Microsoft 365: Helping accelerate your journey toward compliance - Axdata

Page created by Ricardo Turner
Microsoft 365: Helping accelerate your journey toward compliance - Axdata
Microsoft 365:
Helping accelerate
your journey
toward compliance
Microsoft 365: Helping accelerate your journey toward compliance - Axdata
July   Microsoft 365: Helping accelerate your journey toward compliance                                                                2

Introduction                                                              The regulatory landscape is complex and ever evolving.
                                                                          For example, there are currently more than 200 updates
                                                                          per day issued by 750 regulatory bodies around the
                                                                          world, with new regulations being established frequently.
                                                                          Microsoft 365 is uniquely suited to help facilitate your
                                                                          compliance journey with a wide range of regulatory
                                                                          requirements and standards, including the General Data
                                                                          Protection Regulation (GDPR), ISO, and NIST.

                                                                          Microsoft 365 can speed up compliance processes with tools
                                                                          that integrate across your data landscape. Advanced tools
                                                                          and capabilities will help you:

                                                                          •   Protect and govern data wherever it lives.
                                                                          •   Identify and take action on critical insider risks.
                                                                          •   Quickly investigate and respond with relevant data.
                                                                          •   Simplify compliance and reduce risk.
Microsoft 365: Helping accelerate your journey toward compliance - Axdata
July   Microsoft 365: Helping accelerate your journey toward compliance   3

Trust is the foundation
of the right security
Microsoft 365: Helping accelerate your journey toward compliance - Axdata
July    Microsoft 365: Helping accelerate your journey toward compliance                                                                                          4

Our guiding principles for                                                 Security                                   Transparency

the Microsoft 365 platform                                                 Microsoft spends over $1 billion a
                                                                           year on security technology and
                                                                                                                      Through reports on our practices,
                                                                                                                      notifications to customers, and third-

illustrate our commitment to                                               practices, with a comprehensive
                                                                           approach that protects data wherever
                                                                                                                      party audits, we work tirelessly to
                                                                                                                      increase our own transparency, as well as

data security, with products and                                           it is—and whenever you access it.          that of our industry and its regulators.

services designed to help your                                             Privacy and control                        Reliability
company become compliant.                                                  Your data is your data—period—and          Investments in state-of-the-art hardware
                                                                           we invest heavily in the right safety      and infrastructure help us meet
                                                                           and administrative tools to help keep it   customers’ regulatory needs; anticipate
                                                                           protected, whether it’s on premises, in    future requirements; and continue to
                                                                           the cloud, or in hybrid environments.      provide the world-class availability,
                                                                                                                      recovery, and backup capabilities that
                                                                                                                      are trusted by organizations worldwide.
                                                                           At the heart of protecting privacy of
                                                                           personal data, we work to help you
                                                                           understand your compliance posture
                                                                           against a wide range of regulations.
July   Microsoft 365: Helping accelerate your journey toward compliance   5

Microsoft strengthens
its security promise
with action.
July    Microsoft 365: Helping accelerate your journey toward compliance                                                                                            6

Our operational security model,
based on two decades of building
                                                                           1.                                           2.
                                                                           Physical security                            Logical security
enterprise software and managing
                                                                           • 24-hour monitoring of datacenters.         • Lockbox processes for a strictly
online services, provides a platform                                       • Multi-factor authentication,
                                                                                                                          supervised escalation process
                                                                                                                          limit access to your data.
focused on five areas that are designed                                      including biometric scanning
                                                                             for datacenter access.                     • Servers run only those processes
to meet the challenges of a rapidly                                        • Internal datacenter network is
                                                                                                                          that are whitelisted, minimizing
                                                                                                                          risk from malicious code.
                                                                             segregated from the external network.
changing regulatory environment.                                           • Role separation renders location of
                                                                                                                        • Dedicated threat management
                                                                                                                          teams proactively anticipate, prevent,
                                                                             specific customer data unintelligible to
                                                                                                                          and mitigate malicious access.
                                                                             personnel that have physical access.
                                                                                                                        • Port scanning, perimeter vulnerability
                                                                           • Faulty drives and hardware are
                                                                                                                          scanning, and intrusion detection
                                                                             demagnetized and destroyed.
                                                                                                                          prevent or detect any malicious access.
July               Microsoft 365: Helping accelerate your journey toward compliance                                                                                                          7

3.                                                    4.                                          5.                                             6.
Data security                                         User controls                               Admin controls                                 Microsoft 365 Cloud
• Encryption at rest protects                          • The new Office 365 Message               • Multi-factor authentication protects
                                                                                                                                                 App Security
  your data on our servers.                              Encryption capabilities allow users to     access to services with a second
                                                                                                                                                 • A Cloud Access Security Broker
                                                         send encrypted and rights-protected        verification method such as a phone.
• Encryption in transit with SSL/                                                                                                                  that provides rich visibility, control,
                                                         emails to anyone, regardless of which
  TLS protects your data when                                                                     • Data loss prevention prevents sensitive        and sophisticated analytics to
                                                         email service recipients may use.
  it’s transmitted between                                                                          data from leaking either inside or             identify and combat cyberthreats
  you and Microsoft.                                   • Data loss prevention can be combined       outside the organization while providing       across all your Microsoft and
                                                         with Rights Management and                 user education and empowerment.                third-party cloud services.
• Threat management, security
                                                         Office 365 Message Encryption.
  monitoring, and file/data                                                                       • Built-in mobile device management
  integrity prevent or detect                          • S/MIME provides message security           capabilities allow you to manage
  any tampering of data.                                 with certificate-based email access.       access to corporate data.

• Exchange Online Protection provides                  • Azure Rights Management                  • Mobile application management
  robust security and reliability against                prevents file-level access without         within Office mobile apps powered by
  spam and malware to help protect                       the right user credentials.                Intune provides granular controls to
  your information and access to email.                                                             secure data contained in these apps.

                                                                                                  • Built-in antivirus and antispam protection
                                                                                                    along with advanced threat protection
                                                                                                    safeguard against external threats.
July   Microsoft 365: Helping accelerate your journey toward compliance   8

compliance and
risk management.
July    Microsoft 365: Helping accelerate your journey toward compliance                                                                        9

Microsoft 365 compliance
solutions help you protect data,                                           Data loss prevention               Event-driven retention
address regulations and standards,                                         Identify, monitor, and
                                                                           automatically protect sensitive
                                                                                                              Use labels to retain content
                                                                                                              based on when a specific
and mitigate insider risks.                                                information stored across
                                                                           Microsoft 365 locations.
                                                                                                              type of event occurs.

                                                                           Sensitive                          Advanced Message
                                                                           information types                  Encryption
                                                                           Identify and protect sensitive     Send and receive encrypted
                                                                           data including credit card, bank   email messages to people inside
                                                                           account, and passport numbers.     and outside your organization.
July               Microsoft 365: Helping accelerate your journey toward compliance                                                                       10

Communication                                         Advanced Audit                     Insider risk                    Privileged access
compliance                                            Gain visibility with new           management                      management
                                                      auditing capabilities that
Minimize communication risks                                                             Detect, investigate, and take   Help protect your organization
                                                      help with forensic and
by detecting, capturing, and                                                             action on risky activities      from breaches through
                                                      compliance investigations.
remediating inappropriate                                                                in your organization.           granular access control over
messages in your organization.                                                                                           privileged admin tasks.

Customer Lockbox                                      Customer Key                       Information barriers            Advanced
Maintain control over                                 Help meet compliance               Restrict communications         eDiscovery
your content with explicit                            requirements by exercising         between specific groups
                                                                                                                         Manage the end-to-end
access authorization for                              control over your organization’s   of users inside your
                                                                                                                         workflow of internal and
service operations.                                   encryption keys.                   organization to safeguard
                                                                                                                         external investigations.
                                                                                         internal information.

                                                                                                                    Microsoft 365                                          Microsoft
Measure your progress
                                                                                                                    compliance center                                      Compliance Score
Microsoft 365 accelerates and simplifies                                                                            Monitor your overall compliance                        Manage compliance and reduce
the way you manage compliance and                                                                                   posture, review recommended                            compliance risks through a
                                                                                                                    actions, and configure settings to                     user-friendly experience that
improve your risk posture.                                                                                          meet complex compliance obligations.                   calculates a risk-based score.

                                                                                                                    Learn more about Microsoft 365 E5
                                                                                                                    Compliance Solutions

                                                                                                                               Learn more

This content includes commentary on the GDPR, as Microsoft interprets it, as of the date of publication. We’ve spent a lot of time with GDPR and like to think we’ve been thoughtful about its intent and meaning. But the
application of GDPR is highly fact-specific, and not all aspects and interpretations of GDPR are well-settled. As a result, this content is provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as legal advice
or to determine how GDPR might apply to you and your organization. We encourage you to work with a legally qualified professional to discuss GDPR, how it applies specifically to your organization, and how best to
ensure compliance. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED, OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS CONTENT. ©2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. This document is provided
“as-is.” Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and other Internet website references, may change without notice. You bear the risk of using it. This document does not provide you with any legal
rights to any intellectual property in any Microsoft product. You may copy and use this document for your internal, reference purposes.
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