Market Trends: How smart devices are transforming the market place - Openreach

Page created by Lillian Bryant
Market Trends: How smart devices are transforming the market place - Openreach
Market Trends:
      How smart devices
      are transforming
      the market place

      December 2012

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Copyright British Telecommunications plc 2012
Market Trends: How smart devices are transforming the market place - Openreach
Over the last 6 years we’ve seen the world of devices drive and be
driven by profound changes in the way we interact with our friends,
family, customers and suppliers

                                  …became the 1st country to
                                 complete digital TV switchover

                                  …was broadcast for the very
                                   last time after 42 years

                                 …were banned by commercial       Phones were phones, computers were
                                                                       computers, TVs were TVs

               Customers are now increasingly reliant on networks to interconnect their
                  devices to keep in touch, serve their customers and create wealth
Market Trends: How smart devices are transforming the market place - Openreach
The combined use of these devices, fuelled by the interactivity
between all players, is driving three major themes in the
communications market today

                                           1. Always On

                                   1a) Smart devices acceleration
                                      1b) Mobile data demand
                                        1c) Wi-Fi proliferation

                      2. Personalisation                3. Social Integration

                  2a) Applications everywhere          3a) Social media usage
                       2b) BYOD growth                 3b) End user dynamics

Market Trends: How smart devices are transforming the market place - Openreach
Always On: Smart devices acceleration and demand for mobile data
    Cheaper, faster, and better devices have become mass market ,
    increasing the need for interaction, connectivity and bandwidth

The market has exploded in a very short period of time, driven by                               Global quarterly unit sales (m), Jun 10 – Mar 12
lower prices and better functionality                               160                                        Smartphone and tablet
• 63m tablets were sold in 2011/12                                  140                                        sales outstrips PCs for
• Total connected devices will grow by over 150% by 2020            120                                        the first time in Dec 11
Significant changes to device capability and functionality ensure    80
continued strong customer appeal                                     60
• Bigger screens, better cameras, faster connections                 40
Sharing content across devices is becoming easier as the market
replicates the Apple end user experience
                                                                                               Jun-10 Sep-10 Dec-10 Mar-11 Jun-11 Sep-11 Dec-11 Mar-12
More capable devices are driving bandwidth usage, as user habits
change                                                                                                iPhones        Android Phones          Tablets      PCs

                                                                                                                             Source: Enders Analysis, July 2012

 Communications services will become
 deeper integrated into device applications                                                     Average monthly mobile traffic per connection,
 • Productivity gains through collaboration
   and project management                                                                     1000
 • Mobile e-commerce and entertainment

                                                                     Traffic (Mb per month)
 • Diallers on social networks
1. Mobile operators restrictions on user data are becoming
unrealistic, meaning greater access to competitive backhaul is                                200
2. Wi-Fi offload will be a key requirement, driving demand for                                          2011      2012     2013      2014      2015    2016
hotspots and subsequent connectivity
                                                                                                     Developed markets       World          Emerging Markets
3. Users will demand seamless handovers and interaction between
devices, driving seamless connectivity solutions for fixed and                                                                    Source: Analysys Mason, 2011
mobile operators

Market Trends: How smart devices are transforming the market place - Openreach
Always On: WiFi proliferation
    WiFi is a key enabler for an always on society. Some elements
    need simplicity to drive the opportunity

Over 70% of UK homes have a WLAN in place, the second highest                       Average UK smartphone originated data traffic
market penetration in the world                                                              by OS & operator, May 12
Vital for MNOs, with end users offloading mobile traffic                   4000
• UK iPhone users consume 5x more WiFi data than cellular data             3500
High street access is becoming more widely available to drive              3000
purchasing activity                                                        2500
Clunky user experience, especially on paid for short term access
                                                                                        O2           Orange          3            T-Mobile    Vodafone
Western European users of Public WiFi will increase their minutes
of use by 41% per year through to 2016                                             Cellular (AND)     WiFi (AND)         Cellular (IOS)      WiFi (IOS)
Mobile offload will become much more significant as 4G / LTE                                                              Source: Mobidia, May 2012
begins to penetrate the UK market
• US experience suggests 2x data demand of LTE vs. 3G                             WiFi Access Units Shipped in EMEA, 2011-16
WiFi offload opportunities will increase significantly with retailers,   2500000
event organisers and town centres deploying WiFi to fulfil end user                             19x growth in WiFi
demand                                                                                             access units
                                                                                                shipped from 2011-
1. The quality of the WiFi experience for end users has to improve.
   A simple user interface, with seamless billing is a must to
   generate any revenue improvements
2. LLU network backhaul will need to grow to accommodate                  500000
   mobile offload as well as fixed requirements
3. Expectations must be set for end users concerning levels of                0
   coverage and performance in the longer term                                         2011         2012      2013         2014       2015       2016
                                                                                                                         Source: Infonetics, May 2012

Market Trends: How smart devices are transforming the market place - Openreach
Always On: Case Study
    WiFi: The Tesco in-store experience

Commenced a trial in July 2011, in four Tesco Extra stores
December 2011 announced full Tesco Extra store network rollout
Clubcard holders have free access and login using Clubcard details.
Customers can gain general web access. Tesco uses the facility to target
promotions, whilst also enabling immediate customers access to discount
vouchers. Customers currently access offers / promotions via Tesco website
Tesco benefits by: -
      1. Targeted promotions to customers in-store (e.g. beyond access to e-
         vouchers they plan longer term location specific offers / augmented
      2. Generating greater end user insight, used in collaboration with other
         Clubcard data
      3. Driving potential new Clubcard customers with new WiFi access
      4. Opening a new revenue stream for paid WiFi access by non-Clubcard
Tesco’s customers benefit by: -
      1. Access to electronic Clubcard vouchers in-store for immediate discount
      2. Ability to compare prices
      3. Read product reviews

1. Having WiFi connectivity in stores means that Retailers can generate new
   revenue streams, whilst also driving customer loyalty
2. Enhanced connectivity solutions can generate new income streams for CPs as
   well as their customers
Market Trends: How smart devices are transforming the market place - Openreach
Personalisation: Applications everywhere
    Applications are driving up mobile data usage and are becoming
    the central hub for mobile living
                                                                             Mobile App Store Downloads (bn), Worldwide,
The market size is vast today, but will still grow six fold between    350                     2011-16
2012 and 2016
                                                                       300                     310bn downloads
• Users worldwide will download 45 billion apps this year, more than                            forecast in 2016;
  twice as much as in 2011                                             250
                                                                                                    93% free
• Generating revenues will be more challenging, as free apps           200
  dominate the market                                                  150

Social media apps are the most commonly downloaded                     100
• Facebook is downloaded twice as often as other iOS apps
Apps are on all types of connected devices, e.g. smartphone,                 2011       2012     2013      2014      2015      2016
tablet, laptop, and will continue to multiply across other devices                  Free Downloads    Paid-for Downloads
                                                                                                             Source: Gartner, Sept 2012
• Any content, any time, anywhere, any device

Consumers are increasingly cautious
about their data and privacy when putting data
in the cloud
• Over 50% remove apps due to privacy issues

1. Potential for emergence of group features as usage increase in
   the family – e.g. shared allowance, parental controls that work
   across platforms
2. Users require education about security and privacy issues
3. Opportunity to integrate billing to stimulate use of paid apps
   and a consistent end user experience across devices

Market Trends: How smart devices are transforming the market place - Openreach
Personalisation: BYOD growth
     BYOD is here to stay and presents security and procurement
     challenges as the boundaries of work and home blur
                                                                                                       BYOD Decision Framework
BYOD accelerating in popularity, placing new network and security
demands on businesses                                                                              Corporate DB
• Lines between corporate & consumer blurred                                                         analytics
US and European workers choose devices for work and home use,                                       applications

                                                                      Capabilities provided
spending their own money                                                                                                  liable
                                                                                                     Multimedia                                                  BYOD
Mobile workers are working round security to access IT capability                                     eReaders           Tablet or         Employee            • Non
                                                                                                   Virtual desktop      smartphone            liable             standard
• ¼ of workers admit to bypassing security to access corporate data                                                                        (corporate            device
                                                                                                                                            standard)          • Limited
                                                                                                   Web services                                                • Limited
                                                                                                                                            Tablet or
                                                                                                        Mobile                                                   access to
                                                                                                    applications        Business                                 corporate
Over 80% of organisations will spend the same or more on                                                                  liable                                 apps &
mobility capability in the next 12-18 months, although cost                                        Corporate mail       Corporate                                network
pressures mean that realistically internal pressure may drive
businesses towards BYOD, resulting in continued to grow                                                              Degrees of freedom
• 75% of enterprises plan to use tablets to support mobile apps
                                                                                                                                       Source: IDC, November 2011
Security challenges become more widespread                                                                  UK BYOD Spending (£m), 2011-2016
Improvements in mobility management software will allow CIOs to           £800
deliver more capabilities via BYOD devices
Analysts believe Corporate mobility strategies will evolve to
managing a growing number of mobile apps for employees,                   £600

                                                                                                                                                                       280% growth
customers & partners
1.   Shared cost of home connectivity may become expected by
     corporate users                                                      £300
2.   Secure VPNs for all workers are likely to become a necessity
     to protect businesses from security threats                          £100
3.   IT budgets may be re-prioritised to accommodate flexible,                                                       2011                           2016
     employee influenced requirements
                                                                                                                                     Source: TechMarketView, April 2012
Market Trends: How smart devices are transforming the market place - Openreach
Personalisation: Case Study
    BYOD: How Intel embraced a growing phenomenon

Realised that the trend was developing in 2009
Implemented a BYOD policy that was highly publicised using effective internal
communications. Ensured that employees were able to select the devices they wanted,
but also had a shared obligation to ensure adequate protection of data
Integrated approach across multiple internal units including IT, HR and Legal teams,
together with employee involvement and consultation. Employee engagement was
ensured through web based discussion obtaining input, but also outlining policy
Security and privacy were the primary factors encountered, which must be addressed.
Employee awareness was the initial factor influencing security; they needed to
understand the impact of their actions. Privacy, and the confidence that employees have
that their own personal data was being respected was pivotal in ensuring engagement
Resulted in improved usage and engagement with employees, whilst promoting choice
and shared responsibility
Intel benefits by: -
      1. Increased connectivity to the Intel network
      2. Improved employee productivity
      3. Better security measures
Intel’s employees benefit by: -
      1. Selection and use of the devices they prefer
      2. Single device vs. multiple devices
      3. Sense of shared ownership concerning security

1. Security and privacy concerns are paramount. A clear policy, with buy-in is essential
   otherwise businesses will be left exposed to security breaches.
2. Improved productivity and employee interaction can be achieved with minimal
   additional cost to the business. Intel proved BYOD can be a very effective investment.
Market Trends: How smart devices are transforming the market place - Openreach
Social Integration: Social media usage
     Developments of a fully integrated social media experience will
     drive the next generation of fixed and mobile data usage

Facebook claim to have around 800m global active users
• ½ of smartphones are connected to Facebook every hour of every
62% of adults worldwide now use social media
Around 20% on time online is spent on social media
SoLoMo gaining significant traction amongst users
No.1 application for Upstream web activity on mobile devices                Social Media Tools used by Marketers, 2012
Businesses are using various social media vehicles today in order
to more effectively target customers                                 80%

• 87% of B2B marketers utilise Facebook                              60%
Fully integrated social media experience for end users
• Devices and apps create clear links between physical and virtual
  social spheres
Change by majority of businesses from marketing efforts to
engagement across new channels
Dynamic mix of social media and mass media to truly personalise
content of individuals                                                                 B2B Users    B2C Users
• Faster access to relevant data                                                          Source: Social Media Examiner, April 2012

1.   Social media will be a vital channel to market for businesses
     targeting consumers, especially with increasingly relevant

2.   Rapid access to social media experience likely to drive
     acceleration towards next generation mobile and fixed data

Social integration: End user dynamics
     Wider social inclusion is not only growing the market, but also
     driving demand for different service support and trading models

Penetration of devices in to new demographics                                     Share of population who have ever used the
• As handset prices come down, and as pre-paid/ low-price contracts                           Internet, by age (%)
  compete on value, demographics are extending                        100%                                             growth in
The mix of users adopting technology is changing                                                                      use by 75+
• Fastest growth in 75+ age range
Digital inclusion projects undertaken by housing associations is      60%
helping to boost penetration of services
• Could overlap in to others not covered by these schemes             40%


Continued pressure on voice / message revenues will drive focus                   16-24     25-34       35-44    45-54        55-64    65-74       75+
on value added services for operators
                                                                                                         Q2 11        Q4 11
Connected society is expected to drive different demands for
                                                                                                                 Source: Enders Analysis, Q4 2011
devices suitable for all incomes and age groups
Tiered service offerings dependent on end user means are                                          Technology use by age
increasingly demanded                                                                                           98%
                                                                        100%          91%                             92%
• Those who cannot afford premium service will accept more flexible
  repair if offered a discount                                           80%                                                70%        71%

1.   Differentiation of service support dependent on end user            40%                      30%
2.   Lower cost options, maybe with lower performance, may be                                                                                      5%
     required to ensure widespread connectivity for                          0%
     disadvantaged members of society                                              Have online device           Own mobile            Own smartphone
                                                                                       at home
3.   Trading models allowing end users to allow short term
     access for fixed services may be required                                                      16-24       Everyone          65+
                                                                                                                                   Source: Ofcom, 2012
   Devices have driven behavioural changes in the market, driving
   7 primary implications for the communications providers
Market Demand                                                   Primary Implications
The market for devices is enjoying rapid growth, through       1. Faster connectivity is required to
better technology and lower prices                             enable devices to operate at their

Data consumption is accelerating through increasingly          2. Enhanced backhaul capability is
bandwidth hungry applications                                  necessary to support growing

Applications are the control hub for what end users do, with   3. Interaction through reliable
users managing multiple devices simply and effectively         home and small office networks is

BYOD presents long term procurement and security issues        4. Flexible procurement policies
for businesses                                                 and widespread, easily
                                                               implemented security are vital
                                                               5. Small cell solutions, effectively
Mobile network offload accelerates demand for effective        billed, offer new revenue and sales
WiFi solutions                                                 opportunities for retailers

                                                               6. Lower cost, lower performance
Wider social connectivity means demands for affordable
                                                               connectivity options could facilitate
connectivity propositions and flexible support
                                                               new volume demand

                                                               7. Becomes a vital comms route to
Social media experience becomes fully integrated for end
                                                               consumers for B2C providers,
users, with richer, more relevant data
                                                               meaning reliable connectivity is key

Mark Chamberlain
Head of Market Insight
Tel: 07710350729

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