Messenger Light July 28, 2021 - First Presbyterian Church

Page created by Kathryn Jordan
Messenger Light July 28, 2021 - First Presbyterian Church
First Presbyterian Church of Albuquerque’s

Messenger Light                                                        July 28, 2021

                             A Call To Join The Prayer Glove Project
                        August 1, 2021 from 9:45am until 12:45pm at FPC
Dear Friend,
Thank you for stopping by to learn more about the Prayer Glove Project. At the root, this work is an
experiment—a wide reach across the world to search out singular acts of compassion—to gather them,
make physical evidence, and curate them into a work of art. This is new territory for me, I’ve never tried
anything on this scale before, but I sincerely believe in the heart of this project, the love it can express,
and the opportunity it lends for humans to come together and show kindness to one another. I am asking
you to pause, carve out some time to offer a prayer for a fellow human being, and contribute a pair of
painted gloves to become part of a large sculpture. The project is something like a fundraiser for prayers,
or an art-minded prayer chain. The gloves you contribute are an offering, a tangible sign of your care and
support, as they represent the gift of your prayers, your time, and attention. Please watch the video at the
link below, to learn more about the scope of the project, and more about the family we are praying for. In
this current climate so riddled with division and
hostility, let us come together and show an outpouring
of kindness. This project pushes on the comfort zone
for a lot of people, from spiritual and theological
questions to apprehension in painting the gloves, to
struggling to set aside time. I sincerely ask you to
stretch, take part, and offer your voice in this chorus.
How to Participate in #ThePrayerGloveProject:
Watch the project video at the link below to gain a
good understanding of the scope of the project. Join
our Facebook Group: #ThePrayerGloveProject to see updates, and connect with others who are partici-
pating! I will be collaborating with First Presbyterian Church of Albuquerque on Sunday, August 1, 2021 to
guide congregation members to paint prayer gloves in-between worship services, outside on the patio. If
you are able and willing to participate, we would love for you to join us and donate your prayers and
paint a pair of gloves together. All materials will be provided by me during this event. We will be outside
from 9:45am until 12:45pm. You can participate after the 8:30am service, before the 11:00am service, and
for any late-comers, we will still be present after the 11:00am service.
If you are unable to attend worship this Sunday, you can still participate by following the instructions at
the link below and by using the step-by-step guide included with this newsletter. We would love to see
your pictures and videos! While making your gloves, please feel free to share the experience on social
media using the hashtag #ThePrayerGloveProject. When finished, please wrap and mail your gloves by
October 1, 2021 to the address below. Gloves must be mailed as a package, and not in an envelope as a
letter. Gloves mailed in stamped letter envelopes will be returned by the post office.
Jennifer Thoreson
8201 Golf Course Road NW, Suite D3, #295
Albuquerque, NM 87120
~ With Gratitude, Jennifer Thoreson, Photographer
Messenger Light July 28, 2021 - First Presbyterian Church
Calendar for the Week                      Online Giving Options
We are staffing the church for
 limited hours during the re-      • Sunday, August 1st                        FPC works in our ministries to reach
 opening phase of the State’s      - In-person Outdoor Worship Service         out to members of the church and our
 plan. If you need to stop by,     at 8:30am                                   greater community. You can send con-
   please call first. Please be    - Through the Bible Class at 9:45am in      tributions by mailing checks to the
 advised that any visitors will    Conference Room                             church:
   be required to wear a face      - Adult Sunday School at 9:45am via         First Presbyterian Church
mask if not fully vaccinated for   Zoom/In-person in Kerygma Room              215 Locust Street NE, Albuquerque,
 Covid-19 and observe social       - Prayer Glove Project Painting on          NM 87102
     distancing protocols.         the Patio from 9:45am until 12:45pm
                                   - Sunday Virtual Worship Service at         You can give online at
 Our staff members can be          11:00am                           , click on the
  reached individually by          - In-person Sanctuary Worship Service       yellow “Give Online” button in the
 phone or email between            at 11:00am                                  menu bar. Follow the instructions in
  8am and 4pm, Monday                                                          the new window that opens to make
                                   • Tuesday, August 3rd                       your donations.
      through Friday:
                                   - Prayer / Book Study Group at
                                     12:00pm via Zoom meeting with Mar-        MinistryOne App Visit the App Store
       Matthew Miller                                                          on your smart phone to find “Church
                                     jorie Buck
        505-764-2902                                                           by Ministry One.” Use this app to do-
         Frank Yates               • Sunday, August 8th                        nate quickly and securely, and access
         505-681-0625              - In-person Outdoor Worship Service         our YouTube channel for videos and
                                   at 8:30am                                   sermons.
      Stephanie Urban
                                   - Through the Bible Class at 9:45am in
        505-764-2903                                                           Men’s Fellowship Breakfast
                                   Conference Rm
       Carolyn Rhodes              - Adult Sunday School at 9:45am via         The Men’s Fellowship Breakfast is
        505-764-2900               Zoom/In-person in Kerygma Room              returning! The men’s association
       or 505-764-2906             - Sunday Virtual Worship Service at         breakfast group will hold an initial
       Libby Whiteley              11:00am                                     post pandemic breakfast meeting on
        505-764-2924               - In-person Sanctuary Worship Service       Tuesday, August 10th. We will meet
  Niccole Pierre-Williams          at 11:00am                                  on the patio outside Fellowship Hall
        505-764-2911                                                           at 7:30am. The Reverend Frank Yates
                                    Fall Camp at Ghost Ranch                   will lead a morning devotional and we
 If you have an after-hours        Fall Camp 2021 is on for September 17-      will also discuss resuming our pre-
 emergency, you can reach          19th. We have reserved campsites,           pandemic fellowship breakfast at a
Matthew through our Helpline       rooms in Corral Block, and a few            local restaurant. For this initial break-
       at 505-764-2910             private rooms. Registration is now          fast we will follow guidelines defined
                                   open! Contact the church office to          by the church safety committee. This
 First Presbyterian Church         receive the digital registration forms or   will include, in addition to the outside
           (USA)                   stop by the office to pick up a printed     location, social distancing, and masks
    215 Locust Street, NE          packet. If you plan to attend, please       are required except when eating.
  Albuquerque, NM 87102            submit your registration forms to           Burritos will be purchased for break-
        505-764-2900               Libby Whiteley by August 15, 2021.          fast attendees, so please sign up at the                                                        church office or call Chuck Hall at 505
                                                                               -296-2622 so that we can properly pre-
                                                                               pare for the group.
Administrative Updates
As we have begun in-person worship and have resumed many in-person
events at the church, the staff has decided to discontinue “Coffee in the
Commons” on Mondays and Thursdays.
Additionally, due to Covid-19 restrictions, we will no longer be collecting
donations for Explora. Please do not bring egg cartons or other
recyclables to the church office.
Messenger Light July 28, 2021 - First Presbyterian Church
Step by Step Instructions for Painting Your Gloves

   Dilute your acrylic paint with water. Use equal parts water to paint. Give a good stir, and you’ll have an
      ink-like consistency for making marks. Please use either the suggested paint, or your own red acrylic
      paint. Permanent markers or fabric markers also work well. Please do not use any other types of paint,
      as I’m not certain how they will react to the dyeing and casting process.

   Either put the glove on your non-dominant hand to paint it, or lay it flat. Paint will soak through the fab-
       ric onto your hand, but the paint washes off easily. If you lay the glove flat, some may bleed through to
       the other side. If it doesn’t bother you, it doesn’t bother me!

   Make simple marks on the gloves as you form a prayer for Caspian. The marks can be reflective of your
     prayer, or reflective of you and your personality. There is no right or wrong way to do this, just enjoy
     the process and make it your own.

   You can use any household item to make your marks. Small paintbrushes work nicely, as well as q-tips,
      pencil erasers, even your own fingerprints. You may use markers to make your marks, just be sure the
      ink is permanent.

   Please keep the marks abstract and abstain from recognizable words, numbers, or symbols.

   Please paint one pair of gloves per person, and paint both sides of your gloves. Your two gloves do not
      have to ‘match’ one another, though they can if you’d like them to.

   Think about the process as marking time as you pray. You don’t need a special skill set to do this; line
      fragments or repetitive dots are easy and meditative to make. If you want to create an intricate design,
      you’re welcome to do so. Each pair of gloves will be completely unique, just as fingerprints are unique.
      Whatever you come up with will be a perfect fit for this project!

   For a few examples of painted gloves, scroll down!

   Please have your gloves finished and mailed by September 1, 2021. Please mail your gloves to the following

   Jennifer Thoreson
   8201 Golf Course Road NW
   Suite D3, Box 295
   Albuquerque, NM 87120

Thank you so very much for taking
part in this work and adding your voice
to this beautiful chorus. Be sure to
share the project with others in your
Messenger Light July 28, 2021 - First Presbyterian Church Messenger Light July 28, 2021 - First Presbyterian Church Messenger Light July 28, 2021 - First Presbyterian Church
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