Say hello to our 'New Principal' Senior Internship Ridge Clubs & Sports - #New&ReinventedTRADITIONS

Page created by Donald Allen
Say hello to our 'New Principal' Senior Internship Ridge Clubs & Sports - #New&ReinventedTRADITIONS
Say hello to our
‘New Principal’
Senior Internship
Ridge Clubs & Sports
Say hello to our 'New Principal' Senior Internship Ridge Clubs & Sports - #New&ReinventedTRADITIONS
From the Desk of
                                                                                                    Editors: Prachi Jain
                                                                                                     and Aditi Tandon
                                                                                           Submissions may be made via email to

                      the Principal                                                   

                          Greetings Students and Families of RHS!
                                                                                              INSIDE THIS ISSUE
                          This is a time for giving thanks. As we finish the first mark-
                          ing period of this anything-but-normal school year, there is      A Word from the PTO................. 2
                          nothing more apropos than to give thanks.                         PTO Executive Board................. 2
                                                                                            PTO Initiatives ........................... 3
                          Thank you to everyone for the welcome you have extended           Reimagining Traditions............4-5
                          to me as I joined the RHS and BTSD communities. The               Counseling News ......................... 6
                          warmth and heart and collaboration have been incredi-             School Spirit ..................................7
                                                                                            School Connection- Internship..... 8
                          ble. A transition can be fraught with challenges, especially
                                                                                            Ridge Recognition ....................... 8
during an unprecedented pandemic, but, from my first day, the interactions I have
                                                                                            Scholarship & American Legion....9
had with staff, students, and community members have been characterized by opti-
                                                                                            Music Department -Band.............10
mism, commitment, and hope. It is a pleasure to work here.                                  Drama Club News...................... 11
We must thank our staff for the unending energy, thinking, creativity, and flexibility      Forensic..............................13
they have devoted to their work. Thank you to the members of the larger BTSD com-           Cross Country - Boys..................14
munity who have donated their time and resources and heart to our work. Thank you           Cross Country - Girls..................15
to the families of our students who have endured endless emails, new schedules,             Soccer - Girls................................16
construction, and health advisories and have continued to partner with us to keep           Cheer..................................17
our students learning. Thank you to our students for showing maturity and resilience        Field Hockey - Girls.....................18
beyond anything we should have to ask of them. I see our students every day and             Athletes of the Month ..................19
from their smiles and their conversations to their costumes and their questions, they
consistently raise us up and energize our staff.                                                  Togetherness
We have made it through a first marking period unlike any other because we have                      Tenacity
made choices. We have chosen to stay positive, to have fun, to make sacrifices, to
focus on what is most important, and to stay together. Never before has what we                     Traditions
do outside of school so dramatically impacted our ability to run the school. We must
continue to make sound, safe decisions, both inside and outside of the building. Only
through this collective commitment can we ensure our best opportunity to preserve
the traditions of high school for our current students.

We must stay committed to self-care. Please use our School Counseling site. It is
filled with supportive resources. We must stay committed to communication. Please
read the emails, use our Distance Learning Hub, and watch the Ridge High Minutes.
Please continue to share your ideas, your perspectives, and your feedback. All ideas

If these first months of the school year have proven anything, it is that this year will
be what we make it. We have the opportunity to be a community that soars, even
in uncertain times. We have the resources; we have the ingenuity, and we have the
people. Together we must continue to make the most of our opportunities, of our
school, and of ourselves. Here at Ridge, there truly is plenty to be thankful for.
Stay safe.
						                                                   - Russell     Lazovick
Say hello to our 'New Principal' Senior Internship Ridge Clubs & Sports - #New&ReinventedTRADITIONS
A Word from our PTO
 Welcome to the school year                                                               able to deliver the directories to your
        2020-’21!                                                   doorstep. Thank you to everyone that
                                                                                          made this possible.
To say that the past months have been
                                             to your grade level parent representa-       There are still some copies available - if
uniquely challenging, would be an un-
                                             tive. All PAC members are listed in the      you would like to sign up for member-
derstatement but we are grateful for the
                                             Ridge directory and on the Ridge PTO         ship please email us.
wonderful community we are in and es-
pecially for the students, parents, staff,
                                                                                          To all those who volunteered for the
and administration that make up the
                                             We welcome the almost 700 families           many Fall events that didn’t take place,
amazing fabric that is Ridge.
                                             and teachers that joined the Ridge           your interest to commit time to help is
                                             PTO this year! With your support, we         appreciated. Thanks to our VP Vol-
On behalf of the Ridge High School
                                             are able to provide for mini-grants, gifts   unteers Alicia Martine and Danielle
parent body, we would like to extend a
                                             to school that benefit our students, and     Abrutyn, most of the committee chair
warm welcome to Dr. Lazovick as the
                                             teacher appreciation luncheons. We           positions are filled but if you’d like to
Principal at the high school. Since his
                                             would also like to extend our gratitude      volunteer you can still sign up as a gen-
arrival at Ridge in August, the PTO has
                                             to the local businesses that advertised      eral or committee volunteer. Check the
been working closely to communicate
                                             in the directory. This has been a hard       link on the PTO page.
concerns and queries from the commu-
                                             year for many and we so appreciate all
nity to the administration and vice ver-
                                             the support that you have given.             Be sure to follow the Ridge PTO Face-
sa. We look forward to continuing this
                                                                                          book page and visit our website. Our
as we hopefully return to more normal
                                             Thank you to Ridge PTO Directory             VP of Digital Communications & Social
                                             Chair, Sarah Bonnefoi - who not only         Media, Cathy Cheo-Isaacs gets the
                                             promised a hard copy directory, but          credit to keep them both updated and
The Ridge PAC has been meeting
                                             also was sure they could be hand-de-         current. For any comments, concerns
monthly with Dr. Lazovick to discuss
                                             livered in the absence of an in-person       or questions feel free to reach out to us.
grade level and school-wide issues and
                                             Back to School Night. And for the lat-
concerns. A variety of topics are dis-
                                             ter, a shout out to Betsy Riddiford - who    From both of us, the warmest wishes
cussed at each meeting and the min-
                                             made this delivery of 700 plus possi-        for 2021!
utes posted to the Ridge PTO website.
                                             ble, by mapping out delivery routes by
If you have a concern that you would
                                             neighborhood. With the help of some          Achint Kaur and Becca Moussally
like addressed, please reach out
                                             amazing volunteer drivers, we were           Ridge PTO Co-Presidents

                                                                                  Class Parents
 2020-2021 Ridge PTO Executive Board
                                                                                  Freshman                     Junior
                                                                                  Ryan Parker                  Heather Olivo
           Co-Presidents                            Treasurer                     Karen Santonastaso
             Achint Kaur                           Chau Shearer
           Becca Moussally                                                        Sophomore                    Senior
                                                 Vice President                   Alexandra Schwarz            Doreen Beim
      Recording Secretary                             Programs                    Kris Leopold                 Zaida Harrison
              Lisa McNey                           Tissiana Oliva                            Stacey Irvine (PEC)
           Vice President                    Co-Vice Presidents                   Class Advisors
        Digital Communications                      Newsletters                   Freshman                     Junior
            & Social Media                          Aditi Tandon                  Linda Valera                 Danielle Lehmann
          Cathy Cheo Isaacs                          Prachi Jain                  Marie Wurtenberg             Lauren Baker

       Co-Vice Presidents                    Board of Education                   Sophomore                    Senior
              Volunteers                          Representatives                 Christina Onorato            Janine Quimby
             Alicia Martine                        Elaine DiDario                 Michaela Stoudemayer         Emily Lipnick
            Danielle Abrutyn                     Christina Marshall
                                                                                  Bernards PEC Representatives
                                                                                  Lisa McNey
                Board members may be emailed here                                 Marisa Taormina-Podwats

Say hello to our 'New Principal' Senior Internship Ridge Clubs & Sports - #New&ReinventedTRADITIONS
PTO Initiatives
    A Surprise for Teachers                           An Enterprising                 Freshman Class
       on their first day!                                 Teen                        Walkthrough
                                                    Face Shields made and do-

   T     he teachers found this little sur-
         prise in their mailboxes on the
    first day of in-person instruction.
                                                    nated to the PTO by Raunak
                                                    Singh, a 9th grader, for Ridge
                                                                                      To welcome the Freshman
                                                                                      Class, a banner with mes-
                                                                                      sages of encouragement
                                                    teachers & staff.
    Thank you to everyone who donat-                                                  and good wishes from the
    ed the lottery tickets last year and to                                           graduating Class of 2020
    Hillary Walters-Reynolds @Baba-                                                   was displayed at the en-
    dooDesigns for the super cute tags!                                               trance.

                                                                                             Follow the
                                                                                       Ridge High School PTO
                                                                                            on Facebook

                                            The volunteers are the ones that made
                                            this Junior Class fundraiser a success.

                                            Thank you to the hard working com-
                                            mittee: Sundari Rao, Betsy Riddiford,
                                            Cathy Cheo Issaacs, Doreen Beim,
                                            and Tina Del Giorno.

Balloons in June
The Class of 2020 missed out on many
things this Spring - but Balloons in June
was one tradition that stayed afloat!!
Orders came in from families, friends,
and the community, and almost 5,300
balloons were delivered!

Using the Lyons UPS Store as a base,
at least 70 volunteers came together
to process the orders, inflate ALL of
the balloons, and deliver them across
town. All this was done while working
under strict guidelines to keep every-
one safe. Looking out at the mailbox-
es from their houses during quarantine
definitely made for some smiles for the

Say hello to our 'New Principal' Senior Internship Ridge Clubs & Sports - #New&ReinventedTRADITIONS


My family is making two dinners and
bringing one of them to the VA Hospital.
My kids are actually excited about being
in the kitchen the entire day. We are also
planning a zoom game with the family          Traditions are one of the ways
that couldn’t come to our house.              in which we humans shape our
                                              experience. These are habits
                                                                               Zoomsgiving ... we can
           - The Sblendorio Family            that become accepted and en-     be together from afar !
                                              trenched as family norms.
                                                                                            - The Hodges Family
                                              But then, along came 2020
                                              and we were forced to re-
                                              invigorate our family tradi-
                                              tions, resurface forgotten
                                              norms, and create entirely
                                              new customs.

                                              We asked our Ridge Families-
                                              what family traditions have
                                              helped them ride the COVID
Doing home improve-                           tide?
ment projects together.                       Have they reinstated any?
                                              Have they started new ones?

           - The Moussally Family                                              We discovered the joys of sewing: cre-
                                              Enjoy their answers ...          ating the new and mending the old, And
                                                                               we often cook up a storm together!
                                      Jigsaw Puzzle Tradition
                                                                                             - The Tandon Family
                             Our family has always loved doing jigsaw
                             puzzles together, but rarely have the time.
                             The pandemic caused us to clear off the din-
                             ing room table for nonstop puzzling. When
                             the lockdown started mid-March - we com-                        everyone
                             pleted about 15 jigsaw puzzles (1000-2000
                             pieces each) in the first month. Once we re-                    home ... lots of
                             alized we would all be home for much longer
                             - we dusted off a 18,000 piece puzzle that we
                                                                                              good fights.
                             bought 18 years ago. About 4 months later -
                             the 9ftx7ft puzzle was completed, taking up
                                                                                             - The McCabe Family
                             most of our living room floor!
                                               -The Riddiford Family

Say hello to our 'New Principal' Senior Internship Ridge Clubs & Sports - #New&ReinventedTRADITIONS
                                   Our family started a few things like baking
                                   fresh bread, pizza (big hit!!), and cookies. The            Reimagining
                                   twins have started playing table tennis daily
                                   with their grandpa. We also started a Sun-                   Traditions
                                   day evening fun family time where the twins          It’s a simple fact that all parents in
                                   enjoy a game of UNO & play board games. I
                                                                                              every family have found,
                                   especially look forward to that Sunday game
                                   time as everyone laughs and we all have a
                                                                                         As children grow up, it gets more
                                   great time together. I have started acrylic            difficult to gather them around.
                                   painting by taking online YouTube instruc-
                                   tions and I am having fun!!                          So we’ll give thanks each day and
                                   Wishing everyone a happy, safe, and blessed           build new traditions cheerfully,
                                   holiday season.                                      ‘Cos we love to be surrounded by
                                                      -The Gill/Sidhu Family                 our friends and family.

Dinners as a family every
night. No commutes and
less activities have definitely
                                                                                                              We look up
given us more quality family                                                                                  song lyrics and
time and I’m eternally grate-                                                                                   sing aloud.
                                                                                                               -The Jain Family

Though I am bummed about
the restrictions, I love being
able to have family dinners
every night. Since my boys
really play sports or have ac-
tivities year round, we all ate
dinner whenever we could
... rarely together. So that’s a

   -The Harrison Family                                                               Nightly family walks and weekend hikes have
                                                                                      helped us to get through quarantine and will
                                                                                      hopefully become lasting traditions.

                                                                                                            -The Martine Family

                                                                                      I put my Christmas tree up 96 weeks early.


Want to share your
 TRADITIONS?                  Putting on LOUD music picked by the kids and
                              dancing like crazy as a family. It’s a great stress
    Join the                  and loneliness buster.
  on Facebook                                            -The Dadlani Family

Say hello to our 'New Principal' Senior Internship Ridge Clubs & Sports - #New&ReinventedTRADITIONS
 News and Notes from the Ridge Counseling Department
                                           ic copy of the Senior Post-Secondary       are posted on Naviance. While many
  Dear                                     Handbook and various supporting tu-        are geared toward juniors and seniors,
  Ridge                                    torial videos can be found on our flyer.   there are a number that any student,
                                                                                      grades 9 through 12, can apply for. Log
                                           Sophomore Careers Informa-                 in; click “Colleges,” then “Scholarship
                                           tion                                       List” to see the current offerings. Check
Virtual Rep Visits                                                                    back often, as we post new opportuni-
                                           Counselors will meet with sophomores       ties as soon as we receive them
Juniors and seniors have been en-          upon return from the winter break for a
couraged to sign up for College Repre-     career exploration presentation. Soph-
sentative visits to Ridge, which began     omores have received access to their       Social & Emotional Supports
to taper off in early December. Dates,     personal Naviance account via a previ-     and Resources
times, and registration for college vis-   ously sent electronic communication. If
its are on Naviance. If your child lost    you have not logged in, please contact     Please be sure to check out our coun-
his/her Naviance username or pass-         your counselor and the counseling sec-     seling website for various resourc-
word, please ask him/her to see one        retaries can help you.                     es including our Distance Learning
of the counseling secretaries. Please                                                 Site, SAC Site, and Virtual Relaxation
also note that parents cannot sign their                                              Room! There are many resources ded-
children up for College Visits; students   Seniors Naviance Check-Ins                 icated towards supporting the social,
must log on themselves, register, and                                                 emotional, and mental well-being of
print out the confirmation page. Stu-      Seniors will work with their school        students too -- check it out!
dents must also ask their teacher for      counselors in January to update any
permission to attend at least a day in     responses they have had from colleges
advance. Information on these virtual      in Naviance. This “Midyear Naviance
visits can be found on our flyer.          Check-In” and system clean-up allows
                                           the Counseling Department Staff to
Junior Year Post-Secondary                 send midyear grades
Planning                                   more efficiently and ef-
Counselors met with all juniors to re-     The Counseling Depart-
view the Junior Post-Secondary Plan-       ment will automatically
ning Handbook on November 19th. All        send mid-year grades
juniors and families are invited to view   to any college to which
our virtual Q&A panel event for juniors    you have applied, after
and families, live on Youtube on De-       second marking period
cember 9th at 7pm! Please check the        grades are published.
counseling website for more informa-       No additional requests
tion and the link to view. The Junior      are required, and we
Post-Secondary Planning Handbook           do not need any ad-
can be found on our flyer.                 ditional forms. These
                                           midyear reports go out
The College Application Pro-               in mid-February. Since
cess Continues for Seniors                 most colleges require
                                           them, so there is no “opt-
During the month of December, coun-        ing out.”
selors continue to process college ap-
plications for Rolling, Early Decision
II and Regular Decision deadlines.         Scholarships and
Remember to request transcripts for        Special Programs
schools with early January deadlines
well before the winter break, as staff     All scholarships and spe-
will not be available to send materials    cial programs received
over the holiday break. The electron-      by the Counseling Office

Say hello to our 'New Principal' Senior Internship Ridge Clubs & Sports - #New&ReinventedTRADITIONS
SCHOOL SPIRIT - Halloween Fun

          Reimagine School Spirit



                         I’m gonna

                         show my


Say hello to our 'New Principal' Senior Internship Ridge Clubs & Sports - #New&ReinventedTRADITIONS
School Connection
 Announcing the Ridge Senior Internship Program
Virtual Rep Visits                                                                             who are looking for internships?

The Ridge Senior Internship Program                                                            Internship hosts are key to supporting
provides opportunities for seniors who                                                         the success of our interns. If you own
meet the eligibility requirements to                                                           a business or work in a business that
source local unpaid internships to fur-                                                        would be interested in hosting one or
ther develop skills and knowledge and                                                          more of our seniors we would love to
gain valuable hands-on experiences in                                                          speak with you. Internship hosts from
a potential career or area of interest.                                                        last year commented “count us in for
                                                                                               next year”, and “our experience with
The Senior Internship Program will run            guidelines, a calendar of SIP key dates,     Ridge’s Senior Interns and the program
this academic year from Monday, May               and internship accountabilities while        was very positive, and we would host
17 through Friday, June 11, 2021. Stu-            on the job can be found on the Ridge         an intern again.”
dents who are eligible will be asked to           High School website. Once there scroll
either self-design an internship or apply         down to “Counseling” and then to the         Please email Mr. Brum, the SIP Pro-
for posted internships in the SIP data-           “Senior Internship Program.” Complet-        gram Coordinator, if you are interested
base. Although there are exceptions,              ed application packets can be dropped        in learning more about our Program
seniors who participate in the program            off to Mrs. Fiorini in the Guidance Office   and/or how to be an internship host.
will report to their internship versus            anytime between Monday, November
Ridge for the entire extent of the pro-           16, 2020 – Friday, January 29, 2021.           Ridge Recognition
                                                  We are also looking for internship
Additional details about the Senior               hosts. Are you interested in hosting -
Internship Program including eligibil-            smart, creative, resilient, driven, and
                                                  outstanding Ridge High School seniors          2/7/20
ity requirements, internship selection                                                           Krystie and Frank Fiorilli - Joseph
                                                                                                 Louis joins big brother Matthew
                        Meet the Team                                                            Franco

                                                                                                 Jackie Coyne and husband - Avery

                                                                                                 Rachel and Chris Miranda - Juliana
                                                                                                 Adeline joins big sister Gabriella Ann

                                                                                                 Linda and Vincent Cuccaro - Blake
                                                                                                 Everly joins Jude Tyler and Brynn

                                                                                                 Nicole and Joe Simms - CJ joins
                                                                                                 Hailey Annmarie

                                                                                                 Vivian and Michael Longo - Vivian

                Ridge Administration                                                             10/8/20
                                         Left to right:                                          Paul and Jessica Galipeau - Mila joins
                   Cheryl Howarth, Assistant Principal, 10th (kneeling)                          big sister Ara
                         Scott Graber, Assistant Principal, 12th
                         Russell Lazovick, Principal (kneeling)                                  11/20
                      Kathleen Dusebout, Assistant Principal, 9th                                JP and Meghan Mahoney - Twins
                       Scott Thompson, Assistant Principal, 11th                                 Clare and Timothy join Agnes, Bre-
            Also photographed: Hank Werner, Director of District Security (Far Left)
                                                                                                 anne, and MaryEllen

Say hello to our 'New Principal' Senior Internship Ridge Clubs & Sports - #New&ReinventedTRADITIONS
School Connection
                                             the award’s purpose – honoring the past     noon is devoted to intramural sports.
                                             by supporting the future.”                  It’s a college-level program run in five
  Ridge Alumni
                                                                                         busy days starting with the election of
  Memorial Scholarship                       Graduating Ridge seniors can learn          mayors on Monday and a governor and
                                             more at the Ridge AMS website,              two senators on Friday followed by a
                                   , or by contacting RHS          family picnic. The student-delegates
CHARACTER AND NONTRA-                        Guidance counselors. Applications will      run their own city-governments with the
DITIONAL ACHIEVEMENTS                        be accepted via email (instructions ap-     help of our volunteers.
                                             pear on the website).
CAN EARN A RIDGE SENIOR                                                                  The 2020 session wasn’t held due to
$21,000 IN 2021                              The deadline for applications is Mon-       the pandemic. It’s postponed until June
                                             day, March 1, 2021.                         2021 when a joint session will be held
It doesn’t take a 4.5 GPA and 1600                                                       with 2021 juniors and those selected to
SATs to receive a scholarship.               Ridge AMS is a 501(C)(3) funded en-         attend in June 2020. Uncertainty about
                                             tirely by donations. Ridge AMS contri-      the future makes planning for next June
The 2021 Ridge Alumni Memorial               butions are tax-deductible.                 hard, but please consider if your son
Scholarship is looking for seniors who                                                   would benefit by going and let the guid-
have demonstrated “character, deter-                                                     ance department know you’d like your
mination, and nontraditional achieve-                                                    son to be considered.
ments” during their tenure at RHS. This
year’s award is $21,000, the group’s                                                     Additional information can be found at
largest to date.                                                                Boys’ State begins on
                                                                                         Father’s Day June 20, 2021, and ends
The award recipient may use the funds                                                    the following Friday.
for virtually any educational, vocation-
al, or personal growth expenses: tui-           Laila Boyd and Nick Stoto                Feel free to call me with questions. The
tion, a gap year, a car to get to work,                                                  Legion requires that candidates have
studio time, or —something a senior will                                                 finished their junior year of high school,
need that hasn’t yet occurred to Ridge         American Legion                           maintain an excellent academic stand-
AMS organizers.                                                                          ing, and have no serious disciplinary
                                                                                         issues. The Ridge Guidance Dept. will
Last year, Ridge AMS organizers made         Dear Parents:                               contact me to come to Ridge and speak
the unprecedented decision to award                                                      to those interested in going to Boys‘
two $20,000 grants to seniors Laila          I am the committee chairman for the         State, so speak to them first if your son
Boyd and Nick Stoto. The grants were         Boys State program for American Le-         is interested. I think it’s safe to say any
the largest scholarships presented at        gion Post 12 in Somerville. We’ve sent      in-person meetings are undecided right
Ridge’s 2019 Awards Night, other than        a few junior boys from Ridge to Boys        now.
ones restricted to a particular college or   State over the past few years and
university.                                  would like to send more.                    Frank Higbie, American Legion Post 12
                                                                                         (732) 356-0271.
“For the first time in 15 years, the AMS     Boys State seeks to educate our future

Selection Committee simply had to            leaders in the duties, rights, and privi-       indhu Nagarakanti of Ridge High
fund a second award,” according to           leges of US citizenship. We aim to pro-         School was one of just 478 people
Jane Cullinan (RHS ’67), who chairs          vide an understanding of our system of      receiving the Congressional Award
the Ridge AMS Board of Trustees.             government: how it works and how the        Gold Medal, Congress’ highest honor
“COVID-19 had just hit as we were re-        various people elected to the public of-    for civilian youth, during a virtual cere-
viewing applications, and it was clear       fice go about making decisions, getting     mony on Sept. 26.
that a scholarship could be even more        support for it, and signing the resulting
important to candidates. We were de-         legislation into law.
lighted to acknowledge the character
and determination of both Laila and          Each day there are seminars given by
Nick.” She added, “We’re grateful for        people from various lines of work. A
the support of Ridge alumni and com-         college fair is held that has drawn as
munity, which allows us to continue          many as 80 colleges from all over the
our work. We’re committed to making a        country, a newspaper published, and
meaningful contribution to a deserving       a concert band performs. Weather and
senior’s future again this year. That’s      time permitting, a part of each after-

 Ridge Marching Band

Ridge Marching Band: Show-
ing Spirit on and off the field
in 2020
Each season, the award-winning
Ridge High School Marching Band
creates the musical pulse and infus-
es pride in Basking Ridge through its
creative musical arrangements and
pageantry. However, in 2020 Ridge
Marching Band (RMB) was sidelined          During this unusual season, the school      veloped as a member of the Marching
by COVID-19 to perform a full season,      musicians and Color Guard perform-          Band are life-long memories of being
like many student athletes and student     ers also dedicated their spirit and en-     a part of this elite musical ensemble.
activities. The RMB typical season usu-    ergy to supporting the local community      As the 20 graduating Seniors end this
ally kicks off with a two-week, intense    and a good cause. The RMB families          season on a different note than in the
Band Camp in August followed by up         moblized and collected food and toi-        past, they can fondly look back on their
to 15 performances that include home       letries for Volunteers of America Del-      four years in RMB and always say, “It’s
                                                             aware Valley’s and        a Great Day for Marching Band!”
                                                             The Agape House
                                                             in Somerville. Lisa       Best of luck to our graduating Seniors:
                                                             Spitzner, an RMB          Leana Bashar, Theo Bonnefoi, Tori
                                                             mom, organized a          Dalton, Anthony Del Giorno, Mariel
                                                             week-long food drive      Ganes, Yumeng Guo, David Hilferty,
                                                             surrounding     Band      Nupur Khanvilkar, Sophie Kramer,
                                                             rehearsals.      Lisa     Janak Munshi, Esha Nauman,
                                                             and her graduating        Brianna Nemes, Megha Parikh, Beth
                                                             RMB musician, Cole        Polito, Elizabeth Reynolds, Maeve
football games, a rigorous competi-        Spitzner, proudly delivered a very full     Rhatican, Abby Siegel, Cole Spitzner,
tion schedule among area high school       carload of donated supplies.                Edison Tong, Katie Vollmar.
bands and community events like the
Memorial Day Parade and Field of           “Even though the 2020 competition cir-
Honor celebration for our Veterans.        cuits were canceled, RMB members
                                           brought spirit to every practice and
Unlike other years, there was no Band      home football game,” commented Kelly
Camp, no theme, no fully-orchestrated      Law, Ridge High School Band Asso-
show, no traditional Home Competi-         ciation Co-President. “They are an
tion, no elaborate props and uniforms,     incredibly talented group of students.
no community appearances. Instead,         From the food drive to fundraisers, we
the RMB members lined up in 2020 to        truly appreciate the amazing support of
simply lift team spirit and infuse posi-   RMB families this season.”
tive energy at home football games.                                                    Thank you for your leadership to RMB
                                           The musical talents, the friendships,       Katie, Samhita & our nine Student
All 74 Band members remained dedi-         and the life experiences that are all de-   Leaders: Tori Dalton, Band Manager;
cated throughout the 2020                                                                  Megha Parikh and Thaddeus
season, showing spirit both                                                                Kopczynski, Woodwinds;
on the field and off. Under the                                                            Samantha Larsen and Raj Gill,
direction of Clay Beyert and                                                               Brass; Cole Spitzner, Battery; Beth
a team of skilled instructors,                                                             Polito, Pit; Brianna Nemes and
Drum Majors Katie Vollmar                                                                  Maeve Rhatican, Color Guard.
& Samhita Tatvarty and nine
student leaders led the Band                                                                Photo Credits: Rebecca Jones
through an upbeat season of                                                                 Logo designed by Kelly Law, RMB
performances on Lee Field.                                                                  Parent Association Co-President

 An Eventful Season                                                                       recently completed a community ser-
                                                                                          vice project entitled the “Literature to
Though things look a little different this   ously virtually and in-person and social-    Life” program, where members per-
year, Ridge Drama Club is working            ly-distant, with different small groups of   formed various elementary children’s
hard to keep theatre alive and flour-        students rotating so that all who wanted     books. This project was recorded and
ishing at Ridge High School. We may          to, had a chance to design, build, and       edited by members, then sent out to the
not always know exactly what’s next          focus lights in person. The students         elementary school teachers around the
but led passionately by our staff mem-                                                    district. It was an overall success and
bers as well as our student officers, we                                                  brought so much joy to the elementa-
know that the Drama Club will continue                                                    ry school students. In addition, I.T.S.
to adapt and innovate to keep sharing                                                     completed a community outreach food
stories with the community.                                                               drive through the state chapter entitled
                                                                                          “Trick or Treat so Tots Can Eat.” Over
This year, our Fall Play looked a little                                                  150 pounds of donated goods were col-
bit different but brought just as much                                                    lected and then given to the Somerset
joy to audience members as it has in                                                      County Food Network to help those
past years. The Amphitheater at Pleas-                                                    affected by food insecurity. Coming
ant Valley Park became a winter won-                                                      up next for Troupe 7742 is the annual
derland as students came together to         performed and rehearsed outdoors and         state festival where members compete
present two holiday classics: “A Christ-     socially distant, providing the unique       and workshop their talents, as well as
mas Carol” and “It’s a Wonderful Life”       opportunity to create and present live       audition for scholarships and summer
in the style of 1940s live radio shows.      theatre during such unprecedented            programs. This festival is held in Janu-
                                                      times.                              ary and will be all virtual this year.
                                                      Simultaneously, the Drama
                                                      Club has been keeping mem-
                                                      bers busy in other ways. Meet-
                                                      ing twice a month, holding vir-
                                                      tual workshops with Broadway
                                                      performers, and even enjoying
                                                      an outdoor retreat for all mem-
                                                      bers in October! We’ve got all
                                                      sorts of new merchandise so
                                                      that members can represent
                                                      the club.                           Interested in joining the Drama Club?

                                                      Another way the Drama Club          We would love to have you! Go to our
Under the direction of Mrs. Martha Har-               gives students an opportunity       newly updated website! It has all the
vey, a handful of actors, inhabiting the     to nourish their theatrical love is by of-   information you need to be an active
roles of radio actors, brought dozens of     fering an honors society for theatre stu-    member of the club: How you can join,
characters to the stage, as each famil-      dents through the International Thespi-      what we do, information on the different
iar story unfolded. At their microphones     an Society’s New Jersey chapter. We          crews, and our contact information! Go
with a few costume piec-                                     are proud to represent       to!
es, live sound effects, and                                  Troupe 7742 on behalf
live musical underscoring,                                   of Ridge High School.        Though the future is uncertain in so
these holiday classics                                       To be inducted, mem-         many ways, the leadership of the Dra-
came alive. The stage,                                       bers must complete           ma Club has been working tirelessly
tech, and costume crews                                      over 100 hours of the-       in their commitment to making this an
under the leadership of                                      atre participation, and      incredible year of theatrical exploration
Mr. Jason Stewart, Mr.                                       complete one main-           and creation for students.
Dallas Harvey, and Ms.                                       stage with Ridge Drama       We will continue to find ways to share
Seana Benz, respectively,                                    Club. After induction,       the theatrical experience with the com-
worked tirelessly to make                                    members will complete        munity in new ways. We will continue
the production authentic                                     various service initia-      to provide a home for students in our
to the time period and a                                     tives and community          big school. We will continue to tell sto-
dazzling, festive evening.                                   outreach projects. For       ries that will impact others this year and
They worked simultane-                                       example, Troupe 7742         beyond.

 What is Happening in the Ridge Dance Department?
Ridge Dance Classes Prepare
for the Winter Dance Show-
case 2021: Step In Time

While Mrs. Miranda is on maternity
leave, the Ridge Dance Department is
being led by Ms. Julia Shicatano who is
preparing students for their upcoming
dance showcase. Students in Dance I,
Dance III, Social Skills Dance, as well
as, the Ridge Dance extracurriculars
will be performing. The students in       Ridge Dance Collective Collabo-            Hadleigh Buckingham, Claudia Corda-
the Dance 8 elective at William Annin     rates on Choreography for the Win-         no, Leah D’Altilia, Emily Stuart, Marina
Middle School will also join the per-     ter Dance Showcase 2021: Step In           Zunin. Congratulations to our new in-
formance. The Winter Dance Show-          Time                                       ductees and we can’t wait to see how
case 2021 is on January 22, 2021, at                                                 you spread the joy of Dance throughout
7 pm/Location:TBD. Every dance is a       Ridge Dance Collective is preparing        the Ridge High School community!
chronological “Step In Time” through      two inspiring and innovative dances        In addition, current NHSDA members
dance movies, musicals, and pop cul-      for the Winter Dance Showcase all via      Stephanie Aiello and Kelly Cimaglia
ture. We hope you join us on our jour-    Zoom! For the first time in Ridge Dance    were published in the national news-
ney through the decades!                  Collective history, students are choreo-   letter, Dance Arts, Now! Cimaglia was
                                          graphing & rehearsing entirely virtually   published in the Summer 2020 issue
Ridge Dance Team Prepares for the         from the beginning of the creative pro-    and Aiello was published in the Fall
Upcoming Season                           cess through the finished piece. Their     2020 issue.
                                          work ethic and desire to succeed are       Congratulations dancers!
This fall, the Ridge Dance Team           truly admirable. This
worked with Jude Cassion and Rachel       is a modern dance
Brown to learn choreography for the       group that consists of
team’s competition season this spring.    students from William
Cassion and Brown are both profes-        Annin Middle School
sional choreographers. Cassion cho-       and     Ridge     High
reographs in New York City for Jude       School. Students in
Cassion Productions and various Hip       this afterschool pro-
Hop projects. Brown is an adjunct pro-    gram collaboratively
fessor in the Dance and Theater De-       choreograph       their
partments at Montclair State University   own dances under
and Kean University. She is also on       the advisement of
staff at Broadway Artists Alliance in     Mrs. Miranda. The
New York City and has choreographed       students are looking
for numerous theatres, schools, and       forward to an amaz-
studios throughout NJ.                    ing performance!

Working with both choreographers has      National Honor So-
provided the Ridge Dance Team mem-        ciety for Dance Arts
bers an invaluable opportunity to net-    Happenings
work with professionals in the industry
of dance and compete with unique and      This fall, the Nation-
entertaining performances this spring.    al Honor Society for
Cassion’s dances are inspired by The      Dance Arts (NHS-
Addams Family and Charlie’s Angels.       DA), inducted new
Brown’s dance is inspired by legendary    members into their
choreographer Bob Fosse. The danc-        chapter. The newest
ers look forward to a wonderful season!   NHSDA members are

 An Eventful Season- Ridge Speech and Debate Succeeds On the
 Local and National Level
Ridge Forensics continues to ond place overall at the New York City                    he states. “In addition, many schools
                             Invitational. Ten students advanced to                    are participating in New Jersey and tri-
shine both locally and       elimination rounds with senior Divya                      state region tournaments from across
nationally.                  Krishnan and sophomore Jocelyn Tan                        the globe, including China and Taiwan.
                                           advancing to the final rounds in their
While the future remains uncertain for     events. Ridge had six students ad-          In December, the Ridge Forensics
many school activities, the Ridge Fo-      vance to elimination rounds at the Uni-     team will be competing in online events
rensics Team, Ridge High School’s in-      versity of Florida Blue Key Invitational.   hosted by Princeton University, George
terscholastic speech and debate team,

has continued the Fall and Winter sea-     The Ridge Forensics team has also           Mason University, Summit High School,
sons virtually, competing every week-      had students advance at Newark Cath-        and the Blake School in Minnesota. In
end at local and national online tourna-   olic Forensics League tournaments,          addition, Ridge will be hosting a re-
ments.                                     the Phillipsburg Fall Invitational, the     gional debate tournament. Yastremski
                                           William Tennent Invitational, the Dal-      comments, “normally, our tournament
The team has succeeded on the na-          lastown Invitational, the Scarsdale Invi-   has a regional draw of about fifty teams
tional circuit at competitions such as     tational, the Randolph Fall Invitational,   from the New England and Mid-Atlan-
the Byram Hills Invitational, New York     and the Kentucky ‘Extra Gravy’ Invita-      tic area. This year, we have received
City Invitational, University of Florida   tional.                                     entries from nearly seventy teams, rep-
Blue Key Invitational, and the Villiger                                                resenting 13 states, including the west
Tournament at St. Joseph’s Universi-       Mr. Yastremski, director of the Ridge       coast.”
ty. At Byram Hills, the Ridge team had     Forensics team, comments, “the online
three competitors advance to finals with   tournament experience has opened so         For full results and more information,
sophomore Yejin Lee and Kevin Li win-      many doors for our students to experi-      visit
ning their events. Ridge received sec-     ence tournaments across the country,”

        GO RIDGE
2020:                                       points, narrowly defeating #3 Westfield,    at the Colt Invite at Holmdel Park. The
                                            #4 Colts Neck, and #5 Haddonfield.          Red Devils once again defeated some
Though it was not a typical season                                                      of the top teams in the state, but could
for the Red Devil’s, the boy’s cross                                                    not beat the distance powerhouse
country team repeatedly laid down re-                                                   CBA. Junior stud Jackson Barna took
cord-breaking performances and so-                                                      down the entire field placing 1st overall
lidified their position as one of the top                                               leading the boys to a team score of 61.
competitors in the state.                                                               Jackson was followed closely by Will
                                                                                        Pinto, Jake Dobrowolski, Timmy Kol-
The boys started their season with a                                                    shorn, and Hudson Yu who placed 6,
win over Union Catholic in a scrimmage                                                  17, 18, 19.
at Oak Ridge Park. Senior Captain Will
Pinto won the race with a commanding                                                    The Varsity Squad rattled the record
lead in a time of 16:13. The top five was                                               books at the Ridge-hosted meet at
rounded off with great performances         Next up was the conference champi-          Pleasant Valley Park. The top 5 con-
from Andrew McCabe, Hudson Yu, and          onship divisional qualifier. Stellar per-   sisting of Will Pinto, Jake Dobrowolski,
Jon Wey.                                    formances from freshman Mitya Cole          Andrew McCabe, and James Kisker,
                                            (17:24), and sophomores Patrick Dor-        and Timmy Kolshorn ran an average of
The boys kept the momentum at the           an (17:44), and Jon Wey (18:01) qual-       16:35, 2 seconds away from the school
Cougar Invitational, placing 2nd in a       ified the three athletes to compete in      record average set the year before.
stacked field that hosted 11 of the top     the conference championship at High
20 ranked teams in the state. Ridge         School. Patrick Doran represented the       For the first time in history, Ridge’s
was bested only by #1 ranked Christan       Red Devils well in the championship         second line won the JV State Champi-
Brothers Academy. The team of Jack-         race, placing 13th with a time of 17:50.    onship held at Thompson Park. Fresh-
son Barna, Will Pinto, Andrew Mc-                                                       man Mitya Cole laid down a dominant
Cabe, James Kisker, and Timmy Kol-          The team continued its dominant cru-        17:43, which was good enough to win
shorn scored a combined total of 89         sade with a thrilling clash with #1 CBA     the race. The top 5 was rounded off by
                                                                                              sophomores Patrick Doran (2),
                                                                                              and Jon Wey(7), junior Anthony
                                                                                              Clerici (8), and freshman Gavin
                                                                                              Devine (10).

                                                                                              Strong performances kept com-
                                                                                              ing with Ridge’s victory over
                                                                                              fierce competition from #3 North
                                                                                              Hunterdon in the State Section at
                                                                                              Oak Ridge Park. Jackson Barna,
                                                                                              Will Pinto, and Andrew McCabe
                                                                                              went 1-2-3 in the race to lead the
                                                                                              Red Devils to an impressively
                                                                                              low team score of 21. Sopho-
                                                                                              more Timmy Kolshorn (6th) and
                                                                                              Senior Jake Dobrowolski (9th)
                                                                                              were also vital elements to the
                                                                                              team’s victory.

                                                                                              The second team returned to Oak
                                                                                              Ridge Park for their final race of
                                                                                              the season in the Oak Ridge In-
                                                                                              vitational. The team placed 4th
                                                                                              amongst other school’s varsity
                                                                                              squads. Patrick Doran, Aidan
                                                                                              McCabe, Jon Wey, Mitya Cole,
                                                                                              and Anthony Clerici came in
                                                                                              25th, 27th, 29th, 35th, and 40th
                                                                                              to solidify their spot as one of the
                                                                                              top JV squads in the state.

      well played
                                                                                                  Phillipsburg course for the
                                                                                                  Skyland Conference Cham-
                                                                                                  pionship. Both girls placed in
In what will go down as one of the most
                                                                                                  the top 20.
unusual seasons in history, the Ridge
girls cross country team competed in
                                                                                                   With the varsity runners prep-
what was known as the season taken
                                                                                                   ping for the state champion-
over by COVID-19. In a year in which
                                                                                                   ships, the JV squad went out
a team could have been shut down at
                                                                                                   in full blast at Duke Island
any given time, the girls were fortunate
                                                                                                   Park with a dual meet against
enough to have been able to com-           against Hillsborough High School with         Immaculata High School on November
pete for the whole XC season up until      a score of 35 to 38. Grace LaCapra            6th. Ana Goya placed 2nd with a sea-
mid-November. While losing some tal-       & Lilly Keiling took 3rd and 4th place,       sonal best of 21:06, followed by Fran-
ented seniors to graduation, 2020 was      with senior Monica Barclay running a          cesca Miele with a personal best of
a year of rebuilding, while also seeing    course PR of 20:55 to take 10th place.        21:30. Isabella Trujillo came in 4th with
many improvements from individuals.        Maura Medenilla, a junior who compet-         21:49, followed by freshmen
                                           ed in cross country for the first time this   Elayna Douglas and Addison Daniel
To kick off the season, the girls com-     season ran a personal best of 21:30           with a time of 22:16, and 22:40, good
peted at the Cougar Invitational, that     in the 5K, while junior Jamie Melillo         for 5th and 6th place. The JV team then
featured teams ranked in the top 20 in     placed 9th. LaCapra and Keiling came          took to Thompson Park for the Fresh-
the state of New Jersey. Less than two     back 5 days later to compete at a hilly       man/JV State Meet on November 11th.
weeks later, the girls took
to their home course at
                                                                                                        The girls came in a very
Pleasant Valley Park to
                                                                                                        close 2nd to Hillsbor-
compete in the Skyland
                                                                                                        ough. Junior Samantha
Raritan Divisional Meet.
                                                                                                        Shimsky, who had an
The girls came in second
                                                                                                        appendectomy at the
to a very talented Mont-
                                                                                                        end of September, used
gomery squad. Junior
                                                                                                        her time of recovery and
Grace LaCapra led the
                                                                                                        training to win her race
way for the Red Devils
                                                                                                        in the JV Championship
with a 5th place finish,
with fellow junior Lilly
Keiling coming in at 7th
                                                                                                        With the NJSIAA declar-
place. Both girls ended
                                                                                                        ing only a sectional meet
up qualifying for the Sky-
                                                                                                        as the only form of state
land Conference Meet.
                                                                                                        competition this year,
                                                                                                        the girls took to the stage
The JV team had a solid
                                                                                                        at Oak Ridge Park. The
day by winning the JV ti-
                                                                                                        girls took second to the
tle at the Divisional meet.
                                                                                                        powerhouse and state-
Isabella Trujillo, Senior,
                                                                                                        ranked North Hunter-
won the race for her
                                                                                                        don. Grace LaCapra
first race ever at Pleas-
                                                                                                        placed 7th overall with a
ant Valley Park, Seniors
                                                                                                        seasonal best of 19:51.
Francesca Miele and
                                                                                                        Lilly Keiling placed 13th
Ana Goya went 4th and
                                                                                                        with a seasonal best
5th, while freshmen
                                                                                                        of 20:28, while Monica
Elayna Douglas and
                                                                                                        Barclay continued to
Addison Daniel took 6th
                                                                                                        improve on with a 15th
and 9th places to round
                                                                                                        place finish and person-
out the team scoring.
                                                                                                        al best of 20:43. Jamie
                                                                                                        Melillo & senior Melanie
On October 28, the girls
                                                                                                        Torales rounded out the
competed on their home
                                                                                                        top 5 for Ridge finishing
turf again for the Ridge
                                                                                                        in 18th and 23rd.
Invitational. The varsity
girls won a close meet
Congratulations are in order                                                                  Mertz, Olivia Pikiell,
                                                                                              Ellie    Bozzo,    Katie
for the Ridge Girls Soccer pro-                                                               Keefe, Giovanna Giu-
gram.                                                                                         ditta, Alexa Mark, and
                                                                                              Anna Wilson.
The Freshman Team went on to an                                                               The midfield was led by
undefeated perfect 8-0 season. Team                                                           the gutsy efforts of
leaders in goals and assists were Vic-                                                        senior captain Ryan
toria Cordeiro, Renata Cicala, Lauren                                                         Rosevear and saw con-
Coffey, Sophia Antogiovanni, and Bella                                                        tributions from Kailin
Perry. Syndey Gunn was named team                                                             Aiello, Emma Krikston,
MVP and was supported in the back-                                                            Courtney McCaffrey,
                                         record over a jam-packed schedule of                 Samantha Balderson,
                                         top 20 teams. Ridge brought home the    and Grace Murray. The offense was
                                         State Tournament Champi-
                                         onship by earning four shut-
                                         outs to end the season be-
                                         hind the focused play of Carly
                                         Villa and Alison Miscia. The
                                         team went on with wins over
                                         Princeton, #1 seed Hunter-
                                         don Central, and #2 seed
                                         North Hunterdon to end the
line by the play of Laura Carney, and    season dominating state
Jessia Good. Charlotte Connors, Anna     tournament play. Lead by
Griffith, Emma Landes, Lauren Morath,    captain Gabby Allen, the
Elena Nicholson, Valentina Paez, and     backline shut down other opponents to   led by captain Becca Picardo and had
Madison Sage all contributed to Coach    end the season strong. This backline    contributions from the season’s high
Dina Noel’s team’s dominance over        included contributions from Amanda      goal scorer, Abbie McCrea who led the
their opponents.                                                                 team with 9 goals and 8 assists, none
                                                                                 more impressive than the champion-
The JV Team was lead                                                             ship-winning goal in the first half over
by     tri-captains   Sam                                                        North Hunterdon. Payton Uhrig also
Capo, Julia Amicone,                                                             added into the attack with 6 goals and
& Erica Wessels. This                                                            2 assists, while Stella Smith, Corrinne
team battled strong con-                                                         Lamb, and Tayler Mark all stepped up
ference opponents to an                                                          to play important offensive roles.
impressive 7-1-3 sea-
son. Vanessa Gong was                                                            Ridge girls soccer is thankful for the
named Team MVP, while                                                            entire season and all the work that ath-
Emma Foster took home                                                            letic director Rich Shello and assistant
the Golden Boot award                                                            Judee Schroeder put into making it flow
for most points earned.                                                          smoothly. Additionally, the girls’ soccer
Grace O’Leary, Meghan                                                            program would like to thank the amaz-
Coffer, Alia Baid, Abbey                                                         ing athletic trainers, Scott Hoagland
Conyers, Elena George,                                                           and Aimee Mitchell for their unwaver-
Anusha Gupta, Abby                                                               ing support and help as they managed
Hansen, Alyssa Laird,                                                            all the injuries. Coach Katie Donahue
Audrey Miscia, Victoia                                                           and Coach Jessica Musumeci are im-
OTash, Jenn Prince, and                                                          mensely proud of how this team came
Annika Svensson all con-                                                         together to overcome adversity and
tributed to their Coach                                                          play with joy all the while winning the
Brendan          Amicone’s                                                       Championship.
team’s success.
                                                                                 PIC CREDIT: Peggy Higgins
The Varsity Team ended
the season with an 8-5-4                                                              GO, GO,GO!
Ridge Cheer Keeps Spirits

The Ridge High School Cheerleaders
were happy to keep spirits high at the
football games this season! Between
Varsity and JV Spirit squads, enthu-
siasm prevailed at the games for the
players and fans.

A highlight of this spirited season was
Senior Night for our 8 seniors, Captain
Shannon Bowen, Captain Meghan Laf-
fey, Audrey Armstrong, Cate Flournoy,
Meghan Hausser, Natalie Riddiford,
Julia Sanchez, and Tiara Sauma. They
enjoyed special recognition, as they
not only had posters made for each of         The team also did the
them by the underclassmen cheerlead-          very popular “Fund-
ers but by the football players as well!      crazer” 5 week NFL
Good Luck to all of our Seniors!              football pool, which
                                              was great fun, espe-
For the last two years, Ridge has had         cially for the weekly
two competition teams! Our com-               winners! We also had
petition program consists of 25 ath-          a Chipotle night and
letes from all four grades. The Ridge         clothing donation drive
Green team competes in the Varsity            which were great suc-
non-tumble division, while the Ridge          cesses thanks to the
Black team competes in the Small Var-         Ridge Community!
sity division at local, regional, state,
and national competitions. Last year’s        Leading up to the holi-
Black Team was Regional, County,              days, “the Back to Na-
NJ State Division and Group IV State          ture Holiday Wreath
Champions, while the Green Team is            and Gift Sale” is al-
nationally ranked in the Top 10! Both         ways well received.
squads have been hard at work train-          The cheerleaders and
ing to strengthen and perfect their skills    coaches are very ap-
for the upcoming season. While this           preciative and grateful
year looks a little different, they hope to   for everyone cheering
compete virtually!                            them on too!
The Ridge Competition teams appreci-          Keep cheering for our
ate the support of the Ridge communi-         RHS     Cheerleaders!
ty in the fundraising events the teams        Follow us on Insta-
have had during these trying times.           gram     @ridgecomp-
Who would have thought we would               cheer & “Like” our
be offering Face Masks as part of our         Facebook page: Ridge
fundraising efforts? In this ongoing          High School Cheer-
campaign, people can order a variety          leading. GO RIDGE!!
of facemasks at this link. Part of the
                      proceeds of this
                      Fundraiser ben-
                      efit the American
                      Red Cross &the
                      Somerset County
                      Food Bank.

The 2020 Ridge Field Hockey team            seeded, North Hunterdon. Ridge was             for the win! Celebration ensued and
captured its second state title in as       one of only 2 losses for the Lions during      Ridge was informed that they would be
many years! The team started the sea-       the regular season. In a game that felt        hosting the finals against #6 Hillsbor-
son 2-4, fighting non-COVID illnesses       like a state final, the contest did not dis-   ough as #2 seed Bridgewater-Raritan’s
and injuries. After losing to Warren        appoint. Ridge got out to an early 1-0         season was cut short due to COVID-19
Hills (ranked #7 in the state), the team    lead off the stick of Erin Eversen (who        precautions.
went on a 5-0 tear & never looked back.     finished the season with 8 goals). The
                                            Lions were stifled until the 3rd quarter,      In a final contest where Ridge domi-
Ridge entered the state tournament          where they equalized the score. Both           nated, outshooting their opponent 16-
with their sights on a repeat state cham-   teams were held scoreless for the re-          3, Ridge emerged as the 1-0 winner
pionship, despite the new regional tour-    mainder of the game, propelling the            behind Clare Giuliano’s unstoppable
nament format. Ridge was seeded #5          game to overtime. Ridge’s defense              penalty stroke in the first quarter. The
in a bracket which would force them
to beat three of the teams they lost to
during the regular season - debatably
one of the hardest roads to the finals!

Ridge cruised by Steinert behind a
shut-out defense led by the senior
goalkeeper, Emma Albee. Albee had
an outstanding season, leading the sti-
fling defense which included Liz Ong,
Clare Guiliano, and Felicia Milligan.
Going into a quarterfinal round against
Hunterdon Central, a team that beat
Ridge in the second game of the sea-
son by one goal - Ridge was confident
that their defense would hold strong.       again held strong against a fierce North       2020 State Championship Red Dev-
The win came in the 4th quarter off a       Hunterdon attack, but it was the               ils will miss the leadership and skill of
penalty corner, where Giuliano took a       Ligozio sisters who ultimately put the         their 6 seniors: Emma Albee, Maddy
great shot, and senior attacker, Zoe        game away in the second sudden-vic-            Denechaud, Taylor Ligozio, Zoe Mc-
McGowan was there to put away the           tory overtime. Taylor Ligozio carried          Gowan, Liz Ong, and Kate Pesarchick.
game-winner!                                the ball into the circle from the right
                                            side, passed the ball to her sister, Kiera
The excitement was palpable as Ridge
entered the semi-final game against #1
                                            Ligozio, who was waiting for the pass,
                                            and flicked it past Lion’s goalkeeper
                                                                                                  Go RIDGE!
                                    Field Hockey: Emma Albee | Senior
                                    Emma has been the foundation of our team. Her leadership from the goalkeeper position has
                                    been outstanding. She started the season with a 22 save performance and has recorded 6
                                    shutouts. Emma has led our team to a 6-4 record, despite an array of injuries and other ad-
                                    versities. Not only does she shut down her opponents, but she challenges our team every day
                                    and has made everyone on the team a stronger player. In my opinion, she is one of the best
                                    goalkeepers in NJ!

                                    Girls Cross Country: Monica Barclay | Senior
                                    She has worked her way from the JV level last year to consistently finishing in the top 5 of the
                                    varsity team. She ran 20:55, which has been improved upon from her original best of 22:36.
        October                     She comes to practice each day working hard and looking to improve on her times be it in
                                    races or workouts.
 Boys Cross Country: Timothy Kolshorn | Sophomore
 Timmy has consistently been in our top 5 this season despite being hurt last year. He has stepped up in our major team success-
 es at the Cougar and Colt Invitational, helping the team earn its NJ #2 status. He ended the month with a 10 second personal
 best at the Ridge Invitational.

 Boys Soccer: Chris Profaca | Senior
 He scored 7 goals and recorded 1 assist and was crucial in our wins over Warren Hills, Phillipsburg, and our tie against Confer-
 ence rival Franklin. He plays Striker and Center Midfield for us and has been a 3-year starter.

 Girls Soccer: Gabby Allen | Senior
 Defender, Captain- Has played every minute of every game stepping up to anchor the backline against some of the state’s top
 teams. Gabby shows up consistently to lead her team by her tremendous ability to read the game, time her tackles, and jumpstart
 the offensive transition. Gabby’s reliability and consistency on the field are unwavering. Gabby also earned a goal and an assist
 on the season.

 Cheerleading: Natalie Riddiford | Senior
 Natalie is a positive influence on her teammates, helping the captains teach dances and cheers, and leading by example. Always
 smiling and ready to perform, Natalie is an excellent game day cheerleader and is an incredible asset to our team.

 Football: Michael Olivo | Junior
 QB/CB - Michael has helped lead the team to a 4-1 overall record. He has thrown for 595 yards and 9 TDs, run for another 493
 and 6 TDs, and has an interception on defense as well.

 Tennis: Carys Law | Senior
 Carys is a 4-year varsity starter and Senior Co-Captain of the 2020 Tennis Team. Over the past 4 years, Carys has played both
 singles and doubles for the Red Devils and this season played the top spot at #1 singles. In her last high school tennis match,
 competing in the NJSIAA Team State Tournament, she defeated Diana Kalajdzic of Hightstown by the score: 3-6, 6-3, 6-3.

                  At any point in our story,
                 we are free to REIMAGINE
                 the narrative we are living.
                     Stay Well. Stay Safe.
Watch out for our next edition
    SPRING 2020

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