IW Tiger Athletics PG. 17 '21 Spring Season - SCC-IW Alliance - Iowa Wesleyan University Advancement

Page created by Bobby Sandoval
IW Tiger Athletics PG. 17 '21 Spring Season - SCC-IW Alliance - Iowa Wesleyan University Advancement
The Next Normal:
Educating Post-COVID
PG. 3

Progress Report
PG. 5

                       Years of
                         PG. 9

IW Tiger
’21 Spring Season
PG. 17

61    03     21
IW Tiger Athletics PG. 17 '21 Spring Season - SCC-IW Alliance - Iowa Wesleyan University Advancement
                               3      The Next Normal: Adapting Education
                                      for the Post-COV ID World

                               5      SIHEA Progress Report

                             7        Spring 2021 Commencement

                             9        50 Years of Nursing at IW

                            12        A Tiger’s Global Impact:
                                      A Dedication to Dr. Clement Isong ’54

                            13        J.D. Schimmelpfennig ’63
                                      The Def inition of a Mentor

                            15        Annette Jennings Scieszinski ’77
                                      A Lifetime of Leadership

   Iowa Wesleyan
   University is a
whose passion is to
educate, empower
     and inspire
  students to lead
 meaningful lives
     and careers.

                         On the Cover: Ariel Smale ’20 at the Spring Commencement held on May 1, 2021 in the Ruble Arena.
VOL       NUM   SUMMER   The ceremony for our 2020 graduates was postponed due to the global pandemic. These graduates
                         were invited to join the 2021 graduates to take part in the May 2021 ceremony.

61        03     21      In this Spread: From April to October, the J. Raymond Chadwick Library and the rest of the
                         Iowa Wesleyan University campus is surrounded by vibrant flowers in varying shades of purple.

      1                                                                                        IOWA W E SLE YA N UNI V ERSIT Y   |   SUMMER 2021
IW Tiger Athletics PG. 17 '21 Spring Season - SCC-IW Alliance - Iowa Wesleyan University Advancement
                                      Christine Plunkett

                                      University Provost
                                      Dr. DeWayne Frazier

                                      Vice President for
                                      Enrollment, Marketing, and
                                      Meg Richtman

                                      Dean of Students
                                      Matt Klundt

                                      Vice President for
                                      Advancement and Athletics
                                      Derek Zander

                                      CONTRIBUTING WRITERS
                                      Courtney Carl
                                      Kendra Hefner
                                      Paige Kammerer
                                      Jen Koch
                                      Justin Noble
                                      Meg Richtman

                                      Meg Richtman

                                      LAYOUT & DESIGN
                                      Jen Koch

                                      Amy Becker
                                      Courtney Carl
                                      Kendra Hefner

                                     TELL US WHAT YOU THINK
          5   Academic Innovations
                                          Story ideas? Comments?
          9   Student Success             Questions? Corrections?
                                         We want to hear from you!
         11   Faculty Retirement         E-mail marketing@iw.edu

         17   Tiger Athletics

         23   Alumni in Action

         26   2021 Homecoming

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IW Tiger Athletics PG. 17 '21 Spring Season - SCC-IW Alliance - Iowa Wesleyan University Advancement

The Next Normal
Education Post-Covid
        In March 2020, it became clear                          eCompanion, in student tuition         “We need to make classes feel
    that the realm of education was                             through the “Covered” program.
    going to shift dramatically. As Iowa                        Covered will ensure that all          alive and communal, with shared
    Wesleyan University staff and faculty                       students have access to course        experiences. I think it can happen
    worked tirelessly to adjust and adapt                       textbooks and materials without
    to the rapidly changing environment                         any unexpected fees. Many IW          in new ways that make sense to
    created by the Coronavirus, they                            students are first-generation         today’s student and reflects today’s
    found elements of what would soon                           college students and may not
    become the new normal through the                           account for expenses beyond           digitally-mediated lifestyles.”
    reevaluation of standards for education.                    student tuition. Covered              Dr. Jeffrey Martinek, Professor of English
    IW faculty and staff are continuing                         allows students to budget their
    to learn and adapt new practices to                         finances across semesters as it
    fit a post-Covid classroom, including                       reduces the inconsistencies of                    and I think it makes me a better teacher
    increasing access to course materials                       material expenses between courses.                with a different kind of relationship
    and providing a more modern approach                            Additionally, IW is upgrading the             with students.” With the LMS upgrade,
    to education.                                               campus-wide course eCompanion                     many classes will continue to have an
        To help students cover unexpected                       Learning Management System (LMS)                  online component that may be utilized
    expenses associated with college, IW                        to provide students with supplemental             in and out of the classroom. This also
    is now including digital copies of class                    online learning resources, online tutoring allows students to have greater access
    textbooks, available through the course                     options, and other tools to promote               to their professors to ask questions
                                                                                   student success                or receive feedback on assignments
                                                                                   and engagement.                or interact asynchronously with their
                                                                                   While classes will be          classmates.
                                                                                   returning to a face-to-            “We need to find a way to rethink
                                                                                   face format in the Fall        what   engagement looks like today,”
                                                                                   ’21 semester, students         stated  Dr. Martinek. Martinek
                                                                                   can expect to continue         addressed    the return to face-to-face
                                                                                   with some element              classes  in the  Fall ’21 semester. “We
                                                                                   of the hybrid model            need  to  make    classes feel alive and
                                                                                   created during the             communal,     with   shared experiences. I
                                                                                   pandemic. Dr. Jeffrey          think  it can  happen    in new ways that
                                                                                   Martinek, Professor            make   sense   to today’s  student and
                                                                                   of English and a               reflects  today’s  digitally-mediated
                                                                                   fundamental leader in          lifestyles.” Professors across campus
                                                                                   the early months of            began looking for and implementing
                                                                                   the pandemic, noted,           ways to engage contemporary students
                                                                                   “I think the LMS               during the Spring ’21 semester.
                                                                                   as the center of the               Many instructors have found the
                                                                                   class, whether remote,         continued    use of the Padlet digital
                                                                                   hybrid, or traditional         interface,  an  interactive social-media-
The Padlet digital interface is an interactive social-media-inspired learning and
communication tool. Several IW professors utilize Padlet to encourage class        face-to-face, is here          inspired   learning   and communication
engagement and discussion in an environment that students are familiar with.
                                                                                   to stay. I welcome it,
3                                                                                                      IOWA W E SLE YA N UNI V ERSIT Y   |   SUMMER 2021
IW Tiger Athletics PG. 17 '21 Spring Season - SCC-IW Alliance - Iowa Wesleyan University Advancement
tool implemented in the early months          to experience major historical events,       a prom, a graduation ceremony last year,
of the pandemic, to be useful for class       such as the Salem Witch Trials, through      and those things that are so important
engagement. The format of Padlet              classroom simulations and games.             in those formative years. They were told
allows students to interact informally            Other instructors, such as Jennifer      what the college experience is supposed
and asynchronously, just as they would        Crull, Assistant Professor of Business,      to be, but it is nothing they can prepare
on popular social media platforms;                                                               for when they get here. They don’t
the app allows them to engage in                                                                 have student activities, and they
class discussions from anywhere.         “Students want to feel                                  miss their sports, which for many of
“It’s also a great way for students                                                              them is their social network. There
to observe and emulate their             trusted, empowered, the                                 are no sororities, fraternities, clubs,
most successful peers,” notes Dr.                                                                or organizations to engage in the
Martinek. Several professors have        opportunity to have some                                community and develop roots. So
introduced discussion topics in class
that can then be transferred and         ownership in what they do”                              we have a whole group of students
                                                                                                 who have been here for a year, and
continued within the Padlet online       Dr. DeWayne Frazier, Provost                            in a college world, that doesn’t
environment.                                                                                     accurately represent what college is.”
    Dr. DeWayne Frazier, University                                                                  In preparation for the next
Provost, added that this digital classroom gave students hands-on experience.              normal, IW is continuously seeking ways
component helps to “empower students          For example, many of her students            to engage students both in and out of the
to have more ownership over their             have experienced product design and          classroom. “The next normal is a world
education.” While COVID-19 forced             development issues through a paper           that exists where we’re able to pivot on a
most classes to become hybrid or online,      airplane competition in which they were      moment’s notice because of a pandemic
IW faculty have worked hard to make           asked to provide instructions on how         and global issues that we never thought
classes engaging and more impactful           to create the best paper airplane, which     might have happened... a world that
than the average online program.              their teammates must then follow.            tries to engage students in their learning
    Professors who have been able to              As Iowa Wesleyan prepares to fully       process. It’s not online education; it’s
hold face-to-face classes have also been      open for the Fall ’21 semester, faculty      a world of continuous engagement and
innovative in maintaining classroom           and staff are continuing to look for new     access you’ve probably never had in
engagement. Dr. Frazier emphasized,           ways to be innovative and engaging,          history,” added Dr. Frazier. Students
“We’re constantly looking at the ways         especially for students who have spent       will miss less content due to illness or
that we can improve.” Sarah Sullivan          the past year adapting to pandemic-style     weather complications, while the new
Gomez, Assistant Professor of Human           learning. Dr. Frazier expressed particular   traditional classroom encourages greater
Services, has utilized simulations to         concern for the sophomore class this         hands-on learning.
teach students about important historical fall. “The group that I’m most worried
events and topics. Her students are able      about are those students who didn’t have

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IW Tiger Athletics PG. 17 '21 Spring Season - SCC-IW Alliance - Iowa Wesleyan University Advancement

A Growing Alliance
SIHEA Progress Report
    On January 12, 2021, Iowa
Wesleyan University and Southeastern
Community College announced the
formation of the Southeast Iowa
Higher Education Alliance (SIHEA).
While both institutions will continue
to operate separately, this unique
partnership between a four-year private
liberal arts university and a community
college is serving as an innovative
model for the future of higher
    Before the ink was dry on
the partnership agreement, both              The SIHEA Board of Directors at their inaugural meeting on April 8, 2021. Left to right: Dr. Denise Keltner Johnson
institutions went to work to make            (Vice-Chair), Matthew Shinn, Lanny Hillyard (Chair), Joseph Johnson, Christine Plunkett (IW President), Darcy
this vision a reality. In short order, the   Burdette (Secretary) Dr. Michael Ash (SCC President and Chancellor of SIHEA). Not pictured, Kevin Carr (CFO).

months-long planning that included
creative ways this Alliance could come           Kevin Carr (CFO of SCC) was                                   Under this contract, Congressional
to life shifted into execution mode.         confirmed as CFO of SIHEA, and                                    Partners will write grant proposals
After finalizing the formal partnership      Darcy Burdette (Senior Executive                                  for IW and SCC individually and
documents, all areas of each institution     Assistant to the President, SCC) was                              joint grants on behalf of SIHEA.
began working together to find ways to       appointed SIHEA Secretary.                                        SCC has experienced a high rate
collaborate, share expenses, and build a         In the first few months of this                               of success with grants prepared
stronger Alliance to serve the students      new Alliance, significant progress has                            by this firm. The grant writers at
and communities of Southeast Iowa.           already been made. Here are a few of the                          Congressional Partners believe that
    On April 8, 2021, the first official     highlights:                                                       many of IW’s attributes align well
Board Meeting of the Southeast Iowa          • SIHEA has agreed upon its first                                 with what the federal government
Higher Education Alliance convened.              two shared staff positions, and the                           will focus on over the next few years.
The first order of business was to               first one has been filled. Tina Young,                        These areas of focus include low-
approve the by-laws that will guide              who has served as SCC’s Title IX                              income and minority students, first-
the institutions’ work together. The             Coordinator, has been appointed                               generation students, and small rural
members of the SIHEA Board of                    to serve as the Director of Title IX                          institutions. SIHEA was recently
Directors include:                               and Chief Diversity Officer. She has                          awarded its first joint grant through
    Lanny Hillyard (SIHEA Chair,                 offices on both campuses and will                             Congressional Partners. IW’s portion
    SCC Board of Trustees)                       divide her time as needed. A search                           of the funding is more than $65,000,
    Dr. Denise Keltner Johnson                   for a shared Director of Student                              with an institutional match of just
    (SIHEA Vice-Chair, IW Board of               Engagement is underway, and we                                $8.5K required. This grant will equip
    Trustees)                                    anticipate filling this position this                         several rooms on campus with high
    Dr. Michael Ash (SCC President)              summer. These shared positions will                           technology Zoom capabilities for
    Christine Plunkett (IW President)            help to unite our campuses and create                         meetings and classes.
    Matthew Shinn (appointed by IW               the sense of a single entity.                            •    Thanks to the SIHEA partnership,
    Board of Trustees)                       • Congressional Partners, a federal                               Iowa Wesleyan University was
    Joseph Johnson (SCC Board of                 grant-writing firm located in                                 accepted as the first four-year
    Trustees)                                    Washington D.C., has agreed to                                institutional member of ICCOC (the
                                                 enter into a contract with SIHEA.                             Iowa Community College Online

5                                                                                                     IOWA W E SLE YA N UNI V ERSIT Y          |   SUMMER 2021
IW Tiger Athletics PG. 17 '21 Spring Season - SCC-IW Alliance - Iowa Wesleyan University Advancement

    Consortium). This relatively low-cost
    membership provides the University
                                                  result, the financial savings to Iowa
                                                  Wesleyan will be nearly $200,000           SIHEA Transfer
    with access to more than $600,000
    worth of technology applications
                                                  annually, and the total savings for
                                                  IW and SCC combined over five
                                                                                             Benefits for
    and services that will significantly
    enhance our faculty and student
                                                  years will approach $2 million. As
                                                  our student population has continued
    teaching and learning experience.             to diversify, our students have            • Alliance Transfer Scholarship
    Two of our faculty members                    requested more variety and healthier       • Academic pathways to a four-year
    participated in the ICCOC Spring              dining options. We believe that by           degree
    Conference, discussing their creative         working with a smaller, regional
    teaching methods during COVID.                vendor (Consolidated is based in           • IW waived enrollment fee
•   We have finalized our shared                  Des Moines), we will have greater          • Priority registration and housing
    scholarship program for SCC                   flexibility and the ability to offer
    students who transfer to IW.                  more variety for our students.             • Seamless transfer process
    Through joint scholarship awards,         •   The partnership has already garnered       • And more!
    the partnership can provide a four-           some initial national attention. The
    year degree to Iowa students at a             TIAA Institute and Rockefeller
    price that is competitive with Iowa’s         Philanthropy Advisors prepared a
    large public institutions. We also            joint white paper report on ways
    finalized special tuition price plans         in which small private colleges and
    for online students and community             universities are facing financial
    colleges that are part of the ICCOC.          and enrollment challenges. Iowa
    The academic and marketing teams              Wesleyan University was one of four
    at SCC and IW continue to work                institutions profiled in the report, and
    closely together to design new                the profile included a summary of
    educational pathways and marketing            our innovative SIHEA partnership.
    initiatives to promote our partnership.       In addition, the Registry Advisory
•   We have also reviewed our first               Services prepared a dedicated website
    large-scale vendor contract for               highlighting the partnership and
    the possibility of cost-effective             arranged to link it to the Chronicle
    shared pricing. For the past five             of Higher Education’s website.
    years, Consolidated Management                Check it out at: https://sponsored.
    Company has provided Southeastern             chronicle.com/Helping-Build-For-
    Community College’s food service.             A-Brighter-Future
    Iowa Wesleyan has utilized Sodexo’s

                                                                                             We Need
    food services for nearly thirty years.
    An RFP was extended to Sodexo
    and Consolidated Management to
    submit food service proposals to the                                                     Your Perspective
    Alliance. Iowa Wesleyan and SCC
    each appointed six individuals to                                                        Share your feedback and
    serve on a food service committee                                                        be a voice for the future of
    to review the submissions and                                                            Iowa Wesleyan University.
    complete a due diligence process.
    The committee unanimously
    recommended the Alliance                                                                 Iowa Wesleyan University is
    proceed with a contract with                                                             launching a new strategic plan, and
    Consolidated Management                                                                  we’d love to hear from our alumni
    Company. Under the new
    arrangement, Consolidated
                                                                                             and friends (you!) as we undertake
    will provide a dedicated on-                                                             this journey.
    site manager and chef at each
    site, but the overall pricing of
                                                                                             Please take a few minutes to share
    the services is based on our
    combined enrollment. As a                                                                your feedback at the link below.

IW.EDU                                                                                       iw.edu/strategic-plan         6
IW Tiger Athletics PG. 17 '21 Spring Season - SCC-IW Alliance - Iowa Wesleyan University Advancement

                                                            A Cause for
   Commencement for the Graduates of 2020 & 2021
       After a year of uncertainty, Iowa
   Wesleyan University was able to
   celebrate a live, in-person graduation
   ceremony with the classes of 2020 and
   2021. On May 1, 2021, graduates and
   their families gathered in the Ruble
   Arena for one of two services, divided
   by academic divisions, to celebrate
   their incredible accomplishments
   through and in spite of the unusual
   circumstances and challenges they’ve
       While graduates were only able
   to invite two family members each,
   live streaming options were provided,
   and both services remain available for
   viewing on the University YouTube
       Congratulations to the graduating
   classes for making it through this
   difficult time!

Above right: The graduating classes of 2020 and 2021.

   Right: Veronica Morgan ’21 gives her address as the
   recipient of the 2021 President’s Award. This award
recognizes a graduating senior who has demonstrated
exemplary academic effort and engagement, as well as
 responsible and unselfish use of talent and leadership
         through their engagement in campus activities
          throughout their entire undergraduate career.

     Far right, top: Commencement address given by
    Michael Patten, M.A., General Manager of Walmart
                   Distribution Center in Mt. Pleasant.

Far right, bottom: Christine Plunkett, M.B.A., President
  of Iowa Wesleyan, presents the Chadwick Teacher of
                                                            “Being a first generation
   the Year award to Shawna Hudson, Ph.D., Professor
                                           of Education.
                                                            college student like most of
                  Opposite page: Photos during and after    you, all I can say is ‘Wow, here
                                                            we are. We did it.’ ”
   Commencement exercises. Following the ceremony,
  faculty, staff, students and their families gathered on
            the campus lawn for photos and fellowship.      Veronica Morgan ’21, 2021 President’s Award Recipient

   7                                                                                                                IOWA W E SLE YA N UNI V ERSIT Y   |   SUMMER 2021
IW Tiger Athletics PG. 17 '21 Spring Season - SCC-IW Alliance - Iowa Wesleyan University Advancement

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IW Tiger Athletics PG. 17 '21 Spring Season - SCC-IW Alliance - Iowa Wesleyan University Advancement

         In the Spirit of Florence                             Associate Professor of Nursing, stated,               of current and future nurses.
                                                               “I think it shows the commitment
         Nightingale                                           [Iowa Wesleyan has] to nursing and                    Caring in Action
              2021 marks the 50th anniversary of               to healthcare, and our resiliency too.            Over the years, many nursing
         Nursing at Iowa Wesleyan University.                  The fact that IW and the nursing              alumni have invited and encouraged
         On January 27, 1971, Iowa Wesleyan                    program has been able to keep up              their children to also attend IW for
         announced the introduction of the                     with the changes is incredible.” IW           nursing. Terri Morris ’85 and her
         Nursing program after receiving                       consistently examines the technological       daughter, Victoria Morris ’20, are one
         accreditation from the Iowa Board of                  advancements in the healthcare fields         such legacy duo. Terri recalled her time
         Nursing. Iowa Wesleyan was seeking to                 and seeks to update tools used in             at IW fondly and indicated pride and
         fill a local need after the closure of the            the classroom for teaching the new            joy in her daughter for following in the
         nursing program in Burlington created                 generations of nurses. Students also get      same footsteps. “I really felt like Iowa
         a vacancy for nursing programs in the                 to learn from nurses currently in practice.   Wesleyan put nurses out that were
         Southeast Iowa region. IW became                      Professor Kongable continues to work as       confident in what they knew . . . I have
         the smallest of five colleges in the State
                                                                                                                         just always been a strong
         of Iowa to teach at the time
                                                                                                                         advocate for Iowa Wesleyan.”
         and the only institution in
         Southeast Iowa to host a
                                                   “I think Iowa Wesleyan helped me                                          Victoria indicated her
         nursing program.                                to be a lifelong learner.”                                      belief that the IW nursing
                                                                                                                         program has survived 50 years
              The first 18 nursing            Mary Tobin ’86, Associate Professor of Nursing and Chair at Coe College
                                                                                                                         because it has “adjusted as
         students gathered in the IW
                                                                                                                         needed, but the core of the
         chapel on March 3, 1973,                         a Nurse Practitioner for the University of program has stayed the same.” Despite
         to celebrate the first annual capping            Iowa Hospitals & Clinics in addition to            the constantly changing environment of
         ceremony, which would later become the           teaching at IW.                                    the healthcare profession, IW maintains
         White Coat Ceremony. This ceremony                   In addition to the continual changes           the same principle foundations. Victoria
         celebrates new sophomores beginning              adapted from real-world shifts in                  notes that “the foundation [of the
         their clinical rotations. Since that first       healthcare practices, IW has updated               nursing program at IW] is based on
         class, the nursing division has become           the nursing program to better meet                 critical thinking, if you have the basics
         a staple program at IW and within the            the needs of students. While IW                    of that figured out, you can apply it to
         Southeast Iowa region.                           initially started with only a prelicensure         any situation . . . I haven’t seen a nursing
                                                          Bachelor’s program, the curriculum has             program with such a strong base in
         This Light Won’t Go Out                          expanded to include an LPN to RN as                critical thinking, and that is priceless.”
              In celebration of this milestone            well as an RN to BSN program. This                     Terri added that “Iowa Wesleyan
         achievement, Lisa Kongable ’86, the              allows IW to cater to a greater number             had students prepared to be able to take
         Division of Nursing Associate Chair and                                                             the boards, to be in the workforce and
                                                                                                             just see where ‘I remember doing that

IW Nursing graduates pose with IW Nursing faculty and staff during the Spring 2021 Pinning Ceremony. Left to Right: Adjunct Instructor Nancy Wagner, Division
         9 Chair Aleesa Kittrell, Rebecca Pacha ’21, Roji Shahi ’21, Luz Maria Linaldi ’21, Sydney Cormeny ’21, Karlie
of Nursing                                                                                                               W E’21,
                                                                                                                       Heid  SLELisa
                                                                                                                                 YA NTaylor
                                                                                                                                      UNI V ’21,
                                                                                                                                            ERSIT   Y | of
                                                                                                                                                 Division SUMMER
                                                                                                                                                           Nursing 2021
Associate Chair Lisa Kongable ’86, Associate Professor of Nursing Carmen Wycoff, and Associate Professor of Nursing Samantha Tarrence.
in clinical,’ or being in a leadership role
                                                                   STUDENT SUCCESS

                                               Adapting for the Future
                                                                                              Where Are
                                                                                              They Now?
and having those applications that were            Landre echoed the sentiment of
taught. I don’t think I realized how well-     support through the challenges posed by
rounded and the depth of that program          the coronavirus, “My final semester of
until I was out in the workforce.” The         college was moved to almost completely
mother-daughter duo also indicated             online, and the nursing department did
that they enjoyed the opportunity to           everything they could to make sure all
receive three years of hands-on clinical       of their students were taken care of and
experience, Terri noted, “I have always        received the education they needed . . .
felt that that clinical experience is what     my professors helped me not only get
really pulls all that didactic experience in   through the semester but also study for
the classroom and the lab together and         the NCLEX. My professors Kongable,
puts it to a practical application.”           Wycoff, Kittrell, and Tarrence helped
    IW students receive upwards of 500         me build my critical thinking skills, and
clinical hours in a variety of care-focused                                                             Terri Morris ’85
                                               prepared me to work in a critical care            Instructor of Nursing and Clinical
settings by the time they graduate,            specialty.”                                     Coordinator at William Penn University
including work in emergency rooms,                 Professor Kongable discussed the
mental health sites, prisons, and intensive    struggles of the Spring 2020 semester,
care units. Professor Kongable notes           as nursing students were unable to
that students experience a “full tour” of      complete clinical experiences due to
nursing “not only due to the healthcare        COVID-19 restrictions. “We’ve got to
setting type, but also the specialty type.”    have clinical. We can’t opt out of that,
    IW nursing students also actively          we don’t want our nursing students just
engage with the campus and local               learning from the textbook. Thank
community through food and blood               goodness, we had most of our clinical
drives, and extracurricular engagement.        hours in. We did have to resort to
Many students in the nursing program           more clinical simulations than we
are also involved in athletics or choir,
                                                                                                        Mary Tobin ’86
                                               usually do, it’s just not the same as real-         Associate Professor of Nursing
allowing them to connect with students         world nursing.” With the coronavirus                   and Chair at Coe College
across the University. Lida Landre ’20         restrictions being relaxed, Aleesa Kittrell,
notes, “I was blessed to have been able to     Division of Nursing Chair and Associate
go through nursing school as well as be        Professor of Nursing, indicated, “We
a dual-sport athlete at Iowa Wesleyan,         have since been very fortunate to have
playing volleyball and competing in            the support of multiple clinical agencies
track. My coaches and my nursing               and are very fortunate to have our
professors were very understandable            students back in the clinical setting
and helped me work through my                  completing their learning experiences.”
crazy schedule. I couldn’t have asked              Professor Kongable notes that
for anything more from my nursing              COVID-19 has entered the curriculum
professors or athletic coaches during my       for nursing students, especially as several              Lida Landre ’20
time at Iowa Wesleyan.”                        students have worked on Covid units.              Cardiac Intensive Care Unit at the
    Mary Tobin ’86 added that the              Current students receive an education           University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
nursing professors “set us up with any         in infection control and the use of
kind of help we needed” to succeed             personal protective equipment. Professor
in nursing. Tobin recalled a specific          Kongable emphasized the importance
instance of sleeping through a final           of “being able to work with everybody
exam, to be woken up by her professor          in creative and strategic ways to still
Erliene Clayton calling; Tobin                 support a valuable, high-quality learning
mentioned that she rushed across               experience for the student.”
campus to the top floor of the Science             Iowa Wesleyan is excited for the
Hall in her pajamas to take the exam.          chance to celebrate 50 years of Nursing
While taking the exam, Tobin realized          during the Homecoming Celebration on
that she was underdressed for the chill of
the room. Professor Clayton proceeded
                                               October 1-3, 2021!                                     Victoria Morris ’20
                                                                                              Registered Staff Nurse on the Pulmonary
to provide Tobin with a sweater for                                                             Medicine Unit at Mercy Cedar Rapids,
warmth while she completed her exam.                                                           starting a Master of Science in Nursing
“What a kind, caring gesture . . . that was                                                   program this summer to become a Nurse
one of my favorite memories.”                                                                     Practitioner and Nurse Educator
IW.EDU                                                                                                                         10

Leaving a Legacy of Educators:
Dr. Rebecca Beckner Retires
    Dr. Rebecca S. Beckner-
Goodrich, Vice President for Student
Development and Title IX Coordinator
at Iowa Wesleyan University, has a
Curriculum Vitae spanning multiple
pages of education, career experience,
accomplishments, publications, and
awards. Between the details is a quiet
truth, speaking to her love of people and
her deep commitment to the education
of children and future educators. While
her history at Iowa Wesleyan University
may be accounted with words, Dr.
Beckner’s impact on IW and the region
is a living document written across the
careers of her students and colleagues.
    Dr. Beckner joined Iowa Wesleyan
University in 2012 as an Associate
Professor. Nine years later, she retired
in May 2021. Since her arrival, Dr.
Beckner has served in multiple roles
within the Education Program and
across the University. Over the years,
she has contributed her talents to IW       serving as a mentor and advisor when I            the Iowa Department of Education
as Master of Education in Curriculum        graduated. Dr. Beckner is still the person        accreditation and training/mentoring
and Instruction Graduate Coordinator        I call whenever I have any questions              numerous new faculty over the years.”
(2016-2018), Teacher Education              about my teaching. I think that this              said Dr. DeWayne Frazier, University
Program Chairperson (2013-2019),            shows just how much she cared about               Provost. Dr. Frazier went on to praise Dr.
Education Division Chairperson (2014-       the students she had. She is always               Beckner’s service as Vice President for
2019), Associate Vice President for         more than willing to help us grow as              Student Development. “She has been a
Academic Affairs, Dean of Students and      educators, even after we have left her            great colleague in this endeavor and has
Title IX Coordinator (2019-2020), and       classroom.”                                       brought such a great deal of additional
Vice President for Student Development          Colleagues at Iowa Wesleyan                   wisdom and ideas to our University
and Title IX Coordinator (2020-2021).       University speak to Dr. Beckner’s                 Leadership Cabinet,” Dr. Frazier said.
    Dr. Beckner’s legacy at IW can best     commitment to and impact on the                       Dr. Beckner’s specialties in the areas
be expressed by her former students,        institution. “As Education Chair,                 of childhood education and mental
now educators in their own right. Becca     Dr. Becky Beckner was one of the                  health care extend beyond the University
Kokjohn ’16 is a preschool teacher for      most highly organized, creative and               campus. Her history of service to the
Central Lee Community School District       hardworking people I have ever had                Henry County region is extensive,
in Donnellson, Iowa. During Kokjohn’s       the opportunity to work alongside.                including membership on the Early
years at Iowa Wesleyan University, Dr.      Her accomplishments are lengthy                   Childhood Area Board for Henry and
Beckner was a teacher and guide both in     and include her successful work on                Washington Counties (2012-2015), and
the classroom and out. “As my advisor
she was the one who sat down with me
to create my college plan,” Kokjohn
                                            “Dr. Beckner played such a huge role
said. “She helped guide me from the
day I committed to IW until the day
                                            in making me the teacher I am today.”
I graduated. However, she didn’t stop       Becca Kokjohn ’16, Preschool Teacher, Central Lee Community School District in Donnellson, Iowa

11                                                                                        IOWA W E SLE YA N UNI V ERSIT Y   |   SUMMER 2021
A Tiger’s Global Impact:
                                            A Dedication to Dr.
                                            Clement Isong ’54
                                                In February 2021, Iowa Wesleyan
                                            University honored alumnus Dr.
                                            Clement Isong ’54 and his family
current membership on the Southeast         with a memorial dedication housed
Iowa Early Childhood Summit                 in the International Room of the
Planning Committee. Dr. Beckner’s           Chadwick Library. Dr. DeWayne
work even extends overseas. Since           Frazier, University Provost, noted that
2017, she provides Early Childhood          “we wanted to make sure we had a
Consultation with EvolveED, a               chance to honor Clement Isong for
Bangalore, India-based organization         generations to come. With this plaque
working in the space of childcare and       hanging in this room in the library,
focused on building inner strength,         students and people on visiting tours
enhancing self-awareness, and               can see the kind of impact IW people
strengthening human connections.            of color can have.”
    Over the years, Dr. Beckner made            Dr. Isong was one of
personal connections at IW, both to         three Nigerian students to
her students and her colleagues. “Dr.       come to IW in 1951. He
Beckner served as the chair of the          studied Economics and                                       Dr. Clement Isong
search committee that brought my            sang in the choir. As a
family and me to Iowa Wesleyan,” says       student, he began a lecture
Dr. Frazier. “I will miss many aspects      circuit in the greater                                      River State. He is one of the
of her professional work here on            Southeast Iowa region                                       most celebrated governors in
campus, but I can say with the greatest     to speak about African                                      Nigerian history.
of love, I will miss most our daily         heritage, culture, and                                          Dr. Isong died in May
interaction over the years, her listening   Methodism. He became                                        2000.  In October 2005, the
ear, her sage advice and her passion for    so well known that local                                    Central  Bank of Nigeria
people.”                                                                    Dr. Isong’s image on introduced the N1000
                                            groups began to refer to
    “Dr. Beckner played such a huge                                         the Nigerian N1000          banknote which remains
                                            him as an “old friend.” Dr.
role in making me the teacher I am                                         banknote, introduced the highest financial
                                            Isong graduated from IW
today,” Becca Kokjohn added. “I am                                         by the Central Bank of denomination, featuring the
                                            in 1954 near the top of his
so thankful that I was able to have her                                       Nigeria in 2005.          image of Dr. Isong alongside
                                            class before completing
guiding and teaching me. She is one         his master’s and doctoral                                   his predecessor, Mallam
in a million and I know she will be         degrees with Harvard University.                            Aliyu Mai-Bornu. Dr. Isong
greatly missed!”                                After returning to Nigeria in 1967,       is the  only known   student from the State
    Iowa Wesleyan University                Dr. Isong was appointed Governor              of  Iowa  to be  recognized on their home
celebrates Dr. Beckner’s years of           of the Central Bank of Nigeria from           country’s  currency.
service, the strong foundation of           1967 to 1975 during which time he                  Dr. Isong’s family continues to
human connection that will shape            spearheaded the conversion of the             remain   in contact with IW and they
the culture of IW, and childhood            Nigerian currency from the pound              hope   to visit campus in the coming
education in the Southeast Iowa             to the naira. In 1979, Dr. Isong was          years.
region for years to come.                   elected Governor of Nigeria’s Cross

IW.EDU                                                                                                                         12

J.D. Schimmelpfennig ’63
The Definition of a Mentor
    On the Iowa Wesleyan University                  business partnerships. “When he came             learn,” Bender said, “to make them better
campus, everyone knows Jerry Dean                    to IW, he took IW with him for the               leaders in the workplace and contributors
“J.D.” Schimmelpfennig. Smiles widen                 rest of his life,” said Jim Pedrick ’80,         in the community.”
and voices grow fond as friends, faculty             Development Director at Iowa Wesleyan                That positive economic impact,
and staff share memories, using two                  University.                                      paired with J.D.’s generosity, mentorship,
nicknames interchangeably for a                          While at Iowa Wesleyan, J.D. met his         and volunteerism, has woven his legacy
single man, sometimes even within the                future wife, Kathleen Grandall ’64. They         into the fabric of Mount Pleasant. Over
same sentence: “J.D.” and “Schimm.”                  would be married just a few months after         the years, he has dedicated his time
Described as a big, soft-spoken man                  his graduation in August of 1963. Kathy          and business acumen to the Mount
with an even bigger personality, J.D.                Grandall Schimmelpfennig became his              Pleasant Chamber of Commerce, the
leaves behind a legacy of community                  “bride, best friend, and co-pilot” for a         Mount Pleasant School Board, and the
building and personal connection to IW.              devoted 57 years of marriage. Together           Mount Pleasant Area Development
    J.D. was a 1963 graduate of Iowa                 they shared the raising of four sons: Tad,       Commission Board of Directors.
Wesleyan, where he majored in Physical               Matt, Joe and Sam; challenging business              Though best known regionally for
Education. He was a member of the                    startups; and leadership and volunteer           his business successes, J.D. returned
football team and Phi Delta Theta                    roles in Henry County, Mount Pleasant,           again and again to the role of educator
fraternity. He would go on to receive                and IW.                                          and mentor. Bender remembers his
his masters from Northeast Missouri                      J.D. returned to Iowa in 1964 as an          commitment to academic learning
State (now Truman State) in 1973, and                educator and a coach in Keosauqua. In            programs in the Mount Pleasant
Harvard University’s Entrepreneurial                 this role, he positively impacted the lives      Community Schools, such as Project
Program in 1976. However, the                        of many students and players. However,           Lead the Way (Pre-Engineering)
relationships forged in his years at                 J.D.’s interest in entrepreneurship drew         and Industrial Tech programs. He
IW grew into lifelong friendships and                him away to launch his first small               volunteered his time to coach a number
                                                     business, Homefoamers, in 1974. A few            of Mount Pleasant youth sports while
                                                     years later in 1981, he launched Lomont          his sons were young, but his support of
                                                     Molding, Inc. Lomont would flourish              youth athletics and education continued
                                                     for 33 years under J.D.’s leadership,            after they were grown.
                                                     providing employment opportunities                   Both J.D. and Kathy were frequent
                                                     across the region.                               attendees in the stands at IW home
                                                         Jason Bender ’98, President/CEO of           games or in the audience of IW’s annual
                                                     Lomont Molding and a member of the               Service of Lessons & Carols. For the
                                                     IW Board of Trustees, got to know J.D.           generous gifts of time and talents, J.D.
                                                     when he first joined the Lomont team in          received the IW Alumni Service Award
                                                     2000. Bender worked alongside J.D. in            in 2007, and both J.D. and Kathy
                                                     a variety of roles prior to his retirement       received the Mount Pleasant Citizen of
                                                     from Lomont in 2014. “He loved the               the Year Award in 2013.
                                                     challenge of business and he loved                   J.D.’s volunteerism extended to
                                                     working with people who are willing to           Iowa Wesleyan University as well. He

                                                     “When [ J.D.] came to IW, he took
J.D. Schimmelpfennig’s Senior photo, from the 1963
edition of the Croaker.                              IW with him for the rest of his life.”
                                                     Jim Pedrick ’80, IW Development Director

13                                                                                                 IOWA W E SLE YA N UNI V ERSIT Y   |   SUMMER 2021
Above: J.D. Schimmelpfennig with wife Kathy (Grandall)
Schimmelpfennig pose for a photo at the Homecoming
Alumni Banquet on October 21, 2017.

Right: J.D. chats with guest alumni during Homecoming

Bottom Right: J.D. Schimmelpfennig (Row five, second from
the left) made lifelong relationships in the Phi Delta Theta
fraternity. Photo from the 1963 edition of the Croaker.

would serve first as Treasurer for the IW
Alumni Association Board in 1973, then
as a Trustee in 1978. J.D. would go on
to serve on the IW Board of Trustees
until 1981, and then another 13-year
term from 2007 to 2020. As a Trustee,
J.D. helped usher IW into the future and
secure its existence for years to come.
    To Jason Bender, J.D.
Schimmelpfennig provided the clear
definition of what a mentor is and
should be. “There are many kind and
dedicated people committed to business
or to the community, but rarely do you
find it in both as J.D. and Kathy have
graciously demonstrated. They have
done their part to try and make Iowa
Wesleyan, Mt. Pleasant, and Southeast
Iowa a great place to live.” Bender said.
    J.D. Schimmelpfennig passed away
on February 12, 2021, following a battle
with Alzheimer’s disease. His sense of
humor, generosity, enduring kindness,
and servant’s heart endeared him to
the faculty, staff and students of IW.
While his absence is deeply felt, his
commitment to service and community
remains an enduring presence at Iowa
Wesleyan University.

IW.EDU                                                         14

Annette Jennings Scieszinski ’77
A Lifetime of Leadership
    To know what a person values                           from her warm and genuine friendship.”                      teaching certification) and minors
most, one has only to learn where their                        Friends and colleagues at Iowa                          in French, Theater Arts, and Mass
time and talents lie. Even a glimpse                       Wesleyan remember Annette with                              Communications. While at Wesleyan,
of the remarkable life of Annette                          warmth. Elizabeth E. Davenport Garrels                      Annette was active in student
Jennings Scieszinski ’77 reveals a                         ’67, L.H.D. ’11, IW Trustee, recalls                        government, performed in several theatre
deep commitment to service, a love                         Annette’s competence and generous                           productions, was President of the Pi
of youth mentorship, and a generous                        spirit even from a young age. Garrels                       Beta Phi sorority, served as Editor of
spirit. Iowa Wesleyan University is one                    chaired the “Sweet Sixteen” competition                     The Courier, and rallied as a Tigers
of many regional, state, and national                      at the Midwest Old Threshers Reunion                        cheerleader.
organizations to benefit from her                          in 1971 and took notice of young                                Upon leaving the Iowa Wesleyan
experience and strong leadership, but                      competitor Annette. “Miss Annette                           campus, Annette earned her Juris
her connection to IW is also one of the                    Jennings, age 16, was the hands-down                        Doctorate Degree at the University of
heart.                                                     recipient of this distinction that year,”                   Iowa in 1980, where she participated in
    Annette left a lasting mark on IW                      Garrels said. “Her bent and aptitude                        student government and distinguished
through her early years as a student,                      for volunteer service beyond herself was                    herself as an editor of The Iowa Law
her engagement with the Alumni                             quite evident as a high schooler.”                          Review. She was admitted to the bar in
Association and the P.E.O. Sisterhood,                         Annette’s relationship with Iowa                        Iowa’s state courts, Iowa’s federal courts,
and most recently through her dedicated                    Wesleyan University began in the                            and the U.S. Supreme Court.
and selfless service on the IW Board                       autumn of 1973, a poised and gracious                           Annette practiced law until 1996,
of Trustees. “Annette was instrumental                     high school valedictorian with deep                         when Governor Terry E. Branstad
in guiding the University to our recent                    Iowa farming roots. She graduated                           appointed her as a District Court Judge
successful partnership with Southeastern                   from Iowa Wesleyan summa cum                                for the 10 counties of Iowa District 8-A.
Community College,” said Chris                             laude in 1977 with a Bachelor of Arts                       She served 20 years before retirement
    Plunkett, President of Iowa Wesleyan                   Degree in English (with secondary-                          and worked as a Senior Judge for three
          University. “The entire Iowa                                                                                          years. In the course of Annette’s
            Wesleyan community has                                                                                              judicial career, she was elected
              benefited tremendously                                                                                            President of the Iowa Judges
               from her unwavering and                                                                                          Association and received the
                longstanding commitment                                                                                         Association’s highest honor,
                 to the University, and                                                                                         the Award of Merit. Annette
                                                                                                                                attained the chairmanship of the
                                                                                                                                National Conference of State
                                                                                                                                Trial Judges and was a leader
                                                                                                                                in judicial education with an
                                                                                                                                emphasis in professional ethics.
                                                                                                                                    Annette’s commitment to
                                                                                                                                and passion for Iowa Wesleyan
                                                                                                                                University led her back to
                                                                                                                                campus in 2013, when she was
                                                                                                                                elected to the IW Board of
                                                                                                                                Trustees. She assumed the office
                                                                                                                                of Chair in 2017; and, for several
                                                                                                                                years prior to that office, led the
                                                                                                                                Board’s Academic Affairs and

Above left: Annette (right) with fellow IW cheerleader, 1977 Croaker. Above: Annette spends a few minutes with the IW Cheer
Above: Senior photo, 1977 Croaker.                                    team during the Homecoming festivities October 21, 2017.

15                                                                                                                 IOWA W E SLE YA N UNI V ERSIT Y   |   SUMMER 2021
Annette during the Homecoming Alumni Banquet on October 20, 2017.

    “The entire Iowa Wesleyan
    community has benefited
    tremendously from her unwavering
    and longstanding commitment to
    the University, and from her warm
    and genuine friendship.”
    Christine Plunkett, IW President

Student Engagement Committee and                        over time. She
served on the IW Alumni Association                     was passionate
Board of Directors.                                     about working
    Consistent with her Iowa Wesleyan                   with youth both
roots, Annette was actively involved                    on and off the IW
with the philanthropic mission of                       campus and, as
P.E.O. Annette served as President of                   a devoted parent
Chapter H in Albia and was a member                     and grandparent,
on the statewide Executive Committee                    she participated as
of P.E.O. “Through the years Annette                    a 4-H leader for
and I share another bond, that of the                   25 years. She also
P.E.O. Sisterhood,” Garrels remarked                    served in various
in 2017, when Annette received the IW                   service capacities
Distinguished Alum Award, “Both of                      over the years for
us highly value the significant place of                Iowa Wesleyan
                                                                               Annette pauses for a moment in the Union Block to review her notes for remarks given
Iowa Wesleyan University in the origin                  University, the        during the Homecoming Alumni Banquet on October 20, 2017.
and growth of P.E.O.’s philanthropic                    Iowa Law School,
successes. To that end, Annette [was] a                 and Drake University Law School.                     Scieszinskis have four grandchildren:
tireless proponent and worker to lift up                    Annette passed away on February                  Emily Marie Bennett, Paige Elizabeth
this relevant relationship to the world at              26, 2021, after a battle with pancreatic             Bennett, and Norah Katherine Bennett
large.”                                                 cancer. A private family Memorial Mass               of Kingston, Tennessee; and Drake
    Annette excelled in oil painting,                   was held on Saturday, March 6, 2021,                 Thomas Daniels of Centerville, Iowa.
exhibiting in a handful of juried art                   at St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Albia,                   Annette is greatly missed at Iowa
shows each year. She was an enthusiastic                Iowa. Annette is survived by her husband             Wesleyan      University, but her impact
patron of the art community in her                      of 42 years, John J. Scieszinski, D.D.S.,            and   her  legacy    continues on. Elizabeth
region, where she initiated and supported               and their four daughters: Lauren Marie               Garrels    perhaps     found the best way to
art events and served as President of the               Scieszinski, of Kingston, Tennessee;                 approach      such   a life of devoted service
Monroe County Arts Council. She and                     Susan Claire Scieszinski, of Centerville,            —    gratitude.   “Thank     you, Annette,” she
her husband, John, were also active in                  Iowa; Brooke Anastasia Scieszinski of                said,  “for  all you   mean,    by definition, to
historic preservation, sponsoring three                 Brooklyn, New York; and Caroline Rose                Iowa    Wesleyan      University.”
National Register of Historic Places                    Scieszinski of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa. The
IW.EDU                                                                                                                                                            16

Tiger Athletics in 2020-21
    Although it was a challenging              Tigers also gained some experience
year for the student-athletes of Iowa          by competing at the NWCA DIII
Wesleyan University, the time finally          Nationals in March.
came for competitions. After waiting               The women’s wrestling team had
all fall and winter, on February 5th, the      their first competition on February
Tiger Men’s Wrestling team took to the         21 when they traveled to Stevens
mat in IW’s first competition date of          Point, Wisconsin, to compete in the
the 2020-2021 academic year. The other         National Collegiate Women’s Wrestling
17 athletic programs followed and were         Championship (NCWWC) Regionals.
all able to have their season. Through         All five Tigers who competed that day
navigating online and in-person classes,       qualified for Nationals and they secured
practicing all fall and winter, and            fourth place as a team at the meet.
constant Covid testing, student-athletes       Alaina Sunlin (FR/Monticello, IA) and
were finally able to step onto their fields/   Daisy Scholz (FR/Bennett, CO) became
courts/mats to compete as a Tiger. Tiger       the first two student-athletes in IW
Athletics competed for 111 days in 156         history to become women’s wrestling
athletic contests and hosted 60 home           All-Americans after securing 5th and
events in the spring semester.                 6th place in their respective weight
                                               classes at the national tournament.
                                               The Tigers hosted one home wrestling
Wrestling                                      dual this spring against Indian Hills
                                               Community College. Sunlin was the
    The men’s wrestling team was the           only Tiger able to walk away with a win          Alaina Sunlin ’24 wins her bout as the Tigers take on
first to begin competition, hosting the        after defeating her opponent by fall in          Indian Hills at the Ruble Arena on February 26, 2021.

Griffins of Fontbonne University on            the second period.
February 5 for a dual. This was the first                                                       after she culminated 129 rebounds for
wrestling competition for Tiger Athletics                                                       the season, 97 of which were defensive.
since the 1970’s. The Tigers picked up         Basketball                                       Morgan McCrea (SR/Hattiesburg, MS)
a 33-16 win with Brendan Ferenchik                                                              was named First Team All-Conference
(FR/Callahan, FL), Gaige Owens (FR/               The women’s basketball team took              after finishing first in the SLIAC in total
Marion, IL), Jesus Diaz (FR/Miami              the floor in their first game of the spring      number of 3-pointers made, draining 41.
Lakes, FL), Humberto Alcala (FR/               season on January 24 as they hosted the              The men’s basketball team suffered a
Edinburg, TX), and Zach Thomas                 Kohawks of Coe College. The Tigers               heartbreaking loss to end their season on
(FR/Coon Rapids, MN) all defeating             had a tough season, facing a lot of stiff        April 8 against the Beavers of Blackburn
their opponents. The Tigers picked up          competition. IW finished 2-13 overall            College in the semifinals round of the
their second win over the Blue Jays of         and 2-9 in St. Louis Intercollegiate             conference tournament. IW finished
Westminster College on February 12.            Athletic Conference (SLIAC) play,                5-10 overall and 4-7 in the SLIAC.
Six out of the 10 Tigers who competed          dropping their final game against the            The Tigers largest margin of victory
that day picked up wins, defeating the         Blue Jays of Westminster College in              was a 29-point win over Finlandia
Blue Jays by a score of 33-24. After this      the quarterfinal round of the conference         University at home on February 13,
excellent start to the season, the Tigers      tournament. Anija Simmons (FR/                   their first win of the season. IW will
dropped two duals to tough opponents,          Plano, TX) was named the SLIAC                   return the majority of their team for
the Rams of Cornell College and Indian         Newcomer of the Year and earned                  next season along with some stellar
Hills Community College. Several               Second Team All-Conference honors                recruits. First- year Tiger Carver Locke

17                                                                                           IOWA W E SLE YA N UNI V ERSIT Y       |   SUMMER 2021
Kaleb Cresswell ’22 drives the lane and goes up for a layup as the Tigers take on Cornell,       De’Anna Houston ’23 jumps 3.82m in the long jump event during the Viking Relays in
 February 6, 2021                                                                                 Des Moines on March 26, 2021.

( JR/Maui, Hawaii) was named to the                         also garnered All-Conference
All-Tournament Team after putting up                        honors at the SLIAC
34 points in the two tournament games.                      Outdoor Championships in
Jarryd Fernandes (SR/Sydney, Australia)                     the 3,000 meter steeplechase.
was given First Team All-Conference
honors after he ended the season ranked
first in field goals, offensive rebounds,                   Volleyball
defensive rebounds, total number of
rebounds, and rebounds per game in the                          Jenna Murphy (SR/Pella,
SLIAC.                                                      IA) was the lone Tiger to
                                                            earn SLIAC honors on the
                                                            volleyball team this spring        Jaheem Hampton ’23 scores a touchdown against Westminster when the Tigers
Cross Country and                                           season. Murphy was named
                                                                                               played a home game at Bracewell Stadium on April 10, 2021.

                                                            the Co-Defensive Player of the Year.
Track & Field                                               She led the SLIAC in total number of
                                                                                                              proved to be dominant, forcing eight
                                                                                                              turnovers over the short three-game
                                                            digs, picking up 286 for the season. IW           season. First-year head coach MD
    The men’s and women’s track and                         was victorious in their first match of the
field teams competed in four indoor                                                                           Daniels and his staff were able to pick up
                                                            season as they hosted Eureka College              their first win over Westminster, winning
meets this winter with the SLIAC                            on February 6 in the Ruble Arena. The
Indoor Championships being the final                                                                          by three touchdowns with a final score
                                                            Tigers defeated the Red Devils in three           of 35-14. Joseph Pace (FR/Long Beach,
competition. The men’s team was able                        straight sets. IW concluded their season
to take third place and the women’s side                                                                      California) earned Upper Midwest
                                                            after taking two losses in the conference         Athletic Conference (UMAC) honors,
took fifth overall. Nine Tigers took home                   tournament. The first loss was to
all-conference medals that day in the                                                                         being named the conference defensive
                                                            Westminster College in the quarterfinal           player of the week for his performance in
shot put, distance medley relay, 60-meter                   round, and the final loss came to the
hurdles, and triple jump. During the                                                                          the first game against the Westminster
                                                            Beavers of Blackburn College who                  Blue Jays.
outdoor season, the Tigers saw several                      defeated the Tigers in a consolation
historic performances. The Tigers saw                       round of the tournament in five sets.
six performances throughout the season
that ranked top ten for program history.
Allison Morris ( JR/Antioch, IL) earned                     Football                                                 The women’s soccer team opened up
SLIAC Track Athlete of the Week as
well as qualified for Drake Relays, the                                                                           their spring season with a dominant 9-0
                                                                The football team finished 1-2,                   win over Blackburn College, their largest
first Tiger to do so since 2014. Morris                     in their shortened season due to
garnered All-Conference honors in                                                                                 win of the season. Though the young
                                                            COVID-19. Despite the short season,                   Tiger team showed promise for the
the 10,000 meter race at the SLIAC                          the Tigers put up impressive numbers.
Outdoor Championships and first team                                                                              coming years, the Tigers finished a tough
                                                            In two out of three games, the Tigers                 season finishing 3-9 overall and 2-7 in
All-Conference honors at the SLIAC                          threw for over 300 yards, implementing
Cross Country Championships. Blake                                                                                SLIAC play. Jacequeline Campos (FR/
                                                            the air raid offense that originated at               Azusa, CA) earned SLIAC Third Team
Lenzie (SO/South Wilmington, IL)                            Iowa Wesleyan. The Tiger defense also                 All-Conference honors in her first year

IW.EDU                                                                                                                                                                18

in an IW jersey. Campos tallied 4 goals,
1 assist, 9 points, and took 29 shots,
19 of which were on goal. The Tigers
finished their season with a tough loss to
the No. 3 seeded Westminister Blue Jays
in the SLIAC Tournament.
    The men’s soccer team put up
another great season finishing with
a 6-2-2 overall and SLIAC record.
Aftering having a great regular season,
the Tiger’s season ended in heartbreak
with a 1-0 loss to Fontbonne University
in the SLIAC Tournament. The Tigers
garnered several postseason honors with
Vincent Sanchis (FR/Valencia, Spain)
                                             Joe Herges ’24 throws a pitch as the Tigers play a tough game against Webster on May 10, 2021.
earning Newcomer of the Year for the
SLIAC and SLIAC First Team All-
Conference honors. Sanchis had 49 saves      five finishes during their spring season                   Team All-Conference.She finished
during the season and finished second        as the team battled tough opponents                        the regular season with a .343 batting
in the conference in save percentage         and weather throughout the season. The                     average, a .439 on-base percentage,
(.907). Francisco Javier Saldana ( JR/       team’s best performance came at the                        and a .571 slugging percentage. Alex
Madrid, Spain) and Geovanny Pacheco          Simpson Invitational where the team                        Eyman ( JR/Lockport, IL) was named
(FR/Costa Rica) were given SLIAC             shot 335 in the one-round tournament.                      to the SLIAC All-Tournament for her
First Team All-Conference honors as          Kenneth Tucker (FR/Carrizo Springs,                        performance in the tournament.
well. Xavier Lozada (SO/Guayaquil,           TX) finished tied for fourth at the
Ecuador), Cristian Garcia (SR/Spain),        Simpson Invitational shooting a 78 for
and Tomasz Karauda (FR/Canada) were          the round. At the SLIAC Championship                       Baseball
all given SLIAC Second Team All-             Tournament, the Tigers finished in
Conference honors.                           ninth place after three rounds. Jeff Cox                       The baseball team battled tough
                                             (SR/Mount Pleasant, IA) was the top                        opponents during the course of their
                                             finisher for the Tigers placing 34 at the                  season. The team finished the regular
Golf                                         tournament.                                                season 9-21 in SLIAC play and overall.
                                                                                                        In the SLIAC tournament the Tigers
    The women’s golf team won three                                                                     took on No. 3 seeded Fontbonne
tournaments and finished in second           Softball                                                   University and lost. Facing elimination,
place in four tournaments. The Tigers                                                                   the Tigers were down 3-2 in the bottom
finished in the top two in seven of              The softball team started their season                 of ninth with two out and Levi Avery
their eight tournaments and finished in      slow, but bounced back to finish 4-4                       ( JR/Forsyth, GA) on second. Max
the top three in all eight tournaments.      in SLIAC play and 5-9 overall. The                         Wyninger (FR/Tuscola, IL) was at the
The Tigers also shot one of the lowest       Tigers began postseason play defeating                     plate with a full count. Wyninger blasted
rounds in school history at the Illinois     Westminster College in the first round                     the next pitch he saw over the right
College Invitational shooting a 353          of the SLIAC tournament. In day two                        field fence to walk-off the game and
as a team. Tereza Diez Dorta (SO/            of the SLIAC tournament, the Tigers                        keep the Tigers alive in the tournament.
Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain) won           lost their first game to the No. 1 seeded                  The Tigers once again face Fontbonne
the individual title at the Fighting Scot    Fontbonne Griffins in a heartbreaker.                      University, and the Griffins sent the
Spring Invite during the season and          A loss to Spalding University finished                     Tigers home to end their season. Nick
finished in the top three individually       the Tiger’s season. Morgan Christner                       Salas ( JR/Pipe Creek, TX) earned
five other times during the season. At       (SR/New London, IA) was named                              SLIAC First Team All-Conference
the SLIAC Championship Tournament,           the SLIAC pitcher of the year and                          honors, the only member of the baseball
Diez finished in sixth place to earn         named First Team All-Conference for                        team to receive the honor. Salas had a
Second Team SLIAC All-Conference             the second year in a row. This season,                     batting average of .264, 9 home runs, and
honors. At the SLIAC Championship            Christner led the SLIAC in earned run                      22 RBIs over the course of the season for
Tournament, the team finished in third       average, 1.90, total number of strikeouts,                 the Tigers.
place to end their season.                   and strikeouts per game. Kayla Ford
    The men’s golf team had three top-       (SR/Washington, IL) was named Second

19                                                                                                  IOWA W E SLE YA N UNI V ERSIT Y           |   SUMMER 2021
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