Sixth Form Prospectus 2018/19 - Jersey College For Girls

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Sixth Form Prospectus 2018/19 - Jersey College For Girls
Sixth Form Prospectus
Sixth Form Prospectus 2018/19 - Jersey College For Girls
Carl Howarth - Principal

    from the Principal

    Thank you for considering Jersey College for Girls as         to a stimulating career. She will have the ambition,
    the place to continue your learning.                          motivation and staying power which will equip her to
                                                                  study independently and successfully at either. She will
    Let me try and be clear about what our ambition to            apply for internships, work experience and voluntary
    create the very best educational experience for you           work in her holidays.
    actually means by writing a pen portrait of a student
    leaving JCG at the end of Year 13.                            She will have grown as an individual who is happy, well
                                                                  mannered and able to find fulfilment in her service to
    ‘This student will enjoy life to the full, value her          others. She will be thoughtful, open-minded and be
    friendships and achieve balance in her life. She will         able to lead. She will be conscious of the advantages she
    have a thirst for knowledge and already possess a broad       has enjoyed and of the opportunities and obligations
    understanding of the cultural, historical, geographical       such advantages should bring. She will want to have a
    and scientific events and ideas which have fashioned          positive impact on her community and the world.
    her island and her world, and an eagerness to discover
    more. She will be a rigorous and imaginative thinker.         She will have happy and lasting memories of her time
                                                                  at College and an admiration for those people who have
    She will have a good range of hobbies and interests,          nurtured and shaped her learning.’
    including the Arts and sport, which she wants to
    pursue. She will leave us with an excellent record            All our efforts are dedicated to giving you every chance
    of achievement for an academically-demanding                  of being this person.
    course at university or employment which will lead

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Sixth Form Prospectus 2018/19 - Jersey College For Girls
Lisa Spiteri - Head of Sixth Form                                                                                           Lucy Pallent - Head Girl, Tirion Jones - Deputy Head Girl

Welcome                                                                                                                     Welcome
from the Head of Sixth Form                                                                                                 from the Head and Deputy Head Girls

                                                                Our staff are extremely supportive of our students and      Welcome to your last, or potentially first, two years
                                                                are knowledgeable and enthusiastic about their subjects.    at Jersey College for Girls (JCG). JCG Sixth Form
                                                                They actively encourage students to study beyond the        is an invigorating environment with a plethora of
                                                                curriculum and our sixth form students are regarded         opportunities to allow you to reach your maximum
                                                                as responsible adults who are given greater freedom         potential in all aspects of life.
                                                                than students in Key Stages 3 and 4. In return they are
                                                                expected to manage their time well, study independently     JCG has a history of strong academic success at A
                                                                and take greater responsibility for their own academic      level. This translates to the everyday classroom, not
                                                                progress. To facilitate this they have their own Sixth      just the exam hall. Your classes will be filled with
                                                                Form Centre and Quiet Study Room.                           students who genuinely care about the subject they are
                                                                                                                            studying, propelling the whole class forward. Moreover,
                                                                Life in the sixth form is not just about academic           one of our favourite parts of JCG Sixth Form is the
The sixth form at Jersey College for Girls is a place                                                                                                                                        We pride ourselves on the strong sense of community
                                                                achievement. It is also a time where there are many         personal relationships you will form with teachers
where students develop both academically and                                                                                                                                                 within the sixth form. Not only do we share a Sixth
                                                                opportunities for our students to blossom as individuals,   through a mutual love of their subject. Teachers will
personally. This prospectus contains information                                                                                                                                             Form Centre and Quiet Study Room, but we also have
                                                                have fun and develop a real sense of belonging by           go above and beyond to make sure that your academic
regarding the academic courses that we offer and also                                                                                                                                        form time together three times a week. Within the
                                                                contributing to the wider life of the College. Our Year     aspirations are achieved.
about the wide range of extracurricular opportunities                                                                                                                                        first week of term you will have a bonding day full of
                                                                12 and 13 students are superb ambassadors for and
available to our sixth form students.                                                                                                                                                        team building activities and ice breakers, giving you an
                                                                servants of the College who act as positive role models     Nevertheless, there is far more to JCG than just
                                                                                                                                                                                             opportunity to get to know the older year. In addition,
                                                                for younger students; they take part in community           academia. We have a thriving, and frankly quite a
The two years students spend in Key Stage 5 are                                                                                                                                              we have a strong connection with Beaulieu, De La
                                                                service both in the College and in the wider community      competitive, House system. As sixth formers we have
vitally important as their academic achievements                                                                                                                                             Salle and Victoria College, allowing us to share classes
                                                                and we have our own sixth form charity for whom we          the opportunity to take a more prominent role in
will often determine their options for their future in                                                                                                                                       and thus increasing the flexibility in the A levels that
                                                                fundraise. The relationships our students form, both        House: selling candy canes, singing carols, and even
higher education or in the workplace. Students excel                                                                                                                                         you can choose to study. Our relationship with Victoria
                                                                with their teachers and with each other, during their       taking litter selfies, all for the dream of winning Cock
at JCG and as a College we achieve excellent external                                                                                                                                        College is particularly strong, as we hold summer and
                                                                time in the sixth form, establish friendships and values    House Cup.
examination results; these, together with the skills and                                                                                                                                     Christmas balls together.
                                                                which stand them in good stead for many years to come.
attributes developed by our students during their time
                                                                                                                            Extracurricular activities will also be a substantial part
at JCG, enable them to progress with confidence to                                                                                                                                           As a sixth form we also contribute to our wider
                                                                Finally, if you are currently studying at JCG or            of your time here. JCG offers you many opportunities
the next stage of their lives. We have an outstanding                                                                                                                                        community. We fundraise throughout the year for our
                                                                elsewhere, I hope that this prospectus gives you a taste    from writing for the school newspaper, to sending
programme of higher education guidance at JCG and                                                                                                                                            sixth form charity, Jersey Hospice Care, by organising
                                                                of sixth form life at JCG and that you will consider        mango trees to Ghana with the International Women’s
our sixth form students go on to study degrees at the top                                                                                                                                    cake sales, walking around the Island and participating
                                                                continuing your education post-16 here with us. If you      Academy (IWA). We also have superb sporting, drama
institutions for their choice of course. We also provide                                                                                                                                     in our annual Sixth Form Spectacular.
                                                                have any questions, please do feel free to contact me.      and music facilities, allowing our students to compete
students in the sixth form with excellent careers advice
                                                                                                                            against rival schools, put on phenomenal productions,
and offer numerous opportunities for students to gain                                                                                                                                        Ultimately, your experience over the next two years
                                                                Email:                                 and perform in concerts. These extracurricular
work experience or to take on roles of leadership and                                                                                                                                        falls down to you. Whether you choose to spend your
                                                                Tel: 01534 516267                                           activities are enhanced by our Advanced Learning
responsibility within the College which provide them                                                                                                                                         time building telescopes, competing on the sports field,
                                                                                                                            Programme, allowing you to have a balanced
with invaluable transferable employability skills and                                                                                                                                        or saving the environment, JCG will nurture you into
                                                                                                                            education. Furthermore, there are a number of
enable them to broaden their horizons.                                                                                                                                                       the independent young woman you aspire to be.
                                                                                                                            fantastic trips available to you. Students this year have
                                                                                                                            studied in China, dived in the Galapagos Islands, and
                                                                                                                            researched the American Civil Rights Movement in
                                                                                                                            Washington DC and Alabama.

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Sixth Form Prospectus 2018/19 - Jersey College For Girls
        anced Learning Programm
                                                                                                                                Why is JCG Sixth Form unique?

All students wishing to enter the Sixth Form will join            Elective courses will differ in length and may or may not
the JCG Advanced Learning Programme.                              be examined. In fact, you may prefer to take a course
                                                                  knowing there is no exam so you can simply enjoy it for
The philosophy behind the Advanced Learning                       what it is. Learning does not equate to being examined.
Programme is firmly rooted in our vision for a student            The important thing is that you pursue ideas for their
leaving JCG. It recognises that you need a liberal                own sake and not simply to pass examinations.
education - a broad knowledge of cross-disciplinary
subjects, an in-depth study of specific subjects as well          The range of elective courses on offer will be dynamic,
as a good moral compass.                                          changing from year to year to reflect social change and
                                                                  the needs and interests of our students and staff. Our
Whatever your career path, the specific subjects you              hope is that you will be brave and choose electives out
study will probably prove to be somewhat irrelevant.              of intellectual curiosity, rather than opting for what is
And even if relevant, that will change. However, what             familiar.
will remain constant are the skills you acquire and
the methods you learn to approach unfamiliar and                  Some examples of possible electives include Politics,
challenging problems. Learning and re-learning are                World Affairs, Mandarin, Archeology, History of Art,
at the heart of today’s dynamic world and we strongly             Public Speaking, Sports Leadership, History of Ideas,
believe that a liberal education will help you prepare            Stocks and Shares, Singing for Pleasure, Mindfulness,
for your sixth job, not just your first.                          Sculpture, Yoga and taster courses in subjects such as
                                                                  Sociology and Business Studies. The list is really endless.
It is hoped that our approach to learning in the                  And if it is not on offer, you could consider creating and     Excellent academic reputation                              Programme of Inquiring Minds lectures
Sixth Form will empower you, foster a sense of                    leading your own course.
                                                                                                                                 Outstanding results                                        Summer School programme
social responsibility, build your character, intellectual
curiosity, imagination and creativity, develop in you the                                                                        A strong sense of belonging                                Excellent links with universities
                                                                  Strengthening your curiosity, making connections
skills valued highly by employers, and help you to be             between subjects and enjoying learning for learning’s          Happy, purposeful and positive atmosphere                  Well established links with local employers and
an enabler of a better society. In short, someone who             sake will have undoubted benefits to your understanding        Small enough to be friendly                                businesses
is interested and interesting.                                    and achievement in your elected courses. This will make        Large enough to offer choice                               Opportunities for internships and work experience
                                                                  you a better learner.                                          Broad range of courses offered through our                 Leadership opportunities
What is the Advanced Learning                                                                                                    Advanced Learning Programme                                Superb facilities
Programme?                                                        Your wellbeing is at the heart of all we do at JCG and         Students are treated as individuals                        Dedicated study area, exclusively for sixth form
                                                                  we will encourage you to participate in activities which       Experienced and caring staff                               students
The programme is a two year course of study                       specifically focus on this. At JCG we have a culture of        Excellent pastoral care and support for students           Dedicated sixth form centre
comprising of core studies, elective courses and                  service to others and of caring for our environment.
                                                                                                                                 Friendly environment                                       Sixth form social events
community service expectations.                                   The Advanced Learning Programme will expect
                                                                                                                                 Being with others who want to learn                        A place where you matter and excel
                                                                  you to participate in community service and have a
Students will choose three core subjects (A levels) to            positive impact on your local / global community.              Opportunities to develop your own personal skills
be studied in depth for examination over two years. In            Service to and for someone else awakens within us an           and interests
addition, students will select a number of elective (cross-       understanding of our interdependence.                          Amazing trips and expeditions
disciplinary) courses.                                                                                                           Opportunities to improve the quality of the lives of
                                                                  Please visit the College website for FAQs.                     others through community service and fundraising

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Sixth Form Prospectus 2018/19 - Jersey College For Girls
Life Skills and Choices
                                                              students to talk with the sixth form students about their
                                                              jobs and careers.
The Life Skills and Choices Programme has been                                                                               Mental Health and Wellbeing
created and enhanced using years of experience                University Representatives
and is the one compulsory elective in the Advanced
                                                                                                                                Mindfulness sessions with JCG teacher,                              Love Matters - workshop on ‘self-esteem and
Learning Programme. The programme is designed to              Representatives of a number of universities including
                                                                                                                                Lizzie McCarthy                                                     body image’
help students develop the skills they will need to live       Brighton, Winchester, Sussex and Southampton will
                                                                                                                                Mind Jersey - lecture and workshop on ‘Learning to                  Jersey Police - ‘Drink Driving’
successful and happy lives once they leave JCG and            visit the College to deliver presentations on how
                                                                                                                                be Resilient’                                                       Food for Life - Tina Lond-Caulk, The McLellan
also to help them to make their choices about what            students can make the most of the Jersey Higher
                                                                                                                                Exam Stress Relaxation with local yoga instructor,                  Practice
they would like to do post-18. We aim to give students        Education Fair, choose a university and a course. They
                                                                                                                                Michelle Cotillard
impartial and expert guidance, from many different            will also give students advice and guidance, one-to-one,
sources and using a variety of different lectures,            on their university application and personal statement.
workshops and lessons.                                                                                                       Visiting Speakers
                                                              Students receive interview training and will be given
We have a team of six experienced tutors, each                mock interviews with subject specialists for their             Some of the speakers we will be welcoming in the Autumn Term of 2018-19 are:
with their own specialist area e.g. applying to study         courses, as and where appropriate.
                                                                                                                                           Natasha Devon MBE
Medicine, applying to Oxbridge, seeking employment
                                                              Careers Jersey and Employers                                                 Natasha Devon MBE is a writer, campaigner and co-founder of the award winning Self-Esteem Team as well
or planning a gap year, who deliver our in-house
                                                                                                                                           as the charity Body Gossip. She has a column in the Times Educational Supplement and writes regularly for
material. Led by the Head of Sixth Form, the tutors
                                                              Alongside our Employability Co-ordinator,                                    The Guardian. Her books ‘Fundamentals’ for parents and ‘The Self-Esteem Team’s Guide’ for teens were
help students to become more aware of their strengths
                                                              representatives from Careers Jersey will assist students                     best sellers in their categories. Natasha advises politicians on mental health and education policy, her specific
and weaknesses and facilitate research into university
                                                              who are applying for post-A level employment. We                             areas of concern being teacher stress levels, the lack of wellbeing-supportive activities within the curriculum,
courses, institutions, employment both on and off-
                                                              also have a variety of companies who come into school                        the perception that boys don’t need mental health support and the lack of mandatory PHSE (personal health
island, and gap year opportunities. The tutors also
                                                              to talk to students about careers and employment                             and social education) in the UK. In 2016 The Sunday Times and Debrett’s named Natasha one of the 20 most
deliver information on subjects such as ‘managing your
                                                              opportunities.                                                               influential people in education. Natasha will deliver her presentation on ‘Body Image and Self-Esteem’.
money’ and our Employability Co-ordinator speaks
about improving students’ CVs and applying for jobs,                                                                                       Dick Moore
either part-time whilst at university or full-time. The       Interview training and mock interviews are provided                          Educated at Durham and Newcastle Universities, Dick has been an English teacher, rugby coach and, for
Head of Sixth Form also delivers sessions on topics           with employment agency representatives.                                      almost 23 years, a head teacher. He is also a father and grandfather! He has spoken at over 250 schools,
such as the ‘A Level Mindset’ and ‘Super-curricular                                                                                        businesses and universities about his passion for the emotional and mental health of young people and has
Enrichment’.                                                  Elevate Education                                                            increasingly been invited to speak overseas and at various national and international conferences. Dick has
                                                                                                                                           appeared on BBC Breakfast, ITN News with Mary Nightingale, BBC Radio 5 Live and numerous local radio
We make use of a variety of expertise from outside            Elevate Education has revolutionised the way study skills                    stations and gave a TEDx talk in 2015. His talks are tailored to the audience and combine passion, honesty,
of the College. We engage a number of speakers                are taught around the world. Originating in Australia, since                 humour, film and music and whilst they can be challenging, the essential message is positive: no matter what
from within the Island and the mainland to broaden            expanding to the UK three years ago, Elevate’s programmes                    life throws at us, we can get through it ...
students’ outlook and improve their life skills.              have already resulted in tangible improvements in student
                                                                                                                                           Martin Daubney Journalist, Broadcaster, Co-Founder The Men & Boys Coalition
                                                              performance at over 700 UK schools.
                                                                                                                                           Martin is an award-winning magazine Editor and outspoken writer for the UK’s biggest national
                                                                                                                                           newspapers, and a columnist for Telegraph Men. In 2013, Martin presented one of the world’s most
                                                              Elevate Education will be in the College in the Autumn
                                                                                                                                           talked about TV shows, Channel 4’s Porn On The Brain, which explored the thesis that porn can be
We tap into the wealth of experience we have in our           Term of Year 12 to run their ‘Study Sensei’ study skills
                                                                                                                                           addictive. A passionate speaker on men’s issues, he is also a regular news reviewer and guest on Sky
ex-pupils by bringing them back from university to talk       session and then in the Spring Term of Year 13 with their
                                                                                                                                           News, and last year co-founded the Men & Boys Coalition in Parliament. From 2003-2010 Martin was
to current students about their transition from JCG.          ‘Ace your Exams’ workshop before the A2 level exam session
                                                                                                                                           the longest-serving Editor of lad’s mag Loaded before fatherhood dragged him into the real world.
At the JCG Careers Fair we welcome back ex-JCG                in the summer.

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Sixth Form Prospectus 2018/19 - Jersey College For Girls
Examination Results
A Level Results                                                                 What opportunities are there?

                                                                                What opportunities are there for personal
          Year                         A* - A%              A* - C%   A* - E%
2016/17                                  39.7                 91.3      100
                                                                                Studying for A levels is only a part of being a student
2015/16                                  33.5                 92        100
                                                                                at JCG. All students are encouraged to involve
2014/15                                   32                  90.4      100     themselves in a wide range of voluntary activities both
2013/14                                  32.6                 85.1     99.2     within and beyond the College. Students who enjoy
                                                                                these opportunities derive the full benefit of all the
2012/13                                   40                  93.9     99.6
                                                                                sixth form has to offer, and in so doing develop their
2011/12                                  44.1                 91.5      100     personal strengths and organisational skills. Activities
                                                                                in which you will be invited to participate include:

                                                                                    The Sixth Form ‘Buddy’ Scheme where students
                                                                                    mentor Years 7 & 8
                                                                                    Leadership roles as part of the Student
                                                                                    Leadership Team
                                                                                    Leadership roles within House, including House
                                                                                    Music, House Dance and Sports events
                                                                                    The organisation of social events for sixth
                                                                                    form students
                                                                                    JCGV (The student council body)
                                                                                    Young Enterprise Scheme
                                                                                    The Institute of Directors’ Work
                                                                                    Shadowing Scheme
                                                                                    The Duke of Edinburgh Award
                                                                                    Leadership and team building days
                                                                                    Baker and Partners Advocacy Competition
                                                                                    BASE Competition
                                                                                    Expedition Programme / School Trips
                                                                                    Youth Parliament                                            Sports teams
                                                                                    Chartered Institute of Marketing Work                       Extended music programme
                                                                                    Shadowing Scheme                                            The opportunity to get involved in large scale
                                                                                    Du Putron Challenge                                         productions in Music and Drama
                                                                                    Community Service / JCG Serves                              Programme of debates
                                                                                    Environmental Team                                          Inquiring Minds lectures
                                                                                    Helping with the students at our Preparatory School         Autism SPELL training

 Photo by kind permission of The Jersey Evening Post

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Sixth Form Prospectus 2018/19 - Jersey College For Girls
Student Leadership Team                                                                                                   Entry Requirements

                                                                                                                          To join us here at JCG you will need:                       At the end of Year 12 you will need a
                                                                                                                                                                                      minimum of grade D in the end of year exams to
                                                                                                                             To possess an enjoyment for learning                     continue each individual subject into Year 13. You will
                                                                                                                             A minimum of five GCSE passes at grade B/6               need to gain a grade D or above in the end of year
                                                                                                                             or above                                                 exams in at least two subjects to continue into Year 13.
                                                                                                                             GCSE English grade C/5 and Mathematics grade
                                                                                                                             5 or above
                                                                                                                             At least a grade 6 in chosen subject or higher if
                                                                                                                             A positive attitude towards your studies

As part of the sixth form at JCG, you can become a             senior prefects: academic, student support, enrichment
member of the Student Leadership Team (SLT) which              and Prep prefects, who specifically work together with
acts as a fundamental pillar in the infrastructure of          the JC Prep School, building up relationships with the
the College as a whole. The SLT consists of positions          younger girls in order to make their exciting transition
that are both appointed and applied for – Head and             to the ‘big’ school as smooth and easy as possible. The
Deputy Head Girls, supported by two Sports Captains,           SLT can be easily spotted in our black and red robes,
two Music Captains, two Eco Captains, twelve House             and are always in and around the College with a smile
Captains and a team of prefects. Our prefect system            on our faces, eager to help!
involves senior prefects, junior prefects and House
prefects. Being a junior prefect enables students from         We believe that the SLT acts as a voice for the College
Year 12 to experience greater responsibility and an            as we, along with the rest of the sixth form students at
insight into this busy yet rewarding leadership role.          JCG, are all truly passionate about our school and aim
Meanwhile, House prefects work more with the lower             to do the best that we can to help the College and the
school to help increase House involvement, while               students within it, grow and prosper. We would hope
alleviating some of the stress of the House Captains at        that in joining our sixth form and perhaps our SLT,
busy times in the school year. There are four types of         you will hold this same belief.

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Sixth Form Prospectus 2018/19 - Jersey College For Girls
House System

The Jersey College for Girls House system
is an integral part of school life and helps
support the ethos created at the College.
The school is split into six Houses –
Austen-Bartlett, Cavell, Curie-Fry, Garrett-
Anderson, Inglis and Nightingale.                                                                           House Captains and Prefects also organise
                                                                                                            teams for the various House events that occur
Students are in tutor groups that correspond                                                                throughout the year. Some highlights of the
to their Houses, and their tutor will also be                                                               House calendar are the House Athletics, House
part of the House staff. House is a unique                                                                  Drama, Top of the Pops, House Fashion and
experience which should provide a supportive                                                                House Music competitions. All competitions earn
and welcoming environment for all the students.                                                             House points which, together with academic
It also encourages ownership by the students of a                                                           merits, are added together to determine the
significant part of school life.                                                                            winner of the Cock House Cup at the end of the
                                                                                                            House year.
House meetings take place every fortnight, with
three Houses meeting per week. Although all staff
are part of a House, meetings are led primarily          in competition and fundraising are those who
by the House Captains, of which there are two            work as a sixth form House team. There are
per House, from Year 13. House Captains are              many leadership opportunities for all sixth form
supported by House Prefects, also from Year              students within the House, whether they have a
13. The House Captains and Prefects are also             formal leadership role or not.
responsible for leading student fundraising
within the school. They are encouraged to select
two charities, one local and one national or
international, for whom fundraising events will
be held throughout the year. These charities may
be personal to the students leading the House,
to younger students within the House or simply
charities traditionally supported by the House.

Being a House Captain or House Prefect is a
demanding role and one which requires support
from the rest of the students in their House in
the sixth form. Over previous years, it is clear
that the Houses that are the most successful

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Sixth Form Prospectus 2018/19 - Jersey College For Girls
Entry Requirements: GCSE Art grade 6 or above, or a recent portfolio of artwork to demonstrate interest.
                                                                                                                                Entry Requirements: Grade A or 7 in GCSE Biology and a grade 6 or above in GCSE

Art                                                                                                   Exam Board, OCR           Biology                              Exam Board, OCR

Why Study Art?                                                                                                                  Why Study Biology?

Studying art at A level is increasingly important if you                                                                        Biology is a fascinating and ever-changing subject
are considering any design-based career. Everything                                                                             which gives students an understanding of how the
we eat, wear, drive, live in, work in, play with or use                                                                         world around them, and indeed their own body, works.
in any practical way will have been designed and
marketed by someone who has learnt to present ideas                                                                             A level Biology lessons at JCG follow on from IGCSE
in a visual way. A very high percentage of students                                                                             to give students a deeper understanding of topics such
now opt for some kind of design course. Current                                                                                 as cell structure; breathing and transport systems;
popular choices include architecture, fashion, fine art,                                                                        biological molecules, enzymes and DNA; disease;
illustration, textiles, graphics, 3-D design and media.                                                                         biodiversity; classification and evolution; the nervous,
The ability to think and communicate visually is vital                                                                          endocrine and excretory systems; photosynthesis;
                                                                January to April in Year 13, culminating in a 15-hour
in all these fields. We enjoy regular contact with many                                                                         respiration; genetics; biotechnology and ecology.
                                                                timed response. The complete A level course is tailored
UK colleges who visit the department to talk to you
                                                                to suit your individual development. As well as the                                                                                 Practical Endorsement:
about further study at both foundation and degree                                                                               In biology students not only learn facts, but also
                                                                timetabled lessons, many students take the opportunity
levels. Making sense of our exciting visual world is an                                                                         develop skills for life. Skills such as how to carry out in-
                                                                to spend some of their free periods working in their                                                                                In addition, students will complete a minium of 12
entertaining, creative and extremely rewarding option.                                                                          depth scientific research; how to present well balanced
                                                                individual study areas.                                                                                                             practical activities which will be written up and held in
                                                                                                                                arguments; how to work independently and as part of
The Course                                                                                                                      a team; how to carry out scientific investigations and              a folder to be assessed on a pass or fail basis at the end
                                                                Opportunities                                                                                                                       of the course.
                                                                                                                                how to analyse and present data effectively.
A level Art is designed to appeal to your developing
                                                                Throughout the two-year course we will take advantage of                                                                            Opportunities
creative talents. Taking up from where the GCSE                                                                                 The Course
                                                                the diverse range of temporary exhibitions available locally.
course finished, you will have the time and the freedom
                                                                If possible there will be a chance to visit major exhibitions                                                                       Biology is important for students considering careers in
to explore and develop a much more personal response                                                                            The A level course is made up of six modules:
                                                                in the UK and abroad. Whenever they are available, we                                                                               areas such as medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry
to your art, giving you the opportunity to really
                                                                like to bring in practising artists and crafts people to show                                                                       or forensic science.
engage with your chosen subject matter and build up a                                                                               Development of Practical Skills in Biology
                                                                their work and to hold practical workshops designed to
substantial folder of work.                                                                                                         Foundations in Biology
                                                                augment your creative skills. You will be encouraged                                                                                Year 12 students will have the opportunity to go on an
                                                                                                                                    Exchange and Transport
                                                                to enter your work for local and national competitions.                                                                             expedition to a remote part of the world. This year
In Year 12, you will develop your practical skills                                                                                  Biodiversity, Evolution and Disease
                                                                At every stage in the course we will encourage you to                                                                               students will be travelling to Mexico where they will
through a structured programme which emphasises                                                                                     Communication, Homeostasis and Energy
                                                                experience art first hand so that your knowledge and                                                                                spend one week studying Mexican wildlife and one
close observation and imaginative exploration in a wide                                                                             Genetics, Evolution and Ecosystems
                                                                understanding is enhanced and you continue to become                                                                                week studying coral reef ecology. Future groups may
variety of media. You will also learn to analyse and
                                                                stimulated by the work of other artists.                                                                                            travel to Indonesia, Peru, Fiji or Tanzania.
critique the work of other artists in depth.                                                                                    These are assessed by three exam papers:

                                                                “I am so glad I chose Art. It has been a                                                                                            Year 13 students will also have the opportunity to
In Year 13, you will concentrate more on producing                                                                              Paper 1 is 2hrs 15mins and counts for
                                                                lot of hard work but I’m amazed how                                                                                                 represent JCG in the British Biology Olympiad,
final outcomes on a theme chosen by you. This module                                                                            37% of the A level.
                                                                much better I’ve become since GCSE. People                                                                                          and possibly represent the UK in the International
is called a Personal Investigation, which takes the form                                                                        Paper 2 is 2hrs 15mins and counts for
                                                                will see my A level qualification and know that                                                                                     Olympiad.
of a coursework portfolio of practical work and a 1500-                                                                         37% of the A level.
                                                                I am an independent thinker with a wide range
2000 word illustrated essay, both completed by January.                                                                         Paper 3 is 1hr 30mins and counts for
                                                                of interests”
Then the controlled assignment is undertaken from                                                                               26% of the A level.

                                                           16                                                                                                                                  17
Sixth Form Prospectus 2018/19 - Jersey College For Girls
Entry Requirements: Grade A or 7 in GCSE Chemistry and a grade 6 or above in GCSE Mathematics.
                                                                                                                              Entry Requirements: GCSE grade 7 in Computer Science. Students without GCSE
                                                                                                                              Computer Science need at least a grade 7 in GCSE Maths.

Chemistry                                                                                            Exam Board, OCR          Computer Science                                                                                  Exam Board, OCR

Why Study Chemistry?

Have you ever wondered...
   Why ice floats?
   Why hot water has a pH less than 7?
   How chemical reactions can make electrical energy?
   What is happening during an MRI scan?
   How are electrons really arranged within an atom?

Studying A level Chemistry will make you think.
You will find the subject challenging and enjoyable
as you solve demanding problems by linking ideas
and concepts together. You will gain a greater
understanding of the materials and chemicals around
us that we take for granted.

By the end of the course you will have a greater
appreciation of the important and exciting role                  Opportunities
chemistry plays in today’s society.                                                                                           Why Study Computer Science?                                    Techniques and Logical Methods, as well as a
                                                                 A level Chemistry is a must for degrees in medicine,                                                                        Programming Project. A natural progression from
The Course                                                       veterinary science and dentistry and can open up             Computer Science is an intensely practical subject that        GCSE 9–1 Computer Science, learners study a range
                                                                 a range of careers and higher education courses              combines invention, creativity and excitement. It is           of theory topics, which include the principles and
Below is an outline of the topics that are studied in            in optometry, physiotherapy, pharmaceutical                  a rigorous, fascinating and intellectually challenging         understanding linked to programming, topics such as
each year.                                                       sciences, forensic science, biomedical and biological        course. You will develop skills of coding and                  hardware and software, networks, systems development
                                                                 sciences, natural sciences, environmental health and         working with algorithms, as well as gaining a deeper           life cycles and implications of computer use. Through
In Year 12                                                       engineering. A level Chemistry can also help you gain        understanding of how computer systems work. The                the creation of a Programming Project, students will
    Foundations in Chemistry                                     direct entry into employment. The strong analytical          Practical Project, which comprises 20% of the marks,           have the opportunity to create a substantial piece of
    Periodic Table and Energy                                    and problem solving skills that you will develop are         is very relevant to project work at university and in          software using modern design methods. Throughout
    Core Organic Chemistry                                       highly valued, not only in the scientific sector but also    the workplace. The digital age in which we live needs          the course there is an emphasis on mathematical
                                                                 in the finance and accountancy sectors.                      computer scientists, and whether you are hoping to             techniques and it is particularly well suited to students
In Year 13                                                                                                                    make computing your career or intending to develop             who are also taking A level Mathematics.
    Physical Chemistry and Transition Elements                   During Year 12 there is an exciting opportunity for you      digital skills to enhance your prospects in the future,
    Organic Chemistry and Analysis                               to join a chemistry trip to the University of Bristol’s      the opportunities for developing your passion for              Opportunities
                                                                 School of Chemistry. You will have the opportunity to        computing are now global.
Through your study of chemistry you will develop                 carry out practical work in the School’s laboratories,                                                                      Opportunities can exist for extending an interest
practical skills that will enable you to plan, implement,        which are probably the best in the UK and amongst            The Course                                                     in programming through competitions, clubs and
analyse and evaluate scientific investigations.                  the very best teaching laboratories in the world. The                                                                       in courses provided by Digital Jersey. An A level in
                                                                 trip will also give you an insight into life at university   Students follow the OCR A level in Computer Science            Computer Science is a gateway to studying computing
                                                                 and a flavour of what it is like to study chemistry as       (from 2015). The course splits learning into three             at university as well as developing digital skills valued
                                                                 an undergraduate.                                            sections: Computer Fundamentals, Programming                   in a wide range of careers.

                                                            18                                                                                                                          19
Entry Requirements: A minimum grade C in GCSE Design & Technology or an interview to demonstrate
competence and commitment. The freehand drawing of ideas will always be of paramount importance,                                     Entry Requirements: A minimum grade B in GCSE Drama and a minimum grade B or 6 in
however, a high level of graphical skill is not essential.                                                                           GCSE English. However, it is not vital to have studied Drama at GCSE to take this course.

Design Technology Product Design                                                                          Exam Board, OCR            Drama and Theatre                                                                                    Exam Board, AQA

Why study Design & Technology?                                     underpins successful design and engineering. Applied
                                                                   Mathematics and Science based content will be integral
Design Projects are challenging, yet fun. You can spend            to any project based work or exam paper questions.
time creating interesting and original designs for real
life projects that you can link to your own hobbies or             Unit1: Principles of Product Design exam -
interests. Project work helps you to develop high level            25% of A level
skills in designing, making and communicating. These               Students are required to answer questions that cover
include analytical and creative writing, together with a           technical principles · analyse existing products ·
discursive approach to the following generic design issues:        demonstrate applied mathematical skills · demonstrate
                                                                   their technical knowledge of materials, product
    Materials & Properties                                         functionality, manufacturing processes and techniques ·
    Manufacturing & Production                                     demonstrate an understanding of wider social, moral and
    Digital Technologies                                           environmental issues that impact on product design.
    Ergonomics & Anthropometrics
    Environmental Considerations                                   Unit 2: Unseen Challenge exam - 25% of A level
    Social & Moral Impact of Design                                This component has two sections that respond to selected          Why Study A Level Drama and Theatre?                               The Course
    Global Manufacturing & Economics                               tasks. · Section A focuses on learners applying their
    Fashion, Style & Obsolescence                                  knowledge, understanding and skills of designing and              Drama and Theatre is the ideal course for students                 A Level Drama and Theatre
    Systems & Control                                              manufacturing prototypes and products. · Section B                with an active interest in theatre. The course offers the             Written Exam
    Mechanisms & Forces                                            requires learners to reflect on their design task in Section      perfect balance of practical creativity and academic                  80 marks (40% of A level)
    Health & Safety - BSI, COSHH etc.                              A in relation to wider factors.                                   study and is offered jointly with Victoria College.                   Set play one essay (25 marks)
    Advertising & Marketing                                                                                                                                                                                Set play two essay (25 marks)
                                                                   Unit 3: Iterative Design Project - design and make                Students will learn about past and contemporary                       Live theatre production essay (30 marks)
Our experienced and established department promotes                project over 45 hours - 50% of A level                            theatre influences and will apply them to their
and supports creative activity and an environment                  The ‘Iterative Design Project’ requires learners to               own performance work. They will see a range                           Practical Exam 1: Creating Original Drama
that encourages students to thrive on design and make              undertake a substantial design, make and evaluate project         of performances in Jersey and will also enjoy the                     60 marks (30% of A level)
challenges, resulting in outcomes of great quality and             centred on the iterative processes of explore, create             experience of theatrical pieces in the UK. Writing on                 Performance of devised drama (20 marks)
purpose. We are equipped with state of the art Computer            and evaluate. Learners identify a design opportunity or           live theatre is part of the A level course.                           Working Notebook (40 marks)
Aided Design and Manufacturing, including 3D Printing,             problem from a context of their own choice.
which compliments the more traditional manufacturing                                                                                 As well as writing about live theatre, students will study            Practical Exam 2: Making Theatre
processes to replicate industrial standards.                       Opportunities                                                     two plays at A level and will learn to express their ideas            60 marks (30% of A level)
                                                                                                                                     verbally and on paper. They will produce presentations                3 extracts, each from different plays (40 marks)
The Course                                                         Valuable life Skills - It is a well-known educational fact that   and essays and will show that they can come to well                   Reflective report (20 marks)
                                                                   Design & Technology helps you to develop skills in creativity,    supported judgements.
The new linear A level course consists of three units,             innovation, problem solving and project management, as                                                                               Opportunities
taught over two years. Assessment of all three takes               well as independent, imaginative, innovative and intuitive        A level Drama and Theatre will challenge students,
place at the end of the course in the Summer of 2019.              thinking - valuable skills wherever you are heading. A            test their performance skills and make them realise that              UK shows, tours and workshops.
This fresh approach to the subject maintains the focus             qualification in Design & Technology is highly respected          theatre is not just about acting. It is varied, interesting           On-island workshops and interactive talks with
on designing and making activities that the students               common currency for most university degrees. Over the             and well worth choosing.                                              theatre professionals, theatre events at JCG and
enjoy, whilst also increasing the academic content that            past few years, many of our A level alumni have enrolled on                                                                             VCJ.
                                                                   product design or engineering based university courses.

                                                              20                                                                                                                                   21
Entry Requirements: Grade B or 6 or above in both English Language and English Literature at GCSE.                            Entry Requirements: An interest in finance and total commitment are vital. A
                                                                                                                              good level of literacy and numeracy is also required.

                                                                                                                              Financial Studies
English Literature                                                                                   Exam Board, AQA          (Elective Course)

Why Study English Literature?                                                                                                 Why Study Financial Studies?                                      The course is examined four times a year. Two exams are
                                                                                                                                                                                                multiple choice format and two are written exams based
Studying English is about learning to read. You might                                                                         Managing your personal finances is perhaps the greatest           on pre-released case studies. The Certificate in Financial
be attracted to the subject by a love of language or                                                                          challenge you will face in adult life but very little in          Studies is the equivalent of AS level and the Diploma in
storytelling; learning to read also means learning to                                                                         traditional education prepares you for this challenge.            Financial Studies is equivalent to a full A level.
ask searching questions about the culture you live                                                                            This course will equip you with the knowledge and
in. What sorts of stories and ideas shape the way we                                                                          skills you will need to manage your finances through              Opportunities
think today? Only by answering this question can we                                                                           university and on into working life. In addition, Jersey’s
learn to think and act differently. Studying English will                                                                     finance industry employs over a quarter of the Island’s           The Institute of Financial Studies Certificate in Financial
also teach you how to argue: to make use of precise                                                                           working population and provides many interesting                  Studies aims to introduce students to the world of
evidence and rhetorical strategies to persuade others            specification. The specification’s ‘historicist approach’    and financially rewarding job opportunities. Having               personal finance and to the financial services industry.
orally or through writing. Skills of research, analysis          means that the historical contexts that have nurtured        experienced prior learning about the industry makes
and communication are enormously attractive to                   literary creativity are seen as particularly important:      you very attractive to employers.                                 Upon successful completion of the Certificate in
universities and employers. Some of the UK’s top                 ‘working from the belief that no text exists in isolation                                                                      Financial Studies in Year 12, students can progress
universities have identified English as a ‘facilitating          but is the product of the time in which it was produced,     Students study four modules                                       to the Diploma in Financial Studies in Year 13
subject’; these subjects are ‘required more often than           Specification A encourages students to explore the                                                                             which is an A level equivalent. The Diploma focuses
others’ by degree courses. Former students have had              relationships that exist between texts and the contexts          Financial Capability for the Intermediate and                 more on world financial issues such as the ethics
these things to say about English at JCG:                        within which they are written, received and understood.’         Short Term. (FCIS)                                            of finance and how the industry can become more
                                                                                                                                  Financial Capability for the Intermediate and                 sustainable to prevent financial collapses from
    ‘English broadens your ability to think for yourself         Paper 1: Love through the Ages (40%)                             Long Term. (FCML)                                             occurring in the future. It also examines how large
    and to question and explore ideas.’                          (Study of three texts: one poetry, one prose, one                Sustainability for an Individual’s Finances (SIF)             banks operate in a competitive worldwide market and
    ‘You have more freedom at A level to explore what            Shakespeare play. Exam will include two unseen poems.)           Sustainability for the Financial Services System (SFS)        the various problems they face in a rapidly advancing
    interests you through choosing books that you want                                                                                                                                          technological world.
    to read, and coursework titles that excite you.’             Paper 2: Texts in Shared Contexts: Literature                The first two modules are
    ‘Unlike with some other subjects, there is no                from 1945-Present Day (40%)                                  studied in Year 12 and the
    single correct answer and that provides a kind               (Study of three texts: one prose, one poetry, one            second two in Year 13.
    of freedom to argue for your point of view and               drama. Exam will include an unseen extract.)
    explore different perspectives.’                                                                                          The Course
    ‘English equips you with the skills you need to              Non-exam assessment: Independent Critical
    write any assignment or essay at university; I still         Study: Texts Across Time (20%)                               The Certificate in Financial
    refer back to my notes now!’                                 (Study of two texts. One extended essay of 2,500 words.)     Studies is the equivalent of
                                                                                                                              AS level and the Diploma in
The Course                                                       The Course                                                   Financial Studies is the equivalent
                                                                                                                              of A2 level or a full A level. These
The course encourages students to read widely,                   English at JCG is not confined to the classroom. You         are both worth the same UCAS
responding both to set texts and to those of their own           will be encouraged to visit the theatre and you will also    points as any standard A level.
choosing. Skills of literary analysis will be developed          attend lectures or workshops delivered by speakers from
and applied to texts from the Medieval or Renaissance            leading universities or by professional writers. You may
periods to those written in recent years by living               decide to enter national literary competitions. Off-island
authors. Students follow the ‘AQA English Literature A’          opportunities include A level study days in London.

                                                            22                                                                                                                             23
Entry Requirements:
A minimum grade 7 in GCSE French.                                                                                            Entry Requirements:
                                                                                                                             A minimum grade B or 6 in GCSE Geography.

French                              Exam Board, AQA                                                                          Geography                                     Exam Board,

Why Study French?                                                                                                            Why Study Geography?                                                      The way in which particular places and regions have
                                                                                                                                                                                                       evolved to be distinctive
Look at where you live! France is our closest                                                                                As the world becomes ever more interconnected, geography
neighbour, just a stone’s throw away and we can see it                                                                       provides A level students with the analytical skills needed to        The unique landscape of Jersey makes it an ideal setting
                                                                 well as looking at the positive influences that diversity
from Jersey. French is an important part of our Jersey                                                                       help them make sense of its increasing complexity.                    for fieldwork. Fieldwork is one of the great strengths of
                                                                 brings. Students will also study aspects of the political
heritage which makes us different from the rest of                                                                                                                                                 geography at JCG, at all levels. This means that our girls start
                                                                 landscape in a French-speaking country, looking at
Britain. The Russell Group of top UK universities has                                                                        Mastering the global issues of today, from climate change to          the A level course with a considerable advantage over many
                                                                 immigration from the political perspective and at the
identified languages as ‘facilitating’ subjects; you will                                                                    inequality, requires both a strong appreciation of change over        other schools. At A level we have developed a manageable
                                                                 way in which political power is expressed through
have a much wider range of options open to you at                                                                            space and time, alongside knowledge and understanding of              and meaningful approach to fieldwork, and to ensure
                                                                 action such as strikes and demonstrations.
university if you study a language. The knowledge of                                                                         the myriad of sub-disciplines that form geography.                    students can focus on exploring geography in practice,
another language makes the difference when applying                                                                                                                                                we have taken the guesswork out of fieldwork. As part of
                                                                 Students will also have the opportunity to study
for a job and the discipline acquired from the study of                                                                      The Course                                                            supporting success in fieldwork, we are working with the
                                                                 both a film and a literary text linked to the topics
a foreign language is well regarded by both employers                                                                                                                                              Edexcel exam board and the Field Studies Council to create
                                                                 covered broadening their knowledge of French culture
and universities. They know that a linguist will have                                                                        Geography, and the world we study, is ever-changing. That             a whole host of free support and guidance on best practice.
                                                                 and society. They will be assessed in the four skills of
strong analytical and communication skills and that              speaking, writing, listening and reading.                   is why our A level reflects the world around us and fosters an
these will be an asset to them.                                                                                              understanding of what could impact its future.                        Opportunities
If you are interested in developing these skills,                                                                            Geography matters. That is why we have chosen an A                    Geographers are excellent at synthesising complex
improving your French, learning about other cultures,                                                                        level board which focuses on fundamental processes and                ideas, thinking critically and making informed decisions.
                                                                 Language learning at JCG is not confined to the
understanding current affairs and much, much more                                                                            environments, but that also reflects the world around us.             Alongside these skills, they are also socially aware, strong
                                                                 classroom. You will have the opportunity to take part
you should consider A level French.                                                                                          For instance, we link the water and carbon cycles to water            communicators and brilliant at working in teams. As more
                                                                 in a home stay study visit to Rouen and organise your
                                                                                                                             insecurity and energy security – this way we ensure that              and more of our students pursue careers with multi-
                                                                 own work experience in France.
The Course                                                                                                                   the course is relevant and engaging. Students can build on            national employers, it is no wonder that geographers are
                                                                                                                             what they have learned at GCSE and what they see in the               so much in demand. In fact, geography graduates enjoy
                                                                 Each year, JCG linguists go on to study university
Students will foster a range of transferable skills                                                                          world today.                                                          some of the highest employability rates and our students
                                                                 courses ranging from languages to law, politics to
including communication, critical thinking, research                                                                                                                                               have gone on to be anything from human rights lawyers,
                                                                 medicine. Studying a language at A level provides
skills and creativity, focusing on how French-speaking                                                                       By the time you complete your A level course you should               documentary film-makers to award-winning digital
                                                                 excellent preparation for a wide range of careers
society has been shaped, socially and culturally, and                                                                        have knowledge and understanding of:                                  entrepreneurs - and, of course, teachers. Geographers are
                                                                 including journalism, law, finance and teaching.
how it continues to change. During the first year,                                                                                                                                                 passionate communicators.
students will study aspects of the social context,               Studying A level French will broaden your horizons              Why our human and physical environments and
together with aspects of the artistic life of French-                                                                            landscapes appear as they are, how they form and                  There has never been a better or more important time to
                                                                 and open up a whole host of careers and opportunities
speaking countries focusing on music and cinema.                                                                                 operate, and how they interrelate at various scales               study geography. With growing interest in issues such as
                                                                 to you.
                                                                                                                                 How and why patterns of human and physical features               climate change, migration, environmental degradation
In the second year further aspects of the social                                                                                 differ from place to place across the earth                       and social cohesion, geography is one of the most relevant
                                                                 Did you know that French is...
background are covered, focusing on issues such as life                                                                          Differences and inequality within the human world;                courses you could choose to study. Whatever your passion
for those on the margins of French-speaking society, as                                                                          especially the economic, social and political causes of           for the world - fascination with landscapes or concerns
                                                                     Spoken by 270 million people worldwide?
                                                                                                                                 inequality and economic development                               about inequality - geography will provide you with
                                                                     Spoken in 35 different countries?
                                                                                                                                 The importance of different spatial scales – global               knowledge and transferable skills that will reward you
                                                                     An official language of the UN, the European
                                                                                                                                 to local – and time scales for physical and human                 personally and advance you professionally.
                                                                     Commission and Jersey?
                                                                     The language of love, diplomacy, wonderful                  processes, together with their interactions and
                                                                     literature, films...?                                       interdependence

                                                            24                                                                                                                                25
Entry Requirements:
A minimum grade 6 in GCSE History.                                                                                                    Entry Requirements: A minimum grade B in GCSE
                                                                                                                                      Italian, or in another language, with at least an A
                                                                                                                                      grade in the writing skill.

History                               Exam Board, AQA                                                                                 Italian                         Exam Board, Edexcel

Why Study History?                                                                                                                    Why Study Italian?                                                will also research an aspect of Italian society of their
                                                                                                                                                                                                        choice, to delve deeper into an area of particular
Studying history will improve your understanding of                                                                                   Italy and its enchanting culture, landscapes and histories        personal interest.
contemporary issues. By gaining an understanding of                                                                                   require a whole lifetime to explore. Arguably one of
what influenced major changes in the past, you will be                                                                                the world’s most beautiful languages, it is also greatly          The main themes we will cover are:
better able to make judgements about how the world                                                                                    beneficial in many career fields. Italy is the seventh               Italian society: family, work and education
might develop in the future. As one past pupil explained,                                                                             biggest economy in the world, with many of the world’s               The mass media, music and arts in the Italian
‘Studying history has not only provided me with a                                                                                     leading businesses choosing to operate in Italy. Italy is            speaking world
burning interest in the past, but also knowledge well                Component 2: Depth Study. Students will learn about              also a prominent global leader in design, the culinary               Italy’s changing society, politics, Mafia and
beyond anything I ever expected. I use and relate to                 ‘Revolution and Dictatorship: Russia and the Soviet Union,       arts, robotics, engineering and construction. The Russell            controversial issues
what I have learnt in these past two years daily.’                   1917–1953.’ In Year 12 they will learn about ‘The Russian        Group of top UK universities has identified languages                Fascism in Italy
                                                                     Revolution and the Rise of Stalin, 1917–1929.’ In Year           as “facilitating” subjects; you will have a wider range
Studying history at A level is less about facts and figures          13 students will learn about ‘Stalin’s Rule, 1929–1953.’         of options open to you at university if you study a               Students will have the opportunity to study a film
and more about gaining an insight into the human                     The exam at the end of Year 13 will be 2h30m long and            language. Furthermore, the knowledge of another                   which tells a powerful story of love and suffering as a
condition. Through your studies you will be both                     accounts for 40% of the final A level grade.                     language in our global society makes the difference               Jewish Italian family’s life is threatened by World War
inspired by the amazing record of human achievement                                                                                   when applying for a job and the discipline acquired               II. They will also explore a fascinating work of modern
and horrified by the many examples of human failure,                 Component 3: Historical Investigation. A piece of                from the study of a foreign language is well regarded             Italian literature, which offers a poignant insight into
cruelty and barbarity.                                               coursework where the theme, title and sources may be             by both employers and universities. They know that a              the oppressive society of provincial Sicily.
                                                                     selected by the student themselves. Students will select their   linguist will have strong analytical and communication
You will be taught how to look beyond the headlines, ask             own question from a topic relating to the rights of African-     skills.                                                           Exam structure:
questions, analyse data and critically examine different             Americans in the USA between 1863 and 1968. The                                                                                    Paper 1: Listening, reading and translation (40% of
sources of evidence. These skills will enable you to                 Historical Investigation should be around 3,500 words and        Did you know...                                                   the qualification)
draw fully independent and well supported conclusions;               accounts for 20% of the final A level grade.                                                                                       Paper 2: Written response to works and translation
skills which are highly valued by institutions of further                                                                             Italy                                                             (30% of the qualification)
education and potential employers.                                   Opportunities                                                        Draws over 50 million tourists per year?                      Paper 3: Speaking (30% of the qualification)
                                                                                                                                          Is renowned for its beauty, history, food, fashion,
                                                                     Studying A level History can be particularly useful                  literature and music?                                         Opportunities
The Course                                                           for those wishing to read history, law, politics or
                                                                     international relations at university. During the course         Italian                                                           Language learning at JCG is not confined to the
Component 1: Breadth Study. Students will learn about                of your study you will be given the opportunity to                   Is the mother tongue for over 65 million people?              classroom. You will have the opportunity to take part
‘The Tudors: England, 1485–1603.’ In Year 12 they will               attend lectures delivered by well respected and highly               Is important as a language of civilization and                in a home stay study visit to Tuscany and organise
learn about ‘The Consolidation of the Tudor Dynasty:                 acclaimed historians from leading universities such as               culture?                                                      your own work experience trip in Year 13. Each year,
England, 1485–1547’. In Year 13 Students will learn about            Oxford, Cambridge and Sussex.                                        Is a rarity amongst applicants for top employment             JCG linguists go on to study university courses ranging
the religious turmoil that characterised the reigns of Edward                                                                             opportunities and will set you apart from the rest?           from Languages to Law, Politics to Medicine. Studying
VI and Mary I as well as the ‘Gloriana’ of Elizabeth I, the          The literacy and analytical skills developed in studying                                                                           a language at A level provides excellent preparation
Armada and the eventual decline of the Tudor dynasty.                history are useful in a wide range of careers. Former            The Course                                                        for a wide range of careers including journalism, law,
The exam at the end of Year 13 will be 2h30m long and                JCG history students are now journalists, lawyers,                                                                                 finance and teaching. Studying A level Italian will
accounts for 40% of the final A level grade.                         doctors, archivists, teachers or museum assistants.              This well-rounded course will heighten students’                  broaden your horizons and open up a whole host of
                                                                     Studying history is useful for anyone wishing to work in         cultural awareness, while also continuing to develop              careers and opportunities to you.
                                                                     fields that involve people, research and writing reports.        their command of the Italian language. Students

                                                                26                                                                                                                                 27
Entry Requirements: A minimum number grade 7 in GCSE Mathematics.
                                                                                                                                       Entry Requirements: A minimum number grade 7 in GCSE Mathematics.

                                                                                                                                       Further Mathematics
Mathematics                                                                                                  Exam Board, OCR           (Elective Course)                                                                                Exam Board, OCR

Why Study Mathematics?                                                becoming familiar with a large data set and how technology       Why Study Further Mathematics?
                                                                      can be used to analyse data.
In recent years mathematics has become the most                       In Year 13 students deepen their knowledge of calculus           Mathematics is an incredibly broad subject. It ranges
popular subject choice at A level by UK students.                     and trigonometry, study natural logarithms, functions and        from concepts as simple as basic counting to ideas
Students recognise that A level Mathematics is                        parametric equations. In Mechanics students will learn           as abstract as imaginary numbers; from calculating
a challenging and rewarding choice; it also gives                     about moments, the motion of projectiles, and how friction       the probability of selecting two red beads from a bag
students a set of skills that are crucial to success in a             affects motion. In Statistics, students meet the normal          of red and yellow beads to explaining the forces that
wide variety of fields including science, engineering,                distribution, correlation analysis and they explore hypothesis   hold the universe together. A level Mathematics only
economics, law, business, and technology.                             testing which seeks to use the statistical properties of a       scratches the surface of possibilities in mathematics,
                                                                      sample to infer properties of a much larger group.               so a student with a real desire to understand fully
The main reason, however, for studying mathematics                                                                                     this beautiful and powerful subject should consider           variables, hypothesis tests and confidence intervals for
to an advanced level is that it is interesting and                    There is no coursework and the A level course is examined        choosing further mathematics as well. In further              a population mean, χ-squared tests, nonparametric
enjoyable. People like its challenge, its clarity, and the            in three exam papers at the end of Year 13.                      mathematics students begin to fully understand                tests, correlation and regression.
fact that you know when you are right. The solution of                                                                                 the common themes that link different areas of
a problem has an excitement and a satisfaction.                       Opportunities                                                    mathematics together.                                         In Mechanics learners extend their knowledge
                                                                                                                                                                                                     of particles, kinematics and forces from A level
When patterns are found, often in widely different                    In the long term, studying mathematics gives students            Students who are thinking about studying                      Mathematics, covering dimensional analysis, work,
areas of science and technology, the mathematics                      many opportunities. Becoming fluent in the language              mathematics, or a strongly numerate degree subject            energy, power, impulse, momentum, centres of
of these patterns can be used to explain and control                  of mathematics allows students to develop a deep                 (for example engineering, physics, chemistry,                 mass, circular motion and variable force. In Discrete
natural happenings and situations. Mathematics has                    understanding of many other subject areas. To succeed in         economics), should consider further mathematics as a          Mathematics areas studied include counting, graphs
a pervasive influence on our everyday lives, and even                 mathematics you need to be clear-thinking and accurate –         subject which will support their understanding of the         and networks, algorithms, critical path analysis, linear
contributes to the wealth of the nation.                              attributes that employers are always looking for.                physical world.                                               programming, and game theory.

The Course                                                            Over the years we have organised a range of visitors form        The Course                                                    Opportunities
                                                                      the UK who have given students interesting perspectives
The course is OCR A level Mathematics (Specification                  on mathematics. There are the annual UKMT Team                   We follow OCR’s A level Further Mathematics from              Further mathematics is regarded as almost essential for
A). Through Year 12 and Year 13 students will study Pure              Challenges in which JCG competes against schools from            2017 (Spec A). Students study further mathematics over        degrees in mathematics, physics or engineering, and is
Mathematics, Statistics and Mechanics. Underpinning the               across the Channel Islands; in at least one year out of          two years alongside A level Mathematics. The course           very useful in other areas including finance, actuarial
course is a focus on mathematical modelling, which is how             two this involves a trip to Guernsey. Students who wish          content is comprised of a Pure Core unit (50% of              work, accountancy, financial modelling, investment
mathematicians understand and predict events in the world             to study mathematics at university are also encouraged to        the total content) and two Applied units, chosen form         banking; computing, games design, internet security,
around us.                                                            study for the STEP qualification, with preparation lessons       Mechanics, Statistics and Discrete Maths.                     telecommunications; mathematical biology, population
                                                                      taking place weekly throughout Years 12 and 13.                                                                                modelling, epidemics and vaccination, and statistics.
In Year 12, students will review some of the algebra and                                                                               In Pure Core learners will extend and deepen their
geometry from GCSE, and learn introductory calculus,                                                                                   knowledge of proof, algebra, functions, calculus,             Because of its highly specialised nature, further
logarithms, and further trigonometry. There is a particular                                                                            vectors and differential equations studied in A level         mathematics classes are usually quite small. This allows
focus on proof. In Mechanics, they will learn about forces                                                                             Mathematics. They will also learn to work with                a greater degree of individual coaching and support.
and acceleration, Newton’s Laws of Motion, and motion                                                                                  complex numbers, matrices, polar coordinates and
under gravity. In Statistics, students will build on their                                                                             hyperbolic functions. In Statistics students cover            Students who wish to study mathematics at university
GCSE understanding of probability and data analysis to                                                                                 probability involving combinatorics, probability              are encouraged to study for the STEP qualification
include hypothesis testing. They will also meet the binomial                                                                           distributions for discrete and continuous random              alongside their A level study.
distribution. A key part of the mathematics specification is

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