The Health Care Reform Legislation: An Overview
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The Health Care Reform Legislation: An Overview CHAPIN WHITE T he Affordable Care Act (ACA) rep- for Medicare by reducing the growth in out- one percentage point a year—apply broadly resents the most significant over- lays, and increasing Medicare taxes paid by to most types of medical services, except for haul of our health care system high earners. physicians (who have no reductions) and since the establishment of Medi- This paper provides non-specialists with a home health care agencies (which face dispro- care and Medicaid. guide to the major provisions, their logic, and portionately large cuts). The ACA does two things: First, it funda- the federal budgetary implications. (All rev- On the revenue side, the ACA raises Medi- mentally shifts the social contract in the U.S. enue and spending figures below refer to 10- care hospital insurance (HI) taxes by over $200 Starting in 2014, individuals will be required year totals for FY 2010 to 2019 and are based billion. Starting in 2013, earnings above a cutoff to have health insurance; in return, the fed- on CBO and Joint Tax Committee estimates.) ($200,000 for singles; $250,000 for couples) eral government will significantly expand will be subject to an additional 0.9 percent tax, low-income health insurance subsidies. Sec- medicare on top of the current 2.9 percent. Also starting ond, it significantly rebalances the financing T he ACA reduces Medicare outlays by roughly $400 billion. Two-thirds of this comes from reduced growth in the payment in 2013, high-earning families will pay a new 3.8 percent HI tax on net investment income (interest, dividends, rents, and taxable capi- Chapin White is a Senior Health Researcher, Center for rates that medical providers receive in the tal gains). ACA also raises the premiums that Studying Health System Change (HSC). He was an analyst at the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) from 2004 through traditional fee-for-service program (see Table high-income Medicare beneficiaries will pay 2010, and was one of the lead analysts working on the scoring 1). Most of the rest comes from reductions for physician and prescription drug coverage, of the health care reform bill. The analysis and conclusions expressed in this paper are the author’s alone, and should not in premiums paid to privately managed care and reduces federal subsidies to hospitals that be interpreted as those of the CBO or HSC. plans. The payment rate reductions—roughly disproportionately serve low-income patients © Berkeley Electronic Press The Economists’ Voice December, 2010 -1-
(“DSH”). Also, deductibles and co- the ACA’s “most important institu- Table 1 insurance in Medicare Part D pre- Summary of the Major Provisions in the ACA tional change.” The concept was scription drug plans (the “donut Effect on Federal Deficit to delegate to a body outside Con- hole”) will shrink over the next de- Medicare Provisions (2010-9, $ billions) gress the authority to make fiscally- cade, due to a combination of man- Reduced provider payment rates -230 sound, but unpopular, changes to ufacturer discounts and additional Reduced premiums to private plans -140 Medicare. But IPAB is highly con- federal financing. Increased premiums for high-income beneficiaries -40 strained in its design. Its reforms are The combination of reduced Close “donut hole” 40 limited in nature (no rationing, no outlays and increased revenues sub- New HI tax on high-earners -210 restricting benefits); in scope (hos- stantially improves Medicare’s fiscal Miscellaneous (DSH, IPAB, CMI, ACOs, bundling, etc.) -50 pitals and most other providers are picture, and pushes the Part A insol- Net, Medicare Provisions -610 off-limits until 2019); and in timing vency date—the year in which the Coverage and Revenue Provisions (IPAB can only make reforms if pro- Medicare Trustees project that the Medicaid expansion 430 jected Medicare-spending growth HI trust fund will be exhausted— Exchange credits 460 exceeds a target growth rate). Cru- from 2017 to 2029. The reduction Small business credit 40 cially, IPAB’s target growth rate— in premiums paid to Medicare Ad- Tax on health insurers and manufacturers -110 GDP per capita plus one percent- vantage will likely lead those plans Penalties on firms and individuals -70 age point—is unsustainably high, to raise premiums or cut benefits, Limit deductibility of health care expenses -30 which essentially ensures that IPAB which will cause some beneficiaries Non-health revenue provisions -50 will not solve Medicare’s long-term to shift out of those plans and back High-premium excise tax -20 financing problem. to the fee-for-service program. Reduce Medicaid Rx prices -40 Three other Medicare provisions Rhetoric claiming that the ACA Miscellaneous (administrative simplification, -30 have also received outsized attention: high-risk pool, early retirees, etc.) will accomplish more fundamen- • Center for Medicare and Medic- Net, Coverage and Revenue Provisions 590 tal Medicare reform is generally aid Innovation (CMI). The ACA overblown. For example, the new Note: This table excludes off-budget effects of the ACA on the Social Security expands the executive branch’s program, and excludes the CLASS act and the education provisions in the ACA. Independent Payment Advisory authority to conduct “dem- Board (IPAB) has been touted as onstrations” testing alternative The Economists’ Voice December, 2010 -2-
payment and delivery systems in Medi- only creates a limited pilot program for Subsidies. Medicaid—which provides health care and Medicaid. How the CMI will play payments for hospital and post-acute care. care coverage with no premiums and very low out is highly uncertain. CBO projected or no cost-sharing—has historically only been that it would have essentially no impact coverage available to children in very low-income fami- on spending. • Accountable care organizations (ACOs). The concept behind ACOs is to encour- T he ACA’s core coverage goals were (1) to ensure that everyone, regardless of health status or income, has adequate access to health lies, and their parents. Starting in 2014, the ACA will expand eligibility to every person below 138 percent of the federal poverty level age medical providers to form integrated insurance and health care; and (2) to minimize (FPL) including, most importantly, adults with- systems, and to incentivize those systems disruptions to the current system. The ACA’s out young children. This expansion is, in my to reduce utilization while meeting qual- coverage provisions have four interdependent judgment, the largest single component of the ity benchmarks. But under the ACA, pro- components: (1) subsidies for low-income ACA. It accounts for roughly half of gross cover- vider participation is purely voluntary, individuals; (2) an individual mandate; (3) a age costs. By 2019, it will shift roughly 16 mil- and incentives are one-sided: Bonuses are prohibition on insurers’ denying coverage or lion people into Medicaid (a number nearly as available for ACOs that come in below a varying premiums on the basis of health sta- large as the number of elderly persons who en- spending target, but there is no penalty for tus; and (4) the definition of a minimum health rolled in Medicare when it was first launched.) overshooting. Some ACOs will likely end insurance package. Without the subsidies, For the non-elderly and non-disabled, the ACA up earning windfall bonuses due to the health care is unaffordable for those with low standardizes the income-counting rules used for natural variability in health spending. CBO incomes. Without the mandate, healthier indi- determining Medicaid eligibility, and eliminates guessed that, on the whole, ACOs would viduals opt out of the market, possibly lead- asset tests. Additional provisions streamline and very modestly reduce Medicare spending, ing to collapse. Without the limits on insurers, simplify enrollment in Medicaid. but those windfalls could very easily end market pressures force them to charge higher Beginning in 2014, the ACA will offer a re- up increasing it instead. premiums to individuals in poor health status, fundable tax credit for the purchase of health • Bundling. Paying medical providers for a or deny them coverage altogether. The defined insurance through newly-established health broadly-defined “bundle” of services (rath- minimum benefit package is necessary to de- insurance markets (“exchanges”). These credits er than by individual service) holds great termine whether individuals have satisfied the (discussed in the article in this issue by Dug- promise for reining in cost growth. The mandate, and whether they have enrolled in gan and Kocher) account for the bulk of the ACA includes a bundling provision, but coverage that is eligible for the new subsidies. remainder of gross coverage costs. The ACA The Economists’ Voice December, 2010 -3-
also includes an employer tax credit that can the basis of health status; and rescind cover- meeting additional criteria relating to plan offset up to half of employer contributions for age if the insurer uncovers “misstatements” quality, marketing, and value. health insurance, but only for very small firms (whether intentional or not) on the enrollee’s with low-wage workers. This credit, compared application. Under the ACA, starting in 2014, revenues to other aspects of the ACA, is small and has relatively little impact on coverage. Individual mandate. Also beginning in all four of those practices will be prohibited in the individual-insurance market. The ACA also places new restrictions on insurers in the T o offset the cost of its subsidies, the ACA raises federal revenues from vari- ous sources, mostly within the health care 2014, the ACA will require almost everyone small-employer and large-employer markets, system. These revenues include: broad-based in the U.S. to enroll in health insurance. Once but those restrictions are generally not binding. taxes on health insurers and makers of brand- fully phased-in, the penalty for not doing so Minimum coverage. The ACA defines three name prescription drugs and medical devices; will equal the greater of a flat dollar amount rings of insurance coverage: The outermost penalties on large employers that do not of- ($695 per uninsured adult) and 2.5 percent ring consists of all coverage satisfying the fer affordable health coverage, and on unin- of family income. Groups exempt from the individual mandate. (This includes every- sured individuals; limits on the deductibility penalty include families with income below thing we would deem ‘real’ health insurance: of medical expenses for individuals and firms; the income-tax-filing threshold; American Medicare counts, but not, say, vision-only.) and some miscellaneous non-health revenue Indians; and families for whom the cost of The second, smaller ring consists of all small- provisions (e.g., an excise tax on indoor tan- coverage would be unaffordable (defined as group and individual coverage. Starting in ning). The ACA also includes several provi- exceeding 8 percent of income) or would re- 2014, these plans must provide ‘essential sions that reduce federal outlays and thereby sult in hardship (to be defined later). The IRS health benefits,’ which includes coverage of a offset some of the coverage costs, such as a will monitor compliance and assess penalties broad set of services (hospital, prescription- reduction in the prices that Medicaid will pay through the tax system. drugs, etc.), and must choose a cost-sharing for prescription drugs. Limits on insurers. In most states, health design that fits into one of five actuarial value insurers in the individual market have been tiers (‘platinum,’ ‘gold,’ etc.). The innermost markets permitted to choose whether to offer coverage based on an individual’s health history; exclude coverage for ‘pre-existing’ (i.e., already-diag- ring consists of ‘qualified health plans’: plans offered through the new exchanges and po- tentially eligible for exchange credits. These S everal major components of the ACA attempt to correct perceived market distortions, create new markets, or improve nosed) medical conditions; vary premiums on plans must be certified by the exchanges as the functioning of existing markets. Besides The Economists’ Voice December, 2010 -4-
exchanges, discussed in the article by Duggan insurance has never really gotten off the and 85 percent in the large-group market. and Kocher, these changes include: ground due, at least in part, to the inherent In the individual market, many insurers • Limiting the tax subsidy for employer-spon- instability in private insurance contracts currently have loss ratios well below this sored coverage. The tax treatment of em- spanning many years or decades. The ACA cutoff, which means that their current ployer-sponsored health benefits—i.e., establishes the CLASS program, a new, vol- business model and cost structure are no deductibility for the employer, and ex- untary, community-rated long-term care longer viable. It remains to be seen wheth- clusion from taxable income for the em- insurance product administered by the er MLRs will improve the individual mar- ployee—has long drawn fire from econo- federal government. If all goes as planned, ket, or seriously disrupt it. mists, most notably Martin Feldstein, for the premiums and benefits will be in bal- (The ACA contains numerous other provi- putting upward pressure on health care ance so that the program is self-sustaining. sions, most relating to quality-improvement, costs. The ACA takes a small step in the • Administrative simplification. The ACA public health, home-based services, and the direction of limiting that tax subsidy. Be- broadens the scope of federal regulations health care workforce. They include expanded ginning in 2018, insurers and self-insured governing interactions among health in- federal funding for community health centers; employers will be subject to an excise tax surers and providers (e.g., submission of state-run high-risk pools; and health benefits on employer-sponsored health benefits in claims for payment, eligibility verifica- for early retirees. They are mentioned here excess of a ceiling. The ceiling will be at tion). CBO judged that the resulting re- only in passing, as they are relatively un- least $10,200 for single plans and $27,500 duction in premiums would be ‘modest’ in important fiscally and unrelated to the core for family plans in 2018—higher if premi- percentage terms, but the base over which coverage provisions.) ums grow faster than expected, if an em- those savings accrue—almost the whole of ployer’s workforce is unusually old, or if health spending in the U.S.—is enormous. conclusions the enrollee is a retiree or a worker in a high-risk profession. The ceiling, which is indexed to CPI-U, will likely grow more • Minimum loss ratios (MLRs). The ACA re- quires, as of 2011, that health insurers spend at least a minimum percentage of H istorically, the pattern has been for the Medicare program’s fiscal condition to deteriorate until—with insolvency looming— slowly than premiums, which means that their premium revenues on medical claims Congress temporarily rights the ship by re- its impact is projected to grow gradually. (i.e., losses) or quality-improvement ac- ducing outlays and raising revenues. The ACA • A new long-term-care insurance product. tivities. That minimum equals 80 percent fits squarely in that tradition, but with a ma- The private market for long-term-care in the individual and small-group markets, jor twist: All of the Medicare savings and new The Economists’ Voice December, 2010 -5-
revenues were spent on a major coverage ex- In The Nature Of A Substitute To H.R. 4872, pansion. The result is that Congress soon will The “Reconciliation Act Of 2010,” As Amend- be looking either for more Medicare savings or ed, In Combination With The Revenue Effects revenues, or for other ways to offset the cost of Of H.R. 3590, The “Patient Protection And Af- the coverage expansion. Either way, the policy fordable Care Act (‘ACA’),” As Passed By The focus will almost certainly shift rapidly from Senate, And Scheduled For Consideration By coverage to health-care cost-containment. The House Committee On Rules On March 20. Available at: html?func=showdown&id=3672. Letters commenting on this piece or others may be submitted at submit.cgi?context=ev. references and further reading House Office of the Legislative Counsel (2010) Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA & HCERA; Public Laws 111-148 & 111-152: Consolidated Print). Available at: consolidated.pdf. CBO (2010) Cost estimate for the amendment in the nature of a substitute for H.R. 4872, in- corporating a proposed manager’s amendment made public on March 20. Available at: http:// Joint Committee on Taxation (2010) Esti- mated Revenue Effects Of The Amendment The Economists’ Voice December, 2010 -6-
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