Market Structure of Sago Starch in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia
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Haji Saediman, Helviani Helviani, Laila Refiana Said, Sarinah Sarinah, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS Sitti Aida Adha Taridala, La Ode Alwi, DOI: 10.37394/23207.2021.18.62 Ilma Sarimustaqiyma Rianse Market Structure of Sago Starch in Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia HAJI SAEDIMAN1*, HELVIANI HELVIANI2, LAILA REFIANA SAID3, SARINAH SARINAH4, SITTI AIDA ADHA TARIDALA1, LA ODE ALWI1, ILMA SARIMUSTAQIYMA RIANSE1, 1 Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University. Kendari, INDONESIA 2 Department of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Fisheries and Animal Husbandry, Sembilanbelas November University, Kolaka, INDONESIA 3 Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Lambung Mangkurat University, Banjarmasin, INDONESIA 4 Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Halu Oleo University, Kendari, INDONESIA Abstract: - Sago plant produces sago starch, which can be processed into various food and non-food uses and has high demand in the domestic and international market. However, sago starch marketing is still facing problems that make the crop has not yet optimally support the economy of sago growing and processing households and communities. The study aimed to assess the market structure of sago starch in Konawe District of Southeast Sulawesi Province, Indonesia. Data collection was done in two sago growing subdistricts. Respondents consisted of 55 sago producers, four subdistrict collectors, and two large traders. Data were collected using questionnaires, observation, and in-depth interviews, and were analyzed using Concentration Ratio and descriptive statistics. Study results showed that market participants consisted of producers, collectors, large traders, and retailer. The producer or seller concentration was low, and the atomistic selling condition prevailed in the sago extraction industry. The market share of the four largest collectors was 67.25%. Product differentiation was not present or low among the sago producers. Observed barriers to entry into the sago starch production included lack of technical skills, availability of water sources, knowledge of the area, and the nature of sago extraction operation. Barriers to entry into sago marketing were moderate and included capital requirement, economies of scale, knowledge of the area, and networking with both producers and large traders. The sago starch market has deviated from the norms of competitive market structure, namely, an oligopsonistic market structure. The structural features of the industry need to be improved by establishing standard and grades to facilitate marketing and to lead to product differentiation. Key-Words: marketing, market structure, producer, sago, starch, Indonesia Received: February 28, 2021. Revised: March 23, 2021. Accepted: March 26, 2021. Published: April 2, 2021. 1 Introduction technologies, from traditional technology to semi- Sago palm is a plant that originated from New mechanized and modern technologies. Semi- Guinea Island [1], and it grows in many areas in mechanized technology uses sharing wage labor and Indonesia. Sago plant produces starch, which is an processing machines that can be moved from one essential foodstuff in the sago growing place to another. Mechanized technology uses wage communities. Sago starch also has a vast potential labor and large machines, which is immobile [3]. for utilization in various industries, such as in the Along with such changes in extraction technology, food and non-food industry, biotechnology, and sago farmers or sago tree owners no longer process other industries [2]. This versatile utilization of sago their sago trunks; instead, they sell sago boles to starch leads to its high demand in the domestic and sago extraction groups [4,5]. They then use the international market. Consequently, there have been money to buy food and non-food needs [6]. changes in the sago extraction or harvesting E-ISSN: 2224-2899 628 Volume 18, 2021
Haji Saediman, Helviani Helviani, Laila Refiana Said, Sarinah Sarinah, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS Sitti Aida Adha Taridala, La Ode Alwi, DOI: 10.37394/23207.2021.18.62 Ilma Sarimustaqiyma Rianse In Southeast Sulawesi, sago is one of the four the lack of institutional supports, inadequacy of main staple foods, with the other three being rice, infrastructure, quality control, the lack of market maize, and cassava [7,8]. People in Southeast information, and the lack of knowledge on Sulawesi, especially Tolakinese, have consumed marketing. Altogether, these problems led to a weak sago for generations. Sago starch is commonly bargaining position of sago farmer-producers, consumed in the form of sinonggi, which is making them price takers rather than price makers. prepared by adding hot water over the starch and Several studies dealt with various aspects of sago stirring it until it coagulates and becomes the glue- marketing [9,19-22]. However, studies about market like sticky dough. Along with staple food structure of sago starch are lacking. The present diversification efforts and perceived benefits of study attempts to examine the market structure of sago-based foods, sinonggi is increasingly popular sago starch. Specifically, the study was undertaken in the province [9]. The increasing popularity of to attain the following two objectives: (a) identify sago as a local staple food indicates its significant the market participants in sago marketing, and (b) opportunity in the food industry sector. Increased analyze the market structure of sago starch in demand for sago starch in the food and non-food Konawe District of Southeast Sulawesi. The sectors requires the development of sago knowledge and information gained from this study agroindustry. At the same time, the development of will contribute to the literature about sago marketing sago agroindustry is needed in the efforts to enhance and assist endeavours to promote its role in food food security and villagers’ welfare [10], and to security, poverty alleviation, and community support the development of the economy of the local development. communities [5]. Promoting food security through diversification of staples, including sago, has received growing attention recently as the efforts to 2 Materials and Methods The study was conducted in Sampara and Besulutu attain rice self-sufficiency has faced challenges such subdistricts, Konawe District, Southeast Sulawesi. as human population growth, stagnant rice Konawe District is situated between the latitude production, climate change [11-13], land 2°45’ and 4°15’ South, and the longitude 121°15’ conversion, and crop or livelihood shift [14,15]. and 123°30’ East. The district has a size of 5,799 Food security is also affected by international trade km2 and consists of 29 subdistricts. The study [16]. locations were purposively selected because they According to Naim [6], three key players were the significant sago producing areas in the essential in the functioning and sustainability of the district and had the potential for further sago industry are sago processing enterprise, local development. All producers operating in the two market, and local food industry. Sago processing subdistricts and being accessible were taken as enterprises or factories buy sago trees from sago tree respondents for this study, namely, 30 producers in owners or farmers and process sago trunks to Besulutu and 25 producers in Sampara subdistrict. produce wet sago starch. The wet sago starch is sold Respondents for traders were selected using to consumers in the various local markets, or snowball sampling, involving marketing institutions shipped to other areas outside the province [17]. The along the supply chain from collectors until large households and the local food industry purchase traders and retailers. Data analysis used market sago starch at the local market. These three share, concentration ratio, and descriptive statistics. components act as providers for sago tree owners or Market share ranges from 0-100%, and reflects the sago farmers to sell their sago trees, and sago firm’s output against the total output in the industry. producers to sell their sago starches [17]. However, The concentration ratio is calculated based on the the effective functioning of the three players market share of the largest four firms [23] using the requires effective marketing linkages [18] and an following formula: efficient marketing system that can provide just returns to all actors involved in the marketing chain. Marketing activities are essential for sago CR4 = ∑4 −1 S farmers and producers to increase their income. However, sago marketing is still facing problems Where: that make the crop does not optimally support the Sij = The percentage market share of the economy of sago growing and processing four largest firms households and communities. Studies by Saediman CR4 = Concentration ratio of the four et al. [19] found that sago marketing problems largest firms included characteristics of sago production systems, E-ISSN: 2224-2899 629 Volume 18, 2021
Haji Saediman, Helviani Helviani, Laila Refiana Said, Sarinah Sarinah, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS Sitti Aida Adha Taridala, La Ode Alwi, DOI: 10.37394/23207.2021.18.62 Ilma Sarimustaqiyma Rianse The average monthly output of each sago were five large traders in the provincial capital. In extracting or harvesting group did not show this regard, the large traders are also the inter- considerable variation, so the concentration ratio regional traders as they ship sago starch to the was calculated only at the collector level. In this industrial buyers in Java through containers. To regard, the value of CR4 was calculated for the four ensure that they get a large quantity of sago starch, largest collectors in Besulutu and Sampara Districts. they build strong ties and develop trust with CR4 denotes the amount of output produced by the collectors who can regularly supply sago starch. four largest collectors against the total sago volume Large traders sometimes proactively purchase sago in the Besulutu and Sampara Districts. The criteria starch directly at the extraction sites, and sometimes for CR4 value used the indicators proposed by from other collectors in the district. Buzzelli [24] as follows: Retailer sold sago starch to the end consumers at < 25% : Low, atomistic the local market. It was revealed during the field 25-50% : Moderate, loose oligopoly survey that all producers sold their wet sago starch > 50-75% : High, oligopoly to collectors and large traders, and only one >75-100% : Very high, tight monopoly producer sold sago starch at the local market. Based on the Buzzeli’s classification, CR4 less than 25% indicates low concentration or atomistic. A 3.2 Market Structure loose oligopoly with moderate concentration exists Market structure is the organizational characteristics when CR4 ranges from 25% to 50%. High of the market that determine the relationship concentration or oligopoly occurs with CR4 higher between sellers and buyers [26]. For this study, the than 50% until 75%. An industry is in tight dimensions or salient aspects of the market structure monopoly and is considered a very high were assessed from (a) the extent of market concentration when CR4 is more than 75%. concentration, (b) the extent of product differentiation, and (c) the condition of entry of the 3 Results and Discussion market. 3.2.1 Market Concentration 3.1 Market Participants Market concentration deals with the number of Market participants consisted of sago producers, buyers and sellers and their relative size distribution collectors, large traders, and retailer. Producers in a market [27]. Higher market concentration is conduct sago extraction or harvesting to produce believed to reflect a non-competitive behavior and sago starch. Harvesting takes place through several inefficiency. The most commonly used measure of steps, namely, (1) selection and felling of sago trees, the market concentration is the market concentration (2) log debarking and splitting, (3) rasping to break index, which measures the percentage of traded down the pith, (4) extracting starch, (5) volume of products accounted for by a given sedimentation and dewatering, and (6) drying, number of participants. The market concentration packaging, and storage [25]. Harvesting operation is consists of the extent of seller concentration and the done collectively by a group of several people using extent of buyer concentration. In this regard, sago some equipment, such as a chainsaw, rasper, and producers are sellers, while collectors and large pump [1]. Sago produced is generally in the form of traders are buyers. wet sago starch. Prices of wet sago starch ranged The degree of producer concentration refers to from Rp1,600/kg to Rp1,800/kg, depending on the the number of producers in the sago industry, and to agreement between the producer and the trader. the relative sizes of producers with any given Collectors bought sago starch from sago number [26]. The degree of producer concentration producers and sold it to large traders. To obtain sago can be calculated based on the sales volume, starch, the collectors had to take sago to extraction namely, the share of total sales or production locations, which were sometimes far from the main accounted for by the four largest firms in the road and difficult to access. Sometimes producers industry. However, sales volume per month did not took the starch to the main road where collectors show considerable variation from one producer to came and collected it. Price negotiation with another. The average production was seven tons per producers was conducted before or after collectors month [5] with a maximum of ten tons per month. arrived at the extraction locations. Since there were many small-scale producers, the Large traders purchased wet sago starch from four largest producers would not have significant collectors and then shipped it to the buyers outside market share. The four firms’ concentration ratio for the province. Based on the observations and one month during the study period was less than interviews with respondents, it was found that there 25%, meaning that the four largest firms controlled E-ISSN: 2224-2899 630 Volume 18, 2021
Haji Saediman, Helviani Helviani, Laila Refiana Said, Sarinah Sarinah, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS Sitti Aida Adha Taridala, La Ode Alwi, DOI: 10.37394/23207.2021.18.62 Ilma Sarimustaqiyma Rianse less than 25% of the market. These producers were promotion services, (iv) brand of the product, and large in number, small in size, and located scattered (v) location of the processing sites [28]. throughout the two subdistricts. Each enterprise Based on field survey results, almost all produced a small amount of sago starch, and it could respondents mentioned that product differentiation not influence the price either by limiting its was not present or low in the sago starch industry. production or by negotiating with collectors. Based Unlike the traditional sago extraction process, which on these features, it was clear that there was no was inefficient, semi-mechanized processing evidence of seller concentration and rather atomistic increased the quantity and quality of sago starch. selling condition prevailed in the industry. Buzzelli However, the starch quality was relatively similar [24] denominated the industry with CR4 less than from one producer to another. The reasons were that 25% as atomistic. Hence based on Buzzeli's the technologies were relatively similar among the classification, it can be concluded that the sago producers, and all producers depended on naturally extraction industry in Konawe District exhibits a grown sago trees. While both sago tree owners and low atomistic market structure. producers were aware of the genetic variation of the Concerning collectors and large traders as the sago trees [29], the most important aspects taken buyers of sago starch, their concentration can be into account during sago tree price negotiation were calculated from the market share of the four largest trunk diameter, water content of soil in the growing traders. As Table 1 shows, the total sales volume of sites, and the number of trees available to be wet sago starch by the four largest collectors in one harvested. Sago grown in extended waterlogged soil month during the study was 153 tons, which was was regarded to have less starch content. As such, 67.25% of the total sales volume of 228 tons per sago tree characteristics and growing environment month. This means that sago marketing’s four-firm might be different from one place to another, concentration ratio at collector level is 67.25%. making it hard for producers to maintain Based on Buzzelli’s classification of CR4 value, the consistency in sago starch quality. market structure of sago marketing in the study area The locations of the processing sites were mostly exhibits a high oligopsony, namely, a market with mobile, and few processing enterprises were only a few buyers. permanent in specific locations. Sago plants grow in scattered areas, and those who bought the sago trees Table 1. CR4 value of collectors usually conducted sago extraction in the location Collector Sales volume (ton) Market share (%) where the plants grow. Therefore, producers could 1 39 17.03 conduct sago harvesting in different areas. From the 2 48 20.96 buyers’ viewpoint, the extraction or harvesting 3 38 16.81 location was not a source of differentiation of sago 4 28 12.45 starch. Total 153 67.25 Sago producers did not use any branding to their sago starch produced. This might be related to the The market share of each large trader was not level of processing technology being used and calculated, so the CR4 value for the large traders varied types of sago plants being extracted, leading was unknown. However, since there were only five to the difficulty in producing sago starch with large traders in the province that purchased wet sago consistent quality. Besides, for sago producers with starch in all districts within the province, it was non-permanent extraction sites, the quality of water highly likely that their CR4 would be more than will be different among the sites, which will affect 50%. Based on Buzzeli’s classification, CR4 more the consistency of the quality of sago starch. than 50% indicates oligopoly or oligopsony. Inferiority and variation in starch quality have been Therefore, it could be concluded that the market sources of complaints in the international market structure of sago starch from the standpoint of the [30]. More importantly, sago collectors and large large traders was also high oligopsony. traders did not require specific qualifications for their starch; they would purchase any sago starch 3.2.2 Product Differentiation being produced. This is related to the fact that there The degree of product differentiation is the extent to were no standards and grades employed for sago which collectors differentiate, distinguish or have starch in the study area. The local utilization of sago special preferences among the competing starch of mostly for consumption as staple food in the form of the various producers [26]. Sources of the sinonggi, which is not dependent on the quality of differentiation can be (i) differences in the quality of the starch, is probably one reason. In contrast, the starch, (ii) packaging and relative prices, (iii) sales more advanced utilization for industrial purposes E-ISSN: 2224-2899 631 Volume 18, 2021
Haji Saediman, Helviani Helviani, Laila Refiana Said, Sarinah Sarinah, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS Sitti Aida Adha Taridala, La Ode Alwi, DOI: 10.37394/23207.2021.18.62 Ilma Sarimustaqiyma Rianse outside the province may require standards and crushed pith. The quality of water can determine the grades. At the industry level, there could be grades quality of starch, particularly its color and smell of dry starch [31]. For these reasons, producers do [33]. Sufficient knowledge of the area is needed for not have to provide branding for their produced the new entrants as they should purchase sago trees starch. or sago boles from sago farmers or sago owners Producers did not use a specific method or living in the villages in the two subdistricts. Sago material for packaging. At the end of the sago growing locations themselves are spread over in harvesting stage, the produced sago starch cake is various areas where sometimes there are issues of removed and packaged using flour sacks or flour inaccessibility and poor basic infrastructure to the bags. The produce was usually sold soon after growing sites. The nature of sago extraction harvest, so there was no need for more extended operation, which is time-consuming and laborious, storage. might also pose a barrier for new entrants. The absence of product differentiation can be In the longer term, access to raw material could seen from the absence of buyers’ preference toward become barriers to entry and constraint for the the product of a particular producer to that of other sustainability [34] of sago harvesting business. The producers. Some collectors sometimes differentiated reason is that there are still no noticeable efforts the sago starch from its color and determined the from the local government, private sector, farmers, price, but they did so primarily based on their own and other stakeholders to plant sago trees. The assessment as there were still no standards and present sago cutting for sago starch production grades of sago starch. In such a case, producers relies entirely on naturally grown sago trees. were in the low bargaining position and hence just Therefore, the speed of sago tree cutting by sago took the price. producers might have exceeded the natural regrowth of sago plant. In addition, there has been a 3.2.3 Barriers to Entry continued loss of sago plants due to their conversion The condition of entry determines the competitive to other purposes, such as rice farming, oil palm relationships between established firms and plantation, and housing. Consequently, the farmers potential entrant firms. The condition of entry to the or sago tree owners may someday increase sago tree industry is an indication of the presence of barriers prices [3]. If this happens, it will be difficult to to entry to that industry. Barriers to entry discourage sustain the sago industry because established sago entry decision of firms into the market [32]. Barriers producers or potential new-entrants need more cash to entry are some sources of disadvantages to to cover the operational cost, or may have to operate potential entrants as compared with established below their optimum capacity. firms. In general, there are three types of barriers to It should be noted that common barriers to entry entry, namely; (i) economies of scale advantages of such as non-availability of capital, lack of established firms over new entrant firms, (ii) technology, and economies of scale [3,35-37] did absolute cost advantages of established firms over not apply in the sago harvesting business. Sago new entrant firms, and (iii) product differentiation harvesting operation using mobile semi-mechanized advantages of established firms over new entrant technology does not require huge amount of capital. firms [28]. In addition, government policies can also Sago processing machine and tools are accessible. raise some barriers to entry. Among such policies Sago harvesting operation is financially feasible for are the grant of licenses, the regulation of price and traditional, semi-mechanized, and mechanized entry, and taxation policy. processing technology [3,38]. Semi-mechanized technology in sago harvesting Barriers to entry at the collector level include a is mobile and uses sharing labor. As mentioned capital requirement, economies of scale, and previously, product differentiation was not present, networking with producers and large traders. Capital so it could not become a barrier to entry. It was requirement is mainly for purchasing wet sago revealed from the study results that lack of technical starch and vehicles. Networking and good skills, availability of water sources, knowledge of relationship with producers and large traders are the area, and the nature of sago extraction needed to ensure the sufficiency of sago starch to be operations are some barriers to entry for producers. purchased and to ensure its market. Economies of Technical skills are related to managing processing scale can become an entry barrier as the potential operations, which are usually related to the length of marketed volumes from producers were limited or experience in doing the work. The availability of remained the same despite an increase in the number water sources is essential because the sago of collectors. As such, the unit cost may rise as the harvesting operation requires water to wash the number of collectors increases [27]. This in turn E-ISSN: 2224-2899 632 Volume 18, 2021
Haji Saediman, Helviani Helviani, Laila Refiana Said, Sarinah Sarinah, WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on BUSINESS and ECONOMICS Sitti Aida Adha Taridala, La Ode Alwi, DOI: 10.37394/23207.2021.18.62 Ilma Sarimustaqiyma Rianse would naturally limit the number of collectors starch and flour industry. The structural features of operating in the area with low trade volumes. the industry need to be improved by establishing Barriers to entry at the large trader level include standards and grades that can lead to product a capital requirement, economies of scale, trust and differentiation. In the longer term, access to raw relationship with producers, and knowledge of and material could become barriers to entry as (i) there networking with the industrial buyer in Java. Huge have been conversion from sago growing plots to capital is needed to finance investment and other purposes, and (ii) sago cutting for sago starch operational costs. In most cases, huge capital production relies entirely on naturally grown sago requirement involves taking loan from banks [39] trees. Therefore, long-term access to raw materials and the use of shipping insurance service to protect should be sustained by adopting policies that apply the traders against any damage for the goods [40]. integrated approach from up-stream to downstream The economies of scale are essential as the shipment agribusiness and supporting institutions. to Java should be done in a large amount using containers. Mutual trust and good relationship have Acknowledgment been established between large traders and The authors wish to thank Prof. La Rianda for his collectors. However, the knowledge of the market useful suggestions and comments during the and networking with industrial buyers in Java is preparation and implementation of this study. probably the most substantive entry barrier. 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