How do Australian general practitioners spend their time?
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Research How do Australian general practitioners spend their time? A cross-sectional analysis of Medicine in Australia: Balancing Employment and Life (MABEL) data examining ‘non-billable workload’ Alison Brown, Joanne Enticott, Grant Russell MOST AUSTRALIAN GPS are paid for their clinical services on a fee-for- service basis. Bulk-billed consultations are rebated to the GP directly by Medicare, the public insurer, and privately billed consultations are Background and objective While Australian general practitioners (GPs) gain most paid for by the patient, who claims a rebate from Medicare. In 2018, of their income from direct patient interactions, they more than 95% of the Medicare Benefits Schedule items billed by also spend time attending to professional or practice GPs required a real-time face-to-face attendance.1,2 responsibilities. The aim of this study was to determine However, GPs often need to perform work outside of the the time Australian GPs spend on work away from direct consultation period. This work includes coordinating patient care patient care (‘non-billable work’), and practice and (eg managing investigation results or liaising with specialists or practitioner factors associated with non-billable work. patients’ families) or performing administrative tasks to meet personal Methods and practice management requirements.3–5 This study was a cross-sectional analysis of GPs In 2017, it was estimated that 20% of Australian GPs’ time is spent practising >7.5 hours/week in the 2016 Medicine in on this non-face-to-face work;6 however, previous studies have provided Australia: Balancing Employment and Life (MABEL) estimates ranging from zero hours to more than nine hours per week.5,7 dataset. The amount of time that GPs spend on Female practitioners report spending more time on these tasks, as do non‑billable work was examined, and ordinal logistic regression was used to determine an association those managing patients who are elderly or have a chronic disease.5 between the amount of this work and practice and Work outside of the consultation period is non-billable in a fee-for- practitioner factors. service context. Clinicians, professional bodies and government advisors have acknowledged the burden of non-billable work.7–10 The Australian Results Medical Association (AMA) proposes that the current administrative The sample of 2907 GPs spent 5.1 hours (95% confidence interval: 4.88, 5.27), or 14.2% of their time, on non-billable workload represents an opportunity cost for more than 14 million activities. Non-billable work was associated with female face-to-face consultations per year.11 International literature shows that gender, college fellowship, location of medical degree, physicians with high administrative burdens have lower job satisfaction and rural practice. and are more likely to consider seeing fewer patients in the future.12–14 Discussion Currently, little is known about how Australian GPs’ non-billable The amount of non-billable work is likely to increase work varies with different practice and practitioner characteristics. with population ageing and increasing feminisation of The aim of this study was to 1) quantify the amount of time that GPs the GP workforce. The lack of reimbursement for much spent on work away from direct patient contact (‘non-billable work’), of this work challenges economic viability and GP job and 2) determine the practice and practitioner factors associated satisfaction. with this work. Methods Design The study design was a secondary cross-sectional analysis of the Medicine in Australia: Balancing Employment and Life (MABEL) dataset. MABEL is a prospective longitudinal cohort study of practising © The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2021 Reprinted from AJGP Vol. 50, No. 9, September 2021 661
Research How do Australian general practitioners spend their time? A cross-sectional analysis of MABEL data examining ‘non-billable workload’ Australian doctors. Detailed information was converted into three ordinal categories Ethics on the MABEL protocol has been of ‘less than 10%’, ‘between 10 and 20%’ The MABEL study was approved by published elsewhere.15 MABEL surveys and ‘more than 20%’ of total working hours. the University of Melbourne Faculty of are available online ( Economics and Commerce Human Ethics Association of practice and practitioner Advisory Group (Ref. 0709559), and the Setting and participants factors with non-billable work Monash University Standing Committee Participants were Australian GPs who Univariate ordinal logistic regression on Ethics in Research Involving Humans responded to the 2016 MABEL survey. was used to determine the independent (Ref. CF07/1102 - 2007000291). GPs were included if they were working variables associated with a higher ≥7.5 hours per week. category of non-billable work. Variables found to have a significant association Results Variables (P ≤0.10) were tested for correlation. If In 2016, the MABEL survey was sent The main outcome variable was time spent two correlated variables affected the final to 8118 GPs. Responses were received on non-billable work. This was calculated multivariate model, one was excluded. from 3325 (41%) clinically active GPs; of by responses to a question ascertaining The final multivariate ordinal logistic these, 2970 answered the survey question how many hours per week were spent regression model included seven variables. regarding working hours. Of these, 2907 on: 1) direct patient care, 2) indirect patient care and 3) administration and management. The survey question is shown in Figure 1. Non-billable work was calculated by adding the hours attributed to ‘indirect patient care’ and ‘administration and management’ by the respondent. Total working hours were calculated by further adding hours attributed to ‘direct patent care’. Hours spent on ‘education activities’ were excluded from the calculation of Figure 1. Medicine in Australia: Balancing Employment and Life (MABEL) Survey Wave 9, ‘total working hours’. Question 22 examining general practitioners’ working hours Practitioner predictor variables were gender, age, Australian medical degree, GP college fellowship, total hours worked per week, income, business relationship with Table 1. Descriptive statistics of the sample – Part 1 the practice, hospital responsibilities and Variable Category Survey proportion (%) bulk-billing proportion. Practice predictor variables comprised socioeconomic Gender Female 53 status of practice location, clinic size and Hospital work Yes 22 rurality. Rurality was measured using the Australian Standard Geographical Fellowship of RACGP and/or ACRRM Yes 58 Classification.16 Location of primary medical degree Australia 72 Analyses AGSC rurality Major city 61 The data were analysed using Stata 15 Inner regional 23 (Stata Corp College Station, Texas, USA). Participants were excluded if the Outer regional, remote 16 respondent had not answered the question or very remote regarding working hours. All regression Age
How do Australian general practitioners spend their time? A cross-sectional analysis of MABEL data examining ‘non-billable workload’ Research GPs reported working more than 7.5 hours Those working part time (
Research How do Australian general practitioners spend their time? A cross-sectional analysis of MABEL data examining ‘non-billable workload’ are considered representative of the 40.00 Australian GP cohort.15,17 This permits generalisability of the results. The 35.00 comprehensive measures of non-billable 30.00 work to include all tasks away from patient Percentage of GPs encounters allowed for analysis of many 25.00 broad practitioner and practice factors 20.00 affecting non-billable workloads. 15.00 Limitations 10.00 There are several limitations to the present study. Firstly, the self-reported survey 5.00 data are subject to response bias. Those 0.00 completing the 12-page MABEL survey ‘Lowest cluster’ (20%) may have been doctors more willing to Non-billable work per week perform non-clinical duties in the course (proportion of total hours worked) (%) of their normal work. Second, the survey relied on doctors’ Figure 2. Distribution of proportion of working hours as non-billable work as reported by recall of their average working week. Australian general practitioners (GPs) Accurate reporting of the sum of many short non-billable ‘events’ at the end of a week is likely challenging. The significant number of respondents (9.3%) who Amount of non-billable work systems, with greater administrative hours reported no hours of non-billable work The findings of the amount of non-billable being a reflection of the time required reflects a possible construct error of the work performed per week, and the wide to negotiate insurance paperwork. Their question. A similar error may have been inter-practitioner variability, tallies results may also be due to greater accuracy a feature of the Henderson et al study of with prior Australian and international of their data collection tool, which 1935 GPs, where 30.5% of respondents survey studies. A 2011 AMA survey eliminated recall bias. reported no non-billable events for 40 estimated that GPs spend 4.6 hours patients between subsequent encounters.5 per week on administration, but one in Female practitioners Third, the study was unable to qualify 10 reported more than nine hours per The present study concurs with existing the tasks performed during non-billable week.7 A substudy of the Bettering the literature that female GPs perform hours, reflecting that across the literature, Evaluation and Care of Health (BEACH) more non-billable work than their male there is no standard definition of the program in 2012–14 reported an average colleagues.5,13 There may be several non-billable work that a GP performs. of 2.5 hours per week.5 Woolhandler and reasons for this: female GPs are more There is a broad range of patient, personal Himmelstein’s study of US primary care conscientious than their male colleagues22 and practice tasks of both low and high physicians found that 17.3% of their work and more likely to see female patients value that would be performed during was ‘patient care activities outside of office or manage psychological or social these hours. visits’ (termed ‘AOVs’) and that a higher problems,23 factors previously identified Furthermore, while most Australian amount of this work was associated with as being associated with increased work GPs work in a private practice, where lower job satisfaction.14 outside the consultation.5 the practice’s income is dependent on However, the findings are lower The finding that female GPs perform the fee-for-service model, on a personal than the estimates reported by several more non-billable work is significant in level, GPs can earn their incomes in studies that used observational rather terms of the earning gap between male different ways.25 As principals, GPs own than self-reported methods to obtain and female GPs of $83,000 per annum.22 the practice and profit from its revenue; data. Granja et al (Portugal), Gottschalk While the reasons for this are likely associates will typically earn a proportion and Flocke (USA), Gilchrist et al (USA) multifactorial,22–24 the observed gender of the return from each service, whereas and Chen et al (USA) all used time– difference in the amount of non-billable salaried or contracted GPs might earn their motion analyses to collect data on family work may offer a partial explanation. income through salary, wages or sessional physicians’ activities.18–21 They estimated payments. The proportion of working that AOVs and administration comprised Strengths hours spent on non-billable tasks may have 20–50% of primary care physician’s Strengths of the present study include different implications for some salaried or work. These contrasting results could be the substantial sample size and the use contracted GPs. However, most Australian explained by their different healthcare of survey weights to examine data that GPs (86%) in 2017 were still remunerated 664 Reprinted from AJGP Vol. 50, No. 9, September 2021 © The Royal Australian College of General Practitioners 2021
How do Australian general practitioners spend their time? A cross-sectional analysis of MABEL data examining ‘non-billable workload’ Research Table 4. The association between doctors spending a greater proportion of time rising comorbidity,26 while the workforce on non-billable work and practitioner and practice factors: results from the works less hours overall27 and becomes multivariate ordinal logistic regression more feminised and more likely to hold a fellowship.6 However, it could also be Variable OR (95% CI) P value expected that the wide use of telephone- Gender Male (ref) based consultations from March 2020 Female 1.78 (1.52, 2.09)
Research How do Australian general practitioners spend their time? A cross-sectional analysis of MABEL data examining ‘non-billable workload’ The authors would like to acknowledge Associate 15. Joyce CM, Scott A, Jeon SH, et al. The ‘Medicine Professor Matthew McGrail (Head, Regional Training in Australia: Balancing Employment and Life Hubs Research University of Queensland, Rural (MABEL)’ longitudinal survey – Protocol and Clinical School, Rockhampton) for his assistance in baseline data for a prospective cohort study of the analysis and interpretation of MABEL data. Australian doctors’ workforce participation. BMC The authors would also like to acknowledge Professor Health Serv Res 2010;10:50. doi: 10.1186/1472- Anthony Scott (Professorial Fellow, Melbourne 6963-10-50. Institute: Applied Economic & Social Research) for 16. Australian Bureau of Statistics. 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