MICROSOFT TEAMS MARKET GUIDE - 2022 Essential Insights for - UC Today

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MICROSOFT TEAMS MARKET GUIDE - 2022 Essential Insights for - UC Today

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MICROSOFT TEAMS MARKET GUIDE - 2022 Essential Insights for - UC Today

             Teams is Not Slowing Down

    Microsoft Teams continues to grow at         This is where the wider Teams and          The Future of Teams
    a relentless pace, with monthly active       Microsoft ecosystem comes into
    users most recently reported as hitting      play. More and more vendors are            Microsoft may have taken a strong
    a huge 270 million. This is for a platform   building integrations into Microsoft       positioning in the market, but that           Tom Wright
    that launched just five years ago.           Teams, making it the hub for many          doesn’t mean it is showing signs of           Senior Editor | UC Today
                                                 organisations. Meanwhile, Microsoft        slowing down. The likes of Viva and
    For many businesses, the first phase         itself continues to build out the          Loop will only enhance the Teams
    of Teams will have seen them use             platform’s scope and ease of use.          experience, while we’re only
    its messaging and video capabilities         Operator Connect is still in its infancy   going to see more innovation in
    predominately - particularly at the          but will make it simpler than ever to      extended reality through solutions
    start of the pandemic when they were         plug existing voice services into the      such as Mesh.
    forced to work remotely and already          Teams platform.
    had the platform as part of their                                                       We’re also likely to see more of
    Microsoft subscription.                      Alongside software is the booming          Microsoft in the contact centre –        Rob Scott | Publisher
                                                 market for Teams-compatible                be that through more third-party
    We’re now in a different phase,              hardware. Businesses have a                vendors obtaining certification with
    where businesses aren’t making snap          newfound appreciation for their            Microsoft; Microsoft itself building
    decisions to stay operational but are        meeting spaces and know they               more CX-focused features into Teams;     Chris Porter | Commercial Director
    thinking more about their long-term          need to invest in making them fit for      or Dynamics 365 Customer Service
    communication and collaboration              purpose in the age of hybrid work.         continuing to expand.
    strategies. This coincides with the          This has led to a boom in innovation                                                David Dungay | Editor in Chief
    emergence of hybrid work when a lot          among the world’s leading hardware         Wherever Microsoft chooses to focus
    of people are less likely to be sitting at   vendors, creating an ecosystem of UC       in the digital workspace, we can be
    a home desk all week and more likely         players all working to make the Teams      sure that there is a lot more to come.
                                                                                                                                     News Desk
    to be working on the move or in              experience better for the end-user.
    the office.                                                                                                            

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MICROSOFT TEAMS MARKET GUIDE - 2022 Essential Insights for - UC Today
 HEADLINE SPONSOR      to all of our Sponsors,
                    Advertisers and Contributors

                          Cloud Voice & Direct Routing

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                           Contact Centre & Analytics                                 Read More


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MICROSOFT TEAMS MARKET GUIDE - 2022 Essential Insights for - UC Today
Microsoft Teams
                                                                                         This flexible and extensible ecosystem        for Microsoft Teams, ideal for
                                                                                         of tools is growing more powerful with        future collaborative sessions in XR
    Sponsored by                                                                         the regular introduction of new and           environments. At the end of 2021,
                                                                                         improved features. Just some of the           Microsoft also introduced Mesh for
                                                                                         trends driving the growth of Microsoft        Microsoft Teams to help companies
                                                                                         Teams today include:                          build their own metaverse experiences.
    Boasting a monthly active user count of 270 million, Microsoft
                                                                                         • A customisable ecosystem:                   Microsoft Teams: Looking Ahead
    Teams has quickly emerged as one of the most valuable
                                                                                           One of the reasons Microsoft Teams is
    collaboration tools.                                                                   so powerful is that it allows companies    As we move into a new age of work,
                                                                                           to connect the Teams ecosystem to          defined by things like the Metaverse,
    More than just a convenient video conferencing and messaging system, Microsoft         their existing tools. The solution comes   artificial intelligence, and extended
    Teams represents a comprehensive ecosystem of powerful tools for enabling              with a robust app market and access        reality, Microsoft Teams will continue
    hybrid work.                                                                           to the Power Platform environment,         to introduce us to new cutting-edge
                                                                                           where users can access low-code            collaboration methods.
    In the last couple of years, Microsoft has begun to transition Teams from a simple     and no-code solutions for adding
    replacement technology for Skype for Business into an entirely new concept.            their automations and integrations         Microsoft has always been committed
    According to Satya Nadella, Microsoft Teams will soon become a solution as big as      into Teams. This customisable              to delivering the most exciting tools for
    the operating system or the internet.                                                  approach makes Microsoft Teams             collaboration and communication to
                                                                                           one of the more flexible tools on          business users. We’re likely to see more
    The Trends Driving Microsoft Teams in 2022                                             the market.                                investment into even more
                                                                                                                                      immersive experiences.
    Microsoft Teams is one of the fastest-growing products ever created by Microsoft.    • Operator Connect and
    The solution is powerful because it adapts so quickly to the needs of a changing       Direct Routing:
    workplace. During the pandemic and throughout the shift to the post-pandemic           Direct routing is one of the many
    landscape, Teams has become one of the leading companies paving the way to the         ways Microsoft ensures companies
    future of hybrid work.                                                                 can build their ideal communication
                                                                                           strategy within Teams. The company
                                                                                           started to build on this solution with             NEWS
                                                                                           the introduction of Operator Connect,
                                                                                           an easier way to connect voice to
                                                                                           Teams through approved providers.                  REVIEWS
                                                                                         • The Metaverse:
                                                                                           Microsoft is just one of the many                  DIRECTORY
                                                                                           companies investing in the future of a
                                                                                           more “connected” digital world with
                                                                                           the Metaverse. Already, Microsoft
                                                                                           has begun introducing 3D avatars

MICROSOFT TEAMS MARKET GUIDE - 2022 Essential Insights for - UC Today
Microsoft Teams - The
      Secret Key to Productivity
      in the Hybrid Workplace

                           For IT teams in particular, the pace of change in the
                           workplace since 2020 has been nothing short of dizzying.
                           With each work-from-home employee essentially
                           functioning as an individual branch office, new
                           collaboration platforms are coexisting with legacy PBXs.
                           Here are 3 top tips to develop a winning Microsoft Teams        2. Make Microsoft Teams Your Complete           colleagues. Many managers are also
                           strategy for 2022 and beyond.                                   Voice Communications Platform                   creating similar meeting spaces in their own
                                                                                           Microsoft Teams is the ideal platform for       private office rooms. Device strategy plays a
                           1. Microsoft Teams Fits the Hybrid Workplace Like a Glove       all your voice and video communications         big part here, and AudioCodes can provide
                           It’s safe to say that the past couple of years have changed     needs, and it’s easier to get started than      business phones and meeting room
                           the nature of work forever. Working from home is now            you may think. You don’t need to throw          solutions for every Microsoft Teams scenario.
                           standard practice for many knowledge workers, contact           out your existing PBXs and you’re not
                           centre agents and customer service functions, while for         obliged to use Microsoft Calling Plans. In      3. Boost Productivity with Microsoft Teams
                           others, working in the office remains essential. The real       fact, for most organisations, especially        the Easy Way
                           challenge for today’s IT managers is to develop successful      those with multiple sites and legacy            In times of rapid change, hard-pressed
                           hybrid workplace strategies to secure business continuity,      requirements such as analog devices, the        IT managers may not have the expertise
                           while ensuring that employees remain productive wherever        best approach is a migration strategy that      or the budget to plan, build and manage
                           they’re located. Any such strategy has to be cost-effective,    seamlessly integrates Microsoft Teams with      the infrastructure for a successful
                           secure and agile. Microsoft Teams ticks all these boxes – and   their existing setup and service provider.      Microsoft Teams deployment. Adopting
                           then some.
     Andy Elliot                                                                           AudioCodes has a proven track record in         a subscription-based managed service is
                                                                                           helping organisations successfully migrate      a great solution since it frees them up to
     VP Global Marketing
                                                                                           to Microsoft Teams.                             focus on other, more important, priorities.
                                                                                           To really hit the productivity heights,         AudioCodes Live for Microsoft Teams is
                                                                                           you also need to make the right device          an innovative portfolio of managed services
                                                                                           choices. Try thinking in terms of user          for simplifying the migration to Microsoft
                                                                                           personas to match the right device to each      Teams voice calling, offering Direct Routing
                                                                                           employee. For example, some users might         as a Service, user management and even                                                                         find a headset to be ideal, while others        on-site integration with legacy equipment.
                                                                                           might work better with a more familiar          You can also add AudioCodes business
                                                                                           deskphone with handsfree audio and one          phones, meeting room devices, compliance
     GET IN TOUCH                                                                          touch access to collaboration calls. One size   recording, conversational IVR and meeting
                                                                                           never fits all.                                 productivity solutions to your monthly
                                                                                                                                           subscription too.
                                                                                           Meetings in the hybrid workplace are also
                                                                                           different, with smaller groups in huddle
                                                                                           rooms engaged in video calls with remote

MICROSOFT TEAMS MARKET GUIDE - 2022 Essential Insights for - UC Today
Hybrid Work as the
     Way of the Future
                                If the past few years have showed us anything, it’s that
                                a business needs to be prepared for anything, and
                                that migrating their organization to a Cloud telephony
                                network is the way of the new hybrid work future.

                                With employees leaving their jobs to find other remote
                                work solutions, and giant tech companies moving
                                toward a hybrid work from home environment,
                                organizations are starting to realize that to survive, they
                                need to empower their employees with a work from
                                home or hybrid solution that is secure, reliable, and
                                                                                              to a cloud ecosystem is on its own difficult      iPILOT – An All-encompassing
                                flexible so that their business can stay strong, protected,
                                                                                              but add on top of that the management             Communications Solution in a
                                and resilient. Organizations are realizing the value of
                                                                                              of a cloud ecosystem and overwhelming             single Dashboard
                                empowering their employees with strong tools that can
                                                                                              security threats that come afterwards.
                                help them grow their team in dynamic ways which can
                                                                                              Not to mention the loss of visibility control     This is where iPILOT by NUWAVE comes
                                also affect company growth and allow them not just to
                                                                                              over your network, as migrating to a cloud        in. Whether you need to manage Zoom or
                                survive but thrive in an everchanging
                                                                                              environment usually depends on the carrier        Microsoft Teams, or migrate from DR to OC
                                work environment.
                                                                                              or 3rd party for any sort of management           in Microsoft Teams, iPILOT provides a single
                                                                                              changes. This all results in a lot of resources   platform where you can manage your entire
                                Challenges in the Telecomm Market
                                                                                              and capital most organizations cannot             Cloud Voice ecosystem.
                                                                                              spend or need to wait until their next fiscal
     Mark Bunnell               Organizations are struggling to find a work from office/
                                                                                              year to spend.                                    iPILOT – a single pane of glass platform
     Chief Operations Officer   work from home balance, and are looking for solutions,
                                                                                                                                                to manage migration needs. Full lifecycle
                                whether that is through Zoom or Microsoft Teams.
     Nuwave                                                                                   There is a lot of confusion in the market,        support across the entire estate for
                                This comes with its own issues though, as migration
                                                                                              with organizations struggling to balance          communications, i.e. Deploy/Manage/
                                                                                              one solution over another and in some             Support via Tenant management, voice
                                                                                              cases, attempting to manage multiple              management or on-demand capacity with
                                                                                              systems on a location-based ecosystem. In         MACD support for the entire stack.
                                                                                              other words, an organization may split their
                                                                                              Team up, with employees in Dallas choosing        With easy user provisioning, change                                                                               Zoom, while employees in their New York           adoption, hardware/headset purchases
                                                                                              campus preferring Microsoft Teams.                inside the platform with global
                                                                                                                                                availability and stock, bring your own
     GET IN TOUCH                                                                             This results in a lot of work for this            carrier integrations, call recordings, and
                                                                                              organization’s IT Team and puts a lot of          survivability/call-forwarding features, iPILOT
                                                                                              stress on working with third parties to get       is truly becoming an all-in-one, on demand
                                                                                              organized in 2022.                                solution for anything Cloud UC.

MICROSOFT TEAMS MARKET GUIDE - 2022 Essential Insights for - UC Today
Microsoft Teams Cloud                                                                 Microsoft is constantly updating its vast
                                                                                             list of partners, with new capabilities
                                                                                                                                          see a rise in vendors offering both
                                                                                                                                          UCaaS and CCaaS services within the
                                                                                             which allow vendors to assist their          Microsoft Teams ecosystem.

       Voice & Direct Routing                                                                customers in a more seamless
                                                                                             transition to the cloud. Some of the         Cloud Voice and Direct Routing
                                                                                             trends impacting the Microsoft Teams         Tomorrow: Looking Ahead
                                                                                             approach to cloud voice include:
     Sponsored by                                                                                                                        Microsoft’s decision to keep its
                                                                                             • Increased SBC opportunities:              environment as flexible and open as
                                                                                               As companies continue to worry about      possible for other partners and vendors
     Responsible for helping to transform Microsoft Teams from                                 the security of their communications      means today’s communication providers
                                                                                               in a hybrid environment, Microsoft’s      have a wide range of ways to join forces
     a collaborative tool to a full UCaaS solution, cloud voice and
                                                                                               number of SBC vendors for direct          with a market-leading technology
     direct routing are crucial to many Teams investments.                                     routing is growing. SBC solution          provider. As companies continue to
                                                                                               providers are beginning to                make the transition into the cloud,
     Microsoft has always taken a flexible approach to its voice strategy with the Teams
                                                                                               partner with Microsoft to provide         maintaining the use of an easy-to-use
     collaboration tool package.
                                                                                               their security solutions as a “SaaS”      ecosystem like the Microsoft tech stack
                                                                                               offering, streamlining migration          will help to keep migration issues to
     Teams users can access everything from built-in business phone services offered
                                                                                               pathways between Teams’ calling and       a minimum.
     by Microsoft to a Microsoft Teams voice SKU, available in 33 markets. The most
                                                                                               collaboration components.
     popular solution for voice in Microsoft Teams, of course, continues to be direct
                                                                                                                                         We’re sure to see more brands taking
     routing. Direct routing technology ensures companies can build the ultimate
                                                                                             • Operator Connect:                         advantage of the flexibility of the
     Microsoft Teams investment, using the business calling capabilities of their existing
                                                                                               Operator Connect was officially           direct routing and cloud voice features
     phone system vendor.
                                                                                               introduced in 2021 as an alternative to   available from Microsoft.
                                                                                               the direct routing option for business
     The Trends Driving Cloud Voice and Direct Routing in 2022
                                                                                               leaders. This solution enables
                                                                                               customers to directly configure
     Direct Routing and Operator Connect provide companies with a multitude of
                                                                                               services from various providers like
     ways to get involved with the Microsoft Teams ecosystem as a partner provider. As
                                                                                               T-Mobile, BT, and Verizon. The platform
     Microsoft Teams emerges as one of the most popular UCaaS tools for the age of
                                                                                               allows companies to use a PTSN via
     hybrid work and post-pandemic communications, many communication leaders
                                                                                               a managed service model, rather than
     are taking advantage of these functionalities.
                                                                                               handling things manually with direct              NEWS
                                                                                               routing. Demand for this service is
                                                                                               likely to increase in the years ahead.
                                                                                             • Full Communication systems
                                                                                               via Teams:
                                                                                               With a wide range of solutions for                DIRECTORY
                                                                                               business voice via direct routing and
                                                                                               operator connect, companies can also
                                                                                               begin to offer more comprehensive
                                                                                               cloud environments for end-to-end
                                                                                               communications. This could mean we

MICROSOFT TEAMS MARKET GUIDE - 2022 Essential Insights for - UC Today
Your Contact Center Is
       Wasting Time And Money
       - Here’s How To Stop It
                               I’m sure your business has had it’s share of challenges in the
                               past years. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic organizations were
                               urged to take some short cuts in their digital transformation.
                               Especially in customer touch points. Working from home
                               is here to stay, according to several recent studies. So, how
                               do you handle the ever increasing number of dialogues in
                               this new era? Adding more agents to the workforce is not
                               sustainable. It will kill productivity and eventually your
                               entire business.
                                                                                                supply chain and logistics to eliminate any        Add Intelligence And Maximize
                                                                                                waste and maximize profit. But what if the         Digital Dexterity
                               We Need A Shift Of Paradigm
                                                                                                perishable product is Time itself? How do you
                                                                                                optimally manage time, when thinking of it         Our enterprise-wide vision on customer
                               Maintaining or even enhancing productivity is a key objective
                                                                                                as both your most valuable and your least          dialogues goes way beyond the contact
                               for many enterprises. But throwing more bodies at the
                                                                                                renewable asset?                                   center. In fact, we have proven in many global
                               problem will only increase your amount of responsibility
                                                                                                                                                   customers that the way forward for enterprise
                               and budget requirements. It will not enhance the
                                                                                                We need to make every minute count for             communication is not growing the contact
                               customer experience, nor will it boost profitability. Business
                                                                                                customers as well as for the business. Managing    center. It is not even about bringing random AI
                               communications in enterprises need a dramatic shift of
                                                                                                your dialogues as a warehouse of precious          solutions to the front office. The way forward
                               paradigm. Increasing the number of contact center seats will
                                                                                                time is about technology that enables human        is about taking contact center capabilities to
                               not solve our capacity problems in the long run.
                                                                                                agents, AI bots and the Internet of Things to      the entire organization and adding intelligence
                                                                                                help the customer together. This will increase     to your communications. A native Microsoft
                               We need to embrace the principle of reducing unnecessary
     Hans Kramer                                                                                employee productivity and satisfaction. And        Teams Contact Center can do that.
                               steps and treat communications just as precisely as supply
     Chief Marketing Officer                                                                    also drive exceptional service experiences,
                               chain processes. Think about a business dealing in perishable
     Anywhere365                                                                                customer loyalty and profitability.                The right technology does not just automate
                               products. It requires the utmost care in streamlining the
                                                                                                                                                   simple actions, but will also influence the
                                                                                                Get Back Time In Your Dialogues                    digital dexterity of people. Making a huge
                                                                                                                                                   impact on your warehouse of time requires an
                                                                                                How would you like to get back time in your        intuitive communications and collaboration
                                                                                                enterprise dialogues? Close your eyes for a        environment, like Microsoft Teams. But
                                                                                                moment. Can you even imagine what that             integrations with CRM and other data systems                                                                             would look like? I am not just talking about       are just as essential. The breech block is full
                                                                                                saving time, or expanding your customer            funnel tracking and reporting on all dialogues.
                                                                                                service team. I am talking about really creating   Because customer experiences don’t always
     GET IN TOUCH                                                                               more breathing space for your existing             begin or end in the contact center.
                                                                                                workforce by adding productivity to your
                                                                                                warehouse of time. This will enhance the
                                                                                                accuracy and speed of service for customers,
                                                                                                tackle issues in capacity planning and create
                                                                                                unparalleled service experiences.

MICROSOFT TEAMS MARKET GUIDE - 2022 Essential Insights for - UC Today
Embracing Hybrid Life with
     Jabra Solutions Certified for
     Microsoft Teams
                        We’re at a pivotal moment of change, with the shift to
                        hybrid work likely to be the biggest permanent shift in
                        work culture for a generation. In Jabra’s 2021 Hybrid Ways
                        of Working Global Report, Jabra addresses this change,
                        enabling the current and future workforce with headsets
                        certified for Microsoft Teams to help everyone hear, and be
                        heard, no matter where work takes them.

                        As humans we all thrive on close connections, and Jabra
                                                                                       And when you’re in meetings, professional         3 reasons to choose a certified, professional
                        has developed cutting-edge solutions to help people
                                                                                       certified devices can help you minimize           device:
                        communicate and collaborate more effectively – to keep
                                                                                       virtual meeting fatigue. Recent research
                        those human connections as close as possible.
                                                                                       shows that meeting fatigue is a real and          1. Technical standards. Each certified device
                                                                                       ongoing issue for people. The less time           meets an exacting professional-grade
                        Jabra devices are enhanced with official Microsoft Teams
                                                                                       spent on setup or troubleshooting, the            standard, with integration to the Microsoft
                        certification for smooth deployment and quick and easy
                                                                                       more time you’ll have to concentrate on           Teams platform baked into its DNA.
                        adoption. By including professional, certified Jabra devices
                                                                                       what’s important to you, allowing you to stay
                        as part of a Microsoft Teams deployment, the overall
                                                                                       engaged and involved.                             2. Performance. All Microsoft-certified Jabra
                        user experience is enhanced, leading users to adopt the
                                                                                                                                         devices bear the Microsoft Teams badge,
                        Microsoft Teams platform easily.
                                                                                       Jabra devices have an integrated Teams            to show Microsoft’s stamp of approval that
                                                                                       button which launches the Microsoft Teams         Jabra has met the specific performance
                        Microsoft Teams-certified solutions means teams can
                                                                                       app with a simple tap of the button, allowing     criteria, and to give you full confidence in
                        work effectively wherever they choose. From home offices
     Holger Reisinger   and hot desks to meeting rooms and on the frontline –
                                                                                       you to easily review voicemails, return missed    your investment.
     SVP                                                                               calls and jump straight into meetings – even if
                        wherever work takes you, and however you choose to work,
                                                                                       they’ve already started. It’s really maximizing   3. Support. Unlike non-certified devices, if
     Jabra              Jabra offers a Microsoft Teams-certified device to fit
                                                                                       efficiency with minimum effort.                   you experience any issues or need any extra
                        your needs.
                                                                                                                                         help, you can rely on the combined customer
                                                                                       Jabra devices also meet Microsoft’s open          support of both Jabra and Microsoft to
                                                                                       office requirements which require the highest     resolve any issues.
                                                                                       standard of microphone quality, giving the
                                                                                       ultimate reassurance of headset performance       Jabra is a world-leading audio and video                                                                        in any open office environment.                   brand creating intelligent headsets and
                                                                                                                                         communication tools to help professionals
                                                                                       What’s more, Jabra professional solutions give    work productively. The work from anywhere
     GET IN TOUCH                                                                      you access to the latest firmware updates         mentality has been a fundamental part of
                                                                                       and improvements, including those related         Jabra’s corporate culture for years, making
                                                                                       to inter-operability, so those using Microsoft    us well-placed to support hybrid working
                                                                                       Teams certified devices can benefit from an       challenges now and in the future.
                                                                                       even better experience over time.

MICROSOFT TEAMS MARKET GUIDE - 2022 Essential Insights for - UC Today
Taking Microsoft Teams
     from Good to Great
                         It’s hard to overstate the meteoric rise of Microsoft Teams in
                         the last two years.
                         In a recent research commissioned by 8x8, 92% of UK public
                         sector organisations were found to be using Teams as a way
                         of boosting productivity and collaboration.1 As even casual
                         observers will be aware, Teams is also the number one app of
                         its kind among private sector organisations.

                         While the pandemic played a central role in accelerating
                         the adoption of Microsoft Teams, the product itself clearly
                         provides what organisations need to fast track their digital
                                                                                           Completing the jigsaw: embedded voice                centre applications, including IVR, inbound
                         transformation journey, facilitate flexible working and improve
                                                                                           calling for Teams                                    and outbound contact centre, workforce
                         the experience of customers and employees.
                                                                                           Because of this, more and more companies             optimisation, call screen synchronisation
                                                                                           are using 8x8 Voice for Microsoft Teams to           and comprehensive analytics. 8x8 Voice for
                         That said, few organisations are truly accessing
                                                                                           supercharge their Teams experience. How does         Microsoft Teams also offers native integrations
                         Teams’ potential
                                                                                           it work? By enabling them to make and receive        with 35 major business apps, including
                         The same research also points out that Teams is still
                                                                                           global external voice calls through their familiar   leading CRM software, thus enabling deeper
                         overwhelmingly used for internal collaboration only, with a
                                                                                           Teams interface.                                     synchronisation, the logging of call information
                         firm emphasis on video meetings and internal messaging.
                                                                                                                                                and more.
                                                                                           8x8 Voice for Microsoft Teams uses cloud-based
                         As such, organisations need multiple applications to meet
                                                                                           direct routing to connect users to the relevant      A fully unified communications experience
                         their wider communication needs, which include external
                                                                                           public telephone networks. It also eliminates        The enhanced experience of 8x8 Voice for
                         voice calling. This all adds considerable complexity, often in
     Andy Rawll                                                                            the technical and administrative complexities of     Microsoft Teams enables users to playback
                         the form of extensive on-premise equipment, while promoting
     Senior Product                                                                        SIP trunks, end-user software and on-premises        call recordings, share instant messages, create
                         an unnecessarily fractured user experience.
                                                                                           equipment, since the call-making function is         faxes and access voicemails in Teams – all
     Marketing Manager
                                                                                           fully embedded in your desktop, mobile or            without switching apps.
                                                                                           web-based Teams app.
                                                                                                                                                The upshot? Your organisation enjoys all the
                                                                                           A better quality call experience                     benefits of a global enterprise communication
                                                                                           In addition to 8x8’s award-winning call quality,     solution, without the cost or hassle of
                                                                                           users of 8x8 Voice for Microsoft Teams enjoy         managing a complex infrastructure, and                                                                              a full range of advanced call features and a
                                                                                           range of cost-effective call plans, including
                                                                                                                                                without complicating your Teams
                                                                                                                                                user experience.
                                                                                           unlimited local and international calls for up to
     GET IN TOUCH                                                                          48 countries. All this comes in addition to the      Learn more about 8x8 Voice for
                                                                                           in-built Teams-to-Teams calling capability.          Microsoft Teams

                                                                                           The option to integrate contact centre               1
                                                                                                                                                    The Public Sector Communications Challenge (8x8 Future
                                                                                           Clients can upgrade the capabilities of              of Communications Research Series)
                                                                                           Teams with a full complement of 8x8 contact

Microsoft Teams Contact                                                                 Because Microsoft doesn’t have                landscape, companies can ensure their

      Centre and Analytics
                                                                                              the heritage and experience most              employees remain aligned, informed,
                                                                                              companies are looking for in the contact      and empowered.
                                                                                              centre, the company allows teams to
                                                                                              create a contact centre through Teams         Contact Centre and Analytics:
                                                                                              with a “Teams certified” vendor. It’s even    Looking Ahead
      Sponsored by
                                                                                              possible to build intelligent analytics
                                                                                              and extra CX tools into the Microsoft        As companies continue their shift to the
     Already making waves as one of the world’s biggest solutions                             Teams ecosystem. Trends influencing          cloud and workplaces become more
                                                                                              the contact centre and analytics             distributed, Microsoft Teams contact
     for collaboration and a leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant                             environment in Teams this year include:      centres and analytical tools will become
     for UCaaS, Microsoft Teams is now making its way into the                                                                             increasingly valuable. The perfect
     contact centre.                                                                          • Teams certification:                       solution for combining UCaaS and
                                                                                                The popularity of Teams represents a       CCaaS in many business environments,
     Perfectly suited for aligning teams in a hybrid environment, Teams represents              fantastic opportunity for CX leaders to    a Microsoft Teams contact centre, can
     a powerful tool for the contact centre of tomorrow. Increasingly, companies                take their strategy to the next            lead to a more collaborative CX team.
     recognise the need for a collaborative central space for their CX agents, which is         level with Teams. Many vendors are
     what Teams can offer.                                                                      now earning Teams certification for        At the same time, access to in-depth
                                                                                                everything from customer analytics         analytics built into the contact centre
     Thanks to the flexibility of the Microsoft environment, companies can build their          tools to complete omnichannel              and UCaaS environment allows for
     entire UCaaS and CCaaS environment into one cloud-based ecosystem with the                 contact centre environments.               better end-to-end insights to empower
     help of the right vendor. As the rapid adoption of the cloud for all kinds of business                                                better customer and employee
     processes continues, the demand for contact centre and analytics tools in Teams          • Agent experience:                          experience.We might even see more
     will also increase.                                                                        The increasing demand for great            companies creating specialist AI fraud
                                                                                                employee experiences makes a               detection bots and add-ons for the
     The Trends Driving Contact Centre and Analytics in 2022                                    Microsoft Teams contact centre so          Microsoft Teams environment.
                                                                                                compelling. By building the contact
     Microsoft Teams has rapidly emerged as the central “hub” for anywhere work in              centre on top of the collaboration tools
     the last couple of years. Capable of combining teams and integrating with a range          your employees already use, you can
     of essential tools, the environment ensures employees can stay engaged and                 provide them with a more convenient
     productive wherever they are.                                                              environment for getting work done.
                                                                                                Microsoft Teams contact centres                    NEWS
                                                                                                also pave the way to access features
                                                                                                like Viva for tracking
                                                                                                employee engagement.
                                                                                              • Hybrid teams:
                                                                                                Rising demands for hybrid team
                                                                                                environments are transforming
                                                                                                tools like Microsoft Teams into the
                                                                                                new work hub. With a contact centre
                                                                                                environment built into the Teams

Hybrid work: Meeting
 Business and Employee Needs
                             The way we work has changed significantly
                             From being at the office every day to being secluded at the
                             home office – how we work has been completely disrupted.
                             What we do, and how we do it, are key to our professional
                             fulfilment, and while the shift initially took a toll on the
                             business, it has had an even bigger impact on employees.
                             Motivating your workforce without impacting the business,
                                                                                                  live group chat, audio, and video calls,         Ready for hybrid work
                             while addressing evolving customer and employee
                                                                                                  and meetings help team members                   As hybrid work veterans, we’re happy to offer
                             expectations is essential. However, businesses need to adopt
                                                                                                  gather more efficiently than asynchronous        two customisable approaches to a true
                             the model that works best for them. It might be a full or partial
                                                                                                  communications such as emails.                   hybrid workplace:
                             return to the office, fully remote, or a hybrid model, which
                             is a combination of in-office and remote work. While we are
                                                                                                 ALE connected communications ensure:              • Rainbow™ by Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise:
                             seeing an increase in the adoption of the hybrid work model
                                                                                                                                                    Designed with user flexibility and security in
                             there can be challenges. Following are some things
                                                                                                 • Call continuity across the organisation with     mind, this application, available on all
                             to consider:
                                                                                                  an instant connection, a consistent contacts      popular platforms, combines
                                                                                                  directory, and escalation to conference – on      communications, collaboration, and hybrid
                             • Equip your staff with the right tools: Alcatel-Lucent
                                                                                                  any device – to bolster first call resolution.    telephony services wherever you decide
                              Enterprise, together with their Business Partners, can
                                                                                                                                                    to work.
                              help audit, and adapt existing communications systems,
                                                                                                 • Easy-to-use communications with human
                              applications, and devices, to equip employees with the right
                                                                                                  interaction including high-quality voice,        • Rainbow Office powered by RingCentral:
                              solution to support their job, freeing businesses up to
                                                                                                  group chat with “@” mentions, gifs, voice         This Unified Communications as a Service
                              focus on strategic, financial, and operational aspects of
 Toni Galo                    transformation and business growth.
                                                                                                  messages, and escalation to video.                (UCaaS) solution provides all the above
                                                                                                                                                    including traffic and telephony services from
 Cloud Marketing Manager
                                                                                                 • Screen sharing, remote desktop control,          the cloud. Collaborate from anywhere – by
 Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise   • Keep your staff connected: Communications are vital to
                                                                                                  and large file sharing • Secure access for        phone, message, and video. Rainbow Office
                              maintaining efficiency and team spirit while staying in
                                                                                                  external contacts.                                is complemented with ALE market-leading
                              lockstep with the organisation. Voice communications,
                                                                                                                                                    communications and networking products.
                                                                                                 Security is key
                                                                                                 Cybersecurity and access control are              ALE provides communications and
                                                                                                 essential. You must consider how to; access       collaboration solutions for each employee
                                                                                                 resources from different devices and              profile, wherever they work. From desk
                                                                                                 locations; protect organisation, employee,        phones for the digital age to softphones,
                                                                                                 and customer data; and, ensure the solution       as well as cloud-based team collaboration
     GET IN TOUCH                                                                                is compliant. At ALE we tailor security,          services and an omnichannel contact centre
                                                                                                 compliance, and privacy to your industry with:    solution, we provide the solutions that
                                                                                                 HIPAA compliance, GDPR, PCI, HDS, ENS,            fit your needs. And we leverage existing
                                                                                                 AgID, among others.                               communications system to create the right
                                                                                                                                                   hybrid digital workplace for your business.

Supercharge your Teams into a
     Full Voice Platform

                             Microsoft Teams, the unified communications and
                             collaboration platform that’s integrated with Office 365,
                             has seen massive adoption rates starting in 2020, spurred
                             by the pandemic. In fact, in March of that year, there were
                             44 million daily active users and that number jumped 70%
                             to 75 million the very next month.

                             The basic idea of Teams is to combine chat, video
                             meetings, file storage, collaboration, and more, all in one
                             service that’s integrated with the Office 365 productivity
                             suite and includes extensions to integrate with other         Voice considerations                               video conferencing, and collaboration features
                             non-Microsoft products. There are a range of plans                                                               with robust enterprise voice capabilities
                             available, from free to enterprise, offering businesses       All Microsoft Teams plans enable you to            to deliver a comprehensive, unified
                             of any size an option that’s right for their budget and       make online audio and video calls. The phone       communications and collaboration platform.
                             needs. Of course, the specific features available to you      system enables you to make and receive calls
                             will depend on the plan you select, but the overall range     from people external to your business but          BCM One offers a Voice Enabled Teams
                             of capabilities includes meetings and calling, chat and       requires a Microsoft calling plan. But what if     solution for every scenario, so no matter what
                             collaboration, productivity apps and services, security and   you already have an existing phone system          existing phone system you are currently using,
                             compliance, administration and support.                       and want to connect it to Teams? Or what if        you can supercharge Microsoft Teams with
                                                                                           your needs aren’t met with any of the available    added capabilities and features.
                             Microsoft Teams makes it easier to collaborate, eliminating   Teams capabilities including the Microsoft
                             the hassle of switching back and forth (and even              calling plans, which are expensive, limited, and   BCM One: Your comprehensive Microsoft
     Michael Hawkins         duplicating efforts) between different apps. And it lets      leave the support up to you?                       Teams partner
     Director of             you work from wherever you are, on whichever device you
     Solutions Engineering   want to use — for the most part.                              Transform Microsoft Teams into a highly            BCM One’s offering is unique. We have
     BCM One                                                                               customized, unified collaboration platform         expertise in providing both Microsoft solutions
                                                                                           with enterprise-grade voice capabilities           and UCaaS hosted voice/PBX solutions. We
                                                                                                                                              are a Microsoft Gold Partner with a dedicated
                                                                                           You can solve these challenges and more            Microsoft team with a wealth experience
                                                                                           with Voice Enabled Teams from BCM One,             to make your transition seamless. We also
                                                                                           which fills the voice and service gaps with        offer our own UCaaS/hosted voice solution
                                                                                           UCaaS or SIP, giving you reliable, flexible, and   with a dedicated UCaaS team. With BCM
                                                                                           affordable options to build out your voice         One, you get the best of both worlds and can
                                                                                           capabilities on the Teams platform and scale       streamline your vendor management with one
                                                                                           your communications network.                       provider. BCM One Voice Enabled Teams helps
                                                                                                                                              protect your existing investments and avoid
                                                                                           Voice Enabled Teams supercharges Microsoft         unnecessary additional purchases.
                                                                                           Teams by augmenting basic chat,

Microsoft Teams                                                                     However, many companies are also              Security and Compliance:

       Security and Compliance                                                             continuing to leverage certified contact
                                                                                           centre vendors and direct routing
                                                                                           providers alongside Microsoft Teams to
                                                                                                                                         Looking Ahead

                                                                                                                                        As new regulations and security
                                                                                           build a comprehensive environment for        guidelines for communications are
                                                                                           communication and collaboration. These       imposed worldwide, the number of
                                                                                           vendors also need to deliver their own       solutions offered to keep Microsoft
                                                                                           security mechanisms to support modern        Teams instances secure will increase.
     As workplaces and communication tools evolve, security and                            teams. Some of the trends driving            Not only is Microsoft known for investing
     compliance will remain an essential consideration for any                             security and compliance in Microsoft         in the latest tools for everything from
     technology buyer.                                                                     Teams include:                               voice biometrics to AI fraud analysis, but
                                                                                                                                        the vendors working alongside Microsoft
     Now more than ever, companies face more risks from a security and compliance          • Artificial Intelligence:                   can be just as innovative.
     perspective, with more employees working in distributed environments and more           AI can be a powerful tool for protecting
     potential vulnerabilities to consider.                                                  companies in different environments.       We’re likely to see a more significant
                                                                                             The right AI assistants built into your    number of vendors offering Microsoft
     Microsoft itself is well-known for taking a comprehensive approach to security,         Microsoft Teams ecosystem can help         Teams solutions drawing attention
     with specialist solutions for schools, hospitals, and government agencies. However,     track potentially fraudulent calls or      to their strong focus on encryption,
     companies investing in a Teams ecosystem will need to consider the strategies of        improve the quality of your reporting      security, and support for hybrid teams.
     any vendors they may also be leveraging for Direct Routing or Operator Connect.         and recording strategies for auditing      We might even see more companies
                                                                                             and compliance purposes.                   creating specialist AI fraud detection
     The Trends Driving Security and Compliance in 2022                                                                                 bots and add-ons for the Microsoft
                                                                                           • SBC technology:                            Teams environment.
     Ever since the shift to hybrid work began, Microsoft has been working hard to           Microsoft has been adding more SBC
     position Teams as the ultimate solution for safely and effectively connecting           partners to allow companies access
     employees. The Microsoft Teams environment is equipped with powerful tools for          to more secure ways of connecting
     security and compliance, from comprehensive access controls for administrators          hybrid employees to the same shared
     to encryption.                                                                          ecosystem for omnichannel and multi-
                                                                                             channel communications.

                                                                                           • User control:                                      NEWS
                                                                                             Vendors offering communication
                                                                                             and contact centre tools aligned with
                                                                                             Microsoft Teams increasingly give                  REVIEWS
                                                                                             users more control over who should
                                                                                             have access to what data and tools
                                                                                             within the technology. With some                   DIRECTORY
                                                                                             Direct Routing providers, it’s even
                                                                                             possible to consider data sovereignty
                                                                                             and how data is stored.

Buzzeasy Contact Center for
     Microsoft Teams – A Seamless,
     Cloud-based Solution
                       The Microsoft Teams ecosystem has millions of daily
                       active users and is currently among the fastest-growing
                       apps in the world.

                       Though interest in Microsoft Teams has been growing
                       since the beginning, the demand for this technology
                       has increased drastically over the last few years with the
                       pandemic and a shift to remote or hybrid workforce.
                       During the pandemic, Teams became a haven for                center opportunities within Teams.            customer’s experience. Extensive insights
                       collaboration and communication as businesses, schools,      The environment enables access to a           and analytics make it easy to track the
                       and governments worked to quickly adapt to constantly        comprehensive omnichannel contact             customer journey in a digital
                       changing situations. Even as things are stabilizing          center full of different features and         environment and manage each
                       now, Microsoft Teams promises to be the ultimate             integrating everything from email and         conversation comprehensively.
                       environment for customer experience management.              WhatsApp connectivity to voice, SMS,
                       That’s why Buzzeasy Contact Center for Teams was             and webchat.                                  With tools like supervisor insight and
                       developed to bring a seamless experience for your                                                          performance monitoring, Buzzeasy makes it
                       contact center agents.                                       What’s more, our intelligent, compliant,      easy to empower, encourage, and motivate
                                                                                    and secure environment can adapt to suit      the hybrid workforce. You can leverage
                       With Buzzeasy and Microsoft Teams, companies can             the needs of all kinds of businesses, no      conversation monitoring or agent coaching
                       finally leverage all the benefits Microsoft Teams has        matter your industry.                         in real-time across any channel to ensure
                       to offer.                                                                                                  your agents have the tools they need to
                                                                                    Expand the Value of your                      be successful. Well-trained and supported
     Dr. Gustavo E     Unlocking Endless Opportunities                              Teams Investment                              agents are key to costly employee turnover,
     Perez-Lopez                                                                                                                  high customer retention, and call center
     Product Manager   Teams represented a natural solution for collaboration       With Microsoft Teams and Buzzeasy,            operational efficiency.
     Buzzeasy          in a digital environment because they were already           companies from all backgrounds can
                       invested in the Microsoft 365 ecosystem. With Teams, you     instantly unlock the value of an ultra-       Our position as a long-standing Microsoft
                       can provide a consistent experience for employees across     flexible, ultra-collaborative approach to     partner has allowed us to create a Microsoft
                       any channel and empower teams with a flexible, easy-to-      the contact center. By leveraging an API-     Teams contact center environment which
                       use landscape for sharing knowledge, ideas, and insights.    based architecture, Buzzeasy adapts to suit   leverages the best Microsoft has to offer
                       Since excellent employee experiences are a crucial           the needs of any business, connecting to      with the benefits of an ever-evolving cloud
                       precursor for stronger customer experiences, it makes        critical apps like Salesforce and             ecosystem.
                       sense to leverage the value of Teams in the UCaaS and        Microsoft Dynamics.
                       CCaaS space.                                                                                               You’ve already discovered what Microsoft
                                                                                    Companies can access the latest               Teams can do for your UCaaS environment.
                       With an extensive track record deploying Microsoft           technology to deliver smart voice and         Now find out what’s possible when you
                       Unified Communications platforms, Buzzeasy                   digital routing across multiple channels,     extend the power of your investment
                       leads the way to more innovative, flexible contact           leveraging bots and AI to improve the         with Buzzeasy.

Callroute – Redefining
       Enterprise Telephony
                     For years SIP trunking has been about lines and minutes
                     connectivity, replacing the traditional telephone lines
                     (analogue and ISDN) used for connecting on-premise
                     equipment, such as PBXs, up to the PSTN. However, the
                     COVID pandemic has very quicky brought about a huge
                     shift in the market. We’ve seen businesses leapfrog
                     adopting SIP trunking in favour of fully hosted cloud
                     PBX type services and dispense with PSTN connectivity
                     to physical offices altogether. The adoption of cloud
                     type telephony accelerated significantly during the
                                                                                 with PBXs delivering that unique                with a significant overhead in the form of
                     pandemic given the requirements of a remote working
                                                                                 functionality that can’t be replicated          costly professional service fees. Callroute’s
                     workforce. The clear winner from this was Microsoft,
                                                                                 from the cloud. Maybe there is an array of      concept is to disrupt this and turn what
                     given their ownership of the desktop: remote workers
                                                                                 analogue end points, be it on the factory       has traditionally been considered a project
                     embraced Teams as their collaboration client of choice.
                                                                                 floor, guest rooms in hotels, lift intercoms,   into a cloud self service offer. Our view
                     For many businesses it just made sense to bring all
                                                                                 door entry systems, the list goes on… And       is simple, Callroute hosts your phone
                     elements of collaboration (with PSTN calling being one
                                                                                 with over half of businesses still relying on   numbers and empowers the businesses’
                     method) into a single client for voice, video and chat.
                                                                                 the classic communications technology           IT function to assign them to the service
                     This gave birth to the numerous offerings in the market
                                                                                 as their primary method of liaising with        of their choice in seconds. In a few clicks
                     to bring the PSTN to Microsoft Teams (direct routing).
                                                                                 customers this legacy infrastructure is not     users can be migrated from an on-premise
                                                                                 something that can easily be ripped out         PBX extension to Teams, numbers can be
                     What demands does hybrid working put
                                                                                 in a big bang type approach in favour of        mapped to generic SIP phones or analogue
                     on telephony?
     Ewan Haig                                                                   migrating telephony to the cloud.               end points. Build hunt or ring groups
     CEO                                                                                                                         across the different silos, it’s all just a few
                     With workers now returning to a physical office part
                                                                                 So, what exactly is the way forward for         clicks away.
     Callroute       of the time, it’s not just brought about the concept of
                                                                                 businesses? Well, it turns out that the
                     hybrid working, but the need for hybrid telephony. On
                                                                                 interoperability between this legacy            The new era of SIP trunking has arrived.
                     premise telephony still has its place in many businesses,
                                                                                 equipment and online collaboration              Callroute aims to connect your phone
                                                                                 platforms isn’t as complex and expensive        numbers and trunks to the telephony
                                                                                 as it once was.                                 environment of your choice in a simple,
                                                                                                                                 easy and intuitive way - and what’s more                                                               Unify your communications
                                                                                 with Callroute
                                                                                                                                 it’s all SaaS-based with no long-term
                                                                                                                                 contracts or commitments. We also
                                                                                                                                 charge per trunk vs per user so potentially
     GET IN TOUCH                                                                The market is still dominated by specialist     enabling significant cost savings. Welcome
                                                                                 Microsoft partners that will provide            to the new era of SIP trunking the Callroute
                                                                                 solutions with dedicated SBCs or cloud set      way. Just sign up and pay as you go.
                                                                                 ups, but unfortunately, they normally come

     Microsoft Teams Solutions
                          CallTower delivers a comprehensive Microsoft Teams
                          turnkey solution globally, in over 100 countries and 6000
                          cities worldwide. Combine powerful voice enablement
                          with contact center, productivity tools and network
                          support to unleash the full power of a modern and
                          enterprise-grade Teams suite. CallTower has a one-stop-
                          shop Microsoft Teams portfolio, with the security, stability
                          and scalability to meet any customer need and robust
                          project management and 24/7 support to keep services
                          running smooth:                                                OPERATOR CONNECT FOR MICROSOFT                 the unique and evolving requirements of
                                                                                         TEAMS                                          contractors holding, or processing DoD
                          CALLTOWER’S MICROSOFT TEAMS CALLING PLANS                      Operator Connect allows Microsoft Teams        controlled unclassified information (CUI),
                          CallTower delivers an integrated Microsoft Teams               administrators to open the “Operators”         Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification
                          experience with global calling plans empowered by a            tab in the Teams admin center to connect       (CMMC), or subject to International Traffic in
                          US-based client services team, ensuring a personalized         calling services, acquire phone numbers,       Arms Regulations (ITAR).
                          implementation, adoption, training and support strategy.       and assign users. Operators, such as
                          CallTower has been voice enabling Microsoft solutions for      CallTower, will provide technical support      WHY CALLTOWER FOR MICROSOFT
                          years. As a Microsoft Gold Partner providing cloud voice       and manage the voice network and               TEAMS?
                          solutions, our monitoring and management services              infrastructure. Operators can also enable
                          ensure the highest quality user experience. Globally,          PSTN voice services in regions currently       • International Reach – over 100 countries
                          CallTower is one of very few organizations certified to        unavailable through Microsoft Calling Plans.     and 6000 cities worldwide
                          provide voice with Microsoft Teams.                            Implementation of voice services can be
                                                                                         online in a matter of hours.                   • Emergency Services in over 300 countries
     Marketing            CallTower delivers missing key Microsoft Teams UCaaS           GCC HIGH                                       • White Glove Implementation with Porting
                          feature gaps and functionality that is not available           CallTower is the only proven voice provider
     Content Strategist
                          through other providers. CallTower’s Direct Routing            delivering cloud-based Direct Routing in       • Multiple Contact Center Solutions
     CallTower            ensures the ability to leverage preferred rates and unlocks    GCC High since 2019 to support Microsoft
                          the full potential of a Microsoft Teams Phone System.          365 GCC High (MSFT 365 GCCH) for               • Re-Route phone calls during Microsoft
                          Microsoft Teams Direct Routing will keep you connected         government contractors that work with            outages
                          with your team via chat, text, calls and meetings in private   the Department of Defense. Now, those
                          or small group conversations or with guest access to           organizations leveraging Microsoft 365         • Text messaging and CRM integration
                          extend collaboration. Expose your team to all applications     GCC High environments can add voice
                          that are part of the Microsoft 365 software stack from         and audio conferencing to their systems        • Live training and 24/7 Support
                          within Teams. CallTower will port between any PBX to           with Microsoft Teams Direct Routing from
                          CallTower’s Teams Direct Routing and guide you with            CallTower. Chats and team calls are now        • Mass Emergency Communication
                          deployment, resource planning, technical readiness, live       easier as users can directly communicate
                          training and adoption to ensure success.                       with others who are not a part of the same     • 100% Georedundant in Private Cloud
                                                                                         workplace. Microsoft 365 GCC High meets          Environment


                                                                                                       Firstly, Microsoft is increasing its focus in
                                                                                                       this area. The addition of Operator Connect,
                                                                                                       a new program allowing businesses to
                                                                                                       provision telephony services from third
                                                                                                       parties for Teams users, promises to
                                                                                                       accelerate growth.

                                                                                                       Microsoft have already certified more than
                                                                                                       twenty third party operators, but there are

     Teams Telephony Boom to Come
                                                                                                       dozens on the waiting list. Cavell Group’s
                                                                                                       2021 Service Provider survey revealed that
                                                                                                                                                                 Patrick Watson
                                                                                                       more than 40% of service providers globally
                                                                                                                                                                 Senior Analyst
                                                                                                       were planning to enable their services via
     The uptake of Teams telephony is on the rise with multiple factors impacting forecasts,                                                                     Cavell Group
                                                                                                       Operator Connect. So that could mean
     which will see Microsoft Teams become the world’s most popular softphone.
                                                                                                       hundreds of the world’s leading telcos and
                                                                                                       service providers pushing their services
     Forecasts show that markets globally are beginning to enter an accelerated growth phase
                                                                                                       through Operator Connect in the future. Not
     of Teams telephony with user numbers set to soar.
                                                                                                       a bad way for Microsoft to get the industry to
                                                                                                       help it rise to the top of the telephony tree.
     With the rising popularity of digital channels   classics and the new age giants of instant                                                        are not as utilised as they once were, with
     and asynchronous mediums you might be            messaging and video? The answer is the           Then there is general growth. The Teams          users defaulting to collaboration hubs for
     forgiven for believing the hype that telephony   collaboration hub, the most popular example      active user base has been growing by around      their communication requirements. Adding
     is dead, or at least dying. The truth is far     of which is Microsoft Teams.                     1.3% each month since the summer of 2021.        telephony into Teams might represent a
     from it.                                                                                          That is nearly three million extra users         shrewd alternative to refreshing
                                                      Collaboration hubs marry the old with the        every 30 days. This growth rate might be         existing systems.
     Voice and telephony remain as the                new, offering a central interface for users to   expected to slow, but still working at the 5%
     cornerstones of most business communication      communicate via their preferred channel.         telephony enablement figure that’s an extra      These factors are likely to accelerate Teams
     ecosystems. Cavell Group’s 2021 Enterprise       Microsoft Teams does not include telephony       150 thousand new telephony users deployed        telephony adoption and the 5% enablement
     Insight Report - a study of more than two        capabaility as standard, it needs to be          month by month.                                  rate is likely to rise significantly over the
     thousand businesses across North America         enabled as an add-on.                                                                             next two years. Couple that with the general
     and Western Europe - showed that voice                                                            Finally, there is the pandemic return effect.    growth of Teams and a telephony boom is on
     communication, alongside the perennial           So far, its uptake within the overall Teams      Millions of users are going to return to the     the cards.
     email, was still the most popular medium used    user base seems surprisingly low. Less than      office and be faced with the same old phone
     for both internal and external communication.    5% of Teams’ 270+ million monthly active         systems that were in place pre-pandemic.         Cavell Group forecast that by 2026 there may
                                                      users have external telephony enabled, but       Will they use them? Many business                be more than thirty million Microsoft Teams
     So where is the best example of the              that is about to change. There are key factors   technology leaders are probably going to         telephony enabled users worldwide, a
     intersection between those communication         at play which will see these numbers soar.       realise that the systems currently in place      boom indeed.

Feature Rich, Reliable and Cost-
     Effective SBC’s are Key to
     MS-Teams Direct Routing Take Up
                    With the talk of hybrid work coming in the next year, more
                    businesses will be entering into a deeper relationship
                    with Microsoft.

                    One area in which the capabilities and features within
                    Teams have grown is the telephony that can be routed into
                    the platform, eliminating the need for desk phones with
                    the headset becoming the favoured way employees answer             allows businesses to make their own          Challenger of the status quo
                    their phone.                                                       decisions when it comes to how their
                                                                                       calling infrastructure is routed, as and     The Orchid Link solution offers a genuine
                    But unless you can invest in the technical capabilities to fully   when they need to make changes, such         and trustworthy alternative to the large SBC
                    integrate your communications into Teams, you will need            as connecting a new employee that has        providers adding that the service provider’s
                    external help to achieve your Direct Routing ambitions.            recently joined the company.                 fast and flexible nature can better serve
                                                                                                                                    their end customers.
                    In come Cataleya with Orchid Link, their software-only             The solution is built on strong analytic
                    Direct Routing-certified SBC solution challenges the               feedback with built-in real-time quality     “With Microsoft Teams recently announcing
                    established brands dominating the marketplace.                     of service and voice fraud detection. The    hundreds of million daily active users, it’s
                                                                                       analytics produce reports with Mean          clear that it is going to be a platform that we
                    Feature Richness                                                   Opinion Scores (MOS) and R-factor quality    will be discussing for years to come.
                                                                                       scores and check for eight different types
                    Orchid Link allows the customer to create logical SBC              of call anomalies including Wangiri or FAS   “More businesses are exploring ways to run
                    instances for which access permissions can be granted to           amongst others.                              all their communications through Teams
     Andreas Hipp   telephony provider customers, so they can manage some of                                                        and Direct Routing is a big enabler of that.
     CEO            their own activities themselves.                                   In addition, Orchid Link comes with a full   Orchid Link’s Direct Routing accreditation
     Cataleya                                                                          suite of service management features         proves that businesses can assess their
                    With this, Hosted PBX or UC providers can grant access to          such as real-time credit management by       options when starting their journey to
                    individual enterprise clients SBC partitions. This flexibility     connecting to an Online Charging System      introduce calling to Teams, and do not have
                                                                                       (OCS), or enabling Text to Speech (TTS)      to use the systems provided by the large
                                                                                       services.                                    and well-known vendors who often come
                                                                                                                                    with a substantial price tag.
                                                                                       Orchid Link customers will also enjoy the                                                                      full Calaleya support service around the     “Orchid Link gives businesses another
                                                                                       clock, with offices in the UK, USA, India    option, offering the same basic functionality,
                                                                                       and Singapore; there is a contact in every   multiple features, quality service and a
                                                                                       time zone. Another strength of Cataleya is   CAPEX or OPEX payment structure that
                                                                                       their responsiveness and speedy delivery     removes any barrier to adoption a business
                                                                                       of feature requests and integration          may have.”
                                                                                       requirements in an affordable manner.

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