Monthly Current Affairs Capsule December 2018 - wifistudy

Page created by Josephine Arnold
Monthly Current Affairs Capsule December 2018 - wifistudy
Monthly Current Affairs
Capsule December 2018
Monthly Current Affairs Capsule December 2018 - wifistudy
independence from Soviet Union on April 9,

                                                           Asia Pacific Summit-2018 begins in Kathmandu

                                                           The Asia Pacific Summit-2018 has started in
UNESCO adds Jamaican reggae, Georgian
                                                           Kathmandu, the capital of Nepal. The theme of two
wrestling and Japanese rituals in coveted list of
                                                           day Summit is "Addressing the Critical Challenges
intangible heritage
                                                           of Our Time: Interdependence, Mutual Prosperity,
                                                           and Universal Values".
UN cultural agency
UNESCO          has
                                                                 Nepal's Prime Minister K.P. Sharma Oli said
added six new
                                                                  to attain the goal of universal peace and
elements        viz.
                                                                  harmony,      active partnership between
Jamaican reggae,
                                                                  governments, private sector and diverse
Georgian wrestling
                                                                  social groups is necessary.
and Japanese ritual into its coveted list of “intangible
                                                                 Former Prime Minister of India, H.D. Deve
                                                                  Gowda said that terrorism and climate
                                                                  change are the biggest challenges of today's
       They     were     added     at    UNESCO’s
                                                                  world. He said terrorism makes no distinction
        Intergovernmental Committee for the
                                                                  between the borders, genders or religions and
        Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural
                                                                  magnitude of the threat multiplies when
        Heritage meeting held in Mauritius’
                                                                  terrorism is state sponsored.
       This coveted list is made up of those
        intangible heritage elements that help
                                                           International Day of Persons with Disabilities
        demonstrate diversity of cultural heritage and
        raise awareness about its importance.
                                                           The annual observance of the International Day of
       The list was established in 2008 when
                                                           Persons with Disabilities Day was proclaimed in
        Convention for Safeguarding of the
                                                           1992, by a United Nations General Assembly
        Intangible Cultural Heritage came into effect.
        It includes important intangible cultural
        heritages worldwide.
                                                                 International Day of Persons with Disabilities
       It has two parts viz. Representative List of
        Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity and              aims to promote the rights and well-being of
        List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need              persons with disabilities in all spheres of
        of urgent Safeguarding.                                   society and development and to increase
                                                                  awareness of the situation of persons with
                                                                  disabilities in every aspect of political, social,
Salom Zurichishvili elected as first female
                                                                  economic and cultural life.
President of Georgia
                                                                 The theme for this year is Empowering
                                                                  persons with disabilities and ensuring
Salom Zurichishvili was elected as the first female
                                                                  inclusiveness and equality.
President of Georgia. She will take charge on
                                                                 The United Nations will launch the first-ever
December 16, 2018.
                                                                  flagship report on disability and development
                                                                  "UN Flagship Report on Disability and
       In recently concluded presidential election,
                                                                  Development 2018 - Realizing the SDGs by,
        Salom Jurabishvili defeated her rival
                                                                  for and with persons with disabilities".
        candidate Grigol Washadze. She received
        59.5% of the votes, while Grigol Washadze
                                                           80th Session of the Policy Commission of the
        received 40.5% of the votes.
                                                           World Customs Organization (WCO) to
       It is a country located in Eurasia, its area is
                                                           commence in Mumbai
        69,700 square kilometers. Its capital is
        located in Tbilissi. It had announced its
Monthly Current Affairs Capsule December 2018 - wifistudy
The 80th Session of the Policy Commission of the          World Bank has unveiled US $200 billion in climate
World Customs Organization (WCO) will                     action investment for 2021 to 2025 to fight impact of
commence in Mumbai. The Session is being                  climate change. The move coincides with
organized by the WCO and hosted by the Central            Conference of Parties-24 (COP24) United Nations
Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC), India.        Climate Summit in Katowice, Poland.

      The Indian delegation will be headed by                  The breakdown of US $200 billion will
       Chairman, CBIC, S Ramesh, along with                      comprise approximately 100 billion in direct
       Member PK Das and their team of senior                    finance from World Bank.
       officers.                                                Around one-third of remaining funding will
      Some of the important topics to be discussed              come from two World Bank Group agencies
       during the meeting include trade facilitation,            and rest will be private capital mobilized by
       controlling illicit financial flow, performance           the World Bank Group.
       measurement, challenges of small island                  World Bank is an international financial
       economies, etc.                                           institution that provides loans to countries of
                                                                 the world for capital projects. Its official goal
Qatar to leave OPEC from January 2019                            is reduction of poverty by providing loans to
                                                                 developing countries for capital programmes.
Qatar has announced its decision to leave the                   It is one of five institutions created at Breton
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries                Woods Conference in 1944. Its headquarters
(OPEC) from January next year and focus more on                  is situated at Washington DC, US.
the production of natural gas.
                                                          EAM Swaraj co-chair India-UAE JCM for
      Qatar has plans to increase its annual exports     Economic and Technical Cooperation
       of liquified natural gas, LPG from 77 million
       tons of gas per year to 110 million tons.
      Qatar is the world's largest exporter of LPG.
       Al-Kaabi said, Qatar also wants to raise its oil
       production from 4.8 million barrels of oil
       equivalent a day to 6.5 million barrels.

International conference on bears starts in Agra

More than 80 delegates from 11 countries are
participating in an international conference on bears
being organized in the Taj city for the first time.
                                                          External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj and
      Hosted by Wildlife SOS, a conservation non-        Foreign Minister of UAE Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed
       profit, the conference from December 3-6 is        Al Nahyan co-chaired 12th India-UAE Joint
       focused on bear care, wildlife conservation        Commission Meeting for Economic and Technical
       and human wildlife conflict mitigation and is      Cooperation.
       in collaboration with Bear Care Group from
       the US and Canada.                                       Sushma Swaraj also co-inaugurated the
      The conference aims to share knowledge on                 Gandhi- Zayed digital museum along with
       principles of welfare of bears and other wild             the Foreign Minister of UAE Sheikh
       animals in zoos, sanctuaries and rescue                   Abdullah bin Zayed Al Nahyan.
       centers.                                                 India and the UAE enjoy strong bonds of
                                                                 friendship. With nearly 50 billion US Dollar
World Bank unveils US $200 billion in climate                    bilateral trade, the two countries are one of
action investment for 2021-25                                    the largest trade partners for each other and
                                                                 have made robust investments bilaterally.
Monthly Current Affairs Capsule December 2018 - wifistudy
   UAE is the sixth-largest source of India's oil          women's political empowerment in the
       imports and hosts a 33 lakh strong Indian               country.
                                                        Nepal PM greets member states of SAARC on the
India and the Republic of Peru sign Co-operation        occasion of 34th SAARC Charter Day
and Mutual Assistance in Customs Matters
                                                        Prime Minister of Nepal K.P.Sharma Oli has greeted
An Agreement between the Government of the              member states of South Asian Association for
Republic of India and the Government of the             Regional Cooperation (SAARC) and people of South
Republic of Peru on Co-operation and Mutual             Asia on the occasion of 34th SAARC Charter Day.
Assistance in Customs Matters was signed in
Mumbai, on the side-lines of the 80th Session of the          SAARC was established with the signing of
Policy Commission Meeting of the World Customs                 the SAARC Charter in Dhaka on 8 December
Organizations (WCO).                                           1985. SAARC comprises of eight Member
                                                               States- Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan,
      The three day 80th Session of the Policy                India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri
       Commission Meeting of the WCO is being                  Lanka.
       organized by the Central Board of Customs              The objectives of the Association as outlined
       and Indirect Taxes (CBIC), Government of                in the SAARC Charter are: to promote the
       India in Mumbai, India, from 3rd to 5th                 welfare of the peoples of South Asia and to
       December 2018.                                          improve their quality of life; to accelerate
      The Agreement was signed by Mr. S.                      economic growth, social progress and
       Ramesh, Chairman, CBIC on behalf of the                 cultural development in the region etc.
       Government of India and Mr. Rafael Garcia,
       as the National Superintendent of Customs        1st International Conference on Sustainable
       on behalf of the Government of the Republic      Water Management at Mohali
       of Peru.

Women's representation in UAE's Federal
National Council to be doubled

In a landmark decision, UAE has increased the
representation of Emirati women in the Federal
National Council to 50 per cent from the coming
Parliamentary term.                                     The first International Conference under the aegis of
                                                        National Hydrology Project, Union Ministry of
      A decree passed by the UAE President has         Water Resources, River Development and Ganga
       directed the doubling of the current             Rejuvenation is being organised by Bhakra Beas
       percentage of women's representation in the      Management Board (BBMB) during 10-11
       Federal National Council from 22.5 per cent      December, 2018 at Indian School of Business (ISB),
       to 50 per cent in the coming parliamentary       Mohali on the theme ‘Sustainable Water
       term.                                            Management’.
      The Federal National Council (FNC) is the
       consultative council, the parliamentary body           The theme of the Conference deals with
       of the UAE. It has 40 members. The current              promoting integrated and sustainable
       FNC is the result of the latest elections in            development and management of Water
       2015. Dr. Amal Al Qubaisi is the Chairperson            Resources.
       and the Speaker of the Federal National                The aim of the Conference is to foster the
       Council.                                                participation of and dialogue between various
      Dr. Al Qubaisi was also the first woman                 stakeholders, including governments, the
       elected to the FNC in 2006. Her journey in              scientific and academic communities, so as to
       the FNC represents a historical moment for              promote sustainable policies for water
Monthly Current Affairs Capsule December 2018 - wifistudy
management, to create awareness of water-               Of the 58 member states, 48 voted in favor of
       related problems, motivate commitment at                 the resolution, while eight abstained and two
       the highest level for their solution and thus            failed to vote.
       promote better management of water                      In 1946, the UN Economic and Social
       resources at local, regional, national and               Council established a Commission on Human
       international levels.                                    Rights, under which a nine-member drafting
                                                                committee, led by Eleanor Roosevelt, was
 EAM Sushma Swaraj holds talks with Iceland                     given the task of creating the charter on
foreign minister                                                human rights.
                                                               The drafting committee deliberated on the
The External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj on day              content of the charter in two sessions between
held talks with visiting Iceland Foreign Minister in            1947 and 1948, finally completing it in May
New Delhi.                                                      1948.

      The leaders discussed enhancing cooperation       European Union opens India’s first Jean Monnet
       in trade & investment, renewable energy,          Centre of Excellence in New Delhi
       especially geothermal energy, blue economy
       with a focus on fisheries, tourism and culture
       at the delegation-level talks.
      Sushma Swaraj said that Iceland is a world
       leader in geothermal energy and cooperation
       in this sector could benefit our transition to
       greener energy mix and help in achieving our
       ambitious renewable energy targets.

International Anti-Corruption Day: December 9
                                                         European Union (EU) has established India’s first
International Anti-Corruption Day (IACD) is
                                                         Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (CoE) at
observed every year across world on December 9 to
                                                         Department of European Studies (DES) at Manipal
raise public awareness of corruption and what people
                                                         Academy of Higher Education (MAHE) in New
can do to fight it.
      Observance of this day aims to promote and
                                                               Jean Monnet Center of Excellence in India-
       strengthen measures to prevent and combat
                                                                EU Interdisciplinary Studies aims to
       corruption more efficiently and effectively. It
                                                                strengthen and enhance the educational
       also highlights role of United Nations
                                                                connect between India and EU.
       Convention against Corruption in combating
                                                               Jean Monnet was French political economist
       and preventing it.
                                                                and diplomat. He was influential supporter of
      International Anti-Corruption Day was
                                                                European unity and is considered as one of
       instituted by UN General Assembly (UNGA)
                                                                founding fathers of European Union.
       by passing resolution 58/4 of October 31,
                                                         Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs
                                                         (CBIC) to notify the Korean Won (WON) and
International Human Rights Day: 10 December
                                                         Turkish Lira (TRY) in the List of Currencies for
                                                         Exchange Rate
International Human Rights Day is observed on 10
December every year. On this day in 1948, the
                                                         Under Section 14 of the Customs Act, 1962, the
United Nations General Assembly — then
                                                         Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs (CBIC)
headquartered in Paris — ratified the Universal
                                                         notifies the Rate of Exchange for the purpose of
Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).
                                                         conversion of foreign exchange to Indian Rupees
Monthly Current Affairs Capsule December 2018 - wifistudy
(INR) and vice versa for assessment of imports &              together providing up to 70 MW of electricity
exports.                                                      and 300 MW of heat.
                                                             It is named after Russian Academician
      Currently, CBIC notifies exchange rates for            Mikhail Lomonosov.
       20 currencies for the purpose of valuation of
       imported and exported goods and it has been     Australia Recognizes West Jerusalem as Capital
       now decided to include 2 more currencies        of Israel
       namely Korean Won (WON) & Turkish Lira
       (TRY) in the list of such currencies.
      Bilateral Trade between India-South Korea
       grew to $16.36 Billion during 2017-18 from
       $12.59 Billion in 2016-17 and South Korea is
       ranked 8th amongst India’s trade partners in
       terms of imports during 2017-18.
      Bilateral trade between India & Turkey also
       stood at US $ 7.2 Billion during 2017-18.

Global debt hits all-time high of USD 184
trillion: IMF
                                                       On 15th December 2018, Australia recognized West
                                                       Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. With this, Australia
The International Monetary Fund said that global
                                                       has become one of the few countries that officially
debt has reached an all-time high of 184 trillion US
                                                       recognize West Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and as
dollars with the United States, China and Japan
                                                       the seat of the Knesset (Israel’s parliament).
accounting for more than half of it.
                                                             This move is supposed to irk Indonesia and
      According to the IMF report, the amount in
                                                              other countries. However, Australia has made
       nominal terms, is the equivalent of 225 per
                                                              it clear that it will not move its embassy from
       cent of the world GDP in 2017.
                                                              Tel Aviv until a peace settlement is reached
      On average, the world's debt now exceeds
                                                              between Israel and Palestine.
       86,000 dollars per person, which is more
                                                             Yet, Australia will establish a defense and
       than two and half times the average income
                                                              trade office in Jerusalem and start looking for
       per-capita. IMF said it is striking that the
                                                              an embassy site.
       most indebted economies in the world are
                                                             West Jerusalem is that part of Jerusalem
       also the richer ones.
                                                              which remained under Israeli control after the
                                                              1948 Arab–Israeli War. A number of
Akademik Lomonosov: World’s First Floating                    western countries such as the UK
Nuclear Power Plant becomes operational                       acknowledge de facto Israeli authority, but
                                                              withhold de jure recognition.
Russia’s Akademik Lomonosov, the world’s first               Israel’s claim of sovereignty over West
floating nuclear power plant (FNPP) has become                Jerusalem is more widely accepted than its
operational. The Russian atomic energy corporation            claim over city of East Jerusalem.
Rosatom announced that the plant has been brought
to 10% of its capacity.
                                                       Sri Lanka: Ranil Wickremesinghe Sworn-in as
                                                       Prime Minister
      Akademik Lomonosov was constructed by
       Russian state nuclear power firm Rosatom. It
                                                       Ending a 51-day political crisis in Sri Lanka, Ranil
       has length of 144 metres and width of 30
                                                       Wickremesinghe sworn in as the new Prime Minister
       metres. It has displacement of 21,500 tonnes
                                                       of the island nation, following the resignation of
       and crew of 69 people.
                                                       Mahinda Rajapaksa after he fails to garner majority
      For power generation, it has been fitted with
                                                       in the Parliament.
       two modified KLT-40 naval propulsion
       nuclear reactors (each of 3 5 MW capacity)
Monthly Current Affairs Capsule December 2018 - wifistudy
   India welcomes the resolution of the political          Every year Merriam-Webster, the American
       situation in Sri Lanka. This is the fifth time           dictionary-publishing company, publishes
       Wickremsinghe has been sworn in as Prime                 the list of Words of the Year. The ‘List of
       minister which is a record in Sri Lanka.                 Words of the Year’ contains the ten English
      Ranil Wickremesinghe is a Sri Lankan                     language words of the year. The company
       politician and the incumbent Prime Minister              started publishing the list in 2003 and have
       of Sri Lanka. He belongs to United National              been publishing at the end of every year since
       Party and has served as its leader since 1994.           then.
                                                               Merriam-Webster is a US company famous
High Level Meeting Between             Indian    and            for its dictionaries and also known for
Indonesia Coast Guard                                           reference books that it publishes.

                                                         Iceland ranked number one in WEF’s Global
                                                         Gender Gap Index Report

                                                         Iceland has been ranked as number 1 in the WEF’s
                                                         Gender Gap Index for the 10th consecutive year.

                                                               It has been able to close about 85.8 percent of
                                                                its overall gender gap. Norway (83.5 percent)
Director General Indian Coast Guard (DG ICG) Shri               came at the second spot, Sweden (82.2
G Rajendra Singh is hosting a seven-member                      percent) at the third, and Finland (82.1
delegation of the Indonesia Coast Guard                         percent) claimed the 4th spot in the rankings.
(BAKAMLA) led by Chief of BAKAMLA Vice
Admiral ATaufiqoerrochman in India from                  Point to Remember
December 16 to 19 2018.
                                                               India has come at 108th position in the
      India and Indonesia have established a                   recently released Gender Gap Index 2018 by
       Comprehensive Strategic Partnership and                  World Economic Forum. India was ranked at
       there is considerable emphasis from both                 the same position in 2017 rankings as well.
                                                               As per WEF report, India needs to get more
       sides to enhance bilateral defense
       cooperation including maritime security                  women into senior and professional roles to
       cooperation.                                             make more improvement in the rankings.
      During the 6thIndia-Indonesia Joint Defense
       Cooperation Committee (JDCC) meeting,             International    Migrants      Day,    2018:     18th
       held in New Delhi on August 09, 2018 both         December
       sides had agreed that Chief of BAKAMLA
       will visit India for a High Level Meeting         The International Migrants Day 2018 observed on
       (HLM).                                            18th December 2018 across the world.
      Consequently, a HLM between the Indian
                                                               In accordance with the Resolution 55/93 of
       Coast Guard and BAKAMLA was held in
       Coast Guard Headquarters, New Delhi                      the United Nations General Assembly
       December 17, 2018.                                       (UNGA), the International Migrants Day is
                                                                observed every year on 18 December.
Merriam-Webster selects ‘Justice’ as its 2018
Word of the Year                                         Points to Remember

                                                               The theme of International Migrants Day
Merriam-Webster has declared ‘Justice’ as the 2018
Word of the Year. As per Merriam-Webster says,                  2018 is “Migration with Dignity”. The reason
the word ‘Justice’ is used in many phrases like racial          for choosing this theme is that around 3,400
justice, social justice and obstruction of justice.             migrants and refuge died worldwide in 2018.
                                                                The United Nations have given a call for
Monthly Current Affairs Capsule December 2018 - wifistudy
migration that is safe, regular and dignified    United States has started to withdraw its troops from
       for everyone.                                    Syria. President Donald Trump said they have
                                                        defeated Islamic State group in Syria.
7th round of India – South Korea CEPA
negotiations held                                             US troops have largely been stationed in the
                                                               Kurdish region in northern Syria. A
The 7th round of India – South Korea                           partnership with an alliance of Syrian
Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement                   Kurdish and Arab fighters, known as the
(CEPA) negotiations were held in South Korea                   Syrian Democratic Forces, is credited with
between11-13 December, 2018.                                   playing a major role in the virtual elimination
                                                               of the Islamic State terror group.
      During this period a delegation from the               The group overran large swathes of Syria
       Indian sugar industry also visited South                four years ago, imposing brutal rule on
       Korea.                                                  almost eight million people in the country
      The Indian sugar industry delegation had                and neighbouring Iraq. However, the terror
       detailed discussions with top representatives           group has not disappeared entirely.
       of all the three sugar refineries of South             United States has about 2,000 troops on the
       Korea.                                                  ground in Syria.
      The meetings were arranged by the Indian
       Embassy in Seoul.                                Three astronauts return from International
                                                        Space Station
Points to Remember
                                                        Three astronauts have returned to Earth after more
      South Korea imports around 15 lac tons of        than six months aboard the International Space
       raw sugar annually and the Indian sugar          Station.
       industry is making efforts to export raw sugar
       from India during 2018-19 sugar season.                A Russian Soyuz capsule carrying Serena
                                                               Aunon-Chancellor of NASA, Sergey
USA pulls out of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear                Prokopyev from Russia and German
Forces (INF) Treaty                                            astronaut Alexander Gerst of the European
                                                               Space Agency landed on the snow-covered
United States of America has decided to cancel the             steppes in Kazakhstan.
Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty                The crew radioed that they were feeling fine.
signed between Russian and the USA in 1987.                    Russian rescue teams in helicopters and all-
                                                               terrain vehicles rushed to the landing site to
      The treaty aimed to end arms race between               extract the astronauts from the capsule
       USA and USSR during cold war and to                     charred by a fiery ride through the
       ensure some strategic stability in Europe.              atmosphere.
      The INF treaty banned the development,                 The trio has spent 197 days in space. It was
       testing and possession of short and medium-             the first mission for Aunon-Chancellor and
       range ground-launched nuclear missiles                  Prokopyev, while Gerst flew his second to a
       having ranged 'between' 500-5,000 km.                   total of 362 days in orbit, setting the ESA's
                                                               flight duration record.
Points to Remember
                                                        “International  Workshop      on   Integrated
      The INF Treaty was signed in 1987 between        Protection of Civilians (IPOC) in UN
       US President Ronald Reagan and USSR              Peacekeeping Operations” in New Delhi
       President Mikhail Gorbachev.
                                                        A Joint workshop between ICRC and CUNPK on
US starts withdrawing troops from Syria                 “Integrated Protection on Civilians (IPOC)” in UN
                                                        peacekeeping operations was conducted at
                                                        Manekshaw Centre, New Delhi from 17 – 21 Dec
2018. The seminar focused on Protection of Civilians
(PoC), Conflict Related Sexual Violence (CRSV)
and Child Protection (CP) issues on vulnerable
populations and UN strategies to address the ongoing

      A total of 25 participants from 23 different
       countries and 10 Indian Officers attended the
       seminar to derive benefit from it and be
       available to the United Nations for
       deployment in field areas. The seminar was       China has launched its first communication satellite
       conducted by some of the most experienced        on 22nd December 2018 to offer broadband internet
       and seasoned speakers from across the globe      services to users worldwide.
       including those from CUNPK and ICRC.
                                                              The communication satellite was launched
US govt shutdown begins after no deal in                       using a Long March 11 carrier rocket which
Congress over border wall                                      took off from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch
                                                               Centre in north-western China. It is CASIC’s
The US government began a Christmas shutdown                   (China Aerospace Science and Industry
after Congress adjourned without passing a federal             Corporation) first satellite launch under
spending bill or addressing President Donald                   China’s Hongyun project.
Trump's demand for money to build a border wall.              The satellite aims to rival Google and other
                                                               companies which have similar plans for
      Operations for several key agencies ceased,             providing Internet services worldwide.
       despite last-ditch talks that continued on
       Capitol Hill between White House officials       Points to Remember
       and congressional leaders in both parties.
      Trump has dug in on his demand for 5 billion           China started the Hongyun project in
       dollars for construction of a wall on the US            September 2016. Under this project, China
       border with Mexico.                                     plans to give broadband internet connectivity
      The shutdown is the third this year and it              to users all over the world by building a
       remained unclear how long it would last.                space-based communications network.
       Trump expressed hope late Friday night that            It is to be noted that CASIC is the main
       it "will not last long," .                              contractor for Chinese space programs and a
      About three-quarters of the government,                 state-owned company.
       including the military and the Department of
       Health and Human Services, is fully funded       Gitega: New capital of Burundi
       until the end of September 2019.
      While most critical security functions will be
       operational, the effects of the budget
       wrangling and uncertainty have cast an air of
       chaos over the capital, which is also reeling
       from the resignation announcement by
       Defence Secretary Jim Mattis.

China launched its First Satellite for Space-based
Broadband Services

                                                        The government of Burundi has declared Gitega as
                                                        the country’s new political capital on 22nd
                                                        December 2018. Bujumbura, the previous capital of
Burundi will serve as the economic capital of the          ‘Hand-in-Hand’ counter-terrorism            military
country.                                                  exercises concluded in China

      The government has decided to hold future          India and China concluded the ‘Hand-in-Hand’
       Cabinet meetings in Gitega and to establish        military exercise on 22nd December 2018 in China’s
       five ministries in Gitega from the start of        Chengdu city. This was the 7th edition of the ‘Hand-
       2019. Gitega’s population is around 30 000         in-Hand' military exercise.
       as compared to Bujumbura’s 1.2 million.
                                                                The previous edition of ‘Hand-in-Hand’ that
Points to Remember                                               was held in 2016 in Pune had focused on
                                                                 counter-terrorism drills in non-urban areas.
      Burundi is a resource-poor, underdeveloped               This year’s exercise, which began on 11th
       landlocked African country which shares its               December, focused on urban terrorism in
       borders with Rwanda in the north, Tanzania                which Indian and Chinese armies conducted
       in the east and south and the Democratic                  the drills while living and dining together to
       Republic of the Congo in the west.                        build up a sense of camaraderie.
      Burundi was ranked as the world’s least
       happy nation in the World Happiness Report         Points to Remember
                                                                The ‘Hand-in-Hand’ military exercise did not
50-day Countdown begins for Unani Day 2019                       take place last year due to prevailing tensions
                                                                 between both sides after 73-day military
The Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine               standoff at Doklam.
(CCRUM), has launched a 50-day countdown for                    The Indian contingent headed by Col Puneet
Unani Day 2019. During the next 50 days, the                     Tomar took part in the exercises to foster
CCRUM and its regional institutes / centres would                closer ties between the two militaries which
organize a host of activities and events as a run up to          guard the 3,488-km Line of Actual Control
Unani Day which is celebrated on 11th February                   (LAC).
every year.
                                                          1st meeting of Follow-up Committee for
      Unani Day is a great occasion for the Unani        implementation of   Trilateral Chabahar
       fraternity which is celebrated in a great way      Agreement held
       throughout the country.
      Unani Medicine has been playing an                 The first meeting of the Follow-up Committee for
       important role in public health especially in      implementation of the Trilateral Chabahar
       combating NCDs, lifestyle disorders and            Agreement between India, Afghanistan and Iran was
       various chronic diseases by providing cost         held in the port city of Chabahar in Iran.
       effective Unani treatment and quality
       products for patient healthcare.                         India Ports Global Limited company opened
                                                                 its office and took over operations at the at
Points to Remember                                               Chabahar on this occasion. External Affairs
                                                                 Ministry said in a release that Positive and
      11th February, the birthday of Hakim Ajmal                constructive discussions were held on full
       Khan, was adopted as Unani Day by the                     operationalization of the Trilateral Transit
       Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India in                 Agreement.
       2016 in recognition of his contribution as an            They agreed on the routes for the trade and
       eminent Indian Unani physician.                           transit corridors between the three countries.
      The Central Council for Research in Unani                 It was agreed to finalise at the earliest the
       Medicine (CCRUM) celebrated first Unani                   Protocol to harmonize transit, roads,
       Day in Hyderabad and second in New Delhi                  customs, and consular matters.
       in 2017 and 2018 respectively.
President Donald Trump named                 Patrick            came to power after the 2014 revolt against a
Shanahan as Acting Defense Secretary                            pro-Russian leader, and outbreak of war in
                                                                eastern Ukraine.
                                                               A total of 567 individuals and 75 Ukranian
                                                                companies now face Russian economic
                                                                sanctions, which put a freeze on any assets
                                                                they have in Russia.

                                                         Points to Remember

                                                               Ukraine is a large country in Eastern Europe
                                                                known for its Orthodox churches, Black Sea
                                                                coastline and forested mountains. Its capital,
President Donald Trump has announced that                       Kiev, features the gold-domed St. Sophia's
Defence Secretary James Mattis will depart the                  Cathedral, with 11th-century mosaics and
Pentagon by January 1. James Mattis’s Deputy,                   frescoes.
Patrick Shanahan is appointed as the Acting Defence
Secretary.                                               Palestine to apply for full UN membership in
                                                         January: Foreign Minister
      Shanahan is a former Boeing executive. He
       became the Deputy Secretary of Defence in         Palestinian foreign minister Riyad al-Malki declared
       2017. Shanahan is a native of Washington          that Palestine would apply for full state membership
       State like Mattis and he will be responsible      at the United Nations in January.
       for managing the Pentagon’s colossal $700
       billion defence budget.                                 Mr Al-Malki told the official radio station
      As Deputy Secretary of Defence, Shanahan                 Voice of Palestine that he would file the
       focused on reforming the internal processes              application to upgrade Palestine's status from
       of the Pentagon.                                         an observer state to a full member state to the
                                                                UN Security Council.
Points to Remember                                             To secure full state membership, the
                                                                Palestinians need support from at least nine
      The Pentagon, is the headquarters of the                 out of the UNSC's 15 member states.
       United States Department of Defense. As a
       symbol of the U.S. military, the phrase The       Points to Remember
       Pentagon is often used as a metonym for the
       Department of Defense and its leadership.               Palestine, officially the State of Palestine, is
                                                                a de jure sovereign state in Western Asia.
Russia expanded economic sanctions on Ukraine                  The State of Palestine is recognized by 136
                                                                UN members and since 2012 has a status of a
Russia has expanded its economic sanctions on                   non-member observer state in the United
Ukraine, adding more than 250 people and                        Nations – which implies recognition of
businesses to a blacklist first announced at the start          statehood. It is a member of the Arab League,
of November.                                                    Organization of Islamic Cooperation, G77,
                                                                and the International Olympic Committee
      According to a decree by Prime Minister                  and other international bodies.
       Dmitri Medvedev in Moscow, 245
       individuals and seven companies, mostly in        World Bank AID for Rehabilitation of DAMS
       the energy and defence sectors, were
       sanctioned by Moscow.
      Relations between Moscow and Kiev have
       deteriorated since a pro-Western government
China’s navigation satellite system BeiDou starts
                                                      providing global service

                                                      China’s BeiDou Navigation Satellite System (BDS)
                                                      has started offering global service. It is touted as a
                                                      rival to America’s Global Positioning System (GPS).
                                                      Pakistan has become the first foreign nation to use
                                                      the BeiDou system ending its reliance on GPS.

                                                            China has named its navigation satellite
Central Water Commission (CWC) maintains                     system after the Chinese term which means
National Register of Large Dams (NRLD) as per                ‘Big Dipper’. BeiDou-1 consisted of three
information provided by State Govts/ Dam owners.             satellites and was offering navigation
As per NRLD, 209 dams are 100 years or more old.             services mainly in China and neighbouring
                                                             regions. It was decommissioned in 2012.
      Government     of     India   has    started         The Indian Regional Navigation Satellite
       implementation of Dam Rehabilitation and              System (IRNSS) named NAVIC is a regional
       Improvement Project (DRIP) with financial             satellite navigation system that provides
       assistance from World Bank to rehabilitate            accurate real-time positioning and timing
       198 dam projects in 7 States viz. Kerala (28          services covering India and a region
       dam Projects), Madhya Pradesh (25 dam                 extending 1,500 km around it.
       Projects), Odisha (26 dam Projects),
       Karnataka (22 dam Projects), Uttarakhand       India submits its Sixth National Report to the
       (Uttarakhand Jal Vidyut Nigam Limited) (5      Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
       dam Projects), Jharkhand (Damodar Valley
       Corporation) (3 dam Projects) and Tamil        The report was submitted online to the CBD
       Nadu (89 dam Projects).                        Secretariat by the Environment Minister, Dr Harsh
      The original budget outlay was Rs.2100         Vardhan, during the inaugural session of the 13th
       Crore and was a six year Scheme with           National Meeting of the State Biodiversity Boards
       scheduled closure in June 2018. The Project    (SBBs) in New Delhi.
       has been extended for two more years with
       revised closure in June 2020. Also, the              Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Harsh
       Government of India has approved Revised              Vardhan, said India is among the first five
       Cost of the Project for Rs. 3466 Crore in             countries in the world, the first in Asia and
       October 2018.                                         the first among the biodiversity-rich
                                                             megadiverse countries to have submitted the
Points to Remember                                           report.
                                                            He said, India is on track to achieve the
      The World Bank Group consists of five                 biodiversity targets at the national level and
       organizations:                                        is also contributing significantly towards the
      The International Bank for Reconstruction             achievement of the global biodiversity
       and Development                                       targets.
      The International Development Association            An official release said India has been
      The International Finance Corporation                 investing a huge amount on biodiversity
      The Multilateral Investment Guarantee                 through several development schemes to the
       Agency                                                tune of 70 thousand crore rupees per annum
      The International Centre for Settlement of            as against the estimated annual requirement
       Investment Disputes                                   of over one lakh crores rupees. The country
      The International Centre for Settlement of            has nearly two-thirds of the population of
       Investment Disputes                                   wild tigers in the world.
                                                            The population of the lion has risen from 177
                                                             in 1968 to over 520 in 2015 and elephants
from 12 thousand in the 1970s to 30 thousand          It was organised by Gandhi Smriti and
       in 2015.                                               Darshan Samiti, UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi
                                                              Institute of Education for Peace and
Sheikh Hasina's party wins Bangladesh election                Sustainable Development (MGIEP) and
                                                              STEP (Standing Together to Enable Peace).
                                                             It was inaugurated by Krishna G Kulkarni,
                                                              great grandson of Mahatma Gandhi.
                                                             It provided platform for young people of
                                                              South Asia to further peace agenda in the

                                                       Cope India 2019: India, US air exercise to be held
                                                       in West Bengal

Awami League, led by Prime Minister Sheikh             Indian Air Force (IAF) and US Air Force (USAF)
Hasina wins the Parliamentary elections.               will participate in bilateral exercise ‘COPE INDIA
                                                       2019’ – scheduled to be held between December 3
      Hasina's ruling party Awami League won          and 14, 2019 in West Bengal.
       287 of the 298 seats for which results have
       been declared for the 300-strong parliament.          The bilateral flying training programme will
       While the main opposition alliance                     be held at two important airbases in West
       dominated by the Bangladesh Nationalist                Bengal – Air Force Station Arjan Singh at
       Party (BNP) secured just six seats.                    Panagarh.
      The main opposition led by the Bangladesh             Cope India is series of international Air Force
       Nationalist Party rejected the election and            exercises between Indian Air Force (IAF)
       called for a fresh vote in the country of 165          and United States Air Force (USAF)
       million people.                                        conducted on and over Indian soil.
                                                             The exercise was repeated in 2005, 2006,
Points to Remember                                            2009 and was last held in 2010.

      The Bangladesh Awami League, often              eDrishti software launched to help Railways
       simply called the Awami League or BAL, is       Minister keep track of punctuality of trains
       one of the two major political parties of
       Bangladesh. It is the country's current         Indian Railways unveiled ‘eDrishti’ software that
       governing party, after winning a majority in    will help Union Railway Minister to keep track of
       the 2014 election.                              punctuality of trains as well as freight and passenger
                                                       earnings and much more from anywhere in the

                                                             The software has been developed by Centre
                                                              for Railway Information System (CRIS) to
                                                              help Minister keep track of all information
South Asia Youth Peace Conference held in New                 related to Indian Railways, one of the world’s
Delhi                                                         largest rail networks.
                                                             Using this software, Railway Minister can
The three day South Asia Regional Youth Peace                 track any information with just a click of
Conference was held in New Delhi as part 150th                mouse — whether from his office or while on
birth anniversary celebrations of father of nation            the move.
Mahatma Gandhi.
                                                       Index of Eight Core Industries (Base: 2011-
                                                       12=100) October, 2018
The Eight Core Industries comprise 40.27 per cent of    The President of India, Shri Ram Nath Kovind,
the weight of items included in the Index of            inaugurated the 13th edition of CII Agro Tech India-
Industrial Production (IIP).                            2018 (December 1, 2018) in Chandigarh.

      The combined Index of Eight Core Industries            The President said that through human
       stood at 134.8 in October, 2018, which was              history, agriculture has moved ahead with
       4.8 per cent higher as compared to the index            cross-fertilisation. It is the ideal stage for
       of October, 2017.                                       partnerships, and for mutual learning and
       Its cumulative growth during April to                  sharing. Partnerships can be formed across
       October, 2018-19 was 5.4 per cent.                      sectors and across geographies.
      Coal production : increased by 10.6 per cent           Pointing to the issue of pollution due to
       in October, 2018 over October, 2017.                    stubble burning, the President said that the
      Crude Oil production : declined by 5.0 per              farmers of Punjab and Haryana are a matter
       cent in October, 2018 over October, 2017.               of pride for our country. They have never
      The Natural Gas production : declined by 0.9            shied away from a challenge and a
       per cent in October, 2018 over October,                 responsibility to larger society. Today we are
       2017.                                                   facing a problem related to disposal of crop
      Petroleum Refinery production : increased by            residue and of safe and clean removal of husk
       1.3 per cent in October, 2018 over October,             or stubble.
      Fertilizers production : declined by 11.5 per    FSSAI launches Heart Attack Rewind Campaign
       cent in October, 2018 over October, 2017.        for elimination of industrially produced trans-fat
      Steel production : increased by 2.2 per cent
       in October, 2018 over October, 2017.
      Cement production : increased by 18.4 per
       cent in October, 2018 over October, 2017.
      Electricity generation : increased by 11.4 per
       cent in October, 2018 over October, 2017.

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa to be
chief guest at Republic Day celebrations 2019
                                                        Food Safety and Standards Authority of India
South African President Cyril Ramaphosa will be the     (FSSAI) launched media campaign “Heart Attack
Chief Guest at the 2019 Republic Day celebrations       Rewind”, calling for elimination of industrially
in New Delhi.                                           produced trans-fat in the food supply.
      Prime Minister Narendra Modi said, at a time           It will support FSSAI’s global target of
       when India is celebrating the 150th birth               eliminating trans-fat in India by 2022, a year
       anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, it is our                ahead of global target by World Health
       honour to welcome President Ramaphosa as                Organization (WHO). It is in line with
       the Chief Guest for 2019 Republic day                   FSSAI’s objective to get Freedom from
       celebrations.                                           ‘Trans Fat: India@75′.
      Mr Modi said, Mahatma Gandhi's close links             Globally, trans-fat intake leads to more than
       with South Africa is well known. Mr Modi                500,000 deaths from cardiovascular disease
       also said that Mr Ramaphosa's visit will                every year. Trans-fat are made by adding
       further cement business and people to people            hydrogen to liquid vegetable oils to make
       ties between India and South Africa.                    them more solid and to increase shelf life of
President of India Inaugurates 13th Edition Of
CII Agro Tech India – 2018                              Government puts imports of gold dore in
                                                        restricted category
Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) under         The 24th meeting of Conference of Parties (COP-24)
Ministry of Commerce and Industry has put imports         to the United Nations Framework Convention on
of gold dore in restricted category. This means, now,     Climate Change (UNFCCC) will be held at
importer needs a license to import this commodity.        Katowice, Poland from 2nd December 2018 to 14th
                                                          December 2018. COP-24 is very significant as it is
      It is semi-pure alloy of gold and silver which     expected to finalise guidelines for implementation of
       is refined for further purification. Proportions   the Paris Agreement adopted in 2016.
       of silver and gold can vary widely.
      It usually created at site of a mine and then            India strongly supports the objective of the
       transported to refinery for further                       Paris Agreement to strengthen the global
       purification. Refined gold bars are                       response to the threat of climate change by
       manufactured from gold dore bar. India                    keeping the global temperature rise this
       imports about 900 tonnes of gold year                     century well below 2 degrees Celsius above
       making it world’s second-biggest gold                     pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to
       consumer after China.                                     limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees
Union Home Minister inaugurates Hornbill                        India made a voluntary pledge in 2009 to
Festival in Kohima                                               reduce the emission intensity of its Gross
                                                                 Domestic Product (GDP) by 20-25 per cent
The Union Home Minister Shri Rajnath Singh                       from 2005 levels by 2020.
inaugurated the hugely popular Hornbill Festival
2018 in Kohima, coinciding with the Formation Day         India's first locomotive-less train 'Train 18'
of Nagaland.                                              crosses 180 kmph speed limit

      Hornbill Festival is a spectacular event           India's first locomotive-less less train, known as
       showcasing the rich ancient culture and            Train 18, breached the 180 kmph speed limit during
       civilization of the people of Nagaland.            a test run.
      It powerfully demonstrates the cultural
       diversity and civilizational unity of the                Train 18 is capable of touching 200 kmph
       people.                                                   provided the rest of Indian Railways' system
      Government of India has established the                   such as tracks and signals permit. When this
       North Eastern Zonal Cultural Centre at                    indigenously designed train is made
       Dimapur, Nagaland.                                        operational, it will become country's fastest
      Nearly 50% of Nagaland population is below                train.
       25 years. It is they who will shape the future           With 16 coaches, the train will have the same
       of India including the future of                          passenger carrying capacity as that of the
       Nagaland. We have to create conditions                    Shatabdi Express.
       where their creative and entrepreneurial
       potential is unleashed to the optimum.             Chennai: Vice President inaugurates Rainbow
                                                          Children's Hospital
Union Environment Minister Dr Harsh Vardhan
to Lead The Indian Delegation At COP-24                   Vice President, M Venkaiah Naidu has said that the
                                                          private sector must ensure that the treatment
                                                          provided by them is not only accessible but also

                                                                After inaugurating Rainbow Children's
                                                                 Hospital, in Chennai, Vice President hoped
                                                                 that the Hospital would provide specialized
                                                                 but affordable care to children and contribute
                                                                 to the larger national mission of ensuring all
infants survive, thrive and grow up into
       healthy active citizens of the New India.
      Vice President called on the private sector to
       partner with the government in making
       healthcare affordable as well as accessible to
       the common man, particularly in the rural and
       remote parts of the country.

India to host G20 summit in 2022, 75th year of

Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that India       The Centre and Asian Development Bank (ADB)
will host the G20 summit in 2022, the year the          have signed an 85 million dollar loan to improve skill
country would celebrate the 75th anniversary of its     development eco-system in Odisha.
                                                              An advanced skill training center, the World
      The G20 is a grouping of the world’s 20                 Skill Center (WSC) will also be established
       major economies. Modi made the                          in Bhubaneswar with the help of a loan.
       announcement at the closing ceremony of the            The Odisha Skill Development Project
       two-day summit held here in Argentina’s                 agreement was signed by Additional
       capital.                                                Secretary in the Finance Ministry Sameer
      Italy was to host the international forum in            Kumar Khare and Country Director of
       2022. Thanking Italy for allowing India to              ADB’s India Resident Mission Kenichi
       play the host, Modi invited G20 leaders to              Yokoyama in New Delhi.
       India in 2022, which also marks the 75th               The project will help over 1.5 lakh people
       anniversary of India’s Independence.                    learn skills in priority sectors, including
      The G20 economies account for nearly 90%                manufacturing, construction and services for
       of the gross world product, 80% of world                formal employment. The Skill Centre will
       trade, two-thirds of the world population, and          deliver eight training courses for 13 thousand
       approximately half of the world land area.              students and provide training to five thousand
PM Modi meets FIFA President Gianni Infantino
in Buenos Aires                                         Navy Day : 04 December

Prime Minister Narendra Modi met FIFA President         The day is celebrated in honor of the maritime force's
Gianni Infantino, who gifted him a football jersey      role during the war with Pakistan in 1971 when
with his name on its back.                              Indian warships attacked Karachi port and
                                                        successfully hurt Pakistani operations in the western
      During ''Yoga for Peace' event, Prime            coast.
       Minister Modi had elaborated how football
       connected the two countries.                           The Day is also celebrated to highlight the
      He said, If Argentina is interested in India's          role the Navy plays in securing the country's
       philosophy, art, music and dance, then there            marine borders during peacetime and
       are millions of fans of the Argentine soccer            carrying out humanitarian missions.
       stars in India.                                        Operation Trident, the codename for the
      Maradona has now become a household                     naval attack on Karachi, is considered one of
       name and also used in many vernacular                   the most successful operations in the post-
       phrases.                                                World War II era.

ADB, Centre sign 85 mn dollar loan to support           Government forms Rajiv Kumar Committee to
Odisha skill development project                        look at selling of OIL, ONGC fields to private
Union Government has constituted six-member             Ganga (NMCG) and the Centre for Ganga River
committee to look at selling as many as 149 small       Basin Management and Studies (cGanga) from 5-7
and marginal oil and gas fields of state-owned Oil      December 2018 in New Delhi.
and Natural Gas Corp (ONGC) and Oil India Ltd
(OIL) to private and foreign companies to boost               The India Water Impact Summit is an annual
domestic output.                                               event where stakeholders get together to
                                                               discuss, debate and develop model solutions
      The committee will be headed by NITI                    for some of the biggest water related
       Aayog Vice Chairman Rajiv Kumar and                     problems in the country.
       includes Cabinet Secretary P K Sinha, Oil              Nearly 200 domestic and international
       Secretary M M Kutty, Economic Affairs                   participants from nearly 15 countries and
       Secretary Subhash Chandra Garg, NITI                    more than 50 Central, State and Municipal
       Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant and ONGC                         Government representatives are likely to
       Chairman and Managing Director Shashi                   participate in the summit.
       Shanker as members.
      Constitution of this committee is follow up of   Ministry of Railways Signs a MoU with Madame
       October 2018meeting called by Prime              Tussauds Wax Museum to foster tourism in Delhi
       Minister Narendra Modi to review domestic        NCR
       production profile of oil and gas and the
       roadmap for cutting import dependence by         Ministry of Railways’ National Rail Museum
       10% by 2022.                                     (NRM) and Madame Tussauds Wax Museum join
                                                        hands together to provide an amazing combo offer to
Exercise SHINYUU Maitri-2018 with JASDF                 Delhi NCR tourists.
                                                              As a part of the collaboration, a special
The Japanese Air Self Defense Force (JASDF) is in              discount of 35% on ticket prices will be
India for a bilateral air exercise SHINYUU Maitri-             offered to NRM visitors when they visit
18 with Indian Air Force from 03-07 Dec 18 at A F              Madame Tussauds Museum.
Station Agra.                                                 Similarly, Madame Tussauds Wax Museum
                                                               visitors will be getting an attractive discount
      The theme of the exercise is joint                      of 30% on combo packages of NRM.
       Mobility/Humanitarian         Assistance   &           It is envisaged that this innovative, first time
       Disaster Relief (HADR) on Transport                     ever, public-private museum collaboration,
       aircraft.                                               shall attract more tourists to both National
      IAF is participating with An-32 and C-17                Rail Museum and Madame Tussauds Wax
       aircraft with aircrew & observers. The focus            Museum.
       of the exercise is set for the IAF and JASDF
       crews to undertake Joint Mobility/ HADR          India's heaviest satellite GSAT-11 successfully
       operations.                                      launched by Ariane-5 rocket to provide better
                                                        broadband services
India Water Impact Summit-2018 to be held from
5th December

Union Minister for
Water Resources,
Development and
Rejuvenation Shri
Nitin Gadkari will
inaugurate India Water Impact Summit 2018, being
jointly organized by the National Mission for Clean
The ISRO launched GSAT-11 satellite and put it                  followed by Indonesian President Joko
successfully in earth orbit from Kourou Launch                  Widodo with 12.2 million followers.
Zone, French Guiana in South America. ISRO used                With 10 million followers, US President
the Ariane-5 VA246 heavyweight rocket of                        Donald Trump is at the third position on
Arianespace for this mission.                                   photo-sharing platform.
                                                               The picture of newly married Indian cricket
      It will operate from 74 degree east. The                 captain Virat Kohli and his wife, actress
       GSAT-11 weighing 5,854 kg is the heaviest                Anushka Sharma meeting the prime minister
       satellite built by ISRO.                                 has become the most liked picture posted by
      The GSAT-11 is the next generation high                  any world leader.
       throughput communication satellite that will
       play a vital role in providing broadband          Nation pays homage to Dr B R Ambedkar on his
       services across the country.                      63rd Maharparinirvan Diwas
      It will also provide a platform to demonstrate
       new generation applications such as in flights    Nation pays homage to Bharat Ratna Dr BR
       internet connectivity. The satellite is           Ambedkar on his 63rd Mahaparinirvan Diwas.
       expected to have a lifespan of 15 years.
                                                               The Father of the Indian Constitution Dr
DIPAM uses the Swachhta Pakhwada from 16th                      Ambedkar was a jurist, economist, politician
to 30th November, 2018 to mobilize its Staff for                and a social reformer who campaigned
Voluntary Work                                                  against social discrimination of Dalits,
                                                                women and labourers.
The Department of Investment and Public Asset                  He died on this day in 1956 and the day is
Management (DIPAM), Ministry of Finance                         observed as Mahaparinirvan Diwas every
observed Swachhta Pakhwada from 16th to 30th                    year. A number of functions are being
November, 2018.                                                 organised all over the country to mark the
      The Department started the Pakhwada with
       all the Officers/staff of the Department taking   World Soil Day: 05 Decemeber
       Swachhta Pledge.
      The Pledge was administered by the                The day is observed annually on 5th December to
       Secretary, DIPAM, Shri Atanu Chakraborty.         focus attention on the importance of healthy soil and
      All the employees and officers of the             advocating for the sustainable management of soil
       Department led by the Secretary, Shri Atanu       resources.
       Chakraborty, cleaned a nearby Park in the
       CGO Complex as part of the cleanliness                  The theme for this year's World Soil Day is -
       drive.                                                   'Be the Solution to Soil Pollution'.
      The Pakhwada concluded on 30th November,                According to the Food and Agriculture
       2018 with a Swachhta Awareness March                     Organization of the United Nations, Soil
       undertaken by the officers/staff of the                  holds three times as much carbon as the
       Department.                                              atmosphere and can help meet the challenges
                                                                of a changing climate.
PM Modi most followed world leader on                          It said, 815 million people are food insecure
Instagram                                                       and 2 billion people are nutritionally
                                                                insecure, but it can be mitigated through soil.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has emerged as the                 95 per cent of food comes from soil and 33
most popular global leader on social media platform             per cent of the global soils are already
Instagram with 14.8 million followers.                          degraded.

      According to a list published by online           SpaceX successfully launches 64 small satellites
       platform twiplomacy, Mr Modi is closely           using reusable Falcon 9 rocket.
year 2018 will be conducted from 10 to 23 December
                                                          2018 at Chengdu, China.

                                                                The aim of the exercise is to build and
                                                                 promote close relations between armies of
                                                                 both the countries and to enhance ability of
                                                                 joint exercise commander to take military
                                                                 contingents of both nations under command.
                                                                Exercise Hand-in-Hand 2018 will go a long
                                                                 way to further cement relationship between
Elon Musk-led SpaceX has successfully launched 64                both the nations and will act as a catalyst in
small satellites into low Earth orbit onboard of its             bringing bonhomie at grassroots levels
reusable and preflown Falcon 9 rocket from                       between the armies of both countries.
Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. This has
set new record in United States of launching satellites   Annual Startup India Venture Capital Summit
in single go.                                             2018 to be held in Goa

      Space X It is private US space agency. It was      The Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion
       founded by Elon Musk on May 6, 2002 who            (DIPP) in the Ministry of Commerce and Industry
       is its current CEO of Space X.                     and the Government of Goa, is hosting the annual
      Its main purpose for its establishment was to      Startup India Venture Capital Summit in Goa on
       reduce cost of space transport and establish       December 07, 2018.
       human habitation on Mars house. Space X
       has developed series of Falcon Rockets.                  The theme of the Summit is ‘Mobilizing
                                                                 Global Capital for Innovation in India.’ The
Cabinet approves MoU between India and                           event will showcase the Indian startup
Tajkistan on Cooperation on Peaceful uses of                     opportunity for funds from around the world.
Space Technology for Development                                 The summit aims to attract more global
                                                                 capital into the country.
The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri                Government of Goa is focused on building a
Narendra Modi has been apprised of Memorandum                    vibrant startup ecosystem in the state. It aims
of Understanding (MoU) between India andTajkistan                to make the state, one of the most preferred
on Cooperation on Peaceful uses of Space                         start-up destinations in India, and ensure that
Technology for Development.                                      Goa features in the top 25 start-up
                                                                 destinations in Asia by 2025.
      The MoU was signed on 8th October 2018 at
       Dushanbe, Tajkistan.                               Cabinet     approves  implementation      of
      The MoU would lead to development of joint         Shahpurkandi Dam (National Project) on river
       activity in the field of application of space      Ravi in Punjab
       technologies for the benefit of humanity. It
       will lead to setting up of a Joint Working         The Union Cabinet chaired by Prime Minister Shri
       Group, which will further work out the plan        Narendra Modi has approved implementation of
       of action including the time-frame and the         Shahpurkandi Dam Project, Punjab on river
       means of implementing the provisions of this       Ravi. For this, Central Assistance of Rs. 485.38 cr
       Agreement.                                         (for irrigation component) would be provided over
                                                          five years from 2018-19 to 2022-23.
Sino-India Joint Exercise Hand-in-Hand 2018
                                                                Implementation of this project would help
Exercise Hand-in-Hand is conducted annually as part              minimising some of the water of the River
of military diplomacy and interaction between                    Ravi which at present is going waste through
armies of India and China. The joint exercise for the            the MadhopurHeadworks downstream to
   On completion of the project an Irrigation           The 10th edition of exercise INDRA NAVY
       Potential of 5,000 ha in Punjab State and             will be conducted at/off Visakhapatnam from
       32,173 ha in J&K State would be created.              09 to 16 December 2018. The primary aim of
      The project would be implemented by Govt.             the exercise is to increase inter-operability
       of Punjab with Central Assistance of Rs.              amongst the two navies, develop common
       485.38 crore The project would be completed           understanding and procedures for maritime
       by June 2022.                                         security operations.
                                                            Initiated in 2003, INDRA NAVY exercise
World Bank assisted project SMART launched in                has matured over the years with increase in
Maharashtra                                                  scope, complexity and level of participation.

Maharashtra Government has launched World Bank        Regional Conference on ‘Good Governance-
assisted State of Maharashtra’s Agribusiness and      Focus on Aspirational Districts’ to begin in
Rural Transformation (SMART) Project to transform     Thiruvananthapuram
rural Maharashtra. This project aims to revamp
agricultural value chains, with special focus on      The Department of Administrative Reforms and
marginal farmers across 1,000 villages.               Public Grievances (DARPG), Ministry of Personnel,
                                                      Public Grievances and Pensions, Government of
      This initiative is in line with Union          India in association with Government of Kerala is
       Government’s step towards doubling             organizing a Regional Conference on December 10-
       farmers’ income by 2022. The launch of         11, 2018 at Thiruvananthapuram on ‘Good
       project which was followed by signing of 50    Governance - Focus on Aspirational Districts’.
       memorandum of understandings (MoUs)
       between big corporates and farmer's producer         The Governor of Kerala Shri Justice (Retd.)
       groups.                                               P. Sathasivam will inaugurate the 2-day
      The project will be implemented in 10,000             event. The Chief Secretary, Government of
       villages comprising 10,000 gram panchayats            Kerala, Shri Tom Jose and Shri K V Eapen,
       which were shortlisted by state government            Secretary, D/o Administrative Reforms &
       based on multiple parameters of socio-                Public Grievances, Government of India will
       economic backwardness in terms of                     address the Inaugural Session and
       development and growth.                               Valedictory Session.

Russian Federation Navy Ships arrive                  Food and Agriculture organisation (FAO)
Visakhapatnam to participate in INDRA NAVY            Council approves India’s proposal to observe an
2018                                                  International Year of Millets in 2023

                                                      Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare
                                                      Shri Radha Mohan Singh has said that the 160th
                                                      session of the Food and Agriculture Organisation
                                                      (FAO) Council, currently underway in Rome,
                                                      approved India’s proposal to observe an
                                                      International Year of Millets in 2023. ]

                                                            On behalf of all countrymen the minister
Russian    Federation  Navy (RuFN)        Ships              conveyed his gratitude to the countries who
Varyag, Admiral Panteleyev and Boris Butoma                  voiced their support.
arrived Visakhapatnam to participate in INDRA               He added that this will enhance global
NAVY, the bilateral maritime exercise between                awareness to bring back these nutri-cereals to
Indian Navy and Russian Federation Navy exercise             the plate, for food and nutrition security and
on 09 Dec 18.                                                hence increase production for resilience to
                                                             challenges posed globally by climate change.
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