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Mediterranean Marine Science Vol. 9, 2008 Occurrence of the alien sea hare Aplysia dactylomela Rang, 1828 (Opisthobranchia, Aplysiidae) in Malta SCHEMBRI P.J. Department of Biology, University of Malta, Msida MSD2080 Copyright © 2008 To cite this article: SCHEMBRI, P.J. (2008). Occurrence of the alien sea hare Aplysia dactylomela Rang, 1828 (Opisthobranchia, Aplysiidae) in Malta. Mediterranean Marine Science, 9(2), 111-114. doi: | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 25/12/2021 18:31:56 |
Short Communication Mediterranean Marine Science Volume 9/2, 2008, 111-114 Occurrence of the alien sea hare Aplysia dactylomela Rang, 1828 (Opisthobranchia, Aplysiidae) in Malta. P.J. SCHEMBRI Department of Biology, University of Malta, Msida MSD2080, Malta e-mail: Abstract The alien sea hare Aplysia dactylomela, which is already established in several localities in the cen- tral and eastern Mediterranean, is recorded for the first time from Malta on the basis of a specimen pho- tographed at Cirkewwa (northern Malta). It is hypothesised that the occurrence of this species in Malta is a recent event and may be due to range expansion of the species. Keywords: Alien Mollusca; Opisthobranchia; Maltese Islands; Mediterranean distribution. Introduction 2008 (GRECO, 2008). This note reports the presence of Aplysia dactylomela in The sea hare Aplysia dactylomela has Malta. a worldwide distribution in tropical to warm temperate waters. The first Methods Mediterranean record of this species was from the central Mediterranean island of One individual was photographed Lampedusa where it was first observed in close to the shore at Cirkewwa, north of 2002 (TRAINITO, 2003). Since then the the island of Malta, by underwater pho- species has been recorded from eastern tographer Joseph Herbert on 17 July Sicily in 2003 (SCUDERI & RUSSO, 2008. These images were sent to the 2005), Greece (many records since 2005; author for identification. The animal ZENETOS et al., 2007), Croatia (TURK, depicted is clearly Aplysia dactylomela 2006), Cyprus (COOKE, 2005, YOKES, since it has all the gross morphological 2005) and southern Turkey (CINAR et characteristics of this species, particularly al. 2006, YOKES, 2006). There are fur- the distinctive yellowish-brown ground ther records from Sicily in 2006 coloration with dark rings and reticula- (REITANO, 2006, GRECO, 2006) and tions (Fig. 1). Medit. Mar. Sci., 9/2, 2008, 111-114 111 | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 25/12/2021 18:31:56 |
Fig. 1: Underwater photograph of the specimen of Aplysia dactylomela from Cirkewwa, Malta, taken by Joseph Herbert on 17 July 2008 at a depth of 9m. The animal is about 30cm long. [© Joseph Herbert 2008]. Results and Discussion ticed had it occurred elsewhere in the Mal- tese Islands, at least in shallow water, given The specimen photographed, which the hundreds of snorkelers and divers that was the only one spotted, occurred on a frequent practically all the accessible mixed bottom of sand and rock with algae, coastline of the islands. It is therefore very at 9 m depth, and had a length while mov- probable that this species is a recent immi- ing of about 30 cm (Joseph Herbert, per- grant to Malta. sonal communication, 2008). Given that so far only one record of a Cirkewwa is one of the most popular single specimen exists, it is difficult to dive sites in the Maltese Islands and it is make any statement regarding its status, unlikely that such a large and distinctive thus, employing the terminology of animal would not have been noted had it ZENETOS et al. (2006), for the moment occurred before, especially given its colour this species must be regarded as ‘casual’ in scheme which is very different from that of Malta. native anaspids. For the same reason, it is One can only speculate as to the mode also unlikely that it would have gone unno- of introduction. Cirkewwa is frequented by 112 Medit. Mar. Sci., 9/2, 2008, 111-114 | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 25/12/2021 18:31:56 |
pleasure craft and is close to the Malta- there and did the Mediterranean popula- Gozo ferry route, but there are no ports or tions originate from immigrants from the yacht marinas in the vicinity, and neither is Atlantic, or from the Red Sea through the the site close to international shipping Suez Canal (RUDMAN, 2008)? lanes. While marine traffic may be the vec- tor, this species could also have reached Acknowledgements the Maltese islands by natural dispersal from the closest established populations, Thanks are due to Titian Schembri which seem to be those on the islands of and Sonia Silvio for bringing Joseph Her- Lampedusa and Sicily. It seems that there bert’s photographs of Aplysia dactylomela has been a recent expansion of the Sicilian to my attention. I am most grateful to population (GRECO, 2008), while the Joseph Herbert for allowing me to publish veliger of Aplysia dactylomela spends a suf- his discovery, for information on the indi- ficiently long time in the plankton (ca 30 vidual photographed, and for the image days; SWITZER-DUNLAP, 1978) to that accompanies this note. I also thank Dr allow transport to Malta from Sicilian pop- Argyro Zenetos (Hellenic Centre for ulations or even those of the Pelagian Marine Research, Greece) for sharing the islands, given the right sea surface cur- records from the Hellenic Centre for rents. However, transport of larvae of any Marine Research’s database on Mediter- benthic animal between Sicily and Malta is ranean marine alien species with me, Dr not automatic since in general there is no Matthew Camilleri (FAO, Rome) for mixing of water masses flowing past the information on currents in the Sicilian two islands, but transport depends on Channel, and two anonymous referees occasional movement of surface water whose comments on an earlier draft of this from Sicily to Malta due to meandering of paper greatly improved the final version. the Atlantic Ionian Stream, or the currents set up by the Ionian Shelf Break Vortex, or References those by wind-induced upwelling on the southern coast of Sicily (DRAGO & INAR, M.E., BILECENOGLU, M., SORGENTE, in press). This may explain ÖZTURK, B. & CAN, A., 2006. New why, in spite of thriving populations of records of alien species on the Levan- Aplysia dactylomela occurring in Sicily tine coast of Turkey. Aquatic Inva- since at least 2003, it is only now that this sions, 1: 84-90 species has reached Malta. COOKE, S., 2005 (Oct 17) Aplysia dacty- Although this is quite a common sea lomela from Cyprus. [Message in] Sea hare, its distribution in the Mediterranean Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Syd- is interesting, and still somewhat puzzling. ney. Available from http://www.seaslug- It is common in the tropical Indian and Pacific Oceans and it is also quite well rep- DRAGO, A. & SORGENTE, R. (in press). resented in the Caribbean and in Atlantic Sea temperature, salinity and total Islands along the west coast of Africa. velocity climatological fields for the What is surprising is that it had never been Central Mediterranean. GCP/RER/ recorded from the Mediterranean until 010/ITA/MSM-TD-00. MedSudMed about 2002. Why did it take so long to get Technical Documents 14. Medit. Mar. Sci., 9/2, 2008, 111-114 113 | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 25/12/2021 18:31:56 |
GRECO A., 2006. Segnalazione di Aplysia Holland Press. dactylomela Rang, 1828 (Opistho- TRAINITO, E., 2003. Mediterranean har- branchia: Aplysiidae) per il Mar Ionio lequins, a field guide to Mediterranean (Sicilia orientale, Taormina). Bolletti- sea slugs. Olbia, Sardinia, Italy: no Malacologico, 42 (9-12): 125-128. Taphros Editions; 59pp. GRECO A., 2008 (Aug 12) Aplysia TURK, T., 2006 (Aug 28) Aplysia dacty- dactylomela egg masses from the lomela from Croatia. [Message in] Sea Mediterranean. [Message in] Sea Slug Slug Forum. Australian Museum, Syd- Forum. Australian Museum, Sydney. ney. Available from http://www.seaslug- Available from http://www.seaslugfo- YOKES, M.B., 2005 (Jul 21) Aplysia dacty- REITANO, A., 2006 (Aug 7) Aplysia lomela in the Eastern Mediterranean. dactylomela in Eastern Sicily. [Mes- [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Aus- sage in] Sea Slug Forum. Australian tralian Museum, Sydney. Available Museum, Sydney. Available from from find.cfm?id=14305 ?id=17357 YOKES, M.B., 2006. Aplysia dactylomela: RUDMAN, W.B., 2008 (Mar 6). Com- an alien opisthobranch in the Mediter- ment on Re: Aplysia dactylomela from ranean. Journal of the Marine Biologi- the Canary Islands by Stanley Ramsell. cal Association of the UK – Biodiversity [Message in] Sea Slug Forum. Austra- Records 5299 published online. lian Museum, Sydney. Available from ZENETOS, A., CINAR, M.E., PANCUCCI-PAPADOPOULOU, ?id=21413 M.A., HARMELIN, J.G., SCUDERI D. & RUSSO G.F., 2005. FURNARI, G., ANDALORO, F., Prima segnalazione di Aplysia dacty- BELLOU, N., STREFTARIS, N. & lomela Rang, 1828 e probabile presen- ZIBROWIUS, H., 2006. Annotated za di Syphonota geographica (Adams & list of marine alien species in the Reeve, 1850) (Gastropoda: Opistho- Mediterranean with records of the branchia: Anaspidea) per le acque del worst invasive species. Mediterranean Mediterraneo. Biologia Marina Marine Science, 6(2): 63-118 [2005]. Mediterranea, 12(1): 338-341. ZENETOS, A., VASSILOPOULOU, V., SWITZER-DUNLAP, M., 1978. Larval SALOMIDI, M. & POURSANIDIS, biology and metamorphosis of aplysiid D., 2007. Additions to the marine alien gastropods. In: CHIA, F.S. & RICE, fauna of Greek waters (2007 update). M. E. (Eds) Settlement and metamor- Journal of the Marine Biological Associ- phosis of marine invertebrate larvae. pp. ation of the UK – Biodiversity Records, 197–206. Amsterdam: Elsevier/North published on-line. Submitted: August 2008 Accepted: September 2008 Published on line: October 2008 114 Medit. Mar. Sci., 9/2, 2008, 111-114 | e-Publisher: EKT | Downloaded at 25/12/2021 18:31:56 | Powered by TCPDF (
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