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SUMMER 2022                                                                                              #AIRSIDEINT

                                 THE SEARCH FOR ECO-FRIENDLY ENERGY

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                Keeps it moving.
Mike Bryant

                       elcome to the            and GAT Airline Ground Support to get the
                       Summer 2022 issue of     views of changing times from the industry’s
                       Airside International,   handlers.
                       in which the first of
                       the features relate      Going green is an ongoing theme of these
                       to the perennial         pages, no more so than when the UK’s
challenge of preventing aircraft damage.        Birmingham Airport and Farnborough
Megan Ramsay looks at how technology,           Airport both detail to Airside their
training and agreed standards of operations     impressive sustainability strategies. And
might help to mitigate the danger.              Edmonton International Airport in Canada is
                                                also doing its bit, looking to convert airside
This issue’s other two features concern the     vehicles to run on combined hydrogen and
little-discussed business of airside drainage   diesel fuel. These are all parts of the wider
and water recycling, and the continuing         efforts being made by the aviation industry
trend amongst ground service providers for      to minimise harmful carbon emissions and
electric ground power units (GPUs).             contribute to a more sustainable future.

We get the latest news from two of the bigger   In the ever-changing field of technology,
GSE lessors – Mercury GSE and HiSERV – and      we chat with Lana Jansen of WePlan,
catch up with GSE manufacturers based in        which offers a software-as-a-service (SaaS)
Turkey (DENGE Airport Equipment) and            platform that enables airlines to optimise
Thailand (Bliss-Fox Panus GSE).                 their crew manpower deployment on a
                                                continual basis, and take a look at Schiphol’s
We meet with ADB SAFEGATE Airport               decision to acquire two innovative TaxiBot
Systems’ global sales director digital          semi-robotic pushbacks.
solutions, Ilya Burkin, who explains how the
company is helping airports to digitalise in    Finally, we look forward to late summer and
order to improve both safety and efficiency     the launch of a new European exhibition
in many areas of their operations, and also     dedicated to GSE – GSE Expo Europe – to
speak with ground service providers Havas       be held in Paris this September.

                         We hope you enjoy the issue.

James Sheridan                   Parveen Raja                     Ian Talbot
Chairman                         Publisher                        Sales Manager            

Charlotte Willis                 Gemma Keen                       Alpha Diallo
Office Manager                   Events Coordinator               Graphic Designer          

Shobhana Patel                   Salam Raja                       Sohail Ahmad
Head of Finance                  Producer                         Digital Sales Manager            

Eddie Saunders                   Olivia Pilling                   Haider King
Editorial Assistant              Conference Producer              Delegate Sales             
Contents                        SUMMER 2022

                                                         04 Preventing aircraft damage

                                                         10 Powering up for the future
Issue 58
                                                         16 Bliss-Fox Panus GSE supports India’s focus
Content may not be
reproduced in any format
                                                             on electric equipment for the ramp
without written permission
from EVA International
Media Ltd                                                20 Sustainable options for airport drainage
                                      04                     and easy access
Join the conversation
Twitter: @airsideint
Linkedin: /airside-
international                                            26 GAT to introduce autonomous airside
                                                             driving technology
Advertising contact
Ian Talbot, Sales Manager
T: + 44 (0) 20 8253 4011
                                                         30 Havas expands its overseas footprint

Address changes and
subscriptions:                                     36 Farnborough Airport vehicles switch
ISSN 1755-8697
                                                             from diesel to vegetable oil

                                      10                 42 Birmingham Airport commits to net
EVA INTERNATIONAL MEDIA LTD                                  carbon-zero operations

The opinions expressed in
this publication are those                               46 Hydrogen offers an alternative to simple
of the individual authors                                    diesel at Edmonton
or advertisers and do not
necessarily reflect those of
EVA or its members.
                                                         52 HiSERV assists AeroGround handling
The mention of specific                                      operations in Berlin
companies or products in
articles or advertisements
contained herein does not                                54 Mercury GSE: meeting specialist needs
imply that they are endorsed
or recommended by EVA.

Published by:
EVA International Media ltd           56                 56 DENGE celebrates 40 years of success
Boswell Cottage
19 South End, Croydon
London, CR0 1BE, UK

Tel: +44 (0) 20 8253 4000                                58 ADB SAFEGATE looks to digitalised airports
Fax: +44 (0) 20 8603 7369                                    of the future

Printed by:
                                                         62 All-new GSE Expo Europe set for Paris
The Manson Group Limited                                     in September
St Albans, Hertfordshire
AL3 6PZ, United Kingdom
                                                         64 WePlan facilitates efficient airline
Distributed By:
Asendia UK LTD
                                                             workforce planning
Heathrow Estate
Silver Jubilee Way
Hounslow, TW4 6NF
                                      64                 67 Schiphol to invest in two TaxiBots

2                  Airside International | Summer 2022
F E AT U R E | P R E V E N T I N G A I R C R A F T D A M A G E

                                                                                                                 ADB SAFEGATE’s Safedock
                                                                                                                     A-VDGS helps prevent
                                                                                                                     accidents on the apron

Preventing aircraft damage
Aircraft are vulnerable to damage caused by the vehicles that service them
on the ramp coming into contact with them – an increasingly expensive (and
potentially very dangerous) occurrence, as more and more aircraft are made
of easily damaged composite materials. Technology is helping to reduce
such incidents, while proper training and consistent standards are also
essential. Megan Ramsay reports

                    ccidents and incidents      people and, of course, aircraft whose pilots   parking position and the next taxiing
                    involving aircraft on       have limited visibility from a flight deck.    aircraft collided with its tail – the apron is
                    the ground are by no           From hazards like foreign object debris     clearly a high-risk environment.
                    means infrequent,           (FOD) and GSE; to wingtip collisions owing        David Stark, consulting director and
                    especially on the           to the non-observance of clearances; to        practice leader of enterprise risk services
                    apron. This is a very       events like a recent accident in Istanbul      at insurance broker and risk advisor Marsh
congested area, populated by vehicles,          where an aircraft stopped short of its         McLennan, outlines several reasons for

4         Airside International | Summer 2022
P R E V E N T I N G A I R C R A f T D A M A G E | F E AT U R E

aircraft damage: inconsistencies in risk                                                        results in safer operations.
management, policies or procedures;                                                                “For example, our Safedock A-VDGS
variability in maintenance and inspection                                                       helps prevent accidents through apron
of equipment and infrastructure; “non-                                                          scans that check for obstacles and debris;
conforming operational behaviours in                                                            tail and wingtip clearance checks; aircraft
the airside environment, as a result of                                                         verification to make sure the approaching
insufficient supervision, enforcement of                                                        aircraft is the correct type for the stand (if
protocols, and high staff turnover”; and                                                        not, the parking procedure can be aborted);
variability in the methods used to assess                                                       and approach monitoring to ensure aircraft
hazards, evaluate risk management and                                                           enter the stand correctly, in alignment with
apply continuous improvement.                                                                   the correct centre line.”
   According to Stark, there are also                                                              Other safety features include detection of
inconsistencies in reporting cultures across                                                    unauthorised pushback, with an alert sent to
airline networks and maintenance, repair                                                        air traffic control (ATC), ground operations
                                                 Peter Håkansson, ADB SAFEGATE’s product
and overhaul (MRO) stations. “This can           manager, gate                                  staff, the pilot and the pushback driver.
lead to uncertainties and delays in incident                                                       Plus: “We can set rules to prevent
investigation, assignment of contractual                                                        pushbacks taking place on opposite stands
responsibilities, and insurance claim              There is also of course potential for the    at the same time,” Håkansson goes on.
lodgement and resolution,” he points out.        damage to go unseen and/or unreported, a       “We can create interlocking rules, too; for
   Furthermore: “As modern airframes             potentially extremely dangerous situation.     instance, if a passenger boarding bridge
are increasingly comprised of composite                                                         (PBB) is not in a safe position, we would
materials, airworthiness can be impacted by      Solutions                                      not allow the aircraft to park. Another
incidents that may have previously presented     One approach to reduce so-called ‘ramp         important aspect is low visibility. Pilots have
less of a risk, such as a small scrape or dent   rash’ is to implement technological            a big responsibility and their view is even
caused by a ground service vehicle.”             solutions that reduce the possibility of       more restricted than usual in low visibility
   Either way, damage to aircraft is costly      human error causing damage to aircraft.        conditions, so it’s essential to have tools to
not only in terms of the necessary repairs         ADB SAFEGATE is one company                  support them in those conditions.”
but also because of the interruption to          that provides systems of this type. Peter         ADB SAFEGATE also improves
business when turnaround is delayed as a         Håkansson, product manager, gate at ADB        transparency, as the information the system
result of an incident. Damage to aircraft        SAFEGATE, says: “We believe airports           collects is provided to airport operations,
is expensive, and the bill, Stark says, often    should automate as much as possible,           engineers, IT and management via its
comes in below insurance deductibles.            removing opportunity for human error           SafeControl Apron Management (SAM)

                                                                                                Summer 2022 |                 5
F E AT U R E | P R E V E N T I N G A I R C R A F T D A M A G E

                                                                                                         the world may occur, as personnel have not
                                                                                                         performed their duties for some time.”
                                                                                                            Monika Mejstrikova, director of
                                                                                                         ground operations at the International
                                                                                                         Air Transport Association (IATA),
                                                                                                         acknowledged at the 33rd IATA Ground
                                                                                                         Handling Conference (IGHC) in November
                                                                                                         2021 that: “Many skilled employees have
                                                                                                         left the industry and are not coming back.
                                                                                                         And recruiting, training and accrediting
                                                                                                         new staff can take up to six months.”
                                                                                                            The potential for safety on the ramp to
                                                                                                         suffer under such conditions is clear; but
                                                                                                         has it? According to Swissport head of
                                                                                                         quality and safety David Anderson, the
                                                                                                         answer is a definite ‘no’.
solution. Data is available for all parties        Skills gap                                               He explains: “We haven’t seen any direct
to view in a central system, which has the         An increasingly prevalent headache in                 correlation between people coming back
flexibility to allow staff to access data at       aviation is the widening skills gap that results      from furlough, or new starters, and aircraft
home or on a mobile device, so that in the         from the loss of older, more experienced staff        damage incident rates. Re-induction of
event of a critical incident, they are alerted     alongside a lack of new, younger employees            furloughed employees is tailored to how
and can take action.                               willing to work their way up.                         long they have been away and what they
   ADB SAFEGATE’s gate solutions are                  Covid-19 has exacerbated the situation as          need to revise.
present at 47 of the world’s 50 biggest            many staff approaching retirement age have               “Like other handlers, the number of
airports, and: “We hold regular discussions        left employment early rather than return              passenger flights we handled during Covid
with customers and partners to identify            from furlough. Those who have returned                dropped but cargo flights increased, so in
problems, operational challenges and               from furlough, naturally, have perhaps not            many areas our people maintained recency.
accidents/incidents and then work                  been keeping their skills sharp for some              Plus, from a handler’s perspective, the same
together to solve them,” Håkansson says.           time in the interim.                                  basic procedures and safety considerations
Indeed: “This is a big force driving our              Stark cautions: “As air travel resumes,            apply whether handling a cargo or
development.”                                      accidents in the ramp area of airports across         passenger flight.”

EU regulatory developments
               ince 2018, EASA (the European       containing Acceptable Means of Compliance                In late April, the EASA spokesperson said:
               Union Aviation Safety Agency)       and Guidance Material to support the                  “In the coming weeks and months EASA will
               has been working towards the        implementation of the requirements included           have several focused consultation sessions
               establishment of a set of ground    in the regulation.                                    with the EASA Advisory Bodies [composed of
               handling objectives designed           “As far as we can tell from the current drafting   representatives of the EASA member states
               to ensure that ground service       phase and the feedback from the experts with          and the European Commission, among other
providers follow only safe procedures in           whom we are working, the regulation will              entities] on the first draft of the Opinion. We
their handling on the ramp. Regulation (EU)        not provide detailed requirements on ground           will also organise a webinar on 30 June, open
2018/1139 will mean that, instead of having to     handling operational procedures, because              to the public (
comply with 27 different requirements at EU        these are the first and fastest ones to change        newsroom-and-events/events/webinar-eu-
aerodromes, handlers will have only one set of     and update, to include lessons learned from           ground-handling-regulation).
rules to follow.                                   daily operations, new technologies, etc, and a           “The purpose of the webinar and the focused
   While the pandemic has delayed progress,        regulation cannot keep pace with this rhythm of       consultation is to provide some clarification on
EASA and a group of experts representing           change,” an EASA spokesperson said.                   the draft rules, obtain the first feedback from
all affected stakeholders are now working             “It will instead establish the high-level safety   industry and member states, to see if we are
on the draft rules and it is expected that the     objectives that a provider of ground handling         heading in the right direction to address the
regulation will be published in 2024. Thereafter   services must comply with in order to ensure          needs already identified in 2019, and to collect
EASA will publish an associated decision           safety of its operation.”                             their suggestions and recommendations.”

6         Airside International | Summer 2022
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F E AT U R E | P R E V E N T I N G A I R C R A F T D A M A G E

IGOM update

          n February, IATA launched          But it must be implemented to be
          the IGOM Portal – what it          effective. The IGOM Portal will
          describes as an online platform    provide the means to understand
          where, with the IATA Ground        variances and manage adoption.”
          Operations Manual (IGOM)              He continues: “The safety gains from
          as the primary reference,          global standardisation have been proven
airlines and ground service providers        as aviation has developed. Along with
can exchange information, including          facilitating global adoption of IGOM, the
any variations, on their ground handling     IGOM Portal will establish a baseline
requirements.                                to measure and manage the global
  “Safe and secure on-time                   adoption of IGOM, which will also lead
turnarounds are a priority for airlines      to significant efficiency gains.
and a critical deliverable for GSPs             “With greater standardisation, for
[ground service providers],” says Nick       example, GSPs will see a reduced need
Careen, IATA senior vice president           for airline specific training and will
operations, safety and security.             more easily be able to deploy staff
“Standardisation of procedures               across multiple customers,” Careen
through the IGOM is a key enabler.           concludes.

                                                a global pandemic, and in the far-from-       be assigned to other roles.” Plus: “It’s safer
                                                predictable post-Covid world, Håkansson is    when we are less dependent on human
                                                confident that automation has a big part to   beings. The next step is autonomous
                                                play in enabling airports to keep pace with   decision making to prevent potential
                                                demand.                                       accidents or incidents,” he adds.
                                                   “Traffic fluctuates, and automation can       At some point, Anderson says, “We
                                                solve the resource issues our industry        expect to see automated and non-automated
                                                faces: airports can cope with a rise in       vehicles working together on the apron.
                                                traffic, or also a sudden drop in traffic,    This may increase risk in the short term,
                                                without re-hiring or laying off staff,” he    but with planning and co-ordination that is
                                                points out.                                   fixable. We will then get to the point where
                                                   Increased automation has other             all vehicles on the ramp are automated. We
                                                benefits, too. “First, an automated system    could consider designating one section of
                                                improves safety for staff because they are    an airport as a totally automated area, and
Swissport’s David Anderson                      no longer required to walk around on          then expand from there.”
                                                the ramp. Second, remote marshalling             The technology is available – self-
                                                allows staff to monitor operations from an    parking/self-driving cars are often cited as
   Anderson says the core of Swissport’s        office, operations room or vehicle using      an example – but a great deal of investment
staff have remained with the company            a mobile device. This leads to efficiency     in equipment and infrastructure will
through the pandemic. The handler has also      gains, because it’s possible to monitor       be required in order to achieve greater
increased its staff with a high volume of       multiple stands or gates at once. Third,      automation on the apron.
new recruits – over 30,000 people globally      working conditions are improved as staff         At an industry level, standardisation is top
across all business units.                      are not exposed to safety and health issues   of the agenda when it comes to preventing
   “This is very positive as it demonstrates    (including noise and particulate emissions)   aircraft damage. Should this be a case of top-
that the industry is picking up and there       on the ramp,” Håkansson advises.              down imposition of rules? Not necessarily,
is no evidence to suggest that there is an         “Automation enables staff to work more     Anderson says. “We need to continue the
adverse impact on safety,” Anderson says.       efficiently. They can focus on other tasks    drive for standardisation and simplification
   Under the specific circumstances of          to further improve turnaround times or        – and we don’t need regulation to do that; we

8         Airside International | Summer 2022
P R E V E N T I N G A I R C R A f T D A M A G E | F E AT U R E

                                                    should be able to do it collaboratively as an      forward if the industry is to achieve a
                                                    industry,” he affirms.                             greater standardisation and, in turn, reduce
                                                      “Turnaround should be done the same              incidents on the ramp.
                                                    way every time; it is a repeatable process,           At Swissport, all new GSE is fitted with
                                                    especially when you consider that airlines         enhancements such as proximity sensors
                                                    are all buying their equipment from a              as a baseline, and complies with IATA’s
                                                    couple of suppliers, so different procedures       AHM Chapter 9 guidelines. According to
                                                    should not be necessary. Every time we             Anderson: “The challenge I see coming
                                                    standardise, we lower the risk,” he believes.      from airlines to handlers is that you have
                                                      While recognising that industry                  to be certain about investment. At what
                                                    standardisation has moved on significantly         point do you invest in automation and what
                                                    in the last ten years, Anderson feels that         technical solution do you adopt?
                                                    there is more to be done.                             “We have to consider our landlords’
                                                      He observes: “When an airline has an             requirements versus our aspirations in
                                                    incident, it will change its procedures,           terms of automation and environmental
                                                    and the same is true of ground handlers.           performance. We all have to collaborate
                                                    This is for a good reason and it’s done            with other players to make sure we stay
                                                    with the best of intentions – we are all           aligned with work other parties are doing
                                                    trying to improve safety – but it results in       on the airfield.
                                                    non-standard procedures.”                             “We need a co-ordinated industry
                                                      Training staff on each airline’s particular      approach to allow us to maximise the
                                                    requirements is not helping matters either;        benefit of technology – and this should
                                                    Anderson believes that IGOM (the IATA              probably be led by IATA with involvement
                                                    Ground Operations Manual) is the way               of the airport authorities,” he adds.

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                                                                                                       Summer 2022 |                     9
F E AT U R E | G P U s

                                                                                                    As well as mobile GPUs, ITW GSE also
                                                                                                   supplies pre-conditioned air units (PCAs)
                                                                                                and power coils, such as these at Bangkok’s
                                                                                                         Suvarnabhumi International Airport

Powering up for
the future
The trend towards battery-powered ground power
units (GPUs) continues, perhaps at a faster pace
than ever before. Meanwhile, GPU suppliers are
already benefiting from the ongoing recovery in the
aviation industry                                                                            Poul Elvstrøm, vice-president global
                                                                                                sales & marketing at ITW GSE

                          ith              its operations back nearly a century.        impact of the downturn in the aviation
                          manufacturing       2019 marked an ‘all-time high’ for        sector was not felt too badly even in the
                          set-ups in       ITW GSE sales, says Poul Elvstrøm, its       worst of times, Elvstrøm recalls (and by
                          both Florida     vice-president global sales & marketing.     its very nature, the business of selling
                          in the US and    The company “had a really good year”,        GPUs and PCAs is one that involves long
                          in Odense,       and by the end of 2019 its order book        lead times for orders and deliveries, given
Denmark, ITW GSE offers GPUs,              was bulging. Thus, when the Covid-19         that sales depend largely on major airport
PCAs, cables and hoses to the aviation     pandemic hit in 2020, devastating the        development programmes).
industry, serving both the commercial      global aviation industry as passenger           So, while flying passenger numbers
and military sectors.                      numbers dropped through the floor, ITW       dropped around the world by some
  It has supplied equipment to customers   GSE was well placed to survive the ordeal.   60% or so that year, the impact on ITW
in more than 100 countries, and can date      That large order backlog meant that the   GSE was less keenly felt, although sales

10       Airside International | Summer 2022
G P U s | F E AT U R E

did fall somewhat in 2020, Elvstrøm
informs. Some projects continued
relatively unaffected, such as the huge
development programme at Qatar’s Doha
International Airport as the capital gears
up for this year’s football/soccer World
Cup. Another big customer that year was
the US Coast Guard, illustrating that
new, non-commercial sector business can
sometimes compensate when commercial
business falls away.
  ITW GSE is part of a much larger ITW
business that is “very financially stable”, says
Elvstrøm, and this too has helped the former
over the past difficult couple of years.
  During the pandemic, ITW GSE had two
main priorities, Elvstrøm reports: first, putting
the health and safety of its own employees at
the forefront of all thinking (“People are the
cornerstone of our business,” he says) and,                              The ITW GSE 7400 production line in Palmetto, in the US

second, concentrating its efforts around
doing everything possible to support its            the intention of ‘winning the recovery’:         along with it. Hence, training, education
‘80s’: the 20% of customers who provide             ie, being in the best possible position to       and developing talent have remained
80% of its business.                                meet the needs of the market once it does        important, while sales and marketing
  Over and above these two priorities was           return to normality, and therefore grow          efforts have in no way slowed down.

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                                                                                                     Summer 2022 |             11
F E AT U R E | G P U s

                                                                                                  had been something of a dream, for most
                                                                                                  GSE types it is now more than realisable
                                                                                                  in terms of the maturity of the technology
                                                                                                  involved; what is holding the move from
                                                                                                  diesel to electric back, he considers, is the
                                                                                                  lack of sufficient charging infrastructure
                                                                                                  at many airports.
                                                                                                     Thus, as well as the battery-driven
                                                                                                  GPUs that ITW GSE now offers (of
                                                                                                  which more later), the efficient use of
                                                                                                  power at airports is key, he says. Hence
                                                                                                  ITW GSE’s development of ‘Intelligent
                                                                                                  Power Management’ (IPM) options. IPM
                                                                                                  is described as a ‘complete gate power
                                                                                                  system’ that allows airports to enjoy the
                                                                                                  ‘smart exploitation’ of installed power
                                                                                                  based on data-driven innovation. In
                                                                                                  essence, it involves an ITW GSE installed
                                                                                                  PCA monitoring and sharing power across
                                                                                                  all gate systems in order to exploit the
     ITW GSE’s sales director Lars Vestergaard and TCR asset director Arnaud Dewit                difference between installed power and
          celebrate the 100th eGPU to come off ITW GSE’s 90 kVA production line
                                                                                                  actual consumption by equipment at any
                                                                                                  given time.
   Quality has always been a priority              market may bounce back with vigour, not           According to Elvstrøm, airport
for ITW GSE. Initially, both its US                so much China perhaps but other markets        operators can readily see the benefits of
and Danish facilities were certified to            such as Indonesia, the Philippines and         such a system, while ITW GSE is also
ISO 9001 standard. However, as ITW                 Taiwan. And, in particular, he is of the       talking to carriers such as United Airlines
GSE decided to apply for ISO 14001                 mind that India may well represent             who, too, have seen the cost-saving and
certification too, it felt natural to streamline   the biggest potential boom in airport          efficiencies that IPM represents.
all quality processes and guidelines across        development projects and consequent               ITW GSE has long emphasised the
the two facilities. Achieving that took time       demand for GSE and infrastructure such         value of electric GPUs, given that diesel
but, at the end of the day, it is of great         as GPUs and PCAs.                              GPUs are one of the main contributors
benefit, says Elvstrøm.                              “So, the global passenger recovery may       of harmful emissions in the business
   All this helped ITW GSE to “gain                be slow,” Elvstrøm notes, but airport          of turning around aircraft on stand.
additional market share” last year, when it        projects will be driven by regional and        Just recently, it celebrated the 100th 90
recovered half of the business that it had         national dynamics as much as by increased      kVA, 400Hz eGPU rolling off its Odense
lost during the first year of the pandemic.        passenger numbers across the world.            production line. Plus, when Elvstrøm
It is now almost fully recovered, says                                                            spoke to Airside in the spring, he pointed
Elvstrøm, and excellently positioned to            Product development                            out that ITW GSE had received orders for
benefit from the growing confidence that           The pandemic also didn’t put a stop            no less than 21 eGPUs in just the previous
is now evident in the aviation sector.             to ITW GSE’s spending on research              fortnight – an unprecedented number.
   As well as the Doha project, other              and development (R&D). In fact, says              ITW GSE can now offer battery-
major airport development programmes               Elvstrøm, it is investing more on R&D          powered GPUs for all types of commercial
in Bangalore in India, at the Red Sea              today than ever before. Much of its new        aircraft, he continues, as well as serving
International Airport under construction           product development is driven by the           the military market (270V DC 400Hz
in Saudi Arabia, and at Amsterdam Airport          ever-increasing emphasis on greater            battery GPUs for the F35/Joint Strike
Schiphol have also brought in plenty of            sustainability in the aviation industry, not   Fighter (JSF), for example).
work. The Middle East region in general            least in demand for GSE that minimises            New PCA offerings are also coming on
continues to be a plentiful source of demand       (or eliminates) harmful emissions.             line. ITW GSE expects to begin rolling out
for new GPUs and PCAs, and this year                 The last few years have been                 its new PCA 3500 later this year, a system
Elvstrøm is expecting the North American           fundamental in the development of              that Elvstrøm says will be very efficient
market in particular to pick up strongly.          technologies that make battery-powered         in term of power consumption while
   Beyond that, next year and then into            GSE financially viable, Elvstrøm               offering a high degree of reliability. It will
2024, he believes that the Asia-Pacific            considers. When previously, electric GSE       be manufactured both in Odense and on

12        Airside International | Summer 2022
    Maintenance Metrics

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F E AT U R E | G P U s

ITW GSE’s Florida production line.
   All in all, ITW GSE is looking to the
future with plenty of optimism, Elvstrøm
declares. It is forecasting between 6 and
9% annual growth for the business in the
next few years as it benefits from what
it hopes will be a rapid recovery in the
international aviation industry.

Guinault makes the most of the lull
in the market
For Saint Cyr-en Val, France-based GPU
and ACU supplier Guinault, the Covid-19
pandemic undoubtedly “deeply hurt the
GSE business", says the company’s CEO,
Lionel Clermont.
  On the other hand, Guinault has
been using this ‘quiet time’ to design
improvements and increase its range
of products, he says, pointing to
developments in the areas of:
  •    A 400Hz battery-powered GPU
       based on safe, modular LFP                   Guinault’s EGA battery-powered GPU
  •    Air-conditioning units for aircraft    options taking into account variables such      •   Mobile and autonomous 400Hz
       that feature unique ‘no-frost’         as the type of aircraft, its configuration,         GPUs, whether diesel or electric
       technology as well as enjoying         airline operator processes, and so on.          •   50-60/400Hz frequency converter
       efficient power control                  Full APU-OFF capability remains “a                GPUs
  •    A combined GPU and ACU unit            key Guinault target”, Clermont informs,         •   Mobile and autonomous air
       fitted with Guinault’s unique          as it has been over the past decade.                separation unit (ASU) air
       dual-voltage 400Hz alternator and      New, dedicated greener and smarter                  compressors
       ‘no-frost’ technology                  technologies serve this purpose, he says.       •   Combined solutions involving
                                                “Specialisation and technological                 ACU, GPUs and PCA at 400Hz
  Meanwhile, Guinault has embedded            vertical integration is the backbone of
digital technology in its offering enabling   the company,” Clermont declares. “In            And business is getting better and
remote monitoring capability to be            this way the company can independently        better, Clermont states, though it varies
improved and ensuring both highly efficient   design optimal purpose-built solutions,”      from one continent to another according
technical support and the extremely useful    he adds, using modern technologies            to the local pandemic situation. There
‘APU-OFF’ reporting capacity.                 relating to power electronics, alternators,   are still issues to be resolved though: the
                                              electronics, industrial refrigeration and     supply chain has become a challenge for
Saving money and reducing                     thermodynamics.                               some components, and this has come
emissions                                       As a result, Guinault now offers            alongside price inflation. Moreover,
Guinault’s APU-OFF offering relates           an improved range of products that            business restrictions caused by the current
to the provision of APU substitution          meet airlines’ and ground handlers            geopolitical situation have affected the
solutions that enable minimal use of          requirements, with cost-minimisation          supply chain further.
expensive APUs when an aircraft is on the     and environmental care as prime                  On the other hand, people are eager
ground (auxiliary turbine engine-powered      considerations, he notes.                     to travel, Clermont points out. And
APUs are power-hungry and more                  Possible options include:                   airlines are eager to go greener and to
expensive to run than the electric motors       •     Fixed infrastructure electric pre-    save further, which is exactly Guinault’s
or diesel engines of ground units).                   conditioned air units                 mission as illustrated in its APU-OFF
  Guinault customises its commercial            •     Mobile and autonomous air-            solution as well as its greener ACU, ASU
offer to ensure the shutdown of auxiliary             conditioning units, either electric   and GPU units, be they diesel-, electric- or
power units’ wherever possible, with                  or diesel                             battery-powered, he concludes.

14       Airside International | Summer 2022
G P U s | F E AT U R E

                       Bertoli: a continuous cycle of R&D             market will not be seen until next year,
                       Langhirano, Italy-based Bertoli                depending on the war situation and on the
                       manufactures GPUs (of 40Hz with 60 to          rebalancing of the raw materials prices.”
                       180kVA), generators and light towers.             Looking to the future, Bertoli is
                       Alberto Calugi, the company’s marketing        introducing new technologies to its
                       manager, says that – in the period leading     products, especially in terms of greener,
                       up to the end of last year – he had been       low-carbon options, and is looking to
                       seeing more confidence in the future           introduce them to the market through
                       amongst Bertoli customers.                     specific marketing campaigns. “Many
                          However, the initial months of this         customers have asked us for fully electric
                       year brought new problems, notably             GPUs,” Calugi informs.
                       increasing prices of raw materials and            He confirms: “We are enhancing our
                       rising shipping costs. Then, from the end      portfolio of products with new items,
                       of February, the war in Ukraine further        many with greener, more environmentally
                       complicated what was already a “fragile        friendly applications, but they are still in
                       situation” and resulted in a return to the     the development phase.”
                       uncertainties of the pandemic period.             The company has also continued to
                          Bertoli worked with potential customers     make improvements to existing products.
                       on many offers in the months toward the        “We are in a continuous cycle of research
                       end of 2021, although not all of them have     and development,” he observes.
                       yet reached fruition.                             Overall, Calugi concludes: “We are now in
                          “We think the market will be stagnant       a new situation, driven by the market and by
                       for the next six to 12 months,” Calugi says.   social changes. We are adapting our business
                       Indeed, “We think the full recovery of the     model and our R&D to these changes.”


FROM 60 TO 180 KVA


                                                                      Summer 2022 |             15

                  Bliss-Fox Panus GSE
                 supports India’s focus
                 on electric equipment
                      for the ramp
      Bangkok, Thailand-based Bliss-Fox Panus GSE is soon to hand over a new Fox 16E electric
pushback tractor to Indian airport operator GMR, one step in GMR’s and the wider Indian aviation
     industry’s efforts to minimise its harmful diesel emissions on the apron. Meanwhile, Panus is
     also pushing ahead with an innovative offering: upgrading its new Fox range of diesel GSE to

                                        electric battery-powered form for customers

                               elivery of the battery-powered Fox 16E       breakthrough for both GMR and for Bliss-Fox Panus GSE – a
                               is scheduled for late June, subject to the   first electrically powered pushback for GMR, reflecting its
                               current global shipping constraints, and     sustainability strategy to ‘go green’, as well as being the first
                               Panus intends to make the handover           sale of electric Bliss-Fox GSE to India.”
                               to GMR management a memorable
                               event. The unit will be delivered to         Only the best
        and operated in Hyderabad as a replacement for a Bliss-Fox          Burgess and Livraghi note that the Fox 16E was developed
        F1-150 pushback that has been in continuous operational             using only the best components available today for electric
        service since delivery in 2007.                                     vehicles. Thus, for example, it features a Danfoss electric
          Bliss-Fox Panus GSE managing director David Burgess               motor, integrated Eton hydraulic system and Microvast
        and Simone Livraghi, Bliss-Fox Panus GSE’s senior sales and         lithium batteries, along with Dana transmission and axles.
        marketing manager, advise: “India has embarked on a big             A composite cabin, standard across the Bliss-Fox pushback
        drive to go electric and we foresee the sale of our Fox 16E to      range, completes the innovative design.
        GMR as the first of many in that market.”                              The tractor can pushback and tow all narrowbody and
          They continue: “The sale of the Fox 16E to GMR is a               regional aircraft types, as well as any lighter bodied aircraft in

16        Airside International | Summer 2022

                                         technical towing work.                           which Bliss-Fox Panus GSE is keen to support
                                            The unit offers significant benefits in       both in India and elsewhere.
                                         terms of through-life total cost of ownership       Hence, the company offers customers the
                                         (TCO). The cost of fuel for diesel equivalents   option for Panus GSE to convert any of its
                                         is avoided (an especially valuable saving at     Fox diesel pushback models to an electric
                                         the moment, given the fact that oil prices       version. Burgess explains: ‘The upgradeable
                                         have risen so dramatically this year), while     powerpack concept is centred around having
                                         maintenance costs are also significantly         a powerpack frame that simply drops into the
                                         lower and the unit also has fewer mechanical     hull of a chassis with either a diesel engine or
                                         parts that can potentially fail, so the mean     electrical power source.
                                         time between failure (MTBF) is significantly        “After the powerpack is fitted, we then
                                         improved.                                        connect up the electrical, hydraulic and
                                            Additionally, Burgess emphasises:             drive systems, quite similar to the system
                                         “Electrically powered GSE helps our              used for military tanks and armoured
                                         customers to achieve their sustainability        personnel carriers.”
                                         goals, and is of course very quiet and              For diesel-powered pushbacks, the major
                                         smooth to operate.”                              components fitted to the powerpack frame
                                            Panus GSE has deployed an after-sales         are the engine, transmission, hydraulic
                                         team into India in order to handle increasing    tank/system and ancillaries. Should a
                                         demand and customer expectations in this         customer want to convert to electric, the
   Panus GSE delivered an F1-300
                                         market. Indeed, Burgess and Livraghi foresee     powerpack is lifted out of the vehicle’s
    pushback to Germany’s Condor
Technik earlier this year; the vehicle   significantly rising demand to go electric in    hull, the engine is removed and replaced
  supports the latter’s maintenance      India compared to other Asian countries,         by an electric motor and invertor, and the
              operations in Frankfurt    and GMR’s selection of an electric Fox 16E       powerpack is then refitted.
                                         is illustrative of this gathering momentum,         There is of course also a requirement

                                                                                          Summer 2022 |                 17
                                                                                            Bliss-Fox Panus GSE can take out the diesel
                                                                                            powerpack of a customer’s Fox conventional
to upgrade the electrical system and carry                                                    pushback and replace it with an electrically
                                                                                                                   powered powerpack
out other integrations to complete the
conversion, Burgess notes.
   “The Bliss-Fox value proposition for this
is that customers can buy a diesel-powered
pushback today and consider a conversion
to electric at a later date, when airport
charging infrastructure catches up with
ground handlers’ ‘go green’ strategies or when
the diesel engine has reached the end its
economic life.
   “This capability is available on our entire
diesel range of Fox pushback tractors: the
12-16 tonne Fox 16D, 24-28 tonne Fox 28D,
35-40 tonne Fox 40D and 45-50 tonne Fox
50D. It’s a concept that we incorporated
into the design from the onset when
we embarked upon designing our new
pushback product range about three years         rental fleet in Europe (and especially in            degree of air travel normality,” Burgess
ago,” Burgess informs.                           the UK), while it delivered a 30-ton F1-             opines. “Passenger volumes are increasing,
                                                 300 pushback to Condor Technik in early              Thailand being a good example, and
Power source                                     spring to support the latter’s maintenance           analysis from the International Air
The battery pack is lithium-ion. To enable       operations in Frankfurt, Germany.                    Transport Association (IATA) is quite
longer operational cycles and increased            Also of note, Panus is also currently              upbeat, so we are anticipating an increase in
towing capability, Bliss-Fox Panus GSE           supplying large quantities of GSE for the            demand for new GSE.
is using a more powerful battery pack in         defence forces of various countries.                   “Our production methods are lean and
terms of kWh output than do many other             Looking ahead: “Many governments                   agile, so we are able to react to changing
manufacturers.                                   have now accepted that we need to live               customer demand. Whatever our customers
   As alluded to above, these electric           with Covid, manage it and get back to a              need, we will deliver,” he concludes.
pushbacks require very little maintenance,

with lithium-ion power packs requiring
only yearly check-ups. Moreover, it is also           Power source
possible to monitor the battery’s status
and performance remotely if the customer                                     nirrban Batacharrya is     in the future.
requires.                                                                    the business head of          The white paper sets out a strategic
   “The future is very much about electrically                               Vector Technorium,         framework for addressing the major
powered GSE and airports are a great                                         Panus GSE’s sales          environmental challenges facing the
operating environment for this technology,                                   agent in India.            nation’s aviation industry, and points to
which can help them meet their carbon                                           He agrees that          ground handling processes and equipment
emission goals,” Livraghi advises.                    this first Panus electric tug going into          as relevant issues. As a result, airlines and
   “We believe all GSE manufacturers                  the Indian market definitely represents a         ground handling companies operating
will need to develop this technology, if              curtain raiser to the huge market potential       in India are focusing a lot of attention on
they haven’t already done so. The biggest             for such green equipment in India.                electric solutions.
challenge today is to standardise electric            Moreover: “The GMR brand in itself is a              Another string to the Panus bow in
powerpack technology, because countries               big-ticket acquisition for us and the whole       India is provided by the leasing option
are each taking different options and                 industry will take note of it when the tug        that it now offers. “The GSE leasing
creating different regulations.”                      arrives in India.”                                market is a new market initiative,”
                                                         Batacharrya points to the Government           notes Batacharrya. “We recognised this
Benefiting from the aviation industry’s               of India’s March 2019 white paper on              opportunity long ago and are working
recovery                                              a National Green Aviation Policy as               in that direction to offer leasing
The Indian market is not the only one                 illustrative of the demand that exists for        solutions to customers.
where Panus GSE is seeing demand for                  battery-powered GSE in the country today,            “This market is bound to explode
its products. Indeed, it is expanding its             demand which he believes will only grow           soon,” he declares.

18        Airside International | Summer 2022

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F E AT U R E | D R A I N A G E A N D R E C Y C L I N G

                                                                                    ACO QMax channels set
                                                                                 into the apron at El Dorado
                                                                                  Airport, Bogota, Colombia

                                                                                    ne of the leaders in
                                                                                    the field of the design,

Sustainable                                                                         development and
                                                                                    manufacture of surface
                                                                                    water drainage systems

options for                                                                         is ACO Group, which
                                                             has offices in Europe, the US, Australia,
                                                             the Middle East and the Far East. ACO has

airport drainage                                             been making and selling drainage systems
                                                             for over 70 years and airports represent
                                                             one of the many market segments in which

and easy access                                              it is active.
                                                                Frad Eton-Ehtesham, ACO’s international
                                                             specifications & business development
                                                             manager, says that, over the last couple of
                                                             years, “Our business, just like rest of the
Drainage and recycling might be one of the less discussed
                                                             industry, has been heavily influenced by the
aspects of airport infrastructure and everyday process but   pandemic. Costs needed to be reduced and
                                                             some airport projects that we were involved
it is an important part of the effort to ensure operations   in were delayed or paused.
can run smoothly and also assist in a gateway’s effort to       “At the start of the pandemic we saw an
                                                             unprecedented uncertainty in the market
optimise its sustainability life cycle                       with major projects being delayed or paused.
                                                                “Despite these challenges, we have in
                                                             fact been putting more resources into

20        Airside International | Summer 2022
D R A I N A G E A N D R E C Y C L I N G | F E AT U R E

our airport offering by developing new           with those who were investing kept                  Another noteworthy new product for the
products and engaging with new clients and       going during the pandemic. The global            company is the ACO Powerdrain. This easy-to-
projects,” he says.                              construction pause, brought on by the            maintain box channel comes in various sizes,
  Eton-Ehtesham took on the role of              pandemic, allowed the industry to take a         complements the Qmax for infrastructure
international specifications manager last        step back and make longer term plans. We         projects and offers an alternative smaller
year. In this post, he focuses on global         are now seeing this in clients’ demand for       channel for these projects.
airports and infrastructure projects.            ‘solutions’ instead of products. And with           Beside ACO’s drainage portfolio, of late
Now: “Operating from London, with                our complete system of products, we are in       it has also seen strong demand for other
the assistance of our international              a position to offer them the right solutions.”   infrastructure-orientated products like
technical service and the help of local                                                           manhole covers and special covers. With the
ACO companies, we are now able to serve          Sustainability                                   addition of the independent Detego business
designers with specific technical, logistical    Eton-Ehtesham recalls that a feature of          that now operates and is branded as ACO
and commercial support in the airport            inter airport Europe 2021 was the interest of    Detego, ACO also now offers complex steel
infrastructure sector.”                          planners and operators regarding investment      structures and special covers like emergency
  With his strong background in                  into applications supporting a more              floor-exits and hydraulic ground gates. These
environmental management, Eton-Ehtesham          sustainable approach in the industry. “This is   products complement ACO’s solutions for
will help push this important element of         an area we are investing more into,” he says.    heavy infrastructure projects like airports,
ACO’s programme.                                    “We recently introduced Qmax Neo,             Eton-Ehtesham points out.
  And some work has certainly gone ahead.        which is a new member of our Qmax                   In fact, he says, ACO offers “a complete
In terms of major projects, in just the last     family, designed for versatile, high-capacity    range of products for the airport market”.
two years ACO has started airport projects in    slot drainage systems and popular for            Its ethos is built around offering an entire
India, Greece, Germany and Iceland. There        airport projects.                                system chain, featuring Collect, Clean, Hold
are also ongoing projects in South America          “This new product differs to the existing     and now Reuse.
and other regions too.                           ones in terms of material, manufacturing            “The term ‘recycling’ in our world means
  Moreover, there has been a noticeable          and transportation. Due to its low               the reuse of water. This is an important
bounce-back in the market, Eton-Ehtesham         component weight and its simple assembly,        part of the ACO system chain approach of
says, which he dates pretty much to the          a quick installation without an additional       Collect, Clean, Hold and Reuse. We care for
third and fourth quarters of last year (it was   lifting device is possible.                      water from surfaces, such as on buildings,
apparent at inter airport Europe in Munich in       “Importantly, the stackable nature of         aprons and runways, until it is either fed
November, for example, he says). As a result,    the product means transport space is             back into the natural water system or
“We have seen demand for our products for        reduced by 75%, thus greatly reducing            treated and stored for reuse.
the airport sector reach record highs.           the carbon footprint and environmental              “With the impact of global warming,
  “From ACO’s perspective, our discussions       impact of the product.”                          we know to expect more regular extreme

                                                                                                  Summer 2022 |              21
F E AT U R E | D R A I N A G E A N D R E C Y C L I N G

weather conditions such as rainstorms and          develop specific, tailor-made solutions to           number one concern, and this focus is
droughts moving forward,” he continues.            meet end-users’ specific needs.                      reflected in our products. Third-party
“We believe we have a system chain to help            For airports, it supplies infrastructure          certified, they meet the most demanding
clients future-proof all their infrastructure      access solutions for lighting, refuelling,           standards. Our designs guarantee safety
project to better withstand these extreme          electrical and water networks. EJ offers             to those who install and maintain them,
conditions for decades to come.”                   a very comprehensive ductile iron range              but also to those who will pass or roll over
                                                   including its F900, foreign object debris            them every day.
Innovation                                         (FOD) compliant hinged and assisted                    “Finally, reliability is also a very important
“Building on our global experience in this         manhole covers and drainage gratings (see the        factor, so our solutions are produced using
[airport] sector, we constantly innovate our       accompanying 3D drawings on page 24).                quality materials, and are tested and approved
offering,” Eton-Ehtesham informs. “For                “Our solutions are designed to ensure             by third parties according to internationally
example, we are currently heavily investing in     human safety and reliability and to generate         recognised standards.”
more digitised and integrated smart solutions      maintenance cost savings over time,”
for surface water management, in airport           observes EJ’s airports market director               Keeping busy
buildings as well as for outside infrastructure.   EMEA, Alberto Candil.                                EJ has continued to sell its products into
   “This will expand our system chain                 Plus, EJ’s team of airport experts offers         the airport market, despite the massive
further, allowing airport management/              continuous support to partners and customers         downturn in the aviation industry. Earlier
operators to reuse collected water for green       during the specification, construction and           this year, in February, it supplied 46 of its
infrastructure, cleaning or other benefits –       operation phases of any project.                     modular ERMATIC® access covers to Italy’s
all from a central hub.”                                                                                Verona Airport in support of the gateway’s
   A growing product range with additional         Comprehensive coverage                               new runway lighting project. EJ had been
capability and greater environmental               “As a leader and specialist in infrastructure        working since 2020 with the SYNERGO
sustainability is drawing in new customers.        access solutions, we offer a very complete           design company as well as the Verona
ACO has offices in over 40 countries               range in terms of load resistance, sizes and         Airport Authority on the project to design
throughout six continents, and it is – says        supporting features,” Candil outlines. EJ’s          the right solution for the latter’s needs.
Eton-Ehtesham – very proud of its global           F900 covers are adapted for installation                Last year saw EJ support a number of other
reach and customer base around the world.          on runways with heavy load resistance,               airport projects, including:
   Moreover, today it is particularly expanding    but the company also offers solutions
its footprint in Southeast Asia, as well as        for public spaces such as parking areas,               •    Ireland’s Dublin and Cork Airports,
Central and South America.                         terminals and the like.                                     both managed by DAA (previously
                                                      “Depending on the location and therefore                 Dublin Airport Authority), where the
Family owned, globally active                      on the constraints, we can offer solutions                  project mainly involved EJ’s Hinged
EJ is a market leader in the design,               in cast iron, in steel or in aluminum and                   Hatch solution and ERMATIC® covers
manufacture and distribution of access             composite, from our five European production           •    Spain’s Madrid Airport, where
solutions for water, sewer, drainage,              sites,” he informs.                                         ERMATIC® covers, AQUERA
telecommunications and utility networks               “We produce a wide range of standard and                 drainage grates, and DT9S and
worldwide. A family-owned business founded         modular solutions but our in-house projects                 CA05110DVL gratings were installed
138 years ago, it is today a global enterprise     teams are also able to design completely               •    Poland’s Krakow and Radom
that spans five continents.                        personalised solutions. What makes our offer                airports, where EJ’s Hinged Hatch
   Promoting innovation and quality and            special is also the wide set of options available.          and LSPB covers were installed
avowing a commitment to customer service,          Our solutions offer various locking options,
EJ’s commercial presence around the world          different shapes, sizes and safety features such        Candil admits that the pandemic led
includes 50 sales offices, manufacturing           as grids, lift assistance such as hinges, etc.”      to a lower level of investment in the
facilities and distribution hubs, as well as          Candil continues: “It’s our mission as an         aviation sector, but points out that some
numerous research and development centres.         expert to design and manufacture products            airports used the slowdown to actually
   Using state-of-the art manufacturing            based on our customers’ needs. We have               move ahead more quickly on some work,
techniques, the Michigan, US-                      experts in airports, in design, in covers, in        taking advantage of low traffic volumes
headquartered company supplies products            various materials, and we have both the              to undertake upgrade work in those cases
in cast iron, steel (galvanised or stainless),     industrial force and the design expertise            where project budgets had been approved
aluminium or composite materials. It has           to work on very specific solutions for very          prior to the pandemic.
a full catalogue of off-the-shelf products         specific needs.                                         Moreover, “We feel that the market is now
as well as modular solutions that can be              “Finally, and this is of the highest              recovering slowly. And for the long term, the
assembled, but also has engineers who can          importance for EJ, safety is our group’s             structural need for better and bigger airport

22        Airside International | Summer 2022
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