MOTORCYCLE OPERATOR MANUAL - AN MSF MANUAL - With Supplementary Information for Three-Wheel Motorcycles - ADOT

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MOTORCYCLE OPERATOR MANUAL - AN MSF MANUAL - With Supplementary Information for Three-Wheel Motorcycles - ADOT


With Supplementary Information
for Three-Wheel Motorcycles

MOTORCYCLE OPERATOR MANUAL - AN MSF MANUAL - With Supplementary Information for Three-Wheel Motorcycles - ADOT
Dear Motorcycle Enthusiast:

The Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT), in partnership with the
Governor’s Office of Highway Safety and the Arizona Motorcycle Safety Advisory
Council, is pleased to provide this Motorcycle Operator Manual.

When it comes to riding a motorcycle, training and safety gear are critical. Whether
someone is new to riding or has years of experience, ADOT encourages all riders to
take a state-authorized safety training course.

A knowledgeable rider is a safer rider.

By attending a state-authorized rider training course, motorcyclists of all skill levels
not only have the chance to obtain professional instruction to become safer riders,
they are also able to acquire their motorcycle endorsement easily and conveniently.
By completing one of these authorized programs and receiving a card from the
school, new riders can immediately apply for their motorcycle license or motorcycle
endorsement without further testing. For additional information, please visit our
website at

Wishing you safe riding!

Eric R. Jorgensen
Director, Motor Vehicle Division
Arizona Department of Transportation

Funding for this manual is provided by the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety and the Arizona
Motorcycle Safety Advisory Council through the Motorcycle Safety Fund, A.R.S. §28-2010(C).
Information contained in this manual has been reprinted, with permission, from the Seventeenth
Revision of the Motorcycle Operator Manual provided by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation.

MOTORCYCLE OPERATOR MANUAL - AN MSF MANUAL - With Supplementary Information for Three-Wheel Motorcycles - ADOT
Operating a motorcycle requires              Types of Licenses
special skills in addition to a thorough     Licenses are issued by "class": M for
knowledge of traffic laws, registration      motorcycle, G for graduated, D for operator,
and licensing requirements. This manual      and A, B, C for commercial. If the class M
supplements information contained in         license is combined with any other class of
the Arizona Driver License Manual and        license, it will be added as an "endorsement"
Customer Service Guide and provides          on the back of the current license.
useful information for all motorcyclists
regardless of riding experience. It          Instruction Permits
presents safe driving practices and          If you are at least 15 years and 6 months
techniques developed by the Motorcycle       of age, you may be issued a motorcycle
Safety Foundation and provides               instruction permit.
information to help you obtain an
Arizona motorcycle license or motorcycle     With a permit you are prohibited from
endorsement. It is not intended as an        carrying passengers or operating a
official reference.                          motorcycle on freeways or interstate
                                             highways or between sunset and sunrise,
                                             or at any time when there is not enough
The Arizona Driver License Manual and
                                             light to clearly see persons or vehicles at a
Customer Service Guide is available online
                                             distance of 500 feet. A motorcycle permit is
at or may be requested
                                             valid for 7 months and can be renewed only
by phone:
                                             one time within a 24-month period. You will
   Phoenix: (602) 255-0072                   be required to retake the written test when
   Tucson: (520) 629-9808                    renewing an expired motorcycle permit.
   elsewhere in AZ: (800) 251-5866
   TDD Hearing and Speech Impaired:          Class M
   (602) 712-3222.                           A motorcycle license or endorsement
                                             is required to operate a motorcycle or
Changes may have been made to the            motor-driven cycle. You must be at least
information contained in this publication    16 years of age to apply for a motorcycle
since it was last revised. Please check      license or endorsement.
the Motor Vehicle Division's What's New
page at                                      An applicant for a motorcycle license or for updates.                   endorsement who is under 18 must have
                                             held an Arizona instruction permit for at
                                             least 6 months. The permit must be valid
Arizona's Driver License                     at the time of application. An applicant
Arizona issues a driver license that does
                                             must also have satisfactorily completed a
not expire until age 65. However, your
                                             motorcycle driver education program that is
photo and vision test will need to be        approved by MVD, or the parent or guardian
updated every 12 years. Drivers 60 and       must certify in writing that the applicant has
over will receive a 5-year license.          completed at least 30 hours of motorcycle
                                             driving practice.
Temporary residents such as out-of-state
students and their family members,           An applicant who is 16 years old or older
or military personnel and their family       and is holding an out-of-state motorcycle
members may apply for a 5-year license       license or endorsement is exempt from
regardless of age.                           the driver education/driving practice and
                                             instruction permit requirements.

MOTORCYCLE OPERATOR MANUAL - AN MSF MANUAL - With Supplementary Information for Three-Wheel Motorcycles - ADOT
Class G with an Endorsement                   Restrictions
A graduated driver license with a             If you test with a 100cc or less
motorcycle endorsement is issued to an        motorcycle, you will receive a “J”
applicant who is at least 16, but less than   restriction. You must test with a
18 years of age and is valid to operate       motorcycle greater than 100cc to obtain
any vehicle that does not require a           an unrestricted license.
commercial license.
The applicant must have held both an          MVD is responsible for screening and
Arizona graduated instruction permit          testing driver license applicants. This
and an Arizona motorcycle instruction         helps the ensure that Arizona drivers
permit for at least 6 months. The permits     have the necessary knowledge and
must be valid at the time of application.     ability to safely handle the vehicles they
An applicant must also have satisfactorily    will be driving.
completed both a graduated and a
motorcycle driver education program           Medical Screening
approved by MVD or the parent or              Assisted by the Arizona Medical Advisory
guardian must certify in writing that the     Board, MVD has established medical
applicant has either completed at least       standards for driver licensing. Several
30 hours of supervised driving practice,      questions regarding your medical
or has successfully completed a certified     condition are included on the driver
motorcycle safety course.                     license application.

Class D with an Endorsement                   You must report to MVD any medical
An operator license with a motorcycle         conditions that develop or worsen that
endorsement allows you to drive               may affect your ability to safely operate
any vehicle that does not require a           a motor vehicle. This must be done
commercial license. You must be at least      within five days of a change or as soon
18 years of age to apply for an operator      as the condition allows. The written
license.                                      report must include: full name, address,
                                              date of birth, description of condition
Class A, B or C with an                       and signature. The report must be sent
Endorsement                                   to: Mail Drop 818Z, Medical Review
A commercial license (CDL), with a            Program, PO Box 2100, Phoenix, AZ
motorcycle endorsement allows you to          85001-2100;
drive heavy-weight vehicles, 26,001 lbs.      phone: 602.771.2460
or more gross vehicle weight (GVW),           fax: 623.925.9323
vehicles capable of carrying 16 or more
passengers (including the driver), or         Vision Screening
vehicles required to be placarded for         You will be given a vision exam. If you
hazardous material. The minimum age           wear prescription glasses or contact
for a commercial driver license is 21. If     lenses for distance vision, be sure to wear
you are at least 18, you may apply for an     them. You must have uncorrected vision
intrastate commercial driver license that     of 20/40 or better in at least one eye in
is valid only in Arizona.                     order to obtain an unrestricted license.
                                              If you cannot meet this requirement
For additional information, see the           without glasses or contact lenses, you will
Commercial Driver License Manual,             be given a license with an “A” restriction. An
available online at            “A” restriction means you must always wear
                                              your glasses or contact lenses when driving.

MOTORCYCLE OPERATOR MANUAL - AN MSF MANUAL - With Supplementary Information for Three-Wheel Motorcycles - ADOT
A test of visual field will also be given to
check how far you can see to the side while
keeping your eyes straight ahead.                                      3&4
In addition, drivers who visit an MVD
office for vehicle title and registration
services may be required to update this
vision exam.

Written Tests
When applying for your first Arizona
driver license or instruction permit with a
motorcycle endorsement, you must pass
a written motorcycle test based on the
information contained in this manual,
and a separate driver license test based
on the information in the Arizona Driver
License Manual and Customer Service

The written motorcycle license
examination is available in English and
Spanish. If you cannot take a written
test, arrangements can be made for
an oral examination. If you need an
interpreter, you must provide one.

Exercises for Two Wheel
The motorcycle skills test is a 10-15
minute demonstration of your riding
ability that consists of performing
maneuvers on an off-street, 30’ x 125’
closed track as described in the following     Ride to the right of the first cone, to the
instructions.                                  left of the second, and so on. Weave
                                               past all five cones without touching or
If you have a current out-of-state             skipping a cone or putting a foot down.
motorcycle license in your possession,         Turn left and ride toward that side of the
and the state that issued the license          course. Make a smooth, non-skidding
requires a motorcycle skills test similar      stop with your front tire inside the box.
to that given by Arizona, then you             When stopped your front tire must not
normally will not be required to take the      touch the painted lines. Remain stopped.
test. However, you may be required to          Cones are placed 12 feet apart.
take a test anytime that you apply for an
Arizona license.

Exercise 1
Cone Weave, Normal Stop:

MOTORCYCLE OPERATOR MANUAL - AN MSF MANUAL - With Supplementary Information for Three-Wheel Motorcycles - ADOT
Exercise 2                                    (Left front tire on vehicles with two front
Turn from a stop, U-Turn:                     tires.) When stopped, your front tire
Make a right turn between the boundary        must not touch the painted lines.
lines. Do not touch either line or put
a foot down. Diagonally, cross to the         Exercise 2
opposite side of the range and make a         Cone Weave, Turn from a Stop:
left u-turn inside the painted box at the     Ride to the left of the first cone, to the
far end of the range. Do not touch the        right of the second, and to the left of the
solid line (motorcycles 600cc or more) or     third. Weave past all three cones without
the dashed line (motorcycles less than        touching or skipping any of the cones.
600cc) or put a foot down. Stop with          Turn right at the end of the course and
your front tire inside that box and wait      stop at the Start “T” facing the other
for further instructions.                     side of the course. Upon signal, make
                                              a right hand turn between the outside
Exercise 3                                    boundary line and the cone. Do not
Quick Stop:
 From a full stop, accelerate in a straight
line through the timing zone. Stabilize
your speed between 12-18 mph by the                                 3&4
time you reach the first line. Maintain
a steady speed. When your front tire
crosses the second line, stop as fast as
you safely can. You will not lose points
if you skid. Once stopped, do not
allow your motorcycle to roll in either

Exercise 4
Obstacle Swerve:
From a full stop, ride through the timing
zone at 12-18 mph. When your front tire
passes the second line, swerve right or
left, as instructed. Avoid the obstacle
line but stay inside the boundary line.
Do not touch either line. Stop smoothly
and wait for further instructions.

Exercises for Three-Wheel
Exercise 1
Left Turn, Normal Stop:
Accelerate straight ahead and make
a sharp left turn between the outside
boundary line and the cone marker. Do
not touch the outside line or the cone.
Ride toward the end of the course, as                2                           1
instructed. Make a smooth, non-skidding
stop with your front tire inside the box.

MOTORCYCLE OPERATOR MANUAL - AN MSF MANUAL - With Supplementary Information for Three-Wheel Motorcycles - ADOT
touch the outside boundary line or the       •    Inclement weather, including
cone. Make a smooth, non-skidding stop            temperatures 105˚ and above.
with your front tire inside the box and
wait for further instructions.               The motorcycle that you use for this test
                                             must be in good mechanical condition,
Exercise 3                                   be properly registered and have all
Quick Stop:                                  equipment required by Arizona law.
From a full stop, accelerate in a straight   Protective Gear
line. Stabilize your speed between 12-18     Must be worn during testing:
mph by the time you reach the first line.
Maintain a steady speed. When your           Helmet - U.S. Department of
front tire/overhang crosses the second       Transportation (USDOT) approved
line, stop as fast as you safely can. You    motorcycle helmet in good condition
will not lose points if you skid.            properly fastened (may waive if 18 or
Exercise 4
Obstacle Swerve:                             Gloves - Designed for use when
From a full stop, accelerate in a straight   operating a motorcycle or other gloves
line. Stabilize your speed between 12-18     that permit freedom to operate controls.
mph by the time you reach the first
line. Maintain a steady speed. When          Clothing - Long pants and a jacket or
your front tire/overhang passes the          long sleeve shirt.
second line swerve to the (right/left), as
instructed. Avoid the obstacle line and      Footwear - Boots or shoes that cover
                                             the ankle made of sturdy material
stay to the inside of the sideline. Do not
                                             that do not interfere with operation of
touch either line. Stop smoothly.
                                             motorcycle controls.
General Instructions                         Eye Protection - Face shield, goggles,
You have the right to stop the test at
                                             safety glasses or protective windshield.
any time. Inform the examiner that you
do not want to continue the test. The
examiner will tell you the conditions for
taking the test at a later date.
                                             Testing Locations & Hours
The examiner may stop the test if any of     For the nearest testing location, visit
the following occurs:               or call:
                                             Phoenix: (602) 255-0072
•   You fail to demonstrate basic control    Tucson: (520) 629-9808
    skills.                                  elsewhere in AZ: (800) 251-5866
•   You accumulate more than the             TDD Hearing and Speech Impaired:
    maximum number of points.                (602) 712-3222
•   You commit an unsafe act.
•   You fail to understand or follow
•   You fall or drop the motorcycle
    while on the test track.
•   Mechanical failure.

MOTORCYCLE OPERATOR MANUAL - AN MSF MANUAL - With Supplementary Information for Three-Wheel Motorcycles - ADOT
Safety Equipment                                Motorcycle Safety Courses
                                                As an alternative to the motorcycle
•      Arizona law requires operators and
                                                skills test, you may take a Motorcycle
       passengers under 18 to wear a
                                                Rider Course offered by MVD authorized
       helmet that is safely secured.
                                                schools at several locations throughout
•      You are encouraged to use your           Arizona. The Certificate of Completion
       headlight, on high beams, during         you will receive when you successfully
       the daylight hours to maximize your      complete the course eliminates the
       visibility. You may use a modulating     requirement to take the knowledge and
       headlight during the day, if the light   skills tests at MVD.
       modulates at least 200 cycles per
       minute.                                  Beginning Riders
•      You must have at least one horn          Motorcycle Rider Course® - Riding and
       capable of emitting sound for at         Street Skills: For beginning riders of
       least 200 feet.                          all ages. This is a “hands on” training
                                                program in a controlled, off-street
•      A minimum of one rearview mirror         environment. Each instructor is certified
       is required.                             by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation
•      Riders are encouraged to equip the       and MVD. The course is approximately 20
       motorcycle with both hand and foot       hours long and most often scheduled on
       brakes, but Arizona law requires at      weekends. The course fee includes the
       least one brake.                         costs of motorcycle rental, helmet rental,
                                                insurance and classroom materials.
•      Fuel tanks must be properly closed
       by a cap or cover.
                                                Experienced Riders
•      Motorcycle operators are required        Experienced Rider Course® - This course
       to wear protective glasses, goggles      gives participants an opportunity to
       or a transparent face shield, unless     increase their riding skills on their own
       the motorcycle is equipped with a        motorcycle while examining defensive
       protective windshield. Windscreens       driving strategies. Advanced riding
       on sport-style motorcycles are not       techniques in cornering, braking and
       considered protective windshields.       swerving are presented and practiced.
•      Seat and footrests are required          Emphasis is placed on accident
       for motorcycle operators. Seat,          avoidance techniques.
       footrests and handrails are required
       for the passenger. Passengers must       Locate a Course
       be able to rest their feet on the foot   Locate the motorcycle safety course
       pegs.                                    nearest you online at
                                      , click on Driver
•      Handlebars must be positioned so         Services
       that the hands of the operator are
       not above the operator’s shoulder
       height, when the operator is sitting     ________________________________
       astride the seat and the operator’s      Funding for this manual provided by
       hands are on the handlebar grip.         the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety
                                                and Arizona Motorcycle Safety Advisory
                                                Council Fund, A.R.S. 28-2010(C).

MOTORCYCLE OPERATOR MANUAL - AN MSF MANUAL - With Supplementary Information for Three-Wheel Motorcycles - ADOT
  CONTENTS                                                                                                              3

THE RIDER AND                                                      BEING IN SHAPE TO RIDE
THE MOTORCYCLE ���������������������������4                         Why This Information Is
                                                                      Important ���������������������������������������42
PREPARING TO RIDE                                                    Alcohol and Other Drugs in
  Wear the Right Gear ����������������������������5                    Motorcycle Operation �������������������42
  Know Your Motorcycle ������������������������7                    Alcohol in the Body ����������������������������42
  Know Your Responsibilities ���������������10                      Alcohol and the Law ��������������������������44
                                                                     Minimize the Risks �����������������������������44
                                                                     Step in to Protect Friends ������������������45
  Basic Vehicle Control ��������������������������11
                                                                     Marijuana and
  Keeping Your Distance �����������������������15                     Motorcycle Operation �������������������45
  SEE �������������������������������������������������������20     Fatigue ������������������������������������������������46
  Intersections ���������������������������������������21
  Increasing Conspicuity �����������������������24
                                                                   EARNING YOUR LICENSE��������������47
  Crash Avoidance ���������������������������������27             THREE-WHEEL SUPPLEMENT
  Handling Dangerous Surfaces �����������30                         Supplementary Information
  Mechanical Problems �������������������������33                     for Three-Wheel Motorcycles���������49
  Animals �����������������������������������������������34         Know Your Vehicle������������������������������49
  Flying Objects �������������������������������������35            Basic Vehicle Control���������������������������51
  Getting Off the Road �������������������������35                  Carrying Passengers and Cargo����������54
  Carrying Passengers
    and Cargo ���������������������������������������35
                                                                   HAND SIGNALS........................... 55
  Group Riding ���������������������������������������38          T-CLOCS PRE-RIDE CHECKLIST����57
MOTORCYCLE OPERATOR MANUAL - AN MSF MANUAL - With Supplementary Information for Three-Wheel Motorcycles - ADOT

   Motorcycling is a
unique experience.
                                                 RIDING ENVIRONMENT
Compared to a car,
you don’t sit in a
motorcycle, you
become part of it.
Not as a passive
driver, but as an
active rider arcing
into a string of
smooth corners,
playing along with
the rhythm of the
road; shifting,
and braking
with precision.
Whether you
ride to and from
work or prefer                               you, and supports the concept that,
the camaraderie of a group ride on the       as the Motorcycle Safety Foundation
weekend, motorcycling engages all your       says, “Safe riding depends as much
senses and creates an invigorating sense     on the mental skills of awareness and
of freedom.                                  judgment as it does on a physical skill of
   Along with that freedom comes             maneuvering the machine.”
responsibility. All states require              Successfully piloting a motorcycle is a
some form of license endorsement             much more involved task than driving a
demonstrating you possess a minimum          car. Motorcycling requires a fine sense
level of skill and knowledge. This           of balance and a heightened sense of
booklet and other motorcycle                 awareness and position amidst other
publications can help prepare you to         roadway users. A motorcycle responds
be successful. You might also consider       more quickly to rider inputs than a car,
taking a formal hands-on training            but is also more sensitive to outside
course, even if your state doesn’t require   forces, like irregular road surfaces or
that you complete one. You’ll learn how      crosswinds. A motorcycle is also less
to improve your riding skills and mental     visible than a car due to its narrower
strategies, so you can be a safer, more      profile, and offers far less protection by
alert rider.                                 exposing its rider to other traffic and
  The diagram above illustrates the          the elements. All these risks can be
complex environment that awaits              managed through study, training, and
PREPARING TO RIDE                                                                5

     What you do before you start a trip goes a long way toward determining
  whether or not you’ll get where you want to go safely. Before taking off on any
  trip, a safe rider makes a point to:
    1.      Wear the right gear.
    2.      Become familiar with the motorcycle.
    3.      Check the motorcycle equipment.
    4.      Be a responsible rider.

WEAR THE RIGHT GEAR                              a helmet kept a rider from spotting
    When you ride, your gear is “right”
if it protects you. In any crash, you have     • Most crashes happenon short
                                                 trips (less than five miles long), just
a far better chance of avoiding serious
                                                 a few minutes after starting out.
injury if you wear:
                                               • Most ridersare riding slower than
  • A DOT-compliant helmet.                      30 mph when a crash occurs. At
  • Face or eye protection.                      these speeds, helmets can cut both
                                                 the number and the severity of head
  • Protective clothing.
                                                 injuries by half.
Helmet Use                                      No matter what the speed, helmeted
   Crashes can occur — particularly          riders are three times more likely to
among untrained, beginning riders.           survive head injuries than those not
And one out of every five motorcycle         wearing helmets at the time of the
crashes results in head or neck injuries.    crash. The single most important thing
Head injuries are just as severe as neck     you can do to improve your chances of
injuries — and far more common. Crash        surviving a crash is to wear a securely-
analyses show that head and neck             fastened, quality helmet.
injuries account for a majority of serious
                                             Helmet Selection
and fatal injuries to motorcyclists.
Research also shows that, with few             There are two primary types of
exceptions, head and neck injuries are       helmets, providing two different levels
reduced by properly wearing a quality        of coverage: three-quarter and full face.
helmet.                                        Whichever style you choose, you can
   Some riders don’t wear helmets            get the most protection by making sure
because they think helmets will limit        that the helmet:
their view to the sides. Others wear           • Is designed to meet U.S.
helmets only on long trips or when               Department of Transportation
riding at high speeds. But, here are             (DOT) and state standards. Helmets
some facts to consider:                          with a label from the Snell Memorial
                                                 Foundation also give you an
  • A DOT-compliant helmetlets                  assurance of quality.
    you see as far to the sides as
    necessary. A study of more than            • Fits snugly,all the way around.
    900 motorcycle crashes, where              • Has no obvious defectssuch as
    40% of the riders wore helmets,              cracks, loose padding or frayed
    did not find even one case in which          straps.
6                                       PREPARING TO RIDE

   Whatever helmet you
decide on, keep it securely                                           HELMETS
fastened on your head
when you ride. Otherwise,
if you are involved in a
crash, it’s likely to fly off
your head before it gets a
chance to protect you.
Eye and Face
   A plastic impact-resistant
faceshield can help protect
your whole face in a
crash. It also protects you                 Clothing
from wind, dust, dirt, rain, insects and
pebbles thrown up from cars ahead.             The right clothing protects you in
These problems are distracting and          a collision. It also provides comfort,
can be painful. If you have to deal         as well as protection from heat, cold,
with them, you can’t devote your full       debris and hot and moving parts of the
attention to the road.                      motorcycle. It can also make you more
                                            visible to others.
   Goggles protect your eyes, though
they won’t protect the rest of your face      • Jacket and pantsshould cover
like a faceshield does. A windshield            arms and legs completely. They
is not a substitute for a faceshield or         should fit snugly enough to keep
goggles. Most windshields will not              from flapping in the wind, yet
protect your eyes from the wind. Neither        loosely enough to move freely.
will eyeglasses or sunglasses. Glasses          Leather offers the most protection.
won’t keep your eyes from watering,             Sturdy synthetic material provides
and they might blow off when you turn           a lot of protection as well. Wear
your head while riding.                         a jacket even in warm weather to
                                                prevent dehydration. Many are
  To be effective, eye or faceshield            designed to protect without getting
protection must:                                you overheated, even on summer
  • Be freeof scratches.                       days. Some riders choose jackets
  • Be resistantto penetration.                and pants with rigid “body armor”
                                                inserts in critical areas for additional
  • Give a clear viewto either side.           protection.
  • Fasten securely,so it does not
                                              • Boots or shoesshould be high
    blow off.
                                                and sturdy enough to cover your
  • Permit airto pass through, to              ankles and give them support. Soles
    reduce fogging.                             should be made of hard, durable,
  • Permit enough roomfor                      slip-resistant material. Keep heels
    eyeglasses or sunglasses, if needed.        short so they do not catch on rough
 Tinted eye protection should not be            surfaces. Tuck in laces so they won’t
worn when little light is available.            catch on your motorcycle.

  • Glovesallow a better grip and help    KNOW YOUR
    protect your hands in a crash. Your
    gloves should be made of leather or
    similar durable material.                There are plenty of things on the
                                           highway that can cause you trouble.
  • Hearing protection reduces
                                           Your motorcycle should not be one
    noise while allowing you to hear
                                           of them. To make sure that your
    important sounds such as car horns
                                           motorcycle won’t let you down:
    or sirens. Long term exposure to
    engine and wind noise can cause          • Startwith the right motorcycle
    permanent hearing damage even              for you.
    if you wear a full face helmet.          • Readthe owner’s manual.
    Whether you choose disposable
    foam plugs or reusable custom            • Be familiarwith the motorcycle
    molded devices, be sure you adhere         controls.
    to state laws regarding hearing          • Checkthe motorcycle before
    protection.                                every ride.
   In cold or wet weather, your clothes      • Keepit in safe riding condition
should keep you warm and dry, as               between rides.
well as protect you from injury. You
                                             • Avoidadd-ons and modifications
cannot control a motorcycle well if
                                               that make your motorcycle harder
you are numb. Riding for long periods
                                               to handle.
in cold weather can cause severe chill
and fatigue. A winter jacket should        The Right Motorcycle For You
resist wind and fit snugly at the neck,
                                              First, make sure your motorcycle is
wrists and waist. Good-quality rainsuits
                                           right for you. It should “fit” you. Your
designed for motorcycle riding resist
                                           feet should reach the ground while
tearing apart or ballooning up at high
                                           you are seated on the motorcycle, and
                                           the controls should be easy to operate.
                                           Smaller motorcycles are usually easier
                                           for beginners to operate.
 CLOTHING                                   At a minimum, your street-legal
                                           motorcycle should have:
                                             • Headlight, taillight and

                                             TEST YOURSELF                            1
                                             A plastic shatter-resistant face
                                             A. Is not necessary if you have a
                                             B. Only protects your eyes.
                                             C. Helps protect your whole face.
                                             D. Does not protect your face as well
                                                as goggles.
                                                                           Answer - page 48
8                                     PREPARING TO RIDE

  • Front and rear brakes.                   involve riders with less than five months
                                             of experience on their motorcycle.
  • Turn signals.
  • Horn.                                    Get Familiar with the
  • Two mirrors.
                                             Motorcycle Controls
                                                Make sure you are completely familiar
Borrowing and Lending                        with the motorcycle before you take
   Borrowers and lenders of motorcycles,     it out on the street. Be sure to review
beware. Crashes are more likely to occur     the owner’s manual. This is particularly
among beginning riders — especially          important if you are riding a borrowed
in the first months of riding. Riding        motorcycle.
an unfamiliar motorcycle adds to the          If you are going to use an unfamiliar
problem. If you borrow a motorcycle,         motorcycle:
get familiar with it in a controlled area.
And if you lend your motorcycle to             • Make all the checksyou would on
friends, make sure they are licensed and         your own motorcycle.
know how to ride before allowing them          • Find out where everything is,
out into traffic.                                particularly the turn signals, horn,
  No matter how experienced you                  headlight switch, fuel-supply valve
may be, ride extra carefully on any              and engine cut-off switch. Find and
motorcycle that’s new or unfamiliar              operate these items without having
to you. More than half of all crashes            to look for them.

                                              MOTORCYCLE CONTROLS

  • Know the controls.Work the               • Try the front and rear brake levers
    throttle, clutch, brakes, and shifter a     one at a time. Make sure each feels
    few times before you start riding.          firm and holds the motorcycle when
                                                fully applied.
  • Ride very cautiouslyand be aware
    of surroundings. Accelerate gently,       C — Controls
    take turns more slowly and leave          • Make sure the clutch and throttle
    extra room for stopping.                    operate smoothly. The throttle
Check Your Motorcycle                           should snap back to fully closed
                                                when released. The clutch should
   A motorcycle needs more frequent             feel tight and should operate
attention than a car. A minor technical         smoothly.
failure on a car is seldom more than an
                                              • Try the horn. Make sure it works.
inconvenience for the driver. The same
failure on a motorcycle may result in a       L — Lights and Electrics
crash or having to leave your motorcycle      • Check both headlight and taillight.
parked on the side of the road. If              Test your switch to make sure both
anything’s wrong with your motorcycle,          high and low beams work.
you’ll want to find out about it before
you get in traffic.                           • Turn on both right and left hand
                                                turn signals. Make sure all lights are
   The primary source of information            working properly.
about how a motorcycle should be
                                              • Try both brakes and make sure each
inspected and maintained is its owner’s
                                                one turns on the brake light.
manual. Be sure to absorb all of its
important information. A motorcycle will      • Clean and adjust your mirrors
continue to ride like new if it is properly     before starting. It’s difficult to ride
maintained and routine inspections              with one hand while you try to
become part of its maintenance cycle.           adjust a mirror. Adjust each mirror
                                                so you can see the lane behind and
    A pre-ride inspection only takes
                                                as much as possible of the lane next
a few minutes and should be done
                                                to you. When properly adjusted, a
before every ride to prevent problems.          mirror may show the edge of your
It’s quick and easy to check the critical       arm or shoulder – but it’s the road
components and should be as routine             behind you and to the side that are
and automatic as checking the weather           most important.
forecast before heading out for the day.
A convenient reminder developed by            O — Oil and Other Fluids
MSF is T-CLOCSSM. There is a T-CLOCS          • Check engine oil and transmission
“tear-out” sheet at the back of this            fluid levels.
manual for you to keep with you when
                                              • Check the brake hydraulic fluid and
you ride. A T-CLOCS inspection should           coolant level weekly.
be conducted before every ride, and
includes checks of:                           • Be sure your fuel valve is open
                                                before starting out. With the fuel
  T — Tires and Wheels
                                                valve closed, your motorcycle may
 • Check tire inflation pressure,               start with only the fuel that is still in
   treadwear and general condition of           the lines, but will stall once the lines
   sidewalls and tread surface.                 are empty.
10                                        PREPARING TO RIDE

  • Look underneath the motorcycle for           responsibility to look before pulling out.
    signs of an oil or fuel leak.                Both of you are at fault. Someone else
  C — Chassis                                    might be the first to start the chain of
                                                 events leading to a crash, but it doesn’t
  • Check the front suspension. Ensure           leave any of us free of responsibility.
    there is no binding. The rear shocks
    and springs should move smoothly.              As a rider you can’t be sure that other
                                                 operators will see you or yield the right
  • Be sure the chain or belt is adjusted        of way. To lessen your chances of a
    according to the manufacturer’s              crash occurring:
    specifications and that the sprockets
    are not worn or damaged.                       • Be visible— wear proper clothing,
                                                     use your headlight, ride in the best
  S — Stands
                                                     lane position to see and be seen.
  • Ensure the side stand operates
                                                   • Communicate your intentions—
    smoothly and that the spring holds
                                                     use the proper signals, brake light
    it tightly in the up position. If
                                                     and lane position.
    equipped, the center stand should
    also be held firmly against the frame          • Maintain an adequate space
    whenever the motorcycle is moving.               cushion — when following, being
                                                     followed, lane sharing, passing and
  Additionally, regular maintenance
                                                     being passed.
such as tune-ups and oil changes are as
important for a motorcycle as routine              • Search your pathof travel 12
checkups by your doctor are for you.                 seconds ahead.
Wear and tear is normal with use;                  • Identify and separatehazards.
routine maintenance will help prevent
costly breakdowns. The schedule for                • Be prepared to act— remain alert
regular upkeep for motorcycle parts                  and know how to carry out proper
and controls is contained in your                    crash-avoidance skills.
motorcycle’s owner’s manual.                         Blame doesn’t matter when someone
                                                 is injured in a crash. The ability to ride
KNOW YOUR                                        aware, make critical decisions and carry
RESPONSIBILITIES                                 them out separates responsible riders
  “Accident” implies an unforeseen               from the rest. Remember, it is up to you
event that occurs without fault or               to keep from being the cause of, or an
negligence. In traffic, that is not the          unprepared participant in, any crash.
case. In fact, most people involved in a
crash can claim some responsibility for
                                                   TEST YOURSELF                            2
what takes place.
                                                   More than half of all crashes:
   Consider a situation where someone
decides to drive through an intersection           A. Occur at speeds greater than
on a yellow light turning red. Your
                                                   B. Happen at night.
light turns green. You pull into the
intersection without checking for                  C. Are caused by worn tires.
possible traffic. That is all it takes for the     D. Involve riders who have less than
                                                      five months of experience on their
two of you to crash. It was the driver’s              motorcycles.
responsibility to stop, and it was your                                           Answer - page 48
RIDE WITHIN YOUR ABILITIES                                                   11

   This manual cannot teach you how to control direction, speed or balance.
 That’s something you can learn only through practice, preferably in a formal
 course of instruction like an MSF RiderCourse. But control begins with knowing
 your abilities and riding within them, along with knowing and obeying the rules
 of the road.

BASIC VEHICLE CONTROL                         throttle. Also, adjust the handlebars
                                              so your hands are even with or
Body Position                                 below your elbows. This permits
 To control a motorcycle well:                you to use the proper muscles for
                                              precision steering.
 • Posture— Position yourself
   comfortably so you are able to           • Knees— Keep your knees against
   operate all the controls and can use       the gas tank to help you keep your
   your arms to steer the motorcycle,         balance as the motorcycle turns.
   rather than to hold yourself up.         • Feet— Keep your feet firmly on the
   This helps you bond with your              footrests to maintain balance. Don’t
   motorcycle and allows you to react         drag your feet. If your foot catches
   quickly to hazards.                        on something, you could be injured
 • Seat— Sit far enough forward so           and it could affect your control of
   that arms are slightly bent when           the motorcycle. Keep your feet near
   you hold the handgrips. Bending            the controls so you can get to them
   your arms permits you to press on          fast if needed. Also, don’t let your
   the handlebars without having to           toes point downward — they may
   stretch.                                   get caught between the road and
                                              the footrests.
 • Hands— Hold the handgrips
   firmly to keep your grip over rough    Shifting Gears
   surfaces. Start with your right           There is more to shifting gears than
   wrist flat. This will help you keep    simply getting the motorcycle to pick
   from accidentally using too much       up speed smoothly. Learning to use the
                                          gears when downshifting, turning or
 HOLDING HANDGRIPS                        starting on hills is equally important for
                                          safe motorcycle operation.
                                             The gearshift lever is located in front
                                          of the left footrest and is operated by
                                          the left foot. To shift “up” to a higher
                                          gear, position your foot under the
                                          shift lever and lift. To downshift, press
                                          the shift lever down. The shift lever
                                          changes one gear each time it is lifted
                                          or pressed down. Whenever the lever
                                          is released, spring loading returns it to
                                          center, where the mechanism resets
                                          for the next shift up or down. A typical
                                          gear pattern is 1-N-2-3-4-5. The N is

for neutral, which is selected by either      enough before downshifting safely.
a “half lift” from 1st gear or a “half           When downshifting, use a 3-step
press” from 2nd gear. Most motorcycles        process: 1) Roll off the throttle as you
have five gears, but some have four or        squeeze the clutch lever, 2) press the
six gears.                                    shift lever down firmly, 3) ease out the
                                              clutch lever as you roll on the throttle.
  SHIFTING GEARS                              Once the shift is completed, release
                                              the shift lever to permit it to reset for
                                              the next shift. Rolling on the throttle
                                              slightly while smoothly easing out the
                                              clutch can help the engine come up
                                              to speed more quickly and make the
                                              downshift smoother. Shifting to a lower
                                              gear causes an effect similar to using
                                              the brakes. This is known as engine
                                              braking. To use engine braking, shift
                                              down one gear at a time and ease out
                                              the clutch through the friction zone
                                              between each downshift. Keep the
  As your motorcycle increases                clutch in the friction zone until the
speed, you will need to shift up to a         engine speed stabilizes. Then ease out
higher gear. Shift up well before the         the lever fully until ready for the next
engine RPM reaches its maximum                downshift. Usually you shift gears one at
recommended speed. As a general rule,         a time, but it is possible to shift through
shift up soon enough to avoid over-           more than one gear while the clutch is
revving the engine, but not so soon to        squeezed.
cause the engine to lug.                         Remain in first gear while you are
   When upshifting, use a 3-step              stopped so that you can move out
process: 1) Roll off the throttle as you      quickly if you need to.
squeeze the clutch lever, 2) lift the            Work toward a smooth, even clutch
shift lever firmly as far as it will go, 3)   release, especially when downshifting. It
smoothly ease out the clutch and adjust       is best to change gears before entering
the throttle. Once the shift is completed,    a turn. However, sometimes shifting
release the shift lever to permit it to       while in the turn is necessary. If so,
reset for the next shift.                     remember to do so smoothly. A sudden
   You should shift down through the          change in power to the rear wheel can
gears with the clutch as you slow or          cause a skid.
stop, and can also shift down when you
need more power to accelerate.                Braking
   Make certain you are riding slowly            Improper braking technique remains
enough when you shift into a lower            a significant contributing factor in many
gear. If not, the motorcycle will lurch,      motorcycle crashes. Your motorcycle
and the rear wheel may skid. When             has two brake controls: one for the
riding downhill or shifting into first gear   front wheel and one for the rear wheel.
you may need to use the brakes to slow        Always use both brakes every time you

slow or stop. The front brake is more             To stop as quickly and as safely as
powerful and can provide at least 70%          possible in a curve, and depending on
of your total stopping power. The front        road and traffic conditions, try to get the
brake is safe to use if you use it properly.   motorcycle as perpendicular to the road
                                               as possible, then brake. If conditions do
   Maximum straight-line braking is
                                               not allow, brake smoothly and gradually,
accomplished by fully applying both
                                               but do not apply as much braking force
front and rear brakes without locking
                                               as you would if the motorcycle were
either wheel.
                                               straight up. As you slow, you can reduce
  To do this:                                  your lean angle, and as more traction
  • Squeeze the front brake                    becomes available for braking, you can
    smoothly, firmly and with                  more firmly apply the brakes, so that
    progressively more force. Do not           by the time the motorcycle is stopped,
    grab the brake lever or use abrupt         the motorcycle is straight up, and the
    pressure.                                  handlebars are squared.
  • As the motorcycle’s weight
                                               Linked and Integrated
    transfers forward, more traction
    becomes available at the front             Braking Systems
    wheel, so the front brake can be              Some motorcycles have linked braking
    applied harder after braking begins.       which connects the front and rear
  • Keep your knees against the                brakes on the motorcycle and applies
    tank and your eyes up, looking             braking pressure to both brakes when
    well ahead. This helps you stop the        either the front lever or rear pedal is
    motorcycle in a straight line.             applied. An integrated braking system
                                               is a variation of the linked system in
  • Apply light-to-lighter pressure            which partial front braking is applied
    to the rear brake pedal to prevent a       whenever the rear brake is activated.
    rear wheel skid. As weight transfers       Consult your owner’s manual for a
    forward less traction is available         detailed explanation on the operation
    at the rear. Use less rear brake           and effective use of these systems.
                                               Anti-Lock Braking Systems
   Using both brakes for even “normal”
stops will permit you to develop the           (ABS)
proper habit or skill of using both brakes        ABS is designed to prevent wheel
properly in an emergency. Squeeze the          lock-up and avoid skids when stopping
front brake and press down on the rear.        in straight-line, panic situations. ABS
Grabbing at the front brake or jamming         operates when maximum pressure on
down on the rear can cause the brakes          both the front and rear brake controls
to lock, resulting in control problems.        is applied. If electronic sensors detect
                                               the possibility of a wheel lock, brake
Braking in a Corner                            hydraulic pressure is released then
   Any time a motorcycle is leaned over,       reapplied to maintain maximum braking
the amount of traction available for           effectiveness.
braking is reduced. The greater the lean
                                                 The system is capable of releasing and
angle, the more the possibility of the
                                               reapplying pressure more than 15 times
tires losing traction.
                                               per second.

Turning                                           In normal turns, the rider and the
                                                motorcycle should lean together at the
  Approach turns and curves with
                                                same angle.
caution. Riders often try to take curves
or turns too fast. When they can’t hold
                                                              NORMAL TURNS
the turn, they end up crossing into
another lane of traffic or going off the
road. Or, they overreact and brake too
hard, causing a skid and loss of control.
  Use four steps for better control:
  • SLOW — Reduce speed before the
    turn by closing the throttle and, if
    necessary, applying both brakes.
  • LOOK— Look through the turn
    to where you want to go. Turn
    just your head, not your shoulders,
    and keep your eyes level with the
  • PRESS — To turn, the motorcycle
    must lean. To lean the motor-
    cycle, press on the handgrip in                In slow, tight turns, counterbalance by
    the direction of the turn. Press left       leaning the motorcycle only and keeping
    handgrip — lean left — go left.             your body straight.
    Press right handgrip — lean right
    — go right. The higher the speed in           SLOW, TIGHT TURNS
    a turn, or the sharper the turn, the
    greater the lean angle needs to be.
  • ROLL — Roll on the throttle to
    maintain or slightly increase speed.
    This helps stabilize the motorcycle.

  TEST YOURSELF                         3
     When riding, you should:
    A. Turn your head and shoulders
       to look through turns.
    B. Keep your arms straight.
    C. Keep your knees away from
       the gas tank.
    D. Turn just your head and eyes
       to look where you are going.
                             Answer - page 48

KEEPING YOUR DISTANCE                         • Avoid windblast from other
   The best protection you can have is
distance — a “cushion of space” —             • Provide an escape route.
separating yourself from other vehicles
                                              • Set up for turns.
on the roadway. This will provide you
with a clear view of emerging traffic          Many motorcyclists consider the left
situations, so that if someone else         third of the lane – the left tire track of
makes a mistake, you will have:             automobiles – to be their default lane
                                            position. You should then consider
 • More time to respond.                    varying your lane position as conditions
 • More space to maneuver, including        warrant, keeping in mind that no
   an escape route if necessary.            portion of the lane need be avoided —
                                            including the center.
Lane Positions                                 You should position yourself in the
   Successful motorcyclists know that       portion of the lane where you are most
they are safer when clearly seen. In        likely to be seen and you can maintain
some ways the size of the motorcycle        a space cushion around you. Change
can work to your advantage. Each traffic    position as traffic situations change.
lane gives a motorcycle three paths of      Ride in path 2 or 3 if vehicles and other
travel, as indicated in the illustration.   potential problems are on your left
  Your lane position should help you:       only. Remain in path 1 or 2 if hazards
                                            are on your right only. If vehicles are
 • Increase your ability to see and be      being operated on both sides of you,
   seen.                                    the center of the lane, path 2, is usually
                                            your best option.
 • Avoid others’ blind spots.
                                               Remember, the center third of the
 • Avoid surface hazards.                   lane is the place where debris and oil
 • Protect your lane from other drivers.    drippings from cars collect and where
                                            hazards such as manhole covers are
 • Communicate your intentions.             located. Unless the road is wet, the

                                                          LANE POSITIONS


average center strip permits adequate              count off the seconds: “one-
traction to ride on safely. You can                thousand-one, one-thousand-two.”
operate to the left or right of the grease       • If you reach the markerbefore
strip and still be within the center third         you reach “two,” you are following
of the traffic lane. Avoid riding on big           too closely.
buildups of oil and grease usually found
at busy intersections or tollbooths.              A two-second following distance
                                               leaves a minimum amount of space to
  Experienced riders rely on their own         stop or swerve if the driver ahead stops
best judgment and instincts. One               suddenly. It also permits a better view of
absolute, however, is to avoid riding in       potholes and other hazards in the road.
another vehicle’s blind spot.
                                                  A larger cushion of space is needed
Following Another Vehicle                      if your motorcycle will take longer
  “Following too closely” is a factor in       than normal to stop. If the pavement
crashes involving motorcyclists. In traffic,   is slippery, if you cannot see through
motorcycles need as much distance              the vehicle ahead, or if traffic is heavy
to stop as cars. Normally, a minimum           and someone may squeeze in front of
of two seconds distance should be              you, open up a three-second or more
maintained behind the vehicle ahead.           following distance.

  To gauge your following distance:               Keep well behind the vehicle ahead
                                               even when you are stopped. This will
  • Pick out a marker,such as a               make it easier to get out of the way
    pavement marking or lamppost, on           if someone bears down on you from
    or near the road ahead.                    behind. It will also give you a cushion of
  • When the rear bumperof the                space if the vehicle ahead starts to back
    vehicle ahead passes the marker,           up for some reason.

  When behind a car, ride where the              Passing
driver can see you in the rearview mirror.
Riding in the center portion of the lane          1. Ride in the left portionof the
should put your image in the middle of               lane at a safe following distance
the rearview mirror — where a driver is              to increase your line of sight and
most likely to see you.                              make you more visible. Signal
                                                     and check for oncoming traffic.
   Riding at the far side of a lane may              Use your mirrors and turn your
permit a driver to see you in a sideview             head to look for traffic behind.
mirror. But remember that most drivers
don’t look at their sideview mirrors              2. When safe,move into the left
nearly as often as they check the                    lane and accelerate. Select a lane
rearview mirror. If the traffic situation            position that doesn’t crowd the
allows, the center portion of the lane is            car and provides space to avoid
usually the best place for you to be seen            hazards in your lane.
by the drivers ahead and to prevent lane          3. Ride through the blind spotas
sharing by others.                                   quickly as possible.
Being Followed                                    4. Signal again,and complete
                                                     mirror and headchecks before
   Speeding up to lose someone following             returning to your original lane
too closely only ends up with someone                and then cancel the signal.
tailgating you at a higher speed.
                                                  Remember, passes must be
    A better way to handle tailgaters           completed within posted speed
is to get them in front of you. When            limits, and only where permitted.
someone is following too closely,               Know your signs and road markings!
change lanes and let them pass. If you
can’t do this, slow down and open up
extra space ahead of you to allow room
for both you and the tailgater to stop.          PASSING
This will also encourage them to pass.
If they don’t pass, you will have given
yourself and the tailgater more time and
space to react in case an emergency
does develop ahead.
Passing and Being Passed
  Passing and being passed by another
vehicle is not much different than with a
car. However, visibility is more critical. Be
sure other drivers see you, and that you
see potential hazards.

Being Passed                                    Do not move into the portion of the
                                             lane farthest from the passing vehicle. It
   When you are being passed from            might invite the other driver to cut back
behind, stay in the center portion of
                                             into your lane too early.
your lane. Riding close to the passing
vehicle could put you in a hazardous         Lane Sharing
                                               Cars and motorcycles need a full lane
  Avoid being hit by:                        to operate safely. Lane sharing is usually
  • The other vehicle — A slight            prohibited.
    mistake by you or the passing driver
    could cause a sideswipe.                   Riding between rows of stopped or
                                             moving cars in the same lane can leave
  • Extended mirrors — Some drivers         you vulnerable to the unexpected. A
    forget that their mirrors hang out       hand could come out of a window;
    farther than their fenders.
                                             a door could open; a car could turn
  • Objects thrown from windows             suddenly. Discourage lane sharing by
    — Even if the driver knows you’re        others. Keep a center-portion position
    there, a passenger may not see you       whenever drivers might be tempted
    and might toss something on you or
                                             to squeeze by you. Drivers are most
    the road ahead of you.
                                             tempted to do this:
  • Blasts of wind from larger
    vehicles— They can affect your            • In heavy,bumper-to-bumper
    control. You have more room for              traffic.
    error if you are in the middle portion     • When theywant to pass you.
    when hit by this blast than if you
                                               • When youare preparing to turn at
    are on either side of the lane.
                                                 an intersection.
                                               • When youare moving into an exit
  BEING PASSED                                   lane or leaving a highway.

                                               TEST YOURSELF                         4
                                               Usually, a good way to handle
                                               tailgaters is to:
                                               A. Change lanes and let them pass.
                                               B. Use your horn and make
                                                  obscene gestures.
                                               C. Speed up to put distance
                                                  between you and the tailgater.
                                               D. Ignore them.
                                                                           Answer - page 48

Merging Cars                                Cars Alongside
   Drivers on an entrance ramp may             Do not ride next to cars or trucks in
not see you on the highway. Give them       other lanes if you do not have to. You
plenty of room. Change to another lane      might be in the blind spot of a car in the
if one is open. If there is no room for a   next lane, which could switch into your
lane change, adjust speed to open up        lane without warning. Cars in the next
space for the merging driver.               lane also block your escape if you come
                                            upon danger in your own lane. Speed
                                            up or drop back to find a place clear of
                                            traffic on both sides.

  MERGING                                     BLIND SPOTS

   Good, experienced
                               RIDER RADAR
riders are always aware of
what is going on around
them. They reduce their
risk by using MSF’s three-
step SEE strategy:
  • Search
  • Evaluate
  • Execute
   SEE will help you
assess what is going on
in traffic so you can plan
and implement the safest
course of action as traffic
situations change. Let’s
look at each of these
   How assertively you
search, and how much
time and space you have,
can eliminate or minimize
risk. As you search, focus
                                            considered enough time and space to
on finding potential escape routes,
                                            swerve and/or brake for fixed hazards or
especially in or around intersections,
                                            for someone or something entering your
shopping areas and school and
                                            path of travel.
construction zones.
                                               Finally, experienced riders search for
   One way to search is to use your
                                            hazards that are further out, looking
“RiderRadar” to aggressively scan the
                                            ahead to an area it would take about
environment ahead of you, to the sides,
                                            12 seconds to reach. This provides
and behind you to avoid potential
                                            time to prepare for a situation before it
hazards even before they arise. There
                                            becomes immediate.
are three “lead times” experienced
riders consider. First, be alert and scan     Using the SEE strategy will help you to
for hazards that are about 2 seconds        Search for a variety of factors such as:
ahead of you, or within your following       • Oncoming traffic that may turn left
distance. Scanning your 4-second               in front of you.
immediate path can allow you time for
a quick response if something should         • Traffic coming from the left and
go wrong. Anything that is within 4            from the right.
seconds of your path is considered           • Traffic approaching from behind.
immediate because 4 seconds is

 • Hazardous road conditions that               Apply the old adage “one step at a
   require you to be alert, especially in    time” to handle two or more hazards.
   areas with limited visibility. Visually   Adjust speed to permit two hazards
   “busy” surroundings could hide you        to separate. Then deal with them one
   and your motorcycle from others.          at a time as single hazards. Decision-
                                             making becomes more complex with
Evaluate                                     three or more hazards. Evaluate the
  Evaluate means to think about how          consequences of each and give equal
hazards can interact to create risks for     distance to the hazards.
you. Anticipate potential problems and
                                                In potential high-risk areas, such as
have a plan to reduce risks, particularly
                                             intersections, shopping areas and school
when faced with:
                                             and construction zones, cover the clutch
  • Road and surface characteristics        and both brakes to reduce the time you
    such as potholes, guardrails,            need to react.
    bridges, telephone poles and trees
    that won’t move into your path, but      INTERSECTIONS
    may influence your riding strategy.         The greatest potential for conflict
  • Traffic control devices including       between you and other traffic is at
    traffic signals, warning signs, and      intersections. An intersection can be
    pavement markings, which will            in the middle of an urban area or at
    require you to carefully evaluate        a driveway on a residential street —
    circumstances ahead.                     anywhere traffic may cross your path of
                                             travel. Over one-half of motorcycle/car
  • Vehicles and other trafficthat          crashes are caused by drivers entering a
    may move into your path and              rider’s right-of-way. Cars that turn left in
    increase the likelihood of a crash.      front of you, including cars turning left
    Think about your time and space          from the lane on your right, and cars on
    requirements in order to maintain a      side streets that pull into your lane, are
    margin of safety, and give yourself      the biggest dangers. Your use of SEE
    time to react if an emergency arises.    at intersections is critical.
   Finally, Execute your decision. To
create more space and minimize harm            TEST YOURSELF                          5
from any hazard:
                                               To reduce your reaction time, you
  • Communicateyour presence with             should:
    lights and/or horn.                        A. Ride slower than the speed
  • Adjust your speedby accelerating,            limit.
    stopping or slowing.                       B. Cover the clutch and the brakes.
  • Adjust your positionand/or                C. Shift into neutral when slowing.
    direction by swerving, changing
                                               D. Pull in the clutch when turning.
    lanes, or moving to another position
                                                                            Answer - page 48
    within your lane.


   There are no guarantees that                  Increase your chances of being
others see you. Never count on “eye           seen at intersections. Ride with your
contact” as a sign that a driver will         headlight on and in a lane position that
yield. Too often, a driver looks right at a   provides the best view of oncoming
motorcyclist and still fails to “see” him     traffic. Provide a space cushion around
or her. The only eyes that you can count      the motorcycle that permits you to
on are your own. If a car can enter your      take evasive action. When approaching
path, assume that it will. Good riders        an intersection where a vehicle driver
are always “looking for trouble” — not        is preparing to cross your path, slow
to get into it, but to stay out of it.        down and select a lane position to
                                              increase your visibility to that driver.
                                              Cover the clutch lever and both brakes
         SMALL INTERSECTION                   to reduce reaction time. As you enter

                                                TEST YOURSELF                          6
                                                Making eye contact with other
                                                A. Is a good sign they see you.
                                                B. Is not worth the effort it takes.
                                                C. Doesn’t mean that the driver will
                                                D. Guarantees that the other driver will
                                                   yield to you.            Answer - page 48
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