OSRAM Analyst Day 2016 - Dr. Olaf Berlien | January 2016 Light is OSRAM - OSRAM Group

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OSRAM Analyst Day 2016

Dr. Olaf Berlien | January 2016
Light is OSRAM
Safe Harbor Statement

This presentation may contain forward-looking statements that are subject to risks and uncertainties,
including those pertaining to the anticipated benefits to be realized from the proposals described
herein. Forward-looking statements may include, in particular, statements about future events, future
financial performance, plans, strategies, expectations, prospects, competitive environment, regulation
and supply and demand. OSRAM Licht AG has based these forward-looking statements on its views
and assumptions with respect to future events and financial performance. Actual financial perfor-
mance could differ materially from that projected in the forward-looking statements due to the inherent
uncertainty of estimates, forecasts and projections, and financial performance may be better or worse
than anticipated. Given these uncertainties, readers should not put undue reliance on any forward-
looking statements. The information contained in this presentation is subject to change without notice
and OSRAM Licht AG does not undertake any duty to update the forward-looking statements, and the
estimates and assumptions associated with them, except to the extent required by applicable laws
and regulations.

Due to rounding, numbers presented throughout this and other documents may not add up precisely
to the totals provided and percentages may not precisely reflect the absolute figures.

2   OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
FY 2015 has been very successful for OSRAM
             Revenue FY (in €bn)                                              Adjusted EBITA (in €m)

                        8.4%               Nom. +8.4%                                                      in % of revenue
                                           Comp. -1.0%                                                     2014 8.7%
                                                                                                           2015 10.2%

              5.1              5.6                                                                567

             2014              2015                                            2014              2015

    Reported Free Cash Flow (in €m)                                    Share price development 2015                (in €)

                        38%                                                             18%

                               299                                                                38.8
              216                                                              32.8

             2014              2015                                           Jan 1st           Dec 30th

3    OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
                                      1) Closing price Jan 1st and Dec 30th
Enhanced flexibility enabling
clear roadmap for success

                       Decision to reorganize OSRAM
                       as a holding company with clear,   Finalized
                       decentralized mgmt. structures

                       Decision to carve-out              In implementation
                       Lamps business

    September          Decision to sell Felco shares
      2015             for > € 350 mio.                   Closing achieved in Dec

    November           Three pillar strategy to develop
      2015             OSRAM                              In implementation

                                                          Continuous and sustainable
      2020                         5.1.5
                                                          value creation

4    OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
Initial situation
Building on strong positions across our markets

                                Market                Performance
                               Position                   2015
                                                                                  OSRAM 2015 revenue share
                                                                                    a LED based company
    Specialty Lighting              1)              • Solid growth
    (SP)                        #1                  • High profitability

    Opto Semicon-                                   • Strong growth                             54%
    ductors                     #2                  • High profitability

    Lighting Solutions               2)             • In transfor-                                    w/o Lamps
    & Services                  #5                    mation process

    (LP)                        #2                      Carve-out

5     OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
                                 1) Automotive                             LED-based technology
                                 2) Luminaires in Europe, Source CSIL      Traditional technology
Right time to proactively position for the future
                          Performance 2015           Future Challenges / Opportunities

                                             •   Technical transition to LED
    Specialty Lighting                       •   Importance of electronics and software on higher integrated level
    (SP)                                     •   Market stagnation of traditional technologies
                                             •   Growing aftermarket

                                             •   Luminaires market with significant growth
    Lighting Solutions                       •   Transition from product market to solutions and services
    & Services                               •   Increasing importance of electronics and software
    (LSS)                                    •   Integration of connectivity and Light Management features

    Opto Semicon-                            • Growing importance of „volume emitter“ technology
                                             • Growing importance of economies of scale
                                             • Consolidation of weaker players expected

                                   Actions required to secure/ expand current position!

6      OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
Rigorous and detailed strategy assessment process

              Target markets                                                             Value
    • Growth, profit pool, extent of cyclicality,                       • EBITA margin
      industry ROCE                                                     • Return on capital employed
    • Competitive dynamics (consolidation,
      entrance of new market players, …)
                                                    OSRAM               • Earnings per share
                                                                        • Total shareholder return
    • Differentiation potential by technology       Strategy
               Stakeholders                           Technology
    • Fulfilment of customers needs                 Sustainable value   • Experience with relevant business
    • Long-term interest of our shareholders
                                                                        • Customer intimacy
    • Employee identification and motivation
                                                                        • Technological basis and expertise
                                                                        • Necessary resources

7       OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
A diversified strategy based on “3 pillars”

    Strategic Review                              OSRAM Licht AG

    CAGR /                          SP                   LSS                 OS
    market size                 Worldwide #1 in        Catch up        Strong worldwide
                                 Automotive        attractive market       #2 in LED

    position        2 1 3

    Profitability    €


                                                      Expand /
                                  Expand                                   Expand
                                                     new set-up

8      OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
OSRAM – clear strategy for a technology player with
strongly specialized, profitable businesses

    3 Pillars Strategy            “Diamond“          “5.1.5“ in 2020
                             Innovation and Growth

9   OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
Specialty Lighting: Automotive market overview                                                                     SP LSS OS

LED-based automotive market with strong growth
SP: Automotive exterior OEM light vehicles
light source and controls market1)
in EUR bn
                                                      Halogen                            LED

                     +9%                              HID (Xenon)                        Auxiliary2)
                                                      Laser                              OLED


                                       LED based

        2015                   2020                    Ford F150 with OSRAM LED Module

                                                       More than 200 light sources in one verhicle

                                                     1) Exterior market excluding motorcycles and heavy vehicles
Source: OSRAM data, Frost & Sullivan                 2) e.g. interior and exterior signal lighting

10   OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
Specialty Lighting: Professional & Industrial Applications (PIA)
Broad portfolio to capture significant growth potential

 Specialty Lighting markets, in EUR bn                                          Professional and industrial applications
                                                                                Entertainment          Projection
 Light source

                                                                 LED based

                                        2015             2020
                                                                                Medical                Industry
                                                 CARG    1.7
     Entertainment - fixtures

                                                                Theater             About 300 different sub-applications

                                       2015              2020
                                                                                                             Source: OSRAM data

11                              OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
Specialty Lighting:                                                                              SP LSS OS

Expand leading positions in Automotive and PIA

 • Expand in LED-modules and Matrix-solutions                                       Automotive
 • Invest in new technologies - Laser and OLED
 • Forward integration with focus on LED and electronics                            Professional
 • Exploit strong and profitable position in aftermarket                            & Industrial

                                                           © Ralph Larmann

 Professional & Industrial Applications (PIA)
 • Extend profitable niche business (e.g. entertainment)        SP revenue plan (organic)
                                                                 in EUR bn
 • Enter/Expand new niches
 • Selective forward integration (e.g. entertainment

       Selective M&A activities under investigation
          to strengthen existing business fields
                                                                             2015     2020

12   OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
Lighting Solutions & Systems (LSS):                                                                                SP LSS OS

Strong growth in luminaires, service and solution markets

LS: Professional luminaires and solution product market
in EUR bn

                                       LED based                                          Office&Shops


         2015                   2020

DS: Professional components for General Illumination
in EUR bn
                              SSL                                                         control gears

                                        LED modules
         12.7                                                                             LED modules
                                        General Illumination control gear
                                                                                          Light Manag.
                                        Light Management Systems
                                        Trad. control gear

          2015                  2020                                        Source: OSRAM data, Frost & Sullivan

13   OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
Lighting Solutions & Systems:                                                                  SP LSS OS

Catch up in a growing and profitable market

     • “LS 800” program running for lighting
     • Expand full-solutions offering including
     • Maintain good momentum for light
       controls and LED modules
     • Strengthen connectivity know-how                                     Parking
                                                                 Local       Mgmt.
       and innovative system architecture                       Service/
                                                  Promotion   Information
     • Increase of electronics and system                                             Navigation
       competence                                    Smart connected light, e.g. street lighting

                                                  LSS revenue plan (organic)
       Organic and inorganic growth to            in EUR bn

       further strengthen technological
                    portfolio                                  0.9

                                                              2015             2020

14     OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
OS is well positioned in Infrared, Auto and Industry;                                                                 SP LSS OS

    General Lighting to be the next growth opportunity

                                Market size
                                  [€ bn]

                                  +3.9% p.a.                        Market CAGR                OS position
                                                     20.9           [2015 to 2020]             2015

                                                      2.9                 2.6%                 #2 player
                                                      1.8                 4.0%                 #1 player     Limited
   Infrared (IR1))        2.5                                                                                additional
             Auto         1.4                         3.4                 -4.0%                selective     growth
       Consumer                                                                                              potential
                          4.2                         4.3                 3.3%
incl. Backlighting                                                                             #2 player

         Industry         3.7
                                                                                                So far not   Next growth
                                                      8.5                 9.5%                  heavily      opportunity
General Lighting          5.4                                                                   addressed    for OS

                         2015                       2020
    Source: IHS      1) IR = Infrared emitters & detectors + infrared, blue and green laser applications

    15   OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
OS: The technology shift from surface to volume                                                      SP LSS OS

emitters is happening in all segments

                               Volume emitter                           Surface emitter
                               (sapphire)                               (thin film)

Application                   Technology shift         Technology shift in       Surface emitter domi-
segment                          complete                  progress              nant for next ~5 years

Automotive                • e.g. buttons              • e.g. day-time            • e.g. headlamps
                                                        running light

Consumer                  • e.g. backlighting                                    • e.g. mobile flash

Industry                  • e.g. signs and signals    • e.g. white goods         • e.g. projection

SSL                       • e.g. retrofit             • e.g. street lighting

16   OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
                                   Si = Silicon
                                   Al2O3 = Sapphire   example
OS: The combination of leading in technology,                                                          SP LSS OS

scale and factor costs gives us the right to win
             1. Technology                2. Scale and 3. Factor Cost              The right to win

                                           Best factor costs
            Leading in                                                          Worldwide cost
                                              and right
            technology                                                           leadership
                                          economies of scale
                                                                           Estimated chip costs advantage
                                          Front-end                        of OSRAM by 2020 vs.:
                                      +      “Mega“-sites for

                                           both FE und BE in a
     • Best in class performance in

       • Chip size & Wafer size           Back-end
       • Phosphor efficiency                          Wuxi + Penang
                                                      (China + Malaysia)          Best        Best
     • Deep understanding of                                                    Chinese    Taiwanese
       technology                                                                Player      Player

17     OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
OS: Modular phased investment strategy                                                        SP LSS OS

Phase I with 370 Mio. EUR

                    Risk Management
     1. Implementation Risk
        - Top Management attention
        - Monthly Board reviews
        - Risk control on corporate level
        - Dedicated project team
        - External consultants and assessors
        - Further scale up of sales & marketing resources

     2. Market Risk Management
        - Modular Equipment ramp-up
        - Continuous monitoring of market landscape
        - Conservative price decline expectations

      Phase 1
                                  - Building
        Implement in 2016/17
                                  - Equipment
        €370 mio. invest

      Phase 2                     - In planning
                                                             Investment decisions benchmarked
      Phase 3                     - In planning             against ambitious ROCE hurdle rates

18     OSRAM Analyst Day 2016

OS: Build on strong worldwide #2 position

                                                          Leading position any
 • Expand existing profitable niche business
                                                          segment we compete
 • Complete technology portfolio
   (surface & volume emitter)                           #1 Automotive

 • Market leading chip competence for                   #2 Industry
   General Illumination (GI)                            #2 Infrared / Laser
 • Leverage synergies in scale, scope &                    +
                                                        Top position - LEDs for GI
 • Realize profitable double-digit growth

                                                      OS revenue plan (organic)
                                                      in EUR bn

                   Balanced portfolio
             in niche and volume business
     to gain market share and sustain profitability               1.3

                                                               2015       2020

19     OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
OSRAM in 2020:                                                                                                                      SP LSS OS

Technology player with strong specialized businesses
OS revenue share, by applications; OSRAM revenue share by business unit

      Opto 2015                             Opto 2020                                                OSRAM 2020
                                                                                                                      LED for GI
                ~15%                                        ~35%
                                                                                            OS                  ~15%



         Automotive / Industry /    Consumer1)
         LED for GI

1) Mobile flash, backlighting, automotive signalling, automotive front lighting, automotive interior, infrared illumination, projection,
stage lighting, video wall, white goods

20    OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
OSRAM – clear strategy for a technology player with
strongly specialized, profitable businesses

     3 Pillars Strategy            “Diamond“          “5.1.5“ in 2020
                              Innovation and Growth

21   OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
Innovation and growth initiative “Diamond” provides
the backbone for technology differentiation

                              “Diamond“ – innovation and growth initiative

                        Innovation                                  Growth

     •   Systematic Research &                        •   We create markets (e.g.
         Development of smart                             automotive laser light)
         technologies, e.g. beacons                   •   We conquer leading market
     •   Technology scouting                              positions

22   OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
Increasing R&D spending to drive future
technological innovation

                                                                                                                 8% p.a.1)
                                                                                                  R&D budget
                                                                                                                 (of revenue)

                                                                                                  Intellectual   ~600 patents p.a.
                    Demographic                                     Safety &
                                  Digitalization   Infrastructure
                                                                               Mobility           Property       ~18,000 total
                                                                                                                 ~2 patents per day

                                                   Selected OSRAM TOP patent fields

                    OS                                              SP                       OLED                      CI
             Epitaxy,                                       Automotive SSL,                Encapsulation,          Innoventure,
          Chip concepts,                                        Laser                          SSL,                 Lightmgmt.,
           conversion                                                                         Display              LED modules

         >6,600 patents                                     >2,700 patents                >1,700 patents          >1,000 patents

1) on average until 2020

23     OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
R&D spend will increase across all 3 pillars

                                  8% of sales for R&D in average p.a. until 2020

     •     One time effect in 2016 to                   Growth rate R&D spending (illustrative)1)
           push special projects
     •     All 3 segments will be                                                      +4%
     •     R&D spending necessary to
           conquer leading market                  Central
           positions in attractive                    LSS
           markets                                     SP
     •     State of the art innovation
           process established to                      OS

           secure value creation of
                                                             2015           2016                  2020

                                                                       1) OSRAM w/o Lamps, before special items

24       OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
Smart & digital innovation fields

      SENSORS AND                 WIRELESS
     SMART LIGHTING               LIGHTING

                                   SMART          MATERIALS AND
          SMART                   BUILDINGS           OPTIC

25   OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
OSRAM – clear strategy for a technology player with
strongly specialized, profitable businesses

     3 Pillars Strategy            “Diamond“          “5.1.5“ in 2020
                              Innovation and Growth

26   OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
Significant growth across all segments
from 2015 to 2020

                 Business Segments                               (revenue in bn €)
                      (revenue in bn €)                                   5.0 – 5.5


                SP                LSS       OS             LSS

                2015            2020                       OS

     New holding company structure enables constant            2015          2020
     review of performance of each pillar and ability to     Pro Forma
     take appropriate portfolio measures at any time

27     OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
Ambition 20201
A plan that will deliver real shareholder value by 2020

                                                  Revenue, in bn €

                                                     2014                               5.1
                                                     2015                       Lamps     5.6

                                                     2020                                5.0 – 5.5

                                                  EBITDA, in bn €

                          1                          2014

                                                     2020                        0.9 – 1,0

                                                  EPS, in €

                          5                          2014



1) Presuming stable economic environment incl. no servere anomaly of semiconductor cycle and stable FX, without lamps
2) Including share buy back

28   OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
The right plan to deliver on our goals

               This is the right time to implement the new 3 pillars strategy
               in order to stay ahead of the market

               The investments across all three pillars deliver the best overall
               outcome on long term for the shareholders

         3. Balanced portfolio over three pillars

29   OSRAM Analyst Day 2016

OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
Opto Semiconductors

Aldo Kamper | January 2016
Light is OSRAM
OS is a strong player in all its markets
and a key profit generator for Osram
  Automotive #1 player, ~50% of Revenues1)                                                Consumer ~10% of Revenues1)

Forward Lighting                                Safety & Comfort                        Bio Monitoring         Handsets / Monitors

  Industry #2 player, ~25% of Revenues1)                                                  General Lighting ~15% of Revenues1)

Video Walls                           Projection                                        Outdoor Lighting            Residential Lighting

1) Percent of total OS Revenues in FY 2014/15, including both visible and infrared products

31     OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
Our integrated business model covers the entire LED
value chain, allowing end-to-end optimization

 Front-end                           Substrate etc.                                    Chip processing                    LED chips

                                                                                            Coating &     Singulation,
                                                                                            structuring     testing

 Back-end                               Phosphor                                           Processing                    Packaged LED

                                                                     Bonding              Conversion1)

                               Broadest technology base in the industry,
                    all colors from infrared to visible light, applied in LED & Laser
1) In order to make a white LED, it is common to convert blue LEDs with phosphors to white LEDs

32    OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
Building on strength: OS is the #2 global player for over
10 years, continuously delivering healthy margins

Market share in optoelectronic                                     OS Revenue (€ m) and EBITA margin
components (2014)                                                  (2005-2015)

               Nichia                                        11%
                                                                                   18%                                         17% 18%
          Osram Opto                               7%                                                      14%
                                                                                         14%                                             Average
                                                                     12%                                               12%
            Samsung                           6%                                                                                   1,293 14%
             Lumileds                     5%                                                                                1,125
                                                                                               2%                      1,018
             Everlight                   5%                                                                      899
           LG Innotek                4%                                                              743

                   SSC               4%                                    501 519 529 468
                                                   Market size       452
                   Cree             4%              € 16.2 bn
                   MLS         3%                    (2014)
               Avago           3%
                                                                     ’05   ’06     ’07   ’08   ’09   ’10   ’11   ’12    ’13     ’14 ’15
                                                                                                                              Fiscal Year

Source: IHS 2015                                                   Source: Osram

33    OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
OS is well positioned in Infrared, Auto and Industry;
 General Lighting to be the next growth opportunity for OS
 Market size                                                                     Market CAGR         OS Position
 [€ bn]                                                                          [2015 to 2020]      [2015]


                                                                2.9                      2.6%        #2 player
                                                                1.8                      4.0%        #1 player     Limited
   Infrared    (IR1))           2.5
                Auto                                            3.4                      -4.0%       selective     growth
                                4.2                             4.3                      3.3%        #2 player
incl. Backlighting

           Industry             3.7
                                                                                                     So far not    Next growth
                                                                8.5                      9.5%        heavily       opportunity
General Lighting                5.4                                                                  addressed     for OS

                              2015                            2020
 Source: IHS 2015
 1) IR = Infrared emitters and detectors going into consumer, automotive and industry applications

 34     OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
OS core technology (surface emitter) is challenged by lower
cost technology (volume emitter) in several applications

                                Share of volume and surface emitter in total LED market

                                            2015                              2020

      emitter                                                                     Surface
      (thin film)                               Surface

                                            Volume                            Volume
                                            emitter                           emitter

      (sapphire)                – Good cost efficiency helped sapphire to become mainstream
                                  technology for the General Lighting market
                                – Performance of volume emitter increasingly “good enough”
                                  for “classical” surface emitter applications, e.g. street lighting
     Si = Silicon               – Surface emitting technology however still a valuable differentiator in
     Al2O3 = Sapphire             applications that need specific characteristics for the optical system
                                  (e.g. projection, stage lighting, headlamps, µAFS)

Source: IHS 2015, Osram

35     OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
Investment in General Lighting is increasingly value
accretive - generating up to €200m annually by 2020
With this investment, OS can deliver >15% EBITA margin over the cycle

                    Value levers                            Financial impact by 2020

              Profitability of the                     € 50-100 million EBITA per year once
          General Lighting opportunity                    new fab is fully up and running

                              +                                         +
       General Lighting synergy benefits                     € 50-100 million EBITA
           with niche businesses                              of synergies per year

                              =                                         =
                                                               Over the cycle:
       Long term sustainable success
                                                            OS EBITA margin >15%

36   OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
Timing of our GL investment is right: Overcapacity will
be sharply reduced by the time our fab goes online
Industry needs to invest ~5 bn € until 2020 to meet increasing demand                      LED demand          Surplus
                                                                                           LED supply

Billion sq. mils of LED                                                                                 Surplus
350,000                                                                                                   25%




                                                                                                                  Low oversupply

         0                                                                                                0%
                    2015                  2016                   2017        2018   2019   2020

Source: IHS Dec 2015 (already includes OS‘ announced investments in Kulim)

37    OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
OS will reach cost leadership through technology,
scale and factor costs once Kulim fab is up & running
     Up to 10% chip cost advantage expected                                 Between 10 to 20% chip cost advantage
         over largest fab in China by 2020                                 expected over best Taiwanese fab by 2020

                                                                                                    9%            17%

                                                       -10%                                 3%

                               5%                                    6%              5%


     Scale      Wafer    Effi- Factor Subsidy3) Best                        Scale   Wafer    Effi- Factor Subsidy3) Best
                Size1) ciency2) costs         Chinese                               Size1) ciency2) costs        Taiwanese
                                               player                                                              player
      1            2            3            4                                1       2       3      4

                                         Competitive against the best, better than the rest
Estimates based on OS model               2) On chip- and phosphor level
1) Incl. tool and process optimization    3) Advantage vs. OS subsidies

38    OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
OS cost advantages in detail (1/2)
1      Economies of scale (2020 view)

     Estimated cost advantage of OS Kulim Fab due to scale versus:

              Largest           Large              Other Fabs1)
               Fabs1)           Fabs1)
                                                       > 10%
                                                                                                   OS Kulim fab with relevant cost
                                                                                                    advantage due to larger scale
                                5 to 10%
                                                                                                    versus ~2/3 of the worldwide
              0 to 5%
                                                                                                        LED capacity in 2020

                35%              25%                     40%
         Cum. % of worldwide LED capacity in these fabs

2      Wafer size & optimized equipment and processes
 • 6” wafers have 2.2x more chips than 4” wafers and 9x more chips
   than 2” wafers
 • Processing costs (besides Epitaxy) and wafer handling are little                                     OS‘ 6“ technology with
   depending on wafer size but mostly on wafer numbers, resulting                                      leading processing costs
   in cost advantage of 6” vs. 4”
 • Newest and homogeneous state-of-the-art equipment optimized
   for large scale production

                                       Source: Osram Estimates
39     OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
                                       1) „Largest Fabs“ = Fabs with more than 10 kWSPW 6“ equivalent,
                                           „Large Fabs“ = 5 to 10 kWSPW, „Other Fabs“ with less than 5 kWSPW
OS cost advantages in detail (2/2)
 3     Chip and phosphor efficiency
 • Higher chip and phosphor efficiency result in smaller chip sizes
   for same brightness, i.e. in lower chip costs
 • 1% higher efficiency equals to 3 ~ 5% lower chip costs
 • OS with technological advantage due to superior R&D spending,
   highly experienced team and strong IP
                                                                      OS is reaching quickly best-in-class
 Efficiency vs. best competitors for volume emitters [%]:
                                                                         efficiencies, enabling smaller
         ~105                                      > ~105              – and thereby cheaper – chips for
                          ~100        ~100                                   same brightness levels

     Competitor 1     Competitor 2    OSRAM         OSRAM
       (today)          (today)       (today)        2016

 4 Factor costs
 Location-specific relative costs per wafer (in 2020)
                                     109%           111%
                      106%                                               OS benefits from lower factor
                                                                         costs in Kulim vs. fabs of our
                                                                               main competitors

     Kulim Malaysia        China       Taiwan        Korea

40     OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
Only OS and one other player have the necessary scale in
niche businesses to realize large synergy benefits

 Niche revenues1) of integrated players
 [2014]                                                          General Lighting synergy bene-
                                                                  fits for OS niche businesses

                                                             •     Chip volume all in one fab
                                                             •     Operational and purchasing
                                                                   synergies lowering surface
                                                                   emitter chip costs
                                                             •     R&D synergies
                                                             •     Overhead cost degression
                                                             •     Use of volume emitter chips in
                                                                   industry and automotive

                                                                 Synergy Potential: € 50 – 100m
      OS            A           B            C   D   E   F              EBITA annually

Source: OS Analysis based on IHS 2015
1) Sum of automotive and industry revenues

41     OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
OS is strong enough to accelerate General Lighting invest
without diminishing the drive for niche businesses…

Sum of 5 years period                                                R&D
[in € bn]                     FY’11-FY’15   FY’16-FY’20              CAPEX

∑ Investment in
Niche Businesses                                          ~ €½ bn higher
                                                          invest in Niche

∑ Investment in                                           €1+ bn higher
General Lighting                                          invest in
                                                          General Lighting

     … while still generating significant FCF over the period

42   OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
OS has a proven track record of building and operating
large fabs in Asia

 Regensburg, Germany                                      Penang, Malaysia
                              ~ 2,000 Employees                              ~ 5,600 Employees
                              – OS HQ                                        – LED chips and
                              – Innovation fab for all                         components
                                technologies                                 – General Lighting HQ
                              – R&D Center                                   – R&D center for LED
                              – Since 1972                                     assembly
                                                                             – Since 1978 Packaging
                                                                             – Since 2010 Chip

 Wuxi, China                                              Kulim, Malaysia
                              ~ 1,400 Employees                              Goal: ~1,500 Employees
                              – Greenfield LED back-                         – Greenfield LED front-
                                end plant for assembly                         end plant for epitaxy
                                of visible and Infrared                        and chip production
                                LEDs                                         – Worldwide largest
                              – Since late 2014                                6’’ fab
                                                                             – From 2017

43   OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
Scaling in 3 steps to >20k WSPW 6” by 2020

 More facts about the new LED fab in Kulim
                                                     • Primarily for volume emitters
                                                     • Located in Kulim Hi-Tech Park, next to numerous
                                                       technology and semiconductors fabs, e.g. Infineon
                                                     • ~40km to existing Penang plant and headquarters of
                                                       OS General Lighting business segment

                                                     Total investment: € 1bn until FY20
                                                     (thereof € 370m in the first step)

 Timeline             Q2-16          Q2-17       Q3-17         Q4-17           Q3-18            Q1-19

                    Start of       Ready for   Start of       Ramp            Ready for     Ramp
                    Construction   Equipment   Construction   Module 1        Equipment     Module 2
                    Module 1       Module 1    Module 2                       Module 2
                                                                         6k               13k           20k

44   OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
The General Lighting investment enables OS to continue
to deliver strong growth and healthy profit margins
 OS Revenues                                                         OS EBITA Margin
                                                                     [% of Revenues]

                                          With General
                                          Lighting invest
                                                                  17%                                                                    17%

                                                                  13%                                                                   13%

     ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15            ’20      ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15                        ’20
                                                    Fiscal Year                                                                 Fiscal Year

    OS revenues to rapidly grow in both                           Improved General Lighting margins, combined with
 Niche and General Lighting, benefiting from                       the synergy impact of the investment on existing
     improved over-all competitiveness                              Niche business results in EBITA margins in the
                                                                         ~15% range once fab is up & running

45      OSRAM Analyst Day 2016                                     Assumes no major changes in the general economic situation
In summary, OS is uniquely positioned
to be an industry winner

       Financial strength to build scale –
       Very few others could make this investment

       Execution experience to deliver sustainable growth –
       Long history of competing and operating in Asia

       Low cost leadership gives competitive advantage –
       Technology, scale and factor costs combine ideally

       Ability to realize synergies is a point of differentiation –
       Our business mix means we can deliver synergy benefits that others cannot

        It’s right, it’s viable and it will work for OSRAM

46   OSRAM Analyst Day 2016

This presentation contains certain non-IFRS measures. FCF, EBITDA, EBITA, EBIT, EBITA margin, capital expenditure, capital
expenditure as percentage of revenue and other operating income, net financial debt, net working capital and certain other items
included herein are not recognized measures in accordance with IFRS and should not be considered as an alternative to the
applicable IFRS measures. We have provided these measures and other information in this presentation because we believe they
provide investors with additional information to measure our performance. Our use of the terms FCF, EBITDA, EBITA, EBIT,
EBITA margin, capital expenditure, capital expenditure as percentage of revenue and other operating income, net financial debt,
net working capital varies from others in our industry and should not be considered as an alternative to net income (loss), cash
flows from operating activities, revenue or any other performance measures derived in accordance with IFRS as measures of
operating performance or to cash flows as measures of liquidity. FCF, EBITDA, EBITA, EBIT, EBITA margin, capital expenditure,
capital expenditure as percentage of revenue and other operating income, net financial debt and net working capital have
important limitations as analytical tools and should not be considered in isolation or as substitutes for analysis of our results as
reported under IFRS.

Certain numerical data, financial information and market data (including percentages) in this presentation have been rounded
according to established commercial standards. As a result, the aggregate amounts (sum totals or interim totals or differences or if
numbers are put in relation) in this presentation may not correspond in all cases to the amounts contained in the underlying
(unrounded) figures appearing in the consolidated financial statements. Furthermore, in tables and charts, these rounded figures
may not add up exactly to the totals contained in the respective tables and charts.

47   OSRAM Analyst Day 2016
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