May 2021 - MG CAR CLUB OF Western Australia

May 2021 - MG CAR CLUB OF Western Australia
The Official Publication of:
                                                                     May 2021

                               Part of the MG Display
                         at the Shannons Classic Car Show

                                 Affiliated with the MG Car Club Ltd (UK)
                                         and Motorsport Australia
May 2021 - MG CAR CLUB OF Western Australia
     PRESIDENT              Doug Bush               0452 561 398
     VICE PRESIDENT         David Hardie            0421 811 450
     SECRETARY              Alley Mulcahy           0458 821 882
     TREASURER              Chris Hart              0418 499 328
     CLUB CAPTAIN           Annette Gusterson       0417 952 197
     COMPETITION SEC        Pete McGrath            0427 750 105
     SOCIAL CO-ORD          Tony Ford               0400 202 474
     EDITORS                Graham and              0401 375 644
                            Moyra Mitchinson        0400 202 679
    MEMBERSHIP SEC          Richard Gusterson       0409 105 957
    SAFETY FAST CO-ORD      Terry Banton            9291 8877
     WEBMASTER              Ian Campbell            9293 4171
                                                    0401 450 536

     Patrons                John and Val Goff, Tim Harland

     Librarians             Sarah Fry               0430 564 057
     Catering Coordinator   Christine Bush          0449 255 412
     Regalia                Chris Hart              0418 499 328
     Auditor                Rami Brass              0412 081 446
     Cams Delegate          Tony Ford               0400 202 474
     Building Maintenance   Chris Hart              0418 499 328
     Concession Registrar   Richard Gusterson       0409 105 957

    Southern Chapter
    Coordinators            Ted and Robyn Mullins   0419 925 632

      Clubrooms:               110 Hardy Rd, BAYSWATER.
      Postal Address:          G.P.O. Box 804 Mount Lawley 6929
      ABN:                     46 629 758 330

           General Meetings held at the Clubrooms on the third Tuesday of every month
               (fellowship from 7:30, formal proceedings commence at 8:00 p.m.)
                              All members and visitors are welcome.

May 2021 - MG CAR CLUB OF Western Australia
In this edition of the Octagon we have had     President’s News………….….....……....4 - 5
    several contributors who have taken
                                               Gypsie Run.………….…….....................6 - 9
photographs or supplied articles that were
      used throughout the magazine.            Hill Climb…………………….…………………...10
Mark Donoghue, Chris Hart, David Lovette,      Northam Flying 50……………………...12 - 13
      J & S McDonald, Pam Dorizzi,             Curtin Radio Car Show……………………...14
     Annette Gusterson, Sarah Fry,
                                               May Birthdays……………………...………..…15
   Alley Mulcahy, Peter Hagarty, and
             Malcolm Goode                     Mid-week Run………...……..……….…16 - 17
If you have a story about your MG or had       Southern Ch. - Mumballup………………..18
an adventure with it and wish to share it,     Shannons Classic………………………..20 - 21
     please sent your article in to us.
                                               Whacky Races………..………………….22 - 23
           Thank you M & G
                                               Future Events…………………………….24 - 27
                                               General Meeting Minutes…………..28 - 29
                                               For Sale/Wanted………………………..34 - 35

        1st Prize winner was                              2nd prize winner was
             Neil Magee                                       Peter Turner

        This was the first use of the clubrooms this year for a General Meeting

May 2021 - MG CAR CLUB OF Western Australia
President’s Piece

     What a good month we had in March for MG drivers and enthusiasts. Good Autumnal
     days, not too hot but mostly dry, just right for using our glorious MG’s of whatever age
     or model. It was a full social/competition calendar month, that I am sure you will enjoy
     reading all about the events, in this edition. The monthly Mid-Week run, in April, saw
     the other Clubs members in a variety of Classics enjoying the drive and lunch.
     I took Christine’s MGA to the Curtin and the Shannons Classic Car shows. The former
     was a very wet event and the latter a glorious blue sky hot day with over 750 vehicles
     on show at Ascot. The beginning of the month, also saw the Northam ‘Flying Fifty’ Hill
     climb and ‘Round the Houses’ regularity competitions, with a number of MG entrants.
     May offers more opportunities for members to get out and drive/socialise with the
     Moondyne Joe day at Toodyay and the British Car Day at Gingin.
     The UK MG club members are now able to drive their cars after over 6 months of Covid
     ‘Lockdown’ restrictions, with few organised club motoring events being allowed. How
     lucky we are to be living in WA and able to enjoy our MG driving as normal. It was good
     to be back in the clubrooms for the April general meeting, with a great turnout. We are
     nearly half way through this year and the audience were given a gentle reminder by our
     Editors and Website manager, that they will all be retiring from their respective roles at
     the December AGM. Thus, your club are looking for volunteer replacements for both
     these important positions. If you believe that you might be able to fulfil either of these
     roles please contact, Graham/Moyra or Ian Campbell, who will happily talk you through
     what would be involved and provide any assistance that might be required if you took
     on either role. This is definitely one case where ‘Your Club Needs You’.
         The new MG scene continues to be making positive progress with sales and new
     models. As I drive around WA I see an increasing number of new MG’s on the road.
     John Hughes said to me recently. ‘Sales are going brilliantly’. I look forward to
     welcoming more of the new MG model owners into our club.
          To finish this month, the new Concessions For Classics scheme, came into effect on
     16th April and the club has already supported three members with their applications for
     the concession their ‘modified’ MG’s. Fundamentally the Concession is available for any
     vehicle under 4,500kg in weight and manufactured prior to 1990. The vehicle licence
     holder must be a resident of WA and be a financial member of a DoT approved
     motoring club, in their own right. [the vehicle must be registered in the name of the
     Primary member of the Club]. The CMC technical Committee hope to meet with DoT
     officials in the near future to discuss Code 404 matters.
                                                                                 Doug Bush
May 2021 - MG CAR CLUB OF Western Australia
Welcome to New Members

                  Elizabeth Gibbons - 2021 Blue MG HS
     John & Rosemary Mulcahy - urgently seeking an MGB to purchase.
                  Bruno Risch - 1958 black MGA Coupe
            Robert & Natasha Peters - 1959 red MGA Roadster
                     Tony Lock - 1978 yellow MGBG


May 2021 - MG CAR CLUB OF Western Australia
Commemorative “Gypsie Run’
                                       Sunday 28th March

    T’was a serene mid-morning meet on the 28th March 2021, at the Ye Olde Narrogin
    Inn , Armadale for the MG Commemorative run to Golden Bay, a slight breeze through
    the tree tops, broken by the energetic chirp of native birds going about their daily
    activities, only shattered by the reverberation of hoons in loud cars, the wimpering of a
    local lost dog meandering through highway traffic, and the not too distant harmony of
    local police sirens racing to routine Sunday morning events, but coffee was plenty from
    the innkeeper, whilst others enjoyed a late breakfast in the Pioneer Village.
    There was natter aplenty as parking bays were gradually claimed by approx. 20 MG
    enthusiasts, whereby red was not in dominance for a change, and with an even range of
    varying models, some with bonnets ajar to cool from the journey, but only distracted by
    discussions of returning to the Clubhouse for the next Nog‘n’Natter.
    There were views that the meal prior to the meetings would be somewhat missed, as
    enjoyed at the alternative hotel venue ...........which led to a motion........ (raised by an
    unnamed male attendee) that this disappointment could be easily ratified by a motion
    to suggest the club further invest to again extend the clubhouse kitchen, to allow space
    for additional appliances and more personnel (wives & Partners) to arrive early prior to
    the monthly Nog’n’Natter meetings, whereby with larger amenities they could easily
    and readily prepare a lovely dinner to be served prior to commencement of the
    meetings, to all those whom would readily be appreciative of their gesture....prior to
    commencing formal proceedings..!
    A deadly silence engulfed the car park, no chirps, no loud exhaust hotdogs roaring past,
    no police sirens, only to be interrupted by approx. 5 seconds of consideration for the
    motion by the womenfolk in attendance, whereby the motion was unanimously
    dismissed, to the dismay of other genders in attendance, without any detailed
    discussion or further consideration?

May 2021 - MG CAR CLUB OF Western Australia
A saviour to the proposer suddenly swung into action, Peter Hagarty, to deliver the brief
of the days events - Phew blood splatter was avoided in Armadale, and the proposer
silently slithered into the background defeated, with both a bruised ego and arm from
the battering he encountered, realising Calamari or steak Diane with chips and salad
would regrettably not / never be served via the hatch in the Bassendean club house!

                                      There were no surfboards attached to these MG’s
                                      like some of the original vehicles

Then away, the familiar buzz of MG engines cranking into life and filing out onto the SW
highway with hats adorning drivers and passengers alike and then eastwards up into the
hills eagerly ascending towards Jarradale, with rising temperature gauges as altitude
was gained under the gradient strain, attempting to keep up with the leaders, but alas
the leaders were lost from view as all descended to the dales of the lowlands and
onwards to the west towards the oceans horizon.
A combination of right turns pointed to the left, and left turns pointed to the right as
instructed by navigators that must be obeyed, some of whom north is considered to be
vertically upwards into the heavens (after all isn't north upwards?), lead the convoy of
miniature cars along freeways, Pagononi, Crystalona, Marilana, and other roads only
properly pronounced by Italian navigators with glee, to a somewhat shady beachside
park of Golden Bay, (noticeably observed as not having white but more of a yellow sand
adjacent the waters), with lunch below the canopy of shade provided by an old gum
tree - alas not adorned by any Kookaburra's, but enjoyed by all.

May 2021 - MG CAR CLUB OF Western Australia
It was however unfortunate that there was no nomination by the organisers for the
    provision of a coffee machine to be carriaged by one of the attendees, therefore the
    only alternative was the swigging of aged wine and refreshing beer to wash down lunch
    - a sacrifice suffered by all.

    After a belly full of picnic lunches, and tales told of the run, a few ventured towards the
    beach, but concerns were rife when Graham and Moyra Mitchinson were noticeably
    absent from the shade of the gum tree, and locals were seen hurriedly lumbering to
    safety away from the beach exclaiming several white pointers were observed in the
                                            shallows at the end of the beach track.......we may
                                            never fully realise what was seen and / or the
                                            dangers associated with the sightings, but we are
                                            assured, nobody was visually injured!
                                         A great autumn run was enjoyed by all, with only
                                         the detachment of an exhaust pipe underbody, as
                                         result attempting to mount a high kerb being
                                         Well done by the organisers for a fun day in
                                         recognition of those and their inaugural events
                                         that precede us, and was the making of the club
                                         that has grown to be that we recognise today.
                                                                              Malcolm Goode

May 2021 - MG CAR CLUB OF Western Australia
Hi Richard,
Thanks so much for
your kind reminder
about the run down to
Golden Bay.
 As I had a Sunday off
for the first time in
ages, Cairn and I
managed to go on this
 We had a fabulous day
out and met many new
 Many thanks,
Paula Bowie

 46 Irvine Street                             Phone - 93718442
 Maylands WA 6051                             ACN 056 846 694
                 Email -
                 Web -

May 2021 - MG CAR CLUB OF Western Australia
Mount Ommaney Hill Climb
                                  Saturday 10th April 2021

     Held on Saturday 10th April 2021 Lindsay Monk (Mt Ommaney) hill-climb is part of the
     Northam Motor Sport festival.
     This annual event is run and organised by the Vintage Sports Car Club, the Shire of
     Northam, the Northam business community and requires a fantastic amount of
     planning, effort and co-ordination to make the event a success. The whole weekend is
     a celebration of motor racing history in Western Australia and an opportunity for the
     public to experience the sights, sounds and smells of motor sport as it was from the
     1920’s through to the late 1980’s.
     The hill climb is run on a bitumen road and is 780m long incorporating a tight hair pin
     bend half way up the hill.
     28 cars gathered on a fresh, fine and dry morning in the grass paddock at the side of
     the hill. The event got under way at 9.30am after a drivers briefing. Cars and their
     drivers were divided into 2 groups. The first group which included me in my 1964
     green MGB and Bruce Youngberg in his 1975 blue MGB were taken on a sighting run
     behind a pace car. Returning to the start line we were then given a practice run of
     which the time was not going to be counted in the final placing.
     I was in the first group and was running second behind John Webb in his 2016 Radical
     SR3 RSX. Once all cars in our first group had completed one run we were taken back to
     the paddock and the second group went out. They again did a sighting and practice lap
     and then continued to complete 2 timed runs.
     Mark Rookledge in his 1968 black MGB was in this second group and was attempting
     his first ever hill climb. They then returned to the paddock allowing our first group to
     go out and complete another 3 runs consecutively. We returned to the paddock and
     the second group went back out to complete their final 2 runs.
     It was a great morning and there was a great viewing spot at the hair pin for spectators
     to sit and enjoy. Thankfully all cars completed the runs safely without major incident.
     At the end of the morning the results revealed that John Webb had set the fastest
     time in 27.09 seconds. Setting a new course record.
     The 3 of us had a great time and producing some times improving on every run. There
     were some serious competition and fast times but at the end of the day to take our
     MG’s out and drive them like they were designed for was a wonderful feeling. Having
     fun and coming home with a smile on our face was more important that any trophy on
     the shelf in a cupboard.
     Well done to the 3 virgin Mount Ommanney Hill climbers!
                                                                                   Sarah Fry


                                       Sunday 11th April

     It turned out, as we had expected, to be a rather damp Sunday for the “Northam Flying
     50”. Oh well there is not much you can do about the weather.
     We took the Sonata as it made the
     “Commander- in -Chief’” feel a lot
     safer, drier and     happier. We
     arrived at the Sawyer Valley
     meeting point early and waited for
     the hoards        of fellow MG
     enthusiasts to turn up.
     First was Brian and Gloria Edwards
     in his “B” then Norm and Noel Else                    Tony leading the pack on
     in a “TF”, so the three of us headed                  the practice run
     towards Northam at the allotted
     Upon arrival we found that the
     grassed area that we normally use
     had no vehicles on display but I
     managed to bluff our way past the
     guys on the gate and tell them that
     was alright for the MG (and
     Sonata) drivers and finished with
     personalized parking.
     A wander through the pits gave us
     a chance to catch up with the
     members competing in the event:
     Sarah Fry, Tony Ford and Rami Brass.
     There were other names in the official magazine from the Hillclimb event but were
     never going to compete in this circuit.

     Spot the Mini going the
     wrong way after spinning

As usual we wandered all round
                                                     the circuit to get photos from
                                                     different positions and to remind
                           Showing how wet it        our MG drivers to wave as they
                           was on the main           sped by. Anyone would think that
                                                     wasn’t too hard as there was only
                                                     20 or so cars with them and the
                                                     roads were only slightly damp!
                                                     Apparently Tony got a bit excited
                                                     on one of the corners and showed
                                                     the crowd how to do a perfect
                                                     pirouette and back onto the grass
                                                     verge. When asked later to do it
                                                     again so we would have
                                                     photographic evidence I think the
                                                     answer was no.
                                                     Although there were a few
                                                     incidences especially with the
                                                     Mini Minors, there were no
                                                     injuries reported.
                                                      Although     the      number     of
                                                      spectators were down on previous
                                                      years, everyone seemed to enjoy
                                     Rami             the event and it did make it easier
                                                      to get a bite to eat and a cup of
We left just before the last run and had a good and dry run back to the city.

                                                     Sarah showing how to drive in the
           Swan River                                wet

                       They were conspicuous by their absence at the

                    Curtin Radio Classic Car Spectacular
                                        Sunday 11th April

     As you can see by the photo, there were only 3 MG’s to be seen, and a privateer, not a
     member, drove one of those!

     I know it was a bit wet that day, but come on guys, your cars won’t melt in the rain!
     Needless to say, the numbers on most displays were down considerably on previous
     years, but there were still plenty of special, and interesting cars to view, and the bonus
     was, that there was no queue at the coffee van!. They had fixed up some shade tents in
     front of the stage, but the only problem was that they were not waterproof, so you still
     had to sit and watch the performers with your umbrella up. All in all, it was an
     interesting day and one you shouldn’t have missed!
                                                                                      Chris Hart

Members with a May Birthday

New members and anyone else who would like their birthdays added to the birthday
             book, please just send them through to the Editors
               (don’t worry we don’t need your year of birth)

        Wishing our members a very
     Happy Birthday on your special day
                         Chris Hart - Saturday 1st
                  Errol Russell-Lane - Wednesday 5th
                         Zoi Hagarty - Friday 7th
                        Pat Shaw - Saturday 8th
                      Pete McGrath - Monday 10th
                   Lyn Whitehurst - Wednesday 12th
                  Raymond Howell - Wednesday 12th
                     Willem De Klerk - Sunday 16th
                     Graham Keenan - Sunday 16th
                     Geert De Klerk - Tuesday 25th

Classic Mid-week Run
                                             15th April 2021
     If Arthur and Sandra ever take up some form of gambling activity they will no doubt win
     a substantial amount of money. Their ability ( or good luck) to choose a perfect day
     weather-wise for the mid-week runs is amazing.
     My acrostic on the run:
     Cars ( 35 in number) - a mix of all colours and models - 18 MG's, Austin Healeys and
     Triumphs, plus 2 Jensens for the first time, as was the red Ford T.Bird,
     Lined the kerbside outside the Mundaring Hotel and filled the hotel's car park making a
     colourful mosaic of the classic cars.
     Animated hand gestures, broad smiles , exuberant greetings and plenty of banter
     amongst the group promised to make the run a fun day.
     Sun shone brightly , - another glorious autumn day, in the Perth hills.
     Shortly registration was completed,
     Including preferred lunch orders recorded by Sandra, while Arthur ran through his 'mud
     map ' instructions. "Clear as mud" came the humorous comment from one in the group.
     Club members and visitors dragged themselves from their conversations and climbed
     into their cars,
     Raced off down the Great Eastern Highway in a colourful 'conger' line, towards
     Toodyay and onto Baker's Hill.
     Unexpectedly, this time our lunch venue was an ex-winery - "Summer Creek"
     Restaurant and Brewery, where we enjoyed a plate of delicious 6hr spit -roasted lamb
     or a tasty homemade curry.
     Now the challenge is for Arthur and Sandra to come up with a new and equally
     interesting mid-week run and venue in May (I am happy to repeat that run). I am
     betting the weather will be a sure bet too - clear and sunny!
                                                                   Annette Gusterson

Have the
they said
 It’ll be
fun they

Southern Chapter Run to Mumballup Tavern for Lunch
                          18th April.

                                             Everyone met at
                                             Harvey Cheese,
                                             eighteen people
                                             enjoying a cuppa
                                             before leaving for a
                                             84km run.

                                             The weather was
                                             just perfect to enjoy
                                             the run to Collie.

                                             All taken off along
                                             the South West
                                             Highway, then
                                             along to
                                             Mornington Road.

                                             Had a stop at the
                                             Harris Dam, staying
                                             there and had a look

                                             Then we were off to
                                             Collie, turning off at
                                             the Collie Preston
                                             Road .

                                             Arriving at the
                                             tavern for lunch, we
                                             had a lovely meal,
                                             well worth a visit.

                                             Steve and Jess

                                             Editors note: well
                                             short of the required
                                             500 words. (Haha)

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Shannons 2021 Classic Car Show
           Once again this event held at the very picturesque Ascot Racecourse on the
                                         18th April, 2021.
     The weather Gods predicted the weather to be a perfect 28 degrees, far different than
     the previous Curtin Car Show last Sunday due to the Cyclone last weekend. It was
     unfortunately a shocker weatherwise.
     We set our alarm ready for an early start Sunday morning, left home 7.30ish and arrived
     around 8.00am. Didn’t plan to be last but that didn’t work out, so hence this report
     which is tradition for last arrivals.
                                                                        There were 900
                                                                        awesome Show
                                                                        Vehicles, buzzing
                                                                        atmosphere as all the
                                                                        cars were making
                                                                        their way to the
                                                                        designated area.
                                                                        So amazing to see all
                                                                        this happen in such a
                                                                        small window. You
                                                                        have to take your hat
                                                                        off to all the
                                                                        volunteer marshal’s

     etc to direct that many in
     just 1 ½ hours.
     Public attendance started
     at 10.00 a.m. This includes
     all the traders, service
     providers, food vendors
     that keep us all well fed
     and hydrated all setting up
     at the same time.

President Doug had us all parked
and settled and Chris Hart and
crew set up our shade for the
It was almost like musical chairs
as we went off to explore and
return to swap stories, enjoy our
coffee and lunch with our club
members and meet new faces
and new       potential members.
Representing our MGCC we had
early TF’s, Midgets, MGA’s,
MGB’s and MGTF’s and RV8.
Eighteen in all, including Ron and
Jan Kilcullen’s Blue SA Tickford
that was quite a scene stealer.
A great effort by Shannon’s
Insurance and Ascot Racing and
all concerned setting up this
spectacular event that we all
thoroughly come to enjoy and
show off our most prized
                    Pamela Dorizzi

                                                 with Peter McGrath

     April was relatively quiet for Competition events, with just two Tarmac Sportz Series
     events being held at Barbagallo on the 18th and 24th. I’m not aware of any of our
     members taking part, but if you did, drop us a line and tell us all about it. Of Course, the
     main event for April was the Northam Motorsport Festival which took place on the
     weekend of the 10th and 11th. The Saturday had the Mount Ommanney Hillclimb with
     the Flying 50 Round the Houses Regularity taking part on the Sunday.
     Unfortunately, due to other commitments, I wasn’t able to get over to Northam to take
     part in the Hillclimb or watch the round the Houses. We did have members compete in
     both though. Taking part in the Hillclimb was Sarah Fry, Bruce Youngberg and Mark
     Rookledge, with Sarah again taking part in the Flying 50 alongside Rami Brass and
     Tony Ford.
     Results below:

     Mount Ommaney Hillclimb
                Driver                   Car           Fastest lap     Overall place
               Sarah Fry                 MGB             39.58             21
           Bruce Youngberg               MGB             42.92              25
           Mark Rookledge                MGB             46.74              26

     Flying 50 Round the Houses Regularity – Production Sports Cars Category 1960 - 1977
                                                                         Total         Overall
            Driver          Car        R1         R9        R13
                                                                         points         place
         Rami Brass        MGB         25         16         16           57              1
          Sarah Fry        MGB         7          10         25           42              6
         Tony Ford         MGB         5          25         0            30             11

     Coming up in May:
        Sunday 2nd May – TSOA Autokhana at Perth Motorplex – details were sent out by
            email, entries now closed.

Friday 21st May - Tarmac Sportz Series Sprint on the Barbagallo circuit from 5pm –
         10pm under lights. Organised by the WA Sporting Car Club. All info on the
         WASCC website.

    Saturday 22nd May - Tarmac Sportz Series Point2Point at Barbagallo from 9am –
        5pm. Organised by the WA Sporting Car Club. All info on the WASCC website.

Coming up in June:
   Saturday 5th June – Mount Clarence Hillclimb in Albany as part of the Albany
       Classic weekend. Entries via the Vintage Car Club of WA.

    Saturday 5th June – SMC2 – State motorkhana round 2 taking place in Albany as
        part of the Albany Classic weekend. Organised by the Mini Car Club, entry info
        will be in the Motorkhana WA website.

    Sunday 6th June – Albany Classic Round the Houses Regularity. Entries via the
        Vintage Car Club of WA.

    Saturday 19th June – Tarmac Sportz Point2Point at Barbagallo. Organised by the WA
        Sporting Car Club, all info on the WASCC website.

If you have any queries with any of the above events, please let me know.
As always, please let us know of any competition events you hear about that we may
not be aware of.
Here’s to a rapid and fun May.

                                                              MGCC WA
                                                              proudly supports
                                                              this worthy
                                                              for youngsters
                                                              with cancer..

     All Club members are welcome to participate in these social events. As they are listed
     on the Club’s events calendar, your concessionally registered car can be driven to, from
                                     and during each event.

                       Moondyne Joe Festival – Sunday 2nd May
     The annual Moondyne Joe Festival is to be held on Sunday 2 nd May. This is always a fun
     event with many arts and crafts stalls and the Moondyne Joe street theatrics providing
                                       great entertainment.
        A run to Toodyay has been organised, meeting at the McDonalds Midland car park
      (southwest corner of Great Eastern Hwy & Lloyd St) at “7.00 ish” for a 7.30am (sharp!)
      departure for a pleasant scenic drive. This will provide members with the opportunity
              of an early breakfast and/or coffee. Cars are to be in place by 8:45am.
     Bring your own picnic lunch or avail yourself of the many food outlets on offer
         in Toodyay. Organiser is Peter Hagarty, email

                       Classic Midweek Run – Thursday 13th May
     The May Classic Midweek Run will be held on Thursday 13th May, meeting at Armadale
     Old Narrogin Inn at 10:00am for a 10:30am start. Join the usual collection of assorted
      MGs, Austin Healeys, Jaguars, Triumphs, Aston Martins and sundry classic cars for a
                           pleasant drive and lunch at a country pub.
                     Contact is Richard Gusterson (

                            British Car Day – Sunday 16th May
     A perennial favourite, the British Car Day at Gingin on Sunday 16 th May provides a great
      opportunity to enjoy the local displays, support the Gingin community with their food
     outlets and produce stalls, watch the model boats on Gingin Brook, listen to the bands
       playing – and of course admire the assembled examples of British motoring history.
      No run has been organized, just drive your MG to Gingin and follow the directions of
       the event marshals into our new display area. All cars are to be in place by 9:30am.

      Southern Chapter: Cape Bouvard Winery Café Run – Sunday 16th May
     The Southern Chapter will be hosting a run to the Cape Bouvard Winery Café in Clifton
     Downs Road, Lake Clifton, around 20 minutes south of Mandurah, on Sunday 16th May.
        Meet at Harvey Cheese on South West Hwy, Wokalup at 9:30am for coffee and a
      10:30am start. This will be a 75km drive through back roads and include a viewing of
        the Lake Clifton thrombolites before lunch. Please advise if you are attending, to
               organisers Brian and Paula Peart on mobile 0402 282 266 or email

Nog’n’Natter – Tuesday 18th May
 The monthly Nog’n’Natter will be held on Tuesday 18th May, meeting 7.30pm for an
  8.00pm start, at the Clubrooms. A convivial Nog’n’Natter over supper will follow a
        short briefing on Club matters and events by Committee members.

                     MGA Register Run – Sunday 23rd May
  The MGA Register will be hosting a Lunch Run on Sunday 23rd May, meeting at the
   Mundaring Village Shopping Centre (car park at eastern end off Stoneville Road
behind KFC) at 10:00am for a prompt 10:15am start. Café Cinco Gallos, upstairs in the
shopping centre, is open for breakfast and/or coffee and cake for the early risers while
 there is also a bakery for those partial to patisseries. The run will be an entertaining
and scenic 82km drive via O’Brien, Fernie, Salt Valley and Sandplain Roads and finish at
  the Victoria Hotel in Toodyay for lunch. For those desiring a more interesting drive
 back to Perth than offered by Toodyay Rd, there will be a return route via Julimar Rd
    and the Chittering Valley. Contact is Tony Ford, mobile 0400 202 474 and email

                                  ADVANCE NOTICE
                  Albany Classic – Weekend 5th and 6th June
The annual Albany Classic event will again feature the Mt Clarence Hillclimb and State
Motorkhana Round 2 on Saturday and the Albany Round the Houses event on Sunday.
In 1936, Albany was the first mainland town in Australia to host a 'round-the-houses'
 car race. The event was run over a road circuit of 2.5 mile (4 km) and the circuit was
                      laid out through the middle of the town.
 The original event included the Albany Tourist Trophy for cars. The event was highly
   successful, attracting crowds in excess of 10,000 spectators and continued in this
  format for nearly 30 years. Each year since 1991 this race has been re-created as a
regularity event by the VSCC and the City of Albany for historic and classic cars and is a
                                     great spectacle.
 The Club does not organize a run to Albany and if you are considering attending you
                 should book accommodation as soon as possible.

                     More interesting information over the pages


Ladies very social club run
      Ladies do you enjoy the thrill of a drive, coffee, food and shopping, well have I got a
                                            day for you !

     Coming up on Sunday 20th June we are heading East to the Hills for fun, exploring and
       all that boring things your husband/partners/friend doesn’t normally like doing.

     You don’t have to drive a MG ( any car will do or grab a lift) just don’t miss out on an
                  all female adventure – gents must wear a dress to attend.

                               This is the 3rd run , not to be missed

           Please contact Alley on 0458 821 882 for any further information
               Starting at the Clubrooms at 09.00 for a 09.30 departure

                   MGCC Forthcoming Events in 2021
     Sun 2nd        Moondyne JoeFestival Toodyay               Social       MGCC
     Sun 2nd        Autokhana, Motorplex                       Comp         TSOA
     Thur 13th      Classics Midweek Run                       Social       AHC
     Sun 16th       Cape Bouvard Winery Café                   Social       MGCC/S.Ch
     Sun 16th       British Car Day Gingin                     Social       JCC
     Tues 18th      General Meeting Nog’n’Natter               Social       MGCC
     Fri 21st       Tarmac Sportz Series Sprint                Comp         WASCC
     Sat22nd        Tarmac Sportz Series point2point           Comp         WASCC
     Sun 23rd       MGA Register Run                           Social       MGCC

     S 5th-S 6th    Albany Classic Weekend                     S/Comp       VSCC
     Sun 6th        MGA Register Run                           Social       MGCC
     Thur 10th      Classic Midweek Run                        Social       MGCC
     Tues 15th      General Meeting Nog’n’Natter               Social       MGCC
     Sun 20th       Ladies Very Social Run                     Social       MGCC
     Sun 27th       Social Lunch Run                           Social       MGCC

Sunday 2 May 2021
Undoubtedly, one of the highlights of our social calendar each year! A fun and
interesting day in the closed main street of Toodyay, which is invariably chock
full of market stalls of all varieties, period characters and entertainment.
The legend of Moondyne Joe, the Avon Valley’s legendary bushranger,
transforms the picturesque historical town of Toodyay into a lively day-long
festival. A highlight of the day being the re-enactment of Moondyne Joe’s
various escapades throughout the town, his arrests and mock trials. Join in the
fun with Moondyne Joe as he runs around town, robbing shops, escaping
custody and being a general menace. Cheer on Joe’s gang, ‘floozies’, coppers,
swaggies and the Town Crier.
Our display of MGs will once again be located in our traditional position on the
main street and we will need to be in place by 8:45am. Providing members
with the opportunity of an early breakfast and/or coffee, we will meet at the
car park of McDONALDS (corner Great Eastern Hwy and Lloyd St Midland) at
“7.00 ish” for a 7.30 departure. Bring your own picnic lunch OR avail yourself of
the many food outlets on offer.
After leaving MCDONALDS at 7.30am (sharp) we will travel in convoy
incorporating a pleasant scenic route.

Should anyone have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me on Mob
0413 569 359 or email at

Looking forward to seeing you there!

                                                                  Peter Hagarty
MG Car Club of Western Australia Inc.
                     Minutes of General Meeting held on 20th April 2021
     Meeting opened: 20.00pm
     Visitors: Kevin Reynolds, Andrew Mathers, Chris and Heather Bennett, Tony and
     Pauline Lock, Jeff and Roz Wright
     Apologies: Wanda Banton, Tony Ford
     Minutes of previous meeting: 16th March 2021. Motion to accept minutes: Proposed
     Alley Mulcahy, Seconded Graham Forbes. CARRIED
     Correspondence: 1 x Newsletters from other Clubs – UK, 1 x Membership Application
     form, 1 x Email from MGCC Newcastle re NatMeet 2022, 1 x Certificate of Appreciation
     from Curtin Radio Classic Car Spectacular & 1 x Invoice from Allsports Trophies
     Business arising: Nil
     VP’s Report: Nothing to report.
     Secretary’s Report: Nothing to report.
     Treasurer’s Report: Chris Hart reported that the Club funds are in the cheque account,
     amount to approx $xxxxxx, plus monies still in reserve account.
     Moved: Chris Hart Seconded: P McGrath that the following accounts be approved for
     payment: Ron Kilcullen $85 Refund of overpaid membership fee, John Dawson $85
     Refund of overpaid membership fee, Allsports Trophies – Name Badges $80.00,
     A Mulcahy – Raffle Prizes $30.25, Christine Bush tonight’s supper, $32.60, CARRIED
     The committee agreed and has been approved.

     Membership report: Richard the membership system shows total memberships of
     Year-to-Date memberships now total 292.
     Richard nominated the following additional person for membership of the Club.
     Elisabeth Gibbons - 2021 blue MG HS
     Elisabeth lives near Bunbury and will also be included our Southern Chapter.
     Moved by R Gusterston, Seconded G Forbes: That these applications be accepted.

     Competition: Pete reported quiet month, 3 drivers for the events Northam Flying Fifty’s
     Sunday 2nd May TOSA $110.00 to enter, entries close 26th April Kwinana
     Friday 21st May Tarmac Sport events Barbagallo
     Saturday 22nd May Tarmac Sport event Barbagallo
     Coming up in June around the Houses in Albany
     All details to be sent by email and advertised in Octagon.

Social Report: Doug spoke on behalf of Tony regarding events –
Curtin Car Show saw 3 MG’s for the day, 35 cars for last midweek run and 18 cars for
the Shannon’s Classic Car show held at Ascot.
Sunday 2nd May Northam Moondyne Joe Festival
Thursday 13th May – Mid week run organised by Austin Healey Club
Sunday 16th May – British Car Day Gingin
Sunday 16th May – Southern Chapter Bouvard Winery Café
Tuesday 18th May – Nog n Natter GM in Club Room
All events are advertised in Octagon for details.

Editors: Graham mention he and Moyra have only 8 months left of being editors, after
10 years they need a break, if anyone is interested, they are happy to train.
Moyra reminded if you are sending articles, please send photos as an attachment and
they will format for the Octagon.
Safety Fast Run: Terry reported everything going ok with planning, if anyone is
Interested in a purple shirt from last year’s SF to please contact him soon.
Club Captain: Annette awarded badges to Tony Lock & Pauline Lock (on order),
Jeff and Roz Wright and welcomed them to the club.
Regalia: Chris mention we have plenty of stock.
Librarian: Sarah reported there is a couple of new books in the Library and are
accessible now that we are back in Club room.
Webmaster: Ian advised the website is up to date but also mentioned he is stepping
down from his position at this year’s AGM and is willing to train, if anyone is interested.
Any Other Business:
Doug spoke on the changes with CMC C4C and explained to the new members what the
CMC is about and gave a brief mention about the CMC meeting from the night before
regarding the C4C and advised that the CMC had similar thought of the changes as the
MG club, they don’t want to make any changes to the Code 404.
The Committee will be discussing this further in next meeting, but they are only going
likely to accept MG’s for the C4C and not any other type of car model, as Doug
mentioned this is an MG club for MG’s.
Doug also advised that Tony Ford had been selected by the CMC to sit on the
committee regarding the amalgamation for the Code 404 and C4C and future planning.
Members asked a few questions about the different and Doug explained the difference
of the Code 404 and C4C and will advise any future updates about the matter.

Meeting closed: 20.34pm

                     Wanted - WEBER Carburettor
                                  45DCOE - 13
                   Please contact: Stephen 0428 982 149

                                   Number Plate for Sale - $1500
                                   For further information contact: Jamie Passmore


                   For Sale - Pair of SU Carburettors
                      Need refurbishment - Make an offer
                        Contact: Mark 0417 092 139

            For Sale - 40mm Webber Carburettor - $650
     With Manifold, Linkages, Air Box, K & D Air Filter and regulator suit

                        Contact: Daniel 0439 694 820

      The Deadline for items for the June 2021 edition of the
                          Octagon will be
                     Monday 24th May 2021.

       Please keep an eye on the dates as they may change.

                       Thank you, M & G Editors.

1960 MGA mk1 - $36,000 negotiable
Body excellent, recent clutch and thrust
replaced, stainless steel exhaust.

Further information phone: 0427 932 815

                                1948 MG Y - $25,000
                                Fully restored, Excellent condition,
                                Original condition, modern indicators

                                For further information contact:
                                Paul Bowerman 0411 592 431

 1994 RV8 - $44,000
 Woodcote Green with German made hard top
 For further information contact:
 Scott Pyper

     For sale Set of 5 MG wire wheels, tyres and tubes - $1050 ono
              Wire wheels painted grey 4” x 15” splines 85% suit TD & TF
     5 tyres - 4 good 1 average 165 SR 15 and 5 tubes, old but no leaks or repairs
          Contact: Warren McEvoy 0487 799 007 or

         1964 MG Model B Roadster - $21,990 Registration: XMG640
Complete restoration between 1982 to 1987
Minor restoration and repainted in 2006
Contact: Barbara Bellairs 08 9937 1692 or
0429 700 751
for more info and photos please

I have a tow bar to suit an MGB. It came off my 1967 MGB GT. $150.

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