Ground Parrots The Society's Wildlife of the Year - Australian Wildlife Society

Page created by Martin Rice
Ground Parrots The Society's Wildlife of the Year - Australian Wildlife Society
Ground Parrots
The Society’s Wildlife of the Year                                                                              Doctor Julie Old

This year, the Australian Wildlife          and one fox have already been detected,      to yellow on the underside of their tail
Society’s animal of the year consists of    and subsequently, the Department             and belly. Their tail also has black bars,
three species, all in the Genus Pezoporus   of Biodiversity, Conservation and            whereas the eastern ground parrot is
and otherwise known as Australia’s          Attractions implemented appropriate          bright green on the belly and underside
ground parrots. The three species of        predator control.                            of the tail. Both parrots are otherwise
ground parrots include the western                                                       green with black flecks and have a red
ground parrot (Pezoporus flaviventris),     Western ground parrots were first            band of colour just above the beak.
the eastern ground parrot (Pezoporus        photographed in 2004. Whilst they
wallicus) and the night parrot (Pezoporus   are yet to be formally assessed by           Previously, western ground parrots
occidentalis).                              the International Union for the              were distributed along the coast of
                                            Conservation of Nature, given the low        south-west Western Australia, from
The Society recently supported Friends      numbers of individuals, around 150,          Israelite Bay to Geraldton. Now they
of the Western Ground Parrot’s              and the main threats to the species,         are limited to two main areas on the
western ground parrot recovery efforts      they are likely to be listed as Critically   southern coast of Western Australia,
in Western Australia. In partnership        Endangered. The main reason for              with the largest population being in
with the Department of Biodiversity,        their critically endangered status is        Cape Arid National Park. They have
Conservation and Attractions, Friends       significant declines in distribution and     also been recorded in the Fitzgerald
of the Western Ground Parrot installed      population size due to habitat clearing      National Park, Nuytsland Nature
twenty-five predator camera traps           for agriculture.                             Reserve, and Waychinnicup-Manypeaks.
into potential western ground parrot
translocation sites for predator            Western and eastern ground parrots
                                                                                         Above: The western ground parrot (Pezoporus
detection and management purposes.          are similar in appearance, and
                                                                                         flaviventris) is listed as Critically Endangered and
The camera traps are required to            therefore it was not until 2010 that         is under threat from historical habitat clearing for
undertake predator surveillance (feral      genetic studies confirmed they were          agriculture, frequent and extensive fires, predation
cats and foxes) to guide necessary          two separate species. Western ground         by feral cats and foxes, and climate change.
management actions to conserve the          parrots differ slightly from the eastern     Image: Brent Barrett, Department of Biodiversity,
western ground parrot. Four feral cats      ground parrot in their appearance due        Conservation and Attractions.

Australian Wildlife Vol 3 - Winter 2021                                                                                                    27
Ground Parrots The Society's Wildlife of the Year - Australian Wildlife Society
Distribution of the critically endangered western ground parrot (Pezoporus flaviventris). Image: Department of the Environment and Energy July 2016, Distribution of
the critically endangered western ground parrot, kyloring (Pezoporus flaviventris), viewed 25 July 2021,

Western ground parrots prefer low                        Furthermore, their colouring allows                      and extends along the coast of Victoria,
heathland habitats with a large                          them to be perfectly camouflaged in                      New South Wales, and southern
number of sedges, specifically those                     low vegetation. However, they can be                     Queensland. It is listed as Vulnerable
that have not been burnt for more                        heard calling at dusk and dawn, using                    in Victoria, New South Wales, and
than four decades. However, they have                    a call described as an old-fashioned                     Queensland, Endangered in South
also been observed in areas that are                     boiling kettle.                                          Australia, and secure in Tasmania and
regenerating after several years post-                                                                            nationally. Threats to its status include
fire, as long as there is long-established               A captive breeding program was                           habitat modification, and as with the
unburnt vegetation adjacent to it.                       established at Perth Zoo in July 2014                    western ground parrot, introduced
Fire is, therefore, one of the biggest                   with the hope of one day breeding                        predators and fire. The breeding period
threats to the species, which is only                    them in captivity and releasing them                     for the eastern ground parrot is from
expected to increase as a result of                      back into the wild. At present, the                      September to January.
climate change. Introduced feral cats                    zoo supports the conservation of the
and European foxes (Vulpes vulpes) also                  species by observing their behaviour                     By far the most elusive of the
pose significant threats given the birds                 and developing better husbandry                          Australian ground parrot species, and
ground-dwelling habits. Dieback, as a                    protocols to aid breeding. They nest on                  perhaps the most elusive of birds
result of Phytophthora cinnamomi, is also                the ground in a shallow scrape in the                    worldwide, is the night parrot. It was
impacting some vital food plants.                        wild and lay up to five eggs, usually                    first described by John Gould, the
                                                         three to four. The young have been                       famous ornithologist in 1861, and was
Western ground parrots mostly eat                        recorded from September to November                      believed to be extinct due to a lack
seeds, flowers, fruits, and leaves from                  at Cape Arid National Park.                              of confirmed observations between
a variety of plant species. Seeds are                                                                             1912 and 1979. Very rare sightings
consumed from the sedge Mesomelaena                      In contrast, the eastern ground parrot                   have been recorded since, including a
stygia subsp. stygia, whilst flowers are                 resides in heathlands, sedgelands, and                   sighting of a flock in far north South
eaten from grevilleas, beaufortias, and                  areas of button grass plains, with dense                 Australia and a roadkilled individual in
dryandras.                                               areas of low bushes and reed beds.                       1990 in a remote area of Queensland.
                                                         Like the western ground parrot, it is                    Hence, the International Union for
Precise numbers of western ground                        also found in fragmented populations                     the Conservation of Nature currently
parrots are difficult to determine                       but is secure, with an estimated 4,000                   lists the night parrot as Endangered,
because they are elusive, rarely fly                     breeding individuals remaining. Its                      suggesting there might be between
during the day, and are often only                       range includes Tasmania and some of                      50-250 or more individuals remaining.
observed singularly or in pairs.                         the offshore islands in the Bass Strait                  Nationally, the night parrot is listed

28                                                                                                                         Australian Wildlife Vol 3 - Winter 2021
Ground Parrots The Society's Wildlife of the Year - Australian Wildlife Society
as Endangered. It is also listed as
Endangered in Queensland and South
Australia and Critically Endangered in
the Northern Territory and Western
Sightings or recordings of the night
parrot have been attributed to
Astrebla and Diamantina grasslands in
southwestern Queensland (2006), the
Fortescue Marshes in the Pilbara and
Kimberley regions of Western Australia,
as well as Kalamurina Station near
Lake Eyre in South Australia, and areas
in the Northern Territory. However,
controversially, some photographs and
sightings of the night parrot have since
been retracted.
Ornithologists, however, captured
and tagged a live night parrot in
southwestern Queensland in 2015, the
exact location of which has remained a
                                                          Predator camera trap. Image: Helena Stokes, BirdLife Australia.
secret to aid its conservation. Fledglings
have also since been photographed in
                                                          A recent study by Vera Weisbecker                         for visual processing. Limitations with
2016 and 2018 in Pullen Pullen Reserve
                                                          and colleagues at Flinders University                     night vision may mean the nocturnal
in southwestern Queensland.
                                                          examined the skull of a specimen                          parrot would have difficulty avoiding
While some aspects of its appearance                      found dead on a barbed wire fence                         obstacles such as the barbed wire
are similar to both the western and                       using computed tomography or CT                           fencing that led to the death of the
eastern ground parrots, the tail of the                   scans. Interestingly, the scans suggested                 individual night parrot examined in the
night parrot is significantly shorter.                    that the visual system of the night                       study and predators such as introduced
It also differs in its distribution and                   parrot was more similar to diurnal                        foxes and feral cats.
habitat, preferring the arid interior                     parrots than other nocturnal birds,
spinifex grasslands. However, it may                      and it is likely that at night their visual               So, it is without a doubt that Australia’s
also occur in chenopod and mallee                         resolution is poor. Weisbecker and                        ground parrot species are unique. The
shrublands, as well as eucalypt                           colleagues made these conclusions                         Society is proud to highlight these
woodlands. It is believed to eat herbs                    based on the night parrot having                          species in 2021 as our species of the
and seeds from Triodia grasses, but                       smaller eyes than other nocturnal                         year and hope that these species will be
further research is required to gain a                    birds and smaller optic nerves and                        conserved for future generations with
better understanding of the species.                      optic lobes in the brain, both essential                  our members’ ongoing support.

A feral cat in potential western ground parrot habitat. Image: Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.

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Ground Parrots The Society's Wildlife of the Year - Australian Wildlife Society
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