Page created by Allan Love




Chief: Alan Strauss, Chief Human Resources and Equity Officer

Director: Eric Chisem, Talent Acquisitions and Operations (Non-Instructional)

Contact(s): Alex Macri and Deborah Henneberg

Course Group Number: 10454603

This is a needs-based training program for all District and School-based Office Support
Personnel. The goal is to offer classes that will provide the knowledge and skills required
for personnel to handle their daily tasks in a responsible and efficient manner, which is
based on research from the International Association of Administrative Professionals and
the Florida Department of Education’s Curriculum Framework for the Administrative
Assistant – Career, Technical and Adult/Community Education (CTACE). In addition,
several focus groups were formed to solicit feedback on the specific skills needed for the
various clerical positions at both the District and School level.
1.1 DESIRED OUTCOME: Articulates the vision and mission of their respective school or
department and the District.
      LEVEL 4                LEVEL 3         LEVEL 2                  LEVEL 1
Explains how the vision    Articulates the vision Can locate the vision  Has no knowledge of
and mission are            and mission statements and mission statements the District’s and
applied.                   without assistance.    with assistance.       school or department
                                                                         vision and mission
Explains how the work      Can explain their      Cannot explain their   statements.
of Office Support          meaning to others.     meaning to others.
personnel relates to the
statements.                Participates in the
                           writing of the vision
Takes a lead role in       and mission statement
writing the vision and     for their respective
mission statement for      worksite.
their respective
2.1 DESIRED OUTCOME: Applies appropriate laws, rules, policies, and procedures, which
govern the operation of the school or department within the scope of the responsibilities of
the position.
      LEVEL 4                 LEVEL 3               LEVEL 2                 LEVEL 1
Quickly locates            Locates relevant laws,    Locates relevant laws,    Cannot locate relevant
relevant laws, rules,      rules, policies and       rules, policies and       laws, rules, policies and
policies and procedures    procedures within a       procedures with           procedures.
without assistance.        reasonable amount of      assistance.
                           time unassisted.                                    Cannot explain the
Describes, interprets                                Reads the relevant        relevant information.
and clarifies the          Explains the relevant     information with no
relevant information.      information but cannot    interpretation or
                           interpret without         clarification.
3.1 DESIRED OUTCOME:             Prepares professionally and grammatically correct written
      LEVEL 4                    LEVEL 3                   LEVEL 2                    LEVEL 1
Prepares                   Prepares                  Prepares                  Does not prepare
correspondence per         correspondence per        correspondence per        written
District guidelines        District guidelines       District guidelines but   correspondence.
without assistance.        without assistance.       with continual
                                                     assistance.               Unfamiliar with
Writes clearly and         Writes clearly and                                  proofreading
effectively without        effectively with          Lacks grammatical         techniques.
assistance.                assistance.               writing skills.
Uses appropriate
writing style.             Proofreads materials      Distributes with
                           but distributes with no   grammatical and
Proofreads                 typographical errors      typographical errors.
correspondence and         and some grammatical      Does not proofread.
distributes without        errors.
grammatical or
typographical errors.
4.1 DESIRED OUTCOME: Demonstrates effective communication with students, teachers,
administrators, parents and all other stakeholders as a representative of the school District.
      LEVEL 4                   LEVEL 3                  LEVEL 2                  LEVEL 1
Quickly able to express   Organizes and              Difficulty                  Unable to express ideas
ideas and thoughts to     expresses ideas and        communicating ideas         and thoughts clearly.
others in a clear and     thoughts clearly but       and thoughts in some
concise manner.           not concisely.             circumstances.              No active listening
                                                                                 skills and interrupts
Uses appropriate word     Uses appropriate word      Uses inappropriate          repeatedly throughout
choice when               choice 50% of the time     word choice.                the conversation.
communicating with        when communicating
others.                   with others.               Interrupts at times         Is unaware of
                                                     during the                  appropriate body
Displays active           Only interrupts for        conversation.               language during
listening skills by       clarification.                                         conversations.
paraphrasing correctly                               Cannot paraphrase and
and recognizing the       Displays active            must ask speaker to
speaker’s feelings        listening skills by        repeat multiple times.
without interruption.     paraphrasing correctly     Does not seek
                          but does not recognize     clarification.
Maintains appropriate     the speaker’s feelings.
body language                                   Does not maintain
throughout the            Maintains appropriate appropriate body
conversations.            body language 80-90% language during
Serves as a               of the conversation.  conversations.
communication role
model for peers.

5.1 DESIRED OUTCOME: Provides quality and sustained customer service to all internal and
external District stakeholders.
      LEVEL 4                 LEVEL 3         LEVEL 2                 LEVEL 1
Immediately               Easily recognizes          Recognizes customer’s       Does not establish
recognizes customer’s     customer’s needs and       needs after long            relationship with
needs and can offer the   able to offer some         interaction and able to     customer and not able
best solution.            solutions.                 offer some assistance       to identify their needs.
                                                     but no solutions.           Customer breaks off
Uses a variety of         Uses a variety of                                      interaction.
empathetic responses      empathetic responses,      Restates the customer’s
and maintains contact     if required but does not   words and moves to          Ignores the customer’s
throughout the            follow through on          action without all of the   feelings during the
interaction (in person    interaction (in person     information needed (in      interaction (in person
or via phone.)            or via phone.)             person or via phone.)       or via phone.)
Goes above and beyond
their job requirement
to assist others.
Data Collection Plan
End Goal of plan: Office Support Personnel will have the knowledge and skills necessary to provide
quality office services to students, teachers, administrators, support staff and other members of the
District’s educational community.

                                     Are the data
                  What sources                                           Who will be
What type of                         available or      Where are                              When will
                   of data will                                         responsible for
data needs to                        do new data       these data                            these data be
                     help the                                           collecting these
be collected?                        need to be        located?                                collected?
                  investigation?      collected?                             data?

Attendance       Sign-In sheets Data is              ESS              Trainer/Program       End of each
                                available                             Mgr                   course

Evidence of      Assessments        Data is          Database         Trainer/Program       End of each
quality office                      available                         Mgr                   course
knowledge        District           Data is          Database         Service Quality       Yearly
                 Customer           available                         Dept.

Evidence of      Participant        Data is          Database         Trainer/Program       End of each
application      products           available                         Mgr                   course
of quality
office service   Course             Data is          ESS              Program Mgr           End of each
skills           Appraisals         available                                               course

                 Office             Data is          Yearly           Administrator         Yearly
                 observations       available        performance

                 District           Data is          Database         Service Quality       Yearly
                 Customer           available                         Dept.

  Area of Impact                   Formative Measures                     Summative Measures
Employee Practices             Follow-up/Implementation                 Appraisal
                               activities                               Participant survey
                                                                        Participant year-end
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