Merit Awards 2021 Application Pack - Key information: Institution of Civil ...

Page created by Lonnie Rodriguez
Merit Awards 2021 Application Pack - Key information: Institution of Civil ...
Merit Awards 2021 Application Pack

Key information:

Please complete the entry form (enclosed) by Tuesday 21 September 2021, 17:00

and sent it along with high-resolution photos and supporting documentation to

                                                                        Institution of Civil Engineers is a Registered Charity in
1                                                                       England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
Merit Awards 2021 Application Pack - Key information: Institution of Civil ...
The Merit Awards are an annual celebration of civil engineering in the East of England. It is an opportunity to
recognise outstanding projects and the teams involved.

The purpose of the Merit Awards is to:

        •   Recognise merit within the practising profession.
        •   Encourage excellence and pride in the work of civil engineers.
        •   Promote the values demonstrated in the best projects.
        •   Raise awareness of the valuable contributions that civil engineering provides to society including
            the drive to carbon reduction and climate change adaptation..
        •   Encourage team working to overcome adversity and drive benefits for people and the
            environment for future generations.

Essential entry requirements
•       The project, or part of the project, must have been opened, commissioned or occupied between 1st
        January 2020 and 30 June 2021.

•       The project must be sited in the ICE East of England Region of Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex,
        Hertfordshire, Norfolk, Peterborough and Suffolk (London Boroughs are not included.) The
        organisations responsible for the projects can be based outside the region.

•       The awards are open to all civil engineering projects including construction works, research, designs,
        temporary works, and public or private infrastructure.

•       The Merit Awards are not a competition, and the judges are not obliged to make awards in every
        category if no entrants reach the required standard.

•       Projects will receive a Merit Award by demonstrating to the judges, against the set criteria, that they
        have met the high standard for recognition by the ICE East of England Regional Executive Board. The
        Regional Executive Board may nominate outstanding projects for an Exceptional Merit Award.

•       Entries are the subject of a desk study. Ideally the judging team will undertake a site visit, but where
        that is not possible due to COVID [or other] restrictions then an on-line presentation may be used as
        an alternative.

•       The judging panel will include experienced ICE members selected by the Regional Executive Board.
        The judges will not enter into correspondence with entrants and their decision is not subject to appeal.

•       The results will be announced in November 2021. One entrant will also go forward to the People’s
        Choice Award.

                                                                                    Institution of Civil Engineers is a Registered Charity in
2                                                                                   England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
Merit Awards 2021 Application Pack - Key information: Institution of Civil ...
There is an entry fee of £200 + VAT per project per category for entries. See payment form further
down in the pack.

To enter, complete the entry and payment form and email to

Each entry category must include a report of up to 1000 words. This is the only material the judges
will initially consider for each project. Please present the information in a clear, professional and
attractive format.

This should be a single document with explanatory text with photographs, sketches or drawings.

Photographs must not be embedded in documents but included as attachments.

The closing date for receipt of your entries is Tuesday 21 September 2021, 17:00.

If you need any further help, e-mail

                                                                           Institution of Civil Engineers is a Registered Charity in
3                                                                          England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
Merit Awards 2021 Application Pack - Key information: Institution of Civil ...
Merit Awards Entry Categories
The project should combine technical skills from across the industry by encouraging excellence and pride in
reaching a desired outcome for people and wildlife. Does this demonstrate how the project has been a
catalyst of physical achievement by overcoming the pressures and issues involved?

Examples include:

    •   Evidence of forward planning, particularly highlighting potential risks and mitigation measures.
    •   Evidence that challenges, major issues and problems were overcome.
    •   Demonstration of overcoming physical constraints.
    •   Demonstrate the site has followed the principles behind LEAN construction – minimising waste and
        reducing costs.
    •   Completion on time, to the required quality and within budget.
    •   Effective promotion of a health and safety culture managed to improve safe working practices.
    •   Positive occupant/user feedback on the perception of the project in operation.
    •   Evidence that the physical environment was considered during implementation with enhancements
        developed where possible.
    •   Evidence that your scheme has enhanced the quality of life for people and wildlife now and in the
    •   What lessons were learned and how have these messages been shared with other project

        West Suffolk Operations Hub picture – 2020 winner

                                                                                  Institution of Civil Engineers is a Registered Charity in
4                                                                                 England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
Merit Awards 2021 Application Pack - Key information: Institution of Civil ...

The project may meet present needs but how will it fare for future generations? If you can demonstrate how it
does this, using resources efficiently and sustainably, and will continue to make positive environmental,
economic and social contributions to the community?

Examples include:

    •   Evidence of life cycle assessment of the environmental impacts and capital cost of materials and
        construction methods used.

    •   Examples of regeneration to brownfield sites or minimised environmental impacts on greenfield sites.

    •   Reductions of energy use and/or environmental impact, including the use of energy efficient or other
        low environmental impact construction methods.

    •   Use of recycled or low environmental impact materials during construction.

    •   Examples of enhancements to promote modal shift to pedestrian/cycle use

    •   Performance targets relating to ‘in-use’ energy efficiency, resource consumption and recycling of
        waste that exceed current regulations, and evidence that they are being achieved.

    •   The environmental impact of waste, noise, pollution and transport to and from site during construction
        to have been considered in the project’s design and construction planning.

    •   Evidence of thought given to the project’s deconstruction and plans for re-use or recycling of the
        construction materials.

    •   Management of the project’s carbon dioxide emissions, both during construction and during its design
        life and examples of innovative ways in which carbon emissions have been reduced or eliminated.

        Photo: Wallasea Island – 2020 Sustainability Merit Winner

                                                                                  Institution of Civil Engineers is a Registered Charity in
5                                                                                 England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
Merit Awards 2021 Application Pack - Key information: Institution of Civil ...
The project should show technical excellence/innovation either in design or construction using the skills of the
whole team. How has it been the catalyst of originality, innovation or technical excellence by overcoming the
particular problems?

Examples include:

    •   How the design shows originality, innovation and suitability for purpose with any state-of-the-art
        methods or processes highlighted.

    •   How health and safety problems arising both during design or construction have been overcome.

    •   The application of research, development or new methods in the design or construction process.

    •   The engineering sustainability of the design, materials and construction techniques to reduce the
        environmental or physical impact of the project.

    •   Evidence of all parties to the project contributing to a team approach that matched or exceeded the
        client’s expectations.

    •   Evidence that the team would use new techniques/processes on other projects or have been actively
        promoted throughout the industry.

    •   Occupant/user feedback on the perception of the project in operation.

    •   Ingenuity in the use of materials and techniques to achieve a project of the highest appearance and

        Bacton to Walcott Sandscaping Scheme picture – 2020 winner

                                                                                   Institution of Civil Engineers is a Registered Charity in
6                                                                                  England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
Merit Awards 2021 Application Pack - Key information: Institution of Civil ...
Team Achievement

How has team-working achieved successful outcomes in project design or construction?

Examples include:

    •   Evidence of an integrated team embodying the Egan principles

    •   Evidence of engagement with the local community and how any issues were resolved

    •   Performance targets which were set and achieved

    •   Occupant/user feedback on the perception of the project during its progress

    •   Lessons learned and shared with other project teams/colleagues

    •   Evidence of how the integrated team overcame major issues and problems

    •   The team’s response to dealing with specific problems to deliver a successful project

    •   Evidence that the team had aligned objectives which resulted in meeting or surpassing the
        original outcome requirements.

        Mill Square, Chelmsford Station picture – 2020 winner

                                                                          Institution of Civil Engineers is a Registered Charity in
7                                                                         England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
Merit Awards 2021 Application Pack - Key information: Institution of Civil ...
Merit Awards 2021 – Entry Form – Part 1

The closing date for your entries is Tuesday 21 September 2021, 17:00

Which category are you entering? (Separate entry forms are needed for each category).

     Physical Achievement

     Sustainability

     Technical Excellence and Innovation

     Team Achievement

Project title:



Entrant’s name and job title



Other organisations in the team, who have consented to this entry, with their roles in the project



Main Contact:


                                                                           Institution of Civil Engineers is a Registered Charity in
8                                                                          England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
Merit Awards 2021 – Entry Form – Part 2

Work address


___________________________________________________Postcode: ____________________

Tel:    _________________________________________________________________________

Email: _________________________________________________________________________

Who should we contact to arrange a site visit /online presentation? (subject to government guidelines).


PR/ Communication contact and phone number


Project details (summary of the scheme of 50 words max)




                                                                               Institution of Civil Engineers is a Registered Charity in
9                                                                              England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
Part 3 - Payment details

     Entry fee per team or project entry £200 + VAT.
     There is no fee for local authorities, Government department or agencies and companies
     with less than 40 employees.
     Please tick this box if your organisation is eligible for free entry. E.g. a local authority or a
     company with less than 40 employees.

     Invoice payment

     Please send me an invoice for £_______ for ____entry/entries.

      Contact name:
      Contact tel:
      Contact email:
      Address for invoice:

     Purchase order number
     (if required by your organisation):

                                                                           Institution of Civil Engineers is a Registered Charity in
10                                                                         England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
Have you included everything needed in your entry packs?

Entry closes Tuesday 21 September 2021, 17:00

Check List

      A completed entry and payment form.

      Up to a 1000-word report of the scheme ensuring that you cover the points set out in the
       category criteria listed in the entry guide and explaining why the project deserves to be given
       an ICE East of England Merit Award.

      Between two and six photographs, including captions and when the photograph was taken.
       Please include high resolution photographs as attachments.

      A layout plan and location map and a maximum of six A3 drawings which illustrate the
       important features of the project.

      Details of parties involved in the project including names, company details, addresses and
       phone numbers.

      Supporting testimonials, videos and press cuttings/feedback.

      Agreement from the commissioning authority, the designer and contractor to submit the

                                                                           Institution of Civil Engineers is a Registered Charity in
11                                                                         England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
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