Monday 13th September - Friday 17th September - Owairoa Primary School

Monday 13th September - Friday 17th September - Owairoa Primary School
Year 0   Monday 13th September – Friday 17th September
Monday 13th September - Friday 17th September - Owairoa Primary School
Read the books chosen for you by your teacher on Sunshine Classics.
               Try completing the online activities that your
                        teacher has set up for you.

                   •    Listen to the story of ‘Hairy Maclary from Donaldson’s Dairy’ on YouTube:

                   •    Lynley Dodd is famous for writing stories about Hairy Maclary and his friends. She also wrote some stories
                        about different animals. Here are two you can listen to:
                                The Smallest Turtle
                                The Minister’s Cat ABC

                   •    Practise learning the Word List words in your Home Learning Book. Put them on cards and see if you can say
                        them really quickly.

  •   Can you write a few sentences to describe what Hairy Maclary looks like? Just like the
      author Lynley Dodd has to describe Hercules Morse e.g., Hercules Morse as big as a

  •   Make a list of all the names of the animals that are in the story. Can you draw a picture
      of each of the animals?

  •   Practise writing these letters of the alphabet - l, t, i, h. Check the Handwriting page in
      your Home Learning Book to see if you are writing them the right way.
Monday 13th September - Friday 17th September - Owairoa Primary School
Maths                      Study Ladder
                                       • Complete the tasks chosen for you by your teacher on Study

           Dogs and bones                                                                                        Pattern challenges
•   Hercules Morse, Bottomley Potts, and Schnitzel Von        •   Answer the following questions:
                                                                     o   Who is the biggest dog in the story?    •   Draw or describe what will
    Krumm have been waiting for their dinner. Hairy
                                                                     o   Who is the smallest dog in the story?       come next in each pattern
    Maclary decided to give each of his friends 2 bones for
    dinner. How many bones will Hairy Maclary need to                o   Who is the shortest dog?

    feed his 3 friends?                                              o   Who is the tallest?
Monday 13th September - Friday 17th September - Owairoa Primary School
Every year since 1975 New Zealand has marked Māori Language Week. This is a
        Māori                   time for all New Zealanders to celebrate Te Reo Māori (the Māori language)
    Language Week               and to use more Māori phrases in everyday life. We hope you enjoy learning,
                                practising, and sharing this beautiful language this week.

Here are a few suggestions that you could do:

•   Pepeha

Some of the things that make us who we are, is our history, culture, and whakapapa. These are also things
that as we learn about, give us a real sense of meaning and connection.

A pepeha is an introduction of ourselves in Te Reo Māori and incorporates our ancestry and history.
Our pepeha is a chance to connect to whanau, the places we love and learn some Te Reo Māori along the
way. Use the template to practice introducing yourself in Te Reo Māori.

•   Koru Art

                                                                                                              Please find below some links to engage
    The koru is the Māori name given to the fern that has the
                                                                                                              your child:
    koru shape. It represents new life, growth, strength, and                                                 Colours in te reo Māori song
    peace. You can see koru patterns in Māori carvings and                                          
    illustrations of stories.
                                                                                                              Head, shoulders, knees, and toes in te reo
    Can you draw the koru pattern? Go over the outline in                                                     Māori

    black and colour the inside in bold bright colours. Draw a                                      
    koru for each member of your family on the same piece of
    paper. Remember to take a photo and send it to your                                                       Tahi, rua, toru, wha song

                                                                                                              Māori language games to play
Monday 13th September - Friday 17th September - Owairoa Primary School

Listen to the story. Count the number of times each one of these names is mentioned and do the relevant exercise. Example: If you
hear Hairy Maclary’s name 5 times, you will do 5 star jumps.
       •   Hairy Maclary = one star jump
       •   Bottomley Potts = one frog jump
       •   Hercules Morse = one kangaroo bounce
       •   Bitzer Maloney = one burpee
       •   Schnitzel von Krumm = high knees (one on each side!)
       •   Muffin McLay = one snow angel (lie on your back and move
           your arms and legs out like you’re making a snow angel)
       •   Scarface Claw = one cartwheel (make sure you check with
           an adult where you can do this one)

                                                     Hairy Maclary Paper Plate Craft activity
                                                     •   Can you use a paper plate to make Hairy Maclary? Here is a list of equipment you might
                                                            o    Paper plate
                                                            o    Black and red felt tip pens
                                                            o    Black wool (if you don’t have black wool – you can use black paper)
                                                            o    PVA glue/Glue stick
                                                            o    Black, red and blue card
Monday 13th September - Friday 17th September - Owairoa Primary School Monday 13th September - Friday 17th September - Owairoa Primary School Monday 13th September - Friday 17th September - Owairoa Primary School Monday 13th September - Friday 17th September - Owairoa Primary School Monday 13th September - Friday 17th September - Owairoa Primary School
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