Marine Vessels Rules for Building and Classing - Notices and General Information

Page created by Valerie Hubbard
Rules for Building and Classing

Marine Vessels

Notices and General Information

July 2022

JULY 2022


American Bureau of Shipping
Incorporated by Act of Legislature of
the State of New York 1862

 2022 American Bureau of Shipping. All rights reserved.
ABS Plaza
1701 City Plaza Drive
Spring, TX 77389 USA
Notices and General Information

                Introduction ..................................................................................................................... 1
                                TABLE 1               Applicable Editions of Booklets Comprising July 2022 Marine
                                                      Vessel Rules ............................................................................. 4
                                TABLE 2               Division and Numbering of Rules ............................................. 5
                Rule Change Notice (1 July 2022) ................................................................................. 6
                             TABLE 3      Summary of Changes from the January 2022 Rules ............... 6

ABS RULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING MARINE VESSELS . 2022                                                                                         ii
Notices and General Information

        1.      ABS Rules and Guides are developed and updated to keep pace with the marine industry. This has
                resulted in a complex library of Rules and Guides. Many requirements are repeated throughout
                the ABS Rules and Guides, making use and maintenance of Rules/Guides more challenging. To
                address the duplication of requirements and to provide a set of Rules that is easier to navigate,
                ABS has consolidated Rules for both Vessels and Offshore Units.

                For vessels, the Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels, the Rules for Building and Classing
                Steel Vessels Under 90 meters (295 feet) in Length and the Rules for Building and Classing
                Offshore Support Vessels have been consolidated into the Rules for Building and Classing
                Marine Vessels (the Marine Vessel Rules).

        2.      The year 2022 edition of the Rules for Building and Classing Marine Vessels consists of the
                eleven (11) booklets as shown in Table 1. In this regard, we would bring the following to the
                user’s attention:
                a)      The purpose of the generic title ABS Rules for Conditions of Classification (Part 1) is to
                        reflect the expanded contents of PART 1, as a result of including consolidated requirements
                        for “Classification” applicable to all types of and sizes of vessels, barges and specific
                        shipboard arrangements/systems, etc., except for those in offshore service, as specified in
                        the Foreword to Part 1. The supplemental requirements previously contained in
                        individual Rules and Guides have been consolidated into Chapters of Part 1.
                b)      The purpose of the generic title ABS Rules for Materials and Welding of PART 2 is to
                        emphasize the common applicability of the requirements to ABS-classed vessels, other
                        marine structures and their associated machinery, and thereby make PART 2 more readily
                        a common “PART” of various ABS Rules and Guides, as appropriate. The Rules for
                        steel, aluminum, and FRP materials have been consolidated into a single Part 2.
                c)      The purpose of the generic title ABS Rules for Survey After Construction (Part 7) is to
                        reflect the expanded contents of PART 7, as a result of including consolidated requirements
                        for “Surveys After Construction” applicable to all types and sizes of vessels, barges and
                        specific shipboard arrangements/systems, etc., as specified in Part 7, Chapter 1, Section 1.
        3.      The numbering system applied in the Rules is shown in Table 2.
        4.      The primary changes from the January 2022 Rules are identified and listed in Table 3. The
                effective date of the indicated Rule Changes is 1 July 2022, unless specifically indicated otherwise.
                For certain changes that have a major impact on shipyards, designers and vendors, ABS has
                instituted a two-year Rule cycle to give the industry more time to prepare for these changes. The
                text of these changes will appear in a box along with the effective date just under the existing Rule
        5.      The listing of CLASSIFICATION SYMBOLS AND NOTATIONS is available from the ABS
                website for download.

ABS RULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING MARINE VESSELS . 2022                                                          1
Notices and General Information

        6.      In association with the harmonization of the Common Structural Rules (CSR) for Bulk Carriers
                and Oil Tankers, on 1 July 2015, the three Sub-parts, 5A, 5B, and 5C, of Part 5 of the Rules for
                Building and Classing Marine Vessels are as follows:

                        Part 5A: General Hull Requirements (IACS CSR Part 1)
                        Part 5B: Ship Types (IACS CSR Part 2)
                        Part 5C: This Part is divided into two separate booklets as follows:
                                   Chapters 1 to 6:          Tankers and Bulk Carriers not covered by Part 5A
                                                             and Part 5B and Container Carriers
                                   Chapters 7 to 19:         Passenger Vessels, Liquefied Gas Carriers, Chemical
                                                             Carriers, Vessels Intended to Carry Vehicles, Water
                                                             Carriers, Membrane Tank LNG Carriers, Vessels
                                                             Using Gases or other Low-Flashpoint Fuels, Fire
                                                             Fighting Vessels, Oil Recovery Vessels, Escort
                                                             Vessels, Vessels Under 90 m (295 ft) Intended for
                                                             Towing, Fishing Vessels, and Box-Shaped Bulk
                        Part 5D: Offshore Support Vessels for Specialized Services
                Application – Oil Tankers
                        The structural requirements in Part 5A, Pt 1 and Part 5B, Pt 2, Ch 2 of the Rules are
                        applicable for double hull oil tankers of 150 m in length and upward, with structural
                        arrangements as specified in Part 5A, Pt 1, Ch 1, Sec 1, [1.3].
                        For oil tankers with structural arrangements not covered by Part 5A, Pt 1 and Part 5B,
                        Pt 2, Ch 2, the requirements in Part 5C, Chapters 1 or 2, are to be complied with.
                Application – Bulk Carriers
                        The structural requirements in Part 5A, Pt 1 and Part 5B, Pt 2, Ch 1 of the Rules are
                        applicable for single side skin and double side skin bulk carriers of 90m in length and
                        upward, with structural arrangements as specified in Part 5A, Pt 1, Ch 1, Sec 1, [1.2].
                        For vessels intended to carry ore or bulk cargoes, other than the single side skin or double
                        side skin bulk carriers of 90 m in length and upward with structural arrangements as
                        specified in Part 5A, Pt 1 and Part 5B, Pt 2, Ch 1, the requirements in Part 5C, Chapters 3
                        or 4 are to be complied with.
                Application – ABS Construction Monitoring Program
                        These compulsory requirements for CSR notation are specified in Part 5C, Appendix 2.
                Application – Onboard Systems for Oil Tankers and Bulk Carriers
                        The onboard systems for all tankers are to comply with the requirements of Part 5C,
                        Chapter 1, Section 7, and for all bulk carriers are to comply with the requirements of Part
                        5C, Chapter 3, Section 7 of the Rules.
                Application – References
                        Other Parts of the ABS Rules that are referenced within Part 5A, 5B, 5C, and 5D are also
                        to be applied.
                The following flow chart indicates the application of the Rules and typical Class Notations for
                tanker and bulk carrier vessels, of which arrangements and scantlings are in full compliance with
                the Rules:

ABS RULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING MARINE VESSELS . 2022                                                         2
Notices and General Information

             Vessels Intended to Carry Oil in Bulk       Vessels Intended to Carry Ore or Bulk Cargoes

          No                                                                                             No
                            L ≥ 150 m?                                       L ≥ 90 m?

                                        Yes                                              Yes

                        Arrangement and                                 Arrangement and
        No                                                                                                No
                       layout comply with                              layout comply with
               Part 5A, Pt 1, Ch 1, Sec 1, [1.3] and           Part 5A, Pt 1, Ch 1, Sec 1, [1.2] and
                    Part 5A, Pt 1, Ch 1, Sec 1,                     Part 5A, Pt 1, Ch 1, Sec 1,
                            Figure 3?                                     Figures 1 & 2?

                                        Yes                                              Yes

               Part 5A, Pt 1 and Part 5B, Pt 1, Ch 2:         Part 5A, Pt 1 and Part 5B, Pt 1, Ch 1:
                    Common Structural Rules                        Common Structural Rules
                                and                                            and
                       Part 5C, Appendix 2                            Part 5C, Appendix 2
                  Part 5C, Chapter 1, Section 7:                 Part 5C, Chapter 3, Section 7:
                     ABS Marine Vessel Rules                        ABS Marine Vessel Rules

                  À A1 Oil Carrier, CSR, AB-CM                   À A1 Bulk Carrier, CSR, AB-CM
                               plus                                            plus
                appropriate notations for oil carriers         appropriate notations for bulk carriers

                      Part 5C, Chapter 1,                             Part 5C, Chapter 3,
                     Appendix 1 to Part 5C                           Appendix 1 to Part 5C
                    ABS Marine Vessel Rules                         ABS Marine Vessel Rules
                          (L ≥ 150 m)                                     (L ≥ 150 m)

                   À A1 Oil Carrier, SH, SHCM                     À A1 Bulk Carrier, SH, SHCM
                               plus                                            plus
                appropriate notations for oil carriers         appropriate notations for bulk carriers

                      Part 5C, Chapter 2                              Part 5C, Chapter 4
                    ABS Marine Vessel Rules                         ABS Marine Vessel Rules
                         (L < 150 m)                                     (L < 150 m)

                          À A1 Oil Carrier                              À A1 Bulk Carrier
                               plus                                            plus
                appropriate notations for oil carriers         appropriate notations for bulk carriers

ABS RULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING MARINE VESSELS . 2022                                                      3
Notices and General Information

                                       TABLE 1
      Applicable Editions of Booklets Comprising July 2022 Marine Vessel Rules
   Notices and General Information                                                     July 2022
   Part 1:           Rules for Conditions of Classification                            July 2022
   Part 2:           Rules for Materials and Welding                                   July 2022
                         Rules for Testing and Certification of Materials
                         Rules for Welding and Fabrication
   Part 3:           Hull Construction and Equipment                                   July 2022
   Part 4:           Vessel Systems and Machinery                                      July 2022
   Part 5A:          Specific Vessel Types                                             July 2022 (on and
   (Booklet 1)           General Hull Requirements (IACS CSR Part 1)                   after
                                                                                       1 July 2022)
   Part 5B:           Specific Vessel Types                                            July 2022 (on and
   (Booklet 1)           Ship Types (IACS CSR Part 2)                                  after
                                                                                       1 July 2022)
   Part 5C:           Specific Vessel Types                                            July 2022
   (Booklet 2)           Chapter 1 & 2        Oil Carrier
                         Chapter 3 & 4        Bulk Carrier
                         Chapter 5 & 6        Container Carrier
   Part 5C:           Specific Vessel Types                                            July 2022
   (Booklet 3)           Chapter 7            Passenger Carrier
                         Chapter 8            Liquefied Gas Carrier
                         Chapter 9            Chemical Carrier
                         Chapter 10           Vehicle Carrier
                         Chapter 11           Water Carrier
                         Chapter 12           Liquefied Gas Carrier with Membrane
                          Chapter 13          Vessels Using Gases or other Low-
                                              Flashpoint Fuels
                          Chapter 14          Fire Fighting Vessels
                          Chapter 15          Oil Recovery Vessels
                          Chapter 16          Escort Vessels
                          Chapter 17          Vessels Under 90m (295 ft) Intended
                                              for Towing
                          Chapter 18          Fishing Vessels
                          Chapter 19          Vessels Intended to Carry Bulk Cargoes
                                              without Upper Wing Tanks and Lower
                                              Wing Tanks

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Notices and General Information

   Part 5D:            Offshore Support Vessels for Specialized Services                                 July 2022
   (Booklet 4)             Chapter 1      Vessels Intended for Offshore Support Services
                           Chapter 2      Offshore Supply
                           Chapter 3      Anchor Handling and Towing
                           Chapter 4      Fire Fighting
                           Chapter 5      Diving and Remotely Operated Vehicles
                                          (ROVs) Support
                           Chapter 6      Oil Spill Recovery
                           Chapter 7      Safety Standby Rescue
                           Chapter 8      Pipe Laying
                           Chapter 9      Heavy Lift
                           Chapter 10     Well Intervention
                           Chapter 11     Well Stimulation
                           Chapter 12     Well Test
                           Chapter 13     Escort
                           Chapter 14     Wind Turbine Installation, Maintenance and
                                          Repair (Wind IMR)
                           Chapter 15     Cable Laying
                           Chapter 16     Subsea Services
   Part 6:             Specialized Items and Systems                                                     July 2022
                           Chapter 1            Strengthening for Navigation in Ice
                           Chapter 2            Refrigerated Cargo Vessels
   Part 7:             Rules for Survey After Construction                                               July 2022

                                                   TABLE 2
                                       Division and Numbering of Rules
                     Division                          Number
                     Part                              Part 1
                     Chapter                           Part 1, Chapter 1
                     Section                           Section 1-1-1
                     Subsection (see Note 1)           1-1-1/1
                     Paragraph (see Note 1)            1-1-1/1.1
                     Subparagraph                      1-1-1/1.1.1
                     Item                              1-1-1/1.1.1(a)
                     Subitem                           1-1-1/1.1.1(a)i)
                     Appendix                          Appendix 1-1-A1 or Appendix 1-A1-1
        1        An odd number (1, 3, 5, etc.) numbering system is used for the Rules. The purpose is to permit future insertions of
                 even-numbered paragraphs (2, 4, 6, etc.) of text and to avoid the necessity of having to renumber the existing text and
                 associated cross-references, as applicable, within the Rules and associated process instructions, check sheets, etc.

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Notices and General Information

Rule Change Notice (1 July 2022)
                                              TABLE 3
                            Summary of Changes from the January 2022 Rules
                               EFFECTIVE DATE 1 July 2022 – shown as (1 July 2022)

 Part/Para. No.                      Title/Subject                                       Status/Remarks
 PART 1                 Rules for Conditions of Classification
 1-1-2/7.15 and         Suspension and Cancellation of         To provide means of suspension or cancellation when a facility is
 11.11                  Classification                         moving, or being moved, from its current location without notifying
 1-1-3/32               Classification Symbols and Notations   To add a disclaimer covering the AUTONOMOUS or REMOTE-
                                                               CON notations.
 1-1-3/33               Classification Symbols and Notations   To formally introduce the (I) Notation into the Rules
 1-1-4/1.5              Rules for Classification               To define different ABS document types (Rules, Requirements,
                                                               Guides, and Guidance Notes) and to introduce a new document type
 1-1-8/1.1              Conditions for Surveys After           To define "first opportunity" to clarify requirements.

                               EFFECTIVE DATE 1 July 2022 – shown as (1 July 2022)
                                (based on the date of purchase order of the materials)
 Part/Para. No.                      Title/Subject                                       Status/Remarks
 PART 2                 Materials and Welding
 2-1-1/7.2              General Requirements                   To permit all Mills to be able to request electronic certification system
                                                               vs. only mills enrolled into ABS QA Program.
 2-4-5                  Aluminum Welding in Hull               To make updates based on ABS Surveyor’s experiences, add
                        Construction                           clarification in accordance with IACS Rec 47, and make
                                                               improvements according to AWS D1.2.
 2-5-1/1.2, 1.3,        General                                To add requirements for manufacturer approval, similar to 2-1-1/1.2,
 1.9, 5.1, 7.4                                                 expand the test and test data requirements in line with 2-1-1/1.3 and
                                                               refer to Appendix 2-5-A3 and 2-1-1/1.5, add references to ASTM
                                                               B548 and AWS D3.7, and expand the required inspection and testing
                                                               results included on the certificate.
 2-5-2/1.1, 1.5         Standard Test Methods                  To update ASTM reference "ASTM E34" to "ASTM E3061" and to
                                                               specify the application of the ASTM references.
 2-5-5/Tables 1A,       Tensile Properties                     To update the tables based on experiences of ABS Review and Survey
 1B, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7                                          and to align with IACS UR W25.
 2-5-7/1, 9, 13         Sheet, Plate and Rolled Products       To specify application of Section 2-5-7, specify NDE requirements,
                                                               specify requirements for repairs and to align with IACS UR W25 and
                                                               ASTM B221.
 2-5-8/1, 5.3,          Extrusions                             To define closed and open extrusions, clarify requirements for drift
 Figure 1, 5.4, 9,                                             expansion tests, provide requirements for bend tests, specify NDE
 11, 13                                                        requirements, clarify requirements for dimensions and tolerance and
                                                               provide standards references, and specify requirements for repairs.
 2-5-9/7, 9, 11         Forgings                               To provide requirements for rejection of forgings, specify NDE
                                                               requirements, clarify requirements for dimensions and tolerance.
 2-5-10/1, 7, 9, 11,    Castings                               To specify application to composite components (two or more
 13, 15                                                        castings joined by welding), provide requirements for rejection of
                                                               castings, specify requirements for repair of defects by welding,
                                                               specify NDE requirements, clarify requirements for dimensions and
                                                               tolerance, and provide requirements for marking and retests, in line
                                                               with ABS experience and similar requirements for steel.

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Notices and General Information

 Part/Para. No.                   Title/Subject                                       Status/Remarks
 2-5-A1/3.11           Aluminum/Steel Bi-material          To includes a reference for fatigue tests.
                       Transition Joints
 2-5-A3                List of Destructive and             To clarify list of tests for each type of product.
                       Nondestructive Tests Required for
                       Materials and Responsibility for
 2-A10-1/2, 3.1,       Procedure for the Approval of       "To provide requirements for approval of semi-finished product
 3.5.1, 3.5.2, 4, 5,   Aluminum Manufacturers              manufacturers, specify information to be submitted, include furnace
 7                                                         capacity, clarify requirements for testing, provide requirements for
                                                           approval tests, provide requirements for extension of audit date, and
                                                           provide requirements for withdrawal of the approval.

                              EFFECTIVE DATE 1 January 2022 – shown as (2022)
                   (based on the contract date for new construction between builder and Owner)
 Part/Para. No.                 Title/Subject                              Status/Remarks
 PART 5A               Specific Vessel Types – General Hull Requirements (IACS CSR Part 1)
 5A-1-3/2.2.3          Verification of Compliance          To reflect CSR Urgent Rule Change Notice 1 to 01 JAN 2021 version.
 5A-8-2/3.1.2          Slenderness Requirements            To reflect CSR Urgent Rule Change Notice 1 to 01 JAN 2021 version.
 5A-11-3               Equipment                           To reflect CSR Urgent Rule Change Notice 1 to 01 JAN 2021 version.
 5A-11-4/1.1.1, 3,     Supporting Structure for Deck       To reflect CSR Urgent Rule Change Notice 1 to 01 JAN 2021 version.
 5                     Equipment and Fittings

                            EFFECTIVE DATE 1 July 2022 – shown as (1 July 2022)
                   (based on the contract date for new construction between builder and Owner)
 Part/Para. No.                Title/Subject                                          Status/Remarks
 PART 3                Hull Construction and Equipment
 3-1-2/15.1 and        General Requirements                To clarify the requirements of the major openings of hatches, to
 15.3                                                      remove the duplicated requirements, and to update OSV requirements
                                                           to be consistent with the requirements of other type of marine vessels.
 3-2-2/5.3, 5.7 and    Shell Plating                       To correct the Rule formula for the vessels less than 90m in length
 5.9                                                       and to remove the discrepantly defined upper limit of standard frame
 3-2-4/19.3            Bottom Structures                   To update requirements for drain wells in accordance with SOLAS
                                                           Reg.II-1/9.3 amended by MSC.421(98) and to remove duplicate
                                                           requirements 4-6-4/17.3.2 (c)..
 3-2-9/1.1             Watertight Bulkheads and Doors      To remove "WT", since it is no longer listed in the Record.
 3-2-9/1.11, 1.13,     Watertight Bulkheads and Doors      To incorporate IACS UI SC156 Rev 2, to format the Tests and
 9.3.3, 9.9 and                                            Inspections into standard parts: materials, welding, testing at the plant
 9.11                                                      of manufacturer and installation tests, to require Unit certification of
                                                           WT doors including material certification and that prototype tests
                                                           need to be witnessed by ABS Surveyor, and to add a section for Plans
                                                           and Particulars to be submitted for consistency on engineering reviews
                                                           of WT doors.
 3-2-9/5.1, 5.4,       Watertight Bulkheads and Doors      To be consistent with SVR and Under 90m Rules and to define
 Figures 3A-3C                                             effective length of a bracket instead of effective length of stiffener.
 3-2-10/3.3            Deep Tanks                          To define effective length of a bracket instead of effective length of
 3-2-11/3.5            Superstructures, Deckhouses and     To apply the requirements to Offshore Support Vessels only and are
                       Helicopter Decks                    move to a subsection newly created for Offshore Support Vessels.
 3-2-11/3.9            Superstructures, Deckhouses and     To clarify the applicable locations for the requirements of the deck
                       Helicopter Decks                    steps, which were originally prescribed in OSV Rules.

ABS RULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING MARINE VESSELS . 2022                                                                          7
Notices and General Information

 Part/Para. No.                   Title/Subject                                           Status/Remarks
 3-2-17/7.5.1(b)       Bulwarks, Rails, Freeing Ports,          To require sidescuttles deadlights to be watertight if fitted below the
                       Portlights, Ventilator, Tank Vents and   freeboard deck and weathertight if fitted above the freeboard deck, in
                       Overflows                                line with ICLL Reg. 23(4).
 3-5-1/3.1, Figure     Anchoring, Mooring, and Towing           To correct and clarify the definition of "a" and to remove "a" from
 1A                    Equipment                                Figure 1A, in line with IACS UR A1 rev.7/corr.1.
 PART 4                Vessel Systems and Machinery
 4-1-1/1.9.7           Classification of Machinery              To update the definition for blackout to include a clarification for
                                                                available services, in line with IACS UR E17.
 4-1-1/7.9             Classification of Machinery              To provide clarification as to what documentation needs to be
                                                                submitted for the verification of the equipment/machinery capability
                                                                of operation under the inclinations listed in 4-1-1/9 Table 7 by
 4-1-1/7.13            Classification of Machinery              To keep consistent with IACS UR M75 Rev.1.
 4-2-1/13.1.2(a),      Internal Combustion Engines              "To a allow for PDA/certification of mass produced high pressure fuel
 Table 7                                                        injection pipes based on the current practice by the manufacturers.
 4-2-1A2/3             Type Testing Procedure for               To correct references to some of industry standards referred to from
                       Crankcase Explosion Relief Valves        IACS UR M66 REV. 4 CORR.(OCT.2021) as agreed by Machinery
 4-2-2/3.3, 11.1,      Turbochargers                            To provide clarification for certification requirements for Category B
 Table 2                                                        Turbochargers.
 4-3-2/1.5.1,          Propulsion Shafting                      "To address provisions or recommendations regarding EALs because
 5.15.2(e)                                                      of their widespread use/adoption.
 4-3-4/1.7             Steering Gears                           "To clarify that the power units may be located outside of the
                                                                compartment containing the rudder actuators for vessels less than 90
                                                                meters in length.
 4-6-2/5.7.1, 5.7.2,   Metallic Piping                          To incorporate IACS UR P2.7.4 (Rev.10), IACS UR P2.11 (Rev.5),
 5.7.5, 5.9.1(i),                                               IACS UR P2.12 (Rev.3), and IACS UR P2.13 (Rev.1).
 5.9.2(e)v)6, 9.1,
 Table 10 and
 Table 12
 4-6-2/9.19            Metallic Piping                          To add the installation of the slip-on joints in areas outside the cargo
 TABLE 10                                                       tank to Footnote 11 in MVR 4-6-2/9.19 TABLE 10 to be in line with
 Footnote 11                                                    INSG 4-6-2/5.9.1(i).
 4-6-4/7.7             Ship Piping Systems and Tanks            To correctly specify the application of the Ballast Water Treatment
 4-6-4/9.3.7(d)ii)     Ship Piping Systems and Tanks            To incorporate IACS UR P3 (Rev.5 Apr.2021).
 4-6-4/17.3.2(c)       Ship Piping Systems and Tanks            To update requirements for drain wells in accordance with SOLAS
                                                                Reg.II-1/9.3 amended by MSC.421(98) and to remove duplicate
                                                                requirements 4-6-4/17.3.2 (c)..
 4-6-5/3.3.6,          Piping Systems for Internal              To a allow for PDA/certification of mass produced high pressure fuel
 3.3.7(d)              Combustion Engines                       injection pipes based on the current practice by the manufacturers.
 4-8-1/5.5.1           General Provisions                       To provide additional documentation requirements covering
                                                                permanent magnet inline shaft generators on single screw vessels.
 4-8-2/5.9.3           System Design                            To provide guidance to ABS requirements where lithium-ion batteries
                                                                are utilized as an emergency power source.
 4-8-2/11.3.4          System Design                            To further clarify the requirement for separate power source of
                                                                audible device of navigation lighting panel
 4-8-2/11.11.5         System Design                            To add charging requirements for VRLA and AGM batteries used for
                                                                engine starting.
 4-8-3/3.14,           Electrical Equipment                     To specify additional design requirements for permanent magnet shaft
 3.15.1(a) and                                                  generators on single screw vessels.
 4-8-3/9.17            Electrical Equipment                     To clarify that in accordance with 4-1-1/Table 3 item 20, cables are
                                                                required to be type approval Tier 2.
 4-8-4/5.1.6,          Shipboard Installation and Tests         To add requirement for replacement of batteries with VRLA or AGM
 5.3.2(a), 5.3.2(b)                                             batteries and to add requirements for air circulation between batteries
                                                                and for personnel protection.

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Notices and General Information

 Part/Para. No.                   Title/Subject                                          Status/Remarks
 4-8-4/27.3.2          Shipboard Installation and Tests        To add new line for vessels using gases or low flashpoint fueled
                                                               vessels and to correct cross-reference.
 4-8-4/27.3.3          Shipboard Installation and Tests        To align the 4-8-4/27.3.3 with the subject requirement in 4-8-4/27.5.3
                                                               and 4-8-4/27.5.5 of the ABS Marine Vessel Rules.
 4-8-4/27.3.3(a)       Shipboard Installation and Tests        To align the certified safe type equipment allowed in paint stores and
 and 27.5.2                                                    in the enclosed spaces leading to paint stores with IACS UR E12 and
                                                               to add a new note under 4-8-4/27.3.3 (a) to document that the
                                                               watertight door may be considered as being gastight.
 4-9-1/1.1 and 3.6     Section 1 General Provisions            To add the scope of 4-9-12 and ABCU-H notation to General
                                                               Provisions section.
 4-9-3/5.5             Computer-based Systems                  To provide information regarding upcoming IACS UR E26 and E27
                                                               regarding Cyber Resilience.
 4-9-8                 Special Systems                         To incorporate IACS UI SC156 Rev 2 changes for watertight doors.
 PART 5C               Specific Vessel Types
 5C-1-7/3.3.2,         Cargo Oil and Associated Systems        To further clarify the location requirement for cargo pump room
 17.1.3                                                        ventilation fan motor. PRC 164 is being relocated here.
 5C-7-2/11.1           Hull Structure                          To remove "WT", since it is no longer listed in the Record.
 5C-7-5/17.1.2, 18     Machinery Equipment and Systems         To incorporate IACS UI SC156 Rev 2 changes for watertight doors.
 5C-8-1/1.3.1 and      General (ABS)                           To indicate that the RELIQ and GCU notations are optional
 5C-8-1/11.5           General (ABS)                           To reduce the double side transverse scantlings in line with reduced
                                                               wastage allowance in 7-A1-4/Table 1B.
 5C-8-5/13.1.1(b)      Process Pressure Vessels and Liquid,    To specify that unit certification for valves intended to be used in
                       Vapour, and Pressure Piping Systems     temperatures above -55°C is not required.
 5C-8-6/2.2 (ABS)      Materials of Construction and Quality   To provide clarification that the manufacturers are to be approved by
 Table                 Control                                 ABS in accordance with ABS Rules Part 2, when the Surveyor is to
                                                               witness (W) tests, except for process piping, to correct "piping" to
                                                               "pipes" for material test, to define scope of material test for pipe
                                                               fittings, and to clarify the table.
 5C-8-6/Table 1, 2     Materials of Construction and Quality   To advise that IACS UR W1 Rev 4, which address requirements for
 and 3                 Control                                 increased material thickness from 40mm to 50mm, is available from
                                                               July 2022 but is currently being revised as UR W1 Rev 5.
 5C-8-11/3.6.1         Fire Protection and Extinction          To implement IACS UI GC38, which was already implemented in the
 (IMO)                                                         Rules from MSC.1/Circ.161726June2019.
 5C-8-A5/1,            Reliquefaction System (ABS)             To indicate that the RELIQ notation is optional and provide
 Table 1, Table 2                                              requirements for installations where the optional notation is not
 5C-8-A6/1,            Gas Combustion Units/Thermal            To indicate that the GCU notation is optional and provide
 Table 1, Table 2      Oxidizers (ABS)                         requirements for installations where the optional notation is not
 5C-8-A7/3.1.1,        Dual Fuel Diesel and Single Gas Fuel    To incorporate IACS UR M78 (Rev.1 Feb.2021) to remove inconsistency
 3.5.3, 7.3.1, 7.3.2   Engines (ABS)                           on the exemption of 110% load tests on the gas mode of dual fuel
 and 7.7.1                                                     engines and to correct references to 4-2-1.
 5C-8-A7/3.5.3         Dual Fuel Diesel and Single Gas Fuel    To clarify that for DF and GF engines an OMD is requested regardless
 and Table 3           Engines (ABS)                           of 4-2-1/7.2.
 5C-10-1/1.3 and       Introduction                            To relocate 4-9-8/1.7 and implement IACS UR S8 for vehicle carriers.
 5C-10-4/3.3.1         Cargo Safety                            To update the requirements for fire safety and fire fighting for cargo
 and 7                                                         holds on Ro Ro/Vehicle carriers associated with electric vehicles that
                                                               contain Lithium Ion Batteries
 5C-13-2/3.3           General                                 To assist application of the Marine Vessel Rules by adding cross
                                                               references to exiting ABS Guide publications for ammonia,
                                                               methanol/ethanol as fuel.
 5C-13-16/1.1          Manufacture, Workmanship and            To provide clarification that the manufacturers are to be approved by
 (ABS)                 Testing                                 ABS in accordance with ABS Rules Part 2, when the Surveyor is to
                                                               witness (W) tests, except for process piping.

ABS RULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING MARINE VESSELS . 2022                                                                               9
Notices and General Information

 Part/Para. No.                Title/Subject                                      Status/Remarks
 5C-13-16/7.1.3     Manufacture, Workmanship and        To specify that unit certification for valves intended to be used in
                    Testing                             temperatures above -55°C is not required.
 5C-19-1            Introduction                        To create a new box-shaped bulk carrier notation to address certificate
                                                        consistency issue and meet the demand of the clients.
 5C-19-2            Hull Structure                      To create a new box-shaped bulk carrier notation to address certificate
                                                        consistency issue and meet the demand of the clients.
 5C-19-3            Cargo Safety and Vessel Systems     To create a new box-shaped bulk carrier notation to address certificate
                                                        consistency issue and meet the demand of the clients.
 PART 5D            Offshore Support Vessels for Specialized Services
 5D-10-2/5.3.3      Well Intervention Ready             To define piping and electrical system requirements for hydrocarbon
                                                        storage tanks, including tank venting, inert gas, purging and blanking
 5D-10-3/5.5        Well Intervention Systems           To define hydrocarbon storage tank venting and inert gas purging
                    Installation on Vessels Without     requirements.
                    Service Notation
 5D-10-4/5.5        Well Intervention Vessels           To define the requirements for independent hydrocarbon storage tanks
                                                        used for well intervention vessels/units.
 5D-13-1/5.3        General                             To include appropriate steering and braking forces in the ABS record
                                                        for escort vessels and to correct reference for quasi steady pull.
 PART 6             Specialized Items and Systems
 6-1-1/Table 1      Introduction                        To add "(Minimum Engine Output Power XX)" to the Baltic Class
                                                        Notations so that the power is clearly specified.
 6-1-6/3.1          Baltic Ice Classes                  To add "(Minimum Engine Output Power XX)" to the Baltic Class
                                                        Notations so that the power is clearly specified.
 6-1-6/25.3         Baltic Ice Classes                  To align the Marine Vessel Rules with the current Finnish Transport
                                                        Safety Agency (Trafi) Ice Class Regulations, which does not include
                                                        the requirements for double plated rudders.

                                     Part 7 “Rules for Survey After Construction”
The reference date which is indicated in the parentheses following the title of the requirement in this Part is the date
that the requirement becomes effective [e.g., 7-1-1/3.12, 3.33 “General Information” (1 July 2022) is to apply for
vessels undergoing survey on or after 1 July 2022].

                           EFFECTIVE DATE 1 July 2022 – shown as (1 July 2022)

 Part/Para. No.              Title/Subject                                        Status/Remarks
 PART 7             Rules for Survey After Construction
 7-1-1/3.12, 3.33   General Information                 To add survey after construction requirements for the new Box-
                                                        Shaped Bulk Carrier Notation.
 7-1-1/3.21         General Information                 To clarify when ABS applies IACS Recommendation No. 87.
 7-1-1/3.36 and     General Information                 To add definitions for Lay Up and Reactivation.
 7-1-1/3.54, 3.55   General Information                 To add definitions for Remote Inspection and Remote Survey.
 7-3-1/13           Requirements for Internal           To specify that a Construction Monitoring Plan is required for
                    Examinations of All Vessels         SWATH Vessels.
 7-3-1/15           Requirements for Internal           To introduce and align survey after construction requirements related
                    Examinations of All Vessels         to Light Warships, Patrol and High Speed Naval Vessels 3-1-2/9
                                                        requirements for a Construction Monitoring Plan.
 7-3-2/1.1.19,      Vessels for Unrestricted Service    To add Annual and Special Survey requirements for Watertight Cable
 5.1.20                                                 Transits and maintenance of Register in accordance with IACS UR

ABS RULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING MARINE VESSELS . 2022                                                                   10
Notices and General Information

 Part/Para. No.                 Title/Subject                                      Status/Remarks
 7-3-2/1.13.3 and    Vessels for Unrestricted Service     To add reference to IACS recommendation No. 120 in 1.13.3, and
 1.13.8                                                   delete reference to IACS recommendation No. 35 in 1.13.8.
 7-3-2/1.23, 3.21,   Vessels for Unrestricted Service     To move survey after construction requirements currently in the
 5.25                                                     SWATH Guide to Part 7.
 7-3-2/1.5.2         Vessels for Unrestricted Service     To add requirement to examine bilge system in all manned barges and
                                                          unmanned barges with below deck machinery spaces (in line with per
                                                          Barge Rules 4-1-2/11) where it may not be a fixed system, but a
                                                          portable system as accepted by the flag.
 7-3-2/1.8, 5.8      Vessels for Unrestricted Service     To add survey after construction requirements for the new Box-
                                                          Shaped Bulk Carrier Notation.
 7-6-2               Survey Requirements                  To address incidents related to improper storage and maintenance of
                                                          fixed CO2 system and accidental discharge, to provide clarification
                                                          for electrical equipment in hazardous area to align with Offshore
                                                          Rules, and to include rule change to 5C-10-4/7 involving Vehicle
                                                          carriers carrying vehicles with Compressed Natural Gas in tanks.
 7-6-2/1.1.9(k)      Survey Requirements                  To update radiotelephone requirements for annual survey to match the
                                                          changes to 4-7-3/15.5.2.
 7-6-2/1.15, 3.11    Survey Requirements                  To define survey requirements for grounding of non-metallic hulls.
 7-6-2/1.7.3         Survey Requirements                  To provide requirements for Annual Survey based on the new Guide
                                                          for Ammonia Fueled Vessels.
 7-9-15/5, 7         Environmental Safety                 To add the survey requirements for the Low Emissions Vessel
                                                          Notations found in Section 4 of the ENVIRO Guide and the
                                                          ENVIRO-IDP Notation found in Section 6 of the ENVIRO Guide into
                                                          Part 7
 7-9-20/1, 3, 5      Tailshaft Condition Monitoring       To provide survey requirements for new notation TCM-PS
                                                          (Protective Seal).
 7-9-26/3.1          Ballast Water Exchange and           To align with the latest version of the ABS Ballast Water Treatment
                     Treatment                            Guide.
 7-9-30/1.1          Fire-Fighting Systems for Cargo      To align with changes to the Guide for Fire Fighting Systems on
                     Areas of Container Carriers          Container Carriers.
 7-9-38              Smart Functions for Marine Vessels   To retire Section 7-9-38, since all requirements for SMART (INF,
                     and Offshore Units                   MHM and SHM) have been incorporated into Section 7-A1-14.
 7-9-43/3            Enhanced Fire Protection             To align the survey requirements with the requirements related to new
                                                          notations EFP-C (EV), EFP-A1, EFP-A2, EFP-M1, EFP-M2, and
                                                          EFP-A3 notations.
 7-9-45/5.5          Lifting Appliances                   To move repairs requirements for Self-Unloading Cargo Gear from
                                                          the Lifting Appliances Guide to 7-9-45/5.5.
 7-9-46              CyberSecurity Implementation for     To move Cybersecurity survey requirements currently in Cyber Guide
                     Marine and Offshore Industries       2021 into Part 7.
 7-9-47              Underwater Noise and External        To relocate the survey requirements from the “Guide for the
                     Airborne Noise                       Classification Notation Underwater Noise and External Airborne
                                                          Noise” into Part 7.
 7-A1-14             Surveys Based on Preventative        To accommodate the changes in SMART Notations Guide to include
                     Maintenance Techniques               requirement for extending Service Supplier services for SMART
                                                          (AEM, OPM and CAA) Notations.

ABS RULES FOR BUILDING AND CLASSING MARINE VESSELS . 2022                                                                   11
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