerick City centre. Located         alongside a new riverside
                                    adjacent to the Condell Road,         public realm for locals and
                                    which is a main access route to       visitors to enjoy.
                                    the city, and the river Shannon,
                                    this potential gateway site           The Project Team of Designers,
                                    extends to approximately ten          Planners and Project Managers
                                    acres overall and has a number        were appointed in September
                                    of distinct character areas.          2020 with a Master Plan for
                                    These include the Cleeves             Cleeves Riverside Quarter due
                                    factory site, the Shipyard site       for completion in Q2 2021.
                                    and the Salesian’s site.

Capacity: 340,000 sq. ft.,
Jobs: 700+
Stage: Project completed

Project Summary

A statement of the ambition
of the emerging Limerick, Troy
Studios is the first fully let
and operational facility in the     can be linked to Limerick’s           The Directors of Troy visited
Limerick Twenty Thirty portfolio.   hugely successful National City       Limerick to explore site options
                                    of Culture programme in 2014          that year on the invitation of
Located in the former Dell          when the true potential of this       Innovate Limerick – a company
Factory on the outskirts of         former industrial building was        established by Limerick City
Limerick city, this 340,000 sq.     unveiled as it was transformed        and County Council to help
ft. film hub includes 70,000 sq.    into the ‘Culture Factory’, hosting   drive innovation and act as the
ft. of sound stages with a 50ft.    a number of critically acclaimed      delivery mechanism for the
working height. Troy Studios’       shows/events during the year          projects for Limerick – and the
decision to locate in Limerick      long programme.                       rest is very positive history.
MUNGRET PARK                         Project Summary                        Located less than ten minutes
                                                                            from the city centre, the site,
                                     Limerick Twenty Thirty has taken       which will have the capacity
Capacity: 60 acre/850 units          the first step towards one of          for up to 850 residential
Stage: Planning Application          the largest residential projects       units, will significantly boost
Completion: Phase 1 253 units        outside the capital by delivering a    Limerick’s residential market,
complete by 2025                     framework plan and preparing a         supplementing other private and
                                     planning application for residential   public developments elsewhere
                                     development on the lands               in the city.
                                     adjacent to Mungret College.
                                                                            The 60 acre site is located
                                                                            on the grounds of the former
                                                                            Mungret College and associated
                                                                            buildings. The initial 253 unit
                                                                            first phase of the development
                                                                            is in the planning process. The
                                                                            project will be part of a wider,
                                                                            multi-serviced campus complete
                                                                            with already developed schools,
                                                                            a public park, play-ground
                                                                            area and existing residential all
                                                                            adjacent to it.

                                                                            Mungret is a priority area within
                                                                            the Limerick Metropolitan district
                                                                            and is a zoned urban extension of
                                                                            Limerick city under the Southern
                                                                            Environs Local Area Plan.


Limerick Twenty Thirty is Project
Managing the Living Georgian
Housing Project in collaboration
with Limerick City and County
Council’s Urban Innovation
Department, which aims to
demonstrate how new residential
living can be implemented in
Limerick’s historic Georgian core.

Under the Urban Regeneration
Fund set up by Government,           of the properties with modern          33, Thomas Street is a four
€9million is to be spent on          living needs and will also             story Georgian terraced
transforming properties at 58,       devise new investment models           townhouse adjacent to a two-
O’Connell Street and 33/34,          to demonstrate and deliver             storey contemporary building.
Thomas Street into imaginative,      affordable living in the city          34, Thomas Street was
predominantly living spaces          centre.                                formerly the site of a Fire
covering various residential                                                Station. Both properties are
tenures.                             58, O’Connell Street is a              currently fully vacant and in a
                                     four-storey over-basement              state of poor repair.
These city centre sites will be      Georgian terraced townhouse
transformed from largely disused     and rear garden lot. From the
spaces into exemplars of best        1930s-1990s, the building
practice in adaptive reuse of        accommodated the Limerick City
historic buildings. The project      Library in the core building and
will focus on marrying the           a new three-storey extension to
special architectural heritage       the rear.
Limerick Twenty Thirty was established as a special
                                       purpose vehicle of Limerick City and County Council.
                                       It is tasked to plan and develop key strategic sites
                                       in Limerick City and County that will act as anchors
                                       for enterprise and investment development across
                                       Limerick and the Midwest Region.

                                       Limerick Twenty Thirty DAC Vision:
                                       To be recognised internationally as an exemplar for
                                       delivering the most innovative region, reinventing
                                       Limerick as a vibrant modern and dynamic place to
                                       live, learn, work and grow up in.

                                       Limerick Twenty Thirty DAC Mission:
                                       Limerick Twenty Thirty reimagines & enables
                                       economic development & investment to proactively
                                       position the region for the future and improve the
                                       quality of life for all its citizens.

                                       We self-develop and partner with other developers,
                                       as well as local and national agencies to transform
                                       strategic sites.

                                       Limerick Twenty Thirty DAC Vision and Mission will
                                       be delivered by the following company values:
                                       Ambition, Innovation, Dynamism, Credibility and

Contact Us

Limerick Twenty Thirty,
Strategic Development DAC,
The Mercantile,
Gardens International,
Henry Street,
V94 4A62

Businesses that choose to invest in
Limerick succeed.

We have a track record in attracting
and retaining leading global companies.
Those who locate here continue to
expand their Limerick footprint, reflecting
our globally competitive talent-driven
value proposition.

For enquiries regarding the key
strategic sites, please contact the
Limerick Twenty Thirty team on:

T: +353 (0)61 517430
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