- Special Events - MS Society of Canada

Page created by Rafael Walton
CONTINUE READING - Special Events - MS Society of Canada - Special Events - MS Society of Canada
This handbook contains everything you need to know to make
your MS Bike a fantastic experience!
To ensure you have the most up-to-date information, please ensure that we have your current email
address. If you registered online and would like to receive a hard copy of this handbook, please email
the MS Bike Coordinator.
      Gimli                                     Riding Mountain
      Mariell Barratt: 204-988-0910             Amanda Novak: 204-571-5670    

About the MS Bike Tours
MS Bike is the largest cycling series in North America and a signature fundraising event of the Multiple
Sclerosis Society of Canada. Since 1989, cyclists of all ages and fitness levels fundraise and cycle
together to end Canada’s disease: multiple sclerosis. Explore Manitoba from the best seat in the
      Gimli - August 26 & 27, 2017              Riding Mountain - September 9 & 10, 2017

Whether you are biking to see the sights of Manitoba or ride the tour as your own personal fitness
challenge, you’ll enjoy a feel-good ride for a feel-good cause in helping end MS.

                                                      About multiple sclerosis.............................................3

                                                      MS BIKE TOURS MANITOBA
                                                      Riding Mountain.............................................................8

                                                      Fundraising tips.............................................................12
                                                      Fundraising rewards...................................................13

                                                      TEAM MS Participate as a team.............................14

                                                      RIDE DETAILS
                                                      Rider support.................................................................16
                                                      Safety on route & training tips................................17

                                                      SPREAD THE WORD..................................................18

                                                                                                                                              2 - Special Events - MS Society of Canada
Welcome to MS Bike 2017

Whether you’re a returning participant who rode      •C
                                                       ontribute to an incredible investment of $10
with us last year, or a rookie a little nervous of    million toward ground-breaking MS research
riding in a bike tour, you can look forward to an     and help launch the MS Knowledge Network
exciting and fun ride while making a difference       that further expands our ability to provide
to end MS.                                            information and help to people affected by
As a participant in the MS Bike, you are making
a great impact on the lives of people living with    This year we look forward to continuing to
multiple sclerosis.                                  provide support and services to people with MS
                                                     and their families, and fund important research
Last year in Manitoba, your dollars helped to:       to find the cause and cure for this disease.
• Deliver 170 support group sessions.
• Offer 62 wellness programs.                        We invite you to expand your reach as well
• Host 14 education sessions.                        in helping to improve the lives of Canadians
• Provide over $19,000 in grants to 64 people       affected by MS.
   with MS to purchase needed medical
                                                     Join us at MS Bike and experience a great
                                                     sense of accomplishment, challenging yourself
• Host a one day conference designed for young
                                                     physically and raising more critical funds to help
   adults in their 20s and 30s living with MS.
                                                     end MS.

   About multiple sclerosis
   Canada has the highest rate of MS                 World-leading MS research is being produced by
   in the world.                                     MS experts across the country.

   100,000 Canadians live with MS.                   MS is a disease that affects not only individuals,
                                                     but also families who come together to manage
   MS is the most common neurological disease        the realities of MS.
   affecting young adults in Canada.

Our mission To be a leader in finding a cure for multiple sclerosis and
enabling people affected by MS to enhance their quality of life.

For more information about MS or the MS Society, visit

                                                                                                          3 - Special Events - MS Society of Canada
Gimli Experience

                                                                        26 + 27

LOCATION Gimli Recreation Centre      This year, the route features a scenic ride along the lake,
SATURDAY CHECK-IN TIME 8:00am         quiet roads, great rest stops and the best part? The stop
SATURDAY START TIME 10:00am           at the Gimli Recreation Centre mid-ride! Get your bike
SUNDAY START TIME 9:00am              checked, grab a bite, and if your saddle is sore, take a
                                      break at the TeamFight Tailgate!
Saturday: 45km, 23km                  Starting at 10am on Saturday, we will depart Gimli
Challenge: 22km                       Recreation Centre and head south on Highway 9,
Saturday total: 68km                  stopping in at the Gimli Recreation Centre for lunch
Saturday total with challenge: 90km   before hopping back on our bikes and heading north
Sunday: 45km                          on Highway 8. The  homestretch from Camp Morton
Total: 135km                          to  the Gimli Recreation Centre is along Highway 222
(all route lengths approximate)       and then Centennial Road for the finish line, tailgate and
Mariell Barratt                       New this year: cyclists looking for an added challenge
204-988-0910                          will be able to ride our Challenge Leg. This will allow          cyclists to ride the northern portion of the route a
                                      second time, adding an additional 22km to the ride.

                                      Sunday morning starts at 9am and will feature the
                                      southern portion of our route a second time; landing
                                      back in Gimli for the final finish and lunch.

                                                                                                4 - Special Events - MS Society of Canada
Route Maps for Gimli

 Saturday    Sunday

                       5 - Special Events - MS Society of Canada
                   Please bring the following items to check-in:
•   Completed donation tracking form (available for   •   Any cash or cheque donations.
    download online via your Participant Centre).

               Saturday, August 26, 2017
       8:00am - 9:45am         Check-in: arrive at the Gimli Recreation Centre. Drop off your
                               donation tracking forms, pick up your check-in package and
                               event shirt, enjoy a coffee and light breakfast, take a team
                               photo and get a complimentary safety check on your bike and
                               bike tune-up.
                   9:45am      Opening ceremony
                 10:00am       Start bike tour
              Rest Stop 1      Sandy Hook, MB
              Rest Stop 2      Dunnottar, MB
              Rest Stop 3      Sandy Hook, MB
     Rest Stop & Lunch         Gimli Recreation Centre
              Rest Stop 4      Camp Morton, MB
                     Finish    Arrive at Gimli Recreation Centre, drop off your bike and enjoy
                               the TeamFight Tailgate festivities. Sign up for a complimentary
                               massage. Massages are from 12 - 5pm, Saturday only.
    12:00pm – 5:00pm           Beer garden open
                   5:30pm      Doors open at Gimli Recreation Centre
                  6:00pm       Dinner

                 Sunday, August 27, 2017
                   7:30am      Enjoy a light breakfast and retrieve your bike.
                               Bike tune-ups will be available on site.
                   9:00am      Start bike tour
              Rest Stop 1      Sandy Hook, MB
              Rest Stop 2      Dunnottar, MB
              Rest Stop 3      Sandy Hook, MB
          11am-2:00pm          Finish line lunch at Gimli Recreation Centre

                                                                                            6 - Special Events - MS Society of Canada
Passes are available for the full weekend or
Saturday evening dinner only. Guest passes
can be purchased online by visiting
and going to the Manitoba page. A limited
number of guest passes are available and
should be reserved by August 11. Passes can
be picked up at Participant Services at the
Gimli Recreation Centre. Contact Samantha
Bailley at or

Children age 8 and under . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Free                   RVS AND CAMPERS
Youth weekend age 8-14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25             A section of the Gimli Recreation Centre
(includes all meals throughout the weekend)                                 parking lot is available to anyone interested in
Youth Saturday dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $10                bringing their RV or camper to stay in Gimli.
Adult weekend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40
                                                                            As this area is only a temporary campground,
(includes all meals throughout the weekend)
                                                                            water and power will not be available.
Adult Saturday dinner.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $25

                                                                            OTHER OPTIONS
                                                                            Check out for a listing of available
Free overnight camping will be located
                                                                            hotels, cabins and bed & breakfasts.
on the grounds between the Gimli High
School and the Sigurbjorg Stefansson Early
School, which is located right next to the                                  OVERNIGHT BIKE STORAGE
Gimli Recreation Centre. Hot showers are                                    Bike storage and overnight security will be
available at the Gimli Recreation Centre                                    provided on site by Bike Valet next to the
on both Saturday and Sunday of the tour.                                    Gimli Recreation Centre. We recommend
Portable toilets and hand wash stations will                                you leave your bike in the bike compound
also be on site. Professional security has                                  for security. Once you check your bike into
been contracted to ensure the safety of all                                 the compound on Saturday you will not have
campers.                                                                    access to it until Sunday morning.

PLEASE BE A RESPONSIBLE CAMPER                                              BIKE MECHANICS
No campfires. No vehicles. No pets.                                         Woodcock Cylceworks, Bikes & Beyond and
No alcohol or illicit drugs.                                                Olympia Cycle will be on site and on route
No amplified music.                                                         providing bike repair services. Small repairs
Respect your neighbours.                                                    such as fixing flats are complimentary. These
Tent area quiet time is 11pm.                                               services are to address emergency repairs
Respect your environment.                                                   only. Please ensure your bike is in riding
Leave only your footprints.                                                 condition and tuned up before the event.

                                                                                                                               7 - Special Events - MS Society of Canada
Riding Mountain

    9 + 10

LOCATION Parkland Recreation
Complex                           Biking through beautiful Riding Mountain is an
SATURDAY CHECK-IN TIME 7:30am     experience of breathtaking views.
SUNDAY START TIME 9:00am          The ride begins Saturday in Dauphin at the Parkland
                                  Recreation Complex and ends in Clear Lake.
                                  Throughout your ride into the park you can stop
ROUTE LENGTH(S)                   at four rest stops along the route, have lunch in
Saturday: 75km                    the park, enjoy a complimentary massage and an
Sunday: 75km                      evening dinner.
Total: 150km
(all route lengths approximate)   On Sunday, wake up to a light breakfast and head
                                  down the mountain back into Dauphin, celebrating
                                  your weekend with a finish line lunch.
Amanda Novak

                                                                                        8 - Special Events - MS Society of Canada
Route Map for
Riding Mountain

                  9 - Special Events - MS Society of Canada
                   Please bring the following items to check-in:
•   Completed donation tracking form (available for   •   Any cash or cheque donations.
    download online via your Participant Centre)

           Saturday, September 9, 2017
       7:30am - 8:45am         Check-in: arrive at the Parkland Recreation Complex. Drop off
                               your donation tracking forms, pick up your check-in package
                               and event shirt, drop off your luggage, enjoy a coffee and light
                               breakfast, take a team photo and get a complimentary safety
                               check on your bike and bike tune-up.
                   8:45am      Opening ceremony
                  9:00am       Start bike tour
              Rest Stop 1      Crawford Creek
              Rest Stop 2      Hilton
              Rest Stop 3      Grayling Lake
              Rest Stop 4      Spruces
                     Finish    Arrive in Riding Mountain National Park, drop off your
                               bike, have lunch, pick up your luggage, and sign up for a
                               complimentary massage. Massages are from 12 - 5pm.
    12:00pm – 5:00pm           Beer garden open
                  5:30pm       Tent open for dinner in the park
                  6:00pm       Dinner

            Sunday, September 10, 2017
                   7:45am      Enjoy a light breakfast and retrieve your bike.
                               Bike tune-ups will be available on site
                  9:00am       Start bike tour
              Rest Stop 1      Spruces
              Rest Stop 2      Grayling Lake
              Rest Stop 3      Hilton
              Rest Stop 4      Crawford Creek
          11am-3:00pm          Finish line lunch at Parkland Recreation Centre.
                               Massage open from 11am-3pm.

Passes are available for the full weekend
or Saturday evening dinner only. Guest
passes can be purchased online by
visiting and going to the
Manitoba page. A limited number of
guest passes are available and should be
reserved by September 1. Passes can be
picked up at Participant Services in both
Dauphin and Clear Lake. Contact Gail
Campbell at
or 204.571.5671.

Children age 8 and under . . . . . . . . . . Free
Youth weekend age 8-14. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25
(includes all meals throughout the weekend)                        OVERNIGHT BIKE STORAGE
Youth Saturday dinner . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $10    There is a secure lock-up for bikes at
Adult weekend . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  $40
                                                        the finish line in Clear Lake. There will
(includes all meals throughout the weekend)             be professional security on duty over
Adult Saturday dinner.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25   night. The compound is not tented but
                                                        bags will be available to cover seats and
                                                        handlebars if requested. Please note:
All cyclists are responsible for booking
                                                        once the compound closes on Saturday,
their own accommodations. We
                                                        you will not have access to your bike
recommend you do so at your earliest
                                                        until it re-opens Sunday morning.
                                                        We strongly encourage you to take
                                                        advantage of this area.
Super 8 Motel 1-800-800-8000
Canway Inn & Suites 1-888-325-3353                                 BIKE MECHANICS
Dauphin Inn Express 204-638-4430                                   Our partner bike shops will be on site
Prairie Mountain Inn 1-877-638-4233                                and on route providing bike repair
                                                                   services. Small repairs such as fixing flats
CLEAR LAKE                                                         are complimentary. These services are
Aspen Ridge Resort 204-848-2511                                    to address emergency repairs. Please
Cabins at Clear Lake 1-888-848-2524                                ensure your bike is in good riding
Clear Lake Lodge 204-848-2345                                      condition and tuned up before the
Manigaming Resort 204-848-2459                                     event.
Mooswa Resort 204-848-2533
Idylwylde Cabins 204-848-2383

Fundraising Tips
                  Register online at
                  Every cyclist must raise the $300 fundraising
                  minimum to partiipate.
                  The registration fee is non-refundable and does not apply towards
                  the fundraising minimum requirement.

           Set up your Bike page.                 Story     Photo    Goal    Make first donation

                            Spread the word.
                               Invite friends and family to your team.
                               Share page via email and social media.

                             Raise money.
                                Use your Participant Centre to fundraise
                                Host a fundraising event (fancy dinner, karaoke, movie night).

               Show your gratitude.
                  Send a thank you email for each donation received.                      nks!
                  Follow-up after your Bike tour on how you and your team did!

               Have fun!
                  Ask your team to recruit other team members
                  Create team identity (banners, t-shirts, hats)

        Fundraising Challenge                    RAISE $400 IN 4 DAYS!
DAY 1                                          DAY 3   Ask 5 co-workers to pledge you $10 each.
Register and make a donation.    $20           $10 x 5 = $50
DAY 2                                          DAY 4                                       GRAND
Use your participant centre to email your      Ask 5 people from your gym or social        TOTAL
friends and family to ask for their support.   group for a pledge of $10 each.             RAISED:
$20 x 14 = $280                                $10 x 5 = $50                                $400

Fundraising Rewards
                                                      2017 Prize Structure

$300+      MS Bike T-Shirt

$500+      Reflecting Screwdriver Key Light + MS Bike T-Shirt

$1000+     Club 1000 Cycling Jersey + Invite to Night of Champions
           Screwdriver Key Light, T-shirt

$2000+     Club 2000 Cycling Shorts
           Club 1000 Jersey, Invite to Night of Champions, Screwdriver Key Light, T-shirt

$3000+     $100 gift card
           Club 2000 Shorts, Club 1000 Jersey, Invite to Night of Champions, Screwdriver Key Light, T-shirt

$5000+     $250 gift card + Club 5000 Cycling Jacket
           Club 2000 Shorts, Club 1000 Jersey, Invite to Night of Champions, Screwdriver Key Light, T-shirt

$10.000+ $500 gift card
         Club 5000 Jacket, Club 2000 Shorts, Club1000 Jersey, Invite to Night of Champions,
         Screwdriver Key Light, T-shirt

$12500+    Tour of Champions OR $500 gift card
           Club 5000 Jacket, Club 2000 Shorts, Club1000 Jersey, Invite to Night of Champions,
           Screwdriver Key Light, T-shirt

          Club 1000 Jersey                  Club 2000 Shorts                Club 5000 Cyling Jacket

                                   JOIN THE MISSION FIRST CLUB
    Choosing this option means you are requesting a tax receipt in lieu of a gift card. This means
               that more funds can be directed towards MS research and services.

                                           Gift Card Options
        Stream N’ WoodSobeys
                       (RM Only) Woodcock
                                    Sobeys Cycle
                                                 Works  Cycle
                                                        Bikes &Works
                                                                Beyond Bikes & Beyond
                 Olympia  Cycle&&SkiSki (PortageAve)
                                     (Portage    Ave)       A&LGet
                                                            A&L Get Active
                                                                    Active (RM
                                                                             *gift cards are not cumulative

Participate as a team!
Everything is more fun with family, friends and           Increase your corporate visibility – corporate teams are a
co-workers by your side!                                  great way to gain exposure for your company as well as
                                                          grow camaraderie amongst your colleagues.
Strengthen your impact – fundraising is easier with the
support of your team! It’s proven that your fundraising   Your team can help keep your motivation and fundraising
increases when you are part of a team.                    on track.

Show your spirit – wear your team colours through your
jerseys, add hats and banners to identify your team!

                     Recruitment Challenge
     Grow your team by recruiting 3 new members!
     What if each member of your team inspired three more to
     join the cause? Growing your bike team is easier than you
     think! Invite your friends, your family or your co-workers.
     Tell them you are riding to raise funds to end MS. Spread
     the word. The more the merrier!

     Need team recruitment materials?
     Contact your local MS Bike Coordinator.

Ride Details FAQs
What happens if it rains?                                 What happens to donations I raised if I can no
We ride rain or shine. In the event of lightning or       longer participate in the event?
other dangerous conditions, we will delay the event       All donations are non-returnable. Your donations
until conditions improve or portions of the ride may      allow the MS Society of Canada to fund vital medical
be cancelled as necessary.                                research and support local residents in the area
                                                          living with MS, regardless of your participation in the
I registered as an individual, but now I want to          event.
join a team.
No problem! Contact an MS Bike coordinator and let        Can I donate my fundraising reward back to the
them know the name of the team you’d like to join.        MS Society of Canada?
                                                          Yes, you can donate your reward back to the MS
Are walk-up registrations available?                      Society and receive a tax receipt equal to the value
We will gladly accept walk-up registrations.              of your reward. By donating your reward, the
However, MS Bike is a fundraising event and all           MS Society can contribute more funds towards
riders must reach the $300 fundraising minimum to         programs and services to those affected by MS and
participate, so register early to give yourself time to   research.
                                                          Do I have to wear a helmet?
I registered, but can no longer participate; can          YES! For your own safety, helmets are required at
I transfer my registration to next year’s ride,           all MS Bike events. This is a legal requirement in
another person, or another MS Bike?                       Manitoba. You will not be permitted to ride if you are
Yes, you can transfer your registration to next year’s    not wearing a helmet. Helmets are not supplied on
ride, another person or another MS Bike ride.             site.

                                                          Can family and friends join me for the weekend?
                                                          Family and friends are always welcome at start/
                                                          finish, rest stops, and throughout the weekend,
                                                          however not on the route! Please encourage your
                                                          friends and family to meet you at the finish line, or to
                                                          volunteer for the event. Tickets and guest passes are
                                                          available for the full weekend or Saturday evening
                                                          dinner only. See Guest Pass Information under
                                                          Important Info for location specific details.

                                                          Are pets allowed?
                                                          Pets are prohibited at the ride, however, service
                                                          animals are welcome.

                                                          What accommodations are available for the event
                                                          Please refer to the specific MS Bike tour section
                                                          near the beginning of this handbook for more
                                                          information or contact your MS Bike coordinator.

                                                          Where can I store my bike overnight Saturday?
                                                          Bike storage and overnight security will be provided
                                                          on site (please refer to the specific MS Bike tour
                                                          section near the beginning of this handbook). We
                                                          do recommend you lock-up your bike in the bike
                                                          storage for the added security.

What to bring
                                                   Riding Gear                          Personal Gear
                                                   •    Helmet                          •   Toiletries
                                                   •    Personal identification         •   Casual clothing and
                                                   •    Tour bib                            shoes for dinner
                                                   •    Route map                       •   Camera
                                                   •    Basic bike repair kit           •   Medications
                                                   •    Water bottle                    •   Pain reliever
                                                   •    Cycling gloves                  •   Extra clothing for Sunday
                                                   •    Rain gear                       •   Money for cash bar on
                                                   •    Seat/Handlebar bag                  Saturday night dinner
   Come wind, rain or sun… going
                                                   •    Sunscreen for lips and
   through our handy checklists
   will help you come to the tour                       skin
   prepared for all of beautiful                   •    Sunglasses
   Manitoba’s weather conditions!                  •    Cell phone

                              Ride support
The MS Bike is a fully supported cycling tour. The following services are provided to registered cyclists
identified by wearing the MS Bike rider bibs.

      REST STOPS                                               To signal a SAG vehicle driver, follow these steps:
      Rest stops are located along the route. Each rest
      stop is stocked with water, and snacks. Stopping at      • Move safely off the road and well out of the path
                                                                 of other cyclists.
      the rest stops is optional.
                                                               • Dismount and stand near your bike.
      Bike Patrols are available on certain tours to help
                                                               • Remove your helmet and wave it at the SAG
      along the route. They can contact a SAG (Support
      and Gear) vehicle if needed. Bike Patrols can be         • In the event of an emergency, call 911.
      identified by their reflective vests..
                                                               FIRST AID
      SAG VEHICLES                                             Trained first aid volunteers patrol the route to help
      SAG (Support and Gear) vehicles travel along the         all participants. In case of an emergency, please call
      route between rest stops. They can help cyclists         911.
      along the route with flats and basic first aid. If a
      cyclist is unable to complete the ride, for whatever
      reason, a SAG vehicle can transport the cyclist to the
      finish line or to the next rest stop.

Safety on route
This is NOT a competitive race. Respect fellow          Keep your ears free of headphones or ear-buds
cyclists and their level of cycling experience.         while riding.
Some participants are recreational cyclists.
                                                        Cyclists must dismount at all railroad crossings
Wear your helmet correctly. This is MANDATORY           and walk their bike across the tracks to ensure
and it’s the LAW.                                       their safety.

The roads are open and therefore cyclists must          Ride on the right side of the road, to the right of
always follow the Motor Vehicle Act.                    the white line when possible, to be respectful of
                                                        traffic and to avoid a lineup of vehicles.
Obey all traffic signs and signals at all times.
                                                        Pass on the left. Announce yourself to other
Please ride single file at all times as the road is     cyclists by saying “ON YOUR LEFT”.
narrow with a limited shoulder in many areas.
                                                        When another cyclist is passing you on the left,
For the safety of our cyclists, participants must be    do not turn around. Hold handlebars steady and
10 years of age or older by the date of the tour to     keep your bike straight while maintaining your
take part.                                              speed.
Children between the ages of 10 and 17 MUST             Only use your cell phone when stopped and
have a participating adult over the age of 18           pulled to the right out of bike and vehicle traffic.
responsible for them at all times while on the
route.                                                  Watch out for road hazards such as patches of
                                                        loose gravel on the road.
Cyclists must wait until the tour officially starts
on both days before beginning to ride to ensure         Please respect the communities that we ride
support and rest stops are up and running.              through. They support the MS Society and our
                                                        mission to end MS, and therefore support you too.
Always yield to pedestrians.

                            Training tips
Preparation is important to a smooth ride on event day. While MS Bike is a recreational event, please
consider these four steps to ensure you’re geared up and ready to cycle to end MS.

1    ake sure your bike’s a
    M                                   2   Go ride!                         3   Get informed
    good fit                           Either on your own or with a          Ask your local bike shop about
You may need to have a                 friend, start with short rides to     local cycling clubs. You can
tune-up, or have your seat or          maintain basic cardiovascular         speak with MS staff about
handlebars adjusted. Get this          fitness and work your way up          joining an MS Bike team for
done early in your training to         to longer routes.                     inspiration.
ensure your bike is as ready for
the tour as you are.

                                                                                                           17     Join us online

 Access your Participant Centre to track your
 fundraising progress.
 Learn more about fundraising tips, rewards
 and tools.
 Visit your location page for up-to-date
 event information.

Thank you to our national sponsors

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