MAR'S ANNUAL PUBLICATION | 2018/2019 - Montana Association of REALTORS

Page created by Alexander Lang
2019 Photo Contest Winner by Patrick Landon


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                                     MONTANAREALTORS.ORG | 1 MAR'S ANNUAL PUBLICATION | 2018/2019 - Montana Association of REALTORS
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 MAR'S ANNUAL PUBLICATION | 2018/2019 - Montana Association of REALTORS

          JIM ANDERSON
           2019 President
                                      M O N T A N A’ S
            DIANE BECK
                                      R E A L T O R® D I G E S T
            President Elect         Local Board Presidents and Executive Officers..................................... 5
         CANDIS DORSCH                2018 MAR Annual Report............................................................................. 6
          First Vice President        2019 President’s Message............................................................................ 8
            RICH MAYO
       Immediate Past President       Message from MAR CEO............................................................................... 9
                                      Legal Updates / FAQ / Form Changes....................................................10
                                      MAR Photo Contest......................................................................................12
         MARK SIMONICH                Gallatin YPN Recognized as YPN of the Year........................................16
               CEO        50 Years of Fair Housing..............................................................................17
       SHANNA SEMMENS                 MLS Merger.....................................................................................................18
          Business Manager       Meet Your MAR Staff.....................................................................................19
              SAM SILL
      Government Affairs Director     REALTOR® of the Year and Nominees.....................................................21
                                      2019 Legislative Preview............................................................................22
     Strategic Programs Coordinator   2019 NAR Committee Appointments....................................................23
           NICOLE RIEBE               Montana Market Snapshots......................................................................25
       Communications Director       2018 Montana GRI Graduates...................................................................31
    HELPFUL NUMBERS                   MAR Committees...........................................................................................33
Montana Association of REALTORS®      Why Use a REALTOR®....................................................................................34
             800-477-1864             2018 LDC Graduates.....................................................................................36
 Board of Realty Regulation (BRR)
             406-841-2300             Montana Advocacy Local Board Awards..............................................37
National Association of REALTORS®     2019 Calendar of Events.............................................................................37
         Transaction Desk             REALTOR® Political Action Committee...................................................39
             800-383-9805                  COVER: Church Slough of the Flathead River. Photo by Patrick Landon.
        MAR Legal Hotline                                 See photo contest article on page 12.
     ONLY designated REALTORS®
                                      Montana’s REALTOR® Digest                      Byline articles and columns express the opinions
  LOCAL ASSOCIATIONS                  is designed and printed by:                    of the writers and do not necessarily reflect MAR
         Billings: 406-248-7145                                                      policies or sentiments.
       Bitterroot: 406-363-8956
        Gallatin: 406-585-0033
       Great Falls: 406-453-2752                                                                                      

         Helena: 406-449-3835
        Missoula: 406-728-0560
       Northwest: 406-752-4313             40 W Lawrence Street
                                                                                     ©2019 Montana Association of REALTORS®.
                                             Helena, MT 59601                        The contents of this publication may not be
      Park County: 406-222-0304
                                               406.449.2847                          reproduced without the prior written consent of
    Rocky Mountain: 406-723-3356                                                     the Montana Association of REALTORS®. Please
                                                      recycle where facilities exist.

                                                                                                              MONTANAREALTORS.ORG | 3 MAR'S ANNUAL PUBLICATION | 2018/2019 - Montana Association of REALTORS
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                                                MAR'S ANNUAL PUBLICATION | 2018/2019 - Montana Association of REALTORS

2019 Local Board Presidents
and Executive Officers

REALTORS® (BAR)                       REALTORS® (GFAR)
President - Shelly Harris             President - Josh Lind
406-672-2450                          406-360-0896                        PARK COUNTY BOARD OF                  REALTORS®
Executive Officer - Mary Grant        Chief Executive Officer-Terry       President - Michael Wojdylak
2021 Overland ave.                    Thompson                            406-222-0304
Billings, MT 59102                    401 13th Avenue South     
406.248.7145                          Great Falls, MT 59405               Membership-Michelle Becker                    406-453-2752                        515 West Park
                                                                          Livingston, MT 59047
HAVRE HI-LINE CHAPTER OF BAR          HELENA ASSOCIATION OF               406-220-0304
MLS Chair - Jim Anderson              REALTORS® (HAR)           
406.799.2253                          President - Laurie Koutnik              406-439-9184                        ROCKY MOUNTAIN ASSOCIATION
                                  OF REALTORS® (RMAR)
LEWISTOWN CHAPTER OF BAR              Executive Officer - George Harris   President - Judy Kivela
MLS Chair - Cherie Neudick            2707 Colonial Dr.                   406-491-5777
406.366.2632                          Helena, MT 59601                      406.449.3835                        RMAR Office
                                     501 East Front St. Ste. 511
BITTERROOT BOARD OF                                                       Butte, MT 59701
REALTORS® (BVBOR)                     MISSOULA ORGANIZATION OF            406-723-3356
                                      REALTORS® (MOR)           
President - Doug McLaren
406-369-2002                          President - Jolene Tatum                 406-880-6462                        BOARD OF REALTY REGULATION
Executive Director - Layna Lyons                                          301 S. Park Avenue
224 N 4th St.                         Chief Executive Officer - Ruth
                                                                          PO Box 200513
Hamilton, MT 59840                    Hackney
                                                                          Helena, MT 50620
406.363.2000                          724 Burlington Ave.                       Missoula, MT 59801                  General BRR Questions
                                      406.728.0560                        406-841-2300
                                 CE questions 406-841-2204
GALLATIN ASSOCIATION OF                                                   Fax: 406-841-2322
                                      NORTHWEST MT ASSOCIATION OF
President - Andrew Hurlburt           REALTORS® (NMAR)          
Andrew@BozemanRealEstate.Group        President - Kayla Warburton
                                      406-270-8163                        LEGAL HOTLINE
Chief Executive Officer - Steve              AVAILABLE TO BROKERS ONLY
Candler                                                                   406-543-6646
2880 Technology Blvd. West Ste. 159   Executive Officer - Jeri Moon
                                      110 Cooperative Way       
Bozeman, MT 59718
406.585.0033                          Kalispell, MT 59901            406.752.4313

                                                                                     MONTANAREALTORS.ORG | 5 MAR'S ANNUAL PUBLICATION | 2018/2019 - Montana Association of REALTORS

2018 Annual Report from Rich Mayo
                          In writing       things you have accomplished!!
                          my parting
                          address             Filled out MAR staff at the
                          to you,              association office. Hired new
                          the 4500+            CEO, GAD and Communications
                          members of           Director. The staff at MAR is
                          the Montana          second to none. We are firing on
                          Association of       all cylinders and ready to take on
                          REALTORS®,           the next challenges.
                          I wanted to         Revised bylaws to create three
                          thank you            Regional Ambassador positions,               transitional role of CEO and other
                          for allowing         which will serve on the Executive            staff in the past few years, this is
                          me to serve          Committee as well as on the Board            an area that was in need of clear
as your State President for 2018. It has       of Directors. (A result of a PAG.) The       oversight. Mark Simonich, Jaymie
been a wonderful experience for me.            system we had with DVP’s did not             Bowditch and staff have made
It has been such a pleasure to have            seem to be keeping up with the               sensible changes to the policies
the chance to work alongside so many           growing demands of better, more              that will work much better as we
great people.                                  effective communications. The new            move forward.

As I interacted with members                   program will be monitored more              Conducted three successful
throughout the state this past year, it        closely and should provide a more            business/board of director
was reinforced to me over and over             effective conduit between the local          meetings. The winter and spring
again how much dedication you have             boards and state leadership.                 meetings in Helena had a great
to “Protect” the lives and livelihoods        Conducted a comprehensive                    energy and a level of enthusiasm
of your clients and citizens around the        review of both association bylaws            that was truly inspirational. The fall
state and “Protect” their abilities to         and policies with recommended                Convention in Butte turned out
purchase and own real property.                changes currently being voted                awesome. The members from Butte
                                               on. Changes will take effect in              were so welcoming and warm. The
Throughout this past year, I had the                                                        memorial for Betty Kissock was
pleasure of traveling around the               January 2019. (Another result of a
                                               PAG.) What has happened in the               something that inspired us all to be
country to real estate conventions                                                          “More Like Betty. She was a pioneer
and other REALTOR® gatherings. It was          past is we would get mandatory
                                               changes from NAR or committees               and leader of our association for
surprising to me, how many people                                                           so many years. We owe her a great
shared their vision of Montana as “The         would make motions that would
                                               be inserted into policies and                debt of gratitude. Thanks Betty and
Last Best Place”. Many either want                                                          thanks Butte!!!
to visit or move here. Many are from           bylaws but there had not been a
areas with no open space, no clear             comprehensive look at how all the           Implemented a reformation of
blue skies, no clean rivers or majestic        parts fit together. The PAG went             a budget format and budgeting
snow capped peaks. With all of that, I         through them from stem to stern              process, which resulted in the
had to agree, we do live in “Last Best         and cleaned them up. Also there              most efficient budget creation and
Place” and we had better “Protect It” or       are items being moved from bylaws            adoption in many years. We are
it will end up becoming just another           to policies that make us more                continuing to refine the finance
beautiful place that used to be.               nimble as an association to change.          and budget process but what we
                                              Updated the association                      have done up to this point has
In the last year, here are some of the                                                      made a ton of sense. Thanks Mark
                                               Personnel Policies. With the

6 | MONTANA’S REALTOR® DIGEST 2018/2019 MAR'S ANNUAL PUBLICATION | 2018/2019 - Montana Association of REALTORS
    Simonich, Shanna Semmens, Rick              accomplish our political goals.        light work.
    Robinson and all who dedicated
    so much time and energy to the             We saw YPN become it’s own             I would especially like to thank Mark
    process of change.                          standing committee at the state        Simonich, Jennie Dean, Shanna
                                                level. For years we have lamented      Semmens, Tanya Eychner, Nicole Riebe,
   Conducted a successful GRI. Great           the fact that we couldn’t get any      and Sam Sill. Another special thanks
    Falls hosted GRI this year and it was       new members to take the reigns         to Jim Anderson, John Herring, Diane
    one of the best-attended GRI’s on           of leadership in our organization.     Beck, Rick Robinson, all the members
    record. They set a high bar for all         Well, that is now behind us. There     of the executive committee, board of
    the other cities to meet.                   is a wave of enthusiasm coming         directors, committee chairs and vice
                                                in the form of new YPN members         chairs. You have all done an excellent
   Conducted a successful                      jumping on committees and              job this year. You are a credit to the
    Leadership Development                      learning the ropes. They’re here and   REALTOR® organization.
    Conference with upcoming                    going strong.
    leaders from throughout Montana.                                                   I leave the leadership of our state
    Set in the beautiful backdrop              Proposing legislation to the           association in the very capable hands
    of Seeley Lake, the leadership              2019 state legislature to require      of Jim Anderson. He will guide our
    conference again registered many            mandatory E&O insurance of all         ship through a legislative session and
    new and upcoming leaders we                 real estate licensees. (Result of a    the challenges of 2019. Please give
    will look for in the future to guide        third PAG and membership poll.         him your support and confidence. This
    our association.                            This has the potential of higher       coming year will take us even further
                                                risk reduction for all real estate     towards the goal of “Protecting” the
   Conducted successful Rock & Roll            practitioners and potentially          interests of our association and the
    RPAC raffle fundraiser. Thanks to           lowering our E&O insurance costs.      clients we serve.
    all who were involved in organizing
    this event. It was fun and we were      We have been successful because            Happy Trails, Rich Mayo ■
    able to raise a ton of investments to   you were involved. Many hands make

                                                                                                     MONTANAREALTORS.ORG | 7 MAR'S ANNUAL PUBLICATION | 2018/2019 - Montana Association of REALTORS

“Stronger Together”
I am honored and humbled for the opportunity you have given me to be your
2019 President. I am standing on the shoulders of an impressive group of past
leaders and beside great future leaders.

We REALTORS® are fortunate to provide many opportunities to promote home
ownership. It matters! Every day, we are fortunate to provide opportunities for
all to achieve the American Dream.
                                                                                         Jim Anderson is from Havre and
Stronger together, you will hear that a lot over the next twelve months. Many
                                                                                         has been in the real estate business
of you, who have worked with me, know I believe in coalitions and including all          for over 20 years.
input and people that I can in the process.
                                                                                         Jim states that he lives the
The local association is stronger when its members work together to promote
                                                                                         American Dream every day! He
the communities they serve. The National Association of REALTORS® is strongest           has the opportunity to help others
when the 1.3 million members work together to ensure real property ownership             achieve the American Dream of
remains accessible to all and the Montana Association of REALTORS® success               home ownership and, as a rancher,
is dependent on all 4,500 members working to protect and investing in one of             to provide the food and fiber to
the greatest industries in this great country. (There is no greater example of the       make lives better. “It’s humbling to
commitment you the members have than the support of the REALTOR® Party,                  realize the opportunities that being
RPAC and IMF.)                                                                           a REALTOR® has provided me.”
One of the keys to growing Stronger Together, is a strong communication                  You will hear “Stronger Together”
channel flowing in all directions, spreading out like a spring flood. You are, and       a lot in 2019. The state and national
will continue to see, great improvements in MAR’s communication and yes, it              associations are only as strong as
will require participation.                                                              the involvement of REALTORS® at
                                                                                         the local level.
My logo represents Montana’s vast economic resources and the reliance each
has upon the other. We are stronger when we work together across the aisle to            Be engaged and make a difference
move Montana forward.                                                                    in your industry!
It’s my hope to visit each of the local boards and as many brokers as possible
to help them see the value of MAR and NAR. Stronger Together, making all
members realize the association represents every practitioner, appraiser,
property manager, residential, recreational, commercial, and Farm & Ranch
in the state. We must do a better job of communicating the value of the
association to our members and communities. I’m excited that I can say
we are aimed, loaded, and ready to meet this task. We have a great team of
dedicated staff in place at the state level and awesome local and national staff.
WE, as members, need to provide the energy, initiative and focus. It is YOUR
Association, your responsibility and your opportunity.
                                                                                                       Jim Anderson
During the 2019 legislative session, we need our strength in numbers working                        2019 MAR President
together to bring your clients, family or yourselves to Helena to testify, or just
fill the hearing room, when an issue important to our industry needs support
or needs to be stopped. It’s just as important to stop bad legislation as it is to pass good legislation. Together we do make a
difference. We are a great team! It will take all of us to win the game. We will ask much and expect even more, for if we don’t
protect our industry and the right to own and enjoy property, who will? It’s one of the great secrets that we must share,
REALTORS® care about OUR communities and our state!!!

Please reach out to me if you need something or if you have an idea to strengthen our Association. I look forward to working
with all of you!

Jim Anderson, 2019 MAR President ■

8 | MONTANA’S REALTOR® DIGEST 2018/2019 MAR'S ANNUAL PUBLICATION | 2018/2019 - Montana Association of REALTORS

2018: A(nother) Year of Change
MAR CEO Mark Simonich
I know this may sound like an old          a paycheck because each of you as          Relations
refrain… but I am here to introduce        members pay our salaries with your         Management
myself as the new CEO of the Montana       dues. The staff and I will never forget    database system
Association of REALTORS®. I have truly     who we work for.                           that will improve
enjoyed serving REALTOR® members                                                      membership
of the Helena Association for the past     The changes this year have not             records
10 years and I am honored to now be        been limited to only staffing. As          management as
given the opportunity to serve MAR         President, Rich Mayo appointed three       well as providing
and its members throughout Montana.        Presidential Advisory Groups (PAGs).       a new tool for
                                           These PAGs reviewed and revised            committee
In addition to a new CEO, we also          our bylaws and policies, resulting         appointments,
filled our Communications (Nicole          in the creation of new Regional            class and event      “I am honored to serve MAR
Riebe) and Government Affairs (Sam         Ambassador positions, streamlined                              and it’s members throughout
                                                                                      registration and              Montana.”
Sill) positions with some incredibly       our bylaws, and researched and             for conducting
talented folks. They join our Business     made recommendations for requiring                              MAR CEO, Mark Simonich
Manager (Shanna Semmens), and our          mandatory Errors and Omission              elections. This new system is also
Strategic Programs Coordinator (Tanya      insurance. Additionally, through           expected to resolve the issues we
Eychner) in rounding out the staff. I      the efforts of our General Counsel,        have had for several months now
could not think of four people I would     Jaymie Bowditch, we were able to           with members single sign-on to
rather be working with in this office.     complete a needed update to our            our website.
Each has quickly earned my respect         Personnel Policies.
and admiration. I am committed to                                                     Moving into 2019 we are looking to
work diligently to also earn their, and    MAR staff, working closely with            provide a new look and feel to the
your, respect. We also have one other      Treasurer Rick Robinson, the Finance &     three business meetings. We are
position, that of our Education and        Audit Committee, and our accounting        shuffling some committee meetings
Program Coordinator, that I hope to fill   firm Anderson Zurmuhlen restructured       around, scheduling more member
very soon.                                 our annual budget, creating a new and      development sessions, and running
                                           more easily understood format. With a      some events on concurrent tracks
As many of you may know, Jennie            focus on providing the best value for      to provide more reasons for you, our
Dean recently left MAR after serving       the dollar, a budget was adopted that      members to attend. We hope you like
its members faithfully for the past        resulted in a $41 reduction in state       what you experience. We look forward
thirteen and a half years. Jennie will     dues for 2019.                             to receiving your feedback on these
be missed by many in the association.                                                 changes.
She has left an indelible mark on MAR      This fall we replaced a failing Wi-Fi
and its members through her work           system in the building and now have        As I said in the beginning, I am
on GRI, the Leadership Development         reliable technology that should serve      honored to now be given the
Conference, business meetings,             us for years to come. The outside stairs   opportunity to serve MAR and its
conventions and so many other              leading to the tenant suite on the         members throughout Montana, and
activities. Please reach out to Jennie     south end of the building had begun        I hope to be able to do so for years
and thank her for her dedication and       to seriously rust out. We were able to     to come.
service to our members.                    get the old stairs removed and new
                                           ones installed before winter set in.       Best wishes for a Blessed and
I have a personal goal to continue to      And if that is not enough, we recently     Prosperous New Year. ■
increase our customer service. I often     replaced our membership database
remind myself and staff that we draw       with a state-of-the-art Customer

                                                                                                 MONTANAREALTORS.ORG | 9 MAR'S ANNUAL PUBLICATION | 2018/2019 - Montana Association of REALTORS

Legal Update & FAQ
Is a mold disclosure                         Nevertheless, it is not recommended          Is a seller agent obligated to
required in all transactions?                that a licensee act as an attorney-in-       disclose a back-up offer?
                                             fact for the licensee’s client. A power
Montana law concerning mold can                                                           While a seller agent has an obligation
                                             of attorney grants the agent a lot
be broken into two separate sections.                                                     to present all offers to a seller, there is
                                             of discretion and authority. It also
The first section states that a seller may                                                no affirmative obligation imposed on
                                             places the agent in a situation where
disclose the possible existence of mold                                                   a seller agent to disclose to a buyer
                                             a potential conflict of interest might
in and about the property. While this                                                     in primary position that there is an
                                             exist. For instance, a seller unhappy
disclosure is not mandatory, a seller                                                     offer in a backup position. Of course, it
                                             with an offer might argue that the
who does so (and the seller’s agent(s))                                                   may be advantageous to do so as the
                                             agent’s acceptance of an offer from a
is absolved of any liability for the                                                      buyer in primary position may be less
                                             buyer was not analyzed on the basis
subsequent discovery of mold.                                                             willing to seek concessions from the
                                             of whether it was best for the seller
                                                                                          seller. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
 The second part of Montana law              but rather whether it was best for the
                                                                                          Standard of Practice 3-6 does require
concerning mold states that a seller or      agent and the ability of the agent to
                                                                                          that a seller agent disclose to a broker
seller agent must disclose the known         obtain a commission quickly.
                                                                                          seeking cooperation the existence
presence of mold and provide any                                                          of accepted offers on the property.
documents relating to the testing,           Must a rejection to an offer                 Therefore, the seller agent would
remediation or mitigation of the             be in writing?                               be required to disclose to agents
mold. Therefore, to the extent that a        Montana law provides that an offer           representing potential buyers if
seller has tested for mold and/or has        may be accepted until it is either           the seller had already accepted
taken steps to mitigate or remediate         withdrawn or the offer terminates by         another offer.
the mold, that information and any           its own terms. An offer can terminate
documentation related thereto must           by its own terms when the offer              Forms Update
be provided by the seller to any             contains a deadline by which an
prospective buyers.                                                                       The Forms Subcommittee meets
                                             acceptance must be provided by
                                                                                          twice a year to review all forms and
                                             the offeree, typically the seller. Most
Can an agent sign a buy-sell                                                              make revisions as needed. For the
                                             offers from buyers provide that the
                                                                                          most recent changes, visit
agreement on behalf of a                     offer expires if it is not accepted by
client?                                      a certain time. Therefore, in most
A seller is able to execute a power          situations a seller’s written rejection of
of attorney granting to another the          an offer from a buyer is not legally or
right to make decisions concerning           contractually required.
property that the seller has for sale.

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                                                                                                                                  MONTANAREALTORS.ORG | 11

MAR Photo Contest Winner - PATRICK LANDON
Patrick Landon, like so many
Montanan’s, knows how beautiful
                       our state is.
                       Whether one
                       is in Northwest
                       or Eastern
                       there is always
                       beautiful waiting
                       to be captured
                       in a photo. A lot
of times patience, timing and luck are
with you and you can capture a perfect
Montana moment.

That was the case this fall for Landon.
The photo was taken just after getting
off the water from fishing. It was shot
on October 21, 2018 at 6:00pm, just
as the sun was setting in Lower Valley
on the Church Slough of the Flathead
River. The way the light distributed
itself over the water made for a perfect
crisp fall evening. The fall colors are
hard to beat in Montana!

Landon was born and raised in Bigfork,
Montana and is a 6th generation
Montanan, whose great, great,
great grandfather was Montana’s
first governor. As a 3rd generation
REALTOR® in Montana, Landon
continues his family’s legacy and work
at Remax of Bigfork. “I love where we
live and I have a passion for exploring
Montana. When I am not working, you
can find me either on the water or on
some old hiking trail.” ■


Second Place – Kathie Butts, Hamilton
                                           Back by popular demand,

                                           the Montana Association

                                           of REALTORS® held a photo

                                            contest for the Cover of
Third Place – Richard Allen, Missoula
                                             the REALTOR® Digest.

                                            REALTORS® from across

                                            the state were asked to

                                            submit a photo they felt

                                           best represented Montana.

                                           On the next few pages you

                                             will see some stunning

                                             work from around the

                                             state. Response to the

     Join Us In Great Falls                contest was excellent and

                                            we are very happy with

                                             the quality of photos

                                             submitted. Great work
         MAR Fall Convention
        September 18-20, 2019                     REALTORS®!
       Best Western Heritage Inn

                                                MONTANAREALTORS.ORG | 13

         Nicolene Lundborg, Missoula

            Diane Kolberg, Bozeman

                                           Kim Martin, Great Falls

          Michael Morgner, Bozeman

            Richard Allen, Missoula        Mikayla Kovash, Billings


                       Diane Kolberg, Bozeman

Michael Morgner, Bozeman                    Richard Allen, Missoula

 Richard Allen, Missoula                    Diane Kolberg, Bozeman

 Richard Allen, Missoula                    Richard Allen, Missoula

                                                       MONTANAREALTORS.ORG | 15

                                                                                        YPN Becomes
                                                                                        Full Committee
                                                                                        at the State Level
                                                                                        Young Professionals Network,
                                                                                        YPN, is a dynamic entry point for
                                                                                        real estate professionals striving
                                                                                        to become more successful in
                                                                                        their careers and gain leadership

                                                                                        YPN gives young real estate
Pictured are Stephanie Hartman and Mikaela Durham accepting the YPN of the Year award
from NAR Representatives.
                                                                                        professionals the tools to become
                                                                                        involved at their local, state and
Gallatin YPN Recognized by NAR                                                          national associations, take an
                                                                                        active role in industry issues,
At the 2017 NAR REALTORS® Conference and Expo held in Chicago, the ninth
annual Network of the Year Awards recognized YPN networks across the                    network with their peers, and
country.                                                                                become active in their community.

The winner of the Small Network award went to none other than the Gallatin              Local associations and the
Association of REALTORS® Young Professionals Network! Gallatin Association              Montana Association of
of REALTORS® YPN was recognized for showing exemplary leadership skills,
                                                                                        REALTORS®, MAR, all benefit by
furthering the YPN mission of member engagement and education, community
                                                                                        forming the next generation of
involvement and advocacy for real estate and homeownership.
                                                                                        leaders, as well as new ideas and
YPN Chair Lacy Browne had this to say. “What an outstanding accomplishment              fresh concepts being brought
and privilege this award is for us! We couldn’t have done it without the best staff
                                                                                        forth. Because of this, the MAR
and leadership support we have! We are truly fortunate and extremely thankful
for that! Congratulations to all involved!” ■                                           Board of Directors approved of YPN
                                                                                        becoming a standing committee
                                                                                        beginning January 2019.

                                                                                        The drive, passion and ideas
                                                                                        coming from YPN members
                                                                                        show that the next generation
                                                                                        of REALTORS® is committed to
                                                                                        the REALTOR® brand and MAR is
                                                                                        fully committed to supporting
                                                                                        this effort.

                                                                                        You can learn more about YPN by
                                                                                        visiting and
                                                                                        viewing the YPN Committee page.
Gallatin YPN Members gather for a group shot at a local function.


Celebrating 50 Years of Fair Housing
On April 11, 1968 the Fair Housing Act
was enacted into law. The Act protects
people from discrimination when they
are renting or buying a home, applying
for a mortgage, seeking housing
assistance or any type of engagement
of housing related activities.

Discrimination cannot be based on
race, color, origin, religion, family
status or disability. During MAR’s
Spring Business Meetings in April,
we celebrated 50 years of this
groundbreaking legislation. Fair
housing is more than a list of dos
and don’ts, rights and penalties, and
mandatory continuing education. As
stewards of the right to own, use and
transfer private property, fair housing
protects our livelihood and business
as REALTORS® and depends on a free,
open market that embraces equal
opportunity. There is more work to
be done and REALTORS® are at the
forefront! ■

                                          MONTANAREALTORS.ORG | 17

MLS Merger
                                                                                            growth, one MLS at a time. Why
                                                                                            wait –consolidation of the data is
                                                                                            inevitable, and the time is now.

                                                                                         A benefit of the expansion is the
                                                                                         seamless flow of data for Brokers and
                                                                                         Agents within Central and Western
                                                                                         Montana. Brint Wahlberg, President of
                                                                                         the Montana Regional MLS says, “Our
                                                                                         brokers and agents are demanding a
                                                                                         more efficient MLS, with a philosophy
                                                                                         focused on ensuring they can continue
                                                                                         to adapt to a changing market. This
                                                                                         consolidation lets the MLS focus on
                                                                                         technology, and keeps the REALTOR®
                                                                                         Association an important part of our
Montana Regional MLS, the largest              Cooperation & Compensation               local identity.”
MLS in the state of Montana, is excited         are included, saving us time             Ruth Hackney, Missoula Organization
to announce that they have combined             and money.                               of REALTORS® CEO says, “With the
with Lincoln County in late 2017                                                         alliance of these already successful
and the HAR MLS in Helena, MT in               Consistent information, MLS rules,
                                                policies, enforcement and data           MLSs, members gain entry to a vast
October of 2018. In addition, they are                                                   selection of integrated technology
on schedule to merge with the MLSs              entry to benefit users.
                                                                                         tools and resources which will better
in Great Falls, Butte, and the Bitterroot      Innovation is constant - software,       serve their buyers and sellers.”
by mid-2019. This new consolidation             apps and technology to empower
will consist of approximately 2,700             brokers and agents to better             The combined communities will
real estate professionals, serving all of       serve consumers.                         enhance the local real estate market
Central and Western Montana.                                                             by providing the best service for Real
                                               Statistical data reports are accurate,   Estate professionals and the customers
Discussions began in early 2018                 consistent, de-                          they serve. ■
between the leaders of the REALTOR®             duplicated and easy
Associations and MLSs involved                  to obtain.
with this transition. With the help of
consultant Kevin McQueen from the              Create more efficient
innovative T360, leadership asked the           and cost-effective
simple question: Why do this? The list          service organizations
below helped to lead us in a positive           and save money.
path towards consolidation.
                                               Retain our local
   REALTORS® will have access to all           association identity
    real estate information across the          and culture. Shift our
    state without borders.                      focus from a local MLS
                                                to the value of our
   Pay one MLS fee to access                   local association.
    everything available from
    the REALTOR® organizations                 Do this once –this
    in Montana.                                 is not organic

                      Mark Simonich                             Shanna was born
                      Chief Executive Officer                   and raised in
                              Helena, MT and
                      406-441-4860 Direct                       in her spare time,

                      Mark was named CEO in early 2018.         enjoys spending
                      Prior to joining MAR, Mark spent          time with her
                      the past 10 years at the Helena           family, horseback
                      Association of REALTORS® as the           riding, being involved in community service and values
                      Government Affairs Director and most      physical and spiritual health.
recently the Executive Director. Mark works closely with        Contact Shanna if you have questions about: Membership
Association Management and the Executive Committee.             (Transaction Desk), Dues, Accounts Receivable/Payable,
                                                                eCommerce/NRDS, RPAC
                      Tanya Eychner
                      Strategic Programs Coordinator                                  Nicole Riebe
                                                   Communications Director
                      406-441-4864 Direct                                   
                      Tanya joined MAR in 2016. She                                   406-441-4862 Direct
                      and her family moved from Texas                                 Nicole joined MAR in 2018. She
                      where she worked as a fundraising                               holds a Bachelor’s degree in Film and
                      coordinator with the Muscular                                   Television Production from Montana
                      Dystrophy Association.                                          State University.
Tanya has extensive experience as a grant writer, has           Nicole worked at KTVH-TV in Helena as a Commercial
worked in Corporate HR and Recruitment. She is a master         Producer, Creative Services Manager and Promotions
of communication, planning, organizing and approaches all       Director before joining MAR.
work she does with great professionalism and clarity (and a     Nicole grew up in Helena and has a strong connection to the
touch of humor).                                                community. She serves on several local boards and service
Tanya received a Bachelor’s degree from St. Mary’s University   organizations and coaches high school tennis.
in San Antonio, Texas. She is originally from Edinburg,         In her spare time you can find Nicole up in the mountains
located in the heart of the Rio Grande Valley.                  either hiking, biking, or skiing.
Tanya loves to explore Montana with her family. She is also a   Contact Nicole if you have questions about: Website, Social
certified Yoga/Pilates instructor.                              Media, reMARks newsletter, Communications Committee
Contact Tanya if you have questions about: Forms, Projects,
Strategic Planning, YPN Committee                                                     Sam Sill
                                                                                      Government Affairs Director
                      Shanna Semmens                                        
                      Business Manager                                                406-441-4870 Direct
                                                  Sam joined MAR in 2018. He holds a
                      406-441-4861 Direct                                             Master of Public Administration in Po-
                      Shanna joined MAR in 2016. She                                  litical Science/Public Administration
                      has an extensive background in                                  from the University of Montana.
                      accounting, management and                Prior to joining MAR, he was the Public Affairs Director at
                      customer service.                         Missoula Organization of REALTORS® and was the Director
Shanna’s prior work experience includes: Operations             of Government Affairs for the Missoula Area Chamber
Manager at Rural Employment Opportunities, Assistant to         of Commerce.
the Academic Vice President at Rocky Mountain College and       Contact Sam if you have questions about: Government
Conference and Events Director at Carroll College.              Affairs Committee, RPAC, IMF

                                                                                               MONTANAREALTORS.ORG | 19
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 Since 1956, the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® has been honoring the
  state REALTORS® of the Year at the NAR Annual Convention held in November.

The program is designed to give recognition to REALTORS® who have served not
           only in their profession, but also in their communities.

          REALTOR® of the Year Nominees are judged on the following:

                                REALTOR® Spirit

                                 Civic Activity

                          Business Accomplishments

                        Local Association/Board Activity

                           State Association Activity
                                                                                         Jackie Smart
                         National Association Activity
                                                                                       2018 REALTOR® OF THE YEAR

                   2018 REALTOR® OF THE YEAR NOMINEES

   PATTI DUNDAS                  DOUG MCLAREN                 MARK DOBRENSKI                      JOSH LIND
Billings Assoc. of REALTORS®     Bitterroot Valley Board of       Gallatin Assoc. of           Great Falls Assoc. of
                                        REALTORS®                   REALTORS®                      REALTORS®

   MARY AHMANN                        LYNNETTE                  JACKIE SMART                    JUDY KIVELA
     HIBBARD                          ROBINSON                Northwest Montana Assoc.       Rocky Mountain Assoc. of
Helena Assoc. of REALTORS®     Missoula Org. of REALTORS®          of REALTORS®                    REALTORS®

                                                                                          MONTANAREALTORS.ORG | 21

Legislative Outlook
The 66th Montana Legislature               introduce legislation requiring        2) Subdivision and zoning regulations
convenes this year and MAR has been        active licensed real estate brokers       are necessary for public health and
hard at work preparing for 2019.           and salespersons to be covered by         safety but can be overly restrictive
Over the past year, we held listening      errors and omissions insurance. This      on property rights and detrimental
sessions for REALTORS® around the          will help increase professionalism        to consumers. MAR will support
state, engaged our coalition partners      within our industry while better          efforts to improve Montana’s
and legislators, monitored the work of     protecting consumers and                  regulatory climate and will oppose
the interim committees, and defined        REALTORS®. Claims are filed against       unreasonable new regulations.
our policy priorities. The Government      real estate licensees in which the
Affairs Committee and MAR staff            licensee is found blameless but        3) Homeownership is increasingly
are ready to maintain an active            could have been on the hook for           unaffordable for many hardworking
and effective presence during the          thousands of dollars in legal bills       Montana families. In addition to
upcoming legislative session.              had they been uninsured. Each             supporting regulatory reform, MAR
                                           of Montana’s neighboring states           will support increased funding for
                                                                                     the Housing Montana Fund.
What can we expect in the                  require errors and omissions
2019 Legislative Session?                  insurance and premiums are very        4) MAR will continue to support
                                           reasonable in these states – around       improving and streamlining the
1) After a unanimous vote of the
                                           $200 per year for an individual.          water right permitting and change
   Board of Directors, MAR plans to
                                                                                     processes. It is critical that these
                                                                                     processes allow us to better meet
                                                                                     Montanans’ housing and business
                                                                                     needs while protecting senior
                                                                                     users. ■

                                                                                  Follow MAR at the
                                                                                  Legislature at
                                                                                  Complete coverage of the
                                                                                  2019 Legislature
                                                                                  can be found online at


2019 National Committee Appointments
‘Abe’ C.E. Abramson • Federal Technology Policy Committee
       Jim Anderson • REALTOR® Party Trustees for Campaign Services Campaign
           Diane Beck • REALTOR® Party Member Involvement Committee
         Lacy Browne • Membership and Policy Board, YPN Network Advisory Board
         Dennis Cook • Federal Taxation Committee
      Candis Dorsch • RPAC Trustees Fundraising Committee
           Beth Duke • Membership Policy & Board Jurisdiction Committee
   Robyn Erlenbush • Professional Development Committee
     Lanissa Fortner • RPAC Participation Council
      Ruth Hackney • Association Executives Committee, Board of Directors,
			 Leadership Academy Advisory Group
 Michelle Haverstick • Professional Standards Committee
        John Herring • Risk Management Issues Committee
   Andrew Hurlburt • Professional Standards Committee
         Cindy Lanier • Professional Standards Committee, Real Property
			Valuation Committee
             Tim Lund • RPAC Major Investor Committee
            Rich Mayo • State and Local Issues Policy Committee
          Joyce Miller • Public Policy Coordinating Committee
        Mike Nugent • Multiple Listing Issues and Policies Committee
      Teri Polumsky • Professional Standards Committee
     Andy Polumsky • Public Policy Coordinating Committee
 Lynnette Robinson • Resort and Second Home Real Estate Committee
      Rick Robinson • Land Use Property Rights and Environment Committee
     Matt Rosbarsky • Federal Financing & Housing Policy Committee
       Jennifer Shea • Resort and Second Home Real Estate Committee
              DJ Smith • Leading Edge Advisory Board
         Susan Smith • Resort and Second Home Real Estate Committee
      Ryan Swinney • State and Local Issues Policy Committee
        Jolene Tatum • Professional Standards Committee
     Ronda Tompers • Public Policy Coordinating Committee
             Ken Vidar • Commercial Federal Policy Committee
       Sharon Virgin • Leading Edge Advisory Board
         Dan Wagner • Broker Involvement Council
      Robin Wallace • Diversity Committee
          Trina White • Federal Financing & Housing Policy Committee
    Freda Wilkinson • Housing Opportunity Committee
       Marie Willson • Leading Edge Advisory Board
    Jannie Wiseman • Housing Opportunity Committee
                 Congratulations Montana REALTORS®!

                                                                                  MONTANAREALTORS.ORG | 23
Intrepid_Montana RealtorsDigest_8.5x5.5.pdf 1 11/30/2018 5:04:15 PM

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                MONTANAREALTORS.ORG | 25

BAR Members present Habitat for Humanity with a check.                  BVBoR sponsored an achievement award for graduating High Needs
                                                                        Seniors’ throughout the county in 2018

Billings Association of REALTORS®
The Billings Association of REALTORS® recognizes the importance         Bitterroot Valley Board of REALTORS®
of giving back to the communities we live in. The Quality of Life       The REALTORS® have been a stakeholder in creating a Targeted
program was established in 2004 with the goal of benefiting             Economic Development District in the area of the Ravalli County
organizations that are working to improve the quality of life for our   Airport. Our initial work was funded by a REALTOR® Party grant
residents. Since 2004, more than $603,000 has been raised for 63        from NAR.
nonprofits and community projects.
                                                                        Our board continues working on a legislative fix pertaining to
In 2018, $20,000 was donated to Habitat for Humanity from the           county road right-of-way dedicated to the public on plats. We were
Casino Night fundraiser and $35,000 was donated to CASA of              successful in using our IMF funds to help in the project.
Yellowstone County from the Quality of Life Run. Several small
                                                                        BVBoR feels it is very important to be engaged with decision
donations were also given in 2018. The Havre Chapter of the
                                                                        makers so that our clients have a strong voice in protecting their
Billings Association of REALTORS® donated a total of $675 in
                                                                        property rights!
Quality of Life funds to the Havre, Chinook and Harlem Food Banks
and the MSU Northern Foundation. The Lewistown Chapter of the           Here are some highlights of a packed 2018:
Billings Association of REALTORS® donated $300 to the Pregnancy           • Fair Housing education, not just with our Montana licensees,
Care Center in Lewistown from their Quality of Life donations.              but we opened this seminar up to the public to better share
REALTORS® are dedicated to making Quality of Life a multifaceted            the resource of Montana Fair Housing;
program. The Association periodically hosts public education              • Legislative and local political candidates reporting guidance
events with the goal of opening lines of communication to allow             education sponsorship;
concerned citizens, professional groups and decision makers to
address issues within our community as a united force. In addition,       • Hwy 93 cleanup by our member volunteers of a 2-mile stretch
REALTORS® are committed to community outreach projects that                 South of Victor, MT. Not once, but TWICE. ■
help raise awareness of and funds for non-profit organizations in
the community. ■

 Single Family                           2017            2018            Single Family                          2017             2018
 Total Sales                              2318             2367          Total Sales                                482             491
 Average Sales Price                   $253,178        $269,110          Average Sales Price                   $304,640        $330,397
 Median Sales Price                    $235,000        $248,500          Median Sales Price                     $260,00         $280,00
 Average Days on Market                         66              60       Average Days on Market                       147             144
 Townhouse/Condo                         2017            2018            Townhouse/Condo                        2017             2018
 Total Sales                                 275            277          Total Sales                                    15           26
 Average Sales Price                    $193,429       $197,993          Average Sales Price                   $175,650        $173,727
 Median Sales Price                     $190,000       $186,000          Median Sales Price                    $170,000        $168,000
 Average Days on Market                         59           54          Average Days on Market                         76          105
 Lots                                    2017            2018            Lots                                   2017             2018
 Total Sales                                 319            379          Total Sales                                179             178
 Average Sales Price                    $117,286       $107,956          Average Sales Price                     $89,623       $106,822
 Median Sales Price                      $60,000        $65,000          Median Sales Price                      $72,500        $91,000
 Average Days on Market                       224           253          Average Days on Market                       478           530


The Gallatin REALTORS® Charitable Foundation sponsored the 94th          CEO Terry Thompson, President Sharon Virgin and President-Elect
Annual “Cakes for Kids” Kiwanis Pancake Fundraiser on December           Josh Lind present a check from Smoked Restaurant to Stand Up For
1st. Several local REALTORS® attended the event. Pictured from left to   Students from the World Homeless Day Event.
right: Sharon Tudor Isler,Kent Simonson, Andrew Hurlburt, Desirae
Lindquist, Aaron Balian, Cassi Clampitt.
                                                                         Great Falls Association of REALTORS®
                                                                         2018 proved to be another great year for the Great Falls Association
Gallatin Association of REALTORS®                                        of REALTORS®. Our membership grew by 42 new members and 9
The Gallatin Association of REALTORS® leaders and members were           new offices. We offered 77 hours of continuing education courses
very busy in 2018.                                                       to our members, participated in the National Code of Ethics day,
                                                                         and hosted a Rookie Course to new agents from across the state.
GAR used a Housing Opportunity Grant to hold a Housing Summit
to address workforce housing needs and assist the City of Bozeman        Great Falls was the host city for GRI this year, and our members
in their research towards solutions.                                     provided a great experience for everyone that attended.
GAR was invited to participate in a City of Bozeman workgroup            Our IMF Bowling Tournament returned in May and put $4,500 back
with local stakeholders and Navigate, LLC, a consultant preparing        into our fund. In September we held our Board Officer elections
the City’s Housing Needs Assessment.                                     and had the highest voter turnout on record.
GAR held a very successful candidates night with federal, state and      The Great Falls REALTORS® Flag Project started off the year by
local candidates or their representatives in attendance.                 being honored at the Electric City Brew Fest. In June we honored a
                                                                         Great Falls Veteran at our annual Flag Day Celebration and the 2nd
GAR obtained a Smart Growth Grant to conduct an area-wide
                                                                         annual Friends of the Flag Golf Tournament was held in September.
density study with Urban 3 from Ashville, NC in conjunction
with the City of Bozeman, Downtown Partnership, and Bozeman              For advocacy efforts we hosted a blood drive and on October 10th
Chamber of Commerce.                                                     we held a citywide World Homeless Day Event and raised funds,
                                                                         clothing and toiletries for our Stand Up For Students program to
The GAR Charitable Foundation was active with a $10,000
                                                                         help homeless students in our community.
presentation to Thrive of Bozeman for its Cap Mentor program; of
which 42 REALTORS® participate.                                          The end of the year will wrap up with the Great Falls Association
                                                                         of REALTORS® Ring Day to support the Salvation Army and our 3rd
The Foundation also held its first fundraiser, a Lip Sync Battle, won
                                                                         Annual Joint Christmas Party with the Home Builders Association
by the employees of Thrive. It was so much fun.
                                                                         will raise money for Big Brothers Big Sisters. ■
GAR presented a $10,000 check to BCAR for Hurricane
Florence relief.
                                                                          Single Family                          2017             2018
Membership in the BSCMLS peaked in late summer with
approximately 1300 REALTOR® members. GAR membership
                                                                          Total Sales                               746              739
hovering around 1000, including affiliate members.                        Average Sales Price                  $190,983         $200,095
GAR member Mikaela Durham (ERA Landmark) was selected as                  Median Sales Price                   $175,500         $184,900
a member of the 2018 30 under 30 by NAR. Congratulations to               Average Days on Market                        96                  92
Mikaela – one of our future leaders.                                      Townhouse/Condo                        2017             2018
December marks the end of Michelle Haverstick’s 2018 presidency.          Total Sales                                   74            85
Michelle also served as Treasurer of both GAR and the BSCMLS at           Average Sales Price                   $176,093        $192,201
the same time. She was very helpful to members and staff. She has
been volunteering for leadership roles for at least 7 years. Thanks       Median Sales Price                    $174,000        $193,000
Michelle!!!! ■                                                            Average Days on Market                       142           123
                                                                          Lots                                   2017             2018
                                                                          Total Sales                                   24            13
                                                                          Average Sales Price                     $38,665        $37,115
                                                                          Median Sales Price                      $36,000        $31,000
                                                                          Average Days on Market                       245           466

                                                                                                           MONTANAREALTORS.ORG | 27

Helena REALTORS® participating in Spirit of Service Day in June.        MOR staff and members are pictured with Sen. Jon Tester.

Helena Association of REALTORS®                                         Missoula Organization of REALTORS®
The Helena Association of REALTORS® had a busy 2018!                    The Missoula Organization of REALTORS® had another fantastic year.
                                                                        Our focus, stemming from our Strategic Action Plan, remained Advo-
One of our major focuses as an organization was to do the most
                                                                        cacy, Education, and Connectivity. MOR has established ourselves as
good in our community that we could. Our Christmas Beneficiary
                                                                        a partner with our City and County decision makers. Just a few areas
Fundraiser in December 2017 was the most successful one we’ve
                                                                        where we were instrumental in shaping the conversation were: Attain-
ever had! HAR distributed $30,000 to families in need in the
                                                                        able Housing, Economic Development, City Zoning Updates, Parkland
Helena area! We participated in the Rocky Mountain Development
                                                                        dedication requirements, and a County Growth Policy Update.
Council’s Spirit of Service Day for the 3rd year in a row. Our
members worked on three houses for older folks in the Helena            In 2018, MOR welcomed Dwight Easton to our staff as the Public
area, by doing spring maintenance on their homes.                       Affairs Director.
Each month at our Membership Luncheon, we highlighted a                 With the benefit of our new classroom space, we have doubled the
charitable group in which our members are involved. HAR then            number of Continuing Education Credit Hours we offer. In addition, we
made a donation to these groups in the HAR member’s name.               offered another 21 hours of professionalism content to help elevate
It’s amazing how much REALTORS® do to make the world a                  our members.
better place!
                                                                        Connectivity took on a life of its own this year. MOR connected our
2018 also saw several changes. The Helena Association lost its long-    jurisdiction with Sanders, Mineral, and Granite Counties in order to
time, and much-loved Executive Director, Mark Simonich, who             better serve our Western Montana Agents. We also upgraded our
took the CEO position at MAR. And this fall, the Helena MLS was         lockbox technology to ensure that our members have the best tools to
very excited to merge with the Montana Regional MLS. It has been        do their business.
an adventure, as well as a learning experience! We look forward to
                                                                        Finally, we continue to host networking and fundraising events. The
2019! ■
                                                                        Annual Golf Shoot Out and Denim and Diamonds, both which sold out
                                                                        again this year. Through the work of our dedicated volunteers, MOR4K-
                                                                        ids donated over $50k to Missoula kids & families in need in 2018.
                                                                        MOR is looking forward to another great year in 2019, under the lead-
                                                                        ership of Jolene Tatum, and will continue to put our members first. ■

 Single Family                           2017            2018            Single Family                           2017             2018
 Total Sales                                983             794          Total Sales                              1619             1535
 Average Sales Price                   $271,893        $283,190          Average Sales Price                   $303,553         $330,435
 Median Sales Price                    $250,000        $274,900          Median Sales Price                     269,000         $293,375
 Average Days on Market                       104                  94    Average Days on Market                        131               128
 Townhouse/Condo                         2017            2018            Townhouse/Condo                         2017             2018
 Total Sales                                 103            101          Total Sales                                 292             256
 Average Sales Price                    $212,980       $200,209          Average Sales Price                    $223,025        $257,785
 Median Sales Price                     $202,500       $198,000          Median Sales Price                     $204,350        $220,175
 Average Days on Market                       123           108          Average Days on Market                        150           160
 Lots                                    2017            2018            Lots                                    2017             2018
 Total Sales                                    98           80          Total Sales                                 228             224
 Average Sales Price                     $99,435       $110,290          Average Sales Price                    $142,278        $126,579
 Median Sales Price                      $75,000        $89,900          Median Sales Price                       $90,000       $198,350
 Average Days on Market                       266           187          Average Days on Market                        614           485


NMAR Charitable Foundation members present a check to Kalispell          Park County REALTORS® taking part in Bowl For Kids Sake.
Heart Locker.

                                                                         Park County Board of REALTORS®
Northwest Montana Association of                                         Park County Board of REALTORS® takes great pride in the work we
REALTORS®                                                                do in our community throughout the year!
                                                                         In March, we organized a team for “Bowl for Kids Sake”. When the
Since January 2018, local REALTORS® have helped find homes
                                                                         spring thaw brought flooding along the Yellowstone River, we
for 2,328 families in the Flathead Valley. Comprised of about 920
                                                                         launched into action and filled over 1,000 sandbags which were
members and 67 affiliates, NMAR has provided over 100 hours of
                                                                         provided for free to property owners suffering from rising waters.
professional development to its members.
                                                                         We continue to help the Fire Department provide winter coats for
NMAR’s fundraising efforts and help from our generous REALTOR®
                                                                         kids in need (over 100 coats were collected last year) and this year
members has generated over $43,000 in donations.
                                                                         we are including gloves and hats.
In 2018, NMAR Charitable Foundation has supported Save-A-Sister,
                                                                         Farm 2 School is another organization we support, which is a food
Journey Be (Soup Kitchen in Polson), Flathead School Snacks, CASA
                                                                         program where kids learn agriculture and participate in producing
for Kids, Child Bridge, Evergreen After School Program, Boys and
                                                                         food that goes directly to their lunches. Not just vegetables but
Girls Club of Flathead Reservation, Kalispell’s Heart Locker, Toys for
                                                                         also trout in the aquaponics lab! ■
Tots, Healthy MT Families and ALL the food banks within NMAR’s
Our local REALTORS® are devoted to helping our friends and family
in the Flathead Valley in so many ways. REALTORS® go beyond
selling or finding the perfect place to call home! ■

 Single Family                           2017             2018            Single Family                           2017            2018
 Total Sales                              2282             1974           Total Sales                                289             208
 Average Sales Price                   $339,076         $375,722          Average Sales Price                   $332,193        $364,804
 Median Sales Price                    $268,000          $29,000          Median Sales Price                    $270,000        $306,500
 Average Days on Market                        153             150        Average Days on Market                         95
 Townhouse/Condo                         2017             2018            Townhouse/Condo                         2017            2018
 Total Sales                                359              335          Total Sales                                 12              30
 Average Sales Price                   $275,453         $299,143          Average Sales Price                   $172,514        $212,173
 Median Sales Price                    $240,000         $249,000          Median Sales Price                    $182,000        $219,000
 Average Days on Market                     163              136          Average Days on Market                      24
 Lots                                    2017             2018            Lots                                    2017            2018
 Total Sales                                904              939          Total Sales                                  95             88
 Average Sales Price                   $110,093         $120,917          Average Sales Price                     $64,448       $148,684
 Median Sales Price                    $76,5000          $80,000          Median Sales Price                      $55,000       $103,500
 Average Days on Market                     280              312          Average Days on Market                      366

                                                                                                            MONTANAREALTORS.ORG | 29
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