Page created by Martin Doyle
An ISO 9001:2015
                                      “Excellent Service – & ISO 29990:2010
                                                           Excellent Delivery”
                                                 Certified Company

               Key Communication Skills for Building
               Productive Working Relationship

               22 - 26 Feb 2021, Istanbul
               07 - 11 Jun 2021, Istanbul
               25 - 29 Oct 2021, Paris

An ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 29993:2017
Certified Company
Key Communication Skills for
Building Productive Working Relationship

WHY CHOOSE THIS TRAINING                                     WHO IS THIS
COURSE?                                                      TRAINING COURSE FOR?
This powerful training course focuses on developing          This AZTech training course is suitable for
the relational communication competencies that allow         professionals in private organisations, government
executives and managers to motivate and inspire others. It   institutions and NGOs; it will greatly benefit:
helps leaders become great communicators who know how
to win respect, understanding and commitment.                 • Executives who want to improve their capabilities in
                                                                motivating and influencing colleagues, subordinates
We look at best practice written and oral communication         and suppliers
with colleagues, team members and external suppliers,         • Managers who want to improve working relationships
explore practical techniques delegates can master to build      between their team members and with other teams
high achieving teams where people feel valued. Delegates      • People who have been identified as having potential for
will leave confident they can inspire and motivate team         promotion to a leadership role
members to give of their best.                                • Leaders in teams with challenging targets and those
                                                                that are expected to deliver a high level of performance
This AZTech training course will feature:

 • Listening: to and understanding other people’s
                                                             HOW WILL THIS TRAINING COURSE
 • Writing: in Plain English so audiences understand what
                                                             BE PRESENTED?
   you mean the first time they read your words
 • Explaining: presenting plans, goals and complex ideas
                                                             This training course will utilise a variety of proven adult
   clearly so people understand what is expected of them
                                                             learning techniques to ensure maximum understanding,
 • Engagement: building relationships with and between
                                                             comprehension and retention of the information presented.
   others based on trust, respect and collaboration
                                                             This will utilise a variety of practical exercises supported by
 • Encouragement: helping team members achieve their
                                                             case studies and videos. You can expect:
   best through constructive feedback, motivation and
                                                              • Best practice techniques for relating to others and
                                                                plenty of time to try them out in a variety of exercises
                                                              • Interactive delivery that combines theory, practical
WHAT ARE THE GOALS?                                             experience, case studies, videos, industry best practice,
                                                                small and whole group exercises, peer exchange,
By the end of this AZTech training course, participants         brainstorming, role plays and discussions
will be able to:                                              • Content tailored to the needs of delegates and
                                                                delivered in a style that makes it easy to understand
 • Pay attention to words and the meaning behind words,         and apply
   reflect on what has been said and what is left unsaid      • Practical tips, tools and techniques delegates can apply
 • Ask questions that uncover misunderstandings,                straightaway to improve communications
   perceptions and expectations                               • An invaluable reference manual with all the information
 • Present messages clearly so audiences remember key           covered during the workshop to help delegates
   points afterwards                                            implement their new knowledge and skills back in their
 • Give constructive feedback that helps team members           work places.
   improve their performance
 • Ensure everyone contributes to discussions and all
   points of view are heard before making decisions

Day One: Communicating Effectively in Writing

 • Writing for your reader: the 12 golden rules of writing
   so people pay attention, understand and act on your
 • Using the inverted pyramid structure and covering the
   essential 5W’s – what, where, when, why, who – and
 • Clearly signalling the action you want people to take
   after reading your letter, email, report, or other written
                                                                       THE CERTIFICATE
                                                                       AZTech Certificate of Completion for delegates
 • Gold standard letter writing: improving structure,
   readability and responses                                           who attend and complete the training course
 • Email etiquette: 25 tips to improve how people read
   and interpret your emails
 • Powerful reports: structuring reports so readers can
   easily find the information they are interested in

Day Two: Communicating Effectively Face-to-face                 Day Four: Working with Other Teams and
 • Creating and delivering presentations and speeches            • Collaborating: sharing and encouraging others to share
   that keep audiences riveted and lead to action                  ideas and information
 • Presenting with impact: personal image, tone of voice,        • Developing a collaborative mindset
   body language, overcoming nerves                              • Win win negotiations: essential core skills and
                                                                   knowledge for negotiating
 • Giving feedback: understanding when and how to give
                                                                 • Four approaches for achieving outcomes people
   constructive feedback
                                                                   commit to and deliver
 • Receiving feedback positively so it is useful and helpful
                                                                 • Building consensus: reaching agreement during
 • Managing upwards: communicating needs upwards and               decision making that everyone is willing to support
   winning support from more senior managers                     • Four techniques for involving everyone in decision
 • Building personal credibility with more senior managers         making and ensuring they feel ownership of the final
   through lots of positive interactions                           decision

Day Three: Improving Relationships with Team                    Day Five: Authenticity and Personal Effectiveness
                                                                 • Assertiveness in practice: projecting self-confidence and
                                                                   respect for others in meetings, on the phone and online
 • Active listening: paying attention to words and body
                                                                 • Understanding when to say yes and no, giving and
                                                                   receiving criticism, handling negative feelings
 • Asking good questions and listening to answers,
                                                                 • Managing difficult people and coping in difficult
   checking understanding and reframing                            situations
 • Distilling, explaining, articulating: presenting complex      • Understanding our own assertiveness style and making
   information and ideas clearly without dumbing them              adjustments so we get what we want from meetings
   down                                                            and discussions
 • Using metaphors, imagery, stories and analogies to            • Developing an assertiveness style that is authentic for
   explain complex topics                                          our personality and culture
 • Contributing to discussion and debate: ensuring               • Action planning
   everyone contributes and respects different viewpoints
 • Aiming for commitment, not just agreement

                                                                                  Mastering Personal & Interpersonal Skills
                                                      Key Communication Skills for Building Productive Working Relationship
 An ISO 9001:2015 & ISO 29990:2010
         Certified Company

           DATE                             VENUE                           FEES(USD)

  22 - 26 Feb 2021                          Istanbul                           $ 5,950                 HOTEL ACCOMMODATION
                                                                                                       Hotel accommodation is not included in the
   07 - 11 Jun 2021                         Istanbul                           $ 5,950                 Registration Fee. A reduced corporate rate and a
                                                                                                       limited number of rooms are available for attendees
   25 - 29 Oct 2021                           Paris                            $ 5,950                 wishing to stay at the hotel venue. Please make your
                                                                                                       request for accommodation at least 3 weeks prior
                                    REGISTER NOW                                                       to the commencement of the course.
*This fee is inclusive of Documentation, Lunch and Refreshments and exclusive of 5% UAE VAT
                                                                                                       EVENT DISCLAIMER
                                                                                                       We reserve the right to cancel or postpone a seminar
Complete & send by fax/mail to address given below.                                                    or related event, change venue, substitution of the
PLEASE USE BLOCK CAPITALS.                                                                             Instructor and alter the course content at our sole
                                                                                                       discretion. If this occurs, our responsibility is limited
REGISTRATION DETAILS                                                                                   to a refund of any registration fee(s) already paid.
                                                                                                       We are not responsible for airline tickets, hotels
FAMILY NAME:                                                                                           costs, other tickets or payments, or any similar fee
                                                                                                       penalties or related or unrelated losses, costs and/
                                                                                                       or expenses registrant may incur or have incurred
POSITION:                                            COMPANY:                                          as a result of any trip cancellations or changes.

MAILING ADDRESS:                                                                                       CANCELLATION & SUBSTITUTION
                                                                                                       You must notify the Registrar of cancellations at
                                                                                                       least 2 weeks before a scheduled seminar in order
TELEPHONE:                                           MOBILE:                                           to be eligible for a credit. If you cannot attend, you
                                                                                                       may send a replacement from your organisation
FAX:                                                 EMAIL:                                            at no charge. There is a $250 handling charge for
                                                                                                       all cancellations or rescheduling. We reserve the
AUSTHORISATION                                                                                         right to cancel a seminar due to low enrollment.
                                                                                                       All registrants will be notified in advance and a full
AUTHORISE BY:                                                                                          refund will be provided upon request.

POSITION:                                            EMAIL:
                                                                                                       4 WAYS TO REGISTER
TELEPHONE:                                           FAX:                                              Telephone: +971 4 427 5400
                                                                                                       Fax Number: +971 4 427 5401
POSTAL ADDRESS:                                                                                        Email Address:
                                                                                                       Visit our website:

MODE OF PAYMENT                                                                                        CLASSROOM TRAINING PLAN 2021
                                                                                                       Scan this code with your smart phone to download
                                                                                                       Classroom Training Plan 2021
   Please invoice my companY
                                                                                                                        Our training portfolio will provide
   Please invoice me                                                                                                    you a number of seminars and
   Please find enclosed a cheque payable to AZTECH                                                                      courses to choose from depending
                                                                                                                        on your organisational goals and
    / Credit card
                                                                                                                        personal development objectives.

CONNECT WITH US:                               training.aztech                      @aztech_Training       aztechtraining              aztechorguk
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