May 2021 - Eldora Mountain Ski & Snowboard Club

Page created by Floyd Montgomery
May 2021 - Eldora Mountain Ski & Snowboard Club
May 2021
    LERT Families (EMSC & SMBA),

    Happy May! Now that we’ve officially started out SMBA bike programs, it is snowing nonstop weekly in the
    mountains! Our alpine ski camps at Winter Park this month are underway, having just completed a successful
    slalom block, and now preparing for the upcoming GS weekend. Kudos to the amazing coaches for their hard
    work, along with the CU Ski athletes and Richard Rokos who joined us last weekend to help with our groups;
    setting a parallel slalom and teamwork on the mountain.

EMSC News                                  Freeride/Freestyle Team                 SMBA News
With the conclusion of the season,         News                                    SMBA Spring Session in Full
along with recent RMD meetings, staff      Wait…is the season over yet? The        Swing!
is working through planning details for    snow just keeps on coming!
next year and will be sharing updates                                              We’ve had a soggy spring, but it
respectively. Thanks to the hard work      The lifts have come to a halt and       hasn’t kept our SMBA athletes and
from our staff, Board of Directors, and    Eldora is officially closed, but the    coaches from getting out an enjoying
partnership with Eldora, we are looking    snow keeps on coming! It has been       the sunshine in between April
to take many of the positives from this    an amazing last couple months of        snowstorms! Our Boulder Team has
winter and further build on this for the   snow and programming at Eldora.         enjoyed a few sunny rides around
future. Our team is meeting with                                                   Boulder and Lyons, and our
                                           With over 8 feet in the month of
management to address items from                                                   Nederland team just kicked off their
                                           March alone, Eldora had some of the
training schedules, future events (YSL,                                            first springs rides with a little snow on
Alpine, Big Mtn), along with future        best conditions this season in
                                           Colorado!                               the trails! Our Epic Team, Girls Team,
projects with lighting, and our growing
                                                                                   and Race Team have been able to
partnership with CU Ski Team               Although we had to say good bye to      enjoy a few adventures on some
                                           this interesting season we did not go   Jeffco Open Space and Floyd Hill
                                           out without a bang! The                 Open Space trails. Speaking of Floyd
May 2021 - Eldora Mountain Ski & Snowboard Club
This month we will conduct a Bike            Freeride/Freestyle and Devo All-        Hill, a few of our Race Team athletes
Swap Fundraiser at Valmont Bike Park,        Mountain Teams threw one heck of        will be adding add a little spiciness to
with proceeds going to support this          an end of season party! Thanks to       the spring session and will be racing
amazing program. Bikes are in high           Eldora for providing us the best spot   at the upcoming Wednesday night
demand these days, and if you are            on the mountain complete with warm      Session Series races at Floyd Hill
looking to clean out the garage, this is     school busses and blocked from the      Open Space in May.
a great time to support our club. Please     wind. Teamwork from the families,
see additional details as they come
                                             coaches, and the athletes made this
through from the Office and our SMBA
team staff. On that note, SMBA camps         party one for the books. The
continue to build out additional             costumes were on point, the food
programming for this coming                  was hot of the grill, the jams were
summer. If you haven’t registered at         bumping, and the vibes were high!
this time, please check out the
schedules as many camps are already
full. A big THANK YOU to our SMBA
committee for all the support, along
with leadership from Program Director,                                               Our SMBA crew has been working on
Heather Williams, and her team.                                                      getting a few spring miles in, and
                                                                                     we’re also looking forward to our First
Our LERT Safety Committee is                                                         Annual Bike Swap fundraiser on May
currently assessing the transportation                                               8th, at Valmont Bike Park. We would
model with our organization, and
                                                                                     love to see all of our LERT families
working to phase back in a modified
van program for this summer’s SMBA                                                   out there! If you would like to
program, and eventually into next                                                    volunteer or register to sell items
season’s winter programs. It is our                                                  please follow this link to sign up:
hope to have a modified plan to support      The great energy and high stoke         SMBA Bike Swap
training at Eldora, local rides to           made this the perfect opportunity to
                                                                                     We’re halfway through the session
trailheads with SMBA, and events close       honor some of the outstanding
to Boulder. Look for additional updates      accomplishments from our athletes.      and are looking forward to a few more
as we move forward with our                  It was not easy choosing the            weeks of fun rides before summer!
committee and Board of Directors.                                                    Stay tuned for our next adventure
                                             superstars on the team as every
                                             single athlete brought passion
Finally, I would like to recognize all the   dedication, and eagerness to            -Heather Williams
amazing athletes that continue to
                                             progress. This season brought more
demonstrate the amazing qualities of                                                 Please reach out with questions
                                             accomplishments than one can share
our organization, whether they are on                                      
skis/boards/bikes! The various               and that’s why we made it a point to
programs throughout our organization         honor every athlete with an award of
show incredible potential, thanks to the     accomplishment. Not one athlete left    Beyond the Slopes –
positive attitudes and outstanding           empty handed!
leadership from our staff. Let’s
                                                                                     Celebrate our Coaches!
continue with the strong momentum
                                             I hope everyone rides this high         This month we would like to
from this season and lead by example         through the summer and brings the       honor, our very own, Krista
with our goal to build champions in          passion back next season!               Crabtree
sports and in life!                                                                  Assistant Coach, U14 Core
                                             -Lex Bennett                            Program
-Matt Tomasko
                                             Please reach out with questions and
                                             always read your emails!                Krista Crabtree grew up in Hollis, New
Jr Race                                                                              Hampshire, skiing the slopes every
Parents, Athletes, and Coaches,    
                                                                                     winter weekend with her parents, who
                                             The EMSC Snowboard team finished        both raced on the masters ski race
The tears shed in April with ending a                                                circuit. After racing NASTAR at age 5,
Great Jr Race Safer at Home season           the season off with a bang. Eldora
                                             Mountain was blessed with some          she was hooked. She raced out of
have brought May flowers! The flowers                                                Sunapee and Cannon Mountain,
I speak of are the conversations I will      incredible spring storms and all our
                                             riders took advantage of the fresh      starting up the ski team at Hollis High
be having with staff/families to get                                                 School. Crabtree went on to race for
feedback on each                             powder and soft slush.
                                             The team pushed the pace right up to    Bates College in Maine, where she
coach's/athlete's/families experience                                                earned her Level 100 USSA coaches
this season along with charting out          the last day, which finished with a
                                             raucous part and BBQ.                   certification. After college, she landed
what next season could look
May 2021 - Eldora Mountain Ski & Snowboard Club
like. These conversations are            There were some fantastic snowboard       a job coaching U10s at Ski Club Vail.
incredibly important to me and are       costumes including Kaliyah from           While at Vail, she entered a women's
what shapes programming for next         Hogwarts and Max the Penguin.             pro race and made it to the quarter
season. We were forced to try new        Everyone received amazing gifts from      finals, after crashing spectacularly
things``kthis season ie. schedules,      our sponsors and two season finale        off of a pro jump.
competitions, etc. and with this there   grand prizes were also awarded. Zack
have been some great silver linings      took home one trophy for best attitude    Several years later, she moved to
from Covid 20/21 but I still want to     and the other went to Kaliyah for most    Boulder to attend graduate school,
hear your thoughts on the ideas I am     improved rider.                           coaching at nearby Eldora Mountain
thinking about for next year. I have                                               Resort and joining the staff of SKI
emailed all and begun the process of     There were some phenomenal efforts        Magazine as an intern. The
scheduling phone, video or socially      in the competitive arena this spring as   internship turned into a full-time job
distanced beverage meetings. Don’t       well. Bodie and Nico both narrowly        as an editor where she covered
wait or hesitate to reach out to me to   missed the podium at                      fashion, instruction, and gear. She
get yours scheduled!! Currently I        competitions held at Copper Mountain      has been director of the SKI
have been attending the Rocky            this April. Bodie rocked the slopestyle   Magazine women's ski test and the
Division meetings where the YSL          course and Nico raced his heart out in    OnTheSnow ski test. During the past
Committee will be working through        the snowboard cross event. Bodie          decade, Crabtree launched a
next season’s schedule in hopes of a     also qualified for the Rocky Mountain     freelance writing career, started She
more normal 21/22 competition            Regional Freeride Championships           Skis Women’s Ski Testing Clinics in
season. I hope you all have a Fun        in Breckenridge, where he                 Vail, and received her PSIA Level II
and Active summer and can’t wait to      represented EMSC and Eldora well          and Children's Specialist II
see you all soon!                        with a 3rd place finish. This gutsy       certifications.
                                         performance cemented Bodie's
Please reach out to me with any          national ranking of 3rd for the
questions or       2020/2021 IFSA season.
feel free to shoot me a call 720-308-
1427.                                    All and all, it was a season to be
Eric Vogel

    Do you have outgrown or
             unused gear?
                                                                                   Crabtree has been coaching and
                                                                                   teaching for 25 years and is currently
                                                                                   an assistant U14 coach for EMSC.
                                                                                   She also runs the women’s program
                                                                                   at Eldora, coaches Vail’s Her Turn
                                                                                   clinics, and organizes ski events like
Join our Facebook Marketplace            Thanks again from the snowboard           Silverton's Big Mountain Betty.
Group - LERT Gear Exchange to buy,       coaching staff; we all hope to see        Additionally, Crabtree is the BVSD
sell, and trade ski, snowboard, and      everyone back next fall!                  Middle School head coach, based
bike equipment within our community.     -Kyle Henley                              out of Nederland. Her daughter,
                                                                                   Trinity, is a U16 racer with EMSC,
                                                                                   and her husband, Ed, is an Eldora
Communication / Admin                    Core                                      ski patroller and wildland firefighter.
News / Membership                        Hey Core Families!
Volunteers and Work Credits                                                        “I hope to provide each athlete
We would like to give a big shout out    What an end to the EMSC core alpine
                                                                                   with friendly, sincere attention
to The Moore Family, The Olsson          racing season! We finished up the
                                                                                   and communication to meet their
Family, and The Groenendaal              year with some strong results at the
                                         Loveland Derby and GS Spectacular
                                                                                   goals as well as their
Family who went above and beyond
                                         and are looking forward to getting next
                                                                                   psychological and physical needs
volunteering this season earning
                                         year started with May Camps at            as they relate to snowsports. I
well over the required credits. YOU
                                         Winter Park and Summer Camps in           believe we can all learn from one
                                         July at Mount Hood. We hope to see        another and we can achieve more
There are still opportunities to earn    everyone this summer and can't wait       in our skiing when we work
work credits and help out the LERT       until we begin dryland in August!         together.”
Community                                Thank you all for an amazing season-                -Krista Crabtree
                                         it was one for the books!
May 2021 - Eldora Mountain Ski & Snowboard Club
Bike Swap - Saturday, May 8              -MR & Joonas                              Please submit candidates for the
                                                                                       LERT Monthly win here:
    FUNDRAISING NEWS                                                         
EMSC and SMBA rely heavily on the
  kind donations and sponsorships                                                Save the Date
from our community. In tough times                                               Please take a moment to mark your
    where we must make difficult                                                 calendars with key events coming up.
  decisions to cancel and postpone
 important programs and fundraising                                              May 8 – LERT Fundraiser – Bike
events, we ask that you please make                                              Swap –Volunteer sign up HERE
             a donation.
                                                                                 June 7-July 1 – SMBA Summer
        Bike Swap – May 8                                                        Session 1 - Learn More HERE
Need a bigger mountain bike? Have                                                July 12-August 5 – SMBA Summer
a road bike that has been outgrown?      5-Day Mini-Skills Based                 Session 2 - Learn More HERE
Our upcoming Bike Swap is a great        Camp
opportunity to buy and sell bikes and    We successfully completed two           Unfortunately, we will not be having a
cycling equipment.                       sessions of the 5-Day Mini Camps!       banquet this season due to COVID19.
                                         It was a great time seeing these
This event aims to keep unused or        young athletes find their passion in
outgrown equipment in our                the sport. We are thrilled that these
community and out on the trails, while
                                                                                 Slush Cup FUN!
                                         camps were such a success and we
supporting our 501(c)3                   not only hope to continue them in
nonprofit. Start going through your      the future but we hope to see some
garage and registering equipment to      of this year’s campers join one of
sell!                                    our full-time programs next season!
Find more info:
swap/                                    Give Back!
                                         Please also remember to connect
      Emails are tied into our           your King Soopers account to our
 registration so if you elect to “opt    organization to continue the support!
    out” then you will no longer         5% of all your purchases go back to
receive updates on behalf of LERT        the club.
            programming.                 Click link below to Login or Create
  Should you have questions, please      an account. Use your KS card # or
      contact our office directly:       your alternate ID, usually your             phone #.
                                         Once your account is created, go to
  Please follow us on Facebook!          Savings & Rewards, click on King
   It is always a wonderful time to      Soopers Community Rewards.
   share photos, stories, and other
                                         In the search field enter our name,
    positive posts! Please help us
                                         Lake Eldora Race Team Association
            grow our social!
                                         or JX838 and click on enroll.
                                                    It’s that easy!

    Now we have INSTAGRAM!
        Please follow us!
                                         We also have the reloadable $5
                                         Safeway card. Purchase a Safeway
                                         card from EMSC for $5 that has $5
                                         loaded on it and then reload as
                                         needed. 5% of all your purchases
                                         go back to the club!
May 2021 - Eldora Mountain Ski & Snowboard Club
A HUGE thanks to all our sponsors new and old! We couldn’t do it without your continued support and
                                       generous donation!

                 If you know a potential sponsor or would like to become one, please reach out to:
                                                  (720) 364-3641

                         Lake Eldora Race Team Association
         Mailing Address:                                                               Physical Address:
         1750-1 30th Ste. #431                                                          194 Taft Dr.
         Boulder, CO 80301                                                              Boulder, CO 80301                     (303) 447-8014          
May 2021 - Eldora Mountain Ski & Snowboard Club May 2021 - Eldora Mountain Ski & Snowboard Club May 2021 - Eldora Mountain Ski & Snowboard Club May 2021 - Eldora Mountain Ski & Snowboard Club May 2021 - Eldora Mountain Ski & Snowboard Club
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