Measurement of reactive oxygen species - Institut für Pharmakologie - PD Dr. med. Huige Li huigeli@uni

Measurement of reactive oxygen species - Institut für Pharmakologie - PD Dr. med. Huige Li huigeli@uni
Institut für Pharmakologie

   Measurement of
reactive oxygen species

             PD Dr. med. Huige Li
Measurement of reactive oxygen species - Institut für Pharmakologie - PD Dr. med. Huige Li huigeli@uni
Reactive oxygen species

                     SOD                 C t l
                                  H2O2                     H2O
 NADPH                                    GPx
 oxidase                   Fe2+
  Mito-      O2-                 OH
Uncoupled       NO           H+
  eNOS                                    GPx
                              ONOO-                         NO2-

                                                    Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                    Huige Li
Measurement of reactive oxygen species

 Colorimetric assays

 Chemiluminescence‐based assays


 Electron spin resonance

                                   Institut für Pharmakologie
                                   Huige Li
Nitro Blue Tetrazolium

One of the oldest and most established methods to detect
i t
       ll l superoxide

                                                      Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                      Huige Li
Examples of tetrazolium salts

MTT assay used to determine cytotoxicity

       3‐(4,5‐Dimethylthiazol‐2‐    Mitochondrial     Purple
                                     reductases     formazan
         tetrazolium bromide

TTC assay to indicate cellular respiration

          2 3 5 Triphenyl          Dehydrogenases
       tetrazolium chloride

                                                           Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                           Huige Li
Nitro Blue Tetrazolium

     Reduction of NBT to formazan, a dark blue precipitate.

     As NBT needs to be reduced, only superoxide (which may act as electron donor or
     acceptor), but not hydrogen peroxide (which is exclusively an oxidizing agent) is
     capable of reacting with NBT.

                                                  NOX4-negative   NOX4-expressing

      Spectrophotometer
       (absorbance at 560 nm)

      imaging

Serrander L et al. Biochem J 2007; 406: 105-114                             Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                            Huige Li
Nitro Blue Tetrazolium

      NBT detects intracellular superoxide; O2‐ >> H2O2

      NBT is susceptible to reduction by several tissue reductases.

      NBT has been shown to artificially generate superoxide by

      The specificity for superoxide should be confirmed by inhibition
       of NBT staining by polyethylene‐glycolated (PEG)‐SOD.

      Detection of superoxide in biological samples should not rely
       exclusively on NBT reduction.

Dikalov S, Griendling KK, Harrison DG. Hypertension 2007; 49: 717 - 727.   Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                           Huige Li
Cytochrome c reduction – the theory
     ·    ·                                                                            Fe3+
   :O:O:                                              e-
    ·· ··              Xanthine

                                            ·· ·
                                           :O:O:                                       Fe2+
                                            ·· ··

Dikalov S, Griendling KK, Harrison DG. Hypertension 2007; 49: 717 - 727.   Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                           Huige Li
Cytochrome c reduction – the assay

               Acetylated ferricytochrome c                         Acetylated ferricytochrome c
                         + Tissue                                             + Tissue
                        + catalase                                           + catalase
                                                                                + SOD

                                              37°C 30 min in 96‐well plate

                                                       Remove tissue

                                       Absorbances at 540,
                                                      540 550,
                                                           550 and 560 nm

Dikalov S, Griendling KK, Harrison DG. Hypertension 2007; 49: 717 - 727.                      Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                                              Huige Li
Cytochrome c reduction – the assay

               Acetylated ferricytochrome c                         Acetylated ferricytochrome c
                         + Tissue                                             + Tissue
                        + catalase                                           + catalase
                                                                                + SOD

                                              37°C 30 min in 96‐well plate

                                                       Remove tissue

   without SOD                         Absorbances at 540,
                                                      540 550,
                                                           550 and 560 nm                    with SOD

Dikalov S, Griendling KK, Harrison DG. Hypertension 2007; 49: 717 - 727.                      Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                                              Huige Li
Cytochrome c reduction assay

               • th
                 the “gold
                     “ ld standard”
                           t d d” (by
                                    (b some researchers)
                                                   h ) for
                                                         f superoxide
                                                                   id d
                                                                        t ti with
                 phagocytes, isolated enzymes like xanthine oxidase.

               • It allows q
                           quantification of superoxide
                                               p        without addition of a standard,,
                 because the extinction coefficient of reduced cytochrome c is

  W k

               • Low sensitivity: for vascular tissues one is working at the lower limit of
                 the range
                        g of superoxide
                               p         detection.

               • Identifcal tissues in samples ± SOD.

               • Cytochrome c reduction only detects extracellular superoxide.

Dikalov S, Griendling KK, Harrison DG. Hypertension 2007; 49: 717 - 727.            Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                                    Huige Li
Cytochrome c reduction – the verdict

      Cytochrome c reduction is a time‐honored approach for
      measuringg superoxide.

      It is difficult, but not impossible, to apply to vascular and
      myocardial tissues because one is working at the lower limit
      of the assay’s sensitivity.

      The results are more variable than other methods
                                               methods, making it
      necessary to use a large “n.”

      Given these
      Gi    th    caveats,
                        t it is
                             i almost
                                l   t always
                                       l     accepted
                                                  t d by
                                                      b reviewers
      without question.

Dikalov S, Griendling KK, Harrison DG. Hypertension 2007; 49: 717 - 727.   Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                           Huige Li
Chemiluminescence‐based assays
On exposure to superoxide, chemiluminescent probes release a photon,
which in turn can be detected by a scintillation counter or a luminometer.

Because most of these compounds are cell permeable, the superoxide
measured reflects extracellular as well as intracellular superoxide production

      Lucigenin: bis-N-methylacridinium nitrate

      Cypridina luciferin analogues, such as

          • Coelenterazine:
            C l        i    2-(4-hydroxybenzyl)-6-(4-hydroxyphenyl) 8-benzyl-3,7-

          • CLA: 22-methyl-6-phenyl-3,7-dihydroimidazo
                    methyl 6 phenyl 3,7 dihydroimidazo (1,2
                                                            α) pyrazin 3 one

          • MCLA : 2-methyl-6-(p-methoxyphenyl)-3,7-dihydroimidazo(1,2-α)pyrazin-3-one

      Luminol: 5-amino-2,3-dihydroxy-1,4-phthalayineidone
                               y    y     p      y

      L-012: 8-amino-5-chloro-7-phenylpyrido[3,4-d]pyridazine-1,4-(2H,3H) dione

                                                                               Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                               Huige Li
Lucigenin chemiluminescence

O2·- + LC2+             LC·+ + O2·
      (lucigenin)   (cation radical)

            O2·- + LC·+                 LCO2

                                        LCO2         2N-methylacridone + h

                                                                   Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                   Huige Li
Lucigenin chemiluminescence
     • Specific for superoxide ‐ no need to prepare a second sample with SOD
       to prove that the signal is derived from superoxide.
     • Intracellular and extracellular superoxide, because
           g     penetrates cells


     • Redox cycling
     • Low sensitivity: Lucigenin signal is usually only slightly above
       background, normal chemiluminescence plate readers or
       luminometers typically used for luciferase assay are not sensitive
       enough to detect the low counts yielded by superoxide reaction with 5
       µM lucigenin. (Münzel: Scintillation counters switched to the out‐of‐
       coincidence mode are optimal for this purpose).

                                                                      Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                      Huige Li
Lucigenin chemiluminescence

O2·- + LC2+             LC·+ + O2·
      (lucigenin)   (cation radical)

            O2·- + LC·+                      LCO2

                                             LCO2           2N-methylacridone + h

Redox cycling                          containing
                        LC·+                              O2·- + LC2+

                                                                          Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                          Huige Li
Lucigenin chemiluminescence

                                                                    Institut für Pharmakologie
Munzel, T. et al. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 2002;22:1761‐1768   Huige Li
Cypridina luciferin analogs

Coelenterazine: 2‐(4‐hydroxybenzyl)‐6‐(4‐hydroxyphenyl) 8‐benzyl‐3,7‐dihydroimidazol[1,2‐α]pyrazin‐3‐one

Coelenterazine is the molecule responsible for the fluorescence of
various bioluminescent marine organisms in the genus cypridina and
is the light‐emitting component of the fluorescent protein aeqourin.

Coelenterazine does not undergo redox cycling and was found to
be useful as a probe for the detection of superoxide.

                                                                                           Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                                           Huige Li
Cypridina luciferin analogs

Coelenterazine: 2‐(4‐hydroxybenzyl)‐6‐(4‐hydroxyphenyl) 8‐benzyl‐3,7‐dihydroimidazol[1,2‐α]pyrazin‐3‐one

Cypridina luciferin analog (CLA): 2‐methyl‐6‐phenyl‐3,7‐dihydroimidazo (1,2‐α)‐pyrazin‐3‐one

Methylated‐modified CLA (MCLA): 2‐methyl‐6‐(p‐methoxyphenyl)‐3,7‐dihydroimidazo(1,2‐α)pyrazin‐3‐one

Of these, MCLA seems to have the highest signal:background ratio and
emits 100
          fold more light for the same stimulus as coelenterazine.

                                                                                           Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                                           Huige Li
Luminol & L‐012

Luminol (5‐amino‐2,3‐dihydro‐1,4‐phthalazinedione) is
        one of the oldest chemiluminescent probes used to detect ROS.

Luminol is oxidized by a variety of ROS, including O2‐, H2O2, HO, and ONOO‐.

   012: 8
          amino 5 chloro 7 phenylpyrido[3,4 d]pyridazine 1,4 (2H,3H) dione
      • a modified form of luminol
      • detects O2‐, ONOO‐, and probably other ROS

Luminol and L‐012 don’t undergo redox cycling

                                                                      Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                      Huige Li

                                                                        8000 cells/ml + PDBu

                                                                        8000 cells/ml,
                                                                             ti l t d

Daiber A, et al. and Munzel T. Free Radic Biol Med. 2004; 36:101-111.              Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                                   Huige Li


                                     100 µM             100 µM          100 µM   1 µM
Daiber A, et al. and Munzel T. Free Radic Biol Med. 2004; 36:101-111.                    Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                                         Huige Li

  EoL‐1: human eosinophilic leukemia cell line; fMLP: N‐Formylmethionyl‐leucyl‐phenylalanine
Nishinaka Y et al. (BBRC. 1993; 193: 554-559)                                   Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                                Huige Li
Fluorescence‐Based Assays

Fluorescent probes:
    • Dihydroethidium
      Dih d thidi     (DHE)
    • H2DCF‐DA
    • Amplex Red

    • Fluorescence plate reader
    • Fluorescence microscope
    • Fluorescence‐activated cell sorter (FACS)

                                                  Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                  Huige Li
Dihydroethidium ‐ HPLC

                         Institut für Pharmakologie
                         Huige Li
Resveratrol decreases superoxide production
                            p ‐/‐ mice
           in the heart of apoE
                      (Detection of dihydroethidium products with HPLC)

                         Ethidium         Control                                       O2-
         se (mV)

                                          Res 30

                                                         2-HE ((nM/g)
                                          Res 100                       500

                      2-HE                                                                             **

                                                                              Control Res 30 Res 100
                         Time ((min))

2-HE = 2-hydroxyethidium = superoxide-specific product from dihydroethidium (DHE)
Ethidium = non-specific oxidation product from DHE                                          Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                                            Huige Li
Dihydroethidium ‐ HPLC

               • Sensitive enough
                               g for vascular tissues.
               • It can be used to detect intracellular superoxide.
               • Moreover, samples can be stored after incubation and the HPLC
                 assays performed at later time (stable at -20°C stable for several
                 months). This allows frozen samples to be sent to another laboratory for


               • DHE is a light-sensitive dye.
                                          dye For this reason,
                                                       reason all of the procedures
                 should be performed in dim light.

               • DHE can react with oxygen in solution. DHE should be prepared as a
                 stock solution in argon-purged buffers using dark tubes.

Dikalov S, Griendling KK, Harrison DG. Hypertension 2007; 49: 717 - 727.         Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                                 Huige Li
Dihydroethidium ‐ HPLC


              • The detection of 2‐hydroxyethidium formation from DHE is
                a simple and accurate method for estimating intracellular

              • Given that 2‐hydroxyethidium
                               y     y          is not formed byy other
                common oxidants, this assay is as close to being a
                “gold standard” for detecting superoxide in intact tissues or
                cells as anything currently available.

Dikalov S, Griendling KK, Harrison DG. Hypertension 2007; 49: 717 - 727.   Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                           Huige Li
Dihydroethidium – fluorescence microscope

                                                   Vessels are harvested from experimental
                                                   animals and 30‐µm frozen sections are
                                                   obtained. The sections are then allowed to
                                                   thaw and are incubated with DHE.

                                                   DHE is cell permeable and reacts with ROS to
       SHR                                         form 2‐hydroxyethidium and ethidium, which
                                                   in turn intercalate with DNA, providing
                                                   nuclear fluorescence (excitation 520 nm /
                                                   emission 610 nm).

                                                   • Semiquantitative
                                                   • Not specific for superoxide
                                                   • Topographical location of ROS
       SHR + LL‐NAME

Li H et al. J Am Coll Cardiol 2006; 47:2536-2544                                      Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                                      Huige Li
DCF‐DA and its derivates
     H2DCF-DA: 2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate, cell-permeable,
               also known as dichlorofluorescin diacetate,


       H2DCF‐DA                               H2DCF‐DA                                     H2DCF
      cell‐permeable                        cell‐permeable                             cell‐impermeable
      nonfluorescent                        nonfluorescent                              nonfluorescent

                                                                           H2O2, ONOO-, O2-

Dikalov S, Griendling KK, Harrison DG. Hypertension 2007; 49: 717 - 727.                           Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                                                   Huige Li
DCF‐DA and its derivates
       • Intracellular ROS.
       • It can be detected by imaging; plate reader or FACS.
       • Localization within tissue
       • Sensitive: possible to detect ROS within a single cell.

       • Not
         N t specific.
                 ifi “a“ generall iindicator
                                     di t off ROS”
       • High potential of artifacts.
             • Photoreduction of DCF results in artificial production of a semiquinone radical
               that in turn can reduce O2 to O2-
             • Redox reaction with H2DCF and DCF generates O2-
             • Oxidation of H2DCF to DCF can be self-catalyzed by peroxidases
             • Oxidation of H2DCF by H2O2 is a indirect reaction and requires peroxidase
               activity transitionmetals,
               activity, transitionmetals and heme enzymes

                                                                                   Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                                   Huige Li
Amplex Red

                              when excited at
 colorless and                530 nm
                                  nm, strongly
nonfluorescent                  emits light at
                                   590 nm

                                         Institut für Pharmakologie
                                         Huige Li
Amplex Red
       • Highly sensitive and specific,
           • detection limit: 5 pmol H2O2.
           • Signal abolished by exogenous catalase.
       • Resorufin is a veryy stable product
                                     p       that allows detection of H2O2 both in
         oxidative and reductive conditions.
       • Simple; no special equipments required
        • Auto‐oxidation: At high concentrations (50 µM) the Amplex Red dye
          can be auto oxidized and produce O2‐ and H2O2. Low concentrations
          of Amplex Red (10 µM) minimize this problem.
        • Amplex Red detects extracellular H2O2.
        • H2O2 is
               i diffusible,
                  diff ibl so that
                              th t values
                                     l     measured
                                                  d in
                                                    i the
                                                       th buffer
                                                           b ff should
                                                                  h ld provide
          an index of what was originally produced by the tissue.
                                                                           Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                           Huige Li
Electron Spin Resonance

                      ESR signal is
                      proportional to
                      the number of
                      the unpaired
                      present in the

                             Institut für Pharmakologie
                             Huige Li
ESR – the use of “spin traps”

     colloid Fe(DETC)2    (diethyldithiocarbamate)

Lipid radicals
     • N‐t‐butyl‐α‐phenyl‐nitrone
     • α‐[4‐pyridyl
            py y 1‐oxide]‐N‐tert‐butyl‐nitrone

O2‐, OH
   • DMPO: 5,5‐dimethyl‐pyrroline‐N‐oxide
   • DEPMPO: 5‐(diethoxyphosphoryl)‐5‐methyl‐1‐pyrroline‐N‐oxide

                                                                   Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                   Huige Li
ESR – the use of “spin traps”


                                Institut für Pharmakologie
                                Huige Li
ESR – the use of “spin traps”

             74 mol/L/s

Fe3+‐cyt c                                  Fe2+‐cyt c
                          3 x 106 mol/L/s

                                                     Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                     Huige Li
ESR – cyclic hydroxylamine probes
CPH: 1‐hydroxy‐3‐carboxy‐2,2,5,‐tetramethyl‐pyrrolidine hydrochloride
    • Reacts rapidly with O2‐ (3.2 x 103 mol/L/s) and ONOO‐
    • The
      Th resultant
               lt t 3
                         b            l radical
                                          di l is
                                                i very stable,
                                                        t bl undergoing
                                                               d    i minimal
                                                                        i i l

CMH: 1‐hydroxy‐3‐methoxycarbonyl‐2,2,5,5‐tetramethylpyrrolidine
    • Cell‐permeable
    • Detection of intracellular O2‐

                                                                        Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                        Huige Li
Electron Spin Resonance

       • ESR is an excellent approach
                              pp      for the detection of radical.
       • When studying isolated enzymes or chemical reactions, the nitrone spin
         traps are very useful.
       • For studying intact tissues, cells, or homogenates, cyclic hydroxylamines
         are better.
       • Sensitivityy of ESR can reach 1 nmol/L,
                                             / , wenn cyclic
                                                       y     hydroxylamines
                                                              y    y        are


       • Expensive.
       • Extensive trainingg is needed to operate
                                           p      the spectometer
                                                       p          correctly.

                                                                       Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                       Huige Li
                                             ROS        Sensitivity   Practice
Colorimetric assays
Nitro Blut Tetrazolium    intracellular      O2‐          low          easy
Cytochrome c              extracellular      O2‐          low          easy
Lucigenin                 intra & extra      O2‐          low        difficult
MCLA                      intra & extra      O2‐          low          easyy
L‐012                     extracelluar    O2‐, ONOO‐      high         easy
Dihydroethidium (DHE)     intracelluar       O2‐         high       moderate
H2DCF‐DA                  intracellular      ROS           high         easy
Amplex Red                extracellular      H2O2          high         easy
Electron Spin Resonance   intra / extra    O2‐, OH    moderate      difficult

                                                                        Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                        Huige Li

Dikalov S, Griendling KK, Harrison DG. Measurement of reactive oxygen species in
    cardiovascular studies. Hypertension 2007; 49: 717 ‐ 727.
Münzel T, Afanas’ev IB, Kleschyov AL, Harrison DG. Detection of superoxide in vascular tissue.
  Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 2002; 22: 1761 ‐ 1768.
Daiber A,
       A et al.
            al & Münzel T.
                        T Measurement of NAD(P)H oxidase‐derived
                                                    oxidase derived superoxide with the
   luminol analogue L‐012. Free Radic Biol Med. 2004; 36:101‐111.
Daiber A, et al. & Münzel T. Detection of superoxide and peroxynitrite in model systems and
     it h d i by   b th
                     the luminol
                         l i l analogue
                                     l      L‐012.
                                            L 012 Free
                                                   F   R di Res.
                                                       Radic R 2004;
                                                                 2004 38:38 259
Sohn HY, et al. & Pohl U. Sensitive superoxide detection in vascular cells by the new
   chemiluminescence dye L‐012. J Vasc Res. 1999; 36: 456‐464.‐Probes‐The‐

                                                                                  Institut für Pharmakologie
                                                                                  Huige Li
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