Much Woolton Catholic Primary - 18th June 2021 - Much Woolton Catholic Primary School

Page created by Doris Willis
Much Woolton Catholic Primary - 18th June 2021 - Much Woolton Catholic Primary School
Newsletter 90
                                18th June 2021

                   Much Woolton Catholic Primary

                               “With Jesus we love, learn and grow”

          Mrs Wilson’s message                                       KEY DATES
     Sadly, we had to close the EYFS bubble this week          25 June -Beatles Day
 following confirmation of a positive Covid-19 case. We
       look forward to the children’s safe return on              9 July—Y6 Prom
                    Monday 28 June.
Following Boris Johnson’s statement on Monday, schools
                                                                    School closes
have been instructed to keep all their current protective
measures in place until there is a further announcement                 for
 of Step 4 on the roadmap. The measures will remain in              Summer term
place to help reduce transmission of the virus. Thank you
  for supporting us to keep our school community safe.
                                                               Friday 16th July 2021
Can I also take this opportunity to remind all parents and    -------------------------------
 carers that masks should be worn at all times when on          Autumn term starts
 school premises, unless you have a medical exemption
   and ask that you please responsibly distance on the
                       playgrounds.                                    Thursday
                                                               2nd September 2021
Much Woolton Catholic Primary - 18th June 2021 - Much Woolton Catholic Primary School
Covid Information
    Bubbles will remain in place for everyone’s safety and it is vital that you please keep us
    informed if your child is going for a COVID test or is experiencing symptoms so that if a
positive case is confirmed we can advise everyone in that bubble to self-isolate following the
  guidance we are given by DfE, for the length of time advised to us. It is also essential that if
someone in your household is experiencing symptoms or is awaiting a Covid-19 PCR test, that
 the whole household isolate until a negative test result is received or self-isolation has been
 undertaken for 10 days. With an increase in cases within our local area it is paramount that
             we continue to act responsible in the interests of everyone’s safety.
Much Woolton Catholic Primary - 18th June 2021 - Much Woolton Catholic Primary School
Congratulations to all of the children who have been chosen by their teacher for the Golden Certificate award

                                Pippa W                               Theo McN
                                Class 3                                Class 4

        Joshua W                     Freddie W                       Ava M                 FreddireB/Isabelle Mc
         Class 5                       Class 6                       Class 7                      Class 8

        Daniel B                       Poppy C                       Daisy M                    Sonny B-T
         Class 9                       Class 10                      Class 11                    Class 12

                                       Sam W                        Daniel W
                                      Class 13                      Class 14
Much Woolton Catholic Primary - 18th June 2021 - Much Woolton Catholic Primary School
Each week we will be displaying some of the work the children have completed in school. Look at
                    some of the fantastic work the children have produced.

             Jack B Class 1              Saorise S Class 3                      Isabella D Class 4

                                                                                       Class 6
          Class 5

                                         Isabella M Class 8

          Orlaith D Class 7                                                        Daniel B Class 9

                                       Lexa Q Class 12

           Charlotte C Class 13                               Zara P Class 14
Much Woolton Catholic Primary - 18th June 2021 - Much Woolton Catholic Primary School
Congratulations Year 4 – you are the champions of the school!

         Year group, team       Total
              or class         points              Top 3 players
               Year 4            163      Sam C, Alan G, Franky T
               Year 5            49       Freddy A, Harry R, Evie L
               Year 2            19       Samuel B, Annabella A, Katie G
               Year 3            18       Grace S, Thomas W, Ava D
               Year 6            12       Mylee W, Harry M, Millie B-L

New battles start today at 3.30pm.                      Maths Fun!

                                            Why not have a go at this challenge?

                                        Come on Much Woolton Maths Whizzes!

                                        (I drew the numbers on squares of paper to
                                                  physically move them!)
Much Woolton Catholic Primary - 18th June 2021 - Much Woolton Catholic Primary School
Sports Day
Sports Day will take place during our Olympic Week which will take place week
beginning 28 June, if the weather is kind to us . We are very sorry to say that we
cannot invite families on site to join us this year as we cannot guarantee the safety
of our children and staff on the school site with so many families also in school, albeit
outdoors. We understand that many of you will be disappointed that this event is not
open to parents/carers, particularly when many of you are yet to see your child
participate in a sports day at Much Woolton. We looked at a wide range of options as
to how we could safely operate this event with spectators, however we were not
satisfied that any solution conformed with current guidelines. We know the children
will have a wonderful time and are extremely aware that this was one of many can-
celled events, this time last year. We’ll share more about plans for this week once these

If any family is planning on going on holiday in term time please note that this will be recorded as an
       unauthorized absence. A letter confirming the dates of the holiday is required by school.
    Parents/carers also need to take note of the Government guidelines regarding quarantine and
                             COVID testing if they travel to specific areas.

                                      School Uniform
 We are seeing more children wearing Trainers to school as part of
their everyday school uniform. Can I remind parent that Trainers are
                 NOT part of our school uniform, unless for PE.
                        Children need to be in school shoes.
Much Woolton Catholic Primary - 18th June 2021 - Much Woolton Catholic Primary School
Thought of the day

         Always end the day with a
             POSITIVE thought.
     No matter how hard things were.

                             Please check our school Twitter account.
  0151 428 6114               Daily updates of our children and what
                             activity/lessons they are doing in school.
Much Woolton Catholic Primary - 18th June 2021 - Much Woolton Catholic Primary School
Everyone at Much Woolton would
                 like to wish –
              Luke A-H, Ivy J, Marcie T,
        Orlaith D, Jack D, Sophie Mc,
          Alfie W, Sharnie Y, Ryan B,
       Erin R, Daniel W, Alex W, Isla A,
           Daniel E & Penelope R-P,
                     A very
                Happy Birthday.
          We hope you all have had a
               wonderful day.
          Children’s Birthday Treats and Invitations

   Prior to the Covid restrictions, it was allowed for children
to hand out birthday treats and invitations to their classmates.
  May we remind you that this arrangement is currently not
     permitted. We would ask that you please respect this
                      decision. Thank you.
Much Woolton Catholic Primary - 18th June 2021 - Much Woolton Catholic Primary School Much Woolton Catholic Primary - 18th June 2021 - Much Woolton Catholic Primary School
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