Message from the Pastor - St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran ...

Page created by Don Hudson
Message from the Pastor - St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran ...

                                                                                         June 2022
                                                                                  St. Paul’s Evangelical
                                                                                    Lutheran Church
                                                                                      Chilliwack, BC

                          Message from the Pastor
                                                                                  activities are resuming. As you
Dear Friends in Christ,
                                                                                  read through the newsletter and
   What a privilege! What an                                                      keep updated via our
opportunity we have as                                                            website, www.chilliwacklutheran.
Christians! St. Paul encourages us                                                com be sure to check out the
to speak the truth in love. We                                                    opportunities that are available
know the truth of Jesus! We know                                                 February
                                                                                  for you and your family to grow in
the love of Jesus!                                                                the love and truth of Jesus.
Our congregation is all about Jesus                                               Every person needs love! Every
and what He has done for us and                                                   person needs truth! Every person
for the world. Everyone, from                                                     needs Jesus! I encourage all of us
seniors to children, from families                                                to look for ways in which to
with older children to younger             do not yet know the amazing love       demonstrate in word and in action
families needs to know the joy, the        and truth of Jesus.                    the love and truth of our amazing
love, the hope, the peace that                                                    Saviour!
Jesus brings.                               We gather together to worship our
                                           Lord who has done for us what we       I also encourage you to invite your
Despite the fact that there are            could not do for ourselves. We hold    friends, family members and
numerous churches in Chilliwack,           Christian education programmes         neighbours to events which will
there are still so many people who         for children to seniors. Fellowship    help them know the love and
                                                                                             truth of Jesus! An
                                                                                             excellent place to start is
                                                                                             the Friday Night
                                                                                             Children’s Club coming
                                                                                             up on June 3rd.
                                                                                            May God bless each of
                                                                                            us as we live and share
                                                                                            the love and truth of
  Are you graduating in June? St. Paul's would like to acknowledge our
  congregation's grads from high school, college, university, or technical                  Yours in His Service,
  school. We will have a small gift for each graduate as well as a slide show               Pastor Wayne Lunderby
  for the congregation. Please email the office by June 5 if you, or a loved one
  from the congregation, are part of the Class of 2022. We will be
  recognizing our graduates during the worship service on June 12.
Message from the Pastor - St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran ...
You are invited to …
                                     Pastor Ray’s Bring A Friend Bible Study
                                              Sunday, June 12/22 at 9:00 am
                                                  Place: Church Basement

                                This Bible Study Is Especially For Those Who Seldom or Ever Attend
                                Bible Studies. (Everyone Welcome)

    Offering a chance to let God’s word and prayer touch your mind and heart. (No pressure to
    answer questions or look up scripture.) Bring a friend, so you are not alone in Bible Class, or
    bring two or more!
    Pastor Ray Is Bringing A Friend: Jerry Paladino. Pastor Ray will present God’s word (Jerry will
    help him.)
    The goal of the Bible Study is to help those attending to let their minds dwell on what is true,
    honorable/noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, or praiseworthy. Philippians 4:8
    God reveals himself in his word as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit so that we believe that Jesus is
    the Christ, the Son of God. By believing we may have life in his name. (John 20:31) Thus please
    come to this Christ-Centered and faith-affirming Bible Study with a friend or two.

                                      share the wealth with your             way we can support each
 How Does Your                        church community.                      other in our church
 Garden Grow?                         Just leave your excess                 community. Happy
                                      produce on the table near the
How are those sunflowers              front door. Leave what you
growing? We have several              have to share – take what you
families participating in the         need. This is another small
Sunflower Challenge contest
with our friends from Hope
Lutheran Church in Port

While these gardeners are
encouraging their sunflowers
to grow, we know there are
many other avid gardeners in
the congregation as well. Do
you have too much rhubard?
Are you expecting to be
overrun with zuccini and
tomatoes? If your garden has
an overabundance of
produce, you are welcome to
Message from the Pastor - St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran ...
On the Road                     and learning, and we’ll tell
                                                                  you all about it when we get
June 2 Dieter Sperling         with the Lutheran                  back.
June 5   Frank Murphy
                                                                  Also appreciated would be
                               Missionary League                  continued prayers for myself,
June 12 Karissa McDonald
                              Please keep in your prayers         Dianne Donovan, as I will be
June 16 Isabelle Jarman       Marjorie and Stephanie              staying in Alberta a little
June 17 Diane Burkowsky       Nielsen and Dianne                  longer than the Nielsen girls.
                              Donovan as they make their          Since I’ll be in Alberta, I
June 17 Yvonne Sandau         way to the final ABC District       thought I would take a little
June 18 Alfred Dyck           LWMLC Convention in Red             side trip to Devon for a visit
                              Deer, Alberta, June 2 to 4.         with my son.
June 18 Cohen Stroup
                              We’ll be leaving Chilliwack         Please pray for safe travels
June 19 Cheryl Keet
                              on May 31 and driving to the        for all 3 of us, and we hope
June 21 Linda Vandermeulen    Convention and back. We’re          to have some interesting
June 24 Mike Mann             looking forward to a good           stories to tell you all upon
                              time of worship, fellowship         our return.
June 27 Lyle Warkentin
June 28 June Lemieux                                                          Dianne Donovan

June 29 Madeleine Warkentin
June 29 Jim Boivin

                                                        Each month we will pray for one other
                                                       Lutheran denomination somewhere in
                                                       the world, then one social ministry,
                                                       auxiliary or mission organization, then
                                                       one of our congregations and its
                                                       pastor(s) going from west to east.

                                                        • Synod of Evangelical Lutheran
                                                       Churches in Ukraine and its parishes
                                                        • B.C. Mission Boat
                                                        • Hope Lutheran Church in Port
                                                       Coquitlam, BC and their Pastor Laverne
Message from the Pastor - St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran ...
The “Dream team” has been        asking God to lead our group      experience with forest fires,
renamed to Future Focus          forward in a direction that is    they were sympathetic to our
Committee. As a group, we        best for His needs. This is       situation with the damage to
felt that “Dream team” didn’t    not an easy task. We can get      our basement. This donation
describe fully what our task     bogged down by earthly            was put towards the Building
was about.                       situations and negativity.        Fund, which gives us a good
                                                                   start towards future funding
Our group consists of Donna      Please pray for our situation.    needs.
Little, Ray Gagnon, Marisa       The congregation has the
Neels, Paul Schenderling,        final say, but this will be a     Would you prayerfully
Tyler Schenderling, Jonathan     long process.                     consider designating a
Wearing, Becky Watkins,                                            financial gift above your
Amanda Gervais, and Pastor       We also want to inform the        regular giving to the
Lunderby.                        congregation that a Building      Building Fund? If so, please
                                 Fund was established some         mark “Building Fund” on
We are tasked with looking       time ago for the future needs     your offering envelope.
outside the box at different     of our church home. After
ideas for the church building.   the floods last year, we were     Thank you for your prayers
We also are asked to look at     blessed with a generous           and support.
staffing needs moving            donation of $2,500 from our       Donna Little,
forward. Both these two          sister congregation in Fort       Coordinator
tasks take time. We are          McMurray. After their own

        Save the Date                          Did Someone Say “Coffee?”
 On Sunday, September 11 we will        Now that we can gather more freely, we want to get
 celebrate being back together          back to enjoying a time of fellowship after the
 again! Watch for updates as we         worship service …. And of course we love to enjoy a
                                        cup of coffee and some goodies together.
 get closer to September, but we
 hope that our entire church            We need people each week to
 community will plan to attend the      set up and clean up the
 celebration .. yes, there will be      refreshment table, and to
                                        provide some goodies for us to
                                        share. If two families a week
                                        share this job, it will not be a
                                        burden on any one person.
                                        If you can help, even once in a
                                        while, please add your name to
                                        the sign up sheet on the main bulletin board … or on
                                        the refreshment table this Sunday.
Message from the Pastor - St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran ...
A Letter from Ukraine
A letter from Rev. Yuriy Popel, pastor of our partner   the great needs of my ministry and appealed to
church the Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Churches       LCC to use funds from the Ukraine Aid Fund to
in Ukraine (SELCU).                                     purchase a vehicle.
My dear brothers                                                                      Thanks to the Lord
and sisters of                                                                        and all of you we
Lutheran Church–                                                                      have purchased a
Canada, Peace be                                                                      van, which we are
with you all in our                                                                   now using to deliver
Lord Jesus Christ. I                                                                  humanitarian aid to
want to thank all of                                                                  my community and
you for your prayers                                                                  the surrounding
and for donating so                                                                   area. This great
generously to our                                                                     blessing allows me
Church. Your support                                                                  to visit my members
has been a great                                                                      and to offer pastoral
blessing to my                                                                        care to various
ministry.                                                                             people in my
                                                                                      community. We are
Unfortunately, I had                                                                  so very happy that
to sell my car due to                                                                 the Lord has opened
the economic                                                                          your hearts to
challenges we are                                                                     support such a need.
facing here. This car                                                                 May God continue to
was primarily used                                                                    bless you for your
for my ministry, allowing me to visit my                generous hearts. This vehicle will bring many
parishioners, and to minister at our local boarding     benefits to the Church and help to people in need.
school and nursing homes. It became increasingly
difficult to address the growing needs of my            “And my God will supply every need of yours
community during this war. There are so many            according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. To
people here in need of food, clothing, hygiene and      our God and Father be glory forever and ever.
medical supplies. Our SELCU leaders recognized          Amen.” – Philippians 4:19-20
                                                        With great gratitude and respect, Rev. Yuriy Popel
     Ukrainian Family Sponsorship
Our friends at Holy Apostles Orthodox
Mission (which meets in our Annex) have                        LCC Ukraine Aid Fund Update
undertaken to sponsor a refugee family from             To date, the people of Lutheran Church-Canada
Ukraine. We would like to assist in this effort         have raised a total of $514,361.69 for the LCC
by helping to raise funds for the airfare. This is      Ukraine Relief Aid Fund. For those who would like
a family of five people - a couple with two             to direct financial support to the pastors and
children plus a grandparent.                            people of the SELCU, you can do so through the
                                                        Lutheran Church Canada website at
If you would like to assist, you may etransfer          https://lutheranchurch-canada.tng-
our church at or  
add your designated gift to your regular                edit&categoryId=10976
offering. Please indicate the amount you are
donating for “Ukrainian Refugees.”                      If you need assistance using the online giving
                                                        system please contact the church office.
Message from the Pastor - St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran ...
Friday Night Kid's Club
         Wrap Up Party-June 3
Kid's Club will be hosting their last session for
the school year on Friday June 3 from 6:00-8:00
pm. We are having a BBQ along with our regular
scheduled activities including a craft, board games,
hockey, chapel time and lesson time. In addition we
will be playing the game show "Minute to Win It"
during our chapel time complete with prizes and
all! Be sure to invite your friends. You do not want
to miss this! Please contact the office to register.
Thank you to Amanda Gervais who’s article about
Kid's Club was published in the Canadian Lutheran
last month. Check it out at this link …

                       Mission and Ministry – We’re Excited!
 It’s been exciting! What has been exciting? It’s been     3. Connect with those who are not yet back. There
wonderful to be seeing people return to “in-person”        are people, many of whom are immune compromised
worship after such a long time. We’ve missed               who need to yet be cautious. I am sure that a phone
everyone. On Sunday I found myself just stopping and       call would go a long way to reconnecting them with
listening to the singing…the sound of many voices in       our congregation and making them feel a part of the
unison singing praise to our God who has brought us        church family.
through this pandemic. By the way, I loved hearing
                                                           4. Continue to pray, pray, pray! It is an exciting time
the many male voices…just think what it will sound like
                                                           for St. Paul’s. There are lots of projects in the
in heaven…amazing!
                                                           works. We have a Connections Committee, a
Covid had disrupted so many things in our lives,           Development Committee, a Technology
including our church life… As we again gather, may I       Committee. They are all looking for ways to help our
share a couple of tips for what we can do missionally      congregation move forward post pandemic. Please
and intentionally to love and encourage one another.       pray for these committees as well as for our regular
                                                           activities, classes and programmes. They all exist to
1. We can welcome one another back to worship. It          help us proclaim the love and truth of Jesus and His
is great to be able to gather around God’s Word and        Word. Watch for updates on these committees,
participate in His Supper as brothers and sisters in       programmes and activities in this newsletter and on
Christ. What a joy it is to see more and more faces,       our website,
young, old and in between gathered together in
worship and praise of our living Lord and Saviour! May I   5. Invite a friend to join you in worship and/or a bible
challenge you to greet and talk with someone in            study or even the Monday morning Walking group that
church that you don’t know well…get to know them.          meets at the Prospera Center to walk indoor and enjoy
                                                           fellowship and devotions.
2. You may have noticed we have started Coffee
Fellowship after church. Grab a coffee/juice/snack and     6. Look for ways to Bless others. We have all been
head outside to enjoy visiting and become                  blessed and so we bless others, all for the purpose of
reacquainted with others. On this topic, we are looking    pointing people to the amazing love and truth of Jesus.
for others to host. There is a sign up sheet in the        God bless you as you live out your lives in missional
narthex on the east wall. Grab a friend and sign up. If    ways that proclaim Jesus! And, thank you for ways you
you are unable to host but would like to provide snacks    are responding to God’s great love for you!
or boxed juices, please talk to Cindy Lunderby.
                                                           Cindy Lunderby, Missions Ministry Team Leader
Message from the Pastor - St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran ...
BC Mission Boat Society
In 1999, a group of people living on Vancouver Island, had a vision to build a boat and travel
to remote parts of the BC Coast to share the love of Jesus Christ with people living in remote
communities. In more recent years the BC Mission Boat Society has sent teams using various
modes of transportation including car, water taxi and ferry to these communities. Teams from
all over Canada and the USA have joined in the effort to offer kid’s club, men’s and women’s
bible studies, family games nights, elder breakfasts and spa nights for the people living in the
communities we travel to. Our hope is to encourage believers in the communities and share
the love of our Saviour to the people.

                              IMPACT of Your Gift
Over the past 24 years, BC Mission Boat Society has developed incredible faith-based
relationships with the First Nations communities along the remote BC coast. We are now
serving a second generation of children and families. Your gift enables children to learn about
God’s amazing love for them and the great gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. We have an
opportunity to go and share God’s love and encourage people in their faith again and we are
excited to see what God has in store for this summer. Here are some examples of our travel
•   Water taxi to Kyuquot (return trip)- $650
•   Truck Rental for a week- $900- $1100
•   Ferry to Klemtu (return trip per adult)- $215
•   Fuel for a return trip- $350-500
•   Housing in Kyuquot- $1300
You can support the Society by Etransfer to or you may
designate a special gift through your church offering.
Message from the Pastor - St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran ...
June 2022

     Sunday          Monday           Tuesday            Wednesday             Thursday               Friday           Saturday
                                                                       1                    2                   3                 4
                                                       7:00 pm Adult        10:30 am             6:00 pm Friday     10:00 am Men’s
                                                       Bible Study          Ladies’ Bible        Night Kids’ Club   Breakfast

                5             6                    7                   8                    9                  10                 11
PENTECOST                                              7:00 pm Adult        10:30 am
                                                       Bible Study          Ladies’ Bible
9:00 am Bible                                                               Study
10:00 am Worship
                                                                            6:30 pm
CONFIRMATION                                                                LWML

                12            13                14                     15                   16                 17                 18

9:00 am Bible                                          7:00 pm Adult        10:30 am                                10:00 am Men’s
Study                                                  Bible Study          Ladies’ Bible                           Breakfast
10:00 am Worship
Service with Grad
                                                                            6:00 pm

                19            20                21                     22                   23                 24                 25
FATHERS’ DAY                       7:00 pm             7:00 pm Adult        10:30 am
                                   Ministry Team       Bible Study          Ladies’ Bible
9:00 am Bible                      Meeting                                  Study

10:00 am Worship
                26            27                28                     29                   30
9:00 am Bible                                          7:00 pm Adult        10:30 am
Study                                                  Bible Study          Ladies’ Bible
10:00 am Worship
Message from the Pastor - St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran ... Message from the Pastor - St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran ...
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