Page created by Nathaniel Pearson

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            eemingly                   this camera is able to focus
            untouchable                faster than its predecessor using
            when it comes to           a Vision Detection Auto focus
            drones, DJI have           (VDAF) system. The second
            just launched a            camera is a 162mm equivalent
            couple of new              with a 28x hybrid zoom. It
            drones; the Mavic          features a 1/2-inch sensor and
3 and the Mavic 3 Cine.                capable of 12 megapixel stills. It
                                       features an aperture of f/4.4
Starting with the Mavic 3, the         with the ISO range the same as
new drone features an all new          the main. The shutter speed can
and larger camera module               only be stopped down to 2
which features two cameras; a          seconds and unfortunately this
first for the Mavic range. Whilst      camera only shoots in JPEG.
it is larger it can tilt by 30º. The
main camera named L2D-20c              Video is where the two models
has been designed and built by         really diverge. The Mavic 3
Hasselblad. The camera is              shoots video at up to 5.1k or DCI
capable of 12.8 stops of               4K at up to 120fps all in a 10-bit
dynamic range retaining more           D-Log colour profile that
detail in highlights and               captures up to 1 billion colours
shadows. It features a 4/3             for more natural gradations. This
sensor capable of 20                   is encoded in H.265, whilst on
megapixels. The lens is                the Mavic 3 Cine it can be
equivalent to a 24mm focal             encoded using Apple ProRes
length providing a wide 84º            422HQ and saved on to the
field of view. It has an aperture      built-in 1TB SSD and transferred
range of f/2.8 to f/11 and can         using the 10Gbps light speed
focus from 1m to ∞. ISO range          cable facilitating professional
is impressive on both video and        content creation.
still images with a range from
100-6400 and testing has               The Mavic 3 features improved
shown that quality is                  omnidirectional obstacle
significantly improved up to ISO       sensing in the front and rear
3200 over the Mavic 2 with less        with downward and upward
noise. Shutter speeds can be           vision systems working in
stopped down to as low as 8            tandem with a high
seconds and up to 1/8000sec to         performance computing engine
capture fast moving action. This       to sense obstacles in all
camera is able to shoot in JPEG        directions and plot routes to
or DNG (RAW) formats. Finally,         avoid them.
                                                                            Source: DJI
market info

                 Mavic 3 features an advanced
                 Return to Home (RTH) function
                 that is improved over its
                 predecessor which will
                 automatically plot its optimal
                 route back whether triggered
                 by the user or by signal loss.
                 Footage will no longer be
                 interrupted by obstacles so
                 video can be captured even in
                 complex environments like
                 dense forest.

                 Flight time is an impressive 46
                 minutes with the high capacity
                 battery and wind resistance
                 that is improved by 35%.
                 Transmission range can be up
                 to 15km in areas with low
                 interference thanks to the O3+
                 transmission system and thanks
                 to this the Mavic 3 is the first to
                 feature a 1080p 60fps live feed.
                 Mavic 3 Cine comes with the
                 RC Pro controller which features
                 a 1000-nit display and high-
                 performance processor.

                 The Mavic 3 is available to pre-
                 order now starting at £1849/
                 AU$3099 or £2549/AU$4199 for
                 the Fly More Combo. The Mavic
                 3 Cine comes as a Premium
                 Combo for £4279/AU$7199.

              Source: DJI
 market info

                 ay-Ban            50 first person 30-second             The Facebook View app is the       itself. It is true that cameras are
                 released a new    videos or 200 photos with             operating system for the           everywhere now and that we
                 wearable in       either a simple touch on the          glasses. Through the app users     should all be used to that, but
                 collaboration     touchpad or a voice command.          will be able to import and edit    these glasses do a pretty good
                 with FaceBook                                           captures, as well as create and    job of hiding that fact by being
                 called Ray-Ban    Built-in to each of the temples       share content. Settings can also   attached to a popular brand
                 Stories back in   are discrete speakers which can       be edited within the app which     and design. Facebook or any of
September but with all the         be effortlessly switched              is available to download from      the large content platforms give
other major announcements          between for either receiving          the App Store or Google Play.      cause for concern as well and
made in the last couple of         calls or talking to those around      Ray-Ban Stories can be             these would likely be better if
months they went by the            you. The glasses also have 3 in-      purchased with clear or sun        they were not attached to any.
wayside. Things have quietened     built microphones for capturing       lenses with various                Then of course there is the
down in the run-up to              sound in all directions. Internally   technologies: Clear with Blue      question of when it is and is not
Christmas so we have an            there is 4GB storage which is         Light Filter, Brown Gradient,      appropriate to use a camera
opportunity to talk about them     enough to hold 500+ photos            G-15 Green, Grey, Blue Polarised   nobody is aware of! It will
now.                               and over 30 videos. Battery life      and Transitions.                   certainly be possible to have
                                   is nothing to write home about                                           fun with these but many may
The wearable comes in three        however with the Ray-Ban              On the face of it these glasses    have the recent revelations
styles; Round, Meteor and the      Stories having a lowly 3 hours        seem like a fun new accessory      surrounding Facebook at the
popular Wayfarer. The glasses      of battery life. Fortunately, they    in order to capture memories       back of their minds.
feature dual 5 megapixel           can be charged on the go using        and the world around.
cameras for taking photos or       the supplied charging case            However, there is an obvious       Ray-Ban Stories are available
videos and a pair of fully         which can charge the glasses          glaring concern and that is        now starting at £299/AU$449.
charged glasses can take up to     three times over.                     around privacy and Facebook
market info

                              ujifilm are in a     used to begin the printing
                              great place at the   process. To add to the analogue
                              moment with          feel Fujifilm have added a lens
                              some camera          dial used to scroll through 10
                              releases in recent   different lens effects like light
                              years making         leak, or half-frame and a film
                              them very popular    dial for 10 different film effects
              with amateurs and                    like monochrome or vivid.
              professionals alike. Some            These two shooting effects can
              medium format offerings that         be combined together together
              are ideal for landscape or studio    to create 100 different
              photographers and digital            combinations. On the back of
              cameras styled on those from         the camera is a 3.0-inch screen
              the 80s being received very          used for composing images
                                                   The camera can also be used as
              On the low end of the camera         a smartphone printer with the
              market they also offer a range       app supporting the Direct Print
              of instant cameras and they          function. There is also a Remote
              have just announced a new            Shooting function for shooting
              addition to this range. Enter the    away from the camera. The
              instax mini EVO that goes even       Transferred Images function can
              further to look like a classic       be used to share images with
              camera than a couple of the          popular instax frames. Released
              more recent additions to the         alongside the new camera is a
              instax range. Fujifilm are           new instant film called ‘Stone
              describing this new model as         Grey’ which has a grey frame
              an ‘instax flagship’ with it         with metallic silver which
              offering twice the exposure          Fujifilm say ‘gives it a sense of
              resolution of previous models.       luxury’.
              This model goes a step further
              than previous models with that       The instax mini EVO launches in
              classic look by featuring what       Japan on the 3rd December with
              looks like a film advance lever.     a worldwide release expected
              Instead though, this lever is        in early 2022.
market info

                 he right to repair
                 movement has
                 been going on
                 for some time
                 now and a
                 company that has
                 often come up in
                                      well known repairer is Louis
                                      Rossmann who runs a
                                      computer repair shop in New
                                      York city and also a very popular
                                      YouTube channel with 1.69
                                      million subscribers. He is well
                                      known to have appeared on
this fight is of course Apple,        news reports repairing Apple
whom over the past decade             laptops for a fraction of the cost
have made it more and more            of the Apple Genius bar simply
difficult for independent repair      because he works on the PCB
agents to be able to repair           level and replace faulty
devices. From genuine Apple           transistors as opposed to full
parts being flagged as non-           logic boards (or motherboards
genuine as they did not go            to the rest of the industry).
through Apple’s own system to         Among others, this repair agent
certain functions like Touch ID       got to testify at hearings in the
becoming non-functional after         US regarding right to repair in
independent repair to                 order to try and explain that
independent agents no longer          companies like Apple’s
being able to purchase Apple          reticence to allow independent
parts things have gone from           repair was not as they put it to
bad to worse. However, the            keep consumers safe or to
aforementioned Right to Repair        protect their data and privacy,
movement has gained                   but so they could control
significant ground over the           pricing and in some cases make
years fighting to be able to          repair so expensive that the
prolong the life of old devices       more sensible option was a
to maintain their own                 new purchase!
businesses but also so that
consumers have access to              After a long battle, the right to
cheaper and fairer repairs. One       repair movement looks to have
market info

              succeeded. Across the US 27           Their announcement goes on to
              states have considered bills as       say that users are asked to
              well as a national bill being         review the repair manual, then
              introduced to congress in June.       they order the parts and tools
              It’s worth noting that whist          required from the Apple Self
              none of these have been               Service Repair Online Store and
              passed into law, it is certainly a    can receive a credit towards
              shot across the bow for               their purchase when they
              companies like Apple that             return the broken part after the
              restrictive repair processes may      repair.
              not be legal for much longer.
              Federal government have               This is all interesting and a
              applied pressure also, where in       concession by one of the
              May the Federal Trade                 biggest opponents to right to
              Commission came out in favour         repair but its still just a first step
              of independent repair. Their          in a fairly long road.
              report found ‘scant evidence’ to      Independent repairers are
              justify restrictions imposed by       heralding this recent change as
              companies like Apple. President       a step in the right direction but
              Biden even went so far as             have been quick to point out
              signing an Executive Order            that parts will still be serialised
              back in July which encouraged         to individual products and
              the FTC to create new                 independents will still not have
              regulations limiting the ability of   full access to service manuals.
              mobile phone manufacturers to         The fact is this still leaves a lot of
              restrict DIY repair. Microsoft are    control in Apple’s camp and
              one of Apple’s main                   sources like iFixit state it will
              competitors whom have                 keep fighting for laws that keep
              already embraced right-to-            manufacturers like Apple
              repair policies who last month        honest. The Right to Repair
              complied with a first of its kind     coalition which advocates for
              resolution brought forward by         several repair shops and trade
              an environmental nonprofit.           groups states this is ‘far off’
                                                    from the requirements for right
              Apple’s Self Service Repair starts    to repair but demonstrates
              early next year in the US and         legislators are on the right track
              rolls out to other territories        if Apple has been spooked
              throughout 2022. It will give         enough to allow self repair.
              users who are comfortable with        Other groups have also stated
              carrying out their own repairs        this is a huge win but that
              access to genuine parts and           concrete reforms are still
              tools and manuals. Initially the      required.
              program will only apply to the
              iPhone 12 and 13 lines and later      I’m sure we will discuss this
              rolling out to laptops featuring      further in the future as this is
              M1 chips. The first phase of this     just the first positive step in an
              program will focus on the most        ongoing battle and I hope its
              popular kind of repairs so            overall a win for the little guy
              display, battery and camera           and not insanely rich
              with the ability for other repairs    corporations!
              coming later on in the year.
 market info

                   dditional           series but these lower end
                   information has     GPUs could be a nice little
                   leaked              kickstart to budget PC builds
                   regarding Intel’s   again with rumours putting
                   upcoming            these new Intel GPUs coming in
                   entry into the      under $200. These Intel GPUs
                   world of            do have advantages over the
discrete GPUs which was first          old Turing models though.
announced a couple of months           Firstly, they will support Ray
back. Whilst Intel had not been        Tracing and have much lower
covering themselves in glory for       power requirements.
the last few years, new
leadership appears to be paying        These first cards are not set to
off. Diversifying in to higher end     be officially announced until Q1
graphics seems like a good             2022 (likely CES 2022) and the
move considering the recent            anticipation is they will hit
shortages and the cost of              laptops first with a desktop line
graphics cards once crypto and         to launch a little later.
scalpers have gotten a hold of
them with prices tripling in
some cases.

Dubbed Intel Arc the first GPUs
will likely use Intel’s Alchemist
chips.. An entry level range
which according to WCFTech
will be aimed squarely to
compete with NVIDIA Turing
GPUs like the GTX1650 and GTX
1650 Super. This may seem a
little silly considering that
NVIDIA are now on the 3000
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