Journalism 3 goes on set with Rachael Ray

Page created by Lonnie Johnson
Journalism 3 goes on set with Rachael Ray
Journalism 3 goes on set with Rachael Ray
DAKOTA MILO                                                                                                                                 couch. It a mem-    guine with Jalapeño Pesto.
Photo Editor                                                                                                                                orable experience   “I really loved Mario Batali’s
   Recently, Mrs. Theresa                                                                                                                   overall,” said      section of the Rachael Ray
Christian’s Journalism 3                                                                                                                    Beth Perkins,       show. The food smelled so
students were offered a                                                                                                                     junior.             good. I could not wait to go
memorable experience, to see                                                                                                                  The show          home and make a dish out
a taping of the Rachael Ray                                                                                                                 “started with       of his cookbook,” said Alex
Show.                                                                                                                                       a rock star and     Yost, Senior.
   Excitement filled the bus as                                                                                                             we ended with         Throughout the show,
the class traveled through the                                                                                                              a rock star”        Rachael Ray and her Emmy
Lincoln Tunnel, knowing that                                                                                                                as quoted by        award-winning crew interact-
Rachel Ray was just blocks                                                                                                                  Rachael Ray. The    ed with the students, includ-
away. Entering the building,                                                                                                                first guest was a   ing them in their conversa-
anticipation was at its high-                                                                                                               well-known 80’s     tions. They made our group
est. Waiting to take our seats                                                                                                              rock star, Chris    feel more than just an audi-
seemed like it would never                                                                                                                  Isakk. He sang      ence member.
end, but soon enough every-                                                                                                                 two of his songs      “I believe the best part
one entered what seemed                                                                                                                     from his album;     about the entire day was the
like a new world.                                                                                                                           Beyond the Sun.     fact that Rachael and the
  “At first I had no idea what                                                                                                              Along with Chris    staff interacted with us. They
to expect, but then as soon                                                                                                                 Isakk, rock star    acknowledged that we were
as we got there, the staff                                                                                                                  Iron Chef Mario     there and included us as they
seemed busy. Almost like                                                                                                                    Batali came on      did their jobs,” Emily Bower,
                                                                                                               (Photo by Rachael Ray staff)
they just wanted to get our                 Journalism 3 students pose in the audience with Rachael Ray on the set of her TV studio.
                                                                                                                                            the show to talk    junior.
show over with. However, as                                                                                                                 about his new         Walking out of the show
soon as Rachael Ray entered,               as well!” said junior, Julia             chairs on it, that the audience                         show, The Chew,     with a smile on our faces and
she started to interact with us            Wiegand.                                 sat on.                                   and to promote his new            cookbooks in hand, students
and talk to our high school;                 The set contained what                   “I felt like a lazy Susan, sit- cookbook, Molto Batali: Simple            knew that the best part of the
she had a bubbly personality               seemed like hundreds of                  ting on the turntable. When-              Family Meals from My Home to      entire day was not the gifts or
and was so outgoing and fun.               lights, multiple cameras, and ever Rachael changed sets, so Yours. As he commanded the                               seeing someone famous, but
I would definitely love to                 different types of sets, such            did we. We followed Rachael kitchen and answered audi-                      that they were able to better
go see her again and recom-                as her signature kitchen and             all over the set, whether it              ence questions, Batali cooked     understand the concept of a
mend anyone else to come                   a spinning turntable, with               was to her kitchen or to her              a recipe from his book, Lin-      TV show.

 Clubs and Events...........4-5
 Sports...........................11-13                   2011                         Students Give Back                       Homecoming                               Wish List
 Editorials..........................14      2011 has been a very eventful           Clubs work to give back to                Students attended                  Electronics top students’
 Activities..........................15           and fun filled year.                    the community.                     their night of paradise.               Christmas wish lists.
 At a Glance......................16                                 (Pg. 3)                              (Pg. 5)                               (Pg. 8-9)                             (Pg. 15)
Journalism 3 goes on set with Rachael Ray
2        December 2011												                                                                                                            News · Student Times

                                        2011: News in Review
ELINOR ASEVEDO                       for the murder of thousands         around 80,000 residents had          On January 8th Arizona              sylvania as well. With major
Freshman                             of innocent men, women, and         to evacuate their homes due        Representative Gabrielle              events like
2011 was a stimulating year          children. It was not long be-       to radiation threats from the      Giffords was shot in the head         record flooding, the Penn
filled with many triumphs            fore this became international      Fukushima Dai-                                                                 State scandal, and the
and tragedies around the             news across the world.              ichi nuclear power                                                             earthquake.
world. With events ranging             The Amanda Knox trial also        plant. This was                                                                  Record Flooding oc-
from                                                         caused      one of the worst                                                               curred across the state
wed-                                                         a stir in   nuclear disasters                                                              of Pennsylvania as the
dings, to                                                    homes       in the history of                                                              worst flooding since
deaths,                                                      around      the world.                                                                     Hurricane Agnes of
to natu-                                                     the           This was also                                                                1972 took place. Many
ral di-                                                      world.      a very newswor-                                                                people were left home-
sasters,                                                     Knox        thy and event-                                                                 less as the flood swept
2011                                                         was an      ful year for the                                                               away their entire homes.
covered                                                      Ameri-      United States as                                                               Schools were closed for
it all.                                                      can         well. Some major                                                               days as many of them
   Inter-                                                    college     highlights include                                                             became flooded, and the
nation-                                                      student     the death of Steve                                                             ones
ally,                                                        from        Jobs, the shoot-                                                               that were not became
various                                                      Seattle     ing of the Arizona                    (Nabil K. Mark/Centre Daily Times/MCT) shelters.
happen-              (Nabil K. Mark/Centre Daily Times/MCT) on a         representative, plus                                                            Joe Paterno, the Penn
ings took                                                   semester     the Casey Anthony trial.          by a gunman who opened                 State coach for almost half
place. They Royal Wedding,           overseas in Perugia, Italy in         Steve Jobs, who founded         fire outside during a meeting a century now, has been
the killing of Osama bin             2007, when her roommate             and ran Apple, died on            with voters. He killed a fed-          fired. The university fired
Laden, the Amanda Knox               Meredith Kercher’s body was         October 5th this year. This,      eral judge and five others             the longtime coach after he
trial, and lastly the tragic         found in the house that the         being upsetting news for          in a rampage. Giffords sur-            apparently was criticized for
series of disasters that took        two women shared. Knox              many people across the states     vived the shot, and is cur-            failing to contact the authori-
place in Japan. These are just and her boyfriend Raffaele                as they found their lives to      rently undergoing rehabilita- ties in 2002 after learning
a few of the many highlights Sollecito were con-                                                                             tion.                that his assistant coach, Jerry
that took place internation-         victed of the murder.                                                                      The Casey         Sandusky, sexually assaulted
ally this year.                      On October 3rd of                                                                       Anthony trial        a young boy. They did this in
   This April 29th the wedding this year, both Knox                                                                          was another          hopes of mending the dam-
bells rang for Prince William and her boyfriend                                                                              major talked         age being done to the univer-
and Kate Middleton. A total          were cleared in the                                                                     about event in sity’s reputation.
of around 1,900 were invited death of 21-year-old                                                                            homes across           The most powerful earth-
to watch the Royal Wed-              woman.                                                                                  the nation.          quake   to strike the East
ding take place as Kate and            Lastly, how could                                                                     Anthony was          Coast in 67 years shook
William said there I do’s. A         anyone forget the                                                                       accused of           buildings and rattled people
little over an hour after they       horrendous series of                                                                    first degree         from Georgia to Canada. On
arrived at the Abbey to be           events that devastat-                                                                   murder, man- August 23rd Many places in
married, the couple emerged ed Japan this March?                                                                             slaughter, and New York and parts of the
on a red carpet and onto             The country was first                                                                   child abuse of White House, Capitol and
the streets and into a horse-        struck with an as-                                                                      her 2-year-old Pentagon were evacuated.
drawn carriage, heading              tounding 9.0 magni-                                                                     daughter. This The quake even shook people
toward Buckingham Palace.            tude earthquake leav-                                                                   soon became          in Berwick.
   On a more solemn note,            ing countless dead,                                           (Yomiuri Shumbun/MCT) a nation event             In conclusion, with many
May 1st was the date Presi-          wounded, and miss-                                                                     that had people highlights, this year has,
dent Barack Obama an-                ing. To make things worse,          be enriched by many of his        tuning in across the country.          without a doubt, been a very
nounced the assassination            they were shortly followed          inventions. “The world is         On July 5th, Anthony was               eventful and news worthy
of Osama bin Laden. The              by a massive tsunami that           immeasurably because of           found not guilty of murder-            one. Furthermore, 2012 has
United States conducted an           crossed the length of Japan’s       Steve,” says a statement from ing her daughter.                          big shoes to fill as we say
operation that killed bin Lad- northeast coastline. Lastly,              Apple. Apple has yet to find        This year also proved to be goodbye to 2011 and hello to
en, the terrorist responsible        as if all that was not enough,      a replacement for Jobs.           a very eventful one for Penn- 2012.
Journalism 3 goes on set with Rachael Ray
Student Times · News: The most memorable events of 2011                                           December 2011        3

 Bri Wyda- 9th grade:     Mrs. Stair- French       Rhiannon Kisiel- 9th   Joey Turner- 9th grade:  Tyler Quinton-11th
     “The snow in        Teacher: “Our local        grade: “The Penn       “The killing of Osama grade:“The flooding of
      October.”              flooding.”              State scandal.”            bin Laden.”              2011.”

   Taylor Kern- 10th      Julio Delarosa- 12th      Cystal Allen- 11th    Katelyn Miller- 11th   Mason Vandermark-
 grade: “The flood be-   grade: “The killing of   grade: “The Sandusky grade: “Virginia Tech’s 9th grade: “The finding
cause I was personally   terrorist Osama Bin      scandal because it was  shooting because it   and killing of dictator-
      affected.”                Landen.”             shocking news.”     was the second time.”   Moammar Gadhafi.”

 Zack Mitchell- 11th      Jen Smhmitt- 12th       Samantha Roman- 10th      Ashley Day- 10th      Shante Hellenthal- 10th
grade: “The sex scan-    grade: “The death of      grade: “The death of   grade: “The flood be-    grade: “The flood be-
 dal with Sandusky.”         Steve Jobs.”          Osama bin Landen.”     cause it was tragic.”   cause it affected me.”
Journalism 3 goes on set with Rachael Ray
4        December 2011								                                                                                         Clubs and Events · Student Times

     Clubs support TreeFest                                                                             New group makes
Clubs and Events Editor
                                 ensembles, singers, dancers
                                 and more came to perform
                                                                     as the Chinese auction and
                                                                     vendors, there was a Gin-
                                                                                                       unique connections
  TreeFest is an event where     at TreeFest. Another form of        gerbread contest to see who      MARIE SPUCHES                          Making Connections is
donated trees are decorated      entertainment that happened         has the most creative and        Activities Editor                   very passionate about using
and afterwards are given to      was the Chinese auction             amazing gingerbread house.         Making Connections is a           education to help solve prob-
families in need.                where participants could            This year's theme was "An        new club dedicated to em-           lems. The club believes that
  TreeFest allowed donated       win gift certificates, jewelry,     Old-Fashioned Christmas"         bracing the uniqueness of           it is important to understand
trees to be decorated by                                             and winners could win prices     every student at BHS.               those around them. Often
volunteers or clubs in the                                           from fifty to one-hundred          The Making Connections            students can get caught up in
surrounding area. In BHS,                                            dollars. In addition, there      club’s goal is to reach as          their own cliques and it can
S.H.O.W., S.A.D.D., and Fam-                                         was a quilt, valued at almost    many students as possible           lead to bullying.
ily Consumer Science Club                                            four-hundred dollars, be-        and create a safe and encour-          “Students can be ignorant
participated in TreeFest.                                            ing raffled. TreeFest allowed    aging learning environment          about other situations or life
  “I thought it was an amaz-                                         its visitors to be completely    for all students. Making Con-       issues,” said Chapin, “We
ing event,” said Erica Rob-                                          entertained.                     nections prevents bullying          want to prevent that and let
bins, Junior and S.H.O.W                                               TreeFest happened the first    and also educates students          students know that it is okay
member.                                                              two weekends after Thanks-       about lesbian, gay, bisexual,       to be different.”
  These volunteers decorated                                         giving. Admission prices         and transgender people,                The group has meetings ev-
the room as well as the tree.                                        were six dollars for adults      socioeconomic status, cliques,      ery other Thursday, in which
                                             (Photo by Mrs. Henry)
Many of the trees had themes     SHOW members decorate tree.         and free for children twelve     people with disabilities, and       the members talk about
like the beach, baked goods,                                         and under.                       intercultural awareness.            issues within the school and
or snowflakes. They were         gift baskets, BTE tickets, and         After TreeFest, the trees       Senior Jacob Kelly had the        how they can improve condi-
displayed at the Caldwell        even a massage from one of          were donated to needy            idea to re-start this club and      tions with the issues. They
Consistory located at the        its sponsors. There were also       families. TreeFest was created   asked Mrs. Laura Chapin to          will also sponsor Mix-Up
intersection of Main and         craft vendors that sold paper       by the Bloomsburg Theatre        be the advisor. “I am very          Day which will promote the
Market Street in Bloomsburg.     crafts, ceramics, floral and        Ensemble in 1989 as a fund-      passionate about educating          interaction between students.
  During this event, enter-      Christmas arrangements,             raiser and sponsored by the      students on real issues that        Students interested in Mak-
tainment happened every-         cards, candy, soaps, jewelry,       Berwick Offray. For informa-     affect them everyday within         ing Connection can see Mrs.
day. Many choirs, bands,         and many other item. As well        tion, go to        our school,” said Chapin.           Chapin in room 6.

                                                                                                         Students get crafty
 Teens can turn to SADD for help
                                 The number of teens in this         tend to be negative, but with
                                                                     the help of SADD, reaching
                                                                                                         for holiday season
                                 generation that are involved                                         DEVIN BUCHER                        have a lot of fun.
  Teens tend to make risky       in risky behaviors is higher        a positive decision can be       Freshman                              All the money for this proj-
decisions; they do not think     than it has ever been. People       easier.                           It is that time of year again, ect gets divided and shared
about the consequences of        are not aware of the fact that        SADD annually holds a re-      when Mrs. Debra Kern,               by the students to have a
their actions.                   every single negative action        cycling fundraiser that helps    Life Skills                                       Secret Santa. Kern
  There are times when           has its consequence.                kids recognize the impor-        teacher, and                                      said, “The stu-
young adults are unsure of         Advisor Mrs. Heather              tance of recycling. Also, they   her students                                      dents love doing
what to do or where to turn;     Henry stated, “I think stu-         provides drinks for the BHS      are getting                                       this.”
when in a situation like this,   dents need to have a positive       Sno*ball dance. When prom        ready for                                            Mrs. Kern and
Students Against Destructive     influence in order to follow        is near, SADD members            the holi-                                         her students
Decisions (SADD) is there to     through with good deci-             encourage students to remain     days.                                             enjoy this project
help. If there are questions     sions.”                             completely sober, and all stu-     For the                                         because it is a
about drugs, alcohol, destruc-     Today, peer pressure and          dents who commit must sign       past sixteen                                      good occupational
tive behaviors, impaired         unstable home environments          a contract.                      years, Kern                                         therapy skill for
driving, violence, or suicide,   are two of the main contrib-          Currently SADD is partici-                               (Photo by Kelly Sheptock)
                                                                                                      and her stu- Casey Smith prepares Christmas bags. the kids, and it is
SADD is a dependable an-         uting factors to destructive        pating in the TreeFest. SADD     dents, pre-                                         a great fundrais-
swer.                            decisions. With SADD being          members are decorating a         pare hand                                           er. Kern feels the
  “It is surprising at the       a local and non-judgmental          tree using a theme, and they     made Christmas gift bags            best part about this project is
amount of things that certain    group, troubled teens can           will donate it to a needy fam-   for the community. They sell how well they are received
teens have confided in me,”      make an attempt reach out.          ily.                             the hand decorated gift bags by the community.
stated Dejia Simmons, Junior     The decisions that are nor-           For more information, see      in school and all around the          To purchase a gift bag, stop
and President of SADD.           mally made under pressure           Mrs. Henry in the Library.       community and they always by room 63.
Journalism 3 goes on set with Rachael Ray
Student Times · Clubs and Events                                                                                                                        December 2011                 5

 BHS plans to give back this season
XIOMARA SALAZAR                  shelter residents. In addition          these events will benefit the            many students participate.             possible for JOLTT's adopted
Clubs and Events Editor          to the collection, SADD, par-           Berwick Community and                      Student Council plans to             family. Students can partici-
  During this holiday season,    ticipated in TreeFest and the           will be happening during                 help out by teaming up with            pate by buying tickets for the
service club's at BHS plan to    Senior Citizens Thanksgiving            December.                                JOLTT to raise money for               Christmas Cookie Walk and
give back in many ways.          Dinner.                                   Also, Interact worked                  JOLTT's adopted family. They           PJ Day.
  S.H.O.W. plans to spread         Interact plans to give back           at Speedo Run, and par-                  are planning to do this by               "I think Student Council
some holiday cheer by ring       this season by participating            ticipated in the Christmas               holding a Christmas Cookie             always thinks of fun ways
ing the bell for the Salvation   in Victorian Nights, Toys for           Parade. In addition, Interact            Walk and having Christ-                to get the student body
Army at Kmart on Decem-                                                                                                                                  involved," said Adrianna
ber 13th. On December 1st                                                                                                                                Berlin, senior and Student
through December 16th, they                                                                                                                              Council Secretary.
plan to sponsor an angel tree                                                                                                                              As well as this, Student
from the Salvation Army. The                                                                                                                             Council teamed up with
student body can participate                                                                                                                             Interact to hosted the Se-
by taking an angel from the                                                                                                                              nior Citizens Thanksgiving
tree and purchasing items.                                                                                                                               Dinner where Many clubs
All the angels are going to                                                                                                                              including JOLTT, S.H.O.W.,
benefit children in the area.                                                                                                                            Xanadu, SADD, National
S.H.O.W.'s goal is for all the                                                                                                                           Honor Society, Family Con-
angels to be taken. In addi-                                                                                                                             sumer Science Club, Student
tion to that, S.H.O.W par-                                                                                                                               Times, Drama Club and
ticipated in TreeFest and the                                                                                                                            French Club sponsored tables
Senior Citizens Thanksgiving                                                                                                                             to decorate and members
Dinner.                                                                                                                                                  helped decorate the whole
  SADD. planned to warm                                                                                                                                  cafeteria.
up some hearts this holiday                                                                                                                                "I thought it was a fun way
by having a collection from                                                                                                                              to give back to the communi-
November 29th through                                                                                                                                    ty," said Taylor Stair," senior
December 9th. During this                                                                                                                                and Vice-President of French
collection, students donated                                                                                                                             Club.
new mittens, gloves, scarves,                                                                                                                             This holiday season service
and hats in the library.                                                                                                                                 clubs at BHS are helping the
  "Even a small donation                                                                                              (Photos by Student Times Staff)    community as much as they
                                    Students from various clubs work to participate in school organized holiday fundraisers and charity events.
could mean the world to a                                                                                                                                can and they all hope that the
person in need," said Mrs.       Tots, caroling at the Boule-            will behosting Sno*ball and              mas PJ Day. The Christmas              student body will participate
Heather Henry, SADD. Advi-       vard, donating blankets for             the group hosted the Senior              Cookie Walk and PJ Day will            in every event possible. For
sor and Librarian. All the       the Head-Start children at              Citizens dinner along with-              both happen on December                more information, please
donated collection will go to    Salem Elementary, and hold-             Student Council. There goal              22nd. Student Council's goal           contact Mrs. Henry, Mrs. Kile,
domestic abuse and homeless      ing the Blood-Drive. All of             for every event is to have as            is to raise as much money as           Mrs. Kern, and Mrs. Driscole.

  There were a few errors in the last issue’s “Xandau” article
that need correction. The President of the Xanadu club is
Michelle Ni, the Vice President is Michelle Otte, Treasurer is
Emily Pona, and the Secretary is Brocken Pulliam. There are
no senior editors, rather an editorial board of seniors, consist-
ing of CeJay Traugh, Michelle Ni, Michelle Otte, Emily Pona,
Brocken Pulliam, Tori Ward, and Kim Harmon. The coming
issue is not going to be full color, but will contain as much
color as possible due to expense. The coming issue marks
Xanadu’s 50th year.
Journalism 3 goes on set with Rachael Ray
6      December 2011											                                                                                                            Reviews · Student Times

    The Big Year becomes big hit                                                                                Holidays “Bieberized”
Donnie Shields
   If life gives you binoculars,
                                   Preissler is played by well-
                                   known actor and comedian
                                   Steve Martin. The man with
                                                                          to finish The Big Year.
                                                                             Overall the movie is filled
                                                                          with laughs and adventure.
                                                                                                                  with new album
                                                                                                               Dakota Milo
then go bird watching! That        the unbeat-                                                   This film     Photo Editor
is what happened in the new        able record                                                   shows that      Christmas is “Bieberized” this season with this teenage
movie, The Big Year. Di-           is introduced                                                 dreams        dream’s first holiday CD, Under the Mistletoe. With multiple
rected by David Frankel, The       as Kenny                                                      should        platinum albums under his belt, Justin Bieber returns to
Big Year is a bird watching        Bostick,                                                      always be     the spotlight with this new album, which is predicted to be
adventure where four guys          played by                                                     pursued,      another mountainous Billboard 200 landing. The 17-year-old
go on a journey across the         actor Owen                                                    but they      Canadian born, pop singer takes more risks a teenager can
United States, hoping to find      Wilson.                                                       should be     take with several of Christmas' favorite classics, including
record amounts of rare birds         As the                                                      put aside     Mariah Carey's "All I Want is you."
called, The Big Year.              movie                                                         for those       In his new album Bieber crafts a highly energetic and ex-
   Narrated by Brad Harris,        continues                                                     who are       pressive album that is filled with Christmas favorites, rang-
the movie shows about his          to move           (Ron T. Ennis/Fort Worth Star-Telegram/MCT) close to us   ing from straight up pop and R&B to country. The album is
lifelong dream of becoming         forward,                                                      like fam-     also filled with guest appearances, bringing something for
a professional birder and          Brad, Stu, and Kenny collect           ily. Family and friends come         everyone in the album. Bieber has paired up with stars like
beating the world record           photos and keep diaries of             first. Although the movie has        Usher, The Band Perry, Busta Rhymes and Mariah Carey.
for most birds seen. Play-         the birds they have seen. Stu some mild language, it has a                  Having multiple artists with different genres was a smart
ing Brad Harris is actor and       and Brad are coming closer             great point and story behind         marketing move for Bieber making the album well rounded.
comedian Jack Black. He has        to the record, but Kenny is            it.                                    Along with traditional songs, Bieber has also written some
had roles in numerous films,       pacing himself to break his              This is a movie that I rec-        new Christmas songs as well. The first song of the album
but is recently known for his      own record and surpass                 ommend to pre-teens and              to be released was the song “Mistletoe”; it was released on
voice in the Kung Fu Panda         Brad and Stu. But towards              older and should probably            October 17. The song Mistletoe is by far my favorite of all the
franchise. As the movie pro-       year’s end, all three birders          not be seen by younger chil-         songs. It has a catchy beat to it and will get any Scrooge in
gresses, other characters are      return home, when family               dren. Overall, The Big Year is       the Christmas mood.
thrown into the mix such as        issues strike and everyone             a good movie that I would              The first song on the album is “Only thing I ever get for
Brad’s friend, Stu Preissler.      questions if they will return          recommend to my friends!             Christmas”, which is an original song written by Bieber.
                                                                                                               When first hearing this song, listeners are able to tell that his

                   Dining with Dakota                                                                          voice has changed significantly since his last album.
                                                                                                                 Bieber also paired up with Usher and took another tradi-
                                                                                                               tional song “The Christmas song” to a whole new level with
Dakota Milo                        meat options are chicken,             meat or vegetable option              the twos harmonies working. Along with “The Christmas
Photo Editor                       steak, fish, scallops, and            there is also the choice of           song” Bieber also took on the challenge of keeping the tradi-
  Mirakuya located on 695          shrimp. Mirakuya is also              a side. Customers have a              tional beat of “Silent night” and “Santa Clause is coming to
Kidder Street, Wilkes-Barre,       vegetarian friendly too, and          choice of rice or lo Mein             town” to make it more creative.
is known for having a fun                                                noodles, soup and salad, or              In the song “All I want for Christmas is you” Bieber took
atmosphere and food.                                                     last but not least vegetables.        the already prerecorded song, made popular by Mariah
  The Japanese restaurant                                                  The restaurant is great             Carey, and put a twist to the song by added his own verse.
offers customers the choice                                              for kids and offers more              One of my favorite duets on the CD was with Boyz 2 men,
of Hibachi or the normal res-                                            entertainment than most               when they sang “Fa La La”. Out of all the songs, this was the
taurant procedure. In Japan,                                             restaurants. Their staff is           one to give me goose bumps. Their harmonies worked well
Hibachi is used for holding                                              very friendly and is there            but kept an upbeat tempo at the same time.
charcoal, but in America                                                 the minute a customer needs             “All I want is you” is my favorite song because it does not
we use it for cooking and                                                something like a refill or ex-        go with the rest of the songs, it stands out from the rest,”
preparing food.                                                          tra napkins. Customers will           said Junior Kaitlyn Yohey.
   In the restaurant the cook                  MILO                      need a box to take home the               Another twist to Bieber’s album is his collaboration with
uses the Hibachi grill to                                                extra food after their meal.          Busta Rhymes in the song “Drummer Boy”. The track starts
cook the food right in front                                               All in all the restaurant           out with Bieber singing with an upbeat tempo, but after the
of the customer. This offers       gives the option of receiving         has a friendly atmosphere             first verse it takes a turn for its best when Bieber starts rap-
entertainment for kids as          more vegetables instead of            for adults and kids, has              ping about Jesus, The Little Drummer Boy, and the bible. In
well as adults, while they         meat. If the person is not a          delicious food, and is a great        the end Busta jumps in with a huge rap that would cause
wait for the meal.                 big fan of Japanese but loves         place to go if the person is          other rapper’s to get tongue tied.
  The customer has multiple        sushi, there is multiple sushi        hungry for something dif-               I believe the album deserves a four out of five stars because
options as to what kind of         or appetizing options.                ferent than their normal diet         of its upbeat tempo and duets. All in all, the album will cer-
meat they want. Some of the          Along with the delicious            and entertainment.                    tainly get any Scrooge out of their holiday blues.
Journalism 3 goes on set with Rachael Ray
Student Times · Reviews                                                                                                                        December 2011                        7

                           Entertainment Highlights of 2011

              Rebecca Slusser                                  Jen Adams                                      Jake Kelly                                 Mike Skeath
                  Freshman                                        Junior                                        Senior                                       Senior
     “Glee Season 3; the ending left me           “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hal-            “Katy Perry winning Best Female              “Captain America; The movie was
     wanting more and I had to wait all           lows Part 2; I’ve read the books and          Music Video for her song Firework. It        awesome! It was filled with a lot of
     summer to see the next season! Sea-          enjoyed seeing the series come to             is one of my favorite songs so it was        action and adventure and had awe-
     son 3 was definitely the best yet!”          life.”                                        nice to see her win an award for it.”        some special effects!”

                   Kara Elmes                                   Emily Pona                                   Katie Miller                              Kelly Shiptoski
                      Junior                                      Senior                                        Junior                                      Senior
     “Breaking Dawn; it made me feel every        “The final book in the Inheritance            “Footloose; It made me want to get up        “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hal-
     emotion that was happening and I felt        Series. I waited four years for it to be      out of my seat and dance! I really en-       lows Part 2 because it came out on
     that I was there in all of the excite-       released, so I’m glad I finally have it!      joyed all of music and dancing. I wish       my birthday! I went to the midnight
     ment. I am definitely team Jasper!”                                                        I could sing and dance like them!”           showing on my birthday!”

    2011 brings many entertainment events for all audiences
Taylor Stair                          and Prince William do the              people who lined the streets       teamed up for the final time       Humphries, Lindsey Lohan’s
Reviews Editor                        same, but this time with little        to watch the Prince and            to try and defeat Voldemort        numerous no-shows in court,
 “This is going to be the best        ones of their own. There               Princess-to-be travel to the       once and for all. The movie        the premiere of the Twilight
year ever!” Most of us say, or        were a lot of comparisons              chapel in Westminster, Ab-         brought out many emotions,         Saga’s Breaking Dawn Part 1,
think the same thing when             between Diana and Kate’s               bey for the ceremony. It was       but was also filled with ac-       and Mariah Yeter claiming
it is New Year’s Eve and the          weddings such as how the               a remarkable day to watch          tion, adventure and a little       that Justin Bieber was the
clock is ticking down to the          Princesses themselves dif-             royal traditions take place        bit of romance. For many,          father of her child. Two fa-
New Year. It is hard to recall        fer, as well as the grooms,            and a wedding most people          the ending of the series was       mous TV hosts also stepped
an entire year’s worth of             and an enormous factor, the            only dream of having.              bittersweet. Never again will      down this year. Oprah and
events and memories, but              dresses. The world anxiously             Another major event that         millions of fans wait in line      Regis stepped down after
I’m going to remind you of            waited to see what the new             occurred this year was the         to see the midnight show-          many years on daytime
a couple of things you may            Princess’s dress would look            opening of Harry Potter and        ing, or wait for the newest        television. Both were very
have forgotten that hap-              like. The dress was like every         the Deathly Hallows Part 2 on      book or movie to come out          successful TV hosts, and
pened this year.                      other with color, but showed           July 15th. This final movie to     on DVD.                            influential people on televi-
   Let’s go back to Friday,           elegance and uniqueness                the 8 hit movie series caused         The Royal Wedding and           sion.
April 29, 2011, The Royal             only a Princess-to-be could            record-breaking box-office         HPDH Part 2 were two                  Each year brings new
Wedding. Millions of girls,           have. It complimented Kate’s           sales. Millions of fans waited     major things that occurred         stories and events.Hopefully
young and old, woke up                figure, making her an image            in line for hours to see the       in entertainment this year. It     recalling some events men-
at 4 AM to watch the in-              every woman wants to be on             final movie at the Midnight        is nearly impossible for me        tioned can help people look a
famous Royal Wedding.                 her wedding day, tall, thin,           showing and many dressed           to list all of the story-causing   few years down the road and
Many women, from an older             and beautiful. An estimated            up as different characters         events that occurred this          remember where they were
generation, can recall wak-           2 billion people watched the           from the movie to share the        year, but here is a brief list     or what they thought when
ing up to watch Princess              Royal Wedding on TV and                Harry Potter spirit for the        of some minor stories that         it was happening. Here is
Diana get married and now             on the internet, but that does         last time. The dynamic trio        occurred: Kim Kardashian’s         to 2012 and another year of
watched Kate Middleton                not include the thousands of           of Harry, Ron and Hermione         72-day marriage to Kris            entertaining events!
Journalism 3 goes on set with Rachael Ray
8    December 2011							                                                                    Features · Student Times

    Homecoming court Welcome t                                                        GRAYSON JOHNSON
                                                                                           As the festivities come to a close, Berwick’
                                                                                      Homecoming celebration was a success for all w
                                                                                      attended. With dozens of people in attendance f
                                                                                      the homecoming ceremony,and the dance, the w
                                                                                      of preparation were not in vain. Countless hours
                                                                                      have been put into creating the back drops, prac
                                                                                      ing for the ceremony,organizing the
                                                                                      dance and decorating, needless to
                                                                                      say it all paid off.
       Princess Sam Bower                                  Princess Tara Egrie             This year’s theme for
      Prince Brandon Berkes                                 Prince Alex Oliver        the Homecoming dance is
                                                                                      “Welcome to Paradise!”
                                                                                      With the girls in white and
                                                                                      the guys in tan, the beach
                                                                                      theme is clearly evident. The
                                 Queen Jade Welsh                                     back drop for the auditorium          was
                                King Jeremy Freeman                                   decorated to also fit the beach theme,
                                                                                      as well as the cafeteria for the following
                                    Narrators                                          The homecoming court, consisting of Jade
      Princess Abby Grasley                              Princess Swetha Kumar        Welsh, Samantha Bower, Tara Egrie, Swetha
       Prince Drew Berube                                Prince Grayson Johnson       Kumar, Courtney Whitenight, Katie Scopelliti a
                                                                                      Abby Grassley for the girls, and Brandon Berke
                                                                                      Andrew Berube, Alex Oliver, Grayson Johnson,
                                                                                      Jared Pierce, Jake Morrison, and Jeremy Freem
                                                                                      for the boys, has been practicing hard since thei
                                                                                      selection in early September. The ceremony we

                                    Morgan Hicks
    Princess Katie Scopelliti       Jess Rehrig        Princess Courtney Whitenight
       Prince Jared Pierce                                 Prince Jake Morrison

                  Talent                Jacob Frey
                                        Madison Steward & Carlynn Wolfe
                                                                                          “Like the Angel”
                                                                                          “Never Grow Up”
                                        Laura Spence & Alex Martz acc. by Kelsey Rinehimer “You and I”
                                        Emma Karchner acc. by Brandon Strickland            “Black Bird”
                                        Rebecca Clark & Jade Welsh acc. by Taylor Stair     “In His Eye”
                                        Chelsea Pruitt                                    “Someone Like You”
Journalism 3 goes on set with Rachael Ray
Student Times · Features                               December 2011                   9

to Paradise !
’s      smoothly, with Jessica Rehrig and Morgan Hicks
who     as narrators. The current king and queen, Caleb
 for    Fetterolf and Sarah Dalo made an appearance to
weeks   hand off their crowns to the new king and queen,
 s      Jeremy Freeman and Jade Welsh. “With all the
ctic-            work every person involved (in home-
                    coming) put into the dance, I truly
                     hope everyone enjoys the ceremony
                      and dance,” senior Prince Brandon
                      Berkes said. “I had fun getting ready
                    for homecoming, so I hope everyone
                   else did too.” Throughout the night,
                    Berkes could be seen dancing and
                    looking lively all over.
                       “I loved being on court,” Princess
                Katie Scopelliti said. “It was a lot of fun,
             and so was the dance. Everyone seemed to
             enjoy themselves, I know I did!” Katie went
             on to say the photo shoots at the dance were
              phenomenally executed and a lot of fun to
              do. “Berwick continues to up the ante with
 and           the fun of their dances,” she said, “I can’t
 es,            wait for Sno*Ball now!”
  ,               With the festivities of Homecoming
man             winding down, Berwick High School
 ir              has the student body looking forward to
ent              Sno*Ball and Prom.

                                                               Photos by: (Student Times Staff,
                                                               Horizons Staff, ,Cheyenne Ridall,
                                                                Jade Welsh, and Dakota Milo)
Journalism 3 goes on set with Rachael Ray
10            December 2011                                                                                                                              Spotlight · Student Times

Successes adding up for Volunteers create dazzling display
 BHS mathletics team GRAYSON
                               JOHNSON by Hinckley Funeral Home.
                                        Several key people helped
                                                                  immense help, whiting out
                                                                  and repainting signs for the
 KIM HARMON                            mathematics competition                    For 64 years, the Berwick             to create the plot. Stepping             plot and providing much of
 Editor-In-Chief                       in November. Here they                   Boulevard had been enter-               into the position as cur-                the additional manpower.
   The BHS Mathletics team             displayed their talents in a             taining locals and out-of-state         rent plot advisor is LIfetime            “I think the community will
 has had a successful year             speed competition, a problem             tourists with a dazzling dis-           Jaycee member and Middle                 enjoy the plot,” Peck said.
 thus far.                             solving competition, and a 24            play of holiday-themed plots            School teacher, Chris Aurand.             The boulevard project origi-
   The students in the club            card game competition.                   and mini-stories. Once again,           Along with Aurand, volun-                nated six years ago under the
 attend weekly meetings in               Recently, a group of 7 math-           the Berwick Area Education              teer teachers Donald Walp,               direction of Holly Morrison,
                                                                                Association (BAEA) is help-             Jodi Walp, Jen Craig, Pamela             Curriculum Director who
                                                                                ing to redesign its traditional         Robustelli, Robert Bond, and             served as plot coordinator for
                                                                                plot.                                   Paula Parmenteri made this               those years.
                                                                                  Focusing on the “Prepar-              year’s project a huge success.             The Berwick Boulevard is
                                                                                ing for Winter” theme, the                Also, according to Aurand,             a tradition that residents and
                                                                                display features wildlife               students Zachary Kish-                   visitors look forward to each
                                                                                creatures. It runs from the             baugh, senior, and Joe Peck,             year. Everyone should visit
                                                                                Santa building to the corner            sophomore, have been an                  the display.
                                                      (Photo by Todd Gunther)
Team at Bloomsburg University before thier first competition of the year.

 which they receive a problem          letes comprised of mostly
                                       seniors attended the annual
                                                                                  ‘Deck the halls’ with bunches of cheer
 set created by Todd Gun-
 ther, advisor, to complete for        Newtonian mathematics
 the following week. At the            competition held at Coughlin
 meetings, they, apply their           High School. One of the two
 creative thinking skills to           groups representing Berwick
 decipher abstract problems,           for the team competition,
 discuss problem solutions,            whose members consisted
 complete worksheets, take             of Emily Pona, senior, Wes
 quizzes, participate in mock          Davis, senior, and Brandon
 competitions, and prepare for         Strickland, president, tied for
 events and competitions that          first place. In the individual
 they plan to attend.                  competition, Davis placed
   This year, the students             third.
 have been working especially            Now, the students are
 hard. They gained many                preparing for three upcom-
 dedicated and passionate              ing competitions: problem
 freshman that have proven             solution competitions held
 that they are great additions         at Lehigh University, Mary-
 to the team. They have se-            wood University, and Buck-
 lected many competitions in           nell University, as well as the
 which they are currently hard         AMC-12 and AMC-10 held
 at work ensuring that they            here at BHS.
 will be able to succeed come            As the team continues to
 game day.                             hone their math skills, they
   The team participated in            will undoubtedly succeed in                                                                                                              (Photos by Dakota Milo)
 the Bloomsburg University             the upcoming competitions.               Students feverishy work to complete their adorned door for the Student Council’s annual Holiday door decorating contest.
Student Times · Sports                                                                                                        December 2011                  10

   Top Dawgs                                                                Fall sports wrap-up
                                                                ANDREW FORCE                      along with their winning         as they dominated almost
                                                                Freshman                          record.                          everyone in their path. “We
                                                                  This 2011 fall sports season             JV FOOTBALL             had a goal to beat a division
Freshman team celebrates                                        at BHS was an exciting one,
                                                                nine sports have already
                                                                                                    The future stars of the
                                                                                                  Berwick football program
                                                                                                                                   2 team and we beat two of
                                                                                                                                   them” said Freshman Goalie
 their undefeated season                                        been wrapped up. The re-
                                                                cords varied from blowouts
                                                                                                  are supplied by the Junior
                                                                                                  Varsity team. With a record
                                                                                                                                   Luke Henger. The Bulldawgs
                                                                                                                                   had a very successful sea-
                                                                to embarrassments, record         of 3-5, the Dawgs got off to a   son under head coach Janet
                                                                breakers to injuries and un-      rough start but slowly pro-      Henger.
                                                                suspecting heroes, the 2011       gressed. Without Sophomore            CROSS COUNTRY
                                                                season was full of twists and     Wide Receiver Alex Klinger       Coach Bill Bull and the Boys’
                                                                turns.                            (Varsity player), the team       and Girls’ Cross Country
                                                                  Every Friday night 10,000       must rely on highly talented     team haven’t made much
                                                                screaming fans packed             Sophomore Quarterback, C.J.      news in 2011 but they have
                                                                Crispin Memorial Field to         Curry and Sophomore Half-        been doing great things with
                                                                watch their beloved Bulldogs      back, Richie Snyder had to       the CC program.
                                                                come to battle week after         take on elevated roles. Both         GIRLS’ VOLLEYBALL
                                                                week. In seven games the          of the young players are           Plagued by injuries the
                                                                Dawgs outscored their op-         set to be a big asset on next    Girls’ Volley ball team just
The 2011 freshman football team was the first team in a         ponents by 50 points. “Our        year’s varsity team.             could not get their team go-
while to have a perfect undefeated record of 10-0 and to        entire team has worked our          FRESHMAN FOOTBALL              ing. Coach Don Plyler was
bring in another WVC championship. While achieving this,        hardest,” said Star Senior          “We started strong and         missing a few key seniors
they had several players reach milestones. Runningback          Tight End, Half Back and          just started rolling” said       this year which is mostly
Nathan Maczuga racked in over 1000 yards rushing with 18        Defensive End Brandon             Freshman Cornerback, Paul        the reason the team is los-
touchdowns. Quarterback Dallas Arner almost met the same        Berkes.                           Jay Wiegand. Those words         ing. Unlike field hockey, not
achievement throwing for a little over 830 passing yards and      Matt Cashman broke, wide        explain the whole season 10-     many freshmen stepped
8 touchdowns. Berwick defeated ten teams this year. The         receiver and defensive back       0, the only undefeated team      up and the team didn’t
freshmen Dawgs team dominated its way to the WVC cham-          coach Keith Seeley’s 90 yard      in the entire town of Ber-       have much of a choice. This
pionship. Head coach Scott Dennis pushed his team through       interception return for a         wick. Coach Scott Dennis (of     certainly is a rough patch
tough times and it paid off.                                    touchdown record. He re-          Freshman Football) claims        for the girls as most of the
                                                                turned one for 94 yards, only     this is the most athletic team   injuries were to seniors, who

Three senior boys’ soccer
                                                                by four yards, but regardless,    he has ever had. This season     do not have another shot.
                                                                he is now in the books. On        the freshman piled up 34.7               GIRLS’ TENNIS
                                                                the other side of the ball, Ron   points per game while only         Although the Girls’ Ten-
 players dominate field                                         Powlus, Frank Jankowski,
                                                                Mike West, and Dave Rob-
                                                                                                  giving up 5.6 points per
                                                                                                  game to their opponents.
                                                                                                                                   nis team got off to a slow
                                                                                                                                   start, the wins started to
                                                                bins, are a few names in the             FIELD HOCKEY              pile up late in the season.
                                                                past that threw for 3,000           With over half of the 2011     They finished with a losing
                                                                yards in their Berwick career.    Girls’ Field Hockey team         season, none the less Head
                                                                A new name to that group,         deciding to pursue other         Coach Trinell Bull worked
                                                                senior quarterback Jared          ventures, many freshmen          hard to make her team one
                                                                Pierce also achieved this         were called to duty. Kylene      of the best and in the years to
                                                                milestone against Selins-         Welsh, Alexis Steeber and        come, it will pay off.
                                                                grove this season. In the         Elizabeth Dyer were among                     GOLF
                                                                same game, Kicker Alex            the ones called up. Freshman       The Dawgs prevailed with
                                                                Oliver broke his own record       Kylene Welsh said, “There        a 10-3 record mostly due to
                                                                (42 yard field goal in 2010)      was tons of dedication and       the long ball and tight short
                                                                with a 45 yard field goal,        confidence”. Even though         game.
                                                                which is the longest kick         the team struggled to put a        So, from blowouts to em-
     Moyer              Dougherty             Venditti
                                                                in Berwick history. Senior        “W” in the win column, the       barrassments, record break-
Seniors Jeremy Moyer, Brandon Dougherty, and Kyle               Halfback, Jeremy Freeman          experience gained by the         ers to injuries and unsuspect-
Venditti not only lead the boy’s soccer team to a successful    rushed for 1,000 yards in the     entire team will certainly pay   ing heroes. Berwick saw it all
season and playoff birth, but they have also won personal       third quarter of the Pittston     off in the future.               in the 2011 season was full of
achievements. All three seniors were invited to and played      game. The team finished 9-3               BOYS’ SOCCER             twists and turns. Now BHS
in the 2011 All-Star game. The boys played key roles in a       with an Eastern Conference          The Boys’ Varsity Soccer       turns their attention to win-
game with seniors from several different schools in our area.   Championship trophy to go         team was a score this season,    ter sports, GO DAWGS!
12       December 2011                      		                                                                                  Sports· Student Times

 Records are always meant to be broken
BRANDON BERKES                 kicker, Alex Oliver has yet      that will be looked up to just   to see all my hard work I put been able to do it without
Senior                         again broken a record. Junior    like the names already previ-    in the off season pay off.”     them,” Cashman said. Cash-
  With six state champion-     cornerback Matt Cashman          ously mentioned.                 Oliver said. So with Oliver     man, being a junior, has one
ships and three national       broke the former 90 yard           Oliver is already a record     holding the two top spots       more year to see if he can top
championships, Berwick         interception return with a 94    holder with his 42 yard          for longest field goal, it will his own record.
football has always been       yarder.                          field goal from last year, but   be exciting to wait and see       Head coach Gary Campbell
a top program                               To show how                                          if anyone can beat                          stated, “Football
to watch. With                            much of an ac-                                         them both.                                  is the ultimate
many great                                complishment                                              Boston College                           team sport. The
players coming                            Pierce has at-                                         standout Keith                              records these
through the pro-                          tained, he is now                                      Seely and present                           kids broke did
gram and going                            put in the same                                        defensive coor-                             not just come
on to not only the                        category as Ron                                        dinator held the                            from over night,
colligate level, but                      Powlus, Frank                                          record for longest                          they came from
the professional                          Jankowski, Mike                                        interception return                         boring drills
level, Berwick has                        West, and Dave                                         of 90 yards. That                           they did over
been known to                             Robbins. “I feel                                       record held up                              the summer.
be the birth place                        honored and it                                         for a strong thirty                         These records
of great football                         is a privilege to                                      years until Junior                          also would not
players.                                  have reached this                                      Matt Cashman had                            have been broken
  Jared Pierce,                           mark. It is cool to                                    a 94 yard intercep-                         without the other
Alex Oliver, and                          know my name                                           tion return against                         guys on the field
                           Pierce                                          Oliver                                            Cashman
Matt Cashman                              will be with the                                       the Tunkhan-                                with them and on
are three players who have     great quarterbacks that have     that was not good enough         nock Tigers. “It felt like an   the sidelines.”
succeeded in breaking school come through this program,         for him. During week five        achievement and I was at a        Berwick is proud and hon-
records this year. Senior      like Frank Jankoski who is a     against Selinsgrove, Oliver      loss of words, but I do have    ored to have these three new
quarterback, Jared Pierce has great leader and role model,”     kicked an amazing 45 yard        to thank all the guys that      players to be among some
reached the mark of 3,000      said Pierce. Without a doubt     field goal straight through      were on the field blocking      of the greatest athletes from
passing yards so far. Senior   Pierce will be a quarterback     the uprights. “It was good       for me. I would not have        this football program.

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Student Times · Sports                                                                                                                                   December 2011                          13

 Wresting seeks district title Swim team trains
                                                                                                                   for hopeful season
BRANDON BERKES                     said, “I have been through it              March to early November.”
Senior                             all so I share my knowledge                  Senior Anthony Talanca
  With the wrestling team          to the team, also I strengthen believes that the wrestling
coming off an impressive           their mental toughness, and                team is well prepared and
season of 21 and 11, they          bring team unity.”                         pumped for the season.
are looking forward to yet           The wrestling team has                   Talanca said, “Yeah, the team
another great and                                                                           is ready we have a
successful season.                                                                          lot of starters com-
  From 1955 to 2011                                                                         ing back. We are
the wrestling pro-                                                                          working hard as a
gram has had an                                                                             team and together
impressive 575 wins                                                                         like a family of
as a team. With 15                                                                          brothers.”
more team wins                                                                                With a lot of
Berwick wrestling                                                                           positives what else
will reach a mile-                                                                          can be said about
stone and a great                                                                           Berwick wrestling
achievement for the                                                                         this year? Well
program.                                                                                    Junior Kevin Lau-
  Head Coach Ernie                                                                          bach said, “This
Yates said, “This year                                                                      team is special, we                                                           (Photo by Brenna Goulstone)
we have about 26                                                                            have a grouping        Alicia Skeath, Junior, practices a start at a recent swim practice.
guys where usually                                                                          of all years with
we have about 19 or                                                                         a lot of seniors       MARIE SPUCHES                             are Alex Woytko and Taylor
20. It is great to have                                                                     and leaders, this      Activities Editor                         Andress,” says Mrs. Stacy
                                                                (Photo by Michael Torres)
a lot of guys so it                                                                        should be a break         Last season both girls’ and             Demshock, coach of the
                        Austin Soboleski, Senior, and Kevin Laubach, junior, practice
means we are flexible takedowns.                                                          out year for a lot of    boys’ had a record of 5-9.                swim team. “Coach is push-
and can move guys                                                                         guys.”                   Preseason swimming has                    ing hard because she knows
around to different weight         been putting a lot of sweat                  With all signs pointing to         just begun and things are                 we can always improve and
classes.”                          and time to prepare for the                a successful season this year        looking good for the swim                 do better,” says senior J.J.
  Numbers is not the only          season. Senior Dalton Arner for the Berwick wrestling                           team.                                     Shoemaker, who has been on
positive aspect this year.         said, “The team has been                   program and a huge mile-               The BHS swim team prac-                 the team for four years.
Berwick has a lot of experi-       running and lifting dur-                   stone in site, the team is out       tices for two hours every                    “The team looks good this
ence also. Senior Jake Jola        ing the off season from late               to prove it all right.               week day after school in the              season. We have swimmers
                                                                                                                   middle school pool. Also,                 who are ready to work hard,
                                                                                                                   the team members have an                  and do their best,” says
                                                                                                                   hour long weight room visit               senior Michael Skeath, who
                                                                                                                   where the swimmers can                    has been on the team for four
                                                                                                                   work on their abs, arms, legs             years.
                                                                                                                   and other muscles to build                   Veronica Shoemaker, a first
                                                                                                                   up their strength for the                 year member of the girls’
                                                                                                                   oncoming season.                          swim team, thinks that the
                                                                                                                     The biggest competi-                    team is going to do great
                                                                                                                   tors this season are for the              because they are like a big
                                                                                                                   girl’s team Holy Redeemer,                family. “Where one person
                                                                                                                   Scranton Prep and Abing-                  is weaker, there is another
                                                                                                                   ton Heights. The biggest                  person who makes up for
                                                                                                                   competitors for the boy’s                 it,” says sophomore Brenna
                                                                                                                   team are Abington Heights,                Goulstone, a first year mem-
                                                                                                                   Tunkhannock and Wyoming                   ber of the team.
                                                                                                                   Valley West.                                 The first meet of the season
                                                                                                                     “Some of our key swim-                  is December ninth, and is
                                                                                                                   mers for the boy’s team are               at home against Scranton.
                                                                                                                   Josh Kelley, Nathan Eskin                 According to Demshock and
                                                                                                                   and J.J. Shoemaker. The key               the members, the season is
                                                                                                                   swimmers for the girl’s team              going to be a successful one.
14     December 2011                                                                Holiday Picks · Student Times

 Marie Spuches- 9th   Brenna Goulstone-         Donnie Shields- 10th    Joseph Peck- 10th      Alicia Skeath- 11th
grade: “I want a new 10th grade: “I want a        grade: “I want a     grade: “I want a pet   grade: “I want a cam-
  acoustic guitar.”        laptop.”                    PS3.”                  dove.”           era for Christmas.”

 Rebecca Remphery-      Becky Brooks- 11th       Andrew Miller- 9th    Megan Larnerd- 9th     Amy Kelchner- 10th
11th grade: “I want a   grade: “I want an all    grade: “I want an      grade: “I want a       grade: “I want Wii
  Becky Brooks for      seasons snowboard-           IPad 2.”               laptop.”          games and movies.”
     Christmas.”            ing pass.”

   Olivia Newhart-      Mona Ni- 10th grade:      Josh Kelley- 12th     Lauryn Dalrymple-      Dakota Milo- 12th
 10th grade: “I want     “I want skis or a      grade: “I want a new   10th grade: “I want    grade: “I want Justin
 Snape’s wand from         snowboard.”          pair of headphones.”   tons of chocolate!”          Bieber.”
   Harry Potter.”

  Alex Walton- 10th     Shea Volkel- 12th        Alex Woytko- 12th      Alex Yost- 12th       Brittany Gensel- 12th
grade: “I want to see grade: “ I want a new       grade: “I want a     grade: “I want my       grade: “I want an
    Nicki Minaj in      digital camera.”              puppy.”          boyfriend to come       I-tunes gift card.”
      concert.”                                                              home.
Student Times ·Holiday Picks                                                                                                                      December 2011                          15

Students pick hot ticket holiday items                                                                            Student Times Staff
                                                                                                            Editors-in-Chief..................................................Kim Harmon
PAUL JAY WIEGAND                   these products, the price for       like to get the iPhone for                                                                             Erica Robbins
Freshman                           them rises, and Black Friday        Christmas because it is just
                                                                                                            Features Editor.....................................................Dakota Milo
  With the Christmas holiday                               was a       like a miniature laptop, and I
coming up, everyone is out                                 chance to   can face-time my brother who
                                                                                                            Clubs & Events Editor..................................Xiomara Salazar
and about buying presents for                              get them    is back at college.”                 Reviews Editor.......................................................Taylor Stair
their family and friends.                                  cheaper        On the other hand, an             Sports Editor.....................................................Michael Torres
  According to a recent survey,                            and many    item the girls wanted were           Editorials Editor............................................Brittany Dodson
this year’s BHS student body                               people      UGG boots. Freshman Alexis           Activites Editor................................................Marie Spuches
wants hot-ticket electronics                               took it.                         Steeber said,   Copy Editor..................................................Rebecca McGann
for Christmas. Among the top           (Todd Sumlin/Char-
                                                           On Black                         “I want         Photo Director.............................................Kenzie Goulstone
picks are the iPad, iPhone 4gs,       lotte Observer/MCT) Friday,                           UGGS for        Advisor................................................Mrs. Theresa Christian
laptop, Xbox 360, and the PS3.                            Apple                             Christmas
46%                                share rose nearly 3% because                             because         Photographers: Bethanna Perkins, Cheyenne Ridall, Mason Van-
of the                             all of the sales.                                        they are        dermark, Brenna Goulstone
students                             Freshman Chase Petty said,                             really          Reporters: Elinor Asevedo, Brandon Berkes, Joshua Birt, Devin Bu-
deemed                             “I was hoping to get the iPad                            comfortable,    cher, Courtney Davis, Andrew Force, Darren Harer, Sarah Holter,
iPad                               for Christmas because it has                             very stylish,   Grayson Johnson, Stephen Kuchka, Miranda Russell, Destiny
tablet as                          tons of features such as going                           and I like      Samsel, Jennifer Schmidt, Andrew Sheeler, Donnie Shields, Rydell
                                                                           (MusicSkins/MCT)                 Shotsberger, Kelsey Smith, Janelle Welch, Paul Jay Wiegand
the most                           on the internet, playing apps,                           them.”
popular                            and pretty much anything                                   With          Policy: The Student Times staff of the Berwick Area High School is an
gift                               you want it to do. Why buy a        everyone’s eyes pretty much          equal opportunity, non-profit organization that strives to publish current
this season. The iPhone and        laptop when you can have the        being set on those few keys          events and student concerns. This printed newspaper is published by The
various laptops are the second     same features and more on an        items, this Christmas seem like      Press Enterprise. All help is appreciated and editorials are welcome as long
                                                                                                            as they are signed and have the grade level included. They can be dropped
most requested gifts. These        iPad?”                              it is going to be an expensive
                                                                                                            off in room 60. The Student Times staff reserves the right to edit any
items seem to be wanted by            Another popular gift was         one. It looks as if Santa is         submissions due to lack of space, to avoid libelous statements, or to fit the
people all across the world.       Apple’s iPhone. Freshman            going to need a few more             journalistic standards of the publication. All editorials are strictly opinion
Since so many people want          Dalton Perla said, “I would         helpers for this Christmas.          and often do not reflect the views of the staff.

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16          December 2011				       		                                Final Glance· Student Times

      Spirit Week:
                                            Students of BHS filled homecoming week with spirit,
                                         color, laughter, and a lot of creativity. They participated in
                                         Mopey Monday, Tropical Tuesday, Superhero Wednesday,
                                          Totally Nerdy Thursday and Blue & White Bash Friday.
                                            They finished off the week with an annual pep rally.

 (Photos by: Dakota Milo, Student
 Times Staff, and Horizons Staff)
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