Meadville Messenger - Meadville United Methodist Church

Page created by Bertha Rodgers
Meadville Messenger - Meadville United Methodist Church
MEADVILLE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH                                               FEBRUARY, 2019

   Meadville Messenger
Rambling Rex
1 Peter 3:15…”But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to
make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it
with gentleness and respect”…(ESV)
The season has finally arrived. Well, no, not Valentine’s though that is an important event in
February. The historical moment is now less than a month away. The special called General
Conference, February 23-26, 2019 at St. Louis, Missouri. We will finally have a decision on
the issues of sexuality. Then, the real work begins. The aftermath will include potentially
months and years of reorganizing, approving, deciding the proper avenues and channels for
our churches connectional relationship and what best fits the needs for us to be the most
effective in ministry.
As I pondered all of this what is following showed up on my Facebook feed. It was offered by
Rev. Stephen Sparks, a clergy member of the Mississippi delegation to the General
Conference. I thought it captures where we are and it also captures where my heart has
been on this issue since the first wranglings. I am not sure who actually wrote it but here it is:
“For such a time as this. The next 5-6 months will potentially be the most consequential time
in Methodist history since the mergers of ‘39 and ‘68 or maybe even the Christmas
Conference. The decisions we make as a GC and those we make as an annual conference
will be pivotal. Let us be wise. Let us be bearers of God’s shalom. Let us stay alert. Let us
hold fast to the Word of God. Let us stand up to be counted regardless of cost. Let us be
brave beyond our own courage. Let us be patient for each and every step, waiting on the
Lord. Let us not grow weary but let us persevere. And ultimately the Church of Jesus Christ,
the Bride of Christ will endure and ultimately prevail. So be of good cheer. Let us not cast our
countenance downward as those who are yet already defeated but rather let our
countenance be full of light and joy as happy warriors in the service to their King. Let our
hearts be light. For regardless of outcome the bridegroom still comes, the lamb is victorious,
and the Word of God will remain the Word!
May this be our guide in prayer and hope in these anxious days. Come, Holy Spirit! Grant
us peace in our hearts that whatever comes, we will have the courage, wisdom, and strength
to follow only the way of Christ in order that we may be His true Bride.

Peace and Joy and Love,
Rex Wilburn, pastor
Meadville Messenger - Meadville United Methodist Church
MEADVILLE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH                                                     FEBRUARY, 2019

                                MUMC family,
                                Many thanks for prayers, food, cards, flowers and texts
                                during the illness and loss of my sister, Lisa. Thanks
                                so much for your kind words. Sadness is overwhelming
                                at times and finding comfort in your words is great
                                support to me.
                                                       Thanks again and much love,
                                                       Sue Sullivan
                                                              In 1 Corinthians 16:14, Paul instructs
                                                              the church at Corinth to do all things in
                                                              love. Love has been sentimentalized
                                                              throughout the years. Some people
                                                              have become more “in love” with “falling
                                                              in love” than “staying in love.” Love has
                                                             little at all to do with feelings, but
instead, is a choice you must continually make to put another’s well being before your own.
St. Valentine understood that. When an edict was issued banning marriage in an attempt to keep
soldier’s minds focused on war rather than family, St. Valentine married lovers in secret. He believed
so strongly in Christian marriage that he was willing to lose his life to protect it. Legend is told that
while in jail awaiting execution, St. Valentine prayed for the healing of the blind daughter of a jailer.
Upon being healed, the two exchanged correspondence. In his last letter to the jailer’s daughter, the
note was signed, “From Your Valentine”. To remember the legacy of St. Valentine, Valentine’s Day is
now observed.
Loving the people we like is an easy enough task, but what about those people who are “thorns in our
flesh”? Jesus said it doesn’t matter. “If you love only those who love you, why should you get credit
for that? Even sinners love those who love them! And if you do good only to those who do good to
you, why should you get credit? Even sinners do that much! Love your enemies! Do good to them.
Lend to them without expecting to be repaid.” (Luke 6:32-33, 35a NLT) How then do we love? 1
Corinthians 13:4-7 gives us a good reference. “Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or
boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of
being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love
never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance.”
Love without sacrifice is not really love. Love will always cost you something, but it will always be
worth it. St. Valentine lived what he believed, and it cost him everything. He lived out 1 John 3:18
that reads, “Dear children, let’s not merely say that we love each other; let us show the truth by our
actions.” Even God’s love for us required sacrifice. Romans 5:8 says, “But God showed his great
love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.” Actions speak louder than
words. We, as Christians, need to make sure our actions communicate love to everyone we come in
Meadville Messenger - Meadville United Methodist Church

                                       Team Broth
                                       Team Cream
                                       Who will you vote for in
                                       this year’s SOUPer Bowl?

MUMC’s Annual “Souper” Bowl will be Next Sunday, February
3 following the morning worship service. Bring your best
soup and maybe you’ll be voted MUMC’S 2019 MVP. Join us
for this fun filled and delicious event. ALL MONIES RAISED
DURING THIS EVENT is for exclusive use of LOCAL MISSIONS.

Disclaimer: MUMC’s refs are impartial and unbiased. Pass
Interference will be called!


To accomplish great things, we must not only act but
     also dream; not only pray, but also believe.
 For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.
                        Romans 11:29
Meadville Messenger - Meadville United Methodist Church
Meadville Messenger - Meadville United Methodist Church
MEADVILLE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH                                              FEBRUARY, 2019

February 1
February 2
              Zach McCormick February 19
              Susie Kimbrough February 20
                                            Ric & Theresa Wege
                                            Ed & Betty Youngblood
                                                                    MUMC Staff
February 3    Margaret Chatham
February 4    Mitch Priest
February 6    Bo Fleming
February 6    Sidney Youngblood
February 7    Judy McGehee
February 8    Morgan Poore
                                                                    Rev. Rex Wilburn
February 9    Avis Mullins
February 10   Kenneth Oglesby
February 11   Sarah Halford
February 13   Carol Oglesby
February 15   Erica Jones                                                             Director of Music,
February 16   Dot Oglesby                                                             Pat Jones
February 18   Jean Hollinger
February 18   Steve Coleman
February 19   Pam Wilburn
February 20   Allin Kimbrough
February 23   Shelby Smith
February 23   Amber Whittington
February 25   Virgene Allmon                                        Office Manager,
February 27   Clara Guice                                           Samantha Sivils

                                                                    P.O. Box 548
                                                                    101 First St. S
                                                                    Meadville, MS 39653

                                                                    Find us online:
                                                                    Facebook - MeadvilleUMC
                                                                    Twitter - @meadville_umc
                                                                    Instagram - meadvilleumc
Meadville Messenger - Meadville United Methodist Church
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