4.0 INDUSTRY Driving Demand - Tall Timber Group

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4.0 INDUSTRY Driving Demand - Tall Timber Group
Spring 2021

           THE RIVIERA
4.0 INDUSTRY Driving Demand - Tall Timber Group
4.0 INDUSTRY Driving Demand - Tall Timber Group
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4.0 INDUSTRY Driving Demand - Tall Timber Group
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4.0 INDUSTRY Driving Demand - Tall Timber Group
CONTENTS                                                 | Spring 2021

                                                            05     President’s
                                                            07     Executive Director’s
                                                            29     Developing Trend
                                                                   The Long-Term Trend in
                                                                   Industrial Demand

                                                            35     Eye On the
08   Feature
     Industry 4.0: Driving Demand                           41     Office Market

                                                            45     Industrial Market
                                                                   Colliers Pittsburgh

                                                            51     Capital Market
                                                            55     Legal/Legislative
                                                                   The Pitfalls of Litigation
                                                                   to the Bitter End

                                                            57     Benchmarks
21   Development Profile                                           Revisiting Two “Next
                                                                   Hot Neighborhoods”
     The Riviera
                                                            65     Voices
                                                                   Designers Share Ideas
                                                                   About the Post-COVID
                                    About the Cover:               Office
                                    The Riviera. Photo
                                    by Elliot Cramer        69     News from the
                                    Photography                    Counties
                                                            81     People / Events

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4.0 INDUSTRY Driving Demand - Tall Timber Group
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4.0 INDUSTRY Driving Demand - Tall Timber Group
                      Tall Timber Group         President’s Message

                                Jeff Burd

              jburd@talltimbergroup.com              bout this time last year, eight       and other markets have been
                                                     NAIOP Pittsburgh chapter              devastated. Our fight is to help those
                        PRODUCTION                   leaders were attending the            specific development industries, and
                 Carson Publishing, Inc.       NAIOP National Chapter Leadership           the greater economy, recover as
                       Kevin J. Gordon         and Legislative Retreat in Washington       quickly as possible. Our fight is to
         kgordon@carsonpublishing.com          DC. At the final awards presentation        help the Pittsburgh area economy
                                               Pittsburgh was a finalist for Chapter       recover. Our fight is to bring jobs and
                       GRAPHIC DESIGN          of the Year award. Tom Bisacquino           people from high-cost areas such
                                               was holding the award…. Drum roll…          as California, Boston, New York, and
                                               the winner is…. NAIOP NEW MEXICO!!          Chicago to the City of Champions!!
      CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHY                 Before the applause started, there was      How can we get our friends back to
                                               a second or two pause as those in           work, developing great spaces in the
               Elliot Cramer Photography
                                               attendance processed it. At our table,      Pittsburgh region NOW?!?
                                       RIDC    during the brief silence, someone
                               Al. Neyer LLC                                               Under the long, slow, hard work of
                                               quietly said what I was thinking: Rats!     previous board members, officers, and
                   Mike Crist Photography
       Trinity Commercial Development          New Mexico is a great chapter;              staff, NAIOP Pittsburgh has grown to
                                               however, Pittsburgh is a City of            be the voice of commercial real estate
                         Tall Timber Group
                                               Champions. “Yinzers” are not tolerant       in Pittsburgh. If ever there was a time
                                               of losing. Yes, we may be gracious in       that our industry needed a loud, clear,
                                               defeat to worthy competitors but what       consistent voice it is NOW!
                        Karen Kukish
                                               do we need to do to win?                    Now is the time, to loudly advocate
                  ADVERTISING SALES            Earlier that night Brandon Mendoza          for improved: planning, zoning,
                           Karen Kukish        won the Executive Director of the           permitting, tax policy, infrastructure,
                          412-837-6971         Year. Don Smith won Chapter                 transportation, and economic
           kkukish@talltimbergroup.com         President of the Year. We were              development funding.
                                               recognized as the Fastest Growing           NAIOP Pittsburgh’s advocacy
                MORE INFORMATION:              Chapter. Our Developing Leaders             committee is working hard on these
  DevelopingPittsburghTM is published by       were finalists for their programs. Brian    issues and will be imploring all
 Tall Timber Group for NAIOP Pittsburgh        Walker was named the treasurer of           members to assist with sending emails
                                               NAIOP National. Our legislative affairs     and calling national, state, and local
                                               efforts for state and local advocacy        elected officials to effect legislation
              www.naioppittsburgh.com          were also recognized. Several of our        and policies that affect our jobs.
                                               members were appointed to national
        No part of this magazine may be        committees. Pittsburgh’s Bill Hunt          NOW IS THE TIME TO MAKE YOUR
  reproduced without written permission        recently served as NAIOP national           VOICE HEARD! NAIOP Pittsburgh
                         by the Publisher.     president. NAIOP Pittsburgh is truly an     is the organization to combine your
                       All rights reserved.    outstanding professional organization       voice with the thousands of other
                                               and held in high regard by NAIOP            like-minded individuals and channel
   This information is carefully gathered      Corporate and our peers.                    them to those who can most effect
   and compiled in such a manner as to                                                     our industry.
                                               One year later, our fight continues. We
 ensure maximum accuracy. We cannot,
                                               have a fight, but it’s not to win Chapter
   and do not, guarantee either the cor-       of the Year or any other NAIOP
    rectness of all information furnished      national award.
 nor the complete absence of errors and
omissions. Hence, responsibility for same      We have a fight to restart development
                                               projects that drive our industry and
         neither can be, nor is, assumed.
                                               our region. If you are reading this, you
      Keep up with regional construction       know the devastation that COVID is                                    Jamie White
                                               having on the commercial real estate                                  NAIOP
               and real estate events at:
                                               industry. NAIOP-related industries                                    Pittsburgh
          www.buildingpittsburgh.com           provide meaningful jobs. We are 30                                    President
                                               percent of the economy! Yet, many of
                                               us are now facing financial hardship.
                                               We need to get back to work as
                                               quickly as possible.
                                               Some of us in the industrial, high
                                               tech, and warehouse/distribution
                                               markets are thriving. However, many
                                               of us in the office, retail, hospitality,

                                                                                                    www.developingpittsburgh.com     5
4.0 INDUSTRY Driving Demand - Tall Timber Group
4.0 INDUSTRY Driving Demand - Tall Timber Group

       lmost one year ago, NAIOP                           employees, while also helping their             of COVID’s economic impacts. Among
       Pittsburgh was in was in our                        tenants with their own virtual work plans.      many ways the CRE community helped,
       nation’s capital to participate in                  Many of us were navigating this time with       by working with tenants to allow their
the annual NAIOP Chapter Leadership                        our kids at home with us, further adding        businesses to adjust and rebound, the
& Legislative Retreat. Our chapter was                     a layer to this flexibility. Nonetheless, our   CRE community was integral to our
honored with various awards, including                     industry forged ahead.                          region’s bounce back economically.
Chapter President and Executive Director                                                                   While we still have ways to go to get
of the year awards and Chapter Growth                      During a year with so much loss, it is          back to pre-pandemic economic vitality,
of the Year award for 2019. While I was                    easy to imagine a scenario where we             the CRE industry will be pivotal to our
proud of our efforts during 2019, and                      retreat to our own corners to protect           region and nation’s path. We must
happy we received recognition for it, I am                 our own families and not help our               continue to embrace flexibility and
even prouder of efforts in 2020. In a year                 communities get through it together,            compassion to continue to lead our
of great challenges for our global world,                  but I am happy to say that the CRE              region to recovery. This will no doubt
our nation, and our industry, NAIOP                        community did the opposite. While               be a challenging year, but after seeing
Pittsburgh and our members did our                         navigating through 2020 and the                 our industry’s work in 2020, I am more
best work yet. In my opinion, 2020 was                     mayhem unleashed by COVID-19, our               optimistic than ever. Please be safe and
characterized by three words: flexibility,                 members worked with their tenants to                                   healthy. I hope to
compassion, and recovery.                                  keep them in their spaces, offering rental                             see you at a NAIOP
                                                           assistance and other creative ways to                                  event in 2021.
With emergence of COVID-19, the global                     help tenants. Additionally, I personally
economy was thrust into an international                   saw the great amount of philanthropy
race for flexibility. This flexibility was                 from many in the CRE community. That
needed from business, government,                          compassion will not show up in the
workers, and other institutions. At NAIOP                  balance sheets, but it is imperative for
Pittsburgh, we adopted early to digital                    our communities to continue to thrive.
programming, providing our members
with key information via our Developers’                   Lastly, I witnessed how our members
                                                           and the broader CRE community led               Brandon J. Mendoza
Roundtable events. Our members                                                                             Executive Director
developed virtual work for most of their                   our region in its rebound from the worst
                                                                                                           NAIOP Pittsburgh

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4.0 INDUSTRY Driving Demand - Tall Timber Group

                                          DRIVING DEMAND

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F   E   A   T   U    R   E

        merica’s primacy has been driven       revolutions. In the 21st century, as new      of those groundbreaking advances in
        by its size, its foreign policy, its   technologies are ushering in a fourth         the applications of steel, aluminum, and
        military might, its success as an      revolution in the way things are produced,    electrical power, Pittsburgh garnered
experiment in self-government, and its         there are significant opportunities for       benefits that placed the dirty backwater
system that rewards free enterprise. There     Pittsburgh to be a region that benefits       city at the center of 20th century society.
are a host of advantages, natural and          disproportionately from this new wave.        Population soared. Economic growth
man-made, that the U.S. has leveraged to       Dubbed Industry 4.0 because it is driven      lifted tens of thousands out of poverty.
create the world’s largest economy. Not        by information technology, this fourth        Immigrants built prosperous new lives.
least of these has been the leveraging         industrial revolution has some of its roots   Invention begat invention. But in less than
of the industrial revolutions that have        in Pittsburgh and many of the fruits of the   one century, Pittsburgh felt the pain of the
coincided (or perhaps not) with leaps          new industries are ripening here.             growing obsolescence of those industries.
forward for the U.S.
                                               The roots of the earlier industrial           Industry 4.0 is the convergence of
As a city that is nearly as old as the first   revolutions were in Pittsburgh too.           information technology and human
settlements on this continent, Pittsburgh      Incredible new technologies arose from        experience in ways that were science
has enjoyed a similar trajectory as the        the factories and laboratories in Western     fiction 20 years ago. Unlike earlier
U.S. in total because of those industrial      PA that changed the world. As the home        industrial revolutions, which were

F   E    A   T    U    R   E

focused on agricultural or manufacturing    change how we “do” commercial real            people used to produce. Advances in
technology, Industry 4.0 spans a broad      estate, from development to leasing. It’s     hand tools moved humans from hunting/
spectrum of human endeavors, including      already clear that companies that are         gathering to farming, and then from
agriculture and manufacturing. Advances     embracing Industry 4.0 for real estate        subsistence farming to agriculture as
in the ability to process data has led to   are thriving in the face of uncertainty.      a business. The industrial revolution,
technologies that are revolutionizing       The open question is will the historically    which began just before the American
medicine, transportation, construction,     conservative commercial real estate           Revolution and ended roughly 20 years
entertainment, meteorology, space travel,   industry welcome Industry 4.0 for its         before the Civil War, moved humans
and real estate.                            potential or resist it for its uncertainty.   from hand production to machines
                                                                                          and processes. Water and steam were
If fortune smiles again on Pittsburgh,      Defining the Revolution                       leveraged to create power for machines
Industry 4.0 will impact real estate                                                      that multiplied their output. Agriculture,
by creating robust job growth that          The first industrial revolution represented   which was still a dominant economic
attracts new people and businesses,         a sea change in how humans worked.            pillar, saw huge advances. These
generating the need for new space           As mankind has progressed up the value        advances meant fewer people were
for working and living. An information      chain, the tipping points were often          needed to farm the same amount of
revolution also has the potential to        marked by the changes in the tools

                                                                                                      www.developingpittsburgh.com   11
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F   E   A   T   U    R   E

land, freeing up opportunities for new        began adopting electromechanical              applications that could compare that
professions and services.                     machines for counting, communications,        analysis and make predictions about what
                                              and controlling production. Over the          data would come next. This capability –
At the turn of the 20th century, new          next 50 years, those machines would get       predictive analytics – could be repeated
discoveries and processes led to              faster, smaller, and more ubiquitous. The     until the device could “understand” the
multiplication of the productivity of         wild claims by early computer pioneers        patterns of the data and respond. What
the machines that served farming and          made in the 1980s, of a computer in every     we call machine learning or artificial
manufacturing since the first industrial      house, became reality within two decades.     intelligence (AI) is this data crunching and
revolution. Electricity became available      Software changed the focus from the           prediction that can be used to understand
for commercial and industrial use. Steel      machines to applications. And the Internet    what was previously thought to be
manufacturing was refined and improved,       gave everyone a connection to everyone        random. Combining AI with machine-to-
allowing for more durable and portable        else, whether they wanted it or not.          machine communication is at the heart of
products to be made. Industrialists figured                                                 Industry 4.0. It is what is commonly called
out how to increase productivity in large     By the 2010s, computers became so             the Internet of Things (IoT).
plants. The assembly line was born.           powerful that they were able to calculate
The railroad system, which had linked         and compare amounts of information that       IoT connects the physical and the digital.
east and west coasts at the end of the        were unimaginable just a few years earlier.   Machines and devices that can be taught
19th century, became an integral part         Processing became so small that devices       to draw conclusions from repeated data
of a logistics system that allowed major      of all kinds – phones, watches, music         can do things like drive cars or select
industrial companies to arise. This era       players – became computers. By the            merchandise from warehouse shelves. It
also gave rise to a new, non-mechanical       end of the decade, technology allowed         can also adjust the chemistry of paint in
invention: the American corporation.          almost anything to become an enabled          an automotive line as the environment
                                              device. WiFi speeds increased to the point    changes, in real time. Information
Midway through the 20th century, the          that those devices could communicate          technology in Industry 4.0 will not be
quest for increased productivity led          with each other and global systems, like      confined to industry, of course. This
manufacturers to push for different           satellites or the cloud.                      fourth industrial revolution is also a
technology, which would set the stage for                                                   cultural revolution of sorts.
the fourth revolution. Machines used to       The incredible processing speeds of these
decode during World War II were refined       devices permitted massive amounts of          The impact on commercial real estate
to become the first computers. The            data to be analyzed in microseconds,          from Industry 4.0 will be both internal
integrated circuit was developed. Business    which in turn paved the way for               and external. Technology will be applied

                                                                                                 Photo by Mike Christ Photography

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F   E    A   T    U   R    E

to the commercial real estate industry.      developed and implemented. Industry 4.0      & Wakefield, office vacancy was at
Mountains of data from occupiers             is already influencing demand in Western     15.5 percent nationwide and rents
and developers will be used to create        PA. In 2000, 15 percent of Pittsburgh        averaged $35.10 per square foot. Those
better decision-making processes,            payrolls were from 4.0 companies; in         numbers would represent a significant
evaluate properties, and manage the          2020, that share was 35 percent. That’s an   improvement for the Pittsburgh market.
built environment. Uncertain aspects         increase of 200,000 jobs in a region with    In January, JLL reported that Class A rents
of the industry, like managing the risk      little or no net job growth.                 in Pittsburgh averaged $29.75 per square
of financing a deal, will be made more                                                    foot and vacancy was above 19 percent.
certain by better understanding why          How important is this fourth industrial      CBRE reported that the average rent per
defaults occur or leasing takes more time    revolution to Pittsburgh? A region           square foot for the total Pittsburgh office
in a specific market.                        without population growth and with an        market was $26.45. Newmark Knight
                                             aging workforce has fewer tools to build     Frank reported total vacancy at 19.3
As IoT and AI become pervasive, there        economic growth. Pittsburgh’s declining      percent, with net absorption more than
will be disruptions to the workforce.        labor force limits the opportunities         135,000 square feet negative compared
New jobs will develop and entire careers     to build a new manufacturing base            to the fourth quarter of 2019.
will be disrupted or eliminated. That        or expand the service economy. An
means that the demand for real estate        economic revolution built on leveraging      This is data that suggests that a fresh
will be disrupted too. If the commercial     exceptional talent gets around those         source of office demand is needed to
real estate in question is located in a      demographic obstacles and, in fact, may      reverse the long-term trend of lower
place where the technology driving           eliminate them if Pittsburgh can establish   office utilization, especially in Pittsburgh’s
Industry 4.0 is being created, demand        a beachhead of new companies that            Central Business District. Even assuming
will be increased by the institutions and    would draw workers from outside the          that the disruption caused by COVID-19
companies doing the creating. And if         region.                                      brings about no long-term reduction in
some of those companies become the                                                        office utilization – an assumption that
Google or Apple of Industry 4.0, a boom      The latter development would be              seems likely to be wrong – the health of
will follow.                                 welcome and might help with the              Pittsburgh’s office market depends on
                                             negative trends in the office market         job creation. Such job creation is more
Industry 4.0: The Future of                  that Pittsburgh is experiencing again.       likely to come from new sources than
Demand in Pittsburgh                         As 2020 ended, the pandemic-induced          from Pittsburgh’s legacy corporations
Pittsburgh is one of those locations where   change in office utilization hurt the U.S.   expanding robustly.
the technology of Industry 4.0 is being      office market. According to Cushman

Photo courtesy of Ed

The real estate
                                                                                                                       Massery Photography

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F   E   A   T   U    R   E

                                                         That dynamic has been the case in the industrial market. Order
                                                         fulfillment and business-to-business distribution have driven
                                                         more than three million square feet of industrial development
                                                         since the mid-2010s. That industrial expansion has created
                                                         thousands of jobs, but it has also created more than one
                                                         million square feet of automated warehouse space. These
                                                         “smart warehouses” utilize robotic and IoT-enabled devices to
                                                         store material most efficiently. The warehouses “learn” turnover
                                                         patterns and manage inventory accordingly.

                                                         Companies that provide robots that pick and transport goods

 VALUED                                                  have been developing here for decades because of the research
                                                         done at Carnegie Mellon University and the National Robotics

                                                         Engineering Center. McKesson, for example, automated the
                                                         picking of prescriptions two decades ago. As the integration of
                                                         IoT technologies accelerated, the development of automated
                                                         warehouses increased. Robotics firms like Seegrid, IAM Robotics,
     ...built on our commitment                          and Aethon have grown rapidly by developing devices that can
                                                         move independently around factories, warehouses, and hospitals,
        to client service.                               taking material where it’s needed for value-added services
                                                         performed by humans.

                                                         The Pittsburgh Robotics Network estimates that between 75 and
       • Construction                                    100 companies are working on developing robotics technology
                                                         into new products, with more than 100 doing robotics research.
       • Corporate & Business Law                        That’s a cluster of companies that rivals Boston or Austin.
       • Creditors’ Rights & Bankruptcy                  Including the burgeoning autonomous vehicle industry, there are
                                                         roughly 8,000 people working in robotics in Western PA.
       • Employee Benefits
                                                         Pittsburgh is also home to another Industry 4.0 cluster, life
       • Employment Law                                  sciences. With a rich history of medical research that includes
       • Energy, Utilities & Mineral Rights              life-changing discoveries by people like Jonas Salk and
                                                         Thomas Starzl, the University of Pittsburgh and now UPMC
       • Immigration                                     devote billions of dollars to advancing life sciences. With the
       • Insurance Coverage                              integration of information technology from Carnegie Mellon,
                                                         and other institutions, life science research is now using AI
       • Intellectual Property                           for diagnostics, pathology analysis, outcome prediction,
                                                         and pharmaceutical development. Advanced manufacturing
       • International Law                               has emerged to play a significant role in the development
       • Litigation & Dispute Resolution                 and production of prosthetic devices. And the COVID-19
                                                         pandemic has been a catalyst for the use of big data and AI in
       • Private Clients                                 epidemiology and the discovery of vaccines.
       • Real Estate & Lending
       • Sustainable Development

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F    E   A    T   U    R    E

“It will be the firms that
don't rush to change their
real estate solution, or
that are willing to expand
it, which will be the ones
that come to the top.”

COVID-19 has been an accelerant for the robotics industry as
well. Mitigation measures taken to halt the virus’s spread stifled
in-person activities and accelerated the growth trend in online
shopping. Estimates of E-commerce growth run as high as 40
percent from 2019 to 2020. That boosted demand for robotic
distribution equipment in the same way the pandemic boosted
demand for fulfillment space. Carnegie Robotics LLC developed
a robot for disinfecting and cleaning large facilities like arenas
and airports.

Taking all of the Industry 4.0 businesses into account, this fourth
revolution has already created at least five million square feet of
absorption in the Pittsburgh office and industrial market. Given
that the shift in business towards Industry 4.0 is in its infancy, it’s
not unreasonable to imagine how the expansion of the myriad
new technologies will spur an era of growth in Pittsburgh that
matches what has occurred in cities like Austin, Nashville, or
Denver over the past decade. Growing jobs five percent or
more each year seems like a pipe dream for Pittsburgh, but that
would not match the growth in those cities. Before the euphoria
overtakes you, bear in mind that there are some considerable
barriers to unfettered growth.

Some of these barriers are well-known. Pennsylvania’s
corporate tax applies to companies in Pittsburgh too. The
workforce is shrinking, along with the population, in Western
PA. The cost of construction and land is higher here than in
southern and western regions. There’s also a tech-specific
issue. Of the capital investment in 4.0 companies, 70 percent
comes from outside Pittsburgh.

Whether Industry 4.0 is the catalyst that drives employment
and population growth in Pittsburgh in the way other
industrial revolutions have, or Pittsburgh is the home for
intellectual capital and the jobs go elsewhere, the fourth
industrial revolution has already had a significant impact on
commercial real estate demand. Very little new space is being
developed that isn’t related to the emerging technologies
of the next revolution. It should come as no surprise that as
tenants, Industry 4.0 firms have different expectations than
previous occupants.

A couple of recent developments have become centers for
Industry 4.0 tenants. In Hazelwood Green, RIDC’s Mill 19 was

                                                                          www.developingpittsburgh.com   17
F   E   A    T   U    R   E

developed with the intention of being a            startups closing their doors, much like        into real estate. They want it going into
center for robotics in manufacturing. Its          what happened in the dot.com era.              research. They don’t have the credit to do
tenants include the Advanced Robotics              Emerging technology companies that             a first-generation build out.”
for Manufacturing Institute, CMU’s                 succeed grow rapidly. They are also often
Manufacturing Futures initiative, and              formed to be acquired, which leads to          Thomas Watson, director and senior
autonomous vehicle company APTIV.                  relocation and downsizing. Those aren’t        consultant for private equity firm Blue
A mile or so to the west of Hazelwood              always happy endings for landlords.            Water Growth, agrees with Scalo,
Green, Burns Scalo has succeeded in                                                               noting that the real estate should be
attracting life science research tenants           Uber’s autonomous vehicle business             complementary to a business purpose.
like UPMC Hillman Cancer Center, Blue              arrived in Pittsburgh in 2015. By the end
Biosphere, Neubase Therapeutics, and               of 2019, Uber occupied about 350,000           “I’m more involved with people that are
Novasenta to The Riviera by developing             square feet of office and research space,      starting up, working with early-stage
a speculative wet lab building (see page           plus a test track in Hazelwood Green.          money, and they definitely aren’t
21.) Having Industry 4.0 tenants present           They had plans for a massive testing           interested in real estate,” Watson says.
different challenges than traditional office       facility in Westport Woods, including          “The only time it can matter is if it’s a
or industrial users.                               about one million square feet of facilities.   marketing ploy to make a big splash. At
                                                   One year later, Uber sold its Advanced         some point the company needs to add
“One problem with the demand is that it’s          Technologies Group to Aurora. The future       people and grow an office. It becomes
generally smaller. The average deal is maybe       of those facilities is uncertain.              a necessity when it involves hiring
10,000 or 15,000 square feet,” explains                                                           people but that would be after they are
Jim Scalo. “That can change if you get a           Another real estate challenge relates          at the later stages of fundraising and are
university or hospital to master lease the         to the funding sources for Industry 4.0        marginally profitable, or close to it. And
building. The risk in that is eventually you are   companies, many of which are backed by         clearly we don’t want startup companies
going to compete with them, because they           private equity funds.                          buying real estate. We want them renting.”
would like to own their space.”
                                                   “There is a lot of private equity going        That’s good news for landlords. But
Scalo’s last point gets to the volatility          into life sciences companies. Those            will these new technology occupants
of working with Industry 4.0 firms. It’s           companies have a lot of money behind           eventually dampen demand for commercial
estimated that 75 percent of the IoT               them, but they don’t have credit behind        real estate? If the goal of Industry 4.0
research projects fail currently. Those            them,” says Scalo. “The private equity         is to enable machines and devices to
kinds of ratios can lead to promising              owners don’t want the money going              communicate with each other or think for

Mill 19 at Hazelwood Green is occupied entirely by Industry 4.0 tenants. Photo by RIDC.

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themselves, won’t the aggregate demand          move humans further up the value chain.       “Technology has always affected
for space decline? History suggests             For more than 250 years, that virtuous        commercial real estate,” says Sam McGill,
otherwise. Each of the previous industrial      evolution has benefitted the U.S. economy     senior vice president at Grant Street
revolutions resulted in significantly more      and its workers.                              Associates | Cushman & Wakefield. “With
employment, higher wages, and a better                                                        the clients that we talk to, technology
standard of living. The Luddites built          Industry 4.0 will disrupt the workplace       is at the intersection of the C-suite, IT,
an entire movement upon fears that              and commercial real estate, but emerging      human resources, and real estate. We
machinery would put factory workers out of      technology has been doing that for decades.   have those conversations daily. The more
a job. Industrialization has always displaced   The 1990s saw enormous leaps forward in       technology affects all our lives, the more
some workers while creating opportunities       information technology. That decade also      it affects the way we work, and the way
for many times more. Industry 4.0 would         saw enormous economic gains.                  we work affects real estate.”

                                                                                              The creative nature of Industry 4.0 may
                                                                                              even prove to be the remedy for the
                                                                                              uncertainty about future office utilization.
                                                                                              Evidence is piling up that work-from-
                                                                                              home may be reaching a point of
                                                                                              exhaustion for employers and employees;
                                                                                              however, it’s unlikely that some hybrid
                                                                                              solution will be tried once offices are
                                                                                              safe to re-occupy. Jim Ambrose, director
                                                                                              of business development for Desmone
                                                                                              Architects, believes successful companies
                                                                                              will value growth over belt-tightening.

                                                                                              “Companies that have consolidated the
                                                                                              square footage they are occupying will
                                                                                              inevitably be the laggards when it comes
                                                                                              to innovation during the next three to five
                                                                                              years. They will be effectively separating
                                                                                              all their people who need to collaborate,”
                                                                                              Ambrose says.

                                                                                              Ambrose notes that the opportunity to
                                                                                              work from home will allow those who
                                                                                              want to withdraw from creative office
                                                                                              situations to do so. He suggests that
                                                                                              such a trend could hinder the growth of
                                                                                              industry titans like Google or Amazon.
                                                                                              He believes the unorthodox path that
                                                                                              many of Industry 4.0 companies took to
                                                                                              success will lead others ahead.

                                                                                              “There was a lot of criticism of Industry
          Electric Contractors in Pittsburgh & Greensburg                                     4.0 firms before the shutdown because
                                                                                              of the weird amenities in the office,
                                                                                              like game rooms and catering from
           SERVING ALL OF OUR                                                                 restaurants. But what was that? It
                                                                                              ultimately was the companies trying

         CUSTOMERS RESIDENTIAL,                                                               to bring the comforts of home, the
                                                                                              distractions of home into the office,”
                                                                                              Ambrose says. “Creative people,
         COMMERCIAL, INDUSTRIAL                                                               engineers, step away from the problem to
                                                                                              clear their heads. Having a conversation

                                                                                              with a coworker in an unstructured
                                                                                              environment helps. By separating people,
                                                                                              innovation suffers. No great product or
                                                                                              service has been developed in a vacuum.
                                                                                              It will be the firms that don’t rush to
                                                                                              change their real estate solution, or that
                 1133 Woodward Dr, Greensburg PA 15601                                        are willing to expand it, that will be the
         info@pellmanelectric.com 724.838.7150 412.431.5955                                   ones that come to the top.” DP

Development Profile

                                                                                                                       The Riviera
Photo by Mike Crist Photography.

    t is an inherent risk in speculative        doing a deal with UPMC for a vivarium.          space in the market. UPMC Enterprises,
    development. Developers are an              UPMC said that they needed to know              the recently formed non-profit investing
    optimistic lot, so they might not           what our long-term plan was for the             $1 billion to develop new drugs,
talk much about it, but there is the risk       building. They could not have us making         diagnostics, and devices, was looking for
in every spec building that the market          excess noise, dirt, and vibration from          homes for several of its early research
won’t like it. Jim Scalo had no reason to       construction after they occupied. That          spinoff entities. It was the UPMC Hillman
think his Riviera project in the Pittsburgh     really forced us to figure out the building     Cancer Center, however, that opened
Technology Center wouldn’t lease up             long term. So, the building is becoming a       Burns Scalo’s eyes to the scope of what
quickly. The market told him otherwise,         wet lab at a tremendous spend.”                 the pivot to wet lab construction entailed.
loudly and clearly, last year.
                                                Scalo’s pivot from conventional                 “We’re primarily an office developer and
“I will never forget that conversation.         office building started a cascade of            we’ve become pretty good at it. It is not a
Jaime Cerilli from the University of            changes, from the building’s design             difficult product once you have mastered
Pittsburgh School of Medicine said to me        and construction to the financing. The          it,” says Steve Whittingham, director of
that they loved the building, but we were       decision meant investing twice as much          development for Burns Scalo Real Estate.
building the wrong building,” Scalo laughs.     as the originally intended building use         “Wet lab would be difficult in and of itself,
“The building is two and a half years from      required. And it also meant taking a risk       but to do a conversion from an office
the day we started and we’re just now           on a market that Scalo admits he was            product into a wet lab has been one of
taking occupancy in the building. Every         unfamiliar with. Less than a year later, that   the hardest things that I have ever done in
conventional office tenant that looked at       risk has paid dividends.                        my professional career.”
it early on ended up in the Strip. I asked
[Cerilli] what to build and she said wet lab.   Cerilli, the assistant vice chancellor          The Hillman lease, which was for 12,408
I said OK not knowing what that was.            for strategic space planning and                square feet, included nine clean rooms
                                                management for Pitt’s Health Sciences,          and miscellaneous labs. At the time
“The tipping point came while we were           was not the only potential user of wet lab      the lease was executed, Riviera’s core

                                                                                                            www.developingpittsburgh.com   21
and shell were complete. The original          •   Two additional exhaust stacks with        but RPA was designing the Hillman space.
design was an all-electric building with           four fans in each stack, maintaining      Parise says the firm’s pharmaceutical
one 4,000-amp service and two 210-ton              3,000 feet per minute discharge           resume and comfort working with Burns
packaged rooftop HVAC units. UPMC                  velocity                                  Scalo and NEXT Architecture, Riviera’s
Hillman’s requirements immediately                                                           architect, made the assignment logical.
                                               •   Two additional 80,000 cubic feet per
rendered The Riviera’s infrastructure              minute make-up air units                  “We have worked with Chris and Steve
                                               •   Four 4,000 BTU per hour boilers           quite often. We have served major
“I think the lay person, when they hear        •   One dedicated 200 kW lab exhaust          pharmaceutical companies like GSK, Pfizer,
wet lab, thinks that there will be a need                                                    Johnson & Johnson, and others for about
for additional water or additional gasses,                                                   30 years. Because of that we have a lot of
but what gets missed in the whole              Setting aside the additional time and         experience with labs and clean rooms,”
equation is the amount of exhaust and          money needed for the infrastructure           Parise says. “Chris Pless and I were talking
make up air that is required to service        upgrade, the biggest challenge was            at lunch one day and he began asking
these labs and the additional power,”          finding the space for the unplanned           questions about labs and utilities, and
explains Whittingham.                          equipment and retrofitting the systems        ultimately explained what happened at
                                               into a building that was not designed         The Riviera. We quickly realized they had
To meet UPMC Hillman’s needs Burns             to accommodate it. Burns Scalo put its        an infrastructure problem. We don’t like to
Scalo more than doubled the capacity                                                         be the bearer of bad news but once they
                                               designers on an intense redesign.
and throughput for its mechanical and                                                        realized that we had the expertise and
electrical systems. Among the highlights       Paul Parise, associate vice president of      the experience, we were engaged to start
of the infrastructure upgrade were:            Pittsburgh operations for RPA Engineering,    transforming the building.”
                                               was brought in to solve the infrastructure
•    Additional 6,000-amp electrical service   problem. Allen & Shariff engineers had        Chris Pless, principal at NEXT Architecture,
•    Two additional 500-ton chillers           designed the core and shell infrastructure,   was the project architect. He describes

Photo by Elliot Cramer

525 William Penn Place

                            Turner Construction Company
                             925 Liberty Avenue, 3rd Floor
                                 Pittsburgh, PA 15222
                          Jodi Rennie, VP & General Manager
Converting The Riviera from spec office to life science didn’t mean giving up the amenity
spaces that new tenants want for talent retention. Photo by Elliot Cramer Photography

the problem as two distinctly different          doing so in an ever-changing leasing          structural modification) while tenant
challenges: capacity, and coordination.          environment.                                  improvements were underway.

“The task of converting from a                   “It’s been a giant puzzle because of          “While we were doing all these structural
conventional office to wet labs is basically     timing. Burns Scalo was proposing to          improvements one of our tenants,
all I did for the last three months of 2020.     tenants without fully understanding           Hillman, is right next door. We’re
The planning was outrageously intense            if there was sufficient infrastructure.       working right next to a Class 1000 clean
because we were stopping all the way up          The tenants didn’t know their full            room lab as we put all this mechanical
stream,” he recalls. “Our limiting factors       requirements either,” Pless says “We could    infrastructure on the roof,” Whittingham
were how much power the building                 do test fits and verify that the tenant       laughs. “We were doing this work while
could take and what could we get from            would fit in the layout, but we needed        we’re planning for the future needs of
Duquesne Light. I have to hand it to             much more detail on the equipment to          tenants we didn’t have.”
RPA Engineering. They came up with a             be sure there was capacity. We’re moving
creative solution to get us through the          forward with a two-phase approach. Our        Redesigning a constructed new building
next 12 months and then the next 30              interim solution is adding a lot of exhaust   before it was occupied for a different class
years of occupying the building.”                infrastructure that can accommodate           of use was only part of the developer’s
                                                 the tenants. The long-term solution is a      challenge. The decision to double down
“What we really had to do was look               huge spend that Burns Scalo is making to      on The Riviera meant literally doubling the
at the incoming power. That was the              upgrade the mechanical capacity. A first      investment in the building. Scalo says that
biggest challenge. We looked at what             phase will be done by April and a longer-     the pro forma rents were convincing, as
was available currently and what could           term solution will be right on its heels.     was the idea of investing into one of the
possibly be available in the future,”            This is the largest coordination exercise     emerging growth engines of Western PA.
explains Parise. “We did an entire building      I’ve ever been a part of.”                    But building another $30 million capital
analysis, looking at multiple scenarios for                                                    stack took more than a good idea.
percentage of lab versus office space to         Whittingham says that the coordination
try to find the sweet spot. We were able         headaches went beyond the planning.           “It’s why you don’t see a lot of spec wet
to talk to Duquesne Light and get a level        The first phase of converting the building    lab space; it’s double the risk financially,”
of service that put them on target to            would have to be implemented while            Scalo says. “We got to the point where we
convert from office to lab.”                     Hillman was occupying the building.           recognized that was where the market
                                                 The enhanced marketing of the building        was for this specific building. The problem
Parise estimates the building will be about      yielded new leasing opportunities and,        was that we had to take the whole core
80 percent lab and 20 percent office. As         potentially, the prospect of construction     and shell to 100 percent wet lab for the
difficult as finding the capacity solution       on upgrading the core and shell (including    infrastructure. We couldn’t do it as we
was, the bigger challenge may have been                                                        signed individual leases. We decided that



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Photo by Mike Crist Photography.

this was the trajectory of this building and   equity companies. That creates different       “Hillman chose the building because
did a forward pro forma on the balance         challenges from a credit standpoint. It        of recruitment. These top doctors and
of the building based upon the rents we        creates questions about how you finance        researchers write their own ticket, and
thought we could receive and the tenant        the project,” Scalo notes. “Will the debt      the times have changed,” Scalo says. “The
improvements allowances that were              markets understand the numbers? Will           old guard loves that Fifth and Forbes feel
required.”                                     the buyer market pay for that value that       for facilities, but the new guard does not.
                                               has been created? These are numbers            They would rather be down on the river,
“The decision was demand-driven and            that Pittsburgh hasn’t seen. We don’t have     alongside the trail. They like the amenities,
economics-driven,” he continues. “The          comparables here. Naturally, the cash          the coffee shop, and the gym. They like
average rent is between $60 and $70 per        flows will be big, but can a buyer get the     being across a bridge from South Side
square feet. There are some TI spends          valuation that they need? It was really        Works.”
that are near $1000 per square foot.           important that we had credit and term
Our TI allowances are $250 or $300 per         on those first leases. We needed to have       Steve Whittingham is accustomed to
square foot.”                                  strong paper to do those deals.”               building offices that are designed to help
                                                                                              tenants attract talent. That concept has
Those kinds of numbers are unheard of          Scalo explains that the additional costs       been his boss’s mantra for several years.
in Pittsburgh’s commercial real estate         and tenant improvements were financed          It makes sense that the same concept of
market. The markets with significant life      with a secondary note that amortizes with      real estate as a magnet for talent would
science research deals are somewhat            the term of the lease, which have been         apply to one of Pittsburgh’s emerging
limited to Boston, San Diego, and San          10 and 15 years thus far. That structure       sectors.
Francisco. Burns Scalo needed to go            creates an asymmetrical return on leases
back to its investors and lenders for a        that renew. Given the investment that the      “We recognize that the future for this
second round of financing. While Jim           tenants are making in the building, Scalo      building is wet lab, and the future of this
Scalo was convinced that the investment        believes the likelihood of renewal is higher   region seems to be life sciences,” he
would bring good returns, the decision to      than it might be for a vanilla office user.    concludes. DP
proceed raised serious questions.              He notes that UPMC Enterprises and Pitt
                                               expressed interest for other reasons that
“In some cases, these tenants are public       increase the likelihood of renewal.
companies and in some they are private

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Developing Trend

                                                      The Long-Term Trend in Industrial Demand

    NordLock’s new 128,000 square foot
    distribution center in Clinton Commerce Park.
    Photo courtesy Al. Neyer LLC

   n late summer 2020, when commercial          more than it has created new ones. This     Neyer Company. “Those users require
   real estate’s woes were reflecting           has been true for the housing market,       additional power, HVAC, parking,
   the worst of the COVID-19 outbreak,          E-commerce, and the industrial real         and higher ceiling heights. There
Newmark’s Paul Griffith noted that a major      estate market. While it is easy to point    may be a distribution component to
distribution center deal had been struck in     to heightened online shopping during        these users but there is also research
Ohio that defined the trend.                    the pandemic as a driver of industrial      and development, an element of
                                                demand, the upward trend in industrial      manufacturing, and probably above
“It was a portfolio of industrial properties    property has been the result of changes     normal office space. These buildings are
in Ohio that sold for $130 million after        in several segments of the market. The      not warehouses.”
selling for $100 million in 2016,” Griffith     so-called Amazon effect is only part of
says. “The properties were 30 years old         the story. And for every major Amazon      “Amazon has obviously been a
with a weighted average remaining lease         lease or build-to-suit that has been       component of our success here, but
time of 3.5 years and only 20 percent           announced in Western PA, there has been    we are seeing demand from other
of the 80 tenants are credit. It was            a development for these non-retail users.  users for the typical Pittsburgh spec
marketed in late April and May, and had                                                    building of 150,000 square feet or so,”
multiple bidders. Everything about it is        “We are seeing an uptick in activity from  agrees Matt Virgin, senior vice president
average or below average and, in the            specialty manufacturers, distributors, and of business development for Suncap
middle of COVID, they garnered a 30             life science companies. Particularly for   Property Group. “We think that demand
percent increase from what it was worth         specialty manufacturers and life sciences, will continue to be steady. For example,
in 2016.”                                       it’s difficult to put them in an existing  Komatsu [Suncap’s build-to-suit client at
                                                building, even if one was available,       Alta Vista Business Park] is a long-time
The pandemic has created a new                  because of their special requirements      manufacturer in the region. We are in the
landscape for whole sectors of                  that aren’t necessarily found in a typical process of delivering four buildings in the
commercial real estate, but has, for the        warehouse,” explains Brandon Snyder,       Pittsburgh market and only one of them
most part, accelerated existing trends          vice president of development for Al.      has been for Amazon.”

                                                                                                       www.developingpittsburgh.com   29
The virtuous trend in industrial real estate     of 4.8 percent. Each of the top 20 markets    was delivered during the year. Newmark
has driven a boom in new construction in         has experienced some degree of growth         reported nearly 108,000 square feet of
Western PA, a region that has historically       in average rent. Rent growth across the       net absorption of industrial space in the
been lagging in development because              board has performed better than all other     fourth quarter, with the overall vacancy
of unfriendly topography and lack of             commercial real estate sectors.               rate at 6.4 percent.
pad-ready sites. During the last four
years, nearly all Pittsburgh’s commercial        The increased demand for industrial           It is not a surprise that these conditions
real estate developers have built at least       space resulted in 228.4 million square feet   have also been a boon to industrial
100,000 square feet of new space. Al.            coming online in 2020, though most of         property sales. Activity in 2020 and
Neyer has developed nearly 1.2 million           the projects were well underway before        early 2021 demonstrate the demand
square feet of spec industrial space             the start of the pandemic. Despite the        for industrial real estate from investors.
in Pittsburgh. A handful of national             large inventory additions, net absorption     Recent sales include the purchase of
developers have developed build-to-              was 273 million square feet, according to     the 430,000 square foot Thorn Hill
suit distribution centers of 400,000             Colliers International. E-commerce was a      Distribution Center, three buildings
square feet or more for users like Shell         big contributor, having grown to one-fifth    totaling 393,000 square feet at Clinton
Lubricants, Niagara Bottling, and Gordon         of all retail sales. However, industrial      Commerce Park, and the aforementioned
Foods. And developers like the RIDC,             inventories overall dipped nearly six         Amazon facility at Chapman Westport, all
Imperial Land Company, and Chapman               percent over the past 12 months.              at prices above $100 per square foot.
Properties have consummated major
industrial land sales, with the latter landingThe sector finished off 2020 with a total        “There is pent-up demand for commercial
the 1.4 million square foot Amazon            sales volume equal to three-quarters of          real estate in general, but it is focused on
fulfillment center at Chapman Westport.       2019’s, a small drop compared to other           industrial because of what COVID has done
                                              property types. The average price per            to offices, retail, and hospitality. Interest
Favorable market conditions for industrial    square foot of an industrial deal rose 7.1       rates and low cap rates are a big driver of
real estate are borne out in favorable market percent in 2020 to $92.89.                       the market,” says Steve Thomas, chairman
data, both in Pittsburgh and across the U.S.                                                   and CEO of Chapman Properties. “I think
                                              Here in Pittsburgh, industrial properties        the institutional market is looking at yield
Industrial rents have increased 4.8 percent have outperformed the market too. As               and sees Pittsburgh as an opportunity
in the U.S. over the last year, averaging     Snyder indicated, vacancy in industrial          to get something above a 3.5 cap rate.
$6.38 per square foot in December. The        properties has been declining for years.         Suddenly, we’re kind of a darling here. It’s
pandemic has left tenants searching for       Net absorption has been positive, even           a nice time to be in the commercial real
new industrial space paying a premium.        in a slower year like 2017. According to         estate market and particularly in industrial in
The average rental rate for new leases        CBRE’s year-end data, net absorption in          the Pittsburgh market.”
signed over the past year was $7.26 per       2020 was 1.5 million square feet, even
square foot, with an average vacancy rate as 1.6 million square feet of new space              Thomas jokes that being an industrial
                                                                                               developer is like being the “Rodney
                                                                                               Dangerfield of commercial real estate”
                                                                                               and contrasts the activity in Pittsburgh
                                                                                               today with the industrial activity of
                                                                                               Southern California, where he started his
                                                                                               career in real estate in the 1970s. Thomas
                                                                                               advises a bit of restraint in describing the
                                                                                               current market conditions. Others agree.

                                                                                               “Well, we’re ‘Pittsburgh hot’,” laughs Lou
                                                                                               Oliva, executive managing director for
                                                                                               Newmark. “We have a lot of assignments
                                                                                               right now, but we have to remember that
                                                                                               we are still seeing a fair number of WARN
                                                                                               notices and companies shutting down.
                                                                                               On balance we are only slightly positive.

                                                                                               “Things haven’t dramatically changed
                                                                                               over the last five years in terms of what’s
                                                                                               driving our market. We continue to be
                                                                                               more of a ‘move up’ market than a ‘move
                                                                                               in’ market,” Oliva continues. “Amazon is
                                                                                               clearly move in absorption. But Pittsburgh
                                                                                               is one of the last metropolitan markets to
                                                                                               see this. Clearly there are other projects of
                                                                                               significance in the works and that’s good.”
Source: Newmark Knight Frank Pittsburgh.

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