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                MEDICAL EXAMINER
                         Transition period or non-statutory backstop?
                          By Morgan Harris, NAFD Policy & Legislation Manager

                                As members will be all too aware, the death certification
                                system in England and Wales has remained largely
                                unchanged for over fifty years and is no longer fit for
                                purpose. Since The Shipman Inquiry, there has been
                                much discussion about how the systems for certifying/
                                scrutinising deaths can be improved. However, little has
                                happened in practice.
                                On 1 April 2019, almost a decade since the Coroners and Justice
                                Act 2009 first made provision for their introduction, it finally
                                seems that a system of medical examiners will be rolled out
                                across England and Wales.
                                Whilst any progress will be welcomed by the profession,
                                celebration at this stage would be premature. The initial roll-
                                out of Medical Examiner services will not be underpinned by
                                legislation and is, therefore, unlikely to deliver the certainty and
                                simplicity that many have been hoping for. Many questions about
                                the practical delivery of a uniform national system also remain
                                unanswered, but it now seems we can add a further question to
                                the list: how long will the Medical Examiner system in England
                                and Wales remain in a non-statutory transitional phase?
                                The NAFD recently attended a special event, hosted by the
                                Royal College of Pathologists, to learn more about what the
                                non-statutory implementation of a Medical Examiner system
                                will look like and how it might affect funeral directors.

What is wrong with
the current system?
Before a cremation can legally take
place, the relevant paperwork must
be signed by two separate medical
professionals, one of whom must
be of at least 5 years’ standing. This
means that the cause of death is, in
theory, scrutinised twice. However,
the inadequacies of this safeguard
were exposed by the investigation
into the crimes of serial killer Dr
Harold Shipman.
Overstretched medical professionals
are under no legal duty to complete
cremation paperwork, which can lead
to delays in obtaining paperwork and
consequent disputes between doctors
and funeral directors. In addition to
this, families are required to pay a
significant charge for this service
and can often be charged for mileage
and other expenses of medical
practitioners as the paperwork is
often completed at the funeral home,

outside of business hours.
Burial                                           introduction of Medical Examiners will                                Will the new system be
In the case of a burial, the process             make it less likely that unnatural causes of                          mandatory for families?
is relatively straightforward but                death will go unnoticed and that national
                                                 data about causes of death will be captured    WHILE NHS              During the non-statutory phase,
only one medical professional is                                                                TRUSTS                 families will not be technically
required to complete the paperwork.              more accurately.
                                                                                                WILL NOT BE            required to engage with the new
This means that the cause of death               While the hope is that all NHS                 REQUIRED               system. For example, if a family is
receives worryingly little scrutiny.                                                            TO SET UP
                                                 trusts will set up Medical Examiner                                   concerned about the potential for
There is currently no charge to the                                                             MEDICAL
                                                 services, they will not actually be            EXAMINER               delay to a burial they could, in theory,
family for the completion of burial              required to do so during this non-             SERVICES,              decide to have the form completed
paperwork.                                       statutory phase. It is, therefore,             THEY WILL BE           by a willing medical practitioner in
                                                                                                ENCOURAGED             the normal way or, in the case of
                                                 possible that many will choose not to
The initial roll out of a                                                                       TO DO SO
                                                 do so, leading to inconsistency across         AND WILL BE
                                                                                                                       a burial, avoid Medical Examiner
non-statutory system                             the country.                                                          scrutiny altogether. An example of
                                                                                                F I N A N C I A L LY
Jeremy Mean, Deputy Director for                                                                SUPPORTED              when a family may want to do this is
                                                 When challenged about this, Jeremy             BY CENTRAL             to avoid a delay in burial, for religious
Health Ethics at the Department of
                                                 Mean explained that, while NHS                 GOVERNMENT             or cultural reasons.

Health and Social Care, told delegates
                                                 Trusts will not be required to set
that the intention remains to work                                                                                     The NAFD has been informed
                                                 up Medical Examiner services, they
towards a statutory system of Medical                                                                                  that Medical Examiners will first
                                                 will be encouraged to do so and will
Examiners but that the initial roll out                                                                                be introduced in a secondary care
                                                 be financially supported by central
will be conducted on a “non-statutory                                                                                  (hospital) setting. Once the system
basis”. This means that there will               government so that the service is
                                                                                                                       has been established in a secondary
be no initial change to the law but,             completely cost neutral to them. The
                                                                                                                       care setting, the intention is for it to
from 1 April 2019, NHS trusts will               Royal College of Pathologists will
                                                                                                                       be rolled out for deaths that occur in
be encouraged to set up new Medical              play an important role in promoting
                                                                                                                       a primary care (GPs, community care,
Examiner services to replace existing            the availability of this funding to                                   etc) setting. It is not yet clear what
death certification processes.                   NHS trusts.                                                           will trigger this expansion to primary
                                                 The fact that NHS trusts will be                                      care, or when this will happen.
What is a medical examiner?
                                                 able to decide when they wish to                                      Nevertheless, the Government
A Medical Examiner is a specifically             make any changes to their existing                                    predicts that, by early 2021, all deaths
trained independent senior doctor (from any      death certification processes means                                   in England and Wales will be subject
speciality). The intention is that they will     that there is unlikely to be a mass-                                  to Medical Examiner scrutiny.
scrutinise all deaths across a local area that   nationwide change on 1 April 2019. It                                 The cost of a Medical Examiner
do not fall under the Coroner’s jurisdiction.
                                                 is far more likely that individual trusts                             system for England and Wales
By providing a greater level of scrutiny over    will start to set up Medical Examiner                                 It is not yet clear what the non-
the cause of deaths, it is hoped that the        services gradually and sporadically.                                  statutory roll out of the national

                                                                                                                            FUNERAL DIRECTOR MONTHLY | 21
system will cost or exactly how it                           the system cost neutral for both NHS      important strategic role, overseeing
will be delivered. We were told that                         trusts and bereaved families. This        and supporting the roll-out of
it is broadly estimated that there will                      means that families seeking to have       Medical Examiner services across
need to be one Medical Examiner per                          a loved one buried will not have to       the country, with a view to designing
3,000 annual deaths, but that this will                      pay anything and families seeking to      a national statutory scheme. Once
vary depending on local community                            have a loved one cremated will not be     the name of the appointee has been
and geographical factors.                                    required to pay anything in addition      made public, the NAFD will seek
                                                             to the existing cremation form fees.      to maintain good communication
During the non-statutory phase, each
NHS trust will have a significant                            How will Medical Examiners                with them so that the views of our
degree of freedom to implement the                           be funded?                                members are kept in mind when
service in a way that works well for                                                                   developing a statutory system.
                                                             During the non-statutory phase,
the community it serves. The precise                                                                   The NHS in England is being
                                                             families who choose for their loved
number of Medical Examiners                                  one to be cremated will be required       split into seven regions, with a
employed, their hours of operation                           to pay the usual fee when submitting      Regional Medical Examiner Lead
and the delegation of responsibility                         the relevant cremation forms. Once        being recruited for each. An eighth
to other parties (such as Medical                            a trust has set up a Medical Examiner     Regional Medical Examiner Lead
Examiner Officers) will all be decided                       service, this fee will be paid directly   will be recruited for Wales. Medical
by individual trusts.                                        to the trust rather than to a doctor.     Examiners will report to their
At the event, NAFD Past President                            This money will then be used to           Regional Lead.
Nigel Lymn Rose raised concerns                              fund the wider service. There will

                                                                                                       Each Medical Examiner will be
that, unless trusts were given guidance                      continue to be no charge in respect
                                                                                                       supported by a team of approximately
on the amount of money they                                  of burials. The Government has
                                                                                                       three Medical Examiner Officers.
should spend on service provision,                           committed to reimbursing the trust
this could lead to inconsistencies,                          for any shortfall.                        What is a Medical Examiner
                                          EACH NHS
both in the cost of the Medical           TRUST WILL         It is not yet clear how Medical           Officer?
Examiner services and the way they        H AV E A           Examiners will be funded under
                                          SIGNIFICANT                                                  Medical Examiner Officers, who
are provided across the country.                             a future statutory system, but the        may have a nursing or other clinical
                                          DEGREE OF
Jeremy Mean conceded that this is,        FREEDOM TO         Government intention is to abandon        background, will provide support to
indeed, a risk but explained that the     IMPLEMENT          the current system of cremation form      Medical Examiners, including being a
rationale for approaching the roll-       THE SERVICE        fees. The NAFD believes it would be       point of contact and source of advice
out in this way is to learn from each     I N A WAY          wrong to require bereaved families to
                                          T H AT W O R K S                                             for relatives of deceased patients,
trust’s individual experience in order                       pay and will continue to campaign for
                                          WELL                                                         healthcare professionals and Coroner
to inform the design of a universal       FOR THE            a centrally-funded system.                services. It is hoped that the use of
statutory model.                          COMMUNITY
                                                             Structure of a national Medical           Medical Examiner Officers, rather

                                          IT SERVES.
Jeremy Mean emphasised that,                                 Examiner system                           than Medical Examiners, to carry out
during the non-statutory stage, the                          A National Medical Examiner has           certain tasks will help keep the cost
Government is committed to keeping                           now been appointed and will have an       of a national system manageable.

22 | FUNERAL DIRECTOR MONTHLY                                                                                ARTICLE CONTINUES ON PAGE 25 u
Statutory roll-out
The end goal remains the
implementation of a uniform
statutory system for England and
Wales. Disappointingly, there is no
date set for a statutory roll-out. The
NAFD does not expect to see the
roll-out of a statutory system until
late 2021 at the earliest.
However, the Government has
stressed its commitment to
developing a single, aligned statutory
system for England and Wales. Jeremy
Mean said: “The Government’s
commitment to reimbursing NHS
trusts for all costs associated with
the (non-statutory) implementation
of Medical Examiner services
demonstrates its commitment to the
completion of this important work.”
The funding structure for the
statutory system has yet to be decided.

It is not yet clear whether bereaved
families will be required to pay a fee                                                                            as a whole. All other NHS services
                                                                      NAFD analysis
under the statutory system. Jeremy                                                                                are free at the point of delivery, and
Mean explained that the funding                                       The Government is certainly keen to         we see no reason why this should be
structure will be informed by learning     THE NAFD                   underline its continued commitment          any different. For the time being,
                                           CONTINUES                  to the implementation of a national
and the experiences of stakeholders        TO WELCOME                                                             however, it seems clear that bereaved
during the non-statutory phase.            CHANGE TO
                                                                      system. Minister of State for Care,         families will continue to pay a fee in
                                           THE CURRENT                Caroline Dinenage said:                     respect of cremations, whereas those
What do funeral directors                  SYSTEM
                                                                      “I know from the events in my own           who choose burial will not. This
need to know before 1 April                O F D E AT H
                                                                      constituency of Gosport that the            arbitrary distinction and tax on certain
2019?                                      C E R T I F I C AT I O N
                                                                                                                  bereaved families is unfair and should
                                           AND IS, ON                 drivers for the introduction of Medical
Funeral directors should speak to          THE WHOLE,                 Examiners have never been greater.          be ended as soon as possible.
their local NHS trusts to establish        P L E A S E D T H AT       We must now seize this moment to
                                           SOME ACTION
                                                                                                                  Having already run several successful
what local changes are being                                          introduce a Medical Examiner system         pilot schemes across the country, we
                                           I S F I N A L LY
planned. Unless, upon enquiring, you

                                           B E I N G TA K E N .       that will deliver the benefits identified   do not understand the Government’s
are informed of a change, funeral                                     by too many reports into patient            decision to roll out a national system
directors should assume that the old                                  safety. The Government remains              on a local basis. If local trusts are
death certification procedures are still                              committed to the introduction of a          left to implement new services in
in place.                                                             Medical Examiner system which puts          completely different ways, this is likely
If an NHS trust notifies you that it                                  the bereaved at its centre, provides        to cause difficulties when later trying
is launching an Medical Examiner                                      proportionate scrutiny for all deaths       to bring these systems into line. These
service:-                                                             that are not investigated by a coroner      difficulties will only become more
                                                                      and enables lessons to be learned.”         challenging over time as local ways of
- you should ensure you and your                                                                                  working become more ingrained.
  staff are able to explain this service                              However, with so much of
  to the family;                                                      Government time being devoted to            It is the lack of a concrete timescale
                                                                      other pressing matters at present, it       for implementation of a statutory
- in the case of a cremation, you                                     is perhaps unsurprising that many           system that is most concerning. With
  should collect the Cremation                                        important questions about the               no definite timescales or clear plan of
  Form 5 fee in the same way as                                       implementation of a statutory Medical       action for the future, a lot rests on the
  you do now. However, you may be                                     Examiner system remain unanswered.          appointment of a suitable individual
  required pay the fee directly to the                                The NAFD continues to welcome               to lead the way as National Medical
  NHS trust (in the case of a burial,                                 change to the current system of death       Examiner. The NAFD will seek to
  there will continue to be no charge                                 certification and is, on the whole,         work closely with the new appointee to
  to the family);                                                     pleased that some action is finally         ensure that the statutory system they
                                                                      being taken.                                develop is fit for purpose and that,
- in the case that a family expresses
                                                                                                                  above all, we do not find ourselves
   a wish to opt out of Medical                                       We continue to hold the view that
                                                                                                                  stuck in a non-statutory backstop for
   Examiner scrutiny, you should                                      bereaved families should not be
                                                                                                                  yet another decade.
   seek to have the Form completed                                    required to pay for a mandatory service
   by a doctor in the usual way.                                      that exists for the benefit of society

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