Page created by Cory Chambers
McKinney ISD

When the 83rd Texas Legislature passed House Bill 5 into law, high school graduation plans
changed for all students who will be freshmen during the 2014-15 school year and thereafter.
The bill provides more flexibility for high school students to pursue either higher education or a
career. House Bill 5 established a single graduation plan, the Foundation High School Program
(FHSP). Students will also have the opportunity to build on the FHSP by earning Endorsements,
Performance Acknowledgements, and a Distinguished Level of Achievement. Students will
need to declare their preferred endorsement areas, in writing, by the beginning of their 9th
grade year. Students will be able to change their endorsement at any time. An endorsement is
basically an opportunity for students to select a “major” during their high school career. An
endorsement can be earned by taking additional courses in Career and Technical Education
(CTE) or by taking additional non-CTE courses specified within the endorsement requirements.

For the purpose of this document and entire list of courses available to students in
McKinney ISD, please refer to the Academic Planning Guide on the McKinney ISD

The endorsement areas are:
   ! Arts & Humanities
   ! Business & Industry
   ! Multidisciplinary
   ! Public Service
   ! Science, Technology, Engineer & Math (STEM)
       NOTE: To earn the STEM endorsement students MUST take Algebra II, Chemistry & Physics

MISD offers courses to meet endorsements in all areas (refer to the APG on MISD website for
list of available courses). There are specific course requirements in the foundation curriculum
based on the Endorsement selected.

This guide contains an overview of graduation requirements for the FHSP; endorsement
options in both Non- Career and Technology Education (Non-CTE) and Career and Technical
(CTE) pathways; side-by-side core course requirements for each endorsement; and, helpful
hints for selecting an endorsement. Course lists for each endorsement (both Non-CTE and
CTE) with grade level and credit values.

HB 5 Graduation Plans - Students entering Gr. 9 in 2014-15

                          Foundation +                                                                      Distinguished Level Of
                     Endorsements - 26 Credits                                                             Achievement - 26 Credits

    • 4 Credits ENGLISH - English I,II,III, Advanced English                               • 4 Credits ENGLISH - English I,II,III, English IV or higher
   (MISD recommendation is English IV)                                                    (MISD recommendation)
    • 4 Credits MATH - Algebra 1, Geometry, two credits in                                 • 4 Credits MATH - Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra II, one
   advance Math course (MISD recommends Algebra II which                                  credit in an advanced math course
   is the Distinguished level of Achievement)                                              • 4 Credits *SCIENCE - Biology, Chemistry, Physics, (MISD
    • 4 Credits *SCIENCE - One credit must be Biology, one                                recommendation) and one credit in any advanced science
   credit in IPC/Chemistry/or Physics, and two credits in any                             course (*subject to prerequisites)
   advanced science course (*subject to prerequisites)                                    • 4 Credits SOCIAL STUDIES (MISD) - World Geography,
   • 4 Credits SOCIAL STUDIES (MISD) - World Geography,                                   World History, US History, Government, Economics
   World History, US History, Government, Economics                                        • 2 Credits LANGUAGES OTHER THAN ENGLISH or
    • 2 Credits LANGUAGES OTHER THAN ENGLISH or                                           COMPUTER PROGRAMMING
   COMPUTER PROGRAMMING                                                                    • 1 Credit PHYSICAL EDUCATION
       • 1 Credit PHYSICAL EDUCATION                                                       • 1 Credit FINE ARTS
       • 1 Credit FINE ARTS                                                                • 0.5 Credit HEALTH (MISD)
       • 0.5 Credit HEALTH (MISD)                                                          • 0.5 Credit SPEECH (MISD) - Professional communications
    • 0.5 Credit SPEECH (MISD) - Professional communications                               • 5 Credits in **ELECTIVES - (may include CTE or
    • 5 Credits in **ELECTIVES - (may include CTE or                                       certification courses)
    certification courses)
   **Credit requirement specific to at least one                                          **Credit requirement specific to at least one
      endorsement.                                                                         endorsement.

   McKinney ISD highly recommends students to minimally                                    Students wishing to apply for automatic admission to colleges
   complete this Foundation plan to ensure college readiness                              or universities must complete this plan

                                     (Students can select courses from Career & Technical Education (CTE) or Non-CTE)

          *STEM                BUSINESS & INDUSTRY                      PUBLIC SERVICES                ARTS & HUMANITIES                MULTIDISCIPLINARY
  *Must have Algebra II,      CTE:
                               • Ag, Food, Natural Resources      CTE:                                                               Select courses from the
   Chemistry & Physics                                                                              Additional courses in:
                               • Architecture & Construction       •   Health Sciences                                              curriculum of each of the
                                                                   •   Education & Training                                         other endorsement areas;
 • Science, Technology,
                               • Arts, Audio, Video Technology                                      • Social studies
                                                                   •   Human Services
 Engineering Math (STEM)         Communications                                                                                        Credits in a variety of
                                                                   •   Law, Public Safety,
                               • Business, Marketing &                 Corrections, and Security    • Languages other than           advanced courses from
Non-CTE:                         Finance                                                              English                        multiple content areas
                               • Transportation, Distribution     Non-CTE:
 • Computer Science              Logistics                                                                                          sufficient to complete the
                                                                   • Junior Reserve Officer         • Fine Arts                       distinguished level of
   courses                    Non-CTE:                               Training (JROTC)                                                achievement under the
 • Advance Math courses
                               • 4 Additional English electives                                                                        foundation program
 • Advance Science courses

   State Assessments Required for Graduation                                                       Performance Acknowledgments
         English I                   US History
                                                                                • Outstanding Performance:
                                                                                 Dual credit course work, bilingualism/bi-literacy; College AP exams, PSAT, ACT
         English II                  Biology                                     or SAT scores
                                                                                • Certification:
         Algebra I                                                               Nationally or internationally recognized business or industry certification
                                                                                 or license
Performance Acknowledgements
Students can earn a performance acknowledgement on their transcript for outstanding
performance by successfully completing the following:

Dual Credit – 12 college hours with a grade of 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale

Bilingualism/Bi-Literacy – complete all ELA requirements with a 80 or higher and
one of the following:
                  • 3 credits in the same “Languages Other Than English” with a 80 or
                  • Successful completion of a level IV LOTE with a 80 or higher
                  • completion of 3 credits in a foundation subject with an 80 or higher
                  • score of 3 or higher on a College Board AP exam for a LOTE
                  • ESL Students – completion of 3 credits in a foundation subject with an
                    equivalency of B or higher
ELL Learners – Meet exit criteria for bilingual or ESL program and score Advanced
High Level on TELPAS

AP – Score 3 or above on AP exams

College Entrance Exams –
         PSAT of commended or higher
         SAT (410 Reading and 520 Math)
         ACT scores (28 composite)

Workforce Ready – completion of internationally recognized business or industry
certification or obtaining a government required credential to practice a

The humanities offer students an opportunity to study ancient and modern literature, history,
language and culture. These courses allow students an opportunity to explore and understand how
other cultures live. Students interested in the performing arts of music and theatre, as well as the
visual arts, may find this endorsement suitable for them.

                                        Possible Careers
Possible career paths and interest areas for students pursuing an Arts and Humanities endorsement
include courses related to: Political Science, World Languages, Cultural Studies, English Literature,
History, and Fine Arts.

                                       Available Pathways

An Arts and Humanities endorsement is only available through a Non-Career and Technical
Education pathway. To satisfy the Non-CTE path in the endorsement, students must select four
credits in:
   • Social studies and/or economics:
   • Four levels of the same World Language or LOTE (Languages Other Than English)
   • Two levels in one World Language and two levels in a different LOTE;
   • A coherent sequence of four credits in Fine Arts.

MISD offers a variety of social studies courses, a variety of different World Languages courses and a
large number of Fine Art course in both the Visual and Performing Arts. Please refer to the Academic
Planning Guide located at for more details of
course descriptions and offerings.

Career & Technical
                                                  NON-Career & Technical Education

  Combination of       Four Levels in        Two levels in the      Four English         A coherent sequence
  Social Studies      Languages Other      same language in a    elective credits by     of four credits in Fine
     and/or             Than English               LOTE          selecting from the     Arts courses from one
   Economics              (LOTE)                   AND                                  or two disciplines listed
                                              Two levels in a
    Courses                                                                                      below
                                            different language
                                            other than English        4 Credits
     5 Credits                                                                                 4 Credits

                                                                      • English IV
    See Social       See Languages Other      See Languages       • Creative Writing
      Studies        Than English (LOTE)   Other Than English      • Literary Genres              Art
 Department in the    Department in the    (LOTE) Department         • Humanities                Band
   High School           High School                               • Communication               Choir
                                            in the High School
     Academic         Academic Planning    Academic Planning      • AP English Lit or
  Planning Guide            Guide                  Guide                   Lang                Orchestra
Arts & Humanities
                  Core Requirements                                    Endorsement Requirements
English Language Arts (4 credits)     To meet endorsement requirements, students must select one of the following:
    o   English I
    o English II                      1) 1 additional Social Studies credit from the following options:
    o English III                         o AP European History (1)
    o English IV                          o AP Human Geography (1) (In addition to World Geography)
                                          o AP Psychology (.5)
Mathematics (4 credits)                   o Psychology (.5)
   o Algebra I                            o Sociology (.5)
   o Geometry                             o Personal Financial Literacy (.5)
   o Algebra II (MISD expectation)
   o 4th Math_____________            2) Four Levels of same language in LOTE:
                                          o Spanish I-IV
Social Studies (4 credits)                o French I-IV
    o World Geography                     o German I-IV
    o World History                       o Latin I-IV
    o US History                          o ASL I-IV
    o Government/Economics
                                      3) Two Levels of the same language in LOTE plus two levels of a different language
Science (4 credits)                   in LOTE:
    o Biology                             o Spanish
    o Chemistry                           o French
    o Physics (MISD expectation)          o German
    o 4th Science____________             o Latin
                                          o American Sign Language
World Language (2 credits)
   o Year 1___________
   o Year 2___________
                                      4) A coherent sequence completing 4 credits from 1 discipline:
Fine Arts (1 credit)                      o Art
    o __________________                  o Band
                                          o Orchestra
PE (1 credit)                             o Theater Arts
    o PE________________                  o Technical Theater
    o PE________________                  o Choir
                                          o Dance
Speech (.5 credits)                       o Drill Team
   o Professional
                                          o Color Guard

Health (.5 credits)
   o Health or Prin. of Health Sci.

The Business and Industry Endorsement incorporates a large number of career paths and
student interests. MISD offers many courses, which fall within this particular endorsement. Refer
to the Academic Planning Guide (APG) for further details on course descriptions.

                                      Possible Careers
Possible career paths and interest areas for the Business & Industry Endorsement may include:
Database Management; Information Technology, Communications, Accounting, Finance,
Marketing, Graphic Design, Architecture, Construction, Welding, Logistics, Automotive
Technology, and Agricultural Science. For more information on these and other related careers,
please explore career pathways in Naviance.

                                     Available Pathways
Both CTE and Non-CTE pathways are available within the Business & Industry Endorsement.

To satisfy the Non-CTE path in the Business and Industry Endorsement, students must select
four credits in English Language Arts (ELA). Within those four credits, students must select at
least three levels in Advanced Broadcast Journalism, Debate, Newspaper, Yearbook, and Public

English Language Arts Elective courses available in MISD include courses in the following
disciplines: Yearbook, Newspaper, Journalism, and Broadcast Journalism.

Students may also earn a business and industry endorsement by completing 4 credits in
technology applications.

To satisfy the CTE path in the Business and Industry Endorsement, students must select four
credits from any of the following clusters: Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources; Architecture
and Construction; Arts, A/V Technology and Communication; Business Management and
Administration; Finance; Hospitality and Tourism; Information Technology; Manufacturing;
Marketing, Sales and Services; and Transportation, Distribution and Logistics.

             Applications                                 Transportation,
                                                       Distribution/Logistics                       Non-Career & Technical Education

Ag, Food & Natural                                                    Marketing Sales &
    Resources                                                             Service
                                                                                                     Four Credits in English Language Arts
                                                                                                      (Including at least 3 credits in one area

                            Career & Technical Education
  Architecture &             (See APG for list of courses)
                                                                                Manufacturing           Advanced Broadcast Journalism
                                                                                                         Public Speaking (not offered in

            Arts, AV, Technology                                   Hospitality &
             & Communication                                        Tourism

                                                                                                              Four Credits technology

     Business Mgmt &
      Administration                         Finance                       Information Technology        NOTE: MISD does not offer all career
                                                                                                       clusters in CTE or courses in technology
                                                                                                       applications. Please refer to the APG for
Business and Industry
     Core Requirements                                                                Endorsement Requirements
                                    Students can choose the CTE Pathway or the Non-CTE pathway. To meet endorsement requirements for the CTE Pathway,
English Language Arts (4 credits)   students must select a coherent sequence of 4 credits in CTE that consists of at least 2 in the same cluster, including at least 1
     o English I                                                              “advanced” (advanced is marked with an *).

     o English II
     o English III                  CTE Pathway
     o English IV                   Ag, Food & Nat. Resources-Animal Systems          Business Mgmt. & Administration              Trans, Dist, Log – Aviation
                                         o    Pro. Communications (.5)                     o    Pro. Communications (.5)                o      Pro. Communications (.5)
Mathematics (4 credits)                  o    Prin of Ag, Food, Nat. Res (1)               o    Prin. Bus, Mktg, Fin. (1)               o      Aviation I (1)
    o Algebra I                          o    Small Animal Manage (.5)                     o    Business Info Mgmt (1)                  o      Aviation II (1)
                                              Livestock Production (1)                     o    Money Matters (1)                       o      Aviation III (2)
    o Geometry                           o
                                         o    Vet. Med. Applications (1)                   o    Entrepreneurship (1)                    o      Aviation Studies &
    o Algebra II (MISD
                                         o    Adv. Animal Science* (1)                     o    Practicum in Marketing * (2)                   Powerplant Systems
       expectation)                                                                        o    Ad & Sale Prom-(Dual)*(.5)                     (dual) (1)
    o 4th Math___________           Ag, Food & Nat. Resources-Design & Land.                                                            o      Aviation IV *(2)
                                         o    Pro. Communications (.5)                Marketing, Sales, & Service                       o      Aircraft Systems & Flight
Social Studies (4 credits)               o    Prin of Ag, Food, Nat. Res (1)              o     Pro. Communications (.5)                       Science (dual) *(1)
     o World Geography                   o    Elements of Floral Design (1)               o     Prin of Bus, Mktg, Fin (1)
                                              Advanced Floral Design (1)                  o     Fashion Marketing (.5)             Trans, Dist, Log –Automotive
     o World History                     o
                                         o    Prac. In Floral Design* (2)                 o     Sports & Ent Mktg. (.5)                 o      Pro. Communications (.5)
     o US History
                                         o    Environmental Science* (1)                  o     Marketing Dynamics* (2)                 o      Automotive Technology
     o Government/Economics                                                                                                                    (2)
                                    Ag, Food & Nat. Resources-Welding                                                                   o      Advanced Automotive
Science (4 credits)                      o    Pro. Communications (.5)                Financial Systems                                        Technology * (2)
     o Biology                           o    Prin of Ag, Food, Nat. Res (1)               o      Pro. Communications (.5)
     o Chemistry                         o    Ag Mech. & Metal Tech (1)                    o      Prin. Bus, Mktg, Fin. (1)        Commercial Photography
     o Physics (MISD                     o    Ag Facilities Design & Fab (1)               o      Business Info Mgmt. (1)             o     Photojournalism I & II or
                                              Agriculture Power Systems (2)                o      Money Matters (1)                         DIM
          expectation)                   o
                                         o    Prac in Ag, Food, Nat Res* (2)               o      Entrepreneurship (1)                o     Com. Photography I
     o 4th Science________
                                                                                           o      Practicum in Marketing * (2)        o     Com. Photography II*
                                    Architecture & Construction                                                                       o     Yearbook *
World Language (2 credits)               o     Pro. Communications (.5)               Info. Technology-Comp. Networking
    o Year 1____________                 o     Prin of Architectural (1)                    o    Pro. Communications (.5)
    o Year 2____________                 o     Construction Tech (1)                        o    Intro Engineer. Design (1)
                                         o     Interior Design (1)                          o    Engineering Science (1)
Fine Arts (1 credit)                     o     Adv Construction Tech* (2)                   o    Digital Electronics (1)                 Non-CTE Pathways
                                               Prac in Const. Mgmt* (2)                     o    CMPT 1305 (Dual) (1)                    Earn 4 credits in a coherent
     o __________________                o
                                                                                            o    INTW 1358 (Dual) (1)                    sequence in one of the
                                    Architecture & Construction                             o    ITCC 1371 Cisco I (Dual)* (1)           following areas:
PE (1 credit)                                                                                    ITCC 1374 Cisco II (Dual)* (1)
                                         o     Pro. Communications (.5)                     o                                                  o    Journ/Newspaper
     o PE_______________                 o     HVAC I (2)                                                                                      o    Journ/Yearbook
     o PE_______________                 o     HVAC II * (2)                          Info. Technology-Cyber Security                          o Debate
                                                                                            o    Pro. Communications (.5)
Speech (.5 credits)                 Arts AV Tech. & Communication                           o    Intro Engineer. Design (1)
    o Professional                        o    Pro. Communications (.5)                     o    Engineering Science (1)
                                               Digital Interactive Media (1)                o    Digital Electronics (1)
          Communications                  o
                                          o    Audio & Video Production I (1)               o    CMPT 1305 (Dual)* (1)
                                          o    Audio & Video Production II* (1-2)           o    INTW 1358 (Dual)* (1)
Health (.5 credits)                                                                              ITSY 1300 Security (Dual)* (1)
                                          o    Prac in A/V Prod * (2)                       o
     o Health or Prin. of Health
          Sci.                      Graphic Design
                                         o    Professional Communications (.5)
                                         o    Digital Interactive Media (1)
                                         o    Graphic Design (1)
                                         o    Animation (1)
    Public Service                       o    Video Game Design * (1)
                                         o    Audio & Video Production I *(1)


The Multidisciplinary Endorsement allows students to select courses from each of the
endorsement areas. Students can satisfy this endorsement by taking advanced CTE courses
that prepare the student to enter the workforce successfully. This endorsement can also be
earned if students successfully complete advanced courses in multiple content areas sufficient
to complete the Foundation Program with a Distinguished Level of Achievement (DLA).

                                       Possible Careers

All career pathways identified in all cluster and endorsement areas would fall into the
multidisciplinary endorsement area.

                                     Available Pathways

Both CTE and Non-CTE pathways are available within the Multidisciplinary Endorsement.


To satisfy the Non-CTE path in the Multidisciplinary Endorsement, students must select four
credits in:
   • Each of the four foundation subject areas to include English IV and Chemistry and


   •    In Advanced Placement or Dual Credit courses from one of the areas listed below:

              !    English                            !   Economics
              !    Math                               !   Languages Other Than English (LOTE)
              !    Science                            !   Fine Arts
              !    Social Studies

To satisfy the CTE path in the Multidisciplinary Endorsement, students must select four
advanced CTE courses from within multiple endorsement areas. The courses should allow the
student to successfully enter the workforce through an industry licensure or some other similar

      Career & Technical Education                                          NON- Career & Technical Education
               (See APG for list of courses)

  Four Advanced Courses that prepare a student to
         enter the workforce successfully or                                                        Four AP or Dual Credit
                                                                          Four credits in each
     postsecondary education from within one                                                        courses selected from
                                                                            foundation area
  endorsement area or multiple endorsement areas                                                         areas below:
       Select 4 courses from one endorsement or a
            combination of endorsement areas

                                                                                   4 Credits in:
                                                                                     English                   English
                                                                                      Math                      Math
  Business &                                            STEM
                          Public Service             Endorsement                     Science                  Science
                          Endorsement                (Including Alg II,            Social Studies           Social Studies
                                                    Chem. & Physics)                                         Economics
                                                                                   Must include:
                                                                                  English IV AND
                                                                                     Chemistry                Fine Arts
NOTE: MISD does not offer all career                                                    AND
clusters in CTE. Please refer to the APG                                               Physics
for details
Multidisciplinary Studies
     Core Requirements                                            Endorsement Requirements

English Language Arts (4 credits)     To meet endorsement requirements, students must complete one of the following:
    o   English I
                                      1) Four Credits in each of the four foundation subject areas to include:
    o English II
                                          o 4 English credits, including English IV
    o English III
                                          o 4 Math Credits
    o English IV
                                          o 4 Social Studies Credits
Mathematics (4 credits)                   o 4 Science Credits, including Chemistry and Physics
   o Algebra I
   o Geometry
   o Algebra II (MISD expectation)    2) Four Credits in Advanced Placement or Dual Credit selected from core areas,
   o 4th Math____________             LOTE or Fine Art
Social Studies (4 credits)             or
    o World Geography
    o World History                   3) Four advanced courses among endorsement areas that are not in a coherent
    o US History                      sequence.
    o Government/Economics

Science (4 credits)
    o Biology
    o Chemistry
    o Physics (MISD expectation)
    o 4th Science__________

World Language (2 credits)
   o Year 1___________
   o Year 2___________

Fine Arts (1 credit)
    o __________________

PE (1 credit)
    o PE________________
    o PE________________

Speech (.5 credits)
   o Professional Communications

Health (.5 credits)
   o Health or Prin. of Health Sci.


Students pursuing an endorsement in Public Services will enroll in courses directly related to
health science, human services (including Cosmetology) education, law enforcement, and the
armed forces. For more information on these and other related careers, please explore career
pathways in Naviance. In addition, refer to the Academic Planning Guide on course
                                        Possible Careers

Public services incorporate careers in health sciences, human services, law enforcement and
public safety, the military, and education. Human services and Health Science careers include
careers as a nurse, physician’s assistant, hair stylist, hospital administrator, nutritionist, clergy,
counselor, etc. Law Enforcement and Public Safety include careers such as mediator, law clerk,
paralegal, detective, security guard, criminal investigator, bailiff, and fish and game warden.
Within the education area, students may be interested in career fields such as teacher, athletic
trainer, principal, college professor, school psychologist, diagnostician, or counselor.

Students interested in a career with the military may also choose to pursue this endorsement.

                                       Available Pathways

Both CTE and Non-CTE pathways are available within the Public Services Endorsement.

To satisfy the Non-CTE path in the Public Services Endorsement, students must select four
credits in JROTC. See the APG for further details

To satisfy the CTE path in the Public Services Endorsement, students must select four credits
from the following clusters:

   •   Education & Training
   •   Human Services
   •   Law, Public Safety, Security & Corrections
   •   Health Sciences

                                                                        NON- Career & Technical Education
    Career & Technical Education
              (See APG for list of courses)

                                                                                  JROTC (Leadership Education) Offered
                                                                                   at McKinney High School only. Refer to
                                                                                          the APG for more details
                                              Law, Public
Education &              Human                 Services,      Health
 Training                Services             Corrections    Services
                                              and Security

  NOTE: MISD does not offer all
  career clusters in CTE. Please refer
  to the APG for details
Public Service
     Core Requirements                                                 Endorsement Requirements
English Language Arts (4 credits)     To meet endorsement requirements, students must select a coherent sequence of four
    o   English I                     credits in CTE that consists of at least two credits in the same cluster, including at least one
    o English II                      “advanced” CTE course (advanced courses are marked with an *).
                                      CTE Clusters:
    o English III
    o English IV
                                      Education & Training
                                           o    Professional Communications (.5)
Mathematics (4 credits)                    o    Prin. of Education & Training (1)
   o Algebra I                             o    Child Development (1)
                                           o    Human Growth and Development (1)
   o Geometry                              o    Inst. Practices in Education and Training* (2)
   o Algebra II (MISD expectation)         o    Pract in Education and Training* (2)
   o 4th Math___________
                                      Cosmetology (at MHS)
                                          o    Professional Communications (.5)
Social Studies (4 credits)                o    Cosmetology I (3)
    o World Geography                     o    Cosmetology II* (3)

    o World History
                                      Human Services
    o US History                          o    Professional Communications (.5)
    o Government/Economics                 o     Principles of Human Services (1)
                                           o     Child Development (1)
Science (4 credits)                        o     Child Guidance (2)
                                           o     Pract. In Human Services* (2)
    o Biology
                                      JROTC Leadership Education (at MHS)
    o Chemistry
                                          o     Professional Communications (.5)
    o Physics (MISD expectation)          o     Leadership Education I (1)
    o 4th Science__________               o     Leadership Education II (1)
                                          o     Leadership Education III (1)
                                          o     Leadership Education IV (1)
World Language (2 credits)
   o Year 1___________                Law, Pub. Safety, Corrections & Security-Law Enforcement
   o Year 2___________                     o     Professional Communications (.5)
                                           o     Prin. of Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security (1)
                                           o     Law Enforcement (1)
Fine Arts (1 credit)                       o     Law Enforcement II* (1)
    o __________________                   o     Law Enforcement III* (2)
                                           o     Forensic Science* (1)
PE (1 credit)
                                      Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security – Correctional Services or Lawyer
    o PE________________                   o     Professional Communications (.5)
    o PE________________                   o     Prin. of Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security (1)
                                           o     Correctional Services (1)
                                           o     Federal Enforcement & Protective Services (1)
Speech (.5 credits)
                                           o     Law Enforcement I (1)
   o Professional Communications           o     Law Enforcement II* (1)

Health (.5 credits)                   Health Science
                                           o     Professional Communications (.5)
   o Health or Prin. of Health Sci.        o     Principles of Health Science I (1) (satisfies health requirement)
                                           o     Medical Terminology (1)
                                           o     Health Science (CNA) (2)
                                           o     Anatomy and Physiology*(1)
                                           o     Practicum in Health Science* (2) (EMT, Performance and Rehabilitative Medicine, Physical
                                                 Therapy, Medical Billing and Coding, Fire Science, Central Sterile Processing , PCT)
Students who chose this endorsement MUST complete:
   • Algebra II
   • Chemistry
   • Physics

Students pursuing a STEM endorsement would complete courses directly related to:
Environmental Science, Technology, Engineering, Advanced Mathematics, and Computer
Science. For more information on these and other related careers, please explore career
pathways in Naviance. In addition, refer to the Academic Planning Guide on course
                                      Possible Careers

The STEM endorsement may be the right pathway for a student interested in careers such as a
biochemist, bioengineer, civil engineer, electrical engineer, medical scientists, mechanical
engineer, chemical engineer, environmental engineer, avionics technicians, physicists, robotic
engineer and biomedical engineers.

                                    Available Pathways

Both CTE and Non-CTE pathways are available within the STEM endorsement.

To satisfy the Non-CTE path in the STEM Endorsement, students must select four credits
from one of the following options:

   •   Computer Science/Technology Applications Courses
   •   Math – Algebra II and two additional credits in Mathematics courses for which Algebra 2
       is a prerequisite
   •   Science – Chemistry, Physics, and two additional Science credits (does not include
       Integrated Physics/Chemistry (IPC) or Biology)
   •   in addition to Algebra II, chemistry, and physics, a coherent sequence of three additional
       credits from no more than two of the categories listed above.

To satisfy the CTE path in the STEM Endorsement, students must select four credits from the
STEM clusters.
                          (Must include Algebra II, Chemistry & Physics)

 Career & Technical                                     NON- Career & Technical Education
  (See APG for list of courses)

                                   Computer                  Math
STEM Cluster                                                               Bio/Chem/Physics      Combination of
                                   Science or        Alg 1/ Geom/ Alg 2
Select 4 credits                                                          AND Select 2 credits     4 credits
                                   Computer             AND Select 2
                                  Programming               credits
                                  Select 4 credits

                                                                            • Advanced Animal
                                                     • AP Calculus AB         Science
                                                     • AP Calculus BC       • Anatomy &
   Four coherent                    Pre-AP                                    Physiology
                                   Computer          • AP Computer                                   See lists in
     credits from                                                           • AP Biology
                                    Science            Science A                                    this diagram
courses within the                                                          • AP Chemistry
                                       AP            • AP Statistics                                    under:
   STEM courses                                                             • AP Environmental
                                   Computer          • Dual Credit            Science                - Computer
 listed in the APG                                                                                     Science
    including an                    Science          • AQR                  • AP Physics 1
                                   Computer          • Pre-calculus         • AP Physics 2              - Math
advanced measure                                                                                      - Science
                                   Science III                              • AP Physics C
                                   Computer                                 • Astronomy
                                   Science IV                               • Earth and Space
                                                                            • Environmental
                                                                            • Forensic Science
                                                                            • Aquatic Science
      Core Requirements                                                Endorsement Requirements

English Language Arts (4 credits)     To meet the endorsement requirements, students must choose a CTE or Non-CTE Pathway.
    o   English I
    o English II                      CTE Pathway                                              Non-CTE Pathway
    o English III
                                      Students must earn a coherent sequence                   Students must earn a coherent sequence
    o English IV
                                      of four credits in CTE that consists of at least two     of four credits in computer science.
                                      courses in the same cluster, including at least one      Computer Science
Mathematics (4 credits)               “advanced” CTE course (advanced courses are                   o PAP Computer Science (1)
   o Algebra I                        marked with an *).                                            o AP Computer Science Principles
   o Geometry                                                                                            (1)
   o Algebra II (Required)            Science, Tech., Engineering, & Math: Civil Engineering        o AP Computer Science A (1)
                                           o Professional Communications (.5)                       o Computer Science III* (1)
   o 4th Math_____________
                                           o Intro to Engineering (1)                               o Computer Science IV* (1)
                                           o Engineering Science (1)
Social Studies (4 credits)                 o Civil Engineering & Arch (1)                                        OR
    o World Geography                      o Principles of Technology (1)
    o World History                        o Engineering Design & Development* (1)
                                                                                                       o Algebra I (1)
    o US History                                                                                       o Geometry (1)
                                      Science, Tech., Engineering, & Math: Mech. Engineering
    o Government/Economics                                                                             o Algebra II (1)
                                           o Professional Communications (.5)
                                                                                                  Plus 2 credits from the following:
                                           o Robotics I (1)
Science (4 credits)                        o Robotics II (1)
                                                                                                       o AP Computer Science A (1)
    o Biology                                                                                          o AQR (1)
                                           o Robotics III (1)
                                                                                                       o Pre Calculus (1)
    o Chemistry (Required)                 o Pract. In STEM/Robotics IV* (2)
                                                                                                       o AP Calculus AB (1)
    o Physics (Required)                                                                               o AP Calculus BC (1)
                                      Science, Tech., Engineering, & Math: Electrical Engineering
    o 4th Science____________                                                                          o AP Statistics (1)
                                           o Professional Communications (.5)
                                                                                                       o Dual Credit Math (1)
                                           o Intro to Engineering (1)
World Language (2 credits)                 o Engineering Science (1)
   o Year 1___________                     o Digital Electronics (1)                                                  OR
   o Year 2___________                     o Principles of Technology (1)                         Science
                                           o Engineering Design & Development* (1)                     o Biology (1)
Fine Arts (1 credit)                                                                                   o Chemistry (1)
                                                                                                       o Physics (1)
    o __________________                                                                          Plus 2 credits from the following:
                                                                                                       o Environmental Science (1)
PE (1 credit)                                                                                          o AP Environmental Science (1)
    o PE________________                                                                               o AP Biology (1)
                                                                                                       o AP Chemistry (1)
    o PE________________                                                                               o AP Physics 1 (1)
                                                                                                       o AP Physics 2 (1)
Speech (.5 credits)                                                                                    o AP Physics C (2)
                                                                                                       o Anatomy and Physiology (1)
   o Professional                                                                                      o Forensic Science (1)
       Communications                                                                                  o Advanced Animal Science (1)
                                                                                                       o Astronomy (1)
                                                                                                       o Aquatic Science
Health (.5 credits)
   o Health or Prin. of Health Sci.
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