Menu & Drinks - Alte Post Alzenau

Page created by Gordon Schneider
Menu & Drinks - Alte Post Alzenau
Menu & Drinks
Menu & Drinks - Alte Post Alzenau
W I R T S H A U S               " A L T E      P O S T "

                                     S t a r t e r s

GAMBAS-PAN                                     HEARTY BEEF BROTH
in roasted garlic oil, garnished               with liver dumplings and root vegetables,
with shallots / 9 €                            plus farmer´s bread /
                                               small 4 € / large 5 €

SALMON -CUBES                                  BAKED ZUCCHINI ROLLS
marinated in gin, with sour cream              filled with sheep cheese, on
and lemon chips / 7 €                          mediterranean tomato reduction / 4 €

with post-salsa / 5 €                          with grilled aubergine, zucchini and
( slightly sharp with jalapenos,               mushrooms, olives, mild pepperoni, sheep
tomatoes and pickles )                         cheese baked in foil, tomato mozzarella,
                                               plus baguette / 12 €

                     F o r   t h e    l i t t l e   h u n g e r

HEARTY CRÊPES                                  HOMEMADE "KOCHKÄSE"
                                               with red onions
- with cheese & ham / 7 €
                                               small 6 € / large 8 €

- with cream cheese & smoked
  salmon / 9 €                                 OBAZDA
- with antipasti, pesto                        with freh farmer´s bread,
  and arugula / 8 €                            garnished with saltsticks
                                               small 6 € / large 8 €

                                               fresh farmer´s Bread with
                                               guacamole, fried egg,
                                               lemon and garnished with
                                               cress / 7 €
BAGUETTE                     /1€
FARMERS BREAD                /1€
PRETZEL                      /2€
Menu & Drinks - Alte Post Alzenau
W I R T S H A U S         " A L T E    P O S T "

                          M A I N    C O U R S E S

SALAD "BBQ"                               SCHNITZEL "WIENER STYLE"
in house dressing with grilled            breaded pork schnitzel with
chicken breast, pineapple                 fries and a small salad / 12 €
and crispy strips of bacon,
bbq-dip and Guacamole
plus baguette / 15 €                      "KOCHKÄSESCHNITZEL"
                                           breaded pork schnitzel covered
SALAD "ALTE POST"                          in melted cheese, with fries
in creamy dressing, with breaded           and a small salad / 14 €
cauliflower, mushrooms and
mozzarella sticks, with baguette,
garlic dip and bell pepper dip / 14 €     SCHNITZEL "RATSHERREN STYLE"
                                          with strips of bacon, onions, fried
VEGAN BOLOGNESE                           egg, roast potatoes with onions
vegetable noodles tossed in herbal        and a small salad / 15 €
pesto, on soy ragout in tomato
sauce, topped with arugula and
cashew "parmesan" / 11 €
                                          ROAST PORK
                                          with potato dumplings and dark gravy,
                                          with red cabbage / 13 €
with herbal sour cream served with a
small salad in house dressing / 10 €      BEEF RUMPSTEAK
                                          in blackened seasoning gently cooked,
   - with Chicken skewers                 on grilled vegetables, crispy roast
     marinated in BBQ sauce / 13 €        potatoes tossed
                                          in garlic-shallots butter / 23 €
   - with Beef strips tossed in
     spicy garlic butter / 16 €           BURGER "ALTE POST"
                                          juicy fried beef in sesame rolls, with
   - with antipasti, balsamico            roasted onions, tomatoes, crispy bacon,
     and herbal sour cream / 12 €         cheese and homemade sauce
                                          with fries / 15 €
W I R T S H A U S               " A L T E         P O S T "

                        S a u s a g e        k i t c h e n

1 PAIR "WEISSWÜRSTE"                             FRANCONIAN BRATWÜRSTE
in strong brew, with root                        grilled, on hearty apple sauerkraut,
vegetables, sweet mustard                        on dark gravy, with farmer's bread
and brezel / 7 €                                 and mustard / 9 €

                                     F i s h

TROUT "MÜLLERIN ART"                             "AHI POKE BOWL"
flour coated, fried on the skin,                 with salmon cubes marinated in
with parsley potatoes                            gin and sour creme, avocado, rice,
and almond butter / 15 €                         shallots, cress and roasted sesame
                                                 seeds / 17 €

                                   B r i z z a

                     A i r y - s a l t y   b r e z e l d o u g h

"SPORTSFREUND"                                   "BAYER"
with sour cream, smoked salmon,                  with obazda-cream, onions,
avocado, honey mustard                           bacon and emmentaler / 11 €
and dill / 13 €

"MÜNCHNER"                                       "GEMÜSEGARTEN"
with sweet mustard cream, white                  with sour cream, zucchini, bell peppers,
sausage, onions and cheese / 11 €                red onions, champignons, sauce
                                                 hollandaise, cheese and arugula / 11 €

                                  D e s s e r t

     with almond-coconut-cream, caramelised banana- mangochips,
     plus vanilla icecream / 7 €
W I R T S H A U S        " A L T E    P O S T "

                             B e v e r a g e s

NON-ALCOHOLIC                l      €         DRAFT BEER                   l       €
                                              Radeberger Pilsner /        0,3     3,00
Softdrinks                                    Radler                      0,5     3,90
Coca Cola / Fanta /         0,2    2,60
                                              Oberdorfer "Helles"         0,3     3,00
Sprite / Spezi              0,4    3,90       malty, gold-yellow          0,5     3,90
Coca Cola light / zero      0,33   3,20
                                              BABA                        0,4     3,40
Selters mineral water       0,25   2,60       naturally cloudy export     0,5     3,90
naturell / sparkling        0,75   4,90       Schöfferhofer Weizen        0,3     3,00
Tonic Water                 0,2    3,20       naturally cloudy /          0,5     3,90
Bitter Lemon                0,2    3,20       Russ
Ginger Ale                  0,2    3,20
                            0,35   3,20       Krusovice black beer        0,3     3,00
Icetea Trade Islands        0,3    4,20                                   0,5     3,90
Lemon / Peach
Bionade elder               0,33   3,20        FROM THE BOTTLE
Redbull                     0,25   4,20
                                               Schöfferhofer Weizen 0% 0,5        3,90
                                               non-alcohol / crystal /
Juices and Spritzers
apple juice                 0,2    2,70
clear or naturally cloudy                      Clausthaler extra          0,33    3,30
blackcurrant-/              0,4    3,70        herb non-alcohol
banana-/ orange-/
passion fruit- or cherry                       Schöfferhofer              0,33    3,30
juice                                          Grapefruit
elderberry spritzer         0,4    4,50        Braumeisters malted        0,33    3,30
cassis spritzer             0,4    4,50        beer, non-alkoholic
                            0,4    4,50
rhubarb spritzer

strawberry-smoothie          0,2   3,50
                                               APPLE CIDER
                                               natural                     0,25    2,80
PROSECCO                                       spritzers - sweet / sour    0,5     4,50
PONTE, DOC, extra dry       0,1     4,50
                            0,75   32,00       Bembel                      1,0     8,50
W I R T S H A U S           " A L T E      P O S T "

White wine                                                    l         €
2018 Großostheimer Silvaner                                 0,2        4,50
Q.b.A. franconia, winery Müller, dry
2018 Michelbacher Müller Thurgau                            0,2        4,90
Q.b.A. franconia, winery Höfler, dry
2018 Michelbacher Riesling                                  0,2        5,50
Q.b.A. franconia, winery Höfler, dry
2018 Wasserloser "Luhmännchen" Müller Thurgau               0,2        4,90
Q.b.A. franconia, winery Klaus Simon, medium dry

Red wine
2018 Großostheimer Heiligenthal Regent                      0,2        5,50
Q.b.A. franconia, winery Müller, dry
2018 Tussok Jumper Tulum Valley                             0,2        7,00
DOC, 100% Malbec, dry
2018 Großostheimer Heiligenthal                             0,2        5,90
No 58 Black Regent
Q.b.A. franconia, winery Müller, fruity, medium

2018 Großostheimer Regent Weißherbst                        0,2        4,90
Q.b.A. franconia, winery Müller, dry

Bottled wine                                Bottled wine
white                                       red
2017 Lugana Ca di Frati Italien     0,75    2016 Sud Primitivo                  0,75
A grape cultivated at the south of          di Manduria Italien
Lake Garda, complex but not                 strong, full-bodied, dry
overwhelming                       32,00€                                     29,00€
W I R T S H A U S       " A L T E       P O S T "

Spirits 2cl                    €         COFFEE, CACAO & TEA
Prinz                    40%   3,50       We exclusively obtain our coffee & tea
Hazelnut schnapps                         from Dallmayr in Munich

Prinz Old Cherry         41%   3,90      Coffee                                     €
from the wooden barrel
                                         Coffee crema small                        2,50
Prinz Plum               41%   3,90      Coffee crema large                        4,50
from the wooden barrel

Prinz Williams pear      41%   3,90      Espresso                                  2,20
from the wooden barrel
                                         Double Espresso                           2,90

Prinz Forest raspberry   41%   3,90      Cappucchino                               3,20
from the wooden barrel                   Café au lait                              3,90
                                         Latte Macchiato
Grappa Marzadro          41%   4,80
Giare Amarone                            Cacao

Grappa Marzadro          43%   3,90      Hot Chocolate small                       2,60
Trentina 43                              Hot Chocolate large                       3,80

Malteser /               40%   2,40      Additional serving of cream               0,50
                                         lactose-free milk on request available

Williams Christ          40%   2,40
Obstler                  42%   2,40       Choice of flavours
Fernet Branca            42%   2,40      -Vanilla, Coconut,                        0,50
Jägermeister             35%   2,40       Caramel, Hazelnut
Underberg                44%   2,40
Asbach Uralt             38%   2,40
Baileys                  17%   2,20      Tea by the Glass                          3,00
Remy Martin              40%   3,20       Earl Grey
Gorbatschov Wodka        40%   2,20       Darjeeling (First Flush)
Tequila white / gold     38%   2,40       Peppermint
Ramazzotti / Averna      30%   2,40       Camomile
                         43%   4,20       Fruit tea maracuja-orange
Jack Daniel´s
                                          Green tea (Japan Sencha)
                                          Fresh tea with mint and ginger           3,50
W I R T S H A U S              " A L T E         P O S T "

                   C o c k t a i l s       &   S p e c i a l s

Cocktails                  0,2l        €        Weinspecials                     0,2l    €

Campari Orange / Soda             5,80          Rocco                                   4,80
Gin Tonic                         7,50          red wine with coca cola

Cuba Libre                        7,80          and icecubes

Jacky Cola                        7,50
Asbach Cola                       6,80          Pinky Sweet Sour                        4,50
                                                white wine with grenadine
Wodka Lemon                       7,50          and limejuice, Soda and
Wodka Red Bull                    8,00          icecubes
Wodka Wildberry                   6,80
wodka, berries, icecubes

and russian wilberry
                                                Non alcoholic
Blueberry Gin                     7,80          Cocktails 0,2l                           €
gin tonic water, cane sugar,
berries thyme and icecubes
                                                 cherryjuice, bananajuice

                                                 and icecubes
Bitter Sweet Ginger               8,00
wodka, aperol, ginger ale,
                                                 Sweet Mahio                            5,00
lime, mint, raspberries
                                                 passion fruit juice, orangejuice,
and icecubes
                                                 raspberry syrup and icecubes

Hugo                                             Coco Borneo                            5,00
                                                 cocos syrup, curacao bleu,
elderberry syrup, prosecco,
                                                 orangejuice and passion fruit
mint, lime and icecubes
                                                 juice, lime and icecubes

Lillet Wildberry                  6,80
lillet blanc, berries, icecubes
                                                 Pink Cherry Lime                       5,50
and russian wildberry                            cherryjuice, passion fruit juice ,

                                                 cane sugar, lime and icecubes

Aperol Sprizz                     6,80
aperol, prosecco, soda,

orange and icecubes

Aperol Lemon Sprizz               6,80
aperol, bitter lemon, mint,

ginger and icecubes
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