Meeting frontispiece Governing body - NHS Cornwall

Page created by Ryan Manning

Meeting frontispiece
Governing body
Summary sheet
Date of meeting: 6 April 2021
For: Public session (Part 1)
For: Decision

Agenda item: Governing body and decision makers declarations of interest and gifts
and hospitality register

Author(s): Trudy Corsellis, deputy director of corporate governance, NHS Kernow
Presented by: Trudy Corsellis, deputy director of corporate governance, NHS
Lead director/GP from CCG: Helen Charlesworth-May, chief officer, NHS Kernow
Clinical lead: Not applicable

Executive summary
It is a regulatory requirement for NHS Kernow Clinical Commissioning Group to hold
a register of the governing body members’ interests and to make this available upon
request. NHS Kernow publishes its register of governing body members and other
decision makers interests on an annual basis as part of its annual report. In addition,
declarations are invited at each governing body meeting during the public session.
This paper has been produced as part of the monitoring process which maintains a
current list of all declarations of interest. It complies with the latest guidance issued
by NHS England and Improvement and the governing body is also asked to note the
“substantial assurance” rating received as part of the TIAA internal audit undertaken
in February 2021.

Appendix 1: The declarations of interest for governing body members are presented
for information and consideration for any conflict with agenda items. The register is
also presented to allow members to update their declarations for either new entries
or to cease entries that no longer exist.

Please note: As is normal practice, in addition to the above, governing body
members are requested to update and sign off their individual declarations every 6
months. As the meeting will be held virtually this will be done via individual emails.
Members have been emailed their declarations and are asked to review their entries,
make amendments if required and respond in order that an accurate record of
renewals can be maintained.
Appendix 2: Details the declarations of interest of decision makers; this will be
published as part of the annual report.

Appendix 3: The gifts and hospitality register. This includes the details of the
previous six months declarations (a copy of the full register is available from The annual process of validating our gifts and
hospitality register against the information published by the Association of the British
Pharmaceutical Industry (ABPI) was undertaken in January 2021.

Recommendations and specific action the governing body needs to
take at the meeting

The committee is asked to:

1. Note the contents of the declarations of interest registers and the gifts and
   hospitality register and update declarations, as required.
2. Consider any declarations pertinent to each agenda item with the chair identifying
   mitigations required, as appropriate.
3. Note the request to renew declarations virtually via email.
4. Note the “substantial assurance” rating received as part of the TIAA internal audit
   undertaken in February 2021.

Additional required information
Cross reference to strategic objectives
☐ Improve health and wellbeing and reduce inequalities
☐ Provide safe, high quality, timely and compassionate care
☐ Work efficiently so health and care funding give maximum benefits
☐ Make Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly a great place to work
☒ Create the underpinning infrastructure and capabilities critical to delivery
☐ Commissioning supports COVID-19, recovery plans and long term plan

Evidence in support of arguments: Report produced is evidence of actions taken
to register declarations of interest and mitigations needed of actual, perceived or
potential conflicts.

Engagement and involvement: All members of the governing body and executives
in attendance.

Communication and/or consultation requirements: None – though register of
interests for governing body and decision makers is published at least annually. The
most up to date version is available from the corporate governance team.

Financial implications: There are potential financial consequences of not mitigating
interests that bring individuals into conflict necessitating either re-work or legal

Review arrangements: Dynamic record of declarations of interest is maintained.

                                                                                 Page 2
Risk management: Risk mitigated through active awareness of interests.

National policy/ legislation: Current arrangements determined to ensure
compliance with national regulations.

Public health implications: None.

Equality and diversity: None.

Climate change implications: Not applicable.

Other external assessment: A mandated conflict of interest audit is undertaken by
TIAA each year. NHS Kernow received a “substantial assurance” rating based on the
audit undertaken in February 2021.

Relevant conflicts of interest: As recorded in the declaration of interests and gifts
and hospitality registers and any raised as part of the meeting.

For use with private and confidential agenda items only
FOI consideration – exemption*: None - item may be published

Qualified/absolute*: None - item may be published

                                                                               Page 3
NHS Kernow will retain a record of historic interests and offers/receipts of gifts & hospitality for a minimum of six years after the expiry date.
                                                            To submit a request for this information, please contact

2020/21 Register of Interests                                 21/03/2021
                                                                                                                          Type of Interest                                                                                                Date of Interest



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Date Employ't or Engage't
  Unique      Name               Current Position(s) Held   GP Federation Primary Care        Declared Interest                                                      Is    Nature of Interest                                                 From              To                                     Actions taken to mitigate risk                               Constitutional Committees
    ID        (surname, first    (GB member, committee      Organisation    Network (PCN)     (Name of the organisation                                           interest                                                                                                                                                                                          Attended
              name)              member, Member             Name            Network name      and nature of business)                                            direct or
                                 practice, CCG employee,    (from Oct-2018)                                                                                      indirect?


   DOI589     Abbott, Andrew     Director of Primary Care                                     Family Member                                           Y           Indirect   Close family member has T1 diabetes; as Director of           29-May-18                                                   Ensure interest is flagged and recorded in all relevant        CLG, PCCC, Governing Body,
                                                                                                                                                                             Primary Care, is involved in the commissioning of diabetes                                                                meetings and when decisions are being taken, eg. Diabetes      POG, Rem Com
                                                                                                                                                                             care pathways                                                                                                             Oversight Group, decisions regarding the use of transformation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       funding recently awarded, or commissioning priorities with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       CCG etc. If necessary, ensure abstains from decision making
  K000079     Abbott, Andrew     Director of Integrated                                       GE Healthcare Finnamore                   Y                         Indirect   Previously employed by Finnamore Management                    11-Apr-16                                                  Awareness with respect to contracts                          CLG, PCCC, Governing Body,
                                 Commissioning                                                                                                                               Consulting, now part of GE Healthcare Finnamore                                                                                                                                        POG, Rem Com

  K000017     Blong, Chris       Lay Member for                                               Grant Thornton                Y                                     Indirect   Attends thrice yearly SW Audit Chairs Meetings hosted by      20-Nov-15                                                   Care when reprocure External Audit. Also logged on G&H       Audit, CPG, Governing Body, POG
                                 Governance/Vice-                                                                                                                            Grant Thornton in Taunton                                                                                                 register.                                                    - attends all constitutional
                                 Chair/Audit Committee                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Committees (reporting and
                                 Chair                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              assurance purposes)

   DOI667     Bryan, Clare       Chief Finance Officer                                        Nil                                                                            Nil                                                            01-Oct-18                                                                                                               Audit, CLG, F&P, Governing Body,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    PCCC, Finance SMT, ICG, POG

  DOI1020     Charlesworth-May, Accountable Officer, NHS                                      Cornwall Council and NHS      Y                                                Employed by Cornwall Council and jointly funded 50/50          01-Apr-20                                                  Exclude from conflict situations. Use of the COI Protocol    CLG, F&P, Governing Body,
              Helen             Kernow / Director Adult                                       Kernow                                                                         with NHS Kernow                                                                                                           developed as part of the S113 Agreement. NHS Kernow          PCCC, POG , Quality
                                Social Care, Cornwall                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Scheme of Delegation also amended accordingly.
   DOI706     Chorlton, Iain    General Practitioner / Gov Kernow Health                      Kernow Health CIC             Y                                     Direct     Practice has federated and is now part of Kernow Health        31-Mar-19        30-Apr-21   30-Apr-21                     Exclude from conflict situations                             CLG, CPG, Governing Body, POG
                                Body Chair                 East Ltd                                                                                                          East Ltd

  K000023     Chorlton, Iain     General Practitioner / Gov Kernow Health                     GP Practice                   Y                                     Direct     Tamar Valley Health Ltd, which operates Gunnislake            13-May-14         30-Apr-21   30-Apr-21                     Awareness wrt primary care issues                            CLG, CPG, Governing Body, POG
                                 Body Chair                 East Ltd                                                                                                         Pharmacy

  K000025     Chorlton, Iain     General Practitioner / Gov Kernow Health                     Cornwall Partnership NHS      Y                                     Indirect   Dr Chorlton's wife is a CPN (Community Psychiatric Nurse)      09-Apr-13        30-Apr-21   30-Apr-21                     Awareness with respect to contracts                          CLG, CPG, Governing Body, POG
                                 Body Chair                 East Ltd                          Foundation Trust                                                               working for CPFT (Cornwall Partnership Foundation
                                                                                                                                                                             Trust). Update May 2020: Seconded into a new role,
                                                                                                                                                                             transitioning from being the unit manager for Sowenna to
                                                                                                                                                                             being the manager with oversight of the 24 hour mental
                                                                                                                                                                             health crisis line, which is in the process of being
                                                                                                                                                                             established. Will continue to work a couple of days a week
                                                                                                                                                                             at Sowenna for the rest of May 2020.
  K000027     Chorlton, Iain     General Practitioner / Gov Kernow Health                     Kernow Health CIC             Y                                     Direct     Practice is a Member of Kernow Health Community               13-May-14         30-Apr-21   30-Apr-21                     Exclude from conflict situations                             CLG, CPG, Governing Body, POG
                                 Body Chair                 East Ltd                                                                                                         Interest Company

   DOI683     Cook, Paul         GP Governing Body          Carrick CIC                       Carrick CIC                   Y                                     Direct     Member Practice of Carrick CIC                                 02-Oct-18                                                  Chair to consider whether activity brings declaration into   CLG, Governing Body, Quality,
                                 Member                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                conflict                                                     PCB

   DOI809     Cook, Paul         GP Governing Body          Primary Care                      GP in member practice         Y                                     Direct     GP in a PCN                                                    28-Jun-19                                                  Chair to consider whether activity brings declaration into   CLG, Governing Body, Quality,
                                 Member                     Network                           signed off as a PCN                                                                                                                                                                                      conflict                                                     PCB

  K000323     Cook, Paul         GP Governing Body          Carrick CIC                       Kernow Health CIC             Y                                     Direct     GP Partner at Carnon Downs surgery which is a member          01-Nov-16                                                   Exclude from conflict situations                             CLG, Governing Body, Quality,
                                 Member                                                                                                                                      of Kernow CIC                                                                                                                                                                          PCB

  K000349     Cook, Paul         GP Governing Body          Carrick CIC                       NHS Kernow                                Y                         Direct     Clinical Lead for Mental Health for NHS Kernow                 01-Mar-17                                                  Chair to consider whether activity brings declaration into   CLG, Governing Body, Quality,
                                 Member                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                conflict                                                     PCB
  K000118     Corsellis, Trudy   Board Secretary / Deputy                                     Live Well Southwest                                     Y           Indirect   Personal friend of Non-Executive Director at Live Well         12-Oct-15                                                  Awareness only                                               Audit, CLG, CPG, F&P, Governing
                                 Director for Corporate                                                                                                                      Southwest (Plymouth Community Health CIC)                                                                                                                                              Body, POG, Finance SMT, ICG
   DOI110     Cox, Samantha      PA to CFO                                                    Nil                                                                            Nil                                                            14-Jul-17                                                                                                               F&P, Audit, Governing Body,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    POG, Rem Com
  K000033     Duckworth, Judy    GP Governing Body                                            NHS England                   Y                                     Indirect   Is a GP appraiser for NHS England                             05-May-15                                                   Awareness                                                    Governing Body, POG, Rem Com
  K000036     Duckworth, Judy    GP Governing Body                                            Cornwall Health CIC           Y                                     Direct     Declared is a self-employed locum GP for Cornwall Health       05-Oct-15                                                  Exclude from conflict situations                             Governing Body, POG, Rem Com
                                 Member                                                                                                                                      Out of Hours

  K000037     Duckworth, Judy    GP Governing Body                                            Cornwall Partnership NHS      Y                                     Direct     Declared a salaried GP of Cornwall Partnership NHS             01-Apr-16                                                  Exclude from conflict situations                             Governing Body, POG, Rem Com
                                 Member                                                       Foundation Trust                                                               Foundation Trust . June 2020 - temporary secondment
                                                                                                                                                                             from Falmouth Hospital (CFT) to West Cornwall Hospital
                                                                                                                                                                             CATU (RCHT)

  DOI1051     Garman, John       Governing Body GP                                            Mevagissey Surgery            Y                                                Providing Governance and clinical support for Mevagissey        Jun-20           Oct-20                                   Exclude from conflict situations                             F&P, Governing Body, PCB,
                                 Member & Clinical Lead                                                                                                                      surgery on a consultancy basis                                                                                                                                                         PCCAG
                                 for Isles of Scilly
Type of Interest                                                                                            Date of Interest



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Date Employ't or Engage't
Unique    Name              Current Position(s) Held   GP Federation Primary Care      Declared Interest                                                      Is    Nature of Interest                                             From              To                                     Actions taken to mitigate risk     Constitutional Committees
  ID      (surname, first   (GB member, committee      Organisation    Network (PCN)   (Name of the organisation                                           interest                                                                                                                                                            Attended
          name)             member, Member             Name            Network name    and nature of business)                                            direct or
                            practice, CCG employee,    (from Oct-2018)                                                                                    indirect?


DOI523    Garman, John      Governing Body GP                                          Helston Medical Centre       Y                                                 GP Partner, Helston Med Centre                               2005                                                     Exclude from conflict situations   F&P, Governing Body, PCB,
                            Member & Clinical Lead                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             PCCAG
                            for Isles of Scilly

DOI524    Garman, John      Governing Body GP                                          Helston Medical Services     Y                                                 Director of Helston Med Services                           Jan-2018                                                   Exclude from conflict situations   F&P, Governing Body, PCB,
                            Member & Clinical Lead                                     (T/A Steven Hall                                                                                                                                                                                                                        PCCAG
                            for Isles of Scilly                                        Pharmacy)

DOI525    Garman, John      Governing Body GP                                          Isles of Scilly Medical      Y                                                 Director of IOS Medical Services Ltd                       Jan-2014                                                   Exclude from conflict situations   F&P, Governing Body, PCB,
                            Member & Clinical Lead                                     Services Ltd (IOS                                                                                                                                                                                                                       PCCAG
                            for Isles of Scilly                                        Pharmacy)
DOI526    Garman, John      Governing Body GP                                          Helston Arrangements Ltd     Y                                                 Director of Helston Arrangements                             2013                                                     Exclude from conflict situations   F&P, Governing Body, PCB,
                            Member & Clinical Lead                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             PCCAG
                            for Isles of Scilly
DOI527    Garman, John      Governing Body GP                                          Isles of Scilly              Y                                                 APMS contract holder IOS                                     2011                                                     Exclude from conflict situations   F&P, Governing Body, PCB,
                            Member & Clinical Lead                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             PCCAG
                            for Isles of Scilly

DOI528    Garman, John      Governing Body GP                                          Mounts Bay Medical           Y                                                 Practice is part of Mounts Bay Medical (clinical           Jan-2018                                                   Exclude from conflict situations   F&P, Governing Body, PCB,
                            Member & Clinical Lead                                                                                                                    pharmaceutical research)                                                                                                                                 PCCAG
                            for Isles of Scilly

DOI529    Garman, John      Governing Body GP                                          Kernow Health CIC            Y                                                 Practice is member of KHCIC                               09-Feb-18                                                   Exclude from conflict situations   F&P, Governing Body, PCB,
                            Member & Clinical Lead                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             PCCAG
                            for Isles of Scilly
DOI530    Garman, John      Governing Body GP                                          C2C Federation               Y                                                 Practice is member of C2C Fed                             09-Feb-18                                                   Exclude from conflict situations   F&P, Governing Body, PCB,
                            Member & Clinical Lead                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             PCCAG
                            for Isles of Scilly

DOI721    Garman, John      Governing Body GP                                          Endurance Medics Ltd         Y                                      Direct     Director of Endurance Medics Ltd                           08-Jan-19                                                  Exclude from conflict situations   F&P, Governing Body, PCB,
                            Member & Clinical Lead                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             PCCAG
                            for Isles of Scilly

DOI834    Garman, John      Governing Body GP                                          Gallagher Premiership        Y                                                 Independent match day Doctor for Gallagher Premiership    01-Sep-19                                                   Exclude from conflict situations   F&P, Governing Body, PCB,
                            Member & Clinical Lead                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             PCCAG
                            for Isles of Scilly
DOI948    Hayman, Matthew   GB Secondary Care                                          Somerset Foundation          Y                                                 Employee of Somerset Foundation Trust                      07-Jan-20                                                  Awareness                          Governing Body
                            Clinican                                                   Trust
DOI013    Jones, Natalie    Chief Nursing Officer                                      Nil                                                                            Nil                                                       02-Aug-17                                                   None required, at present          Audit, CLG, CPG, Governing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Body, Quality

DOI1027   Kelly, Nikki      Lay Member, Governing                                      Shallal Inclusive Dance                                  Y                     Trustee Shallal Inclusive Dance Company & Shallal          12-Jun-20                                                  Exclude from conflict situations   CAP, Governing Body, POG, Rem
                            Body                                                       Company & Inclusive Arts                                                       Inclusive Arts Charity                                                                                                                                   Com
DOI1028   Kelly, Nikki      Lay Member, Governing                                      Farming Health Hub            Y                                                Project Manager for Engagement                                TBC                                                     Exclude from conflict situations   CAP, Governing Body, POG, Rem
                            Body                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Com

DOI1097   Kelly, Nikki      Lay Member, Governing                                      Sport Cornwall Foundation                                Y                     Trustee of Sport Cornwall Foundation                        Oct-20                                                    Exclude from conflict situations   CAP, Governing Body, POG, Rem
                            Body                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Com
DOI1098   Kelly, Nikki      Lay Member, Governing                                      Healthwave                    Y                                                Operational Lead - Healthwave                               Nov-20           Jan-21                                   Exclude from conflict situations   CAP, Governing Body, POG, Rem
                            Body                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Com

DOI712    Kelly, Nikki      Lay Member, Governing                                      NHS Kernow                                              Y           Indirect   Sister employed as PHB Assessor                           20-Nov-18                                                   Exclude from conflict situations   CAP, Governing Body, POG, Rem
                            Body                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Com
DOI803    Kelly, Nikki      Lay Member, Governing                                      KHCIC                        Y                                                 Community Navigator for KHCIC                             21-May-19         01-Nov-20                                 Exclude from conflict situations   CAP, Governing Body, POG, Rem
                            Body                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Com
DOI1099   Mead, Melissa     Lay Member, Governing                                      UK Sepsis Trust                                          Y          Direct     Ambassador for UK                                          10-Dec-20                                                  Exclude from conflict situations   Governing Body, PCCC, Quality
DOI704    Mead, Melissa     Lay Member, Governing                                      UK Sepsis Trust                           Y                         Direct     Advocate for UK Sepsis Trust (paid employee)              14-Nov-18         09-Dec-20   09-Dec-20                     Exclude from conflict situations   Governing Body, PCCC, Quality
DOI705    Mead, Melissa     Lay Member, Governing                                      Patient Safety Sepsis                                   Y           Direct     Volunteer, Patient Safety Sepsis                          14-Nov-18                                                   Exclude from conflict situations   Governing Body, PCCC, Quality
Type of Interest                                                                                              Date of Interest



                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Date Employ't or Engage't
Unique    Name               Current Position(s) Held     GP Federation Primary Care      Declared Interest                                                      Is    Nature of Interest                                               From           To                               Actions taken to mitigate risk                               Constitutional Committees
  ID      (surname, first    (GB member, committee        Organisation    Network (PCN)   (Name of the organisation                                           interest                                                                                                                                                                               Attended
          name)              member, Member               Name            Network name    and nature of business)                                            direct or
                             practice, CCG employee,      (from Oct-2018)                                                                                    indirect?


K000048   Old, Francis       General Practitioner - GP                                    GP Practice                  Y                                      Direct     Director of Helston Medical and Pharmaceutical Services     20-Dec-11                                          Exclude from conflict situations                             Audit, CLG, F&P, Governing Body,
                             Lead and Locality Lead                                                                                                                      Ltd                                                                                                                                                                         PCCC
                             for West Cornwall and
                             Isles of Scilly
K000051   Old, Francis       General Practitioner - GP                                    Helston Arrangements         Y                                      Direct     Director of Helston Arrangements (non NHS)                   02-Oct-12                                         Exclude from conflict situations                             Audit, CLG, F&P, Governing Body,
                             Lead and Locality Lead                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PCCC
                             for West Cornwall and
                             Isles of Scilly
K000058   Old, Francis       General Practitioner - GP                                    NHS Kernow                   Y                                      Direct     Has a contract for Urgent Care work in the Penzance area     05-Apr-16                                         Exclude from conflict situations                             Audit, CLG, F&P, Governing Body,
                             Lead and Locality Lead                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  PCCC
                             for West Cornwall and
                             Isles of Scilly
K000329   Old, Francis       General Practitioner - GP                                    Royal Cornwall Hospitals     Y                                      Direct     Expressed an interest in discussions held on RCHT non       04-Aug-16                                          Exclude from conflict situations                             Audit, CLG, F&P, Governing Body,
                             Lead and Locality Lead                                       Trust                                                                          PBR Schedule (Urgent Care Support)                                                                                                                                          PCCC,
                             for West Cornwall and
                             Isles of Scilly

DOI769    Stevens, Deryth    Governing Body GP            Kernow Health                   Tamar Valley Health          Y                                      Direct     Employed as salaried GP at Tamar Valley Health               01-Mar-19                                         Exclude from conflict situations                             CLG, Governing Body, PCCC
                             Member                       East Ltd

DOI919    Stevens, Deryth    Governing Body GP                                            Sanofi and Novo Nordisk,                                 Y          Indirect   Spouse receives honoraria for educational                    01-Dec-19                                         Withdraw from any discussion/decision involving these        CLG, Governing Body, PCCC
                             Member                                                       Pharmaceutical                                                                 meetings/lectures/consultancy support which at times are                                                       companies.
                                                                                          companies                                                                      sponsored by pharmaceutical companies Sanofi and Novo
                                                                                                                                                                         Nordisk. All these meetings take place in the USA.
                                                                                                                                                                         June 2020: Paused at moment due to Coronavirus and
                                                                                                                                                                         quarantine implications.

DOI684    White, Robert      GP Governing Body            Carrick CIC                     Carrick Health Ltd           Y                                      Direct     Director on Board of Carrick Health Ltd                      02-Oct-18                                         Exclude from conflict situations                             CLG, Governing Body, Quality,
                             Member, Clinical lead                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PCB, PCCAG
                             elective Care & Locality
DOI808    White, Robert      GP Governing Body            Primary Care                    GP in member practice        Y                                      Direct     PCN                                                          28-Jun-19                                         Chair to consider whether activity brings declaration into   CLG, Governing Body, Quality,
                             Member, Clinical lead        Network                         signed off as a PCN and                                                                                                                                                                       conflict                                                     PCB, PCCAG
                             elective Care & Locality                                     Clincal Director of PCN
K000063   White, Robert      GP Governing Body            Carrick CIC                     GP Practice                  Y                                      Direct     Partner St Agnes GP Surgery                                  16-Apr-15                                         Exclude from conflict situations                             CLG, Governing Body, Quality,
                             Member, Clinical lead                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PCB, PCCAG
                             elective Care & Locality
K000064   White, Robert      GP Governing Body            Carrick CIC                     Kernow Health CIC            Y                                      Direct     St Agnes Surgery is part of Kernow GP CIC                    16-Apr-15                                         Exclude from conflict situations                             CLG, Governing Body, Quality,
                             Member, Clinical lead                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PCB, PCCAG
                             elective Care & Locality

K000065   White, Robert      GP Governing Body            Carrick CIC                     Royal Cornwall Hospitals     Y                                      Direct     Employed as GP in ED at RCHT occasionally                    16-Apr-15                                         Exclude from conflict situations                             CLG, Governing Body, Quality,
                             Member, Clinical lead                                        Trust                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      PCB, PCCAG
                             elective Care & Locality
K000066   White, Robert      GP Governing Body            Carrick CIC                     Cornwall Health CIC          Y                                      Direct     Employed OOH GP for Devon Doc - Cornwall Health CIC          16-Apr-15                                         Exclude from conflict situations                             CLG, Governing Body, Quality,
                             Member, Clinical lead                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PCB, PCCAG
                             elective Care & Locality
K000339   White, Robert      GP Governing Body            Carrick CIC                     Cornwall Partnership NHS     Y                                      Direct     CPFT for the Acute GP Service                               22-Feb-17                                          Exclude from conflict situations                             CLG, Governing Body, Quality,
                             Member, Clinical lead                                        Foundation Trust                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           PCB, PCCAG
                             elective Care & Locality
DOI1021   Wigglesworth,      Interim Director of Public                                   Nil                                                                            Nil                                                          05-Jun-20                                                                                                      Governing Body, PCCC
          Rachel             Health, Cornwall Council

DOI814    Yarnold, John      GB Lay Member - Fiscal                                       MBI Healthcare                            Y                                    Listed as an associate on MBI website. However have         01-Feb-17                                          Awareness of perceptions in event of procurement etc         Audit, F&P, Governing Body ,
                             Management, Chair of                                                                                                                        never carried out any work for them. Have requested they                                                                                                                    POG, Rem Com
                             Finance Committee                                                                                                                           remove name, without success, therefore declaring for
DOI815    Yarnold, John      GB Lay Member - Fiscal                                       Grant Thornton               Y                                      Indirect   Attendance at SW Audit Chair meetings hosted by Grant        01-Jan-18                                         Awareness when audit services procured. Also logged on       Audit, F&P, Governing Body ,
                             Management, Chair of                                                                                                                        Thornton                                                                                                       G&H register.                                                POG, Rem Com
                             Finance Committee

          Please note:
          We recognise that individuals will be registered with a GP Practice and do not expect them to include this on the DOI register.
          Individuals will be expected to flag an interest in a meeting if they happen to be registered as a patient at a particular practice under discussion.
NHS Kernow will retain a record of historic interests and offers/receipts of gifts & hospitality for a minimum of six years after the expiry date.
                                                             To submit a request for this information, please contact

2020/21 Register of Interests                                  19/03/2021
                                                                                                                           Type of Interest                                                                                          Date of Interest


  Unique      Name               Current Position(s) Held    GP Federation Primary Care        Declared Interest                                                       Is    Nature of Interest                                          From           To                               Actions taken to mitigate risk                               Constitutional Committees

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Date Employ't or Engage't
    ID        (surname, first    (GB member, committee       Organisation    Network (PCN)     (Name of the organisation                                            interest                                                                                                                                                                          Attended
              name)              member, Member              Name            Network name      and nature of business)                                             direct or
                                 practice, CCG employee,     (from Oct-2018)                                                                                       indirect?


   DOI589     Abbott, Andrew     Director of Primary Care                                      Family Member                                            Y          Indirect   Close family member has T1 diabetes; as Director        29-May-18                                          Ensure interest is flagged and recorded in all relevant    CLG, PCCC, Governing
                                                                                                                                                                              of Primary Care, is involved in the commissioning of                                                       meetings and when decisions are being taken, eg. Diabetes Body, POG, Rem Com
                                                                                                                                                                              diabetes care pathways                                                                                     Oversight Group, decisions regarding the use of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         transformation funding recently awarded, or commissioning
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         priorities with the CCG etc. If necessary, ensure abstains
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         from decision making processes.
  K000079     Abbott, Andrew     Director of Integrated                                        GE Healthcare Finnamore                    Y                        Indirect   Previously employed by Finnamore Management              11-Apr-16                                         Awareness with respect to contracts                        CLG, PCCC, Governing
                                 Commissioning                                                                                                                                Consulting, now part of GE Healthcare Finnamore                                                                                                                       Body, POG, Rem Com

  DOI1071     Andrews, Carolyn   System Transformation                                         Nil                                                                            Nil                                                      08-Sep-20                                                                                                      PCB

   DOI005     Bolitho, Simon     Deputy CFO                                                    Nil                                                                            Nil                                                      29-Jun-17                                                                                                      CPG, CLG, F&P, Finance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      SMT, ICG
  DOI1122     Cahill, Liz        Children & Young People                                       Nil                                                                            Nil                                                      09-Feb-21

  DOI1101     Childs, Helen      System Director -                                             Cornwall Partnership NHS       Y                                     Direct    Change in role as part of Joint Chief Officer pilot.       Apr-20                                          No involvement in contractual discussions acting as a CCG None
                                 Integrated Communities                                        Foundation Trust                                                               Currently working as the System Director -                                                                 representative. NHS Kernow Scheme of Delegation
                                 (Substantive role - Chief                                                                                                                    Integrated Communities and operationally reporting                                                         amended to reflect change in role; delegated limits are now
                                 Operating Officer)                                                                                                                           to Phil Confue. Line manager remains Accountable                                                           those of a budget manager, not executive director.
                                                                                                                                                                              Officer for NHS Kernow                                                                                     CCG expects a similar entry to be visible on CFT's DOI

  DOI873      Childs, Helen      Chief Operating Officer                                       Cornwall Partnership NHS                                  Y         Indirect   Spouse now substantively employed by CPFT as               Apr-19                                          Director portfolios amended and no involvement in CPFT       CLG, Governing Body,
                                                                                               Foundation Trust                                                               Area Director with responsibilities including mental                                                       contract or procurement related discussions.                 PCCC, Quality, POG
                                                                                                                                                                              health, learning disabilities, children services and                                                       Update 31/3/2020: HC change in role, working as System
                                                                                                                                                                              localities development                                                                                     Director - Integrated Communities operationally reporting to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Phil Confue at CFT. New DOI 1101 refers.

   DOI706     Chorlton, Iain     General Practitioner /      Kernow Health                     Kernow Health CIC             Y                                      Direct    Practice has federated and is now part of Kernow         31-Mar-19                                         Exclude from conflict situations                             CLG, CPG, Governing Body,
                                 Gov Body Chair              East Ltd                                                                                                         Health East Ltd                                                                                                                                                         POG

  K000023     Chorlton, Iain     General Practitioner /      Kernow Health                     GP Practice                   Y                                      Direct    Tamar Valley Health Ltd, which operates                 13-May-14                                          Awareness wrt primary care issues                            CLG, CPG, Governing Body,
                                 Gov Body Chair              East Ltd                                                                                                         Gunnislake Pharmacy                                                                                                                                                     POG

  K000025     Chorlton, Iain     General Practitioner /      Kernow Health                     Cornwall Partnership NHS      Y                                     Indirect   Dr Chorlton's wife is a CPN (Community Psychiatric       09-Apr-13                                         Awareness with respect to contracts                          CLG, CPG, Governing Body,
                                 Gov Body Chair              East Ltd                          Foundation Trust                                                               Nurse) working for CPFT (Cornwall Partnership                                                                                                                           POG
                                                                                                                                                                              Foundation Trust). Update May 2020: Seconded
                                                                                                                                                                              into a new role, transitioning from being the unit
                                                                                                                                                                              manager for Sowenna to being the manager with
                                                                                                                                                                              oversight of the 24 hour mental health crisis line,
                                                                                                                                                                              which is in the process of being established. Will
                                                                                                                                                                              continue to work a couple of days a week at
                                                                                                                                                                              Sowenna for the rest of May 2020.

  K000027     Chorlton, Iain     General Practitioner /      Kernow Health                     Kernow Health CIC             Y                                      Direct    Practice is a Member of Kernow Health Community         13-May-14                                          Exclude from conflict situations                             CLG, CPG, Governing Body,
                                 Gov Body Chair              East Ltd                                                                                                         Interest Company                                                                                                                                                        POG
   DOI683     Cook, Paul         GP Governing Body           Carrick CIC                       Carrick CIC                   Y                                      Direct    Member Practice of Carrick CIC                           02-Oct-18                                         Chair to consider whether activity brings declaration into   CLG, Governing Body,
                                 Member                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  conflict                                                     Quality, PCB

   DOI809     Cook, Paul         GP Governing Body           Primary Care                      GP in member practice         Y                                      Direct    GP in a PCN                                              28-Jun-19                                         Chair to consider whether activity brings declaration into   CLG, Governing Body,
                                 Member                      Network                           signed off as a PCN                                                                                                                                                                       conflict                                                     Quality, PCB

  K000323     Cook, Paul         GP Governing Body           Carrick CIC                       Kernow Health CIC             Y                                      Direct    GP Partner at Carnon Downs surgery which is a            01-Nov-16                                         Exclude from conflict situations                             CLG, Governing Body,
                                 Member                                                                                                                                       member of Kernow CIC                                                                                                                                                    Quality, PCB
Type of Interest                                                                                          Date of Interest



Unique    Name               Current Position(s) Held   GP Federation Primary Care      Declared Interest                                                      Is    Nature of Interest                                           From           To                               Actions taken to mitigate risk                                 Constitutional Committees

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Date Employ't or Engage't
  ID      (surname, first    (GB member, committee      Organisation    Network (PCN)   (Name of the organisation                                           interest                                                                                                                                                                             Attended
          name)              member, Member             Name            Network name    and nature of business)                                            direct or
                             practice, CCG employee,    (from Oct-2018)                                                                                    indirect?


K000349   Cook, Paul         GP Governing Body          Carrick CIC                     NHS Kernow                                Y                         Direct     Clinical Lead for Mental Health for NHS Kernow           01-Mar-17                                         Chair to consider whether activity brings declaration into     CLG, Governing Body,
                             Member                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               conflict                                                       Quality, PCB

K000118   Corsellis, Trudy   Board Secretary / Deputy                                   Live Well Southwest                                     Y          Indirect    Personal friend of Non-Executive Director at Live        12-Oct-15                                         Awareness only                                                 Audit, CLG, CPG, F&P,
                             Director for Corporate                                                                                                                    Well Southwest (Plymouth Community Health CIC)                                                                                                                            Governing Body, POG,
                             Governance                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Finance SMT, ICG

DOI838    Davies, Julie      Acting Head of Contracts                                   Lifestar Medical Ltd                                     Y                     Friends with Owner and Directors at Lifestar Medical     27-Jun-05                                         No direct involvement in any patient transport procurement     CPG, PCOG, Finance SMT,
                             & Procurement                                                                                                                             Ltd, local patient transport company commissioned                                                          activities. Not to be used as an evaluator or subject matter   F&P
                                                                                                                                                                       by NHS Trusts in Cornwall but not directly                                                                 expert for advice around patient transport services unless
                                                                                                                                                                       commissioned by NHS Kernow at time of                                                                      the advice has no bearing on Providers suitable for patient
                                                                                                                                                                       completing the declaration                                                                                 transport in Cornwall.

DOI1060   Foster, Sarah      Deputy Director Finance                                    ACE Schools                                              Y          Direct     Board of ACE Schools - Chair of the Cornwall             01-Sep-20                                         No direct involvement in any CYP School health                 CPG, Finance SMT, F&P
                                                                                                                                                                       Cluster. This is governance/safeguarding/critical                                                          procurement activities. Not to be used as an evaluator or
                                                                                                                                                                       friend role.                                                                                               subject matter expert for advice around CYP education
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  services unless the advice has no bearing on Providers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  suitable for CYP education services in Cornwall.

DOI544    Francis, Tim       Head of Mental Health &                                    Nil                                                                            Nil                                                      26-Feb-18                                                                                                        ICG
                             LD Commissioning

DOI662    Groom, John        Director or Integrated                                     Nil                                                                            Nil                                                      03-Sep-18                                                                                                        CLG, PCCAG, PCB
                             Care (Comm)

DOI257    Gyasi, Dominic     Head of Commissoning                                       Nil                                                                            Nil                                                      20-Nov-18                                                                                                        Finance SMT, ICG

DOI002a   Hughes, Nicola     Head of Planned Care                                       Various                                                  Y          Direct     Friends via Facebook and Linked In who may be            03-Mar-14                                         Exclude from conflict situations                               PCB, PCOG, PCCAG
                             Commissioning                                                                                                                             current providers or potential providers of NHS
DOI002b   Hughes, Nicola     Head of Planned Care                                       Various D440                                             Y          Indirect   Partner is a self employed management consultant         03-Mar-14                                         Exclude from conflict situations. Advise Director of any       PCB, PCOG, PCCAG
                             Commissioning                                                                                                                             working with NHS organisations (including GP                                                               perceived or actual conflicts should they arise.

DOI002c   Hughes, Nicola     Head of Planned Care                                       Probus Parish Council                                    Y          Indirect   Partner is Chairman of Probus Parish Council             16-May-17                                         Exclude from conflict situations                               PCB, PCOG, PCCAG

DOI575    Hughes, Nicola     Head of Planned Care                                       Probus Parish Players                                   Y           Direct     Chair & member of Probus Parish Players Cttee           08-May-18                                          Abstain from any conversations pertaining to CCG role          PCB, PCOG, PCCAG
                             Commissioning                                              Cttee
DOI576    Hughes, Nicola     Head of Planned Care                                       Probus Surgical Centre                                  Y          Indirect    Close association with manager of Probus S/C, as a      08-May-18                                          Delegate the role of lead commissioner for Probus Surgical PCB, PCOG, PCCAG
                             Commissioning                                                                                                                             member of and a Cttee member of Probus Parish                                                              Cetnre. Abstain from any conversations pertaining to CCG
                                                                                                                                                                       Players                                                                                                    role.

DOI856    Hughes, Nicola     Head of Planned Care                                       Probus Village Hall                       Y                         Direct     Chairman of Probus Village Hall Committee and            10-Apr-19                                         Abstain from any conversations pertaining to CCG role.         PCB, PCOG, PCCAG
                             Commissioning                                              Committee and Charity                                                          Trustee of charity

DOI871    Jenkin, Nick       Head of Finance                                            RCHT                                                     Y         Indirect    Spouse employed as a nurse at RCHT                       01-Mar-93                                         Awareness should potential for conflict arise                  PCCC, PCOG, Finance
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 SMT, F&P

DOI872    Jenkin, Nick       Head of Finance                                            The Downes Care Home,                                    Y         Indirect    Close family member is the Care Support Manager          01-Jul-18                                         Awareness should potential for conflict arise                  PCCC, PCOG, Finance
                                                                                        Hayle                                                                          at The Downes                                                                                                                                                             SMT, F&P
DOI019    Johnson, Lisa      NCDIPC/Head of Public                                      Nil                                                                            Nil                                                      13-Jul-18
                             Health Nursing
DOI823    Kay, Karen         System Director for                                        System Wide Role                          Y                                    Working in a system-wide role focused entirely on        10-Dec-19                                         Clear objectives set parameters for the role. All previous   CLG, CPG
                             Urgent & Emergency                                                                                                                        urgent and emergency care improvement. Hosted                                                              responsibilities relating to procurement or the development,
                             Care - seconded to                                                                                                                        by RCHT on a formal secondment to a non-voting                                                             negotiation or management of contracts have been
                             RCHT                                                                                                                                      board member capacity. Report directly to the chair                                                        transferred to other CCG employees to minimise the
                                                                                                                                                                       of the system-wide A&E Delivery Board and acts on                                                          potential for perceived conflict of interest.
                                                                                                                                                                       behalf of all organisations in the system, including
                                                                                                                                                                       commissioners and providers. Chair is CEO of
                                                                                                                                                                       RCHT with whom the CCG holds a contract for

DOI866    Lewis, Kirsty      Deputy Director of                                         Nil                                                                            Nil                                                      14-Oct-19                                                                                                        JCCC, PCOG, PCCAG
                             Primary Care, NHSK
DOI126    Mitchell, Kate     Programme Lead, LTC                                        The Sensory Trust                                        Y          indirect   Trustee of The Sensory Trust                               2014                                            Exclude from conflict situations should they arise             CPG
Type of Interest                                                                              Date of Interest



Unique   Name               Current Position(s) Held   GP Federation Primary Care        Declared Interest                                                      Is    Nature of Interest                               From           To                               Actions taken to mitigate risk                         Constitutional Committees

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Date Employ't or Engage't
  ID     (surname, first    (GB member, committee      Organisation    Network (PCN)     (Name of the organisation                                           interest                                                                                                                                                         Attended
         name)              member, Member             Name            Network name      and nature of business)                                            direct or
                            practice, CCG employee,    (from Oct-2018)                                                                                      indirect?


DOI595   Praed, Georgina    Head of Prescribing &                                        Germoe Parish                                           Y           Direct   Germoe Parish Councillor                       03-Sep-15                                         Will excuse self from discussions/decisions should a   PCOG, PCCAG
                            Meds Opt'n                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 perceived or actual conflict arise.

DOI596   Praed, Georgina    Head of Prescribing &                                        Germoe Parish                                           Y           Direct   Vice Chair, Germoe Parish                     03-May-18                                          Will excuse self from discussions/decisions should a   PCOG, PCCAG
                            Meds Opt'n                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 perceived or actual conflict arise.

DOI597   Praed, Georgina    Head of Prescribing &                                        Breage & Germoe                                         Y           Direct   B&G BA member since 2013 & Treasurer since       2013                                            Will excuse self from discussions/decisions should a   PCOG, PCCAG
                            Meds Opt'n                                                   Bridleways Association                                                       2017                                                                                             perceived or actual conflict arise.
DOI006   Thomas, Nikki      Head of Clinical Quality                                     Nil                                                                          Nil                                            13-Jul-18                                                                                                PCCC, Quality

         Please note:
         We recognise that individuals will be registered with a GP Practice and do not expect them to include this on the DOI register.
         Individuals will be expected to flag an interest in a meeting if they happen to be registered as a patient at a particular practice under discussion.
Appendix 3

             2020/2021 Register of Gifts and Hospitality             16/03/2021

                    Name                                                                               Date of                                                                                                                                                                 Details of Manager signing

  Unique                                                              Date of       Declined or                                                                     Estimated             Supplier / Offeror Name
                (surname, first          Position(s) Held                                              Receipt              Details of Gift/Hospitality                                                                         Reason for Accepting or Declining             off the G&H declaration - new
    ID                                                                 Offer         Accepted                                                                         Value                & Nature of Business
                    name)                                                                          (if applicable)                                                                                                                                                                    from April 2020

  G&H072     James Bailey          Technical Engineer, Primary       15-Dec-20     Accepted             N/A          Christmas treat items: Mince pies,           £15/20 in total. Bechtle UK                        Items were sent unprompted and impractice to return      Andrew Abbott                      Y
                                   Care Focused                                                                      peanuts, teabags, biscuits,jam, crispts      No more that                                       them. Items will be shared out between team and
                                                                                                                                                                  £3 per item                                        colleagues.

  G&H073     Fiona Lee             Pharmaceutical Advisor            19-Nov-20     Accepted             N/A          Attended online evening meeting via          Free of charge Cheisi                              Increase knowledge of treating and when to refer to      Amanda Pell                        Y
                                                                                                                     Microsfost Teams arranged by Cheisi                                                             specialist care asthma

  G&H076     Leanne Baker          Communications officer            18-Feb-21     Accepted         18-Feb-21        First prize Amazon voucher for taking             £100      Invotra Consulting                  Winning prize - manager has authorised the acceptance.   Laura Patrick                      Y
                                                                                                                     part in #AccessibilityToMe campaign

  G&H077     Leanne Baker          Communications officer            19-Feb-21     Accepted         19-Feb-21        Individual accessibility training session.       £1,500     Invotra Consulting                  Winning prize - manager has authorised the acceptance.   Laura Patrick                      Y

Please Note:
This Register of Interests is based on the NHS England Managing COI Revised Statutory Guidance for CCG for implementation by June 2017. Declaration made prior to April 2016, except for those pertaining to GB Members and Directors, have been excluded but remain available for viewing.
Interests for GB Members or staff whose employment ceased prior to 1st April 2017 have also been excluded. Please contact the Corporate Governance Team should you require a copy of the previous Declaration of Interest Register which contained these entries.

In principle and in accordance with national guidance (July 2017):
- Gifts from current or likely providers of services should be declined unless at a value of £6 or less. These can be accepted but should be declared.
- Hospitality of a value between £25 and £75 must be declared and anything over £75 declined. Hospitality offered, where value is less than £25, does not need to be recorded unless it occurs with the same organisation on multiple (greater than 2) occasions.
- "Modest" travel and accomodation can be accepted but must be declared.
We would prefer people to 'over-declare' rather than 'under-declare' - if you are unsure please contact the corporate governance team for advice.

NHS Kernow will retain a record of historic interests and offers/receipts of gifts & hospitality for a minimum of six years after the expiry date. To submit a request for this information, please contact
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