Page created by Angela Fleming


The non-profit Festspielhaus Baden-Baden Cultural Foundation
was founded in the year 2000 by dedicated music lovers,
and has since made possible the private operation of the
Festspielhaus Baden-Baden.

THANKS TO                                                                                            BERLI NER
                                                                                               PH I LHARMON I KER
Frieder and Elke Burda                      Klaus and Kirsten Mangold
Ladislaus and Annemarie von Ehr             Hugo and Rose Mann
Wolfgang and Anneliese Grenke               Reinhard and Karin Müller                            27.3–5.4.2021
Henriette and Paul Heinze Stiftung          Wolfgang and Françoise Müller-Claessen
Klaus-Georg Hengstberger                    Dr. August Oetker KG
Klaus and Hella Janson                      Hans R. Schmid and Mary Victoria Gerardi-Schmid
Sigmund and Walburga Maria Kiener           Walter Veyhle
Horst Kleiner and Isolde Laukien-Kleiner    Alberto Vilar
Karlheinz and Dagmar Kögel                  Franz Bernhard and Annette Wagener
Ernst H. and Helga Kohlhage                 Horst and Marlis Weitzmann
Richard and Bettina Kriegbaum               Beatrice and Götz W. Werner
Christine and Klaus-Michael Kühne
Ernst-Moritz Lipp and Angelika Lipp-Krüll   and four unnamed donors

D E A R F E S T I VA L G U E S T S ,

Cultural ties have linked Baden-Baden with Russia for over 200 years. The
story that began with a princess who became the tsar’s bride continues to this
         day with the many residents of our city with Russian roots.

At the 2021 Easter Festival, the Berliner Philharmoniker and Chief Conductor
Kirill Petrenko will join us in remembering one of Russia’s most celebrated
composers, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. The orchestra will not only be interpret­
ing his opera Mazeppa, but also Rachmaninoff’s Francesca da Rimini. Differ­
ent Russian schools existed during Tchaikovsky’s time as the vast empire, its
position straddling East and West, searched for an identity and aesthetic of its
own. Tchaikovsky himself drew inspiration from Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart –
         a connection we will also be exploring during the Festival.

At the 2021 Easter Festival, we will be building a bridge that spans a large
cross-section of European cultural history – an undertaking for which Baden-
Baden is the ideal venue. Welcome and Добро пожаловать to the 2021 Baden-
                            Baden Easter Festival!

                           B E N E D I K T S T A M PA

                  KIRILL PETRENKO
                                                       Tchaikovsky’s Mazeppa and Rachmani-           is something the eponymous hero of
                                                       noff’s Francesca da Rimini: two operas        Mazeppa experiences firsthand, as a
                                                       that already speak to us through their        Ukrainian who is considered too Russian
                                                       titles alone. With Mazeppa we can hear        by his countrymen and too Ukrainian
                                                       the Eastern sounds approaching, but           by the Russians. And as if there weren’t
                                                       Francesca da Rimini? An Italian subject       enough confusion already, Mozart’s Re-
                                                       set to music by a Russian composer?           quiem also enters into the picture – a
                   T H E E A S T E R F E S T I VA L    And so we find ourselves immersed in          work that invites us to discover the Rus-
           WITH THE BERLINER PHILHARMONIKER            the theme of this year’s Easter Festival:     sian Mozartian through the lens of his
                L O O K S T O WA R D T H E E A S T .
                                                       the question of identity. In Russia this      great predecessor. Mozart’s primacy of
                                                       was an essential part of the cultural         melody, the tender woodwind passages,
                                                       conversation, with the “westerners” on        the omnipresent sighs – all these turn
           Rachmaninoff, Prokofiev,                    the one hand, and those who demanded          up in Tchaikovsky’s music as well. Mo-
     and Shostakovich were in love with                a distinctive and purely Russian musical      zart’s courtly society and the city life of
                                                       language on the other. The Festival’s         Tchaikovsky’s time share a delight in
    melody, an infatuation that was entirely           chamber music program in particular           sumptuousness and flirtation. And with
     due to the influence of Tchaikovsky.              will be showcasing proponents of both         Tchaikovsky, this includes not only Mos­
                                                       schools. However, aesthetic ideals are        cow, but Paris and Florence as well.
          The Easter Festival will be                  one thing and practical reality another.      His international orientation serves as
     offering the opportunity to discover              Tchaikovsky already found himself in          a connecting link with Rachmaninoff,

        these composers anew – while                   conflict with this reality: though he him-    who loved the sound of the American
                                                       self was regarded as a Westerner, he          brass and influenced American com­
     surprising us with two rarely heard               chose, with his Mazeppa, a subject that       posers in his turn.
        operas: a staged production of                 corresponded to the taste of the Russo-
                                                       philes. And his Romeo and Juliet Over-
     Mazeppa and a concert performance                 ture? Tchaikovsky takes an Italian story
            of Francesca da Rimini.                    retold by an Englishman and transposes
                                                       it to an entirely Russian setting. Just how
                                                       inhumane such categorizations can be

6                                                                                                                                           7
MAZEPPA                                                                 SAT 27.3.21
                                                                                                                                                    6 PM
                                                                          P. I. TCHAIKOVSKY                                                       PREMIERE
                                                                                                                                                   THU 1.4.21
                                                                                                                                                     6 PM
                                                                                                                                                  MON 5.4.21
                                                                          New production                                                            6 PM

                                                                          The Russian Empire in music: from the very first bars of                  SPON SOR ED BY:
                                                                                                                                                    CH RI ST I N E A N D
                                                                          Mazeppa, we can hear it, that unique atmosphere that one             K L AU S - M I CH A E L K Ü H N E
                                                                          associates with vast Eastern landscapes, and naturally with
                                                                          Tchaikovsky. The composer himself, however, was viewed by                      B ER LI N ER
                                                                                                                                                  PHI LHAR MON I K ER
                                                                          his contemporaries as a “Westerner”: someone who adored                 K I R I LL PET R EN KO
                                                                          Bizet’s Carmen and set himself apart from his colleagues who             M U S I C D I RE C TOR
                                                                          looked toward the Caucasus rather than to Paris for inspira­          DMI T R I TC HER N I AKOV
                                                                                                                                                         D I RE C TOR
                                                                          tion. In reality, Tchaikovsky belonged nowhere. In Rome he             A N D S E T D E S I GN E R
                                                                          missed the Russian winter, and in the Russian winter he pined           ELENA Z AY TSEVA
                                                                          for the Italian sun. This “sitting between two stools” also aptly      COST U M E D E S I GN E R
                                                                                                                                                 G LEB F LI SHT I N SK Y
                                                                          describes his operatic hero Mazeppa, a Ukrainian at the Czar’s         LI GH T I N G D E S I GN E R
                                                                          court. With its battle scenes, love arias, and the great madness
                                                                          scene at the end, Tchaikovsky’s opera is absolutely worth dis­         OLGA PER ET YAT KO
                                                                                                                                                          M A RI A
                                                                          covering. With the Berliner Philharmoniker and the most cele-        VL ADI SL AV SULI MSK Y
                                                                          brated Russian opera director of our time, we can certainly                  M A ZE PPA
                                                                          look forward to a model interpretation of the work.                     DMI T RY ULYANOV
                                                                                                                                                     KOTS CH U B E I
        Kirill Petrenko is Chief
                                                                          In Russian with German and English supertitles.                     EK AT ER I NA SEMENC HUK
     Conductor of the Berliner
    Philharmoniker and will be                                                                                                                           LJ U BOW
      leading the Easter opera                                                                                                                     DMY T RO POPOV
         productions in Baden-                                                                                                                           A N D RE I
    Baden in the coming years.                                                                                                                           PR AG UE
                                                                                                                                               PHI LHAR MON I C C HOI R

                                   P H OTO : MO N IK A RI TTE R S H AUS
                                                                          PR I C E I N EUROS:
                                                                          59 | 89 | 144 | 199 | 233 | 270 | 295 | 360                                PYOT R I LY I C H
                                                                          DI SC OUN T ED:                                                            TC HAI KOVSK Y
                                                                          54 | 84 | 139 | 194 | 223 | 260 | 285 | 350                            M A ZE PPA – OPE RA I N
                                                                          PER FOR MANC E EN DS: A PPROX. 9 PM                                   T H RE E AC TS BA S E D ON
                                                                          SEAT I NG PL AN A                                                     A LI B RE T TO BY VI K TOR
                                                                                                                                              PETROVICH BURENIN AFTER
                                                                          FESTSPIELHAUS EXPRESS                                                  A LE XA N D E R PU S H K I N

8                                                                                                                                                             9
     Producer and                  Mazeppa

     Set Designer                  After his triumph at the
     Golden Mask, Stanislavsky     Rimsky-Korsakov Com­
     Award, Opera Director of      petition in St. Petersburg,
     the Year: director Dmitri     Vladislav Sulimsky joined
     Tcherniakov, born in 1970     the Mariinsky Theatre.
     in Moscow, could fill         He made numerous guest
     entire shelves with theater   appearances soon after-
     awards. With Tchaikov­        ward, including at the
     sky’s Mazeppa, the artist     Royal Opera Stockholm,
     will be making his Fest-      Edinburgh Festival, and
     spielhaus debut.              Oper Stuttgart.

     DMITRY ULYANOV                EKATERINA
     Kochubey                      SEMENCHUK
     “Dark” basses from Russia     Lyubov, Kochubey’s wife
     are sought-after world­       In Baden-Baden’s Adriana
     wide, thanks to which         Lecouvreur she played
     Dmitry Ulyanov, born in       the adversary of the epon­
     Yekaterinburg, received       ymous heroine: Russian
     international engagements     mezzo-soprano Ekaterina
     soon after completing         Semenchuk is a soloist of
     his studies – including at    the ensemble of the Mari-
     the Opéra national de         insky Theatre and makes
     Paris, Opéra de Monaco        guest appearances on all
     in Monte Carlo, and           the world’s major stages.
     Bayerische Staatsoper.

     DMYTRO POPOV                  DIMITRY                                                                                                                                                                               OLGA PERETYATKO
     Andrei                        IVASHCHENKO                                                                                                                                                                           Maria
     Ukrainian tenor Dmytro        Filipp Orlik                                                                                                                                                                          The opera houses in Vienna,
     Popov made his break-         After his vocal training                                                                                                                                                              Munich, and Berlin, the MET, Milan’s
     through when he filled in     in Novosibirsk, Russian                                                                                                                                                               La Scala, the Opéra Bastille in Paris:
     for Rolando Villazón. He      bass Dimitry Ivashchenko                                                                                                                                                              Olga Peretyatko shines all over the
     previously won the Oper­      continued his studies at                                                                                                                                                              world in the most demanding leading
     alia Competition, found­      the Staatliche Hochschule                                                                                                                                                             roles. In 2014 she was seen by half a
     ed by Plácido Domingo.        für Musik in Karlsruhe.                                                                                                                                                               million television viewers as a soloist
     Sir Simon Rattle engaged      His engagements have                                                                                                                                                                  in the Concert de Paris. In 2015 the
     him for Rachmaninoff’s        taken him to opera houses                                                                                                                                                             Russian soprano received the Italian
     The Bells with the Ber­       in Paris, Berlin, Vienna,                                                                                                                                                             Franco Abbiati Prize.
     liner Philharmoniker.         and Madrid, among other

10                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 11
PAAVO                                                                 SUN
                                 JÄRVI                                                                 6 PM
                                 Berliner Philharmoniker

                                 Paavo Järvi is the scion of a great Estonian conducting dynasty        SPON SOR ED BY:
                                                                                                         K A RI N S I E GE L
                                 to which his brother Kristjan and father Neeme also belong.
                                 Among them, Paavo is known as the great perfectionist and                 L AR S VOGT
                                 educator of orchestras. From his father he also acquired the                 PI A N O
                                                                                                         PAAVO JÄRVI
                                 curiosity that incites him to seek out the lesser-known master-          CON D U C TOR
                                 pieces. Placing Prokofiev’s rarely performed Sixth Symphony                B ER LI N ER
                                 on the program with the Berliner Philharmoniker can thus              PHI LHAR MON I K ER

                                 be seen as a statement. This musical confession combines the      LUDWI G VAN B EET HOVEN
                                 power of Beethoven with Russian lyricism.                           CON C E RTO FOR PI A N O
                                                                                                   A N D ORCH E ST RA N O. 5 I N
                                                                                                      E - F L AT M A J OR, OP. 7 3
                                                                                                       SERG EI PROKOF I EV
                                                                                                         SYMPHONY NO. 6 IN
                                                                                                       E-FLAT MINOR, OP. 111

                                 PR I C E I N EUROS:
                                 39 | 65 | 104 | 144 | 169 | 195 | 215 | 260

                                 DI SC OUN T ED:
                                 34 | 59 | 99 | 139 | 159 | 185 | 205 | 250
                                 PER FOR MANC E EN DS: A PPROX. 8 PM
                                 SEAT I NG PL AN A

                                 FESTSPIELHAUS EXPRESS

12                                                                                                              13
REQUIEM                                                             MON 29.3.21
                                                                                                                  6 PM

                                            W. A. MOZART                                                            FRI 2.4.21
                                                                                                                      6 PM

                                            Kirill Petrenko, Conductor

                                            Though it remained unfinished, Mozart’s Requiem is one of the             SPON SOR ED BY:
                                                                                                                  RI CH A RD A N D B E T T I NA
                                            most influential scores of music history. By integrating Gregori-            K RI E GBAU M
                                            an chorales and Handelian fugue themes into his music, the
                                            composer was a forerunner of nineteenth-century historicism.           K I R I LL PET R EN KO
                                                                                                                        CON D U C TOR
                                            At the time, the work was regularly performed at large social               ROSA F EOL A
                                            events, having a lasting effect on the image of Mozart during                  S OPRA N O
                                            this period. The instrumentation that included basset horns but         PAUL A MUR R I HY
                                                                                                                    M E ZZO- S OPRA N O
                                            no flutes, oboes, or horns anticipated the reduced orchestral        SEBAST I AN KOHLHEPP
                                            scorings of composers like Stravinsky. Mozart thus created a                     T E N OR
                                            masterpiece that continually radiated its influence toward the             TAR EQ NAZ MI
                                                                                                                              BA S S
                                            future and whose power and emotional poignancy still take our                 B ER LI N ER
                                            breath away today.                                                     PHI LHAR MON I K ER
                                                                                                                BAVAR I AN R ADI O C HORUS
                                            With German and English supertitles.
                                                                                                                        WOLF GANG
                                                                                                                   AMADEUS MOZ AR T
                                                                                                                   SY M PH ON Y N O. 2 5
                                                                                                                        I N G M I N OR
                                                                                                                  RE Q U I E M I N D M I N OR

                                            PR I C E I N EUROS:
                                            39 | 65 | 104 | 144 | 169 | 195 | 215 | 260
                                            DI SC OUN T ED:
                                            34 | 59 | 99 | 139 | 159 | 185 | 205 | 250
                                            PER FOR MANC E EN DS: A PPROX. 8 PM
                                            SEAT I NG PL AN A

                                            FESTSPIELHAUS EXPRESS

14                                                                                                                            15
LISA                                                                 SAT
                                BATIASHVILI                                                         6 PM
                                Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto

                                This symphony no longer exists. All radio recordings have been     SPON SOR ED BY:
                                                                                                   RU D OLF - AU GU ST
                                erased, the dissemination of the score is prohibited. Such was     OE T K E R - ST I F T U N G
                                the fate of Dmitri Shostakovich’s Eighth Symphony after the
                                Second World War. Its lyrical and doubting mood was not in        LI SA BAT I ASHVI LI
                                                                                                         VI OLI N
                                keeping with Stalin’s intoxication of victory and the propagan-   SEMYON BYC HKOV
                                da machinery of his dictatorship. And it was not by chance            CON D U C TOR
                                that the composer made use of techniques borrowed from his             B ER LI N ER
                                                                                                  PHI LHAR MON I K ER
                                great musical predecessors like Johann Sebastian Bach. Who
                                among his contemporaries could portray both spiritual and             PYOT R I LY I C H
                                bodily suffering as vividly as the Thomaskantor? Also not of          TC HAI KOVSK Y
                                                                                                   VI OLI N CON C E RTO
                                this world are the Canzonetta of the second movement and          I N D M A J OR, OP. 3 5
                                many other passages from Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s Violin                 DMI T R I
                                Concerto. In this work the composer climbs from great spirit­        SHOSTAKOVI C H
                                                                                                  SY M PH ON Y N O. 8 I N
                                ual depths back up to the blooming surface of the earth. From        C M I N OR, OP. 6 5
                                deepest doubt to irrepressible joy. What an evening!

                                PR I C E I N EUROS:
                                39 | 65 | 104 | 144 | 169 | 195 | 215 | 260

     P H OTO : SA M M Y H ART
                                DI SC OUN T ED:
                                34 | 59 | 99 | 139 | 159 | 185 | 205 | 250
                                PER FOR MANC E EN DS: A PPROX. 8 PM
                                SEAT I NG PL AN A

                                FESTSPIELHAUS EXPRESS

16                                                                                                            17
FRANCESCA DA RIMINI                                                   SUN
                                     S. RACHMANINOFF                                                       4.4.21
                                                                                                           6 PM
                                     Concert version of the opera

                                     Kirill Petrenko’s career began with sensational opera perfor-         SPON SOR ED BY:
                                                                                                            K L AU S - GE ORG
                                     mances. The influence of this background remains, and thus            H E N GST B E RGE R
                                     during this year’s Easter Festival the Chief Conductor of the
                                     Berliner Philharmoniker will be presenting not the usual one,         K I R I LL PET R EN KO
                                                                                                                CON D U C TOR
                                     but two operas: Tchaikovsky’s Mazeppa and Rachmaninoff’s         K R I ST I NA MK HI TARYAN
                                     Francesca da Rimini. The latter is a short and tuneful opera       F RA N C E S CA DA RI M I N I
                                     that combines influences of Wagner and Tchaikovsky. The                DMY T RO POPOV
                                                                                                           PAOLO M A L AT E STA
                                     audience of today’s concert can look forward to a tour de         VL ADI SL AV SULI MSK Y
                                     force full of vocal and instrumental fireworks and featuring     L A N C E LOT TO M A L AT E STA
                                     sounds that would later influence film music. This concert-     ALEX AN DER TSY MBALY UK
                                                                                                                    VE RGI L
                                     version performance presented by a Russian cast of singers           DMI T RY G OLOVN I N
                                     and the Prague Philharmonic Choir will be fittingly intro­                     DA N T E
                                     duced by Tchaikovsky’s Romeo and Juliet Overture.                            B ER LI N ER
                                                                                                          PHI LHAR MON I K ER
                                                                                                      PR AG UE PHI LHAR MON I C
                                     With German and English supertitles.
                                                                                                                    C HOI R

                                                                                                               PYOT R I LY I C H
                                                                                                              TC HAI KOVSK Y
                                                                                                          ROM E O A N D J U LI E T,
                                                                                                          FA N TA SY OVE RT U RE
                                                                                                         A F T E R S H A K E S PE A RE
                                                                                                     SERG EI R AC HMAN I NOF F
                                                                                                       F RA N C E S CA DA RI M I N I ,
                                     PR I C E I N EUROS:                                              OPE RA I N ON E AC T W I T H

                                     39 | 65 | 104 | 144 | 169 | 195 | 215 | 260                     PROLOGU E A N D E PI LOGU E
                                     DI SC OUN T ED:                                                    LI B RE T TO BY M OD E ST
                                     34 | 59 | 99 | 139 | 159 | 185 | 205 | 250                          I LY I CH TCH A I KOVS K Y
                                     PER FOR MANC E EN DS: A PPROX. 8:15 PM                           A F T E R DA N T E ’S I N F E RN O
                                     SEAT I NG PL AN A

                                     FESTSPIELHAUS EXPRESS

18                                                                                                                  19
                                                                                                                                                                                           CON D U C TOR
                                                                                                                                                                                                                In addition to a full schedule of concerts,   MON 5.4.21, 11 AM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                members of the Berliner Philharmoniker
                                                                                                                                                                                       NAT I ONAL YOUT H
                                                                                                                                                                                   ORC HEST R A OF G ER MAN Y
                                                                                                                                                                                                                still find time to coach talented musici-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                ans from the National Youth Orchestra         AND THE
                                                                                                                                                                                        PYOT R I LY I C H       of Germany, a tradition of the Baden-
                                                                                                                                                                                        TC HAI KOVSK Y                                                        NATIONAL YOUTH
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Baden Easter Festival that Kirill Petrenko
                                                                                                                                                                                    ORCHESTRAL SUITE NO. 3
                                                                                                                                                                                                                will also be continuing. The conductor        ORCHESTRA
                                                                                                                                                                                      IN G MAJOR OP. 55
                                                                                                                                                                                                                will rehearse Tchaikovsky’s Third Or-         OF GERMANY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                chestral Suite with the young artists, one
                                                                                                                                                                                       PR I C E I N EUROS:      of the composer’s most beautiful works        P. I. Tchaikovsky:
                                                                                                                                                                                          40 | 50 | 60
                                                                                                                                                                                                                and a genuine discovery. The Suite offers     Orchestral Suite No. 3
                                                                                                                                                                                         DI SC OUN T ED:
                                                                                                                                                                                          35 | 45 | 55          an acoustic glimpse of the world of the
                                                                                                                                                                                     PER FOR MANC E EN DS:      Russian „salon“: domestic happiness,
                                                                                                                                                                                        A PPROX. 1 2 A M        waltzes, fugues, polonaises, Orthodox
                                                                                                                                                                                        B ÉNAZ ETSAAL,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                liturgical music, and sleigh rides – an
                                                                                                                                                                                            K UR HAUS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                audible testimony of the newly-estab­
                                                                                                                                                                                                                lished Russian bourgeoisie in the nine-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                teenth century.

SUN 28.3.21, 2 PM                          A little gem that makes a big impression:           SPON SORED BY:
                                                                                               T. VON ZASTROW
                                           many a listener has fallen in love with
TUE 30.3.21, 6 PM                                                                                FOUN DATI ON
                                           Mozart’s Zaide. For his first seraglio
SAT 3.4.21, 2 PM                           opera, the composer called upon the                VOCAL SOLOISTS
                                           most tender sounds. The moving “Ruhe               MEMBERS OF THE
                                                                                                  BERLIN ER
                                           sanft, mein holdes Leben” is one of two
ZAIDE                                      “Bildnis” arias. A famous third one –
                                                                                              PHILHARMON IKER

DAS SERAIL                                 from Die Zauberflöte – is more elabora-              A COOPERATI ON
W. A. MOZART                               te and polished, yet the music of Zaide          OF THE FESTSPI ELHAUS
                                           touches our heart perhaps even more.            BADEN -BADEN , BERLI N ER
                                                                                            PHI LHARMON I KER, AN D
Opera and youth project at                 As a German-language opera seria,
                                                                                            THEATER BADEN -BADEN
the Theater Baden-Baden                    Zaide was too avant-garde for its time.
                                           During this Festival we will be presen-
                                           ting it with young musicians and mem-
                                           bers of the Berliner Philharmoniker.

                                                                                                                                                   P H OTO : ST E PH AN R ABO LD
                                           As part of their school projects, students
                                                                                                                       P H OTO : A KG -I M AGE S

PR I C E I N E URO S : 47 | 67 | 90
D I S C O UN TE D: 43 | 63 | 86            will be attending the performances,
P RI C E FO R ST U DE NTS IN E U ROS: 15   which are suitable for listeners of all ages.
APP ROX . 3:30 | 7:30 | 3:30 PM

            20                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               21

                                               AT THE EASTER FESTIVAL

                                               SUN 28.3.21, 3:30 PM                                TUE 30.3.21, 11 AM

                                               CHAMBER MUSIC I                                     CHAMBER MUSIC III
                                               Kulturhaus LA8                                      Florentiner Saal, Casino Baden-Baden
                                               N. Miaskovsky: String Quartet No. 11 op. 67/2       P. I. Tchaikovsky
            THE CHAMBER MUSIC PROGRAM          “Reminiscences” | P. I. Tchaikovsky:                String Quartet No. 3 in E-flat minor op. 30
      OF THE BERLINER PHILHARMONIKER WILL BE   String Quartet No. 1 in D major op. 11              VEN US EN SEMB LE
                                               DOR I AN X HOX HI , HELENA MADOK A B ERG VI OLI N   JULI A GAR T EMAN N VI OL A
                                               K YOUNG MI N PAR K VI OL A                          SOLÈN E K ER MAR R EC C E LLO
                                               C HR I STOPH HEESC H C E LLO
 German fugues or Russian folk songs?                                                              TUE 30.3.21, 2 PM
                                               MON 29.3.21, 3:30 PM
   This question of musical aesthetics,                                                            CHAMBER MUSIC IV
   which once dominated the cultural           CHAMBER MUSIC II
                                               Museum Frieder Burda
                                                                                                   Katholische Kirche St. Bernhard
                                                                                                   O. Böhme: Trumpet Sextet E-flat minor op. 30
 conversation in Moscow and St. Peters-        N. Roslavets: Piano Trio No. 2                      SAR AH WI LLI S H ORN

 burg, remains relevant in Russia today.       A. Arensky: Piano Trio No. 1 in D minor op. 32
                                               F EI N I NG ER T R I O
                                                                                                   G UI LL AUME JEHL, TAMÁS VELENC Z EI ,
                                                                                                   AN DR E SC HOC H T RU M PE T
    To preserve one’s own tradition,           C HR I STOPH ST R EULI VI OLI N
                                               DAVI D R I N I K ER C E LLO
                                                                                                   OL AF OT T T ROM BON E
                                                                                                   ALEX AN DER VON PUT T K AMER T U BA
      or open oneself to the West?             ADR I AN OET I K ER PI A N O
                                                                                                   O. Böhme: Nachtmusik op. 44 No. 1 and 2
    Both the answers and the works                                                                 V. Ewald: Quintet No. 1 in B minor op. 5,
                                                                                                   Quintet No. 3 D-flat major op. 7
  themselves were diverse – but always                                                             SAR AH WI LLI S H ORN

        absolutely worth hearing.                                                                  G UI LL AUME JEHL, TAMÁS VELENC Z EI T RU M PE T
                                                                                                   OL AF OT T T ROM BON E
                                                                                                   ALEX AN DER VON PUT T K AMER T U BA

                                               PR I C E I N EUROS: 25 | DI SC OUN T ED: 21
                                               OPE N S E AT I N G

22                                                                                                                                          23

TUE 30.3.21, 4 PM                                                     FRI 2.4.21, 11 AM                                  SAT 3.4.21, 3:30 PM                                      MON 5.4.21, 2 PM

CHAMBER MUSIC V                                                       CHAMBER MUSIC VIII                                 CHAMBER MUSIC X                                          CHAMBER MUSIC XIII
Kulturhaus LA8                                                        Weinbrennersaal, Kurhaus                           Runder Saal, Kurhaus                                     Runder Saal, Kurhaus
M. Glinka: String Quartet No. 2 F major                               M. Glinka: Trio Pathétique (D minor)               P. I. Tchaikovsky: Trio in A minor op. 50                Rimsky-Korsakov/Lyadov/Borodin/Glasunov:
N. Rimsky-Korsakov: String Quartet G major                            W E NZEL F UCHS CL ARI N ET                        “À la mémoire d’un grand artiste”                        String Quartet on the theme B - LA - F
LEO BO RC HA R D Q UA R T E T T                                       ST E FA N SCHWEIGER T BASSOON                      PHI LHAR MON I A PI ANO T R I O                          (Serenata all spagnola)
AMA D E US HE U T L ING , R A IM A R OR LOVSK Y V IO L IN             ÖZG Ü R AYDIN PI AN O                              PHI LI PP BOHN EN VI OLI N                               ALEKSAN DAR I VI Ć , AN NA MEHLI N VI OLI N
M AT T HE W HU NT E R VI OL A                                                                                            N I KOL AUS RÖMI SC H C E LLO                            JULI A GAR T EMAN N VI OL A
                                                                      N. Rimsky-Korsakov: Quintet for flute,             K YOKO HOSONO PI A N O                                   SOLÈN E K ER MAR R EC C E LLO
                                                                      clarinet, horn, bassoon, and piano
                                                                      E M M AN UEL PAHUD FLUTE                                                                                    A. Rubinstein: Piano Quintet G minor op. 99
THU 1.4.21, 11 AM                                                                                                        SUN 4.4.21, 3:30 PM
                                                                      W E NZEL F UCHS CL ARI N ET                                                                                 ALEKSAN DAR I VI Ć , AN NA MEHLI N VI OLI N
                                                                      ST E FA N DOHR HORN                                                                                         JULI A GAR T EMAN N VI OL A
CHAMBER MUSIC VI                                                      ST E FA N SCHWEIGER T BASSOON                      CHAMBER MUSIC XI                                         SOLÈN E K ER MAR R EC C E LLO
Runder Saal, Kurhaus                                                  ÖZG Ü R AYDIN PI AN O                              Weinbrennersaal, Kurhaus                                 ÖZ G ÜR AY DI N PI A N O
S. Rachmaninoff:                                                                                                         A. Arensky: String Quartet op. 35 for violin,
Trio élégiaque No. 2 in D minor op. 9                                 FRI 2.4.21, 2:30 PM                                viola, and two cellos
“À la mémoire d’un grand artiste”                                                                                        BAST I AN SC HÄF ER VI OLI N
COR N EL I A GA R T E M A NN VI OL I N                                CHAMBER MUSIC IX                                   I G NAC Y MI EC Z N I KOWSK I VI OL A
DI ET MA R S C H WA L K E C E L LO                                    Weinbrennersaal, Kurhaus                           ST EPHAN KONC Z , N N C E LLO
                                                                      M. Glinka: Gran Sestetto Originale for piano       A. Borodin: String Quartet No. 2 D major
                                                                      and String Quintet E-flat major                    NOAH B EN DI X- BALG LEY, MAR LEN E I TO VI OLI N
THU 1.4.21, 2 PM                                                      S. Lyapunov: Sextet for piano and string quintet   NAOKO SHI MI Z U VI OL A
                                                                      op. 63                                             LUDWI G Q UAN DT C E LLO
CHAMBER MUSIC VII                                                     D OR I AN XHOXHI, ANGELO DE LEO VI OLI N
Runder Saal, Kurhaus                                                  SE BASTIAN KRUN N IES VI OL A                      MON 5.4.21, 11 AM
A. Rubinstein: String Sextet D major op. 97                           NN C E LLO
R. Glière: String Sextet No. 3 op. 11                                 M I CH AEL KARG DOUBLE BASS
                                                                      NN P IAN O
                                                                                                                         THE PHILHARMONIC SALON:
                                                                                                                         CHAMBER MUSIC XII
                                                                                                                         Orangerie, Brenners Park-Hotel
M A R T I N ME NK ING , K NU T W E BE R C EL LO                                                                          G ÖT Z T EUTSC H CON C E PT I ON A N D D I RE C T I ON
                                                                                                                         C OR DELI A HÖF ER PI A N O
                                                                                                                         MEMB ER S OF T HE B ER LI N ER PHI LHAR MON I K ER

P RI C E I N E URO S : 25 | DIS C O U N T E D : 21

              24                                                                                                                                                                                                            25
                                    TRAVELING TO THE EASTER FESTIVAL
                                              26.3– 4.4.2021

                                         We bring you close to the music –
                                     leave the organization to us! Our cultural
                                    tours combine group visits to Festspielhaus
                                     events with exclusive cultural workshops
                                        as well as enjoyable excursions with
                                    an expert tour guide – and all this together
                                       with people who share an enthusiasm
                                       for classical music, art, refined living,
                                      and the city of Baden-Baden. We’ll also
                                      be happy to book extra nights and visits
                                             to other events for you on
                                            +49 7221 3013 - 446 or - 447.
26                                                                           27
          STARS                                                                                                                                                    S U N DAY, M A RC H 2 8 , 2 02 1
                                                                                                                                                                   After breakfast it’s time for a guided city tour with
                                                                                                                                                                   the theme “Russian History in Baden-Baden.” You’ll
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             TO U R PAC K AG E I N C LU D E S

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             3 nights with breakfast at the five-star hotel
 Berliner Philharmoniker in Baden-Baden                                                                                                                            have the afternoon free – visit our Festival Lounge       Maison Messmer Baden-Baden
                                                                                                                                                                   or enjoy a delicious piece of cake and cup of coffee
           March 26–29, 2021                                                                                                                                       in one of the city’s cafés. In the evening, transfer to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             1 category 2 ticket for the opera Mazeppa – P. I.
                                                                                                                                                                   the Festspielhaus. Today you’ll hear the Berliner
                                                                                                                                                                   Philharmoniker under the musical direction of Paavo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             1 category 2 ticket for the concert
                                                                                                                                                                   Järvi. After the concert you’ll be served a four-course
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             with Paavo Järvi
                    If we ask people in Russia what famous German                                                                                                  gala meal, designed by Harald Wohlfahrt, in the
                    city comes to mind, after Berlin we’re likely to hear                                                                                          Festspielhaus’s own AIDA restaurant. Return trip          1 four-course gala meal at AIDA restaurant
                    the name of Baden-Baden. For over 200 years, strong                                                                                            to your hotel.                                            including drinks
                    cultural and personal ties have existed between the
                    vast empire and the little musical city in the Black                                                                                           M O N DAY, M A RC H 2 9 , 2 02 1                          1 intermission package with glass of champagne
                    Forest. We will be tracing these back to their roots                                                                                           Breakfast in hotel and departure.
                    as we are joined by the Berliner Philharmoniker                                                                                                                                                          Exclusive opera workshop
                    in offering a musical testimony to a very special
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Welcome cocktail

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             1 three-course meal at JB Messmer restaurant
                    F R I DAY, M A RC H 2 6 , 2 02 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             including drinks
                    After arriving at your five-star hotel Maison Messmer
                    Baden-Baden, you’ll join the group in the evening                                                                                                                                                        1 three-course lunch in Baden-Baden
                    for a welcome cocktail at the hotel bar, followed

                                                                            P H OTO S : M O NI KA R ITT ER S H AU S , BA DEN -BA DEN K UR & TO UR IS MU S GM B H
                    by a three-course meal at the hotel’s JB Messmer                                                                                                                                                         1 guided city tour, theme “Russian History
                    gourmet restaurant.                                                                                                                                                                                      in Baden-Baden”

                    SAT U R DAY, M A RC H 27, 2 02 1                                                                                                                                                                         Local tour guide
                    After breakfast, you’ll learn more about Tchaikov­
                    sky’s rarely performed opera Mazeppa and its new                                                                                                                                                         Outings and transfers according to program
                    production at the Easter Festival in Baden-Baden.
                    Then we’ll serve you lunch in one of Baden-Baden’s                                                                                                                                                       Evening activities, cloakroom service, tourist tax
                    restaurants. You’ll have the rest of the afternoon
                    free. In the evening, transfer to the Festspielhaus.                                                                                                                                                     PRICES
                    You’ll experience the premiere of the production                                                                                                                                                         Package price per person
                    of Tchaikovsky’s opera Mazeppa under the musical                                                                                                                                                         In double room: € 1,620
                    direction of Kirill Petrenko with the Berliner Phil­                                                                                                                                                     Single room surcharge: € 240
                    harmoniker. During intermission you’ll enjoy a snack                                                                                                                                                     Minimum/maximum number of participants:
                    and a glass of champagne at the AIDA Restaurant.                                                                                                                                                         15/25 persons
                    Return trip to your hotel.

28                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 29
                    MASTERPIECES                                                                                                                                                                                                TO U R PAC K AG E I N C LU D E S

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                3 nights with breakfast in four-star superior
              Mozart, Shostakovich, and Tchaikovsky                                                                                                                                                                             hotel Der Kleine Prinz

                with the Berliner Philharmoniker                                                                                                                                                                                1 category 2 ticket for Requiem – W. A. Mozart

                         April 1– 4, 2021                                                                                                                                                                                       1 four-course gala meal at AIDA Restaurant
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                including drinks

Lyricism, lust for life, and lofty matters? In music,   evening for a welcome cocktail in the hotel bar,                                                                                                                        1 intermission package with glass of champagne
it’s never half way. From this year’s Easter Festival   followed by a three-course meal at the hotel’s
with the Berliner Philharmoniker, we’ve chosen          gourmet restaurant.                                                                                                                                                     Exclusive music workshop
two very special concerts and combined them into
a cultural tour. You’ll travel in your imagination      G O O D F R I DAY, A P R I L 2 , 2 02 1                                                                                                                                 Welcome cocktail
from Vienna to Moscow and much further – all the        After breakfast you’ll enjoy an exclusive introduction                                                        will feature Mozart’s Requiem with the Berliner
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                1 three-course meal at hotel restaurant including
way to Samara.                                          to the concert programs that have been selected                                                               Philharmoniker. After the concert you’ll be served a
                                                        for you. You’ll have the afternoon free – visit our                                                           four-course gala meal, designed by Harald Wohlfahrt,
T H U R S DAY, A P R I L 1 , 2 02 1                     Festival Lounge or enjoy a delicious piece of cake                                                            in the Festspielhaus’s own AIDA restaurant.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Excursion to Maulbronn Monastery with
After arriving at your four-star superior hotel         and cup of coffee in one of the city’s cafés. In the                                                          Return trip to your hotel.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                thematic guided tour and lunch
Der Kleine Prinz, you’ll join the group in the          evening, transfer to the Festspielhaus. The program
                                                                                                                                                                      H O LY SAT U R DAY, A P R I L 3 , 2 02 1                  Local tour guide
                                                                                                                                                                      Your day begins with a bus trip to Maulbronn
                                                                                                                                                                      Monastery, a historic UNESCO World Heritage               Outings and transfers according to program
                                                                                                                                                                      Site. Here you’ll take part in a thematic guided tour
                                                                                                                                                                      entitled “Maulbronn, Monks, and Maultaschen.”             Evening activities, cloakroom service, tourist tax
                                                                                                                                                                      During the tour you’ll learn about the history and
                                                                                                                                                                      everyday life of the monks along with the legendary       PRICES
                                                                                                                                                                      story of how Maultaschen were invented. This re-          Package price per person
                                                                                                                                                                      gional specialty will then be served as part of a         In double room: € 1,640
                                                                                                                                                                      hearty meal and accompanied by a glass of wine –          Single room surcharge: € 225

                                                                                                                 P H OTO S : SA M M Y H ART, KLO STE R M AULB RO NN
                                                                                                                                                                      culture and cuisine in the cloister! Followed by return   Minimum/maximum number of participants:
                                                                                                                                                                      trip to your hotel in Baden-Baden. In the evening,        15/25 persons
                                                                                                                                                                      transfer to the Festspielhaus for Tchaikovsky’s
                                                                                                                                                                      Violin Concerto with Lisa Batiashvili and Shosta­
                                                                                                                                                                      kovich’s Eighth Symphony, conducted by Semyon
                                                                                                                                                                      Bychkov. During the intermission you’ll enjoy a
                                                                                                                                                                      snack and a glass of champagne at the AIDA
                                                                                                                                                                      Restaurant. Return trip to your hotel.

                                                                                                                                                                      E A ST E R S U N DAY, A P R I L 4 , 2 02 1
                                                                                                                                                                      Breakfast in hotel and departure.

          30                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         31

A simple call is enough – we will be delighted to      G O L D PAC K AG E
organize your stay in Baden-Baden. You’re traveling    Two nights with breakfast, four-course gala meal at
to Baden-Baden for a Festspielhaus event? Book         the AIDA restaurant (designed by Harald Wohl-
one of our Festspielhaus packages to go along with     fahrt), reserved seats for introductory lecture, drink
your tickets! You’ll enjoy two nights’ accommodation   during the intermission, program booklet, cloakroom
with breakfast in selected hotels plus a number        service, admission to Museum Frieder Burda, tou-
of extras. For each Festspielhaus event, choose        rist tax.
from the following options:

Two nights with breakfast in selected hotel,
intermission package, program booklet, cloakroom
service, admission to Museum Frieder Burda,
tourist tax.

 HOTELS                                                                        S I LV E R         GOLD

 Brenners Park-Hotel & Spa ***** S                                              € 1,450           € 1,690

 Maison Messmer Baden-Baden *****                                                € 710            € 960

 Roomers Baden-Baden *****                                                       € 650             € 870

 Belle Epoque **** S                                                             € 610            € 840

 Der Kleine Prinz **** S                                                         € 590            € 820

 Radisson Blu Badischer Hof **** S                                               € 570            € 820

 Magnetberg *** S                                                                € 490             € 740
                                                                                                                P H OTO : TH O M AS STR AU B

 Bad Hotel zum Hirsch ****                                                       € 480            € 720

 Vienna Townhouse Batschari Baden-Baden ****                                     € 470            € 680

 Hotel Holiday Inn Express *** S                                                 € 380             € 610

 Tickets are not included, single room available upon request

          32                                                                                                                                   33

B R E N N E R S PA R K- H O T E L & S PA * * * * * S      RO O M E R S BA D E N - BA D E N * * * * *             R A D I S S O N B LU BA D I S C H E R H O F * * * * S   VIENNA TOWNHOUSE BATSCHARI B.-B. * * * *
One of the oldest and most sophisticated hotels           Baden-Baden’s luxury design hotel right next to        Formerly a cloister with a 190-year hotel tradition.    This modern hotel stands out through its attrac-
in Europe, richly steeped in tradition and located        the Festspielhaus, with its own lounge/bar/rooftop     In some of the guest rooms, thermal waters flow         tive location, spacious facilities, and exceptional
directly on Lichtentaler Allee.                           terrace and the pan-Asian restaurant “moriki.”         directly into the bath tubs. The only hotel with a      amenities. Just 200 m from the Festspielhaus.
www.brenners.com, www.fritzxfelix.com                     www.roomers-badenbaden.com                             thermal swimming pool.                                   www.viennahouse.com

M A I S O N M E S S M E R BA D E N - BA D E N * * * * *   BELLE EPOQUE AND                                       H E L I O PA R K BA D H O T E L                         H O L I DAY I N N E X P R E S S * * * S
A modern deluxe hotel offering an exclusive ambi­         DER KLEINE PRINZ **** S                                ZUM HIRSCH ****                                         Combining contemporary design with friendly
ence and a variety of culinary options. Central           The Hotel Belle Époque is famous for its eponymous     Hotel in the historic city center with running          service at affordable prices, the Holiday Inn Express
location close to the Kurhaus. Superb spa facilities.     decor, while every room in Der Kleine Prinz is de-     thermal water in some rooms, antique furniture,         in Baden-Baden is only a few minutes’ walk from
www.hommage-hotels.com                                    signed in a different style. French gourmet cuisine.   and paintings in Belle Époque style.                    the Festspielhaus.
                                                          www.hotel-belle-epoque.de and                          www.heliopark-hirsch.de                                 www.hiexpress.com

           34                                                                                                                                                                                                      35
                                         YOUR BOOKING

If you would prefer to stay at another hotel of          T R AV E L CA N C E L L AT I O N I N S U R A N C E      PAY M E N T M E T H O D                                CA N C E L L AT I O N
your choice, please let us know and we will amend        We recommend that you purchase travel cancellation      We accept payment by bank transfer, MasterCard,        Cancellations are subject to the terms of cancellation
your package accordingly (subject to availability).      coverage. Please see the table below for informa-       Visa, or American Express, as well as Festspiel-       as specified in the Festspielhaus Baden-Baden’s
If you would like to extend your stay in Baden-          tion on insurance premiums. Insurance cover can         haus gift vouchers.                                    general terms and conditions for tour packages,
Baden, we will be happy to book additional nights        be purchased at the time of booking. Please make                                                               which are printed overleaf for your convenience.
at your selected hotel.                                  sure you are not already covered, e.g. by a policy      T R AV E L D O C U M E N T S
                                                         included in your credit card agreement or similar.      Travel documents are generally sent out two weeks      C O N TAC T
BOOKING                                                  Our insurance policy provides coverage against the      prior to the date of travel. If you would like us to   For all bookings and enquiries, please contact our
After booking your selected tour package, you will       following events (subject to submission of evidence):   send them out at an earlier date as a gift to some-    travel expert Britta Loose and Elisabeth Winkler
receive a confirmation/invoice specifying all services   death, severe injury, unexpected severe illness,        body else, please let us know.                         by phoning +49 7221 3013 - 446 or - 447 or
included in your package. Please note that a deposit     breakage of artificial limbs, damage to property,                                                              sending an e-mail to kulturreisen@festivalhall.de.
of 20% of the invoice total is payable immediately.      start of a new employment, or loss of employment.       C H A N G E S TO T H E TO U R PAC K AG E               Our in-house travel agency is open Mondays to
The remainder is payable four weeks prior to your                                                                Minor changes and amendments to individual             Fridays from 10 am to 6 pm.
date of travel and you will not receive a separate        PRICE PER               INSURANCE PREMIUM              parts of the agreed contents of the package that
invoice. All items listed under “Package includes”        PERSON                  INCL. TICKETS                  may become necessary subsequent to the time of
are included in the price. Additional expenses,                                                                  signing the contract and have not been caused by
e.g. tips and items from the minibar in your hotel        Up to € 250             € 16                           the organizer in bad faith are permitted as long as
room, are not included in the price. Your package                                                                they do not compromise the overall format of the
includes category 2 tickets except the arrangements.      Up to € 500             € 20                           tour package. The organizer is obliged to notify
However, we will be happy to upgrade your package                                                                the client immediately of any such changes. In the
to include category 1 tickets (subject to availability    Up to € 750             € 24                           event of changes to the program or cast, the booking
and a surcharge). Concessions, e.g. for senior citi-                                                             remains valid for the new cast or program. In this
                                                          Up to € 1,000           € 29
zens, or special offers cannot be discounted against                                                             case, the client does not have the right to cancel
the package price. If you have any special dietary        Up to € 1,250           € 35                           the booking.
requirements such as a vegetarian diet or food
allergies or intolerances, please let us know at the      Up to € 1,500           € 41
time of booking.
                                                          Up to € 1,750           € 46

                                                          Up to € 2,000           € 53

           36                                                                                                                                                                                                  37
                                      IN A NUTSHELL

       A I DA F I N E D I N I N G                              A I DA BA R
       When Richard Wagner conceived his Gesamtkunst­          For the bar’s design, we drew inspiration from

       werk (“total work of art”), he left out food. But the   the old train station atmosphere. Here you can
       fact is, cooking and music have gone well together      enjoy small snacks and a wide range of drinks.
       for ages; not only wine is perfect while chatting
       about the night’s concert. Enjoy your meal! At the
       Festspielhaus Baden-Baden, every menu item and          LO B BY BA R S
       set meal is prepared on location by our in-house        At the lobby bars you can choose from a selection of
       cooks. When you wish to be regaled by our catering      drinks, freshly prepared canapés, oven-baked pretzels,
       team’s culinary delights, you’ll have several options   and sweet delights. During the concert intermissions
       to choose from, savoring their cuisine in our AIDA      (around 20 minutes long), we offer intermission
       restaurant or in selected seats in the lobby. You       snacks at reserved tables, with the option of a glass
       can enjoy world-class dining before or after every      of sparkling wine (€ 18) or champagne (€ 22).

       event, and during intermissions.                        For reservations, please call +49 7221 3013 - 101.

       A I DA CA F É                                           I N T RO D U C TO RY L E C T U R E S
       Cosy meeting space for breaks in winter – one of        We hear what we know – for all operas and sym­
       the most beautiful terraces in summer.                  pho­ny concerts, the Festspielhaus offers an intro-
                                                               ductory lecture in lobby level 3 80 minutes before
                                                               the event. It will be repeated 40 minutes before
       A I DA B I ST RO                                        the event. The lecturers often welcome guest artists
       Cold gourmet delicacies await you in the middle         as well.
       of the lobby, rounded out with an exquisite selection

       of premium wines together with coffee and cake
       specialties. We’ll be happy to take your reservation    DISCOUNTS
       on +49 7221 3013 - 101.                                 People holding the Baden-Baden Family Pass,
                                                               seniors, the severely disabled (from 70%), and the
                                                               unemployed are entitled to a reduced admission
       A I DA R E STAU R A N T                                 price. For discounts, ID must be presented at the
       In days past, this is where first-class travelers       entrance.
       would wait for their trains. Today, the à la carte
       restaurant provides a supremely elegant culinary
       setting for your visit to the Festspielhaus. The res-
       taurant opens two hours before the event begins
       and serves hot meals up to two hours following
       the event. For reservations, please call
       +49 7221 3013 - 101.

38                                                                                                    39

C LOA K RO O M S                                        PAY M E N T
In the interests of security, jackets and coats may     You can pay for your tickets by credit card
not be taken into the hall. Cloakrooms are located      (VISA, American Express, MasterCard),
on the ground floor as well as on the second and        bank transfer, or direct debit. For online orders,
third levels. There is a charge of € 1.50 per item of   payment can be made by credit card, PayPal,
clothing.                                               or direct debit.

                                                        Bank details:
OPENING TIMES                                           Festspielhaus und Festspiele
The lobby and lobby bars open 90 minutes before         Baden-Baden gGmbH
the event begins. Food and drinks are also offered
during the intermissions and after the event.           Deutsche Bank
                                                        IBAN: DE65 6627 0024 0010 4422 01
                                                        BIC: DEUTDEDB662.
OPERA GLASSES                                           Sparkasse Baden-Baden/Gaggenau
Opera glasses can be rented in every lobby bar for      IBAN: DE37 6625 0030 0000 0645 84
a fee of € 2.50.                                        BIC: SOLADES1BAD

                                                                                                             P H OTO : MY R ZI K UN D JAR IS CH

           40                                                                                                                                     41
                                                  INFORMATION FORM
                                                                                                                                                                                                     MATION REQUIREMENTS

Information form for the traveler regarding       The price of the package tour may only be         The traveler is entitled to a price reduction      Preliminary information requirements               For contracts concluded less than four weeks        contract, he/she and the traveler are jointly
package tour according to § 651a of the           increased if certain costs (e.g. fuel prices)     and/or compensation if the travel services         according to Art. 250 § 3 EGBGB for                before the start of the tour, the total price is    and severally liable to the operator for the
German Civil Code (BGB)                           increase and if this is expressly provided        are not provided or not properly provided.         Festspielhaus packages and Festspielhaus           to be paid immediately.                             tour price and for the additional costs incurred
                                                  for in the contract, in any case at the latest                                                       cultural tours of the Festspielhaus und Fest-                                                          by the entry of the third party. The operator
Dear Guest,                                       20 days before the start of the package tour.     The travel operator shall provide assistance       spiele Baden-Baden gGmbH                           Withdrawal/termination and change                   may demand reimbursement of additional
The combination of travel services offered        If the price increase exceeds 8% of the package   to the traveler in the event of difficulties.                                                         in booking by the customer/representative           costs only if and to the extent that they are
to you are considered a package tour within       tour price, the traveler can withdraw from                                                           Address/contact of your tour operator              The customer can withdraw from the tour at          reasonable and actually incurred. The operator
the meaning of Directive (EU) 2015/2302.          the contract. While a travel operator reserves    In the event of insolvency of the tour operator    Festspielhaus und                                  any time prior to the start of the tour. If the     must provide the traveler with proof of the
You can thus claim all EU rights that apply       the right to increase the price, the traveler     or, in some Member States, of the travel agent,    Festspiele Baden-Baden gGmbH                       customer withdraws from the travel contract         amount of additional costs incurred by the
to package tours. The Festspielhaus und           has the right to a price reduction if the         payments will be refunded. If insolvency of        Beim Alten Bahnhof 2                               or does not join the tour, the operator may         third party.
Festspiele Baden-Baden gGmbH bears full           corresponding costs are reduced.                  the tour operator or, if applicable, the travel    76530 Baden-Baden                                  demand lump-sum cancellation costs as a
responsibility for the proper execution of the                                                      agent occurs after the start of the package        Telephone: +49 7221 3013 - 101                     reasonable compensation for the travel              Booking modification requests by the customer
entire package tour.                              Travelers are entitled, without payment of a      tour and if transport is part of the package       Fax: +49 7221 3013 - 444                           arrangements made as well as the expenses.          with regard to travel dates, accommodation,
                                                  cancellation fee according to D 14.2 tour pack­   tour, the traveler’s return transport is guaran­   E-mail: kulturreisen@festspielhaus.de              This does not apply to termination due to force     meal type, or type of transport are considered
In addition, the Festspielhaus und Festspiele     age form § 651 BGB Version 1 11.06.2018 JK,       teed. The Festspielhaus und Festspiele Baden-                                                         majeure within the meaning of § 651h par.           up to 30 days before the start of the tour,
Baden-Baden gGmbH possesses the legally           to withdraw from the contract and receive         Baden gGmbH has insolvency insurance with          Accessibility/suitability for persons              3 of the German Civil Code (BGB). The cus-          if feasible, for a processing fee of € 25 per
required coverage for the reimbursement of        a full refund of all payments if one of the       R+V Allgemeine Versicherung AG, Raiffeisen-        with reduced mobility                              tomer must declare the withdrawal to the            person and any additional costs incurred.
your payments and, if transport is included       essential components of the package tour,         platz 1, 65189 Wiesbaden. Travelers can            On a Festspielhaus cultural tour, we use various   operator in writing. These lump-sum cancel-         After expiry of this period, booking modifi-
in the package tour, to ensure your return        with the exception of the price, is substan­      contact this agency by mail, by telephone          means of transport such as buses or taxis          lation costs are, per registered participant:       cation requests by the customer can only
transport in the event of insolvency.             tially altered. If the operator responsible for   on +49 611 533 - 0, or by e-mail at ruv@ruv.de     and stay overnight in different hotels of                                                              be processed after withdrawal from the tour
                                                  the package tour cancels the package tour         if they are denied services due to insolvency      varying standards. Since we cannot always          up to the 30th day before start of the tour         contract in accordance with the above-
The following are the principal rights under      before the start of the package tour, travelers   of the Festspielhaus und Festspiele Baden-         guarantee accessibility, neither in public         15% of the tour price,                              mentioned conditions and simultaneous new
Directive (EU) 2015/2302                          are entitled to reimbursement and possibly        Baden gGmbH                                        spaces nor in the means of transport and           from the 29th to the 15th day                       booking. Exceptions to this are the type of
Travelers will receive all the essential infor-   to compensation.                                                                                     accommodation, our tours are generally not         before start of the tour                            transport and meal type, for which the stipu­
mation about the package tour prior to the                                                                                                             suitable for persons with reduced mobility         40% of the tour price,                              lated processing fee continues to apply.
conclusion of the package tour contract.          In the case of the occurrence of unusual cir-                                                        and other disabilities or handicaps. However,      from the 14th to the 7th day
                                                  cumstances, travelers are entitled to withdraw    Website where Directive (EU) 2015/2302             experience shows that with a certain willing­      before start of the tour                            We recommend that you obtain travel
At least one operator shall always be liable      from the contract prior to the start of the       in the form transposed into national law           ness to compromise and accompanied by a            50% of the tour price,                              cancellation insurance.
for the proper provision of all travel services   package tour without payment of a cancel­         can be found: www.umsetzung-richtlinie-            support person, certain tours from the pro-        from the 6th to the last day
included in the contract.                         lation fee, for example if there are serious      eu2015-2302.de                                     gram are possible. Please understand that our      before start of the tour                            Cancellation by the operator
                                                  security problems at the destination that                                                            tour guides and bus/taxi drivers cannot take       80% of the tour price,                              The operator may withdraw from the
Travelers will receive an emergency tele-         are likely to affect the package tour.            D14.2 form package tours according to              on additional assistance duties. The Festspiel-    from the day of the tour                            contract prior to the start of the contract
phone number by which they can contact                                                              § 651 BGB Version 1 11.06.2018 JK                  haus itself, however, is accessible for persons    95% of the tour price.                              in the following cases
the tour operator or travel agency.               In addition, travelers can withdraw from the                                                         with disabilities. We will be happy to advise                                                          (I) For the package tour, fewer persons have
                                                  contract at any time prior to the start of the                                                       you individually on +49 7221 3013 - 446 from       The calculation of the lump-sum cancellation        registered than the minimum number of par-
Travelers may transfer the package tour           package tour upon payment of an appropriate                                                          Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 6:00 pm.          costs shall be determined with reference            ticipants specified in the contract: in this case,
to another person within a reasonable time        and reasonable cancellation fee.                                                                                                                        to the time of receipt by the operator of the       the operator must declare the withdrawal at
frame and possibly at an additional cost.                                                                                                              Hotel description                                  customer’s cancellation notice. The operator        least 20 days prior to the start of the tour for
                                                  If, after the start of the package tour, essen-                                                      In addition to the hotel descriptions in the       shall have a claim to compensation exceeding        a travel duration of more than six days, seven
                                                  tial components of the package tour cannot                                                           2021 Easter Festival brochure, please visit        that agreed in the lump-sum cancellation            days prior to the start of the tour for a travel
                                                  be carried out as agreed, other appropriate                                                          our website for detailed descriptions of the       costs if the operator provides evidence sub-        duration of at least two and not more than
                                                  arrangements shall be offered to the traveler                                                        hotels offered: www.festspielhaus.de/plus/         stantiating such claim.                             six days, and 48 hours prior to the start of the
                                                  at no additional cost. The traveler can with-                                                        hotel-empfehlungen                                                                                     tour for a travel duration of less than two days.
                                                  draw from the contract without payment of                                                                                                               The traveler can declare, within a reasonable
                                                  a cancellation fee (in the Federal Republic                                                          Detailed itinerary                                 period before the start of the tour on a durable    (II) The operator is prevented from fulfilling
                                                  of Germany this right is called “termination”)                                                       In addition to the program descriptions in         medium, that instead of him/herself, a third        the contract due to unavoidable, extraordinary
                                                  if services are not provided in accordance                                                           the 2020 Easter Festival brochure, please          party enters into the rights and obligations        circumstances: in this case, he must declare
                                                  with the contract and this has considerable                                                          visit our website for detailed descriptions        under the package tour contract. The decla-         the withdrawal immediately after learning
                                                  effect on the provision of the package tour                                                          of the cultural tours offered:                     ration is in any case timely if it reaches the      of the reason for withdrawal. If the operator
                                                  services stipulated by the contract and the                                                          www.festspielhaus.de/plus#kulturreisen             operator not later than seven days before the       withdraws from the contract, the operator
                                                  tour operator fails to remedy the situation.                                                                                                            start of the tour. The operator may object to       forfeits the claim to the agreed tour price.
                                                                                                                                                       Payment                                            the entry of the third party if the latter does     If the operator is liable to refund the tour
                                                                                                                                                       Upon conclusion of the contract, a deposit of      not fulfill the travel requirements specified       price as a result of withdrawal, the operator
                                                                                                                                                       20% of the invoice amount is due. The balance      in the contract. If a third party enters into the   must issue the refund within 14 days after
                                                                                                                                                       is due four weeks before the start of the tour.                                                        the withdrawal.

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Terms and Conditions                            1. Conclusion of the travel contract                 four weeks before the departure date. If con-     5. Changes to the service and price after the       6. Withdrawal/termination and change of            tional charges only if, and to the extent that,
Festspielhaus Baden-Baden                       By registering in writing, in person, or by          tracts are concluded less than four weeks         conclusion of contract                              booking by the customer/substitute person          they are actually and reasonably incurred. The
Information about your booking                  phone, the customer makes a binding offer            before the departure date, the full price is      Changes to individual travel services and           The customer can withdraw from the trip at         Organizer must provide proof to the customer
                                                to the Organizer to conclude a travel contract.      payable immediately. After receipt of payment,    departures from the agreed content of the           any time before the departure date. If the         of the amount of additional charges incurred
                                                The receipt of the customer’s registration shall     we will send the customer the travel docu-        travel contract which become necessary              customer withdraws from the travel contract,       through the entry of the third party. If the
General Terms and Conditions of Travel of       immediately be confirmed electronically.             ments (vouchers, tickets, etc.) around two        after the conclusion of contract and are not        or if he or she does not commence the trip,        customer wishes to change his or her booking
Festspielhaus und Festspiele Baden-Baden        Registration by the customer shall also take         weeks before the departure date. The custom­      introduced by the Organizer contrary to good        the Organizer can demand a flat-rate with-         in respect of the date of travel, accommoda-
gGmbH for travel events                         place for all the participants listed in the reg­    er must check all the documents received          faith are permitted, provided they are insig-       drawal fee as appropriate compensation             tion, form of catering, or method of transport,
                                                istration, and the customer shall be respon-         for correctness regarding those details which     nificant and do not adversely affect the over-      for the travel arrangements made and the           provided it is feasible, account will be taken
In cases in which Festspielhaus und Fest­       sible for their contractual obligations as well      are within the sphere of the customer con-        all nature of the trip booked. The Organizer        Organizer’s expenses. This does not apply          of this up to 30 days before the departure
spiele Baden-Baden gGmbH (hereinafter           as for his or her own obligations insofar as he      cerned and of the participants listed in the      must immediately inform the customer of             to termination due to force majeure within         date in return for a processing fee of € 25
“Organizer”) operates a package tour            or she has assumed a separate obligation to          registration. The customer must assert any        changes in the terms of contract on a durable       the meaning of Section 651 h Para. 3 BHB.          per person and any additional costs arising.
within the meaning of Section 651 a BGB         this effect in the form of an express separate       complaints to the Organizer immediately.          medium and clearly, understandably, and in          The customer must declare his or her with-         After this period has expired, the customer’s
(German Civil Code) on its own responsibility   declaration. The contract shall be concluded         No account can be taken of later complaints.      a prominent manner. A change is only valid          drawal to the Organizer in writing. These          wishes to change his or her booking can only
and offers it in its own name, the legal        when the Organizer accepts the registration.         If for reasons of time it should no longer be     when it meets these conditions and is declared      flat-rate withdrawal costs per registered          be dealt with after he or she has withdrawn
relationship between the customer and the       Such acceptance does not require any parti-          possible to send the travel documents out,        prior to the commencement of the contract.          participant are:                                   from the travel contract in accordance with
Organizer is regulated in accordance with       cular form. On or immediately after the con-         they will be kept at the box office of the        In the event of insignificant changes to the                                                           the aforementioned conditions and simulta-
the General Terms and Conditions of Travel      clusion of contract, the customer shall receive      Festspielhaus Baden-Baden.                        program and the cast after the conclusion           up to the 30th day before start of the tour        neously made a new booking. Exceptions
below and Sections 651 a ff. BGB (German        the confirmation of travel, which can be issued                                                        of contract, the booked trip shall remain in        15% of the tour price,                             from this are the means of transport and the
Civil Code).                                    in writing or electronically on a durable me-        3. Services                                       place with the changed cast or the changed          from the 29th to the 15th day                      form of catering. The agreed processing fee
                                                dium. If the details of the travel confirmation      The contractual scope of services derives         program. In this case, the customer does not        before start of the tour                           will continue to apply here.
                                                differ from the registration, the travel confir-     from the details in the confirmation of travel.   have any right of withdrawal from the trip.         40% of the tour price,
                                                mation shall constitute a new offer from the         If the Organizer uses brochures, the scope of     When due to circumstances occurring after           from the 14th to the 7th day                       7. Withdrawal by the Organizer
                                                Organizer, by which the Organizer shall be           services derives from the travel descriptions     the conclusion of the contract, the Organizer       before start of the tour                           The Organizer can withdraw from the contract
                                                bound for ten days and which the customer            in the respective brochure. The details con-      can only provide the travel service to the client   50% of the tour price,                             before the departure date in the following
                                                can accept within this period by means of            tained in the corresponding publication are       by altering one of the essential characteristics    from the 6th to the last day                       cases: (i) When fewer people have registered
                                                an express declaration, the payment of a             binding upon the Organizer. However, the          of the travel service, or by departing from         before start of the tour                           for the travel package than the minimum
                                                deposit, the payment of the balance, or by           Organizer expressly reserves the right to de-     special provisions of the customer that form        80% of the tour price,                             number of participants specified in the con-
                                                commencing the trip. After the contract has          clare a change to the details in the brochure     part of the contract, the Organizer can offer       from the day of the tour                           tract; in this case the Organizer shall declare
                                                been concluded, the text of the contract will        before the conclusion of contract; the custom­    a corresponding price increase and require          95% of the tour price.                             withdrawal at the latest 20 days before the
                                                be stored by the Organizer and will be handed        er will be informed of this before booking.       for the customer, within an appropriate time                                                           departure date for a trip duration of more than
                                                over to the customer on request. The con-                                                              frame, to (i) accept the price increase or (ii)     The effective date for the calculation of the      six days, seven days before the departure date
                                                tractual language is German. The Organizer           4. Dispatch of travel documents                   withdraw from the contract. Optionally, the         flat-rate withdrawal fee is the date on which      for a trip duration of at least two and at most
                                                shall inform the customer, before the custom­        The travel documents will be sent to the          Organizer can also offer a different package        the customer’s declaration of withdrawal is        six days, and 48 hours before the departure
                                                er confirms his or her agreement with the            address provided by the customer. Partial         tour (replacement tour). After the expiry of        received by the Organizer. The Organizer can       date for a trip duration of fewer than two days.
                                                terms, pursuant to Article 250 Sections 1 to 3       deliveries are permissible provided these are     the time period determined by the Organizer,        assert higher damages than those agreed in         (ii) The Organizer is prevented from comply-
                                                of the Introductory Law to the German Civil          reasonable for the customer. The Organizer        the offer of a price increase or other changes      the flat-rate withdrawal fee if it provides evi-   ing with the contract due to unavoidable and
                                                Code (EGBGB).                                        should be informed immediately if the cus-        in the contract is deemed to be accepted.           dence of these. Within an appropriate time         exceptional circumstances; in this case the
                                                                                                     tomer has not received the travel documents                                                           frame before the departure date, the customer      Organizer shall declare withdrawal imme-
                                                2. Payment                                           by seven days before the departure date at                                                            can declare on a durable medium that instead       diately upon learning of the reason for with-
                                                Payments of the price of travel before the           the latest.                                                                                           of him or her, a third party shall succeed to      drawal. If the Organizer withdraws from the
                                                package tour has ended are to be made only                                                                                                                 the rights and obligations flowing from the        contract, he loses any claim to the agreed-upon
                                                when there is a valid contract of guarantee                                                                                                                package travel contract. In each case the dec­     trip fee. If due to withdrawal, the Organizer
                                                for the customer’s money and when the name                                                                                                                 laration is in due time when it reaches the        is liable to reimburse the trip fee, he shall do
                                                and bank details of the guarantor were pro-                                                                                                                Organizer no later than seven days before the      so within 14 days after the withdrawal.
                                                vided to the customer clearly, understandably,                                                                                                             departure date. The Organizer can refuse
                                                and in a prominent manner. The financial                                                                                                                   entry of the third party if he or she does not     8. Guarantee/redress/withdrawal
                                                guarantee certificate will be sent to the custo­m­                                                                                                         meet the demands stipulated in the travel          If it is not possible or reasonable for the
                                                er together with the confirmation of travel.                                                                                                               contract. When a third party enters into the       customer for redress for a deficiency to be
                                                A deposit of 20% of the invoice amount is due                                                                                                              contract, he/she and the customer are jointly      provided via the respective service provider,
                                                for payment on the conclusion of contract                                                                                                                  and severally liable to the Organizer for the      the customer shall be obliged to immediately
                                                and the handover of the financial guarantee                                                                                                                price of the trip and for the additional costs
                                                certificate. The balance of payment is due                                                                                                                 incurred by the entry of the third party. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Organizer can claim reimbursement of addi­

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