Schedule of Fees and Charges - Effective 1 July 2020 - Providing a quality lifestyle - Campbelltown City Council

Page created by Norman Farmer
Schedule of Fees and Charges - Effective 1 July 2020 - Providing a quality lifestyle - Campbelltown City Council
Schedule of Fees and Charges
Effective 1 July 2020

Adopted by Campbelltown
City Council on 7 April 2020

                               Providing a quality lifestyle





1 JULY 2020.

INDEX                                                                                                                                        PAGE
ACCESS TO PUBLIC RECORDS ............................................................................................................1
CEMETERIES ......................................................................................................................................2
COMMUNITY HOME SUPPORT PROGRAM .............................................................................................2
ARC CAMPBELLTOWN .......................................................................................................................2
FOOD TRAIL ........................................................................................................................................6
COMMUNITY BUS ................................................................................................................................7
                 137 Montacute Road ...................................................................................................7
                 Marchant Community Centre ....................................................................................7
                 Athelstone Community Hall .......................................................................................7
                 Brookside Cellars ........................................................................................................7
                 Campbelltown Function Centre ................................................................................8
                 Campbelltown Memorial Oval ...................................................................................8
                 Foxfield Oval Hall ........................................................................................................8
                 Hectorville Community Centre ..................................................................................8
                 Magill Senior Citizens Hall .........................................................................................9
                 Magill Girl Guides ........................................................................................................9
                 Meals on Wheels Hall .................................................................................................9
                 Lochend House and Community Hall ........................................................................9
LIBRARY FEES AND CHARGES ............................................................................................................9
INFLAMMABLE UNDERGROWTH .........................................................................................................11
MISCELLANEOUS CHARGES ..............................................................................................................11
                 Athelstone Recreation Reserve ..............................................................................12
                 Campbelltown Memorial Oval .................................................................................12
                 Daly Oval ....................................................................................................................12
                 Foxfield Oval .............................................................................................................13
                 Murray Park Oval ......................................................................................................13
                 Max Amber Sportsfield .............................................................................................13
                 Steve Woodcock Sports Centre ..............................................................................13
PARKING FEES AND CHARGES ..........................................................................................................13
TENNIS & NETBALL COURTS ............................................................................................................14
PARKS AND RESERVES .....................................................................................................................14
THORNDON PARK .............................................................................................................................14
                 Animal Impounding Fees .........................................................................................15

   Dog Registrations .....................................................................................................15
                                  SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES EFFECTIVE 1 JULY 2020
                                                                                                                                2020/2021 Fee
                                                                                           Receipting                 Fee
                                                                                                            GST                                    Fee
                                                                                           Mnemonic                 Payable         GST
                                                                                                            Code                                 Payable
                                                                                      (Internal Use Only)          (ex GST)

Assessment Book - copy of an entry in the assessment record
                                                                                  AssessmentBkExtract       NA           9.00             0.00        9.00
(s.174(2) of the Local Government Act)

Voters Roll - candidates are provided with one (1) free copy of
relevant voters roll
      Administration Fee                                                          VotersRoll                NA           5.25             0.00        5.25
      Reprint of Voters Roll (per ward)                                           VotersRoll                NA          18.00             0.00       18.00
      Reprint of Voters Roll (whole Council)                                      VotersRoll                NA          53.00             0.00       53.00

Provision of Address Information to Third Party Providers (where more than 5
properties are requested at a time, fee per property)                                                       NA           6.00             0.00        6.00
(Pest Control Agencies, Telstra, Optus, Origin, AGL, etc)

Rate Notice Reprint - per notice
      Current Year
         Email                                                                    ReprintRateNotice         NA           0.00             0.00        0.00
         Post                                                                     ReprintRateNotice         NA           0.00             0.00        0.00
      Prior Years (where stored electronically)
         Email                                                                    ReprintRateNotice         NA           5.00             0.00        5.00
         Post                                                                     ReprintRateNotice         NA           6.00             0.00        6.00
      Prior Years (where not stored electronically)
         Email                                                                    ReprintRateNotice         NA          11.00             0.00       11.00
         Post                                                                     ReprintRateNotice         NA          12.00             0.00       12.00
  Note - A rate payer who signs up to e-notices will have access to notices at
  no cost.

Registers, Extracts and Documents
     Copy of an entry made in any register required to be kept under the
                                                                                  RegisterExtract           NA           2.60             0.00        2.60
     Local Government Act, where the fee is not otherwise prescribed
      Strategic Management Plans (first copy free)                                StratPlanDocument         NA           6.00             0.00        6.00

      Register of Interests (per Elected Member, per single sided page extract) RegisterExtract             NA           2.50             0.00        2.50

      Register of Elected Member Allowances and Benefits (single sided page
                                                                            RegisterExtractAllow            NA           2.50             0.00        2.50
      Register of Salaries (single sided page extract)                            RegisterExtract           NA           2.50             0.00        2.50

      Register of Community Land (single sided page extract)                      RegisterExtract           NA           2.50             0.00        2.50
      Printing of Public Consultation & Published materials >50 single sided
      pages in length (except where legislation requires free copies)
             Black & White                                                        ConsultDoc                NA           6.00             0.00        6.00
             Colour                                                               ConsultDoc                NA           9.00             0.00        9.00
      By Law (standard copy) - cost per side in A4 Black and White - full
                                                                                  ByLawDocument             NA           4.00             0.00        4.00
      document must be copied
      Policy or Code - cost per side in A4 Black and White - full document
                                                                                  PolicyDocument            NA           4.00             0.00        4.00
      must be copied.
      Printing of public documents available on the website
             Black & White (per side), cost per page capped at $6                                           NA           0.20             0.00        0.20
             Colour (per side), cost per page capped at $9                                                  NA           1.50             0.00        1.50
             Electronic (e-mail)                                                                            NA           0.00             0.00        0.00

Council Meeting Minutes Audio Records
     Copy of an audio file provided on CD (per Council meeting)                   CouncilMtgMinutes         NA          20.00             0.00       20.00

Development Searches
     Floor Plan Only                                                              MapsPlanSearches          NA          50.00             0.00       50.00
     Property Title Search                                                        MapsPlanSearches          C           32.73             3.27       36.00
     Full Search                                                                  MapsPlanSearches          NA          96.00             0.00       96.00

Maps of the area                                                                  MapsPlanSearches          NA          17.00             0.00       17.00
Customised maps                                                                   MapsPlanSearches          NA          45.00             0.00       45.00

Photocopying (undertaken by Council staff)
     Black & White (per side)
           A4                                                                     Photocopy                  C           0.18             0.02        0.20
           A3                                                                     Photocopy                  C           0.27             0.03        0.30
     Colour (per side)
           A4                                                                     Photocopy                  C           1.36             0.14        1.50
           A3                                                                     Photocopy                  C           2.27             0.23        2.50

Development documents burned to CD (per CD)                                                                  C           4.55             0.45        5.00

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                                   SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES EFFECTIVE 1 JULY 2020
                                                                                                                               2020/2021 Fee
                                                                                          Receipting                 Fee
                                                                                                           GST                                    Fee
                                                                                          Mnemonic                 Payable         GST
                                                                                                           Code                                 Payable
                                                                                     (Internal Use Only)          (ex GST)

By-law Expiations are set in accordance with Section 246(5)(b) of the Local
Government Act 1999
   By-law 1 - Permits & Penalties **                                                                       NA         187.50             0.00          187.50
   By-law 2 - Moveable Signs **                                                                            NA         187.50             0.00          187.50
   By-law 3 - Roads **                                                                                     NA         187.50             0.00          187.50
   By-law 4 - Local Government Land **                                                                     NA         187.50             0.00          187.50
   By-law 5 - Dogs **                                                                                      NA         187.50             0.00          187.50


Internment Rights
      Earth Allotment (40 Year Internment right)                                                            C       1,662.73         166.27           1,829.00
      Columbarium Wall (40 Year Internment right)                                                           C       1,662.73         166.27           1,829.00

Administration Fees
     Administration fee per burial, exhumation, placing of ashes                                            C         416.36          41.64             458.00
     New vault administration fee (per allotment)                                                           C       1,986.36         198.64           2,185.00

        Memorial Permit                                                                                    NA         458.00             0.00          458.00
        Additional memorial inscription or Renovations to Existing Monuments
                                                                                                            C           0.00             0.00            0.00
        (per Council resolution dated 1 July 2008)
        Columbarium Plaque                                                                                  C         416.36          41.64            458.00
        Ashes in the Grave (Council/Contractor)                                                             C         416.36          41.64            458.00
        Internment of ashes in an existing grave by family members                                          C         139.09          13.91            153.00


Fees are recommended by the Team Leader of the Campbelltown Home
Support Program, based on actual expenses and subsidies.
Client Contribution: Half of the approved contractor's fee up to a maximum
subsidy of $150, subject to the Commonwealth Home Support Program Fees
Policy and Associated Principles. The subsidy can be varied at the discretion
of the Team Leader Campbelltown Home Support Program.

Home Maintenance
    Half of approved Contractor's fee up to $150                                 CHSPHomeMaint              F          1/2 price up to $150 subsidy

Home Modifications
    Half of approved Contractor's fee up to $150                                 CHSPHomeMod                F          1/2 price up to $150 subsidy

Home Help
    Hourly fee (clients provide cleaning products)                               CHSPDomesticAssist         F          10.00             0.00           10.00

     Taxi - Local (paid to taxi driver)                                          CHSPTransport                               50% of taxi fare
     Taxi - City (paid to taxi driver)                                           CHSPTransport                               50% of taxi fare
     Local Trip (one way) (appointments & shopping)                              CHSPTransport              F           3.00           0.00              3.00
     Non Local (one way) (to City/North Adelaide/Hampstead/Modbury)              CHSPTransport              F           5.00           0.00              5.00


Basketball Court Hire
     Off peak casual (9am to 3pm Monday to Friday)
           Per court                                                             ARCCourtHire               C          51.82             5.18           57.00
     Peak casual
           Per court                                                             ARCCourtHire               C          58.18             5.82           64.00
     Off peak permanent bookings (9am to 3pm Monday to Friday)
           Per court                                                             ARCCourtHire               C          25.45             2.55           28.00
     Peak permanent bookings
           Per court                                                             ARCCourtHire               C          32.73             3.27           36.00
           Hire per court                                                        ARCCourtHire               C          18.18             1.82           20.00

Basketball Court
  Basketball Casual Shots                                                    ARCCasualShots                 C           4.55             0.45            5.00
     Fee to casually use the basketball courts during non-peak times (9am to
     3pm Monday to Friday)

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                                    SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES EFFECTIVE 1 JULY 2020
                                                                                                                             2020/2021 Fee
                                                                                        Receipting                 Fee
                                                                                                         GST                                    Fee
                                                                                        Mnemonic                 Payable         GST
                                                                                                         Code                                 Payable
                                                                                   (Internal Use Only)          (ex GST)
Game Fees
          Senior Player Fee (per player)                                       ARCNetball                 C          12.73             1.27       14.00
          Senior Team Fee (up to 8 players)                                    ARCNetball                 C          72.73             7.27       80.00

Forfeit Fines (per game)
            Senior Team                                                        ARCNetball                 C          70.00             7.00       77.00
            Umpire forfeit fee (if forfeited within 24 hours of game time)     ARCNetball                 C          36.36             3.64       40.00

Forfeit Bond (per season)
Forfeit bonds are refundable when all forfeit fines are paid in full.
            Senior Team                                                        ARCForfeitBond            NA         144.00             0.00      144.00

Squash Courts
     Racquet and ball hire                                                     ARCSquashEquip             C           7.27             0.73        8.00
     Casual hire (per hour)
       Peak (Monday to Friday 4pm to close)                                    ARCSquashCourt             C          24.55             2.45       27.00
       Off peak                                                                ARCSquashCourt             C          19.09             1.91       21.00

      Campbelltown Squash Club Members (per player)
        Sunday training                                                        ARCSquashCourt             C           9.09             0.91       10.00
        Pennant Competition                                                    ARCSquashCourt             C          10.91             1.09       12.00
        Internal Competition                                                   ARCSquashCourt             C          10.91             1.09       12.00
        Note - Pennant players that pre-book courts outside of pennant time
        are entitled to casual off peak rates at all times

      Permanent Group Hire (per hour)
        Peak (Monday to Friday 4pm to close)                                   ARCSquashCourt             C          19.09             1.91       21.00
        Off peak                                                               ARCSquashCourt             C          15.45             1.55       17.00

Event Cleaning Charge
Applies to all events where an entire area is booked                           ARCEventCleaning           C         140.91          14.09        155.00

Room Hire

   Catering for functions is available. Refer to for more information

   Meeting Room
     One hour
        Tenant                                                                 ARCRoomHire                C          24.55             2.45       27.00
        Casual                                                                 ARCRoomHire                C          29.09             2.91       32.00
     Half Day (up to 6 hours room access)
        Tenant                                                                 ARCRoomHire                C          96.36           9.64        106.00
        Casual                                                                 ARCRoomHire                C         116.36          11.64        128.00
     Full Day (up to 10 hours room access)
        Tenant                                                                 ARCRoomHire                C         145.45          14.55        160.00
        Casual                                                                 ARCRoomHire                C         174.55          17.45        192.00

   Small Function Room (includes a bar)
     One hour
        Tenant                                                                 ARCFunctionRoomHire        C          37.27             3.73       41.00
        Casual                                                                 ARCFunctionRoomHire        C          44.55             4.45       49.00
     Half Day (up to 6 hours room access)
        Tenant                                                                 ARCFunctionRoomHire        C         145.45          14.55        160.00
        Casual                                                                 ARCFunctionRoomHire        C         174.55          17.45        192.00
     Full Day (up to 10 hours room access)
        Tenant                                                                 ARCFunctionRoomHire       C          217.27          21.73        239.00
        Casual                                                                 ARCFunctionRoomHire       C          260.00          26.00        286.00
     Set up fee                                                                ARCFunctionRoomHire       C           45.45           4.55         50.00
     Cleaning Bond                                                             ARCRoomBond               NA         300.00           0.00        300.00

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                                 SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES EFFECTIVE 1 JULY 2020
                                                                                                                           2020/2021 Fee
                                                                                      Receipting                 Fee
                                                                                                       GST                                    Fee
                                                                                      Mnemonic                 Payable         GST
                                                                                                       Code                                 Payable
                                                                                 (Internal Use Only)          (ex GST)
  Large Function Room
     One hour
        Tenant                                                               ARCFunctionRoomHire        C          54.55             5.45       60.00
        Casual                                                               ARCFunctionRoomHire        C          73.64             7.36       81.00
     Half Day (up to 6 hours room access)
        Tenant                                                               ARCFunctionRoomHire        C         197.27          19.73        217.00
        Casual                                                               ARCFunctionRoomHire        C         270.91          27.09        298.00
     Full Day (up to 10 hours room access)
        Tenant                                                               ARCFunctionRoomHire       C          360.91          36.09        397.00
        Casual                                                               ARCFunctionRoomHire       C          480.91          48.09        529.00
     Set up fee                                                              ARCFunctionRoomHire       C           90.91           9.09        100.00
     Cleaning Bond                                                           ARCRoomBond               NA         300.00           0.00        300.00

   Equipment Hire (per booking)
     Projector Fee                                                                                      C          49.09             4.91       54.00
     Audio Fee                                                                                          C          49.09             4.91       54.00

   Birthday Parties
      Birthday party packages are available. Refer to for more information
   Group Fitness Room
          One hour                                                                                      C          40.00           4.00         44.00
          Half Day (up to 6 hours room access)                                                          C         154.55          15.45        170.00
          Full Day (up to 10 hours room access)                                                         C         230.91          23.09        254.00
   Program Room
          One hour                                                                                      C          29.09           2.91         32.00
          Half Day (up to 6 hours room access)                                                          C          87.27           8.73         96.00
          Full Day (up to 10 hours room access)                                                         C         174.55          17.45        192.00

South Australian Companion Card
      Companion Card Holder Entry Fee (when attending as a care supporter)                             NA           0.00             0.00        0.00
      (fee applies to all areas of the ARC Campbelltown)
Swimming Lane Hire
    1 Lane Peak (per hour)                                                   ARCSwimLanes               C          25.45           2.55         28.00
    2 Lanes Peak (per hour)                                                  ARCSwimLanes               C          49.09           4.91         54.00
    3 Lanes Peak (per hour)                                                  ARCSwimLanes               C          65.45           6.55         72.00
    4 Lanes Peak (per hour)                                                  ARCSwimLanes               C          80.91           8.09         89.00
    5 Lanes Peak (per hour)                                                  ARCSwimLanes               C          90.00           9.00         99.00
    6 Lanes Peak (per hour)                                                  ARCSwimLanes               C         101.82          10.18        112.00
    (Peak times are all those times outside of Non Peak as defined below)

     Per lane Non-Peak (per hour)                                            ARCSwimLanes               C          13.64             1.36       15.00
   Aquatic Group Entry Fee
     Fee chargeable per participant where swim lanes have been hired by:                                C
     Department for Education                                                ARCCasualAquatic           C           4.09             0.41        4.50
     Other Clubs or Organisations                                            ARCCasualAquatic           C           4.55             0.45        5.00

      (Non Peak Usage is Monday to Friday 6:00am to 8:30am and 12noon to
Aquatic Centre Admission Fees
     Adult swim pass (single entry)                                          ARCCasualAquatic          C            7.73             0.77        8.50
     Child (3 years and older)/Concession swim pass (single entry)           ARCCasualAquatic          C            6.36             0.64        7.00
     Child (Under 3 - must be accompanied by a Parent or Guardian)                                     NA           0.00             0.00        0.00
     Family (single entry, 2 adults and 2 children)                          ARCCasualAquatic          C           22.73             2.27       25.00
     Aqua group fitness (single class)                                       ARCCasualAquatic          C           17.27             1.73       19.00
     Aqua group fitness concession (single class)                            ARCCasualAquatic          C           14.55             1.45       16.00
     Child Learn to Swim (LTS - single class, per week)                      ARCSwimLTS                NA          19.00             0.00       19.00
     Adult Learn to Swim Lessons                                             ARCSwimLTS                NA          22.00             0.00       22.00
     Private Learn to Swim Lessons, per 30 minute lesson                     ARCSwimPrivateLTS         NA          42.50             0.00       42.50
     Private Two on One Learn to Swim Lessons, per 30 minute lesson          ARCSwimPrivateLTS         NA          62.50             0.00       62.50

Visit Passes (Swimming)
       30 Visit Swim Adult                                                   ARCCasualAquatic           C         193.18          19.32        212.50
       30 Visit Concession Swim Adult                                        ARCCasualAquatic           C         159.09          15.91        175.00
       10 Visit Swim Adult                                                   ARCCasualAquatic           C          69.55           6.95         76.50
       10 Visit Concession Swim Adult                                        ARCCasualAquatic           C          57.27           5.73         63.00

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                                 SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES EFFECTIVE 1 JULY 2020
                                                                                                                               2020/2021 Fee
                                                                                          Receipting                 Fee
                                                                                                           GST                                    Fee
                                                                                          Mnemonic                 Payable         GST
                                                                                                           Code                                 Payable
                                                                                     (Internal Use Only)          (ex GST)

Visit Passes (Group Fitness Passes)
       30 Visit Adult                                                            ARCCasualGym               C         406.36          40.64        447.00
       30 Visit Concession Adult                                                 ARCCasualGym               C         336.36          33.64        370.00
       10 Visit Adult                                                            ARCCasualGym               C         150.00          15.00        165.00
       10 Visit Concession Adult                                                 ARCCasualGym               C         121.82          12.18        134.00

Full Centre Passes (Gym, Group Fitness, Pool, Spa and Sauna)
      Full Centre Pass (single visit)                                            ARCCasualGym               C          19.09             1.91       21.00
      Full Centre Concession Pass (single visit)                                 ARCCasualGym               C          16.36             1.64       18.00

Group Fitness Pass
     Group Fitness Pass (single visit)                                           ARCCasualGym               C          17.27             1.73       19.00
     Group Fitness Concession Pass (single visit)                                ARCCasualGym               C          14.55             1.45       16.00

Gym Pass
    Gym Pass (single visit)                                                      ARCCasualGym               C          17.27             1.73       19.00
    Gym Concession Pass (single visit)                                           ARCCasualGym               C          14.55             1.45       16.00
    Gym Pass with ARC PT                                                         ARCCasualGym               C           9.09             0.91       10.00

    Joining fee (one off)                                                        ARCMembershipGym          C           68.18             6.82       75.00
    Rejection Fee (Valid for all rejected membership and learn to swim           ARCMembershipGym          NA          15.00             0.00       15.00
    direct debt transactions)
    Replacement membership card                                                                             C          13.64             1.36       15.00

      Gold Membership - Flexible 4 weekly Direct Debit
        Adult (Flexible)                                                         ARCMembershipGym           C          79.09             7.91       87.00
        Concession (Flexible)                                                    ARCMembershipGym           C          64.55             6.45       71.00
        Adult (when signed up to a 12 month contract)                            ARCMembershipGym           C          60.00             6.00       66.00
        Concession (when signed up to a 12 month contact)                        ARCMembershipGym           C          52.73             5.27       58.00
        Teen Membership (Valid to 14 & 15 year olds only)                        ARCMembershipGym           C          49.09             4.91       54.00
        A 10% discount is applicable to all players, members and officials of
        Incorporated Sports Clubs in the Eastern Region Alliance Councils.
        Proof of club membership or playing status is required at time of
        purchase to receive the 10% discount. A 10% discount is applicable
        to all permanent staff of the Emergency and Protective Services
        sector. Proof of permanent employment in this sector is required at
        time of purchase to receive the 10% discount. These discounts only
        apply to 12 month memberships.

      Gold Membership - Lump sum payment upfront
        3 Months Adult                                                           ARCMembershipGym           C         287.27          28.73        316.00
        3 Months Concession                                                      ARCMembershipGym           C         243.64          24.36        268.00
        12 Months Adult                                                          ARCMembershipGym           C         727.27          72.73        800.00
        12 Months Concession                                                     ARCMembershipGym           C         633.64          63.36        697.00
        A 10% discount is applicable to all players, members and officials of
        Incorporated Sports Clubs in the Eastern Region Alliance Councils.
        Proof of club membership or playing status is required at time of
        purchase to receive the 10% discount. A 10% discount is applicable
        to all permanent staff of the Emergency and Protective Services
        sector. Proof of permanent employment in this sector is required at
        time of purchase to receive the 10% discount. These discounts only
        apply to 12 month memberships.

      ARC Fit for Life (55+ years)
        2 Week Trial                                                             ARCMembershipGym           C          23.64           2.36         26.00
        4 Weekly Direct Debit                                                    ARCMembershipGym           C          47.27           4.73         52.00
        3 month membership                                                       ARCMembershipGym           C         178.18          17.82        196.00
        12 month membership                                                      ARCMembershipGym           C         579.09          57.91        637.00
        A 10% discount is applicable to all players, members and officials of
        Incorporated Sports Clubs in the Eastern Region Alliance Councils.
        Proof of club membership or playing status is required at time of
        purchase to receive the 10% discount. A 10% discount is applicable
        to all permanent staff of the Emergency and Protective Services
        sector. Proof of permanent employment in this sector is required at
        time of purchase to receive the 10% discount. These discounts only
        apply to 12 month memberships.

Printed 8/04/2020 2:20 PM                                                       Page 5                                                           6332284
                                   SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES EFFECTIVE 1 JULY 2020
                                                                                                                                2020/2021 Fee
                                                                                           Receipting                 Fee
                                                                                                            GST                                    Fee
                                                                                           Mnemonic                 Payable         GST
                                                                                                            Code                                 Payable
                                                                                      (Internal Use Only)          (ex GST)
     Health Club Membership
       4 Weekly Direct Debit Adult (Flexible)                                     ARCMembershipGym           C          60.00           6.00         66.00
       4 Weekly Direct Debit Concession (Flexible)                                ARCMembershipGym           C          51.82           5.18         57.00
       Gym 3 month membership Adult                                               ARCMembershipGym           C         253.64          25.36        279.00
       Gym 12 month membership Adult                                              ARCMembershipGym           C         640.00          64.00        704.00
       Gym 12 month membership Concession                                         ARCMembershipGym           C         554.55          55.45        610.00
       A 10% discount is applicable to all players, members and officials of
       Incorporated Sports Clubs in the Eastern Region Alliance Councils.
       Proof of club membership or playing status is required at time of
       purchase to receive the 10% discount. A 10% discount is applicable
       to all permanent staff of the Emergency and Protective Services
       sector. Proof of permanent employment in this sector is required at
       time of purchase to receive the 10% discount. These discounts only
       apply to 12 month memberships.

      Aquatic Membership
        4 Weekly Direct Debit Adult (Flexible)                                    ARCMembershipGym           C          52.73           5.27         58.00
        4 Weekly Direct Debit Concession (Flexible)                               ARCMembershipGym           C          45.45           4.55         50.00
        Aquatic 12 month membership Adult                                         ARCMembershipGym           C         537.27          53.73        591.00
        Aquatic 12 month membership Concession                                    ARCMembershipGym           C         463.64          46.36        510.00
        A 10% discount is applicable to all players, members and officials of
        Incorporated Sports Clubs in the Eastern Region Alliance Councils.
        Proof of club membership or playing status is required at time of
        purchase to receive the 10% discount. A 10% discount is applicable
        to all permanent staff of the Emergency and Protective Services
        sector. Proof of permanent employment in this sector is required at
        time of purchase to receive the 10% discount. These discounts only
        apply to 12 month memberships.

      Add Courts access to any membership (per week)                              ARCMembershipGym           C           4.55             0.45        5.00

Reduced ARC Campbelltown rates may be available on a
case by case basis in negotiation with the Chief Executive Officer or nominee,
upon application.


Food Trail Merchandise
     Booklet per copy (first 3 copies free for non-commercial groups)                                        C           2.09             0.21        2.30
     Promotional Bags (per bag)                                                                              C           4.55             0.45        5.00

Food Trail Membership (annual)
     Full Membership (Food Trail Booklet only)                                                               C         309.09          30.91        340.00
     Standard Membership (Food Trail Booklet listing only)                                                   C          54.55           5.45         60.00
     For more information regarding Food Trail Membership, please visit

Food Trail Tour Operator Fee
     100 copies of booklets & Council website reference                                                      C         212.73          21.27        234.00

Moonlight Markets (per market)
      Food Trail members                                                                                     C          50.00             5.00       55.00
Note - Council to supply electricity, stall holder to supply marquee


Moonlight Markets (per market)
      Non Food Trail members                                                                                 C         159.09          15.91        175.00
Note - Council to supply electricity, stall holder to supply marquee

Pizza Festival
      Non Food Trail members                                                                                 C         250.00          25.00        275.00
      Food Trail members                                                                                     C         100.00          10.00        110.00

Tour Down Under
     Stall / Vendor Fee (includes supply of electricity)                                                     C         203.64          20.36        224.00
     Note - due to limited places for food providers this fee will only be
     payable if applications are successful.

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                                   SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES EFFECTIVE 1 JULY 2020
                                                                                                                            2020/2021 Fee
                                                                                       Receipting                 Fee
                                                                                                        GST                                    Fee
                                                                                       Mnemonic                 Payable         GST
                                                                                                        Code                                 Payable
                                                                                  (Internal Use Only)          (ex GST)

Door to Door Service                                                                                     C                  Free of charge

Category A - Clubs/Community Group within the Campbelltown Council
Area & Staff/Council events
     Full Day Hire Fee (first 40kms free of charge)                                                      C         127.27          12.73        140.00
     Half Day Hire Fee (first 40kms free of charge) - up to 4 hours                                      C          90.91           9.09        100.00
     Charge per km for distance travelled in excess of 40kms                                             C           5.45           0.55          6.00
     Cancellation fee-if confirmed booking cancelled within 7 days of trip                               C         50% of Relevant Day Hire Fee

Category A1 - Clubs/Community Groups outside of the Campbelltown
Council Area
     Full Day Hire Fee (first 40kms free of charge)                                                      C         178.18          17.82        196.00
     Half Day Hire Fee (first 40kms free of charge) - up to 4 hours                                      C         127.27          12.73        140.00
     Charge per km for distance travelled in excess of 40kms                                             C           5.45           0.55          6.00
     Cancellation fee-if confirmed booking cancelled within 7 days of trip                               C         50% of Relevant Day Hire Fee

Category B - Private Hire
     Full Day Hire Fee (first 40kms free of charge)                                                      C         364.55          36.45        401.00
     Half Day Hire Fee (first 40kms free of charge) - up to 4 hours                                      C         252.73          25.27        278.00
     Hourly Hire Fee (first 25 kms free of charge)                                                       C          90.91           9.09        100.00
     Charge per km for distance travelled in excess of 40kms                                             C           5.45           0.55          6.00
     Cancellation fee-if confirmed booking cancelled within 7 days of trip                               C         50% of Relevant Day Hire Fee

Category C - Registered organisations within the City of Campbelltown
supporting transport disadvantaged residents
     Full Day Hire Fee (first 40kms free of charge)                                                      C         102.73          10.27        113.00
     Half Day Hire Fee (first 40kms free of charge) - up to 4 hours                                      C          78.18           7.82         86.00
     Charge per km for distance travelled in excess of 40kms                                             C           5.45           0.55          6.00
     Cancellation fee-if confirmed booking cancelled within 7 days of trip                               C         50% of Relevant Day Hire Fee


Service Clubs receive one free hall hire per financial year                                                                 Free of charge

137 Montacute Road (Old Uniting Church)
     Monthly Licence                                                          OldUnitingChurchHall       C         559.09           55.91       615.00
Marchant Community Centre
     Community Based Groups (Regular Hirers)
          Creative Room (per hour)                                            AthelCommCtrHire           C           9.09             0.91       10.00
          Middle Room (per hour)                                              AthelCommCtrHire           C           9.09             0.91       10.00
          Main Room (per hour)                                                AthelCommCtrHire           C           9.09             0.91       10.00
     Community Based Groups (Casual Hirers)
          Creative Room (per hour)                                            AthelCommCtrHire           C          13.64             1.36       15.00
          Middle Room (per hour)                                              AthelCommCtrHire           C          13.64             1.36       15.00
          Main Room (per hour)                                                AthelCommCtrHire           C          13.64             1.36       15.00
     Other Groups
          Creative Room (per hour)                                            AthelCommCtrHire           C          16.36            1.64         18.00
          Middle Room (per hour)                                              AthelCommCtrHire           C          16.36            1.64         18.00
          Main Room (per hour)                                                AthelCommCtrHire           C          16.36            1.64         18.00
          University of the 3rd Age (annual fee)                              AthelCommCtrHire           C       4,210.00          421.00      4,631.00

Athelstone Community Hall
      Regular (Annual Hirers)
           Per Hour                                                           AthelstoneHallHire         C          18.18             1.82       20.00
           Community Groups/Non Profit Hirers (per hour)                      AthelstoneHallHire         C           9.09             0.91       10.00
      Casual (one-off) Hirers
           Bond                                                               AthelstoneHallBond        NA         500.00            0.00       500.00
           Functions (9am Saturday - 1am Sunday)                              AthelstoneHallHire        C          336.36           33.64       370.00
           Community Groups (Fundraiser, charity etc)                         AthelstoneHallHire        C          136.36           13.64       150.00

Brookside Cellars
     Main Hall
           Community based groups (regular hirers)                                                       C          13.64             1.36       15.00
           Community based groups (casual hirers)                                                        C          18.18             1.82       20.00
           Non-community based groups                                                                    C          20.91             2.09       23.00
     Meeting Room
           Community based groups (regular hirers)                                                       C           9.09             0.91       10.00
           Community based groups (casual hirers)                                                        C          13.64             1.36       15.00
           Non-community based groups                                                                    C          16.36             1.64       18.00

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                                 SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES EFFECTIVE 1 JULY 2020
                                                                                                                              2020/2021 Fee
                                                                                         Receipting                 Fee
                                                                                                          GST                                    Fee
                                                                                         Mnemonic                 Payable         GST
                                                                                                          Code                                 Payable
                                                                                    (Internal Use Only)          (ex GST)
Campbelltown Function Centre
    Whole Building (Function Area 1)
          Monday - Friday (per day) 9am to 12am                                 FunctionCentreHire         C         620.91          62.09         683.00
          Monday - Friday Half Day (9am-1pm or 1pm-5pm)                         FunctionCentreHire         C         318.18          31.82         350.00
          Saturday 9am to 12am                                                  FunctionCentreHire         C         863.64          86.36         950.00
          Sunday 9am to 12am                                                    FunctionCentreHire         C         863.64          86.36         950.00
          Meeting/Seminar (including AV Hire)
          Monday - Friday (per hour - minimum of 3 hours)                       FunctionCentreHire         C         154.55          15.45         170.00
    Area 2 (Outdoor Area, Kitchenette and Deck)
          Monday - Friday (per day) 9am to 12am                                 FunctionCentreHire         C         252.73          25.27         278.00
          Monday - Friday Half Day (9am-1pm or 1pm-5pm)                         FunctionCentreHire         C         136.36          13.64         150.00
          Saturday 9am to 12am                                                  FunctionCentreHire         C         409.09          40.91         450.00
          Sunday 9am to 12am                                                    FunctionCentreHire         C         318.18          31.82         350.00
    Set up fees
          Set up fee (access after 6pm the day before a booking)                FunctionCentreHire         C          90.91           9.09         100.00
          Set up fee (access after 1pm the day before a booking)                FunctionCentreHire         C         136.36          13.64         150.00
    Failure to remove equipment
          If equipment is not removed from the venue at the conclusion of
          the hire period, the following fee is payable.                        FunctionCentreHire         C         181.82          18.18         200.00
    Equipment Hire
          AV Hire                                                               FunctionCentreHire         C         181.82          18.18         200.00
          Bond                                                                  FunctionCentreBond        NA         700.00             0.00       700.00
          Noise Bond                                                            FunctionCentreBond        NA         200.00             0.00       200.00
          Meeting/Seminar                                                       FunctionCentreBond        NA         300.00             0.00       300.00
          If carpet tiles are damaged, the following fee is payable per tile    FunctionCentreHire        NA          35.00             0.00        35.00
    Regular Hirers with a 12 month permit
          Service Clubs/Non Profit Organisations                                FunctionCentreHire                    35% discount on above fees
          Businesses/Profitable Organisations                                   FunctionCentreHire                    25% discount on above fees

      Campbelltown Over 50's (Area 1)
          Wednesdays (9:30 am to 3:00 pm)                                       FunctionCentreHire         C          63.64           6.36          70.00
          Thursdays (9:30 am to 11:00 am)                                       FunctionCentreHire         C          39.09           3.91          43.00
          Campbelltown City Band (Annually)                                     FunctionCentreHire         C         400.00          40.00         440.00

Campbelltown Memorial Oval Hall
    Community Hall - Both Halls
          Bond (payable on day hire only)                                       CMOBond                   NA         700.00           0.00         700.00
          Council provided security for evening hires (6pm - 1am)               CMOHire                   C          381.82          38.18         420.00
          Wednesday Half Day Hire (9am - 1pm or 1pm to 5pm)                     CMOHire                   C          227.27          22.73         250.00
          Saturday All Day Fee (9am to 12am)                                    CMOHire                   C          454.55          45.45         500.00
          Sunday All Day Fee (9am to 12am)                                      CMOHire                   C          454.55          45.45         500.00
    Meeting Rooms
          Hourly Fee                                                            CMOMeeting                 C          46.36           4.64          51.00
          Half Day                                                              CMOMeeting                 C         185.45          18.55         204.00
          Full Day                                                              CMOMeeting                 C         323.64          32.36         356.00
    Playing of Music Videos
          All Hirers                                                            CMOHire                    C       As charged by One Music Australia
  Annual Hirers of the Community Hall
          Campbelltown Community Club (per quarter)                             CMOHire                    C         418.18          41.82         460.00

Foxfield Oval Hall
      Bond/Refundable Deposit                                                   FoxfieldHallBond          NA         500.00           0.00         500.00
      Weekend Hire (Saturday & Sunday 9am - 12am)                               FoxfieldHallHire          C          336.36          33.64         370.00
      Weekday Hire (Monday to Friday - 9am to 12am)                             FoxfieldHallHire          C          272.73          27.27         300.00
      Long Term Hirer (per hour)                                                FoxfieldHallHire          C           18.18           1.82          20.00
      Long Term Community Group/Non Profit (per hour)                           FoxfieldHallHire          C            9.09           0.91          10.00
      Oval Complex (Hall, Oval & Tennis Courts) - per day (9am to 12am)         FoxfieldHallHire          C          527.27          52.73         580.00

Hectorville Community Centre
     Large Hall
            Bond                                                                HectorvilleCCBond         NA         700.00           0.00         700.00
            Friday All Day Fee (9am to 12am)                                    HectorvilleCCHire         C          518.18          51.82         570.00
            Saturday All Day Fee (9am to 12am)                                  HectorvilleCCHire         C          713.64          71.36         785.00
            Sunday All Day Fee (9am to 12am)                                    HectorvilleCCHire         C          659.09          65.91         725.00
     Small Hall
            Bond                                                                HectorvilleCCBond         NA         700.00           0.00         700.00
            Friday Evening Fee (5pm - 12am)                                     HectorvilleCCHire         C          222.73          22.27         245.00
            Saturday All Day Fee (9am to 12am)                                  HectorvilleCCHire         C          440.91          44.09         485.00
            Sunday All Day Fee (9am to 12am)                                    HectorvilleCCHire         C          440.91          44.09         485.00
     Playing of Music Videos
            All Hirers                                                          HectorvilleCCHire          C       As charged by One Music Australia

Printed 8/04/2020 2:20 PM                                                      Page 8                                                           6332284
                                 SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES EFFECTIVE 1 JULY 2020
                                                                                                                            2020/2021 Fee
                                                                                       Receipting                 Fee
                                                                                                        GST                                    Fee
                                                                                       Mnemonic                 Payable         GST
                                                                                                        Code                                 Payable
                                                                                  (Internal Use Only)          (ex GST)
Hectorville Community Centre (continued)
     Annual Hirers
            Hectorville Senior Citizens Club (per annum)                      HectorvilleCCHire         C          722.73          72.27         795.00
            APAIA (per annum)                                                 HectorvilleCCHire         C          722.73          72.27         795.00
            APAIA (free access Wednesday's between 2pm and 4pm)               HectorvilleCCHire         NA           0.00           0.00           0.00
            Lazio Association                                                 HectorvilleCCHire         C        2,992.73         299.27       3,292.00
            Lazio Association (Friday pasta night)                            HectorvilleCCHire         C          263.64          26.36         290.00
     Hourly Hire Rate (regular hirers only)
            Large Hall                                                        HectorvilleCCHire          C          22.73             2.27        25.00
            Small Hall                                                        HectorvilleCCHire          C          18.18             1.82        20.00

Magill Senior Citizens Hall
      Bond/Refundable Deposit                                                 MagillSeniorCCBond        NA         500.00           0.00         500.00
      Functions (Saturday and Sunday ,9am to 12am)                            MagillSeniorCCHire        C          440.91          44.09         485.00
      Meeting Hire (min 2 hours, max 4 hours)                                 MagillSeniorCCHire        C           90.91           9.09         100.00
      Long Term Hirer (per hour)                                              MagillSeniorCCHire        C           36.36           3.64          40.00
      Long Term Community Group/Non Profit (per hour)                         MagillSeniorCCHire        C           13.64           1.36          15.00

Magill Girl Guides
      Magill Girl Guides                                                                                 C     Free use on Monday nights for 4 hours
      Community based groups (regular hirers)                                                            C           9.09          0.91           10.00
      Community based groups (casual hirers)                                                             C          13.64          1.36           15.00
      Non-community based groups                                                                         C          16.36          1.64           18.00

Meals on Wheels Hall
     ARPA Magill (per use rate)                                                                          C          36.36           3.64          40.00
     NE Academy of Dance (per week rate)                                                                 C         200.00          20.00         220.00

Lochend House
     Casual Hirers (With consent of Historical Society and the approval of
     the CEO or nominee)
           Bond/Refundable Deposit                                                                      NA         500.00             0.00       500.00
           Per Hour                                                                                     C           57.27             5.73        63.00

Lochend Community Hall
     Casual Hirers
          Bond/Refundable Deposit                                                                       NA         500.00           0.00         500.00
          Functions (Saturday and Sunday ,9am to 12am)                                                  C          354.55          35.45         390.00
          Meeting Hire (min 2 hours, max 4 hours)                                                       C          227.27          22.73         250.00
          Long Term Hirer (per hour)                                                                    C           36.36           3.64          40.00
          Long Term Community Group/Non Profit (per hour)                                               C           13.64           1.36          15.00
          Historical Society (Open days only)                                                           C            0.00           0.00           0.00


        Lost borrower card fee                                                LibraryLostCard            C           3.18             0.32         3.50

     Black & White (per side)
          A4 photocopy                                                        LibraryPhotocopying        C           0.18             0.02         0.20
          A3 photocopy                                                        LibraryPhotocopying        C           0.27             0.03         0.30

        Colour (per side)
             A4 photocopy                                                     LibraryPhotocopying        C           1.36             0.14         1.50
             A3 photocopy                                                     LibraryPhotocopying        C           2.27             0.23         2.50

Public Access Printing
      Black & White print                                                     LibraryPublicAccess        C           0.27             0.03         0.30
      Colour printing                                                         LibraryPublicAccess        C           1.36             0.14         1.50
      Transparency                                                            LibraryPublicAccess        C           1.82             0.18         2.00

      Laminating (per page)
            - up to A4                                                                                   C           4.82             0.48         5.30
            - up to A3                                                                                   C           6.18             0.62         6.80
            - per item                                                                                   C           8.09             0.81         8.90

Lost Items Income
      Payment for lost/damaged material                                       LibraryLostBook           NA      Replacement cost + $5 processing fee

Printed 8/04/2020 2:20 PM                                                    Page 9                                                           6332284
                                    SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES EFFECTIVE 1 JULY 2020
                                                                                                                                2020/2021 Fee
                                                                                           Receipting                 Fee
                                                                                                            GST                                       Fee
                                                                                           Mnemonic                 Payable         GST
                                                                                                            Code                                    Payable
                                                                                      (Internal Use Only)          (ex GST)
Deposit/Loan Fee
     Temporary Users of Library                                                                             NA          43.00            0.00           43.00
     Inter-library loan fee (Non South Australian public libraries)                                         C              Lending library's fee.

Local Faxes
      1st page                                                                     LibraryFax                C           1.82             0.18           2.00
      Subsequent Pages                                                             LibraryFax                C           0.91             0.09           1.00

Overseas Faxes
     1st page                                                                      LibraryFax                C          11.82             1.18          13.00
     Subsequent Pages                                                              LibraryFax                C           3.27             0.33           3.60

Receiving Faxes
     1st page                                                                      LibraryFax                C           7.27             0.73           8.00

Storage Items
     USB Flash Drives (8 GB)                                                       LibraryPublicAccess       C           9.09             0.91          10.00

Toy Library Fees
     Annual Membership (based on financial year)                                   ToyLibraryMembership      C          27.27             2.73          30.00
     Annual Membership - Community Groups, Clubs and Educational
                                                                                   ToyLibraryMembership      C          37.27             3.73          41.00
     Institutions (based on financial year)
        Party Hire (cost is dependent on items hired)
             Toy Library members                                                                                      Between $5 and $20 (inc GST)
             Non Toy Library members                                                                                  Between $10 and $40 (inc GST)
        Charges for lost or damaged items or missing parts
             Whole item lost                                                       ToyLibraryLostGST        C           Replacement Cost (inc GST)
             Whole item damaged                                                    ToyLibraryLost           NA               Replacement Cost
             Jigsaw or game piece lost                                             ToyLibraryLostGST        C           Replacement Cost (inc GST)
             Jigsaw or game piece damaged                                          ToyLibraryLost           NA               Replacement Cost
             Part of a toy set lost                                                ToyLibraryLostGST        C           Replacement Cost (inc GST)
             Part of a toy set damaged                                             ToyLibraryLost           NA               Replacement Cost
             Mesh bag packaging and label lost                                     ToyLibraryLostGST        C           Replacement Cost (inc GST)
             Mesh bag packaging and label damaged                                  ToyLibraryLost           NA               Replacement Cost
             Plastic storage boxes and bags lost                                   ToyLibraryLostGST        C           Replacement Cost (inc GST)
             Plastic storage boxes and bags damaged                                ToyLibraryLost           NA               Replacement Cost

        Attendance fee (ie Children's Activities) (based on fee schedule for
                                                                                                             C         Between free and $5 (inc GST)
        IT training fee - per session (based on fee schedule for event)                                      C        Between $10 and $50 (inc GST)
        Earbuds                                                                                              C           5.45          0.55              6.00

Exhibition Hire
     Exhibition Space Hire (for 1 month)                                                                     C          50.91             5.09          56.00
     Exhibition Opening Meeting Room Hire                                                                    C          50.91             5.09          56.00

IT Training Room Hire
      Non refundable booking deposit                                               LibraryITTraining         C          45.45             4.55          50.00
      Hourly Fee                                                                   LibraryITTraining         C          98.18             9.82         108.00
      Half Day
      (9:00am - 1:30pm or 1:30pm - 6:00pm Monday to Friday,                        LibraryITTraining         C         276.36           27.64          304.00
      9:30am -2:00pm Saturday or 1:00pm - 5:00pm Sunday)
      Full Day
                                                                                   LibraryITTraining         C         483.64           48.36          532.00
      (9:00am - 6:00pm Monday to Friday)
      Community Groups
             Hourly Fee                                                            LibraryITTraining         C          57.27             5.73          63.00
             Half Day
             (9:00am - 1:30pm or 1:30pm - 6:00pm Monday to Friday,                 LibraryITTraining         C         188.18           18.82          207.00
             9:30am -2:00pm Saturday or 1:00pm - 5:00pm Sunday)
             Full Day
                                                                                   LibraryITTraining         C         325.45           32.55          358.00
             (9:00am - 6:00pm Monday to Friday)
      Please visit for library opening

Printed 8/04/2020 2:20 PM                                                      Page 10                                                               6332284
                                   SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES EFFECTIVE 1 JULY 2020
                                                                                                                              2020/2021 Fee
                                                                                       Receipting                  Fee
                                                                                                        GST                                       Fee
                                                                                       Mnemonic                  Payable          GST
                                                                                                        Code                                    Payable
                                                                                  (Internal Use Only)           (ex GST)

Room Hire
    Non refundable booking deposit                                             LibraryRoomHire           C            45.45             4.55        50.00
    Community Groups
          During Library Opening Hours
          Half Day
          (9:00am - 1:30pm or 1:30pm - 6:00pm Monday to Friday,                LibraryRoomHire           C            78.18             7.82        86.00
          9:30am -2:00pm Saturday or 1:00pm - 5:00pm Sunday)
          Full Day
                                                                               LibraryRoomHire           C           138.18           13.82        152.00
          (9:00am - 6:00pm Monday to Friday)

            Outside of Library Opening Hours
            Per Hour
                                                                               LibraryRoomHire           C            27.27             2.73        30.00
            (Minimum 2 Hours)

Corporate Use
           During Library Opening Hours
           Half Day
           (9:00am - 1:30pm or 1:30pm - 6:00pm Monday to Friday,               LibraryRoomHire           C           118.18           11.82        130.00
           9:30am -2:00pm Saturday or 1:00pm - 5:00pm Sunday)
           Full Day
                                                                               LibraryRoomHire           C           204.55           20.45        225.00
           (9:00am - 6:00pm Monday to Friday)

             Outside of Library Opening Hours
             Per Hour
                                                                                 LibraryRoomHire         C            37.27             3.73        41.00
             (Minimum 2 Hours)
      Please visit for library opening

Cost of clearing allotments

      Administrative fee for failure to clear allotment                                                  C            90.91             9.09       100.00

      Clearing Charge (per hour)                                                                         C                 At cost (incl GST)

Deposits have been rounded to the nearest dollar for practical purposes.
Private Works based on actual cost.

Mobile Vendors - annual licence fee payable prior to issue                                              NA           926.00             0.00       926.00
Mobile Vendors - monthly licence fee payable prior to issue                                             NA           100.00             0.00       100.00

Dog Obedience Schools - licence fee for use of Council land
                                                                               DogObedienceDon           C           855.45           85.55        941.00
(payable prior to permit issue)

Outdoor Dining Permit (per annum)                                              OutdoorDiningPermit      NA           129.00             0.00       129.00

Impounding Fees - Abandoned Vehicles
     Immediately after tow but before motor search and
     Owner being notified                                                      VehiclesImpounded        NA           116.00             0.00       116.00
     Before advertising                                                        VehiclesImpounded        NA           312.00             0.00       312.00
     After advertising                                                         VehiclesImpounded        NA           484.00             0.00       484.00

Impounded Portable Signs                                                       SignImpounded            NA            20.00             0.00        20.00

Key Bonds (Refundable)
     Key Bonds (Refundable)                                                    KeyDeposits              NA            30.00             0.00        30.00

2nd bin permit (per financial year)
      Blue Bin - Household Waste                                               SecondBinPermit          NA           209.00             0.00       209.00
      Green Bin - Organic Waste                                                SecondBinPermit          NA                    Free of Charge
      Yellow Bin - Recycling                                                   SecondBinPermit          NA                    Free of Charge

Advertising Fee (Category 3 Development Applications)                                                   NA           720.00             0.00       720.00

Tree replacement (supply and planting of tree)                                 TreeRemoval               C           470.91          47.09          518.00
                                                                                                               Fees Set in Accordance with Council's Tree
Removal of Existing Tree                                                       TreeRemoval               C
                                                                                                                           Management Policy

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                                   SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES EFFECTIVE 1 JULY 2020
                                                                                                                           2020/2021 Fee
                                                                                      Receipting                 Fee
                                                                                                       GST                                    Fee
                                                                                      Mnemonic                 Payable         GST
                                                                                                       Code                                 Payable
                                                                                 (Internal Use Only)          (ex GST)
Quotations for Private Jobs
     Paving (inclusive of labour per m2)                                                                C         140.91          14.09        155.00
     Dolomite / Blue Rubble (inclusive of labour per m 2)                                               C          45.45           4.55         50.00
     Concrete (inclusive of labour per m )                                                              C         409.09          40.91        450.00
     Concrete invert (inclusive of labour per linear metre)                                             C         409.09          40.91        450.00
     Relocation of street / traffic sign                                                                C          95.45           9.55        105.00
     Install stormwater pipes under footpath                                                            C         409.09          40.91        450.00

Bonds for Council Property
     Bond for new inverts                                                                              NA       1,750.00             0.00     1,750.00

Possum Traps
     Bond                                                                     PossumTrapDeposit        NA         100.00             0.00      100.00
     Initial hire fee                                                         PossumTrapHire           C           22.73             2.27       25.00
     Additional fortnight or part thereof                                     PossumTrapHire           C           18.18             1.82       20.00

Cat Traps
      Bond                                                                    CatTrapDeposit           NA         100.00             0.00      100.00
      Initial hire fee                                                        CatTrapHire              C           22.73             2.27       25.00
      Additional fortnight or part thereof                                    CatTrapHire              C           18.18             1.82       20.00

Memorial Plaques
    Powder coated aluminium plaque installed and engraved                                               C         168.18          16.82        185.00
    Powder coated aluminium plaque installed and engraved in colour                                     C         200.91          20.09        221.00

TV Screen Promotion Program - subscribers will be entitled to a 15 second
advert every 20 minutes
      For Profit Organisation - 1 month subscription                          TvScreenPromotion         C          90.91             9.09      100.00
      Non-Profit Organisation - 1 month subscription                          TvScreenPromotion         C          27.27             2.73       30.00

Fee payable for the installation of a Street Light Shield                                               C           0.00             0.00        0.00

Athelstone Recreation Reserve
      Seasonal hire per hour (minimum hire 10 hours)
           Full Oval Hire - Seniors (18+ years)                               AthelstoneRecResHire      C          32.73           3.27         36.00
           Full Oval Hire - Juniors (17 years and under)                      AthelstoneRecResHire      C          25.45           2.55         28.00
           Full Oval Hire - Commercial Fitness Groups                         AthelstoneRecResHire      C          32.73           3.27         36.00
           Half Oval Hire - Commercial Fitness Groups                         AthelstoneRecResHire      C          18.18           1.82         20.00
           Administration fee to vary licence previously granted                                        C         105.45          10.55        116.00
      Casual sporting hire
           Full Oval Hire (per hour)                                          AthelstoneRecResHire      C          45.45             4.55       50.00
      Non-sporting event hire
           Full Oval Hire (per hour)                                          AthelstoneRecResHire     C           45.45             4.55        50.00
           Bond                                                               OvalBond                 NA       1,000.00             0.00     1,000.00
Campbelltown Memorial Oval
    Lighting cost per 1 hour of lighting used                                 CampOvalHire              C           1.82             0.18        2.00
    Lighting Key Bonds (Refundable)                                           KeyDeposits              NA          30.00             0.00       30.00
    Seasonal hire per hour (minimum hire 10 hours)
           Full Oval Hire - Seniors (16+ years)                               CampOvalHire              C          40.00           4.00         44.00
           Full Oval Hire - Juniors (15 years and under)                      CampOvalHire              C          31.82           3.18         35.00
           Full Oval Hire - Commercial Fitness Groups                         CampOvalHire              C          40.00           4.00         44.00
           Half Oval Hire - Commercial Fitness Groups                         CampOvalHire              C          22.73           2.27         25.00
           Nets - Seniors (16+ years)                                         CampOvalHire              C          20.91           2.09         23.00
           Nets - Juniors (15 years and under)                                CampOvalHire              C          14.55           1.45         16.00
           Administration fee to vary licence previously granted                                        C         105.45          10.55        116.00
    Casual sporting hire
           Full Oval Hire (per hour)                                          CampOvalHire              C          45.45             4.55       50.00
    Non-sporting event hire
           Full Oval Hire (per hour)                                          CampOvalHire             C           45.45             4.55        50.00
           Bond                                                               OvalBond                 NA       1,000.00             0.00     1,000.00
Daly Oval
             Available for hire through Hectorville Sporting Club
             (Contactable on 8337 1748)

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                                  SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES EFFECTIVE 1 JULY 2020
                                                                                                                     2020/2021 Fee
                                                                                Receipting                 Fee
                                                                                                 GST                                    Fee
                                                                                Mnemonic                 Payable         GST
                                                                                                 Code                                 Payable
                                                                           (Internal Use Only)          (ex GST)
OVALS (continued)
Foxfield Oval
      Lighting Key Bonds (Refundable)                                   KeyDeposits              NA          30.00             0.00       30.00
      Seasonal hire per hour (minimum hire 10 hours)
             Full Oval Hire - Seniors (16+ years)                       FoxfieldOvalHire          C          40.00           4.00         44.00
             Full Oval Hire - Juniors (15 years and under)              FoxfieldOvalHire          C          31.82           3.18         35.00
             Full Oval Hire - Commercial Fitness Groups                 FoxfieldOvalHire          C          40.00           4.00         44.00
             Half Oval Hire - Commercial Fitness Groups                 FoxfieldOvalHire          C          21.82           2.18         24.00
             Administration fee to vary licence previously granted                                C         105.45          10.55        116.00
      Casual sporting hire
             Full Oval Hire (per hour)                                  FoxfieldOvalHire          C          45.45             4.55       50.00
      Non-sporting event hire
             Full Oval Hire (per hour)                                  FoxfieldOvalHire         C           45.45             4.55        50.00
             Bond                                                       OvalBond                 NA       1,000.00             0.00     1,000.00
Murray Park Oval
     Lighting Key Bonds (Refundable)                                    KeyDeposits              NA          30.00             0.00       30.00
     Seasonal hire per hour (minimum hire 10 hours)
            Full Oval Hire (Cricket) - Seniors (16+ years)              MurrayParkOvalHire        C          34.55           3.45         38.00
            Full Oval Hire (Cricket) - Juniors (15 years and under)     MurrayParkOvalHire        C          27.27           2.73         30.00
            Full Oval Hire (Soccer) - Seniors (16+ years)               MurrayParkOvalHire        C          32.73           3.27         36.00
            Full Oval Hire (Soccer) - Juniors (15 years and under)      MurrayParkOvalHire        C          20.91           2.09         23.00
            Full Oval Hire - Commercial Fitness Groups                  MurrayParkOvalHire        C          34.55           3.45         38.00
            Half Oval Hire - Commercial Fitness Groups                  MurrayParkOvalHire        C          19.09           1.91         21.00
            Administration fee to vary licence previously granted                                 C         105.45          10.55        116.00
     Casual sporting hire
            Full Oval Hire (per hour)                                   MurrayParkOvalHire        C          45.45             4.55       50.00
     Non-sporting event hire
            Full Oval Hire (per hour)                                   MurrayParkOvalHire       C           45.45             4.55        50.00
            Bond                                                        OvalBond                 NA       1,000.00             0.00     1,000.00

Max Amber Sportsfield
     Lighting Key Bonds (Refundable)                                    KeyDeposits              NA          30.00             0.00       30.00
     Seasonal hire per hour (minimum hire 10 hours)
            Full Oval Hire - Seniors (16+ years)                        TorrensValleyOvalHir      C          40.00           4.00         44.00
            Full Oval Hire - Juniors (15 years and under)               TorrensValleyOvalHir      C          31.82           3.18         35.00
            Full Soccer Pitch Hire - Seniors (16+ years)                TorrensValleyOvalHir      C          24.55           2.45         27.00
            Full Soccer Pitch Hire - Juniors (15 years and under)       TorrensValleyOvalHir      C          20.91           2.09         23.00
            Full Oval Hire - Commercial Fitness Groups                  TorrensValleyOvalHir      C          40.00           4.00         44.00
            Half Oval Hire - Commercial Fitness Groups                  TorrensValleyOvalHir      C          21.82           2.18         24.00
            Full Soccer Pitch Hire - Commercial Fitness Groups          TorrensValleyOvalHir      C          24.55           2.45         27.00
            Half Soccer Pitch Hire - Commercial Fitness Groups          TorrensValleyOvalHir      C          15.45           1.55         17.00
            Administration fee to vary licence previously granted                                 C         105.45          10.55        116.00
     Casual sporting hire
            Full Oval Hire (per hour)                                   TorrensValleyOvalHir      C          45.45             4.55       50.00
     Non-sporting event hire
            Full Oval Hire (per hour)                                   TorrensValleyOvalHir     C           45.45             4.55        50.00
            Bond                                                        OvalBond                 NA       1,000.00             0.00     1,000.00

Steve Woodcock Sports Centre
     Seasonal hire per hour (minimum hire 10 hours)
          Full Oval Hire - Seniors (18+ years)                                                    C          32.73           3.27         36.00
          Full Oval Hire - Juniors (17 years and under)                                           C          25.45           2.55         28.00
          Full Oval Hire - Commercial Fitness Groups                                              C          32.73           3.27         36.00
          Half Oval Hire - Commercial Fitness Groups                                              C          18.18           1.82         20.00
          Administration fee to vary licence previously granted                                   C         105.45          10.55        116.00
     Casual sporting hire
          Full Oval Hire (per hour)                                                               C          48.18             4.82       53.00
     Non-sporting event hire
          Full Oval Hire (per hour)                                                              C           48.18             4.82        53.00
          Bond                                                          OvalBond                 NA       1,000.00             0.00     1,000.00


Residential Exemption Permit (Time Limit Zone)
     First and Second Permit                                            ZZParkingPermitRev       NA           0.00             0.00        0.00
     Third Permit (for 2 years)                                         ZZParkingPermitRev       NA          45.00             0.00       45.00
     Pensioners                                                         ZZParkingPermitRev       NA           0.00             0.00        0.00
     Replacement Permits                                                ZZParkingPermitRev       NA           5.00             0.00        5.00

Printed 8/04/2020 2:20 PM                                             Page 13                                                          6332284
                                  SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES EFFECTIVE 1 JULY 2020
                                                                                                                                2020/2021 Fee
                                                                                    Receipting                       Fee
                                                                                                        GST                                        Fee
                                                                                    Mnemonic                       Payable          GST
                                                                                                        Code                                     Payable
                                                                               (Internal Use Only)                (ex GST)

Regular Hire (rate per hour per court)
     Lighting Key Bonds (Refundable)                                        KeyDeposits                   NA            30.00            0.00           30.00
     Minimum 20 hours                                                       TennisCourtHire               C             13.64            1.36           15.00
     21-50 hrs                                                              TennisCourtHire               C             11.82            1.18           13.00
     51+ hrs                                                                TennisCourtHire               C             10.91            1.09           12.00
     Administration fee to vary licence previously granted                  TennisCourtHire               C            100.91           10.09          111.00

Casual Hire
     Lighting Key Bonds (Refundable)                                        KeyDeposits                   NA            30.00             0.00          30.00
     Per hour (per court)                                                   TennisCourtHire               C             17.27             1.73          19.00
     Minimum hire application                                               TennisCourtHire               C             61.82             6.18          68.00


      Small Parks and Reserves Hire
           Non-sporting Event Bond                                          ReserveBond                   NA           200.00             0.00         200.00

Thorndon Park Rotunda
     Hire of Rotunda                                                        ThorndonParkRotunda           C            136.36           13.64          150.00
Thorndon Park Amphitheatre
     Hire of Amphitheatre                                                   ThorndonParkAmp               C            136.36           13.64          150.00
Thorndon Park Pavilion                                                                                                           Not for hire

Thorndon Park
     The oval on the eastern side be set aside for the use of groups
     who wish to use amplification, erect marquees or reserve a section
     of Thorndon Park. The area referred to is divided into four zones
     which are available for hire.
      Casual hire (per hour per zone)                                       ThorndonPkZone                C             22.73             2.27          25.00
            Full Oval Hire (per hour)                                       ThorndonPkZone                C             45.45             4.55          50.00
            Bond                                                            OvalBond                      NA         1,000.00             0.00       1,000.00
      Commercial Fitness Groups (per hour)                                                                C             10.91             1.09          12.00
      Annual Bond Fee - Fitness Groups                                                                    NA           200.00             0.00         200.00
      Annual Bond Fee - Council approved events                                                           NA         1,000.00             0.00       1,000.00

* Includes Fees and Charges adopted by Council up to and including 7 April 2020
** Legislated Fees & Charges
NOTE - Any fees and charges not specified in this schedule that are specifically prescribed by legislation will be charged as per the legislation.

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                                   SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES EFFECTIVE 1 JULY 2020
                                                                                                                                 2020/2021 Fee
                                                                                            Receipting                 Fee
                                                                                                             GST                                    Fee
                                                                                            Mnemonic                 Payable         GST
                                                                                                             Code                                 Payable
                                                                                       (Internal Use Only)          (ex GST)


Fees for the impounding of animals are set in accordance with the Schedule of
Fees approved by the Minister responsible for the Dog and Cat Management

Impounding / Holding Fees (pending approval by the Minister of the Dog & Cat
Management Board)
     Business Hours Impoundment / Seizure fee
                                                                             DogsImpoundRelease              NA          85.00             0.00       85.00
     (9am - 5pm Monday to Friday)
     Daily holding / Sustenance Fee (per day)                                DogsImpoundRelease              NA          35.00             0.00       35.00
     After hours Impoundment / Seizure fee
                                                                             DogsImpoundRelease              NA         120.00             0.00      120.00
     (5pm - 9am Monday to Friday, Weekends and Public Holidays)


Fees for Dog Registration are proposed by Council and have been adopted by
Council on 3rd April 2018.
For details of concession eligibility, please refer to section 7.4.1 of the Rating
Policy at

Owners without Concessions
    Registration                                                                     DogRenewal              NA          75.00             0.00       75.00
    Working Dog                                                                      DogRenewal              NA          20.00             0.00       20.00
    Greyhound                                                                        DogRenewal              NA          20.00             0.00       20.00
    Desexed Dog                                                                      DogRenewal              NA          45.00             0.00       45.00
    Desexed Dog with Microchip                                                       DogRenewal              NA          37.50             0.00       37.50
    Desexed Dog with Training                                                        DogRenewal              NA          37.50             0.00       37.50
    Desexed Dog with Microchip & Training                                            DogRenewal              NA          30.00             0.00       30.00
    Dog with Microchip                                                               DogRenewal              NA          67.50             0.00       67.50
    Dog with Training                                                                DogRenewal              NA          67.50             0.00       67.50
    Dog with Microchip & Training                                                    DogRenewal              NA          60.00             0.00       60.00
    Guide dogs, hearing dogs or disability dogs                                      DogRenewal              NA           0.00             0.00        0.00
    Puppies (up to 3 months old)                                                     DogRenewal              NA          37.50             0.00       37.50

Owners with Pensioner Concession/Concession Card/Self Funded
      Registration                                                                   DogRenewal              NA          37.50             0.00       37.50
      Working Dog                                                                    DogRenewal              NA          10.00             0.00       10.00
      Greyhound                                                                      DogRenewal              NA          10.00             0.00       10.00
      Desexed Dog                                                                    DogRenewal              NA          22.50             0.00       22.50
      Desexed Dog with Microchip                                                     DogRenewal              NA          18.75             0.00       18.75
      Desexed Dog with Training                                                      DogRenewal              NA          18.75             0.00       18.75
      Desexed Dog with Microchip & Training                                          DogRenewal              NA          15.00             0.00       15.00
      Dog with Microchip                                                             DogRenewal              NA          33.75             0.00       33.75
      Dog with Training                                                              DogRenewal              NA          33.75             0.00       33.75
      Dog with Microchip & Training                                                  DogRenewal              NA          30.00             0.00       30.00
      Guide dogs, hearing dogs or disability dogs                                    DogRenewal              NA           0.00             0.00        0.00
      Puppies (up to 3 months)                                                       DogRenewal              NA          18.75             0.00       18.75

Other Registration Fees
     Transfer Fee                                                                                            NA           5.00             0.00        5.00
     Replacement Disc                                                                                        NA           2.00             0.00        2.00
     Late Registration Fee                                                           DogLateFee              NA          10.00             0.00       10.00

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