International Partnership Development Today: Insights and Best Practices from Case Studies - by Saroj Siegler Quinn - HAW Hamburg
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CO M P R E H ENS I VE I N TE R N AT IO N A LI Z AT I O N International Partnership Development Today: Insights and Best Practices from Case Studies by Saroj Siegler Quinn Digital Downloads
About NAFSA NAFSA is the largest association of professionals committed exclusively to advancing international higher education. The association provides leadership to its diverse constituencies through establishing principles of good practice and providing professional development opportunities. NAFSA encourages networking among professionals, convenes conferences and collaborative dialogues, and promotes research and knowledge creation to strengthen and serve the field. We lead the way in advocating for a better world through international education. Notice of Liability The information in this document is distributed on an “As is” basis, without warranty. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document, neither the author(s) nor NAFSA shall have any liability to any persons nor entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by the instruction(s) contained in this document. Please note that while NAFSA periodically checks and updates the website links included in this Digital Download, NAFSA cannot guarantee that every link to another institution’s website is current. Acceptable Use Guidelines Electronic resources are provided for the benefit of the international education community. However, commercial use, systematic or excessive downloading, or electronic redistribution of this publication are all expressly prohibited Released 2017. ©2017 NAFSA: Association of International Educators. All rights reserved. 2
About the Author Saroj Siegler Quinn is the director of international language and professional programs for the College of Extended Learning at San Francisco State University. Quinn has more than a decade of experience managing international higher education programs and developing global partnerships. She has developed strategies for internationalization, international enrollment management, partnership development, recruitment, marketing, and branding. Quinn has worked with U.S. and international universities, governmental and nongovernmental organizations, associations, and foundations globally. She earned a bachelor’s degree in sociology from Princeton University and a master’s degree in higher education administration with a concentration in international education from The George Washington University. 3
INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT TODAY: INSIGHTS AND BEST PRACTICES FROM CASE STUDIES Table of Contents About the Author. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Strategic Partnerships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Quality Versus Quantity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Diversity of Partnerships. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Partnerships in New and Emerging Markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 References and Additional Resources. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Appendix. Case Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Case Study 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Miami Dade College (MDC), Florida, USA Lorenzo de’ Medyici Institute (LdM), Florence, Rome, and Tuscany, Italy Case Study 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 California State University-Long Beach (CSULB), California, USA Hamburg University of the Applied Sciences (HAW), Hamburg, Germany Case Study 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 City University of Hong Kong (CityU), Hong Kong SAR Columbia University, New York, USA Case Study 4. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 College of Staten Island (CSI), City University of New York, New York, USA Instituto Superior Pedagogico Enrique Jose Varona (UCPEJV), Havana, Cuba Case Study 5. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 California State University-Fullerton (CSUF), California, USA Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), Niterói, Brazil Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), São Paulo, Brazil Universidade São Paulo–Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação (USP-ICMC), São Carlos, Brazil Case Study 6. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 The George Washington University School of Business (GW), Washington, DC, USA Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Copenhagen, Denmark Case Study 7. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Mount Holyoke College, South Hadley, Massachusetts, USA Monteverde Institute (MVI), Monteverde, Costa Rica Goucher College, Baltimore, Maryland, USA Case Study 8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Tennessee State University (TSU), Nashville, Tennessee, USA Centro Colombo Americano, Bogotá, Colombia EAFIT University (EAFIT), Medellin, Colombia Case Study 9. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Grand Valley State University (GVSU), Allendale, Michigan, USA Universidad del Bío Bío (UBB), Concepción, Chile 4
INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT TODAY: INSIGHTS AND BEST PRACTICES FROM CASE STUDIES Introduction Institutions should define the goals of the ■■ partnership and identify an appropriate In the past decade, the scope of partnership partner to achieve these goals. The success development has expanded and evolved as of a partnership is measured against the goals universities have developed robust internation- of that partnership; thus, clear and attainable alization strategies. These strategies have been goals must be identified by the institution from the beginning. Once the goals have been de- influenced by the rise of new technologies, fined, it is easier to determine and communicate increased diversity in partnership types and the attributes that an institution seeks from an domains, and institutional goals of creating appropriate partner. Tatiana Mackliff and Carol programs that are responsive to changing demo- Reyes from Miami Dade College (MDC) stress graphics. Together, these internationalization that partnering institutions’ “values, mission, strategies have led to a notable shift from ad hoc areas of academic strength, and academic calen- to strategic international partnerships. dar” should align (Case Study 1). For example, when creating a collaborative degree program, This publication focuses on the ways in which it is best to identify a partner with a similar aca- institutions have become increasingly strategic demic caliber and compatible majors and gradu- in their internationalization efforts and the ation requirements. If the goal is to establish a key shifts and factors influencing institutions’ joint research program, it may be necessary that approaches to partnership development. This both institutions have appropriate lab facilities, publication aims to provide international educa- resources, and faculty interest. In a productive tors with insight into higher education partner- partnership, each partnering institution must ship development today. Different partnership leverage its individual strengths to contribute to types and trends will be discussed and real-life the other, as well as the dynamic as a whole. case studies will be presented. The case stud- ■■ Both institutions should establish a mutual, ies illustrate the challenges of establishing, equitable, and fair commitment of time and implementing, and sustaining partnerships in the resources. This does not necessarily mean that context of the contemporary and rapidly chang- one partner might not take the lead in a particu- ing landscape of global collaboration. lar area, but partnerships flourish when both partners are invested. For example, California What Makes a Partnership Successful? State University-Long Beach (CSULB) and For many years, international partnerships were Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW) comprised of mostly student exchange agree- have been able to develop a thriving partner- ments. Although student exchange agreements ship due to a mutual agreement to provide are still prevalent, partnerships now take on a “the resources required to nurture and grow [their] strategic partnership” (Case Study 2). greater variety of forms. Moreover, partnerships While the CSULB-HAW partnership began with can begin in one form and evolve over time. a single international business workshop, it There are countless factors that can lead to part- has gradually evolved to include a number of nership success or failure and these factors can faculty-led initiatives (for more information, see vary based on partnership type, length, goals, Case Study 2). HAW committed resources for etc. (see Tillman 2007; Kinser and Green 2009; travel stipends, marketing, and partner visits, Van de Water, Green, and Koch 2008 for more while CSULB focused its efforts on develop- detailed discussions of success factors). To help ing more faculty-led programs. Although the set the stage for a productive and viable partner- institutions are committing different resources, ship, institutions should consider the following both institutions have deemed the allocation to best practices. be equitable. 5
INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT TODAY: INSIGHTS AND BEST PRACTICES FROM CASE STUDIES The level of investment that each institution CSI’s leadership, appropriate funding was offers will vary depending on the complexity of provided to keep the program planning stages the partnership. Some partnerships, such as a moving forward. Program success is heavily student exchange agreement, may require only dependent on a sustained commitment from a minimal commitment of resources annually, campus leadership. whereas a collaborative degree program is The role and scope of international partnerships likely to require a greater sustained administra- continue to change to meet the developing needs tive commitment. Regardless of what type of of the students, faculty, and institutions. Some partnership is involved, it is best practice to of the trending factors affecting the development establish an understanding and clear guidelines of international higher education partnerships delineating what is expected of both partners. today include: For example, the Joint Bachelor's Degree ■■ Strategic Partnerships: the shift from ad hoc Program between City University of Hong Kong friendship agreements to agreements that are (CityU) and Columbia University has been pro- considerably more strategic in nature; ductive in large part because both institutions “have invested heavily in the administration of ■■ Quality Versus Quantity: increased selectivity as the program, from development of the program institutions establish partnerships that contrib- website and joint promotional events to the se- ute to their internationalization portfolios; lection and interviews of the candidates to the ■■ Diversity of Partnerships: the rise of short-term, academic advising and counseling of program collaborative degree, and research- or industry- participants from both schools” (Case Study 3). focused programs; and It is only through mutual efforts and resources ■■ Partnerships in New and Emerging Markets: that CityU and Columbia have been able to a commitment to the introduction of partner- maintain the program and keep the channels of ships in nontraditional destinations. communication open. The implications of these trends on partnership ■■ Institutions should secure support from formation, development, and sustainability will the appropriate players on campus. be explored throughout this publication. Memorandums of understanding, or agree- ments, can develop at a variety of levels within institutions; they can be approved by a faculty member, department chair, college dean, president, or provost. Consequently, faculty Strategic Partnerships and leadership members must share the same One of the most notable changes seen in the institutional vision when it comes to partner- evolution of partnership development is the ship discussions and negotiations. Dedicated growing emphasis on strategic partnerships that administrative and faculty support is crucial to align with and support internationalization goals. ensuring that there is a sufficient, and usually Institutions have begun to cultivate partner- ongoing, allocation of the resources needed ships that have the potential to grow beyond a for the partnership to succeed. The College of single activity, such as a student exchange or Staten Island’s (CSI) experience in launching a faculty-led program, to ones that cross numer- new program in Cuba (Case Study 4) demon- ous disciplines and activities and lead to robust, strates that the initial investment can require multifaceted collaborations. more resources than anticipated, especially in a nontraditional market. However, through the Institutions engage in careful and deliberate com- support and perseverance of key players within munication and action in order to build strategic 6
INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT TODAY: INSIGHTS AND BEST PRACTICES FROM CASE STUDIES partnerships that in some way enhance their In the example of California State University- campus or position in the global arena. When Fullerton (CSUF), administrators made a approached by a new partner or approaching a conscious decision to establish partnerships that possible new partner, institutions often use more featured multiple capacity-building activities in formal procedures to determine if the partner- line with the university’s mission and strategic ship will truly benefit the institution; these goals. As a Hispanic-serving institution, CSUF measures often include applications, checklists, chose to engage in partnerships that would and structured conversations. The responses to expand its collaborations in Latin America and these exploratory exercises may be presented “emphasize participation of first-generation and and vetted by a committee comprised of both culturally diverse students” (Case Study 5). faculty and staff to ensure that the proposed Additionally, CSUF was awarded a 100,000 Strong partner adds value to the international profile. in the Americas Innovation Fund grant to partner Some institutions will require a formal vote for with Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP) an institutional-level partnership to be signed. In in Brazil on an experiential STEM-focused other cases, committees may present their recom- mobility program designed to support engineer- mendations but ultimately leave the decision in ing students, thereby reaching students in the the hands of the institution’s senior international underrepresented STEM fields. CSUF’s collabora- officer, provost, or president. Throughout these tions demonstrate how the university’s strategic deliberations, most institutions aim to balance goals have helped to shape its international their portfolios so that partnerships do not com- partnerships. pete with existing initiatives, which can then lead This case study also introduces the idea of to inadequate participation. “creative reciprocity,” a strategy that can be implemented in a variety of ways. Institutions Strategic Goals may agree on a formula for reciprocity that devi- Strategic approaches to partnership development ates from the traditional one-to-one exchange. consider factors such as the region, academic For example, four U.S. students might attend a discipline, degree level, program duration, and short summer program at an Indian institution more, alongside the institution’s internationaliza- in exchange for one Indian student attending a tion goals. Strategic goals vary by institution, but semester-long program at the partnering U.S. might include: institution. Creative reciprocity can also apply to ■■ Diversifying study abroad program types the multi-institutional exchanges commonly used and duration; in consortia, such as the Institute of International ■■ Reaching a specific target percentage of students Education’s (IIE) Global E3 program. In this con- studying abroad; sortium program, member institutions agree to accept engineering students from any of the other ■■ Identifying international internship member institutions. For instance, a student from opportunities; Hong Kong might go to a university in the United ■■ Developing joint research collaborations; States, while a student from the United States ■■ Expanding opportunities for study or research goes to a university in France or any of the more for students from underrepresented majors; and than 70 member institutions that reside in the 40 participating countries. This type of reciprocity ■■ Launching opportunities in nontraditional can offer students more flexibility in options markets. and can help institutions to maintain balance. Creative reciprocity is becoming increasingly 7
INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT TODAY: INSIGHTS AND BEST PRACTICES FROM CASE STUDIES common and can provide the framework for a (GW) School of Business, along with the busi- greater variety of strategic goal-oriented partner- ness schools at The University of North Carolina ships to thrive. at Chapel Hill (UNC) and Duke University (Duke), collaborated on an innovative program Complex Partnerships model with Copenhagen Business School (CBS) In addition to an increased emphasis on partner- in Denmark (for more information, see Case ships that reinforce an institution’s strategic goals Study 6). Students from CBS attend GW for a for internationalization, there is a move toward traditional semester-long program. While GW, more complex partnerships. They can span UNC, and Duke students can attend CBS for a disciplines, have multiple objectives, and may semester-long program or one-week intensive not fit neatly into a box. These partnerships often program centered on sustainability and social begin as a simple departmental arrangement or responsibility, a theme that is featured in all of student exchange agreement but evolve over time their respective institutional missions. Bryan to become more inclusive. Andriano, the executive director of the busi- ness school at GW, notes that “Having multiple California State University-Long Beach (CSULB) institutions collaborate on a single program is offers a prime example of how a small depart- inherently more complicated than a bilateral mental partnership grew into a prospering, design, but it has allowed for some flexibility in multilayered institutional partnership (for more years where demand has fluctuated among the information, see Case Study 2). CSULB and U.S. institutions; should one institution not meet Hamburg University of the Applied Sciences its quota, it may offer available spaces to other (HAW) started on a small scale in 1993 with a institutions” (Case Study 6). This multilateral joint international business workshop that was partnership implements a mixed program model met with success. However, students outside that appeals to more diverse student interests of the business schools were not aware of the and needs by including short and semester- partnership and the opportunities it presented. long options. Given the multitude of goals and Thus, in 2008, both partners decided that the requirements involved in the partnership, there partnership was a priority and the agreement is a greater need for ongoing oversight and com- was expanded to the institutional level through munication between all four institutions. a well-defined, multitiered strategy that included semester exchange, short-term programs, faculty It is important to note that these partnerships can collaboration, and joint workshops. The case be challenging and labor intensive because of of CSULB demonstrates a shift from purely their growing complexities. Nevertheless, these transactional partnerships to transformational and other partnerships are essential elements of relationships that can lay the foundation for campus internationalization efforts and missions. substantial academic engagement, expanded Given the overwhelming prospects that partner- curricular offerings, and internationalization for ships can entail, institutions must be increasingly both institutions. strategic when cultivating their partnerships. Partnerships can also grow from national initia- tives or consortia and may include corporate or nonprofit partners. Multi-institution partnerships Quality Versus Quantity can increase the sustainability of programs by Institutions have become more selective as they adding mechanisms to maintain balance. For focus on establishing partnerships that contribute example, The George Washington University to their internationalization strategies. The days 8
INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT TODAY: INSIGHTS AND BEST PRACTICES FROM CASE STUDIES of measuring successful internationalization For example, Mount Holyoke College, a small lib- efforts by the number of partners and signed eral arts college for women, prioritized its invest- memorandums of understanding (MoUs) are in ment in high-potential partnerships that advance the past. Now, institutions often only sign MoUs and support university curricular goals (for more when there is a clear plan in place to augment information, see Case Study 7). Mount Holyoke the MoU with an engagement and implementa- reviewed its current international activities and tion strategy. Some institutions have taken this then retired agreements that were dormant. The a step further by reviewing all of their current school made the decision that “new collabora- agreements and retiring those that have never led tions with institutions abroad had to be strategic, to specific activities or have become dormant in meeting multiple student and faculty interests recent years. and needs” (Case Study 7). One such institu- tion that met those terms was the Monteverde One factor that can contribute to the delinea- Institute (MVI), a nonprofit research center in tion between a partnership of quantity from Costa Rica. According to Kirk Lange, Eva Paus, one of quality is the language used. Gatewood and Joanne Picard from Mount Holyoke: and Sutton (2017) categorize agreements as “agreements of intentionality” or “agreements of MVI’s mission to blend classroom implementation.” Agreements of intentionality learning, applied research, and com- are more ambiguous and often take the form of munity engagement in support of a MoUs. They demonstrate an interest or desire to sustainable future fit well with Mount explore the possibility of working together, but Holyoke’s strategic focus on environ- generally do not lay out a clear plan, strategy, mental sustainability and place-based or measurable goals. In contrast, agreements of learning. We had several faculty from implementation are considerably more specific different disciplines, whose research and can take many forms, such as a student interests connected both with Costa exchange agreement, research partnership, or Rica and Mount Holyoke’s institutional joint degree program. They are generally written priorities, providing a strong base for a specific period of time and must be renewed for developing an interdisciplinary or retired after that period. Agreements of imple- program. (Case Study 7) mentation are seen by many as more meaningful However, Mount Holyoke identified early on and of value because they include clear, measur- that due to its relatively small student body, the able activities and outcomes. program would not generate sufficient enrollment In addition to focusing on partnerships that are numbers among Mount Holyoke students alone. implementable and have defined goals, many Partnering with another U.S. university, in this institutions are trying to assess the potential case Goucher College, which shared its values long-term sustainability of programs early on and and goals allowed Mount Holyoke to build a sus- are creating frameworks to enhance the potential tainable program and viable pool of participants. success of the partnership. Institutions that seek Mount Holyoke’s partnership with MVI and to launch a new program or partnership but have Goucher illustrates the importance of assessing doubts that their institution alone can sustain potential student demand and regularly review- the program may consider partnering with a peer ing resource needs in order to maintain high- institution, nonprofit corporation, or government quality programs. Furthermore, finding a partner agency to create a dynamic, sound program. that fits an institution’s needs and objectives is fundamental to an active partnership agreement. 9
INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT TODAY: INSIGHTS AND BEST PRACTICES FROM CASE STUDIES An emphasis on the quality over the quantity of looking for internship opportunities and training partnerships often leads to institutions retiring that can be applied to their future careers. duplicative agreements and choosing instead to invest in new partnerships that diversify and add Short-Term Programs value to their international portfolios. The rise of short-term programs is not a new phe- nomenon. According to IIE's Open Doors report, as of 2014/2015, 63 percent of students studying Diversity of Partnerships abroad chose short-term academic year pro- grams, summer term, or January term programs, Partnerships come in many shapes and sizes whereas only 37 percent participated in programs and vary in duration and scope. They include lasting one quarter or longer (IIE 2016). student and faculty exchanges, collaborative degree programs, research projects, internships, The growth of short-term programs is demon- branch campuses, and more. Partnerships have strated qualitatively through the case studies traditionally focused on in-person interaction and highlighted in this publication. All of the case residency programs; however, this is no longer an studies, with the exception of the joint degree essential element. With the rise of video confer- program in Case Study 3, include a short-term encing, smart classrooms, and other technologies, component. These partnerships may not be lim- students and faculty can engage in joint teaching ited to short-term programs, but they emphasize and research from a distance. Partnerships may the role that short-term programming has had in be all in person, all virtual, or a hybrid delivery increasing student participation rates, engaging a method. Moreover, virtual collaborations may be more diverse student population, and achieving synchronous or asynchronous. strategic institutional goals. Three developments that have become increas- For example, Case Study 1 describes how Miami ingly popular and have become a centerpiece Dade College (MDC) began its collaboration with of many institutions’ internationalization Lorenzo de’ Medici Institute (LdM) as a semester- strategies include: long program through the College Consortium for International Studies (CCIS). In 2016, however, ■■ Short-term programs; MDC shifted its model to a direct partnership ■■ Collaborative degrees (joint, dual, or double with LdM, which allowed students to primarily degrees); and engage in the faculty-led summer program. MDC made the decision to shift its program model ■■ Programs with a research, internship, or because 92 percent of MDC students participate practicum component. in short-term, mainly faculty-led, programs Institutions have seen a rise in partnerships (Carol Reyes, pers. comm.). The demographics of that fall on opposite ends of the time spectrum, the MDC student body help to explain this prefer- including short-term programs that last a week ence for short-term programming. Many MDC or two and collaborative degree programs that students are first-generation, low-income minor- generally comprise two years at each institution. ity students or nontraditional students who don’t Some students are looking to truly distinguish have the financial means or liberty to participate themselves from their peers and are eager to in long-term study abroad. Additionally, many participate in programs that lead to an additional students are focused on completing their studies degree or a jointly issued degree. Others are in order to enter the workforce and are drawn to the appeal of a shorter time frame. Shifting the 10
INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT TODAY: INSIGHTS AND BEST PRACTICES FROM CASE STUDIES program from a semester-long to a faculty-led short-term programs, collaborative degrees are short-term program significantly increased par- also growing in popularity. Whether referred ticipation among MDC students. to as "joint degree programs" or "dual degree programs," students complete a considerable MDC is not the only institution that has revised portion of their studies at two different institu- its partnership development strategies to focus tions and ultimately earn a single jointly issued heavily on short-term programs. The emphasis credential, two degrees, or even multiple degrees. on short-term programs is seen across different Jane Knight states that collaborative degrees institutional types; however, it is especially popu- may include “double, multiple, tri-national, joint, lar at minority-serving institutions with a large integrated, collaborative, international, consecu- percentage of first-generation college students. tive, concurrent, co-tutelle, overlapping, conjoint, Tennessee State University (TSU), a histori- parallel, simultaneous, and common degrees” cally black college and university (HBCU) with (2011, 299). a history of low study abroad participation, Collaborative degree programs are on the rise and launched short-term exchanges and more than are attractive to students for many reasons. The tripled its study abroad participation in just three programs provide students with an immersive years (for more information, see Case Study 8). experience that usually spans one to two years Through Tennessee State University’s partnership and gives them the chance to hone their foreign with Centro Colombo Americano and EAFIT language skills. Participants may potentially University (EAFIT) in Colombia, the 10-day achieve a working proficiency or even fluency in intensive research projects in a foreign country another language. Collaborative degree programs offer an alternative model that has the potential also provide more opportunities for cocurricular to provide a significant intercultural experience practical experience than is possible on short- to students who have limited financial resources. term or exchange programs. Students are likely This short-term program has greatly expanded to participate in internships or research programs inbound and outbound mobility. during university breaks or the academic term. To ensure that short-term programs add educa- These students are often eligible for a period of tional value and engage students in substantive postgraduate employment because they have cross-cultural learning, institutions are imple- earned a local degree. With near native language menting strategies to utilize technology and other skills, local internship or research experience, resources to supplement the overseas programs. and eligibility for postgraduate employment, Moreover, partnerships are often re-envisioned collaborative degree students have a competitive to include both pre- and post-program content advantage when applying for roles at multina- and engagement. Thus, the discussion is shifting tional companies. These programs may also away from the merits of short-term program- appeal to students interested in pursuing a career ming and moving toward the structure itself. outside of their home country. Institutions are increasingly faced with the ques- For example, students in the Joint Bachelor’s tion of how to create quality partnerships that Degree Program between City University of Hong ensure that short-term programs are transforma- Kong and Columbia University complete all of tional, educational experiences. the requirements for an equivalent major at both institutions and earn two bachelor’s degrees in Collaborative Degrees the same discipline (for more information, see Although some of the increase in study abroad Case Study 3). After some lengthy discussions participation numbers have been represented in 11
INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT TODAY: INSIGHTS AND BEST PRACTICES FROM CASE STUDIES between the partners, “joint degree program” Research and Professional was deemed to be the most appropriate title Experience Programs for this program. All courses are matched and As institutions aim to offer programs with a articulated and the administrators felt that the greater curricular or professional impact, many term “joint degree” reflected their vision of one are cultivating partnerships that include a consistent program where credits are transferred research, internship, or practicum component. in both directions to fulfill each institution’s These field-based programs come in a variety major, core, and elective requirements. This joint of formats and durations, ranging from a few degree program offers students an immersion site visits woven into a short-term program experience in two very distinct learning environ- to a semester-long internship or research ments. Graduates of this program are gaining experience. These programs support institu- traditional and applied knowledge, along with a tional strategic goals of expanding applied cross-cultural experience, that prepares them to learning opportunities. excel in a globalized world. For example, Mount Holyoke recently decided The numerous institutional benefits and par- to capitalize on its momentum and expand the ticipant success stories of collaborative degree impact of the Monteverde partnership by leverag- programs have many institutions racing to ing Mount Holyoke’s flagship Lynk program. The establish new programs. Faculty and administra- Lynk program “integrates curricular and applied tors are excited about the potential effects that learning and provides funding for a summer these partnerships have in internationalizing their internship or research project” (for more informa- campuses, attracting higher quality students, tion, see Case Study 7). Utilizing this program increasing mobility, and building on existing or model, Mount Holyoke aims to further advance establishing new relationships. As a result, how- the community-based learning component by ever, many institutions are haphazardly pursuing providing students with the support to conduct these partnerships without first considering the an applied summer project in Costa Rica. administrative burden, level of student demand, The process of setting up such a program was and curricular alignment involved. Collaborative made easier given the existing relationships degree programs are considerably more challeng- that Mount Holyoke already has in Monteverde; ing to launch and sustain than short-term or tra- however, it still required extensive planning and ditional semester-long exchanges. Collaborative communication for the summer project program degree programs take extensive cooperation and to come to fruition. Some of the common chal- faculty and administrator time because a uni- lenges of expanding research, internship, or fied degree-granting program must be mapped practicum experiences abroad include: student out and articulation agreements negotiated to visa policies, local faculty support, and access to comply with legal and accreditation standards. the in-country industry. Stringent visa policies Additionally, collaborative degree programs are make obtaining authorization for students to selective, can be prohibitively expensive, and work, even for unpaid opportunities, a cumber- are more time intensive than many students some process. Furthermore, host country faculty are interested in or expect. Thus, collaborative are sometimes reluctant to offer visiting students degrees are likely to continue to make up a small research opportunities in their labs due to con- percentage of overseas experiences compared cerns about the training time, language barriers, with short-term and semester-long programs. and students’ commitment to the work. Faculty may prefer to reserve research opportunities 12
INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT TODAY: INSIGHTS AND BEST PRACTICES FROM CASE STUDIES for local students who may commit to a longer landscape in which these programs function are placement and whose background can be readily changing. Case Study 4 on The College of Staten assessed. Finally, building the necessary industry Island (CSI) illustrates the processes and factors connections to identify internships, practicum, that go into establishing a short-term program and opportunities for site visits can be time for students to “study the history and pedagogy consuming for both partners. Institutions are of Cuban education with observation in a K–12 often hesitant to secure placements for visiting Cuban classroom setting.” The proposed pro- students because these opportunities are limited gram will enable students to not only complete in number and can be highly competitive. their coursework, but they will also have the opportunity to observe and participate in Cuban Despite the challenges, many institutions have K–12 classrooms, a domain that has traditionally been able to develop partnerships with research, been off-limits to Americans. During the program internship, and practicum components. Some development process, CSI and the Instituto of the more successful models include courses Superior Pedagogico Enrique Jose Varona centered on practical experience where faculty (UCPEJV) have encountered certain political, advise students in securing an internship and economic, and administrative hurdles, including then award credit for the experience. Another the need to re-establish political pathways when common partnership model is a course where the oversight of UCPEJV shifted from one ministry to research experience is integrated into the curricu- another, limited financial resources, and changing lum. When pursuing this avenue, it is important institutional rules and regulations (for more infor- to note that host institutions are often more likely mation, see Case Study 4). In order to overcome to consider internships, research, and practicums these challenges, CSI and UCPEJV relied on the when they are part of a longer-term study pro- commitment of the upper administration at both gram and a mutually beneficial partnership. schools to invest the needed time and resources into the negotiations and program development. Partnerships in New and In another case study, Grand Valley State University (GVSU) began a partnership with Emerging Markets the Universidad del Bio Bio (UBB) in Chile, a dynamic and emerging market (for more infor- As part of their strategic approach to partnership mation, see Case Study 9). This relationship grew development, many institutions are working beyond the initial student exchange in 2011 and toward diversifying their partners by looking at has evolved each year to respond to student and different world regions. These partnership oppor- faculty needs. New partnership initiatives include tunities may require new considerations and faculty immersion programs, faculty training added levels of preparation and communication workshops, study tours, and the launch of a dual to ensure that they are successful. It is important degree. The viability of the programs was chal- to research and take into account the national lenged a few years ago when “UBB shut down contexts and institutional infrastructures of differ- for a period of time in 2015, causing uncertainty ent countries when considering partnerships. among GVSU exchange students there. But the One market that is currently receiving increased department where most GVSU students took attention from U.S. institutions is Cuba. Although courses held classes anyway, so student progress some U.S. universities have had educational was not delayed” (Case Study 9). With faculty programs in Cuba for years, the structure and and administrators dedicating the time and resources to cultivating meaningful relationships 13
INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT TODAY: INSIGHTS AND BEST PRACTICES FROM CASE STUDIES and understanding the needs of each institution, some institutions are strategically focusing their the GVSU-UBB partnership has grown into an partnerships, diversifying their program scopes active and diverse set of programs. and durations, and employing alternative and complex models. Building a partnership with an institution in a new or emerging market may require a These shifts in partnership development thrive greater financial and administrative commit- with appropriate faculty and administrator over- ment up front and may progress more slowly sight, reflection, and intervention on both sides. than expected. As a result, it is important that In addition to gathering information about part- universities looking to establish partnerships nership activities, faculty and administrators need in new destinations have the needed faculty, to track whether the partnership is meeting the administrative, and financial support to see the goals of both institutions. If there are concerns, process through to the end, as well as patience partnership modification or a larger evolution and realistic expectations. These partnerships may be needed to ensure long-term sustainability. are more likely to succeed if they are in line The availability of new and low cost technology with strategic goals and have widespread insti- has helped to facilitate global communication, tutional support. It is important that faculty and thus changing the nature in which institutions administrators consider the potential quality and cultivate and transform partnerships. According sustainability of the partnership and the benefits to Mandy Reinig, director of Study Away at to both institutions. Virginia Wesleyan College, “Institutions can take advantage of video conferencing and voice over internet protocol (VOIP) options. These can be Conclusion utilized to cut down on the cost of travel, connect The scope of partnerships has broadened and faculty to each other, review documents, and the international portfolios of higher educa- assist in eliminating confusion or miscommunica- tion institutions are more diverse than ever. As tion that can sometimes be created via email multifaceted partnerships emerge that align with or written communication” (pers. comm.). The universities’ strategic goals, existing partnerships work that would traditionally take significant need to evolve to remain relevant and sustain- periods of time and financial resources to secure able. Partnerships must be responsive to the ever- can potentially be accomplished to a large changing needs of the students, administrators, extent via the latest, most secure electronic tools and faculty. and services. Critical to the success of any productive long- Technology and social media have transformed term partnership is a shared commitment by how institutions promote programs, recruit par- both institutions. The negotiation and signing of ticipants, and sustain partnerships. For example, an agreement provides the legal framework and one of the key elements of the enhanced market- objectives for a relationship, but that should not ing strategy for the CSULB-HAW partnership be the end goal. Many institutions focus more of discussed in Case Study 2 was the use of social their time on cultivating new relationships than media to connect prospective students with on managing and fostering the strategic direction peers who had previously studied in Germany. of existing relationships. This can lead to pro- Students often rely on social media to select grams that fail to launch, dormant agreements, their programs, engage with the curricula and or ones with only short-term results. In response, culture, and provide feedback on their programs. Institutions can use these communication 14
INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT TODAY: INSIGHTS AND BEST PRACTICES FROM CASE STUDIES channels to take the pulse of a program more students-mobile-learning-practices-in-higher- frequently and work with their partners to ensure education-a-multiyear-study. that the program develops to meet institutional Gatewood, Jane, and Susan Buck Sutton. 2017. and students’ needs. Internationalization in Action: International Mobile technology has changed how people view Partnerships. Part One: Definitions and communication and their expectations surround- Dimensions. Washington, DC: American Council ing communication. Partnership agreements can on Education. be negotiated faster because the challenges of Helms, Robin Matross. 2014. Mapping working across time zones are less problematic International Joint and Dual Degrees: U.S. and a student crisis can be resolved from any- Program Profiles and Perspectives. Washington, where. However, administrators must be strategic DC: American Council on Education. in their approaches to their communication with both the students and partnering institutions. Helms, Robin Matross. 2015. International Clear and ongoing dialogue is needed to develop Higher Education Partnerships: A Global Review and support responsive partnerships. of Standards and Practices. Washington, DC: American Council on Education. Historically, the scope of partnership develop- ment has been influenced by external political, Institute of International Education (IIE). 2016. economic, and ideological factors. For many “Duration of U.S. Study Abroad, 2004/05- years, the trend toward globalization has 2014/15.” Open Doors Report on International increased political, economic, and social inter- Educational Exchange. connectedness and has transformed the realm opendoors. of higher education. When faced with ever- Kinser, Kevin, and Madeleine F. Green. 2009. changing world events, international educators The Power of Partnerships: A Transatlantic will take on new challenges to partnership devel- Dialogue. Washington, DC: American Council on opment and need to be strategic and deliberate in Education. their thinking to ensure that diverse international partnerships continue to thrive. Knight, Jane. 2011. “Doubts and Dilemmas With Double Degree Programs.” International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education 8, References and 2:297–312. Additional Resources Kuder, Mattias, Nina Lemmens, and Daniel Obst, eds. 2014. Global Perspectives on International Banks, Claire, Birgit Siebe-Herbig, and Karin Joint and Double Degree Programs. Washington, Norton, eds. 2016. Global Perspectives on Strategic DC: Institute of International Education. International Partnerships: A Guide to Building Pew Research Center. 2017. “Mobile Fact Sheet.” Sustainable Academic Linkages. Washington, DC: Washington, DC: Pew Research Center. Institute of International Education. Chen, Baiyun, Ryan Seilhamer, Luke Bennett, Sandström, Anna-Malin, and Leasa Weimer. and Sue Bauer. 2015. “Students’ Mobile Learning 2016. The EAIE Barometer International Strategic Practices in Higher Education: A Multi-Year Partnerships. Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Study.” EDUCAUSE Review. June 22, 2015, European Association for International Education (EAIE). 15
INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT TODAY: INSIGHTS AND BEST PRACTICES FROM CASE STUDIES Smith, D. Frank. 2015. “Report: How Millennials Use Mobile Devices at College.” EdTech. August Appendix. Case Studies 26, 2015, The nine case studies that follow illustrate some higher/article/2015/08/report-how-millennials- of the rationales, challenges, and best practices use-mobile-devices-college. that these U.S. institutions have seen during their partnership development processes. The featured Sutton, Susan Buck. 2010. “Transforming partnerships include: Internationalization Through Partnerships.” International Educator XIX, 1:60–63. ■■ Miami Dade College with Lorenzo de’ Medici Institute Sutton, Susan Buck, and Daniel Obst. 2011. The Changing Landscape of International ■■ California State University-Long Beach with Partnerships. Washington, DC: Institute of Hamburg University of the Applied Sciences International Education. ■■ City University of Hong Kong with Columbia University TapShield. n.d. “Data Sheet: College Demographic Smartphone Ownership & Usage.” ■■ College of Staten Island with Instituto Superior Clearwater, FL: TapShield. Pedagogico Enrique Jose Varona data-sheet-college-demographic-smartphone- ■■ California State University-Fullerton with ownership-usage. Universidade Federal Fluminense, Universidade Tillman, Martin J., ed. 2007. Cooperating With Estadual Paulista, and Universidade São a University in the United States: NAFSA’s Guide Paulo–Instituto de Ciências Matemáticas e de Computação to Interuniversity Linkages, Revised Edition. Washington, DC: NAFSA: Association of ■■ The George Washington University School of International Educators. Business with Copenhagen Business School Tobenkin, David. 2016. “Latin America ■■ Mount Holyoke College with Monteverde Partnerships Cross Borders.” International Institute and Goucher College Educator XXV, 2:24–35. ■■ Tennessee State University with Centro Van de Water, Jack, Madeleine F. Green, and Colombo Americano and EAFIT University Kimberly Koch. 2008. International Partnerships: ■■ Grand Valley State University with Universidad Guidelines for Colleges and Universities. del Bío Bío Washington, DC: American Council on All of the case studies highlight the importance Education. of developing partnerships that speak strategi- West, Charlotte. 2015. “Degrees Without cally to institutional contexts and priorities. The Borders.” International Educator XXIV, 4:21–32. case studies provide international education professionals with solid models to consider and insights that may apply to their own internationalization initiatives. The author would like to thank all of the case study contributors for sharing valuable insights from their institutions’ experiences developing partnerships. 16
INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT TODAY: INSIGHTS AND BEST PRACTICES FROM CASE STUDIES Case Study 1 Miami Dade College (MDC), Florida, USA Lorenzo de’ Medyici Institute (LdM), Florence, Rome, and Tuscany, Italy —Tatiana Mackliff, Executive Director of International Education, MDC, and Carol Reyes, Director of Global Student Initiatives, MDC BACKGROUND laboratory work, which was complemented by Miami Dade College (MDC) offers programs in customized visits to local hospitals and health more than 100 cities in Asia, the Middle East, care facilities. These visits gave students access Latin America, and Europe via a wide range of to the local community and enabled MDC to consortium, direct exchange, and other partner- build ties within the Italian medical community. ships. Despite MDC’s geographic proximity and The course will be repeated in summer 2017 and, cultural affinity to the Latin American region, due to the success of the program, MDC and LdM recent activity and survey results have dem- are now exploring avenues for faculty exchange onstrated that MDC students have a particular and development. interest in western Europe as a study abroad des- tination, which led to MDC’s historic cooperation CHALLENGES with Lorenzo de’ Medici Institute (LdM). Study abroad programs at state-supported post- secondary institutions such as MDC are limited PARTNERSHIP EVOLUTION primarily by financial constraints—those of the MDC joined the College Consortium for students, who are primarily low income, and the International Studies (CCIS) in 1979 to engage institutions themselves, which strive to serve students in affordable international options economically disadvantaged students by keeping within a renowned consortium. Since then, tuition low. Therefore, the cost of study abroad MDC’s collaboration with LdM, one of CCIS’s can present an issue for sustaining the programs. member institutions, has evolved into a direct Another challenge is managing the amount and partnership that provides a platform for summer, level of communication needed to sustain a suc- semester, and yearlong study abroad for MDC cessful partnership, especially while navigating students; more than 33 MDC students have stud- differences in time zones and when one institu- ied at LdM since 2007. tion is relatively understaffed. If the partnership Leveraging the strong partnership that developed includes a faculty-led component, professors through the consortium, MDC proposed and must be willing to work beyond regular working successfully executed its first faculty-led study hours to make the program a success because it abroad program to LdM (outside of the CCIS rela- will require constant coordination with the part- tionship) in summer 2016. During the program, ner as well as regular support and advisement to 14 MDC students and one MDC faculty member students before and during the program. were hosted by LdM for a month-long human Other challenges include understanding work anatomy and physiology II course. The course cultures and communication styles and making consisted of in-classroom instruction as well as 17
INTERNATIONAL PARTNERSHIP DEVELOPMENT TODAY: INSIGHTS AND BEST PRACTICES FROM CASE STUDIES an effort to bridge possible misunderstandings partners to support each other in recruitment and with constant communication. Lastly, failure to outreach efforts, provide funding and scholar- set realistic goals for how the partnership will ships when available, and build programs based work and what projects will be feasible can lead upon common values. to a lack of trust between partners. LESSONS LEARNED STRATEGIES FOR SUCCESS MDC and LdM value experiential learning as a It is important to know an institution’s strengths way of providing students with tangible skills and the students’ needs to ensure that the part- that they can apply upon entering their profes- ner’s values, mission, areas of academic strength, sional fields, a means of embracing diversity of and academic calendar align. Equally important all kinds, and a channel for designing programs is the need to clarify the goals of the partnership that encourage community engagement and and the roles and responsibilities of each partner, create opportunities for meaningful interaction respect social and academic cultures, provide between students and the communities in which support to faculty and students (especially if they study. The partnership has also enabled they have limited international experience), and both institutions to meet their respective strategic measure outcomes and results via student sur- priorities around student access and success, veys and constant feedback between partners. If educational quality, and institutional agility. possible, partners should plan to meet in person These common values and goals have guided regularly or conduct Skype meetings in order to the historic relationship and are at the center of build a relationship of trust and commitment. the partnership. In more practical terms, it is important for the 18
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