Market Diversification - Brexit Action Plan Bord Bia's 4TH E DITION: SE PTEMBE R 2020

Page created by Melvin Christensen
Market Diversification - Brexit Action Plan Bord Bia's 4TH E DITION: SE PTEMBE R 2020
Bord Bia’s
Brexit Action Plan

4 T H E D I T I O N : SE P TE MBE R 2 02 0
Market Diversification - Brexit Action Plan Bord Bia's 4TH E DITION: SE PTEMBE R 2020
Bord Bia’s Brexit Action Plan

The UK has left the European Union. It is
now in the Transition Period until the 31st of
December 2020, during which it remains in
the Single Market and Customs Union. The
ratification of the Withdrawal Agreement
by both the EU and the UK in October 2019
means that there will be permanent changes
to the trading relationship between the EU
and GB from the 1st of January 2021.

From next year there will be customs         Northern Ireland Protocol
and regulatory controls on trade             The EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement
including trade in agri-food products        includes a dedicated Protocol on
between the EU and UK, excluding             Ireland and Northern Ireland. The
Northern Ireland. The details and scope      Protocol ensures that there will be no
of the customs and regulatory controls       regulatory controls on trade moving
on trade in goods between EU/Ireland         between Ireland and Northern Ireland,
and UK will be defined based on the          other than those already in place. The
successful conclusion of negotiations        Protocol applies even if there is no trade
on an EU-UK Free Trade Agreement             agreement between the EU and the UK.
or in the absence of an FTA based on
application of WTO MFN trading rules
for Third Country trade. However, what
is certain is that these new Controls will
add costs, delays and complexity to the
supply chains of Irish food and drinks

Bord Bia’s Brexit Action Plan

Urgent actions required to prepare for
January 2021

Bord Bia’s Readiness Radar and Brexit       from 2021, this Brexit Action Plan is      through potential next steps and other
Barometer have both played a vital role     an important resource to ensure your       considerations in their Brexit planning.
over the past three years in enabling       business is prepared for these changes.
Irish food and drink manufacturers to
identify, assess and prepare for the        This is the Fourth Edition of Bord
challenges that businesses face as a        Bia’s Brexit Action Plan and provides
result of Brexit. Both risk diagnostic      practical information that Irish food
tools focus on six key risk areas related   and drink manufacturers can utilise
to Brexit: Customer Relationships,          in order to prepare for increased
Supply Chain, Customs and Controls,         complexity in future trade with the
Financial Resilience, Market                UK. It addresses actions companies
Diversification and Emerging Risks.         should take in two scenarios: a future
                                            Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between
It is positive to note that as of April     the EU and the UK (still to be defined
2020, over 91% of Readiness Radar           as it is currently under negotiation)
respondents said they had made              and No Agreement, whereby the UK
progress in relation to their Brexit        and EU will trade on WTO terms. Bord
preparedness over the past 12 months.       Bia’s support services, along with other
The results show that only a small          State supports, can be found listed at
number of companies report having           the end of each chapter. Each chapter
made no progress in the past year.          provides step-by-step guidance on the
Looking to the rest of 2020 and the         six risk areas and is accompanied by
permanent changes coming into effect        a checklist to help guide companies

                                            1. Identify potential markets for expansion (access
                                               Bord Bia’s Market Prioritisation Reports)

                                            2. Develop a comprehensive market strategy for the
                                               selected market

                                            3. Localise your product range

                                            4. Activate your market diversification plans (Attend
                                               a Trade Fair and/or Trade Mission)

Bord Bia’s Brexit Action Plan

Market Diversification

This focuses on key actions to guide Irish food
and drink manufacturers on developing a strategy
for expanding into new geographies.

The Irish food and drink industry has
sustained its position as by far the most
global of Ireland’s indigenous industries,
with its products finding markets in
over 180 countries. However, there
are challenges facing manufacturers
as they aim to unlock the value that
market diversification can deliver. These
challenges have intensified due to the
global supply chain challenges arising
from Covid-19. Efforts to diversify
growth into new markets as a response
to Brexit have also brought these risks
into sharp focus.

Bord Bia’s Brexit Action Plan

        Market selection considerations
        Prior to entering a new market, a robust commercial marketing strategy should be
        developed. The following details should be taken into account when considering and
        prioritising markets for exports:

        Market Projection                          Ease of doing business
        • Population                               • Ease of doing business ranking
        • Income per capita                        • Ease of logistical access
        • Import demand for my product(s)          • Market access status
        • Currency trends

        Market size and trends                     Imports

        • Urbanisation                             • Import levels by category /

        • Rate of growth in the food market          subcategory

        • Consumer market trends                   • Import price levels

        • Wider market trends and major            • Import Duties and VAT

           cultural considerations

“Prior to entering a
new market, a robust
commercial marketing
strategy should be

Bord Bia’s Brexit Action Plan

Expanding into new markets                  Geographies:                               Channel and customer

According to the Readiness Radar, 71%       • Are you aware of local VAT, duties,      •   Have you recently visited this
of respondents are actively seeking to        taxes and quotas for your product in         market, the relevant channels
expand into new markets in response to        the market?                                  and likely target stores, in order
Brexit. Expansion into new geographic                                                      to experience it for yourself?
                                            • What exchange rate effects would
regions requires thorough analysis and
                                              you need to take into consideration      •   Do you need industry
planning. A comprehensive market
                                              in this market?                              certifications to be able
strategy provides a clear set of criteria
                                                                                           to access key channels or
and targets to help organisations make      • Does your labelling, ingredients list,
                                                                                           customers in this market? (E.g.
the required change as efficiently as         nutritional declaration and shelf life
                                                                                           BRC, ISO standards).
possible.                                     meet the market requirements?
                                                                                       •   What are the target customer’s
The five questions below should be          • How would you need to resource
                                                                                           margin expectations in this
used to begin creating your commercial        this market in order to succeed?
                                                                                           market? What minimum life on
marketing strategy:                           E.g. current sales team based in
                                                                                           receipt (MLOR) is expected by
                                              Dublin, dedicated resource based in
1. Where do I want my business to be?                                                      the retailer in this market and
                                              Ireland or UK, Bord Bia Fellow, agent/
2. Where is my market heading?                                                             what type of distribution partner
                                              distributor or other.
                                                                                           would you need to achieve this?
3. Where should I focus?
                                            • Would you need a quality/technical
4. What is my value proposition?                                                       •   What systems do the customers
                                              manager who speaks the language of
                                                                                           use to plan, list products, book
5. How will I unlock my opportunities?        the market?
                                                                                           promotions, etc., and how do you
52% of Readiness Radar respondents          • What is your delivery lead time/time         get trained on them?
have a marketing strategy specifically        to market?
developed for non-UK export markets.
                                            • What marketing/promotional
A business should look in detail at the
                                              support would customers expect?
following areas to inform their strategic
choices when looking at export markets:     • What is your target customer’s
                                              margin expectation? Does your
Category:                                     pricing structure enable you to meet
• Have you clearly defined the
    category that you are operating in      • How does your target customer view
    and the role of your product within       your competition?
    the category?                           • What is the value of listing your
• Do you have latest data on the              range to the customer in comparison
    category you are targeting?               to current listings in this category?
                                              Are you familiar with the different
• Is your proposed pricing competitive
                                              store formats that exist in this
    within the category?
• Do you know who the main
                                            • Once these questions have been
    competitors are and how they are
                                              answered and your business has a
                                              basis for market diversification, you
• Are you clear on how your offer adds        should look in detail at the following
    value to the category and what your       areas to inform your strategic
    product uniquely brings?                  choices:

• Have you visited the market to
    familiarise yourself with it and the

Bord Bia’s Brexit Action Plan

Brands and products                        Localising your product range               Labelling

•   Will you need to customise your        There are practical factors, such as the    Product labelling laws and regulations
    products for this market?              local regulatory environment, language      can differ from country to country. In
                                           and general market and cultural             Europe, EU food regulations cover all
•   Do you know standard pack sizes
                                           nuances, which will play a vital role in    the directives that you need to follow
    for the category? Will your existing
                                           shaping your success overseas.              to stay compliant with local regulatory
    packaging fit on the shelves
                                                                                       regimes. However, some European
    and does it meet local recycling       There are practical factors, such as the
                                                                                       countries may have laws that go even
    requirements (if any)? What is         local regulatory environment, language
                                                                                       further than the EU regulations. Ensure
    your unique selling proposition        and general market and cultural
                                                                                       you check for any additional regulations
    (USP) and how do you differ from       nuances, which will play a vital role in
                                                                                       in your target market.
    your competition? Do you have          shaping your success overseas. These
    the necessary accreditations?          details are key to designing a product      Language
    I.e. BRC global standards,             range that can succeed in the new
                                                                                       From a regulatory perspective, what
    SALSA (safe and local supplier         market, namely:
                                                                                       elements of your packaging must be in
    approval), organic certification,
                                           Brand                                       the local language? What do consumers
    International Featured Standards
                                           Is your brand name understood by            need to be able to understand about
    (IFS), halal or other International
                                           consumers in the new market? Does the       what you bare offering and how it
    Organisation for Standards (ISO).
                                           brand name have the same meaning? If        answers customer needs about your
    Does your labelling, ingredients
                                           not, do you need to adapt your brand or     product from how it is packaged to
    list, nutritional declaration and
                                           develop an export or channel specific       brand name and description?
    shelf life meet the local market
                                           brand? You will also need to consider
                                           how to protect your brand name (and
•   What MLOR can you guarantee to         logos) in this market and check you
    the retailer?                          are not infringing on another brand’s
•   What are your minimum order            intellectual property.
    quantities for an existing stock       Range
    keeping unit (SKU)? Or for a SKU
                                           Consider how many SKUs or product
    that needs recipe and packaging
                                           variants you are going to include
    localisation for an export market?
                                           in your range. Assess the taste and
•   Do you have the desire and             texture which consumers prefer in
    capability to modify your products     your category and adapt your range to
    based on local market preferences?     meet local preferences. Research the
•   What is your global location           product specifications which customers
    number (GLN)/factory code?             in your target channel prefer. Bord Bia’s
                                           Thinking House can provide valuable
•   Do you outsource your production?
                                           insight in this area.
    What are your three priority
    commitments/targets under              Pack Size
    Origin Green? Will these deliver a     There can also be nuances in preferred
    competitive advantage? Will they       pack size in different markets and it
    deliver a consumer benefit and/or      is important that you take these into
    USP?                                   consideration. Answer questions such
                                           as: What size should your product be to
                                           appeal to consumers and customers’
                                           needs in the new market? How many
                                           servings does the shopper or operator
                                           need to get out of the pack?

Bord Bia’s Brexit Action Plan

Market Diversification Checklist

The following checklist will help you establish a
strategic market diversification plan.

                                                                     REVIEWED        DRAFTED A
                                                                    ‘BUSINESS AS     PLAN FOR
                                                                                                      FOR BREXIT-
                                                                       USUAL’      IMPROVEMENT

    Carry out extensive market research in order to identify
    where the opportunity lies, and which market should be
    selected for expansion.

    Establish a comprehensive market diversification strategy.

    Localise your product range to the market selected for

    Utilise Bord Bia’s Engagement Activity Prioritisation Tool in
    order to activate your market diversification strategy.

Bord Bia’s Brexit Action Plan

Market Diversification Supports
Bord Bia Supports                            weighted, allowing for a list of the top       register your interest, please contact
                                             30 markets for each food and drinks            your Sector Manager.
Bord Bia’s Readiness Radar                   category. Through ongoing consultation
In July 2020 Bord Bia launched the           with industry, Bord Bia has identified         Bord Bia’s Logistic Partner Database
Readiness Radar, which is a risk             15 priority markets for meat, dairy,           The Logistic Partner Database
diagnostic tool developed to assess          prepared consumer foods, beverages             enables Irish companies to identify
industry thinking and performance            and seafood. 75 summary reports                logistics service providers operating
around a number of priority risks            have been published for each market            both in-market and internationally.
and challenges. These include                and sector, outlining the scale of the         The database covers the UK, France,
Covid-19, Brexit, Challenges to Market       opportunity, level of competition and          Germany, the Netherlands, Poland and
Diversification, Sustainability Pressures,   any barriers likely to face Irish exporters.   Spain. Simply select a supplier type from
Consumer Insights and Innovation, and                                                       the drop-down menu to begin. Your
Talent Management.                           Building on from the market                    search can be customised by company
                                             prioritisation exercise, each sector           name, country or product category
It enables Irish food and drink
                                             has developed a three-year strategy            such as (ambient, chill or frozen) and
manufacturers to prioritise and assess
                                             for 2019-2021, in line with Bord Bia’s         by service (type such as transport or
their own company specific risks facing
                                             Statement of Strategy. The strategies          warehousing).
their businesses.
                                             inform sector focus and the key priority
                                                                                            Export Assistance
Readiness Radar Gap Analysis                 Please contact your relevant Sector
                                                                                            The total value of Irish food, drink and
Report                                       Manger to discuss further.
                                                                                            horticulture exports in 2019 was €13bn.
Each client company that completed                                                          In support of this, Bord Bia has a large
                                             Commercial Marketing Strategy
the Readiness Radar received a Gap                                                          range of programmes and actions in
Analysis Report. The Gap Analysis                                                           place, to assist businesses with their
Report enables you to understand your        This service assists client companies
                                                                                            export operations.
risk exposure and level of preparedness      in the development of a commercial
across the six key challenges outlined       marketing strategy for their business.         These supports include information on
in the Readiness Radar: Covid-19, Brexit,    This involves making choices around            foreign markets, distribution channels,
Challenges to Market Diversification,        Where to Play (which market, category,         a range of Distributor Guides, as well
Sustainability Pressures, Consumer           channel, customer etc.) and How to             as in-market trade shows, Consumer
Insights and Innovation, and Talent                                                         & Trade promotions (EU & Bord Bia
                                             Win (developing a value proposition
Management.                                                                                 promotional campaigns) to promote
                                             and marketing objectives to deliver
                                             the strategy). The service is delivered        products and of course our flagship
Bord Bia’s Market Prioritisation             through a mix of workshops, one-to-            programme, Origin Green.
Exercise                                     ones and online supports. Visit www.
Bord Bia has undertaken an in-depth for more details.
Market Prioritisation exercise focussing
on identifying relatively newer markets      Key Customer Management
likely to present growth opportunities
over the next 5 – 10 years. A funnel         This Bord Bia service is designed to

approach was adopted for the project,        develop client capability in managing

with an initial screening of over 180        accounts with key trading customers (in

markets. Macro-economic and sector           Retail/Food Service/Manufacturing) to

specific criteria was assessed and           deliver sustainable, long term business
                                             growth. For further information and to

Bord Bia’s Brexit Action Plan

Think Digital                                 Trade Fairs
Think Digital aims to boost the digital       Every year Bord Bia attends
capabilities of Irish food and drink          international trade fairs covering a wide
manufacturers and raise awareness of          range of sectors, with the goal of driving
the possibilities that digital can add to     business opportunities for clients and
their Commercial Marketing Strategy.          raising the awareness of Brand Ireland.
This service can support companies that       For further information on how to join
are looking to enter new markets where        these trade fairs, please contact your
digital activity is a necessary or integral   Sector Manager or go to the designated
factor in business growth.                    Trade Fairs page on the Bord Bia
For more information contact:                 website.

                                              Trade Missions
Virtual Trade Missions and Online
                                              Bord Bia works with industry to prioritise
Trade Shows
                                              high potential markets and organises
International travel restrictions and
                                              Trade Missions with the Department
ongoing social distancing guidelines
                                              of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.
has necessitated Bord Bia to revaluate
                                              A Trade Mission will typically have
its trade engagement strategy and
                                              sectoral priorities and common key
planning for the remainder of2020. As
                                              business objectives and outputs.
such Bord Bia has a new hybrid offline/
                                              These focus on market access, raising
online alternative programme of events.
                                              awareness of Brand Ireland and driving
This will ensure sustained engagement
                                              business opportunities for Irish food
to build Ireland’s reputation as a
                                              and drink manufacturers. For further
sustainable source of food in new
                                              information on how to join these Trade
markets worldwide, develop market
                                              Missions, please contact your Sector
understanding for client companies,
and foster connections with prospective
business partners.
For more information contact:                 Weekly Brexit Alert                               Informs latest Brexit developments in
                                              the UK Market and implications for
Perfecting the Virtual Pitch                  the Irish Food & Drink sector. As part
This workshop programme assists Irish         of the weekly FoodAlert Newsletter
food and drink exporters with preparing       highlighting emerging trends in food
for virtual pitches to grow business          and drink and how those trends are
during the disruption arising from            manifesting in different markets.
Covid-19.                                     Newsletter also links to Bord Bia’s
                                              pricing pages. Used by clients to stay
For more information contact:
                                              abreast of latest developments in
                                              categories and in market.

                                              Sign up at


Bord Bia’s Brexit Action Plan

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