14 21 46 Saudi Arabia's Water Sector Sees New Demands, Developments & Opportunities - United Nations ...

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14 21 46 Saudi Arabia's Water Sector Sees New Demands, Developments & Opportunities - United Nations ...
October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10


    Saudi Arabia’s Water Sector Sees New
 Demands, Developments & Opportunities

                            Grey Water Treatment:
                            Remedy against Water Shortage
                            in Qatar?

                       21   Water Testing & Analysis
                            Equipment: Stand the Test of Time

                       46   Iraq: Mosul Dam Breach a
                            Disaster in Waiting
14 21 46 Saudi Arabia's Water Sector Sees New Demands, Developments & Opportunities - United Nations ...
14 21 46 Saudi Arabia's Water Sector Sees New Demands, Developments & Opportunities - United Nations ...
Arab Water World                                                                                                                                 October 2016
Serving the Water, Wastewater, Desalination & Energy Sectors in MENA - Since 1977                                                                                     www.awwmag.com
October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10

                                                               Introduction                                                       DEPARTMENTS
                                                               Issue Content & CPH Team..............................01           Corporate Happenings...................................57
                                                               Opening Letter & HCC....................................02         Industry Literature...........................................61
                                                               MENA Water Digest.......................................04         Products & Services.......................................64
                                                                                                                                  Projects & Developments...............................68

                                                               Water TREATMENT
                                                               Using Deep Bed Anthracite to Provide Production                    Events
                                                               Efficiency in Gravity Filtration Systems..............07           Events Preview..............................................76
                                                                                                                                  Events Review................................................80

                                                               Wastewater Treatment
                                                               Grey Water Treatment                                               SERVICES
                                                               Grey Water Treatment:
                                                                                                                                  Coming Events..............................................82

                                                               Remedy against Water Shortage in Qatar?.......14
                                                                                                                                  Buyers’ Guide................................................83

                                                               DESALINATION TECHNOLOGY
                                                               Electrodialysis Reversal
                                                               Operating Flexibility & Economics                                  INFO
                                                               Re-shape Electrodialysis Reversal...................18             Advertisers’ Index..........................................84
                                                                                                                                  General Information........................................85
                                                                                                                                  Closing Letter.................................................86
                                                               Sampling & Analyzing Equipment

                                                               Water Testing & Analysis Equipment:
                                                               Stand the Test of Time.....................................21       CPH Team
                                                                                                                                   Email domain is @cphworldmedia.com)(

                                                               INDUSTRY SPOTLIGHTS                                                 Founders
                                                                                                                                   • Mr. Fathi Chatila • Mrs. Mona Chatila (1944 - 2006)
                                                               Irrigation Technology
                                                               Smart Irrigation Market Worth                                       Management
                                                               USD1,504.6 Million by 2022............................26            • President & Publisher Fathi Chatila / f.chatila@
                                                                                                                                   • General Manager Mohamad Rabih Chatila /
                                                               Oily Water Separators                                               mr.chatila@

                                                               Enhance the Efficiency of Oil/Water Separators                      • Administrative Manager Abdul Rahman Hallak /
                                                               with Oil Skimmers...........................................30      ar.hallak@
                                                                                                                                   • Administrative Officer Ali Zaraket / a.zaraket@
                                                               Submersible Pumps
                                                               Submersible Pump Market Growth:                                     Content & Research

                                                               In Sync with Rising                                                 • Editor-in-Chief Fathi Chatila / f.chatila@
                                                               Urbanization & Industrialization......................34
                                                                                                                                   • Content Editor & Researcher Dana Hani /
                                                                                                                                   • Fatima Saab / f.saab@
                                                               COUNTRY / REGIONAL REPORTS
                                                                                                                                   Circulation & Marketing

                                                               Germany: Struggling to Become a                                     • Circulation & Marketing Manager
                                                                                                                                   Jad L. Aboulhosn / j.aboulhosn@
                                                               Water Powerhouse.........................................39
                                                                                                                                   Information Technology
                                                                                                                                   • IT Operation & Support Officers
                                                               Iraq: Mosul Dam Breach a                                            • Mazen Bou Diab / m.boudiab@ • Mostafa Mohtadi
                                                               Disaster in Waiting...........................................46    / m.mohtadi@

                                                               Saudi Arabia                                                        Accounting & Finance
                                                               Saudi Arabia’s Water Sector Sees New                                • Accountant Hala Nizam / h.nizam@
                                                               Demands, Developments & Opportunities.......48                      Mail & Services

                                                       40      Scandinavia                                                         • Mail & Service Manager Abdul Rahman Hallak /
                                                               Bottled Water vs. Tap Water:
                                                                                                                                   • Mail & Service Officer Ali Zaraket / a.zaraket@
                                                               Remains under Debate...................................53

     Published by CPH World Media s.a.r.l. - Beirut, Lebanon          Helping Advance MENA & Beyond! Since 1977
       ‫ لبنان‬،‫ بريوت‬- .‫م‬.‫م‬.‫ميديا ش‬   ‫تصدر عن يس يب أتش ورلد‬        1977 ‫نساعد بتطوير الرشق األوسط وشامل أفريقيا وأبعد! منذ‬                             www.cphworldmedia.com
14 21 46 Saudi Arabia's Water Sector Sees New Demands, Developments & Opportunities - United Nations ...
02 Opening Letter                                                                                                                                  ‫الرسالة اإلفتتاحية‬

                                                                                                                                ‫جدَّ ة و الرياض تقودان‬
  Jeddah & Riyadh Lead in
  Reusing Wastewater
                                                                                                                                ‫مجال إعادة إستخدام‬
                                                                                                                                   ‫مياه رصف الصحي‬
  The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region’s wastewater and reuse                   ‫ تفيض سوق مياه‬،)Bluefield Research( "‫وف ًقا لتقرير صادر عن رشكة "بلوفيلد لألبحاث‬
  market is scaling with companies positioning to capitalize on more than            ‫الرصف الصحي وإعادة استخدام املياه يف دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي بالرشكات التي‬
  USD40 billion of government investment slated for new treatment and                ‫ مليار دوالر أمرييك من اإلستثامرات الحكومية املخصصة‬٤٠ ‫تستعد لإلستفادة من أكرث من‬
  collection systems, according to Bluefield Research. Oman, Qatar,
  Saudi Arabia, and Abu Dhabi (UAE) have set targets that will increase
                                                                                     ‫ اململكة العربية‬،‫ قطر‬،‫ ووضعت كل من عامن‬.‫لنظم املعالجة الجديدة ونظم التجميع‬
  reuse capacity by 91 percent to 8.8 million m3/d. As a matter of fact,             ‫ وأبو ظبي (اإلمارات العربية املتحدة) أهدا ًفا من شأنها أن تزيد قدرة إعادة‬،‫السعودية‬
  Jeddah and Riyadh lead the region in water quality for its efforts in              ‫ ووفقاً ملؤرش‬.‫ مليون مرت مكعب يف اليوم‬٨٫٨ ‫ أي‬،‫ يف املئة‬٩١ ‫استخدام املياه بنسبة تصل إىل‬
  reusing wastewater, according to Arcadis' Sustainable Cities Water                 ‫ تقود جدة والرياض املنطقة‬،)Arcadis( "‫مياه املدن املستدامة الصادر عن رشكة "أركاديس‬
  Index. The index, conducted by Arcadis in partnership with the Centre              ‫ ويكشف‬.‫يف مجال نوعية املياه وذلك لبذلهام جهودًا يف إعادة إستخدام مياه الرصف الصحي‬
  for Economics and Business Research (CEBR), explores water
  sustainability of 50 cities across the world based on its robust (resiliency),
                                                                                     ،‫مؤرش البحث الذي أجرته رشكة "أركاديس" بالرشاكة مع مركز البحوث االقتصادية واالعامل‬
  effective (efficiency) and healthy (quality) water environment.                    )‫ مدينة يف جميع أنحاء العامل نسبة لقوة (مرونة) وفاعلية (الكفاءة‬٥٠ ‫استدامة املياه يف‬
  The report finds that cities in Saudi Arabia need greater investment when it
                                                                                                                                                 .‫وصحة (نوعية) البيئة املائية‬
  comes to their ability to withstand storm water and drinking water shortages,
                                                                                     ‫ويشري التقرير إىل َّأن املدن يف اململكة العربية السعودية بحاجة إىل إستثامر أكرب عندما يتعلق‬
  with climate adaptation and resiliency being the most pressing issue for city
  leaders. Sameer Daoud, Global Business leader - Water at Arcadis Middle            ‫ إذ تعدُّ قضية التكيف مع تغري‬.‫األمر بقدرتها عىل تحمل نقص مياه األمطار ومياه الرشب‬
  East, commented: "Water demand is rising, aquifers are being depleted              ‫ وقال (سمري‬.‫املناخ والقدرة عىل مواجهته من القضايا األكرث إلحاحاً بالنسبة لقادة املدينة‬
  and the threat of extreme weather is increasingly real, meaning that cities               َّ :‫ الرائد العاملي يف مجال األعامل للمياه يف رشكة "أركاديس" الرشق األوسط‬،)‫داوود‬
                                                                                     ‫"أن ارتفاع‬
  in the region can be stressed without enough water." Looking forward,              ‫ كل ذلك‬،‫ وتزايد تهديد الطقس املتطرف للمنطقة‬،‫ ونضوب املياه الجوفية‬،‫الطلب عىل املياه‬
  Saudi Arabia is aggressively targeting 100 percent reclamation (reuse) of
  wastewater from cities with 5,000 inhabitants or greater by 2025, according
                                                                                     ‫ ووفقاً لجامعة امللك عبد الله‬."‫يؤدي إىل احتامل أن تضغط مسألة قلة املياه مدن املنطقة‬
  to King Abdullah University for Science & Technology (KAUST).
                                                                                     ‫ يف املئة من مياه الرصف‬١٠٠ ‫مستقبل إىل إعادة إستخدام‬     ‫ تهدف السعودية‬،‫للعلوم والتقنية‬
                                                                                                              .٢٠٢٥ ‫ نسمة أو أكرث بحلول عام‬٥٠٠٠ ‫الصحي يف املدن التي تضم‬
  The October 2016 issue of Arab Water World (AWW) magazine covers
  a number of interesting projects and topics. On page 07, the article sheds         ‫ من مجلة عامل املياه العريب مواضيع مختلفة ومثرية‬2016 ‫ أكتوبر‬/ ‫ُيغطي عدد ترشين األول‬
  light on the process of using deep bed anthracite to provide production
  efficiency in gravity filtration systems. The article on page 14 tackles Qatar’s
                                                                                     ‫ الضوء عىل عملية استخدام طبقات الفحم الصلب العميقة‬07 ‫ ف ُيس ّلط مقال الصفحة‬.‫لالهتامم‬
  grey water treatment market. Moreover, the article on page 18 highlights           ‫ إىل سوق‬14 ‫ ويتطرق مقال الصفحة‬.‫لتأمني فعالية نظم الرتشيح التي تعمل بفعل الجاذبية‬
  how electrodialysis technology is making its mark in the industrial water          ‫ فري ّكز عىل كيفية محاولة تقنية‬18 ‫ أ َّما مقال الصفحة‬.‫معالجة املياه متوسطة التلوث يف قطر‬
  recovery market. Furthermore, the article on page 26 focuses on the                ‫ بينام يركز مقال الصفحة‬،‫الفصل الغشايئ الكهربايئ ترك بصمتها يف انتعاش سوق قطاع املياه‬
  global water testing and analysis market, which is set to reach USD4.87            ‫ مليار دوالر أمرييك‬4.87 ‫ ومن املقدر أن تبلغ‬،‫ عىل سوق اختبار املياه العاملية وتحليلها‬26
  billion by 2020. This issue is also abounded with a number of technical
  articles, country reports as well as news about latest innovations and             ‫ كام يزخر هذا العدد مبقاالت تقنية وتقارير حول البلدان باإلضافة إىل آخر‬.2020 ‫بحلول العام‬
  market trends. Your comments and remarks are appreciated; so do not                ‫ فال ترتدّدوا‬،‫ آراءكم وتعليقاتكم ته ّمنا‬.‫األخبار حول أحدث ابتكارات سوق اإلنشاءات واتجاهاتها‬
  hesitate to contact us through our email content@cphworldmedia.com                                        content@cphworldmedia.com ‫بالتواصل معنا عرب الربيد اإللكرتوين‬

  Fathi Chatila                                                                                                                                                    ‫فتحي شاتيال‬
  Editor-in-Chief                                                                                                                                                 ‫رئيس التحرير‬

   Honorary Content Consultants (HCC)
  • Dr. Bakenaz A. Zeydan - Head of Water Engineering Department,                     • Dr. Walid Saleh - Int’l Network on water, Environmental & Health
  Tanta University, Egypt                                                             (INWEH), The United Nations University, Jordan
  • Dr. Eng. Darwish Ibrahim Yousef - Prof. of Yousef Office for                      • Dr. Yousef Al. Rumikhani - Assistant Professor - King Abdul Aziz City
  Science & Engineering, Syria                                                        for Science & Technology (KACST), Saudi Arabia
  • Dr. Jalal Halwani - The Lebanese University, Lebanon                              • Prof. Adel Sharif - University of Surrey, UK
  • Eng. Mohamad Amin Saad - President Masar Technologies, USA                        • Dr. Ing. Aiman Eid Al-Rawajfeh - Tafila Technical University Dep.
                                                                                      Chemical Engineering - Jordan
  • Dr. Mritunjay Chaubey - Pentair Water, India
                                                                                      • Dr. Sajid Mahmood (Azeemi) - Assistant Professor in Water Resources
  • Euro Ing. Prof. Nidal Hilal - Director of The Centre for Clean Water
                                                                                      Management, COE in Water Resources Engineering, Lahore, Pakistan
  Technologies, Multidisciplinary Nanotechnology Centre,
  School of Engineering, Swansea University, Swansea SA2 8PP, UK.                     • Dr. Adil AL Tamimi - Associate Professor of civil enginering and Director of
                                                                                      the institute of Materials Systems “IMS” School of Engineering,
  • Dr. Riyad Abou Maizar - Associated Consultants Engineers (ACE), Bahrain
                                                                                      American University of Sharjah UAE
14 21 46 Saudi Arabia's Water Sector Sees New Demands, Developments & Opportunities - United Nations ...
14 21 46 Saudi Arabia's Water Sector Sees New Demands, Developments & Opportunities - United Nations ...
04 MENA Water Digest

             Jordan                                (liquidity & credit growth) and capital
                                                   markets (debt & equity). Oil & gas, power
                                                                                                   Solar energy has a significant role in not
                                                                                                   only decarbonizing energy generation but
                                                   & water sector projects accounted for 74        also in catering for the rapidly increasing
                                                   percent of projects completed (by value)        demand for new capacity to fuel
                                                   between 2012 and 2015. As far the new           industrialization, economic development
 National Water Strategy                           projects are concerned almost 50 percent        and municipal serves improvement in
 2016-2025                                         of the projects signed in 2015 belong to the    Morocco but also to provide energy
                                                   oil and gas sector. The Kuwait Authority        access to large parts of the underserved
 According to the Ministry of Water and            of Partnership Projects (KAPP), is              continent of Africa, policy makers,
 Irrigation, this strategy defines the steps       expected to award PPP projects worth            technology providers, investors, owners
 to ensure a sustainable future for the            USD6.6 billion in 2016 and as of Q1 2016,       and operators need to work together to
 water sector in Jordan; it uses the distinct      there are 22 ongoing projects from real         create the appropriate legal, infrastructural
 opportunity to reinforce and strengthen           estate and power and water sectors. The         and regulatory environment to reduce risk
 integrated water resources planning and           Al Zour IWPP is the largest ongoing PPP         and encourage investment with a long
 management that is aligned with the SDGs,         project in Kuwait.                              term mindset.”
 revising the scope, context and relevance
 of the strategy for the sustainable future
 of water resource management in the
 coming decades. The Strategy aims to
 create new momentum for the sector to
 be better prepared; do business differently
 and more efficiently; add value to national
 development in conjunction with other
 national socioeconomic sustainability
 initiatives; engage in institutional reform
 for greater efficiency and effectiveness;
 and improve inter-sectoral linkages to
 generate greater synergy and impact on
 the health and economic well-being of
 all Jordanians. The strategy key areas: (i)
 Integrated Water Resources Management;
 (ii) water, sewage and sanitation services;
 (iii) water for irrigation, energy and other
 uses; (iv) institutional reform; and (v) sector
 information management and monitoring.

                Kuwait                                          Morocco                                       Oman

 KAPP Expected to Award ACWA Power Confirms its Add Energy Wins
 Projects Worth Billions Commitment to Morocco New Contract
 Marmore MENA Intelligence, a                      As part of its investment in Morocco as         Add Energy, the international energy
 subsidiary of Kuwait Financial Centre             a developer of solar power plants Noor          consultancy provider, has been
 (Markaz), recently released a research            I, Noor II and Noor III, ACWA Power             awarded a contract with a leading
 report highlighting the projects landscape        confirmed once more its commitment to           upstream gas operator in Oman.
 across sectors in Kuwait. As of Q1 2016,          the Moroccan solar plan by supporting           The contract has secured jobs at
 there are 420 ongoing projects in Kuwait,         the 2nd edition of Photovoltaica, the largest   the company's Aberdeen office and
 19 projects valued at USD112.2 billion            international exhibition in Africa dedicated    enabled sustainability of its Oman
 placed on hold and another 20 projects            to the development of solar energy.             office and in country partnership. The
 valued at USD22.1 billion shelved. Some           Contributing to the energy revolution,          scope of work will see Add Energy
 of the key areas that were expected to            Paddy Padmanathan, President & CEO              provide the plant with equipment
 be positively impacted are the banking            of ACWA Power recognized that: “While           specific    maintenance      strategies

 Arab Water World (AWW)                                                                                         October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10
14 21 46 Saudi Arabia's Water Sector Sees New Demands, Developments & Opportunities - United Nations ...
                                                                  ‫ملخص املياه يف الرشق األوسط وشامل أفريقيا‬                              05
and procedures, which will enable                our client in the coming months. This         dams. Plans are under way to boost the
maintenance execution and planning to            contract signifies that while cost cutting    country’s rainwater resources and raise
be optimized. The project will be carried        continues, operators still need to invest     the number of dams nationwide from
out with an aim of reducing equipment            in initiatives that are driven towards        34 to 44 by 2020. Among the latest
downtime, by mitigating failures due to          efficiency and streamlining operations."      projects to come on-line is that of Oued
                                                                                               Ettin in the northern province of Bizerte.
                                                                                               Estimated at USD28.8 million, the new
                                                                                               dam will serve to irrigate up to 700
                                                                                               hectares of agricultural land in Bizerte
                                                                                               and Manouba. Tunisia is also planning
                                                                                               to increase the number of hill dams from
                                                                                               230 to 275, that of catchment lakes from
                                                                                               894 to 950 and the number of wells from
                                                                                               5400 to 6000, all by 2020. Initiatives to
                                                                                               enhance irrigation techniques have also
                                                                                               been rolled out recently.


                                                                                               UAE Cities Lead the Way
                                                                                               on Sustainability Agenda

                                                                                               Dubai and Abu Dhabi have emerged as
                                                                                               the two most sustainable cities in the
                                                                                               Middle East region, according to the 2016
                                                                                               Sustainable Cities Index from Arcadis.
                                                                                               The overall index is informed through
                                                                                               an analysis of 32 different indicators
                                                                                               and is also broken down into three sub-
                                                                                               indices across each pillar. Dubai ranked
                                                                                               first out of the eight Middle East cities
                                                                                               covered in this year's report and 52nd
                                                                                               overall. The city scored exceptionally
                                                                                               well on the profit indicators finishing in
                                                          Tunisia                              fourth place globally, well ahead of other
                                                                                               major business hubs like New York, Paris
                                                                                               and Tokyo. It also performed well from
                                                 Fertile Ground                                a social perspective although fared less
                                                                                               well on the environmental side, finishing
                                                 Remains Strong                                7th in the region and 96th globally. The
                                                                                               picture in Abu Dhabi was equally positive
                                                 In the face of climate change and             with the city finishing second overall in
                                                 irregular rainfall, improving water access    the region and 58th globally. It scores
                                                 is one of the main priorities for Tunisia’s   very well on economic sustainability too
maintenance which is inadequate or               agriculture sector, according to Oxford       but faces similar challenges around its
without full coverage. Peter Adam, Add           Business Group. The sector absorbs 76         environmental performance. Ben Khan,
Energy managing director, commented:             percent of the country’s water resources,     Client Development Director, Arcadis
"Having completed previous contracts             which are estimated at 4.8 billion cubic      Middle East said: "It's no surprise to see
in the region, the Middle East has               meters a year. Surface water accounts         Dubai and Abu Dhabi perform so well as
always been a focus for Add Energy and           for 2.7 billion cubic meters a year, 87       both cities have well-planned strategies
we look forward to working closely with          percent of which is secured through           around how they want to develop.”

١٠ ‫ عدد‬- 3٩ ‫ مج ّلد‬/ 201٦ )‫ترشين األول (أكتوبر‬                                                                              ‫عامل املياه العريب‬
14 21 46 Saudi Arabia's Water Sector Sees New Demands, Developments & Opportunities - United Nations ...
Water Treatment
  07 Using Deep Bed Anthracite to Provide Production
     Efficiency in Gravity Filtration Systems
  10 Point-of-Entry Water Treatment Systems Market Forecasts
  10 Effluent Treatment System for R&R Ice Cream
  11 Liqtech to Supply Filtration System for Chinese Bioethanol Plant
  12 Luminor Presents Rack-Mounted UV/Filtration System
  12 MEMBRANE Provides Complete Filtration Packages

Wastewater Treatment
       Grey Water Treatment
  14   Grey Water Treatment:
       Remedy against Water Shortage in Qatar?
  16   Black & Veatch Wins HKIA Expansion Project
  16   An Innovative Solution to a Known Dilemma

Desalination Technology
       Electrodialysis Reversal
  18   Operating Flexibility & Economics
       Re-shape Electrodialysis Reversal
14 21 46 Saudi Arabia's Water Sector Sees New Demands, Developments & Opportunities - United Nations ...
                                                                                                                        ‫ُمعالجة املياه‬         07

Using Deep Bed Anthracite to Provide Production
Efficiency in Gravity Filtration Systems
         perators of wastewater and water plants that require rehabilitation or expansion to either meet new, more stringent
         regulations or to increase capacity often do not have the budget for large scale or otherwise expensive improvements.
         In these cases a lower cost yet effective solution may be found in increasing filtration process efficiencies with deep
bed anthracite. Granular media filtration is a fundamental process polishing technology used to achieve acceptable water
quality. Anthracite is an accepted filter media for standard dual media applications for potable water (usually 18 inches (in) [450
millimeters (mm)] of 0.95-1.05 mm Effective Size [ES] over 12 in [300 mm] of 0.45-0.55 mm ES silica sand).

However, in recent studies designers              Figure 1: Effect of media sizes on filter run length in the pilot study at Sioux Falls, SD
using anthracite depths up to 60 in
have successfully extended run time
and increased solids storage. Designers
have also used deep bed, large grain,
mono-media anthracite in low turbidity
scenarios where filters directly process
source water with minimal chemical
addition and flocculation before the
filters. Advances in underdrain backwash
systems have provided a low profile
media support with improved backwash
functionality resulting in better deep
bed anthracite cleaning. Most drinking
water Biologically Active Filters (BAF) are
engineered for the removal of a specific         The collapse-pulse approach is used in          material. The physical requirements of
constituent (such as nitrate, MIB and            dual media and mono-media anthracite.           anthracite are described in the AWWA
Geosmin, or specified micropollutants),          The sub-fluidized wash approach is              B100 Standard for Granular Filter Material.
or for Total Organic Carbon (TOC)                normally used in deep bed media systems.        These characteristics of anthracite
reduction. In contrast, chlorine was used        Amirthirajah et al. (1990) has shown that a     minimize the formation of particle “fines”
as a biological disinfectant to prevent          backwash in the collapse-pulse process          and media losses during backwash.
indigenous biology present in the source         is the most efficient cleaning method           Deep bed anthracite has also been used
water from flourishing in the media.             for dual media and granular activated           in filtration of wastewater effluent.
                                                 carbon. A collapse-pulse condition
Gravity media filtration                         results from a combination of air and Advantages of deep bed
backwash comparisons                             water with a particle size and density that
                                                                                       anthracite filtration
The effectiveness of a backwash                  allows the air to compress and expand Single media layers or dual media layers
operation is measured by the resulting           as it passes through the bed. Achieving
                                                                                       with sand and anthracite are generally
cleanliness of the media and                                                                   applied in drinking water treatment
the costs of power and water                 “The effectiveness of a                           to meet regulatory requirements
required for the operation. In                                                                 for turbidity and particle removal.
gravity granular filters, there is a backwash operation is measured by Deep bed anthracite filtration has
point where either the flow cannot the resulting cleanliness of the media been shown to result in greater filter
be maintained due to headloss,                                                                 run length than either scenario for
or solids are driven through the      and the costs of power and water                         both drinking water and municipal
filter. To restore the driving force,     required for the operation”                          wastewater applications, while
an upward flow of either water                                                                 meeting regulatory requirements.
alone, or a combination of air and water, this collapse-pulse condition will result in U.S.     Environmental         Protection
is used to scour and fluidize the media the optimum filter media wash for dual Agency (E.P.A.) requires finished
to remove accumulated particles and media and for mono-media anthracite, water turbidity measuring less than 0.3
excessive biology.                        and should be considered in the design nephelometric turbidity units (NTU).
                                          of the backwash system.                      Southern Nevada Water System (SNWS)
Two backwash technologies using air                                                    has mandated the reduction of particles
scour combined with water wash are Backwashing anthracite in deep bed (> 2.5 micrometer (µm)) to less than 20#/
collapse-pulse and sub-fluidized wash. applications requires a high quality filter mL (Roefer et al. 1995).

١٠ ‫ عدد‬- 3٩ ‫ مج ّلد‬/ 201٦ )‫ترشين األول (أكتوبر‬                                                                                    ‫عامل املياه العريب‬
14 21 46 Saudi Arabia's Water Sector Sees New Demands, Developments & Opportunities - United Nations ...
08 Water Treatment                                                                                                                Filtration

  In Alberta, particles (> 2 µm) from                  Figure 3: Effect of media sizes on the removal of TSS in the pilot study at Sioux Falls, SD
  individual filters should not exceed 50#/
  mL (Suthaker et al. 2007). In municipal
  wastewater treatment, media filters
  are usually applied after secondary
  biological treatment reducing total
  suspended solids (TSS) to less than 5
  milligram per liter (mg/L) for discharge
  compliance or reuse. Similar to drinking
  water cases, either a single layer of
  media or dual media with sand and
  anthracite are generally applied.

  Example: Sioux Falls, SD Water
  Reclamation Plant
  A pilot study conducted at Sioux Falls greater solids capture capabilities of at less than 5 mg/L with effective media
  Water Reclamation Plant, Sioux Falls, larger media sizes as compared to the sizes of 1.56 mm and 2.01 mm (Figure 3).
  South Dakota used three effective sizes typical dual media configuration (usually This study suggests that by using coarse
  of coarse anthracite media: 1.56                                                            media deep bed anthracite, filter
  mm, 2.01 mm, and 2.64 mm,                “…     using     deep     bed anthracite can       throughput can be increased
  with a media depth of 5 feet                                                                without the need to increase the
  (Schmit et al. 2012). Results            enable more flow with existing filter numbers of filters.
  showed that filter run length was       arrangements thereby obviating the
  significantly greater than a dual                                                           Summary
  media configuration of 18’ (450                   need to add more filters”                 Through the years, various
  mm) of 0.95-1.05 mm Effective                                                               types of media have been used
  Size (ES) anthracite over 12” (300 mm) of 0.05 pound per square foot (lb/ft2) per including anthracite over sand to improve
  0.45-0.55 mm ES silica sand. Improved foot of the headloss [Figures 1 and 2]). particulate removal and filter run times.
  performance was also achieved by the Meanwhile, effluent TSS was maintained Research and full scale application of deep
                                                                                     bed anthracite with and without a sand
    Figure 2: Effect of media sizes on the solids capture capability                 layer has shown that run times, loading
                                                                                     rates, and particulate removal can be
                                                                                     increased even further over conventional
                                                                                     dual and mono-media filter beds. Some
                                                                                     of the loading rate increases have been
                                                                                     up to 60 percent more than standard
                                                                                     configurations. This suggests that using
                                                                                     deep bed anthracite can enable more flow
                                                                                     with existing filter arrangements thereby
                                                                                     obviating the need to add more filters.

                                                                                                                               Tom Getting, PE, BCEE
                                                                                                                          Principal Engineer-Filtration
                                                                                                                              Leopold, a xylem brand
                                                                                                                    E-mail: Tom.Getting@Xyleminc.com
                                                                                                                                Web: www.xylem.com

   ‫ وتحتاج هذه المحطات عادة إلى إعادة تأهيل‬.‫ال يمتلك القائمون على تشغيل محطات مياه الصرف الصحي والمياه ميزانية إلجراء تحسينات واسعة ومكلفة‬
   ‫ يتوفر الحل في زيادة فعالية عملية الترشيح من خالل طبقات‬،‫ وفي هذه الحاالت‬.‫أو توسيع إما للتقيد بالقواعد التنظيمية الجديدة والصارمة أو لزيادة قدرتها‬
   ‫ يعتبر الفحم الصلب من‬.‫ ويعدُّ مرشح الوسائط الحُ بَيبي من التكنولوجيا األساسية لعملية الصقل وتستخدم إلنتاج نوعية مقبولة من المياه‬.‫الفحم الصلب العميقة‬
   ‫ ملم من الحجم الفعلي‬450 ‫ إنش أو‬18 ‫مرشحات الوسائط التي تتماشى واستخدامات الوسائط المزدوجة النموذجية للحصول على مياه للشرب (وتكون بالعادة‬
   ‫ نجح المصممون الذين يستخدمون الفحم‬،‫ وفي الدراسات الحديثة‬.)‫ ملم‬0.55-0.45 ‫ ملم) من الحجم الفعلي لرمل السيليكا‬300( ‫ من‬12 ‫ ملم على‬1.05 -0.95
   ‫ ووسائط‬،‫ وحبوب كبيرة الحجم‬،‫ واستخدم المصممون أيضً ا طبقات عميقة‬.‫ في تمديد وقت التشغيل وزيادة تخزين المواد الصلبة‬60 ‫الصلب على أعماق تصل إلى‬
   ‫الفحم الصلب األحادية في سيناريوهات التكدر المنخفض حيث تعالج المرشحات مصادرالمياه مباشرة من خالل إضافة كمية بسيطة من المواد الكيميائية ومزجها‬
                   .‫ ويتم قياس فعالية عملية المُ ستخلص الراجع من خالل النظافة الناتجة عن الوسائط وتكاليف الكهرباء والمياه الالزمة للعملية‬.‫أمام المرشحات‬

  Arab Water World (AWW)                                                                                               October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10
                                                 ‫ُمعالجة املياه‬      ‫‪09‬‬

‫ترشين األول (أكتوبر) ‪ / 201٦‬مج ّلد ‪ - 3٩‬عدد ‪١٠‬‬          ‫عامل املياه العريب‬
10 Water Treatment                                                                                                        Filtration

  Point-of-Entry Water Treatment Systems
  Market Forecasts
  A new report by Allied Market Research
  titled, "World Point-of-Entry Water
  Treatment Systems Market" projects that
  the world point-of-entry water treatment
  systems market is likely to generate
  revenue of USD6.6 billion by 2022,             from contaminated water is growing               and is expected to maintain its leading
  growing at a CAGR of 8.9 percent from          globally. These factors collectively drive the   position on account of growing population
  2016 to 2022. Asia-Pacific is expected to      point-of-entry water treatment systems           and urbanization. However, the industrial
  maintain its leading position through 2022     market. However, the high equipment and          sector is anticipated to grow at the
  owing to technological developments            operation cost restricts demand of these         highest CAGR, on account of stringent
  and rising awareness, backed by the            systems, thereby hampering the market            regulations regarding water quality for
  increasing disposable income. Water            growth. Water softeners lead the market          industries such as food & beverage and
  softening technology is anticipated to         on account of the widespread usage               pharmaceutical. Asia-Pacific currently
  maintain its dominance throughout the          primarily among the residential customers.       occupies the majority of market share.
  analysis period, followed by filtration        Water filtration is the next prominent           Improving economic conditions in China
  methods. The demand of clean drinking          technology due to heavy demand from              and India facilitate the growth in demand
  water is on a continuous rise worldwide,       the industrial sector. The food & beverage       for water treatment systems in these
  due to enormous growth in population.          and semiconductor and electronics                countries. The LAMEA region is expected
  The changes in lifestyle in recent years       industries constitute a sizable demand           to grow with a notable CAGR during the
  have resulted in increased consumption         for water filters. In 2015, the residential      forecast period, on account of improving
  of clean potable water. In addition,           sector occupied a major share of the             lifestyle and increasing health awareness
  awareness regarding health issues arising      market among the application areas,              among the populace.

  Effluent Treatment System for R&R Ice Cream
  R&R Ice Cream has completed a four             capability at the site by more than 20           (UF) and double pass Reverse Osmosis
  year, USD33 million investment program         percent and meant that the capacity of           (RO) separating technology. The 2.5
  at its Leeming Bar factory in North            Axium’s on-site effluent treatment plant         fold expansion scope of supply also
  Yorkshire which includes an on-site effluent   had to be increased from 600,000 liters          incorporated fully automated additional
  treatment system, designed, built and          to 1.5 million liters per day. The effluent      processes designed, installed and
  commissioned by filtration specialists,        treatment plant was expanded with very           commissioned by Axium Process to
  Axium Process. The investment program          little disruption to R&R’s daily production      further enhance the quality and condition
  helped R&R to increase its production          and uses primarily both Ultrafiltration          of the raw effluent entering the membrane
                                                                                                  system; removable sump debris
                                                                                                  catcher, aeration and mixing of large
                                                                                                  effluent holding tanks, triplex liquid solid
                                                                                                  separator pre-filtration, vertical shell
                                                                                                  and tube pasteurizers system (powered
                                                                                                  using excess heat from an onsite CHP
                                                                                                  plant), temperature controlled air cooling
                                                                                                  system and a pH adjustment tank were
                                                                                                  all new additions to the plant and located
                                                                                                  on the same size foot print as the old
                                                                                                  plant. The superior quality conditioned
                                                                                                  raw effluent is now passed through the
                                                                                                  four UF skids, with the UF permeate
                                                                                                  passed through a pair of double stage,
                                                                                                  double pass RO’s to recycle 90 percent
                                                                                                  of the effluent received to clean water for
  The effluent treatment plant
                                                                                                  reuse back in the factory.

  Arab Water World (AWW)                                                                                       October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10
                                                                                                                 ‫ُمعالجة املياه‬       11
Liqtech to Supply Filtration System for Chinese
Bioethanol Plant
LiqTech International, Inc. is pleased
to announce that the Company has
entered into a Letter of Intent (LOI)
to supply a USD1.8 million filtration
system for a 100,000 tons per year
bioethanol plant to be located in
Harbin, Heilongjiang, China. The Letter
of intent is subject to execution of
definitive documents and financing of            treatment systems in China to date. We      CEO, remarked, “We are very pleased
the project from a Chinese Investment            are excited to work with Heilongjiang       to place this order with LiqTech. We
bank. The filtration system is based on          ZhongDan JianJe BioEnergy Co.               have searched the market for a filtration
the Company´s ceramic membranes                  Ltd. in developing this project. There      technology suitable for our water, which
and its newly developed Reverse                  is a great demand for water treatment       contains high amounts of particles. The
Osmosis systems. Sune Mathiesen,                 systems in China and we are currently       bioethanol plant is scheduled to be in
LiqTech CEO, remarked, “We recently              working on several other opportunities      operation in 2017 and when completed
announced a Letter of Intent to establish        for drinking water treatment, heavy metal   it will be the largest bioethanol
a diesel particulate joint venture factory       removal and industrial applications.        production facility in the world. We have
in China. We have invested significant           We are encouraged by this recent            been very impressed with LiqTech´s
resources in China over the past 12              development and we will continue            engineering team, commercial staff and
months and we are very pleased to be             our efforts for further progress in         management and we are working closely
able to announce this Letter of Intent for       China.” Torben A. Bonde, Heilongjiang       with them in the development of this and
what will be our largest order for water         ZhongDan JianJe BioEnergy Co. Ltd.          future projects.”

١٠ ‫ عدد‬- 3٩ ‫ مج ّلد‬/ 201٦ )‫ترشين األول (أكتوبر‬                                                                           ‫عامل املياه العريب‬
12 Water Treatment                                                                                                     Filtration

  Luminor Presents Rack-Mounted
  UV/Filtration System
  Luminor Environmental’s new Rack
  Mount System combines utility with
  reliability. Pairing Luminor’s state of
  the art UV system with a single or
  double filter housing makes installs a
  breeze. Simply plumb in both an inlet
  and outlet, insert the lamp and quartz
  sleeve, plug in the system and enjoy
  safe, better tasting drinking water.
  Luminor’s UV systems come in a range
  of sizes and are suited for numerous
  applications backed with an industry
                                                                                                                 The rack-mounted system
  leading warranty, certifications, and
  support team. In addition, Luminor
  can offer customers the ability to            seconds. The company’s proprietary           taste, sediment and odor. All systems
  custom program each controller with           lamp base ensures clients receive the        come with an easy drain port and the
  their company branding and contact            lucrative replacement lamp sale. The         ability to add a sensor even after the
  information generating repeat sales           rack mount systems come in sizes 8           install of an unmonitored system. The
  and customer loyalty. Programming             to 15gpm and are perfect for most            Rack Mount system truly embodies
  can be done in the field or at the            residential applications and still offers    Luminor’s mission to provide a high
  shop by simply plugging in a dealer           all the features and functionality of the    quality user friendly product customers
  programing module and waiting 30              standard systems while addressing            won’t soon forget.

  MEMBRANE Provides Complete
  Filtration Packages
  MEMBRANE is a worldwide specialist in         Industries served range from oil & gas, to   pressure filters or cartridge filters for several
  designing, manufacturing, commissioning       pharmaceutical, power, electronic, and       types of applications ranging from particle
  high-end fluid treatment packages.            military. MEMBRANE’s vision is creating      separation to RO pretreatment. Small
  The company operates offshore and             value and delivering benefits to customers   medium, and large flow rates are routinely
  onshore with its own qualified engineers.     as the primary way to help them focus        managed. Several types of media (for
  All design and manufacturing is proudly       on their goals. MEMBRANE Filtration          dual- and multi-media filters) are available
  Made in Italy, at the Milano’s headquarter.   Packages are ASME VIII (upon request)        to choose among, as well as hundreds of
                                                                                             different cartridges and materials for the
                                                                                             cartridge filtration. Cartridges can even
                                                                                             be disposable, reusable, backwashable,
                                                                                             or self-cleaning. The complete chemical
                                                                                             dosing package necessary to the
                                                                                             process is optionally supplied with the
                                                                                             filters. The complete skid, painted to
                                                                                             any kind of environment specifications
                                                                                             include valves, piping, pumps, blowers,
                                                                                             and come pretested at the company’s
                                                                                             factory. The whole process is PLC
                                                                                             controlled, with an exclusive software.
                                                                                             Flow rates ranging from 10 m3/h to 2000
                                                                                             m3/h are achieved. The fine filtration units
                                                                                             are designed according to ASME, ANSI,
  MEMBRANE Sand Filters
                                                                                             UNI standards whichever applicable.

  Arab Water World (AWW)                                                                                    October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10
                                                 ‫ُمعالجة املياه‬      ‫‪13‬‬

‫ترشين األول (أكتوبر) ‪ / 201٦‬مج ّلد ‪ - 3٩‬عدد ‪١٠‬‬          ‫عامل املياه العريب‬
14 WasteWater Treatment                                                                      Grey Water Treatment

  Grey Water Treatment:
  Remedy against Water Shortage in Qatar?
          atar, along its rapid development as part of 2030 Vision, faces a fundamental problem of scarce water resources.
          Groundwater supplies are limited and overexploited. Booming civilization, new roads being built across the country,
          50 new hotels just in 2 years, more than 15 newly emerging shopping malls and thousands of labor workers arriving
  every month – this has all led to the country having the highest water consumption per capita in the world: >500 L/day/person,
  according to the Qatar Environment and Energy Research Institute (QEERI). To meet local demands, the State of Qatar is
  99 percent dependent on desalinated seawater, an energy intensive and expensive source. Since neither groundwater sup-
  plies, nor a few days of rain per year are even close to bringing any reserves, the Public Works Authority ‘Ashgal’ has been
  actively promoting alternative sources of water supply. The direction is toward helping the booming civilization to become
  self-sufficient in some aspects. Let’s find out how and who will benefit the most.

  Is ecology just for the rich?                  rising commodity prices, being a result of five years, these figures are expected to
  In 2008, a Four Star Hotel in Bad increased maintenance costs of sewers double their capacity thanks to further
  Windsheim, Germany, connected all 20 and treatment plants in a shrinking society. new developments: a sewage treatment
  rooms to a grey water cycle. The low                                                      plant in Al Thakhira, an expansion of a
  polluted resource from wash basins and Reality in Qatar                                   plant in the Industrial Area and a project
  showers was collected separately and Qatar is facing quite adverse conditions in southern Doha. Along with that,
  treated to obtain a hygienic supply for toilet than the case study from Germany. With ‘Ashgal’ does not allow the society to stay
  flushing. The plan for the future was to re- substantial water shortage in the period passive observing the aggressive vision
  use the so-called white water (high quality of rapid development, the cost of buying of the Gulf’s development. Apart from
  service water) for the first stages                                                                 relying strictly on governmental
  of washing in dish washers                   “A recently opened Doha North                          institutions to provide substantial
  and washing machines as well.
  Bearing in mind the scale of just
                                        Sewage Treatment Plant is targeted to water                           supply, why not share the
                                                                                                      responsibility and leave some of
  20 rooms, the investment into a serve a population of 900,000 citizens” it for developers who also benefit
  new alternative sanitation system                                                                   from Qatar’s rapid growth?
  could seem a lavish choice. Climate desalinated water is not the only concern.
  change causing water shortages, rapid A recently opened Doha North Sewage New source of water supply
  urbanization or population growth could Treatment Plant is targeted to serve a With depleting groundwater reserves, costly
  be explicable reasons, yet still convincing population of 900,000 citizens, treating desalination and scarce rainwater, The Gulf
  just for the forward thinking ones. In 245,000m³ of wastewater on a daily countries are left to look for alternative
  Germany, back in 2008 the reason was basis. According to ‘Ashgal’, over the next sources of water supply. Parallel to sewage
                                                                                            treatment done by public authorities, there
                                                                                            is another resource which can be efficiently
                                                                                            used to its full potential – grey water. It is
                                                                                            generated in households or office buildings –
                                                                                            in water basins, lavatory flush and showers,
                                                                                            excluding toilet (black water) and kitchen
                                                                                            (contains biochemical oxygen demand
                                                                                            (BOD) matter, fat and grease). Once treated
                                                                                            from solids, hair, organic contaminants,
                                                                                            oils, bacteria like e-coli and measurable
                                                                                            levels of BOD and COD (chemical oxygen
                                                                                            demand), it can be reused for flushing
                                                                                            toilets or irrigation. This results in a 30
                                                                                            percent reduction to potable water use for
                                                                                            the development. A drawback to grey water
                                                                                            treatment is definitely the need to collect it
                                                                                            in a separate drainage pipework. Basins,
                                                                                            showers and baths are the primary input
                                                                                            for pipework installation. Nevertheless, the
                                                                                            same network could also collect grey water
  Grey water recycling system proposal by Watermaster's supplier, Aquaco Water Recycling UK
                                                                                            from washing machines, laundries, kitchen

  Arab Water World (AWW)                                                                                    October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10
‫معالجة املياه الرمادية‬
                                                                                                                             ‫ُمعالجة مياه الرصف‬                15
sinks, dishwashers and AC installation. The                                                                                  ©
                                                                                                                              Aquaco Water Recycling UK
top goal is to separate black water from
entering the grey water system. In order to
start the treatment process of grey water
and make it economically profitable, the
quantity collected has to be sufficient and,
most importantly, regular like in housing
developments. The amount of grey water
collected should be observed. If stored for
more than 24 hours, it starts to create bad
odors. Therefore, it is worthy to plan the
amount of grey water which can be re-used
indoors for human use, as well as outside
                                                                        Visualization of a packaged grey water system suited for residential buildings
for irrigation. Another condition before
starting to plan the investment is an effective
treatment system plant. It is absolutely               consists of a Collection Tank which transfers
                                                                                       untreated grey water to the MBR chamber
necessary as using contaminated grey                   grey water immediately to the Aeration Tank
                                                                                       which is aerated by a diffuser attached to
water can be hazardous to health, even for             for agitation and to keep the wastewater
                                                                                       the bottom of the membrane housing. Air
irrigation. Limitations are substantial in all         from getting septic. Aerated grey water is
                                                                                       is continuously supplied, going through
cases, notwithstanding the water quality for           dosed with coagulants for efficient settling
                                                                                       self-cleaning membranes of a pore size
toilet flushing. Modern treatment systems              of particles. A built-in dosing system caters
                                                                                       of 0.2 microns. This helps to remove any
are able to satisfy these parameters.                  for required capacity of dosing pump and
                                                                                       trapped particles or a build-up of bio-mass.
                                                       tank. Excess grey water (if any) overflows
                                                                                       Treated grey water is supplied through the
Packaged grey water                                    to the sewage system. It is transferred
                                                                                       membranes to a clearwater tank with a
treatment system                                       into the filtration tank for membrane filter
                                                                                       suction pump. When the clearwater tank
Watermaster, experts in water related                  and filtrate box treatment. Treated grey
                                                                                       reaches an adequate volume, a float switch
solutions for over 35 years in the Middle East         water is collected and transferred to the
                                                                                       activates an effluent pump which directs
and Africa (MEA) region, suggest a                                                              treated grey water to a concrete
Packaged Grey Water Treatment              “Grey water treatment is a novatory treated grey water storage tank.
System (GTS). Completely safe,                                                                  Grey water treatment is a novatory
equipped with Bio-Membrane filter, approach to water reuse in the regions approach to water reuse in the
it ensures complete separation            where water is a scarce commodity” regions where water is a scarce
of the biomass from treated grey                                                                commodity. Modern treatment
water, freeing it from solids and bacteria concrete storage tank via a twin pump unit, systems are an investment, however, they
or germs with a blocking rate of 98-99 one duty and one standby. The treatment bring substantial savings in the long run
percent. The recycling process also entails system is connected to a main control and are sustainable, helping to preserve
biological treatment whilst the ultrafiltration unit, completely programmed and pre- national and environmental resources for
is performed by Membrane Bio-Reactor assembled. Grey water is then directed future generations.
(MBR). To begin, due to water quality to an inlet tank, which has an overflow to
concerns from bacterial growth, collection a sump pit and sewer network, to cater                                   Souheil Nasrallah
systems are designed and constructed for high-flow periods during the day. The                               Deputy General Manager
in such a way so grey water reaches the GTS system activates a pump within the              E-mail: snasrallah@watermasterqatar.com
treatment process as soon as possible. GTS inlet tank on-demand. It transfers the                          Web: www.watermaster.me

 ‫ إنَّ إمدادات المياه الجوفية محدودة‬.2030 ‫تواجه قطر مشكلة أساسية في شح مصادر المياه في ظلِّ التطور السريع الذي تخبره في إطار رؤية قطر الوطنية‬
 ‫ فندق جديد‬50 ‫ وبناء‬،‫ وتعبيد طرق جديدة في جميع أنحاء البالد‬،‫ أدَّى اإلنفتاح الحضاري‬،‫ ووفقًا لمعهد قطر لبحوث البيئة والطاقة‬.‫وتتعرَّض لالستغالل المفرط‬
 ‫ جميعها عوامل أدَّت إلى تسجيل البالد أعلى‬،‫ ووفود اآلالف من العمال كل شهر إلى البالد‬،‫ مركز جديد للتسوق‬15 ‫ باإلضافة إلى إنشاء أكثر من‬،‫في سنتين فقط‬
 ،‫ في المئة على تحلية مياه البحر لتلبية الطلب المحلي‬99 ‫ تعتمد دولة قطر بنسبة‬.‫ ليتر في اليوم للشخص الواحد‬500 :‫معدل استهالك للمياه للفرد في العالم‬
 ‫ تعمل‬،‫ وال بضعة أيام من األمطار سنويًا أن تؤمِّن إحطياطً ا للمياه‬،‫ وبما أنّه ال يمكن إلمدادات المياه الجوفية‬.‫ولكنَّه يُعتبر مصدرًا كثيف االستهالك للطاقة ومكلفًا‬
 .‫ وتتجه نحو مساعدة االزدهار الحضاري على االكتفاء الذاتي في بعض الجوانب‬.‫هيئة األشغال العامة "أشغال" على تعزيز أنشطة المصادر البديلة إلمدادات المياه‬
 .‫ متر مكعب من مياه الصرف الصحي يوميًا‬245.000 ‫ وتعالج‬،‫ مواطن‬900.000 ‫فقد تمَّ مؤخرًا افتتاح محطة معالجة الصرف الصحي في شمال الدوحة لخدمة‬
 ‫ إنشاء محطة لمعالجة مياه‬:‫ووفقًا لـ "أشغال" من المتوقَّع أن تتضاعف هذه األرقام في السنوات الخمس المقبلة بفضل إجراء المزيد من التطورات الجديدة مثل‬
                                                   .‫ وووضع مشروع في جنوب الدوحة‬،‫ وتوسيع محطَّ ة في المنطقة الصناعية‬،‫الصرف الصحي في مدينة الذخيرة‬

١٠ ‫ عدد‬- 3٩ ‫ مج ّلد‬/ 201٦ )‫ترشين األول (أكتوبر‬                                                                                                    ‫عامل املياه العريب‬
16 WasteWater Treatment                                                                   Grey Water Treatment

  Black & Veatch Wins HKIA Expansion Project
  Black & Veatch has won a water
  management role in the expansion
  of Hong Kong International Airport
  (HKIA) that incorporates business
  sustainability best practices. The
  Black & Veatch team will design
  the hydraulic and water treatment
  systems for the new Three-runway
  System (3RS) to be completed by
  2024. The HKIA expansion will meet
  future air traffic growth and maintain
  its competitiveness as an international     costs. The sewerage system will be          Compact technologies will be used to
  aviation hub while improving the            protected against severe corrosive          limit the footprint required for sewage
  facilities’ operational resilience.         attacks given its coastal location and      treatment without sacrificing treatment
  Black & Veatch’s design will save           potentially septic environment through      efficiency. Seawater will also be
  on future costs, reduce demand for          a composite of physical, chemical           used as an alternative source to cool
  potable water supply and increase           and biological solutions. An advanced       water for air conditioning and flushing
  the lifespan of the infrastructure.         grey water system will first collect then   purposes, further reducing demand
  The design will also incorporate            recycle grey water along with other         for potable water. A smart drinking
  smart network systems and asset             treated water for reuse. The treated        water supply system will provide real-
  management principles that will             grey water will be reused for irrigation.   time monitoring, automatic supply
  enable short and long term decision         This will reduce demand for potable         control, intelligent data analysis and
  making that optimizes water resources       water for irrigation and reduce the         a decision-making tool to take cost-
  as well as operational and capital          loading to the sewerage system.             effective actions.

  An Innovative Solution to a Known Dilemma
  As water resources become more              treatment method of multimedia filter,      high quality recovered grey water for
  scarce, grey water recovery also become     carbon filter and ultrafiltration has       individual and small scale applications,
  a vital need. To meet this need in the      been a popular method for grey water        Rielli engineers developed a concept
  course of time, engineers developed and     recovery. However, regardless of the        of simple yet innovative solutions.
  applied several techniques. Especially in   order these methods are applied, they       Targeting the organic load in the grey
  the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)     all present problems such as blockage       water, which is the main cause for
  region and in single family homes           and odor in the recovered water. In the     odor and blocking problems, the new
  and apartment buildings combined,           challenge of providing odor-free and        Rielli grey water treatment plants first
                                                                                          biologically degrade all the dissolved
                                                                                          and suspended organics in grey water.
                                                                                          Followed by an ultrafiltration process
                                                                                          or using the MBR process integrated
                                                                                          to the biologic phase, treated grey
                                                                                          water reaches the specs of high quality
                                                                                          irrigation water. Biologic treatment and
                                                                                          MBR processes can easily be applied
                                                                                          for relatively large scale applications
                                                                                          like hotels. Moreover, the outstanding
                                                                                          part of the new Rielli plants is the
                                                                                          possibility to apply them in small scale
                                                                                          applications such as single-family
                                                                                          homes and houses or apartments. With
                                                                                          their compact design, the new plants
                                                                                          can pass through doors and be placed
  Rielli grey water treatment plant
                                                                                          in basements or garages.

  Arab Water World (AWW)                                                                              October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10
‫معالجة املياه الرمادية‬
                                                 ‫ُمعالجة مياه الرصف‬       ‫‪17‬‬

‫ترشين األول (أكتوبر) ‪ / 201٦‬مج ّلد ‪ - 3٩‬عدد ‪١٠‬‬               ‫عامل املياه العريب‬
18 Desalination Technology                                                       Electrodialysis Reversal

  Operating Flexibility & Economics
  Re-shape Electrodialysis Reversal
         istorically, on the basis of capital cost and power consumption, electrodialysis (ED) technology has taken second place
         to reverse osmosis (RO) as a non-thermal desalination method for seawater. However, by taking a new direction, current
         ED(R) design is not only challenging this position but also making its mark in industrial water recovery from RO systems.

  Precursors to the next EDR                 reducing energy consumption and (b), Environment and Water Industry
  Evoqua’s electrodialysis was initially a relative fall in the costs of automated Programme Office. In 2008, new energy
  conceived as a low-energy alternative valve technology, control systems and saving capabilities were developed in
  to thermal techniques for desalting ED module construction. It was vital, in the laboratory, which then led to Evoqua
  seawater. It has since found a practical redesigning EDR equipment, to retain winning the government’s ‘Singapore
  role in brackish water desalination, the existing features of the process Challenge’. The race was then for the
  enabling industry authorities to utilize and its intrinsic advantages over RO: company’s US and Singapore R&D
  an otherwise untapped resource. In low operating pressure; noiseless facilities to develop a commercial version
  the 1970s, reverse osmosis found operation; no vibration; output tenability; of the process. By 2011 a 50m3/day
  suitability in large-scale desalination operational flexibility; chlorine tolerance; pilot system showed that the new EDR
  plants, once commonly operated with and no exotic materials required for desalination process could use half the
  thermal techniques, which can make piping, valves, pumping, etc. The energy of an equivalent RO plant. It
  use of waste heat from sites                                                                   was also shown to be tunable
  such as power plants and                                                                       to required output salinities,
  refineries. RO subsequently “ED, originally introduced in the 1950s, or total dissolved solids (TDS)
  flourished in locations without competed with RO in brackish water and to be quiet in operation,
  a large source of ‘free’ heat.                                                                 working at low pressure. The
  ED, originally introduced in the
                                                desalting applications”                          heart of this next-generation
  1950s, competed with RO in                                                                     EDR module, named NEXEDTM,
  brackish water desalting applications. problem was how to bridge the gap is an innovative membrane with a
  With the advent of polarity reversal, EDR to create an economic advantage. For unique design. The membrane is
  became more competitive with RO due Evoqua Water Technologies, advances superior to earlier ED technology in its
  to reduced pretreatment requirements made in the development of Ionpure electrical resistance, ion permselectivity
  (lessening the need for acid and continuous electrodeionization (CEDI) (charge selectivity), and water transport
  antiscalant treatments).                   modules provided a platform to improve allowance. The modular, cross-flow
                                             on existing EDR. Three key tasks were cell construction addresses an earlier
  New approach for changing times identified: to introduce a new membrane, limitation of ED, which is the incomplete
  In the past decade, two converging a new module construction and a low utilization of membrane surface area.
  market trends prompted a review energy process design.                               In NEXEDTM, the membrane performs
  and remodeling of EDR, as a serious                                                  ionic filtration across approximately 85
  competitor to RO desalination. These EDR breakthrough                                percent of the total area – an increase
  were (a), a rising requirement to The project that ultimately established a of up to 25 percent on existing devices.
  conserve and recycle water, both in new EDR generation was a technology
  potable and industrial applications, while endeavor funded by the Singapore A cost-driven design uses highly
                                                                                       automated, modular cell construction
                                                                                       and molded components. Coupled with
                                                                                       the higher membrane performance and
                                                                                       utilization, the result is reduced costs
                                                                                       on all fronts: system, energy, lifecycle
                                                                                       and footprint. Low-energy, low-pressure
                                                                                       membranes and tunable dissolved solids
                                                                                       (TDS) removal capability reduce energy
                                                                                       expenditures and also minimize system
                                                                                       maintenance. By adjusting input power, the
                                                                                       module can manipulate output quality to
                                                                                       meet changing application requirements,
                                                                                       or to provide consistent water quality with
  Nexed EDR Module
                                                                                       variable feed water parameters.

  Arab Water World (AWW)                                                                              October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10
‫الفصل الغشايئ الكهربايئ العكيس‬
                                                                                                                     ‫تقنية تحلية املياه‬          19
RO reject recovery application            optimized to reduce water consumption not a problem for new generation EDR.
Although, through exhaustive testing, and reduce disposal costs. Typically, A single module treats up to 12 m3/h
the new generation of EDR design RO systems only recover between 50 (53 gpm) RO reject, while removing
is proven to deliver cost-effective percent and 75 percent of water. The over 50 percent of total ionized solids.
desalination, the operational flexibility remainder is discharged as wastewater. This enables up to 97 percent overall
of the design also permits                                                              system water recovery and in
other applications, including             “Typically, RO systems only                   comparison to a second RO
RO reject recovery. Industries
that require high-purity water       recover between 50 percent and 75 stage,                     EDR is less susceptible
                                                                                        to problems of silica scaling.
such      as     semiconductor,                  percent of water”
pharmaceutical,     food     and
beverage processing and power While this could be fed directly into                                          Charles P Buzzell
commonly use RO systems. They a second RO unit, the likelihood of                             Business Development Manager
                                                                                                   Evoqua Water Technologies
produce waste brackish reject streams scaling or fouling the second RO                   E-mail: charles.buzzell@evoqua.com
with high salt concentrations that can be without pretreatment is high. This is                        Web: www.evoqua.com

 ‫ وذلك‬،‫ احتلَّت تقنية الفصل الغشائي الكهربائي المركز الثاني خلف تقنية التناضح العكسي باعتبارها وسيلة من وسائل تحلية المياه غير الحرارية‬،‫تاريخيًا‬
 ‫ ال يشكِّل التصميم الحالي للفصل الغشائي الكهربائي العكسي تحديًا لهذا‬،‫ َّإل أنَّه مع اتخاذه منحى جديدًا‬.‫من جهة التكاليف الرأسمالية واستهالك الطاقة‬
 ‫) في‬Evoqua( "‫ لقد اع ُتبِر الفصل الغشائي الكهربائي "إيفوكا‬.‫ بل يترك بصمة في انتعاش قطاع المياه تختلف عن نظم التناضح العكسي‬،‫المركز وحسب‬
 .‫ وقد وجد منذ ذلك الحين دورًا له في عملية تحلية المياه‬.‫البداية كبديلٍ مو ِّف ٍر للطاقة يختلف عن التقنيات الحرارية المستخدمة في تحلية مياه البحر‬
 ‫ لقد تناسب اعتماد التناضح العكسي في السبعينات في محطات تحلية المياه ذات‬.‫األمر الذي أتاح لهيئات الصناعة من استخدام مورد آخر لم يستغله أحد‬
 ‫ وهي عادة كانت تعمل بالتقنيات الحرارية والتي بدورها كانت تستفيد من الحرارة الناتجة عن مواقع مثل محطات توليد الكهرباء ومصافي‬،‫النطاق الواسع‬
 ‫ وتمَّ إدخال تقنية الفصل الغشائي الكهربائي في‬."‫ وازدهرت تقنية التناضح العكسي في ما بعد في مواقع تفتقر إلى مصدر كبير للحرارة "المجانية‬.‫النفط‬
 ‫ أصبح الفصل الغشائي الكهربائي العكسي أكثر‬،‫ ومع ظهور القطبية العكسية‬.‫ وتنافست مع تقنية التناضح العكسي في استخدامها لتحلية المياه‬.‫الخمسينات‬
                                                                    .‫قدرة على التنافس والتناضح العكسي نتيجة النخفاض متطلبات المعالجة المسبقة‬

١٠ ‫ عدد‬- 3٩ ‫ مج ّلد‬/ 201٦ )‫ترشين األول (أكتوبر‬                                                                                      ‫عامل املياه العريب‬
20 Feature                                                      Sampling & Analyzing Equipment

              Sampling & Analyzing Equipment
         21   Water Testing & Analysis Equipment:
              Stand the Test of Time
         24   Analyzer Monitors Hazardous Chromium VI in Drinking Water
         24   SEAL Launches New Range of Digestion Blocks

  Arab Water World (AWW)                                                        October 2016 / Vol. XXXIX Issue 10
‫معدّات أخذ العينات وتحليلها‬
                                                                                                                ‫موضوع خاص‬              21

Water Testing & Analysis Equipment:
Stand the Test of Time
       lean water constitutes an essential part of life and well-being. Consequently, water testing is a vital part of the equation
       as millions of quality tests are executed daily to ensure safety of water supply. With increasing population growth, natural
       calamities like droughts and earthquakes, and breaking of epidemic diseases bring environmental water testing and
its management to the forefront, according to a recent Mordor Intelligence report. As a matter of fact, IndustryARC reveals
that the water testing and analysis market is set to reach USD4.87 billion by 2020 at a high CAGR. Moreover, in a highly
competitive environment, manufacturers are exerting all their effort on providing advanced water quality testing equipment with
smart connectivity options.

Assessing water quality is vital
Contaminated water can be the source
of large outbreaks of disease. Some
common water borne diseases are E.
coli, Legionella and Pseudomonas.
As defined by WHO, consumption
of any impurities suspended or
dissolved    beyond    capacity      may
lead to serious health issues and in
extreme circumstance may prove fatal.
Therefore, monitoring water quality
with the right equipment is crucial. In
2013, the global E. coli testing market
was estimated at USD1.2 billion and
by 2022, the market is projected
to be worth USD2.1 billion, reports
Transparency Market Research
(TMR). As for Europe, the E. coli testing
market was valued at USD41.28 million            through the next five years. Industrial
                                                                                       Malnutrition and scarcity of nutrients in
in 2013 and is estimated to reach USD            wastewater/effluent is polluted by    emerging countries of Middle East and
67.90 million by 2022.                           organic, inorganic, and biological    Africa and Asia Pacific has raised serious
                                                 contaminants. The wastewater/effluent concerns because the demand of water
Environmental water testing                      has to be tested and treated before   quality monitoring in these regions has
Water quality monitoring equipment               disposing it in the environment. With the
                                                                                       risen significantly. PMR’s report reveals that
market can be segmented on the basis             growing industrial activity, generation
                                                                                       the raising concern over the health in urban
of product type; portable, handheld and          of wastewater/effluent is projected toregions has also boosted the water quality
bench-top. For environmental                                                                     monitoring equipment market. Not
end users, analysts state                                                                        only limited to general use, water
that the most commonly             “The  market       for  environmental            testing      quality monitoring equipment
used product type is portable          for wastewater/effluents is also                          also finds its extensive use in
equipment where analysis is estimated to have the largest market chemical and pharmaceutical
mostly performed on field. The                                                                   manufacturing. Properties such
American market is, as stated        share   through        the   next    five   years”          as turbidity, alkalinity, basicity and
by Mordor Intelligence’s report,                                                                 presence of other chemical in
the single largest market for testing of increase,   which  is projected  to drive its waters  is of prime importance to industries
environmental water apart from Europe    testing  service market,   adds  the report.  to get  desired   chemical or product failure
and Rest of the World. Along these                                                     of which    can  be   disastrous. Laboratories
lines, the environmental testing market  Monitoring      devices:                      studying   aquatic  life employ significant use
was led by the wastewater/effluent       In high    demand                             of  water    quality   monitoring     equipment,
segment in 2015, according to another    The   rising  consumption     of  water   for adds   the   report.   The demand       for water
new report by Markets and Markets.       industrial   or  for   domestic    purposes   quality monitoring    equipment    is anticipated
The market for environmental testing for has instigated a high demand of water to increase multifold owing to extensive
wastewater/effluents is also estimated quality monitoring devices, according to need in various industries and for general
to have the largest market share Persistence Market Research (PMR). purpose use.

١٠ ‫ عدد‬- 3٩ ‫ مج ّلد‬/ 201٦ )‫ترشين األول (أكتوبر‬                                                                            ‫عامل املياه العريب‬
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