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THE 2022 PRO REMODELER OF THE YEAR AWARDS HOW TO GUIDE Make f e clien and and ake n ice i h a PRO Rem dele f he Yea A a d! ENTRIES DUE OCTOBER 30, 2021
INVITATION TO SUBMIT ENTRIES Le e f he P e ide D e a r P R O M i d A t la nt i c m e m b e r s W E L C O M E t o th e f i rs t e v e r P RO M i d A tl an t i c R em o de l e r o f th e Ye a r A w a r d s I n t h e p as t aw ar d s h a v e b e e n a w o nd e r fu l o p p o rt un it y t o s h o w c a s e y o u r fi r m s b e s t a nd b r ig ht es t a nd t o s h ar e y o u r m a s t e ry o f t h e r e m o d e li n g pr o ce ss Bu t thi s y e a r th e r e i s s o m et h i n g m o m e n t o u s t o s h a re It s o nly fi t ti ng i n t h i s y e ar of f i r st s th a t a s R e m o d e l e r o f t he Y e a r A w a r d w in ne rs yo u r f i rm w il l b e re c o g ni ze d A SPECIAL THANK a s t h e v i s i o n a r y and i nsi g h tf u l g r ou p t h a t c h a m p i o n e d a n d YOU TO THE p r i o r i t i z e d o u r l o ca l r e m od e li ng co m m un i t y AWARDS COMMITTEE Congratulations a nd y o u ha v e n t ev en e n te r e d y e t T i m e t o g e t busy SHARON INETAS CHAIR SKY MARBLE GRANITE T h e r e a r e t h r e e n e w a wa r d s p r o gr a m s t o co n si de r T h e P R O INC R e m o d e l e r o f t he Y e a r A w a r d s th e P R O A c hi ev e m e n t A w a r d s a n d t h e P R O M V P A w a r d s I n a d d i t i o n t o R e m o d el e r of t h e ye a r p le a s e GREG HADLEY d o c o n s i d e r n o m i n a ti ng on e of y ou r t e a m m e m be r s f o r t h i s ye a r s CO CHAIR MVP Awards HADLEY PHOTOGRAPHY R e v i e w t h i s b r oc hu r e f or m or e i n f or m at i o n a n d sa m p l e s o f p a st AMY GAETA p r o j e c t s e n t r y c a te go r ie s a nd i n s t r u ct io ns f o r su b m i t t i n g yo ur SUB ZERO GROUP MID ATLANTIC p r o j e c t I f y o u ha ve an y q u e st i on s d o n o t h e si t a te t o r e a c h o u t t o o u r w o n d e r f u l st af f w ho ca n a s s i st w i t h y o u r e n t r y JIM LYNCH FOXCRAFT DESIGN Best of luck GROUP INC M i c h a e l S a u r i P r e s i d e nt KELLEY MILLER T r i V i s t a U S A D e s i gn B ui l d BMC SMOOT RONNA COHEN RETIRED MEMBER SELENA WEAVER W T WEAVER SONS DEBBIE CAIN PRO MID ATLANTIC STAFF Michael Sauri John Moody Sharon Inetas President Chairman Awards of the Board Committee Chair WE ARE GRATEFUL FOR THESE MEMBER COMPANIES SUPPORT OF THE PRO REMODELER OF THE YEAR AWARDS
BENEFITS OF WINNING A PRO REMODELER OF THE YEAR AWARD PRO Remodeler of the Year awards are an excellent opportunity to enhance your reputation among consumers and your peers In 2021 there were 110 entries totaling more than 30 500 000 spent on local remodeling projects Be ef c de Boost team morale and encourage company pride Publi c r ecogn iti on at the E vening o f Exc ellence n ext F ebruary A listi ng i n Ho me De sig n M agaz ine Recog ni t io n o n P RO soc ial media pla tfor ms Inclus io n in PRO P r ess Re le ases Acces s t o t he PRO Remodele r of th e Yea r logo for your mark eting camp ai g ns See e be a a d i i g k h ca ed PROMidA a ic g I DE P R O R E M O D E L E R O F T H E Y E A R A W A R D G UI DE L IN ES R U LE S 3 T I P S F O R A S U C C E S S F U L E N T RY 4 P R O J E C T C A T E G O RI E S 5 PRO MVP TEAM PARTNER AWARDS 11 PRO ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS 12
e GUIDELINES RULES be d e E c O PRO members who had complete oversight of Projects entered in previous Capital Awards the project may submit projects into the competitions may be resubmitted ONLY if they awards program did NOT win an award PRO member companies such as trade Keep in mind you will have to break out costs partners suppliers and service professionals for each category on each entry form Separate that worked on a project may participate as a presentations entry forms and fees are Team Partner with the approval of the required for each entry Remodeler The project total cost includes the contract The project must be completed between price all extras change orders and the fair October 1 2018 and October 1 2021 Note: Due market value of materials and products to Covid, we are extending the project purchased and sweat equity and in kind completion back three years for this season services provided and or any subcontract work only. including all design fees Note: the project cost no longer includes design fees. You may enter up to 15 total entries Please note that ONLY 3 submissions are allowed from the For complete instructions and to submit your entry same company in the same category visit the PRO Awards Entry Portal at The same project may be entered in one category or in multiple categories for additional fees For example if your project included the remodel of an entire house you can enter the Entire House Kitchen Interior and Bathroom categories etc FEES INSTRUCTIONS Opening Entry Date: July 13, 2021 Early Bird Entry Deadline: August 15, 2021 by 5 pm EST - Cost $225 per entry Standard Entry Deadline: October 7, 2021 by 5 pm EST - Cost $250 per entry Late Entry Deadline: October 30, 2021 by 5 pm EST - Cost $275 per entry Team Partner Entry Fee: $125 for each Team Partner per entry Please note payments are not accepted through the PRO Awards Entry Portal Once you submit your entry PRO staff will generate an invoice in the PRO member portal within 24 hours The invoice will be emailed to your billing rep and uploaded to your PRO member portal This invoice will include a link to pay by credit card online To pay by check please send the payment to: PRO Mid Atlantic PO Box 3462 Merrifield Va 22116 postmarked by October 30 2021 Full payment is required prior to judging Team Partner fees will be invoiced separately directly to the associate member company
e TIPS FOR A SUCCESSFUL ENTRY be d e E c O The content of your presentation should tell the story of your project using before after photos diagrams drawings and descriptions Only the details included in your presentation file will be shared with the judges Other documents and photos are used internally for marketing purposes An entry may have a maximum of 30 pages A minimum of one before and three after pictures are required Construction photos are helpful but not required A total of ten photos are strongly recommended Do not include company or homeowner names within the content of any photo file name or description in the presentation A minimum of one before photo is required but the Lead off with a concise project description that helps more the better Show off your project with several lay the groundwork for the judges so they high quality high resolution after photos understand what you were trying to accomplish before getting into the details of the project Plan your entry and arrange photos drawings and descriptions in a way that is easy to follow Keep related before and after pictures near each other and easy comparison Describe the client s needs and wants and how you met those Allow plenty of time to get Homeowner and Photographer Releases Avoid filling up pages with only words P O Re de e EVENING OF EXCELLENCE f he Yea FEBRUARY The 2022 Evening of Excellence will be the best one yet a celebration of our chapter and our members amazing work Join us for a festive night of connecting with old friends and seeing which projects the judges selected We will gather at the Westwood Country Club in Vienna VA and rest assured it s going to be a party The theme is masquerade so think festive not pandemic
PROJECT CATEGORIES T e e e f e e e e PRO Re de e f e Yea A a d The categories designed to show the diversity of PRO members feature a wide variety of project types and price points This year there are 57 categories including the new awards: New Custom Homes and Creative Solutions Please note we adjusted and added some price points in an effort to capture our unique market We look forward to seeing your entries Please reach out to the PRO Mid Atlantic staff with any questions RESIDENTIAL INTERIOR Includes but is not limited to such projects as family or recreation room remodeling office bath or kitchen project with adjacent space home theater or media rooms wine rooms attic conversions etc Work must be done within the existing walls of a residential structure This category does not include basements or room additions Under 100 000 Dead e 100 001 250 000 Oc be 250 001 500 000 Over 500 000 RESIDENTIAL INTERIOR ELEMENT This category represents one special interior element of a project and includes but is not limited to projects such as railings and columns brick stone and masonry work tiling air conditioning and heating fireplaces vestibules insulation kitchen hoods glass block wall finishes such as plaster flooring best use of lighting or lighting control systems or home automation etc Work must have been done to the interior of an existing residential structure The residential interior element must be specified in the entry materials and in the descriptive text in order to qualify Under 30 000 30 000 and over COMMERCIAL INTERIOR Remodel within the existing walls of a commercial structure
PROJECT CATEGORIES RESIDENTIAL KITCHEN Understand that the kitchen is all the judges will look at While other rooms adjacent to the kitchen may be in the photos the kitchen itself is what matters Kitchen projects that include remodeling of any other adjacent space such as a family room dining room mudroom etc should be entered into a Residential InteriorDeadcategory e Under 50 000 50 000 100 000 Oc be 100 001 150 000 Over 150 000 RESIDENTIAL BATH Bathroom projects that include remodeling of any other adjacent space such as a master clothing closet dressing area or make up room etc should be entered into a Residential Interior category Under 25 000 25 000 50 000 50 001 75 000 75 001 100 000 Over 100 000 BASEMENT Work must be done within the existing walls of a residential structure Additions are excluded from this category Under 100 000 100 000 to 250 000 Over 250 000 ENTIRE HOUSE A project that remodeled or renovated a substantial portion of the entire residential house inside and outside or where multiple additions and or style changes in footprint or elevation have been made in more than one location It is recommended the entry include a description of the portions of the existing structure that were incorporated into the finished project Pictures and plans submitted with the entry must highlight those portions of the home retained in the new design Under 350 000 350 000 550 000 550 001 750 000 750 001 1 000 000 Over 1 000 000
PROJECT CATEGORIES RESIDENTIAL ADDITION Includes but is not limited to additions add a levels or attic build outs which increases livable space of the existing home The project is limited to one addition per structure Interior and exterior photos may be used Under 200 000 200 000 350 000 350 001 550 000 Over 550 000 NEW CUSTOM HOME Home may include previously constructed foundation Conditioned living ! space above grade ADU Accessory Dwelling Units should be entered in the Residential Detached Structure category Under 3000 sq ft 3000 5000 sq ft Ne 5001 7000 sq ft Ca e 7001 sq ft and Over RESIDENTIAL DETACHED STRUCTURE Structures such as garages pool houses studios guesthouses accessory dwelling units sheds gazebos pavilions etc remodeled or added to an existing residential property Interior and exterior photos may be used RESIDENTIAL EXTERIOR Includes but is not limited to alterations to the exterior of a residential building such as porticos porches glass or screen enclosures or greenhouse rooms unconditioned spaces windows dormers and exterior resurfacings like siding stucco etc which enhances the overall appearance of the exterior Exterior photos may be used and interior photos of attached unconditioned spaces may also be used Under 50 000 50 000 100 000 100 001 200 000 Over 200 000 RESIDENTIAL EXTERIOR ELEMENT This category represents one special exterior element of a project It includes but is not limited to railings columns masonry work millwork doors water feature fireplaces etc Under 30 000 30 000 and Over COMMERCIAL EXTERIOR Remodeling performed on the exterior of an existing commercial structure HOME AUTOMATION/ENTERTAINMENT/MEDIA Includes but not limited to indoor outdoor whole house integration residential or commercial media home theater smart shades lighting audio video for the whole home smart home control security specialty solutions high performance audio outdoor entertainment systems and environmental security integration
PROJECT CATEGORIES CREATIVE SOLUTIONS This entry may be part of a larger job a built in for example Small parts of larger projects showing evidence of superior craftsmanship design element storage solution decorative element and adaption of existing space to new lifestyle changes can be entered into this category Projects in this category can ! also be entered as part of a project in another applicable category Under 15 000 Ne 15 000 and Over Ca e COMMERCIAL SPECIALTY Includes but is not limited to such projects or operations as cosmetic facelift siding roofing insulation window door railing columns brick stone masonry work tiling solar panels air conditioning heating gutters and leaders etc Work must have been done to an existing commercial structure Landscape Outdoor Living projects done for a non residential project whether or not an existing structure exists may also be submitted in this category The commercial specialty must be included on your entry form and in the descriptive text to qualify RESIDENTIAL LANDSCAPE DESIGN/OUTDOOR LIVING Includes but is not limited to landscaping pathways driveways patios pagodas outdoor kitchens decks terraces pools spas etc Work is not exclusive to existing structures Commercial projects should be entered in Commercial Specialty Under 100 000 100 000 250 000 Over 250 000 RESIDENTIAL HISTORICAL RENOVATION/ RESTORATION The renovation restoration of the interior and or exterior of a residential structure or addition to a residential structure originally built at least 75 years ago Any and all changes are to have closely matched architectural style and building type Any and all products used are to be of a material authentic in style to the area in which the building was originally built paying special attention to period coloring and period trim detail Restoration of missing historic features and added structures are to respect the essential architectural style and historic character of original building design Under 250 000 Over 250 000 GREEN - RESIDENTIAL INTERIORS Interior remodeling projects that utilize sustainable eco friendly standards and practices Projects entered in this category must meet criteria for Residential Kitchens Residential Baths Residential Interiors Residential Interior Element or Basements any price point and must complete and submit the Green Category Checklist Projects entered in this category may also be entered into the appropriate Kitchen Bath Interior Interior Element or Basement category separately with additional fee All Green entries will be judged by Green Certified Professionals
PROJECT CATEGORIES GREEN - RESIDENTIAL EXTERIORS Exterior remodeling projects that utilize sustainable eco friendly standards and practices Projects entered in this category must meet criteria for Residential Exteriors Residential Detached Structure or Landscape Design Outdoor Living any price point and must complete and submit the Green Category Checklist Projects entered in this category may also be entered into the appropriate Exterior Detached Structure or Landscape Design Outdoor Living category separately with additional fee All Green entries will be judged by Green Certified Professionals GREEN - ENTIRE HOUSE/ADDITION Projects Entire House or Addition remodeling projects that utilize sustainable eco friendly standards and practices Projects entered in this category must meet criteria for Entire House Residential Addition or Residential Historical Renovation Restoration any price point and must complete and submit the Green Category Checklist Projects entered in this category may also be entered into the appropriate Entire House Addition or Residential Historical Renovation Restoration category separately with additional fee All Green entries will be judged by Green Certified Professionals UNIVERSAL DESIGN - KITCHEN Kitchen remodeling projects utilizing Universal Design standards and practices Projects entered in this category must meet criteria for Residential Kitchens any price point and must complete and submit the Universal Design Category Checklist Projects entered in this category may also be entered into the appropriate Kitchen category separately with additional fee All Universal Design entries will be judged by Universal Design Certified Professionals UNIVERSAL DESIGN - BATH Bathroom remodeling projects utilizing Universal Design standards and practices Projects entered in this category must meet criteria for Residential Bath any price point and must complete and submit the Universal Design Category Checklist Projects entered in this category may also be entered into the appropriate Bath category separately with additional fee All Universal Design entries will be judged by Universal Design Certified Professionals UNIVERSAL DESIGN - INTERIORS Interior remodeling projects utilizing Universal Design standards and practices Projects entered in this category must meet criteria for Residential Interiors Basements Interior Element or Additions any price point and must complete and submit the Universal Design Category Checklist Projects entered in this category may also be entered into the appropriate Interior Basement or Addition category separately with additional fee All Universal Design entries will be judged by Universal Design Certified Professionals
PROJECT CATEGORIES UNIVERSAL DESIGN - EXTERIORS Exterior remodeling projects utilizing Universal Design standards and practices Projects entered in this category must meet criteria for Residential Exterior or Landscape Design Outdoor Living any price point and must complete and submit the Universal Design Category Checklist Projects entered in this category may also be entered into the appropriate Residential Exterior or Landscape Design Outdoor Living category separately with additional fee All Universal Design entries will be judged by Universal Design Certified Professionals UNIVERSAL DESIGN - ENTIRE HOUSE Entire House remodeling projects utilizing Universal Design standards and practices Projects entered in this category must meet criteria for Entire House Detached Structure or Residential Historical Renovation Restoration any price point and must complete and submit the Universal Design Category Checklist Projects entered in this category may also be entered into the appropriate Entire House Detached Structure or Residential Historical Renovation Restoration category separately with additional fee All Universal Design entries will be judged by Universal Design Certified Professionals Cost is defined as construction contract price, all extras, change orders and the fair market value of materials and products that were purchased, sweat equity and in kind services provided, and or any subcontract work. The cost of all homeowner provided products, services, or labor should be included in this cost. All mark ups and profit should be included in the cost provided. For member owned projects, costs should include normal mark ups as if the project was contracted to an outside client. Note: the project cost no longer includes design fees. P c e f e e Ca a A a d e WINN Design Build Bowers Design Build Rust Construction Landis Architects Builders Capital Design LLC Sun Design Remodeling Specialists Inc Michael Nash Design Build Homes FineCraft Contractors Inc Case Architects Remodelers MOSS Building Design Atlas Moran Construction Lofft Construction Inc Superior Construction Services LLC KohlMark Group Marks Woods Construction Services LLC Schroeder Design Build Inc Blue Star TriVistaUSA Design Build
e PRO MVP AWARDS TEAM PARTNER AWARDS be d e E c O Is your team the best in the industry? The PRO MVP Award will recognize members who have achieved excellence in their company positions Each member company may enter more than one award category and unlimited entries per category DESIGNER OF THE YEAR The Designer of the Year Award may be presented to an individual representing a chapter member company who demonstrates excellence in the areas of design creativity implementation and collaboration LEAD CARPENTER OF THE YEAR The Lead Carpenter of the Year Award may be presented to an individual representing a chapter member company who demonstrates excellence in the areas of leadership management workmanship customer service and collaboration PROJECT MANAGER OF THE YEAR The Project Manager of the Year Award may be presented to an individual representing a chapter member company who demonstrates excellence in the areas of leadership management workmanship and customer service OFFICE MANAGER OF THE YEAR The Office Manager of the Year Award may be presented to an individual representing a chapter member company who demonstrates excellence in the areas of leadership management organization and collaboration MARKETING MANAGER OF THE YEAR The Marketing Manager of the Year Award may be presented to an individual representing a chapter member company who demonstrates excellence in the areas of leadership management creativity implementation and collaboration Getting Started Review the entry requirements online at www PROMidAtlantic org mvp Members in good standing are eligible to submit entries for a fee of 100 per entry All entry fees are non refundable non transferable and cannot be carried over to subsequent years Please submit your nominations on the PRO Awards Entry Portal by October 30 2021 Team Partner Entry Rules Team Partners must be PRO members in good standing and have the approval of the Remodeler to be included as a Team Partner on the project Approval is given automatically when a contractor lists a Team Partner in their entry The Team Partner entry fee is 125 with no limit to the number of team partners on a single project Team Partner entry fees will be invoiced separately can be paid by the Remodeler at the time they submit their project or be billed directly to the Team Partner afterwards by PRO Staff All Team Partner entry payments are prior to judging Team Partner of the Year Award This award will be presented to a PRO member company who has the most Team Partner project entries during the PRO Awards season Note: minimum of one 1 Team Partner entry required
PRO ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS Each year PRO Mid Atlantic recognizes those who have achieved excellence in their trade service to the community and all around image Please help us recognize those individuals by nominating someone for one or more of the following categories: IMAGE AWARD The Image Award is designed to recognize those members who have made significant contributions to the professional public image of the association and the remodeling industry Recognition as a result of participation in charitable or community projects active in public relations media or government affairs and issues involving the remodeling industry published articles about the remodeling industry in which service and professionalism is described BEN OSBORNE AWARD Ben Osborne was a beloved member of our association and helped pen the pledge to our code of ethics This award is a lifetime achievement award in Ben s honor to recognize long time members for accomplishments awards local community involvement professionalism and dedication to our industry COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD The Community Service Award will be presented to a PRO member individual or firm who donates time energy and materials to help area individuals or groups in need The aid could be related to construction services rendered for free or simply time and material help in conjunction with another organization s effort This award is judged on value of contribution to community over time and potential future benefits CONTRACTOR S CHOICE AWARD The Contractor s Choice Award will be given to a PRO supplier subcontractor or professional service member individual or firm who has made a significant contribution to the chapter and the remodeling industry by providing exceptional services during the year NEW MEMBER OF THE YEAR AWARD The New Member of the Year Award is designed to recognize a member individual or firm who has made significant contributions to the professional public image of the association and the industry The nominee must have joined PRO within the past two years GUILD QUALITY SERVICE EXCELLENCE AWARD In order to be recognized as the Guild Quality Service Excellence Award winner a member must achieve a recommendation rate of 90 as well as a certain response rate based on volume More details about entry will be available soon Please submit your nominations on the PRO Awards Entry Portal by October 30 2021 C a a e W e IMAGE AWARD TEAM PARTNER OF THE YEAR AWARD Schroeder Design Build Inc Ferguson PRESIDENT'S AWARD CONTRACTOR'S CHOICE AWARD Cindy McClure MCR GCP Ed Messick and Barrons Grossmueller s Design Consultants Inc COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD BEN OSBORNE AWARD MOSS Building Design and David Merrick MCR UDCP Synergy Design Construction Merrick Design and Build Inc MVP AWARD NEW MEMBER OF THE YEAR AWARD Marketing Manager of the Year Thomas Croessmann Kara Hill Croessmann Westberg P C Marks Woods Construction Services
Contractor's Choice Award
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