MarCh/april free! - Alberta Country Register

Page created by Joel Obrien
MarCh/april free! - Alberta Country Register
March/April                                                                Free!

                                                         Cover art by
                                                       Susan McKay
                                                        Learn more about
                                                         Susan on page 4

              Compliments of the advertisers within!
MarCh/april free! - Alberta Country Register
2                                                                                                                                                                      March/April 2021

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      At Participating Canadian Dealers • Find Great Deals and Special Offers In-Store • Contact Your Local Dealer Today!
                Around The Block                                                                              Fabric Fusion Inc.             Caroline’s Homespun Seasons
            Beaverlodge (780) 354-3423                                                                    Lethbridge (403) 394-3331              Stettler (403) 742-0295
        Central Sewing Machines                                                                             Rumpled Quilt Skins                      A Sewing Sensation
      Edmonton South (780) 469-1147                                                                        Okotoks (403) 938-6269                   Calgary (403) 288-8288
      Edmonton West (780) 486-0047                                                            Maple Leaf Quilting Company Ltd.                         & (403) 258-3377
                                                                                                  Cochrane (403) 981-3500
    are trademarks of KSIN Luxembourg II, S.a.r.l. HUSQVARNA and the “H” Crown Device are trademarks
    of Husqvarna AB and are used under license. ©2021 KSIN Luxembourg II, S.a.r.l. All rights reserved.                            
MarCh/april free! - Alberta Country Register
                                                                                                                    Publisher’s Note
                                                                                                                    Are You Prepared?
                                                                                                                    March can be a month of conflict in Alberta. It’s almost spring, but
                                                                                                                    not quite. People want to be outside because it is bright and sunny,
                                                                                                                    but it can be minus forty at the same time. And windy.
                                                                                                                    We moved to Northern Alberta in 2000. I lived in Northern BC
                                                                                                                    for several years previous and was accustomed to the extreme
                            Marcy Horswill, Publisher                                                               cold experienced in the North. I was not accustomed to the
                   587-585-3545 •                                                            prairie wind.
               Suite #114, 919 Centre St NW, Calgary, AB T2E 2P6
                                                                                                                    Our horses were boarded on a farm out of town. While the owners
                                                                            went on holiday in late March, temperatures plummeted to minus
        Looking for advertising options?                                                                            forty for a week. Not welcome weather, but not completely out of
                                                                                                                    character for March. The heated water system broke, so I drove to
                      Alberta Country Register                                                                      the farm three times a day to haul water to the horses.
                 will put your business on the map!                                                                 I thought to myself, “no problem, I hauled water to the horses
              Alberta Country Register is a small business proudly promoting                                        every winter’s day before school as a teenager.” However, as I got
                  small businesses and will do its best to get you noticed!                                         out of my heated car... wham, the wind took my breath away. I was
                     Every issue is distributed Alberta-wide and found at                                           not prepared for minus forty and strong winds. Beyond brrr.
                     advertiser shops, libraries, travel centres and more!
                                                                                                                    Of course, as humans do, I adapted. I wore more clothing the next
                      For advertising information and general inquiries:                                            trip and a warmer scarf. And I hustled!
                  Marcy Horswill at                                                          As we enter March and, hopefully, warmer months, we will head
                 587.585.3545 •                                                      outside, a welcome break from confinement. Please, be prepared!
                                                                                                                    The long winter is almost over, but that pesky COVID-19 is still
          Suzanne Drever at
                                                                                                                    ready to strike.
    306.741.4360 • 1.888.612.2277 •
                                                                                                                    Most importantly, shop local and support businesses
                      May/June ad booking deadline is April 14, 2021
                                                                                                                    who work so hard to stay prepared for our every         HO
                                                                                                                                                                               P L O CA
                                                                                                                                                                          S             L
                                                                                                                    need all season long...
                              March/April 2021 • Volume 23 No. 5                                                    spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Reproduction or use of editorial or graphic content    The Alberta Country Register is licensed by The Country
without express permission is prohibited. All ads      Register® with exclusive rights to publish in the province   Stay safe, everyone!
designed by the Alberta Country Register are the       of Alberta using logos and graphics owned by The

property of the Alberta Country Register and cannot    Country Register®. The Alberta Country Register cannot
                                                                                                                                                                                                   B E R TA
be used without permission. Country Register Ltd. is   be held responsible for copyright infringement in ads or
registered in Canada as a company trade name.          content supplied by outside sources.

                                                                               Delaware - Gail and Merle Taylor, PO Box 1330,                    New Hampshire - Robin Levison, 24 Bluebird Lane,
                                                                                   Powell, OH, 43065, 888-616-8319                                  Gloversville, NY, 12078, 518-752-6399
                                                                               Florida - Dave & Amy Carter, PO Box 365,                          New Jersey - Gail and Merle Taylor, PO Box 1330,
                                                                                   New Market, MD, 21774, 866-825-9217                              Powell, OH, 43065, 888-616-8319
                                                                               Georgia - Linda Parish, PO Box 389,                               New Mexico - - Jan & John Keller, 11250 Glen Canyon Dr,
                       WWW.COUNTRYREGISTER.COM                                     Lexington, GA, 30648, 706-340-1049                               Falcon, CO, 80831, 719-866-8570
                                                                               Idaho (N.) - Kelsey Ruzicka, PO Box 2015,                         New York - Mike & Wendy Rothfuss, 322 E Kenwood Dr,
     The Country Register®                                                         Belle Fourche, SD, 57717, 605-568-0181                           Louisville, KY, 40214, 502-468-3938
     International Contact Information                                         Idaho (S.) - Barb Stillman & Lolly Konecky                        North Carolina - Barb Stillman & Lolly Konecky
                                                                                   515 E Carefree Hwy, #1128, Phoenix, AZ, 85085, 602-942-8950      515 E Carefree Hwy, #1128, Phoenix, AZ, 85085, 602-942-8950
     If you would like to receive a copy, please send $4 to the editor.
     Please allow time for mailing and delivery. Editor email addresses        Illinois - Richard & Lenda Brown, PO Box 32581,                   North Dakota - Kelsey Ruzicka, PO Box 2015,
     available at                              Oklahoma City, OK, 73123, 405-470-2597                           Belle Fourche, SD, 57717 605-568-0181
     Many Country Register papers are available online.                        Indiana - Gail and Merle Taylor, PO Box 1330,                     Ohio - Barb Moore, PO Box 37, Cable, OH, 43009, 937-652-1157
     Check at                                             Powell, OH, 43065, 888-616-8319                               Oklahoma - Richard & Lenda Brown, PO Box 32581,
     CANADA                                                                    Iowa - Linda Glendy, PO Box 6, Tama, IA, 52339, 641-751-2619         Oklahoma City, OK, 73123, 405-470-2597
     Alberta - Marcy Horswill, Suite 114, 919 Centre St NW, Calgary,           Kansas - Cindy Baldwin, 988 9th Ave.,                             Oregon - Barb Stillman and Lolly Konecky
         AB, T2E 2P6, 587-585-3545,,                McPherson, KS, 67460, 866-966-9815                               515 E Carefree Hwy, #1128, Phoenix, AZ, 85085, 602-942-8950                                                Maine - Robin Levison, 24 Bluebird Lane,                          Pennsylvania - Gail and Merle Taylor, PO Box 1330,
     British Columbia - Jenifer Smith & Justin Stonehill                           Gloversville, NY, 12078, 518-752-6399                            Powell, OH, 43065, 888-616-8319
         8726 Palmer Place, Summerland, BC V0H 1Z2,                            Maryland - Stacy Lute, PO Box 115,                                Rhode Island - Dave & Amy Carter, PO Box 365,
         604-506-4686,                                 Taneytown, MD, 21774, 866-825-9217                               New Market, MD, 21771, 866-825-2917
     Manitoba/Saskatchewan - Colleen & Kirby Gust                              Massachusetts - Dave & Amy Carter, PO Box 365,                    South Carolina - Barb Stillman & Lolly Konecky
         PO Box 801 Stn Main, White City, SK, S4L 5B1,                             New Market, MD, 21771, 866-825-2917                              515 E Carefree Hwy, #1128, Phoenix, AZ, 85085, 602-942-8950
         306-585-0274,                             Michigan - Bill, Marlene & Leslie Howell, 3790 Manistee,          Texas - Richard & Lenda Brown, PO Box 32581,
     Ontario - Harriet Ramos, 115-1803 St Joseph Blvd,                             Saginaw, MI, 48603-3143, 989-751-8860                            Oklahoma City, OK, 73123, 405-470-2597
         Orleans, ON, K1C 6E7, 613-424-6420                                    Minnesota - Kim and Mickey Keller, 2920 144th Ave NE,             Vermont - Robin Levison, 24 Bluebird Lane,
     UNITED STATES                                                                 Ham Lake, MN, 55304, 763-754-1661                                Gloversville, NY, 12078, 518-752-6399
       Arizona - Barb Stillman and Lolly Konecky                               Missouri - Richard & Lenda Brown, PO Box 32581,                   Virginia - Dave & Amy Carter, PO Box 365,
          515 E Carefree Hwy, #1128, Phoenix, AZ, 85085, 602-942-8950              Oklahoma City, OK, 73123, 405-470-2597                           New Market, MD, 21774, 866-825-9217
       Arkansas - Richard & Lenda Brown, PO Box 32581,                         Montana - Kelsey Ruzicka, PO Box 2015,                            Washington - Barb Stillman and Lolly Konecky
          Oklahoma City, OK, 73123, 405-470-2597                                   Belle Fourche, SD, 57717 605-568-0181                            515 E Carefree Hwy, #1128, Phoenix, AZ, 85085, 602-942-8950
       California - Barb Stillman & Lolly Konecky                              Nebraska - Barb Stillman and Lolly Konecky                        West Virginia - Gail and Merle Taylor, PO Box 1330,
          515 E Carefree Hwy, #1128, Phoenix, AZ, 85085, 602-942-8950              515 E Carefree Hwy, #1128, Phoenix, AZ, 85085, 602-942-8950      Powell, OH, 43065, 888-616-8319
       Colorado - Jan & John Keller, 11250 Glen Canyon Dr,                     Nevada (N.) - Barb Stillman and Lolly Konecky                     Wisconsin - Scott & Jennifer Hughes, PO Box 276,
          Falcon, CO, 80831, 719-866-8570                                          515 E Carefree Hwy, #1128, Phoenix, AZ, 85085, 602-942-8950      Altoona, WI, 54720, 715-838-9426
       Connecticut - Dave & Amy Carter, PO Box 365,                            Nevada (S.) - Glena Dunn, 4568 Carol Circle,                      Wyoming - Kelsey Ruzicka, PO Box 2015,
          New Market, MD, 21771, 866-825-2917                                      Las Vegas, NV, 89120, 702-523-1803                               Belle Fourche, SD 57717 605-568-0181
MarCh/april free! - Alberta Country Register
4                                                                                                                                   March/April 2021
                                                            Meet the Cover Artist

Paintings & Mosaics: Susan McKay • Instagram @susanmckayartist
Susan McKay is a painter and glass mosaic artist from Edmonton
and is prairie through and through! Born in Calgary, attending
university in both Winnipeg and Edmonton, and living her adult life
in Edmonton—she is inspired by big prairie skies, rolling grain fields,
trees and foothills views. Susan sets about interpreting the moods of
the landscape in both paint and glass.
While Susan enjoyed a successful career in healthcare, she always
loved and was drawn to visual arts. As part of a family of art collectors
and talented artists, she followed Canadian artists with great interest.
Susan began her own artistic journey and exploration of artistic
passions after being inspired by the gift of her sister’s paint brushes
after her death in 2008.
A trip to Arizona, in 2012, triggered Susan’s interest in mosaic as an
art form and she began creating impressionistic glass mosaics as
part of her art practice. Mosaic art offers an alternate, unique form of
expression with a very limited colour palette and a final reveal after
grouting which lends itself to Susan’s impressionistic approach to art.
Susan received her Visual Arts Certificate from University of Alberta
Continuing Education in 2019, and was part of the graduating exhibit
in spring 2019. Looking for more, she embarked on a new adventure
in learning—The Creative Visionary Program in 2019 and 2020, with
Nicholas Wilton, a well known American abstract artist. This program             landscape impressions following
offered numerous lessons that will take time to apply while Susan finds          the lead of the beautiful glass
her own artistic voice and expresses herself more clearly.                       colour available and the
                                                                                 accidental treasures of how it
Susan speaks to her artistic pursuits:
                                                                                 cuts and breaks. The glass leads
    I have always loved creating! My joy is found experimenting with             me to my final design. Unlike
    different media, subjects and approaches. Right now I am drawn               painting, there is no ability to
    to nature and landscape—trying to capture illusive light and                 blend colours, so Impressionism
    feeling and boldly using colour to create explosive impressions for          comes naturally in this art form.
    the viewer.                                                                  Once pieces are glued to board,
    Glass mosaic is a totally different process than painting and provides       the process of slathering it with
    a lovely balance to my art practice. I love the process of creating          dark grout and sponging it off
                                                                                 produces an exciting “great
                                                                                 reveal.” The work is instantly
                                                                                 unified by the grout and the
                                                                                 colours and design pops!
                                                                                 Always a joy and a pleasant
                                                                                 surprise—a little alchemy to
                                                                                 the process.
                                                                                 I never want to stop learning,
                                                                                 exploring different ways of
                                                                                 doing things and different
                                                                                 sources of inspiration—to
                                                                                 confidently define my own
                                                                                 direction and allow myself to
                                                                                 continue to do what I love.
                                                                                 Growth as an artist should never end!
                                                                             Susan’s mosaic work is available at the Alberta Craft Council Gallery
                                                                             in Edmonton, AB, and beginning in May, 2021, will be featured at the
                                                                             Black Spruce Gallery in Waskesiu, Prince Albert National Park, SK,
                                                                             details below. Susan’s paintings can be viewed online on her website:
                                                                             Alberta Craft Gallery - Edmonton    Black Spruce Gallery
                                                                             10186 – 106 Street                  Waskesiu, SK Prince Albert National Park
                                                                             Edmonton, AB T5J 1H4                306.961.6998
                                                                             780-488-6611                        Facebook blacksprucegallery
                                                                             Facebook albertacraftcouncil        Website
                                                                             Website          Email
MarCh/april free! - Alberta Country Register
ALBERTA COUNTRY REGISTER                                                                                                                                                 5
                                                                                So, what does any of this have to do with serendipity? If my landlord
                  Gremlynn’s in the Kitchen                                     hadn’t requested me to move my shop in the first place, we never
                                                                                would have closed the store. Which, in turn, would have given us
                     Thoughts and recipes shared by Lynn Burdett (Gremlynn),
                                        Prairie Points Quilt Shop, Ponoka, AB
                                                                                several very challenging years trying to maintain the shop all while
                                                                                dealing with a very sick me, a man in such intense pain he could barely
                                                                                stand, followed by a global pandemic as the cherry on top!
                                                                                As devastated as I was to
Serendipity                                                                     close my little shop, the
                                                                                circumstances these past
Follow Lynn Burdett on Instagram...@gremlynn1... and her
                                                                                four years would most
stories about life on #noregretsranch and #ppqsponoka
                                                                                likely have forced me to
Serendipity. Noun: the occurrence and development of events by                  close it anyway—but on
chance in a happy or beneficial way.                                            very different terms. It was
                                                                                serendipitous, an absolute
Life is funny sometimes, isn’t it? Just when you think you have it all
                                                                                stroke of good fortune,
figured out and a plan formed, life happens and you need to make a
                                                                                things worked out as they
total shift. It usually happens when you least expect it and catches you
                                                                                did, when they did.
completely off guard.
                                         Fade back to late fall 2015, when      Fast forward to March
                                         I was informed by my landlord          2021. This past year of
                                         that he needed my store’s retail       social distancing, curb-
                                         space. He had a new tenant             side pick-ups and mailing
                                         wanting 9,000 square feet, who         parcels weekly to those in
                                         was willing to sign a ten-year         need of some “piece-full”
                                         lease. My lease was to be renewed      cheer in order to maintain
                                         in June 2016, but if he could help     their sanity, brought me
                                         me relocate sooner, he would           back full circle. I have
                                         really appreciate it. None of the      been asked, almost
                                         available units were going to          weekly, this past year if
                                         suit me as a new space. Just the       I ever miss having my
                                         thought of packing up, renovating      quilt shop? Would I ever
to my needs again, new address, new signage, new everything, was                consider doing it again?
simply more than I could bear. My husband, Don and I, discussed                 continued on page 6 >
the situation at great length and decided, with very heavy hearts, to
liquidate my inventory and close up my little destination quilt shop
in March 2016.
In April 2016, a week after closing the shop, a friend and I attended
the Red Deer Quilt Show. While at this show, someone accidentally
                                                                                                  We are Expanding!
sneezed on me. By Monday, April 4, I woke up feeling the worst I ever                              Prairie Points Quilters Studio
felt in my whole life. My doctor misdiagnosed it as an acute infection,
and I was given an antibiotic. This immediately wreaked havoc on my
                                                                                                is now a FULL-SIZED Quilt Shop
entire system—actually making me even more sick. Another trip back                                   Come for a visit and see what’s new!
to the clinic to find out I had a virus which would have to work its way
through, in its own time. Thus began an entire year of fighting a virus,                                       Plenty of New Fabrics
followed by post-viral fatigue syndrome, each kicking the stuffing out of                                   WonderFil Threads
me. Yes, a virus can do that to you. Finally, in April 2017, I began to feel                             Sewing Notions & Batting
more like myself again. My energy level was beginning to come back.                               Sue Spargo Wool • Perle Cotton Threads
Missing my shop, we decided to open a studio on our rural property,                                    Creative Ideas and Friendly Staff
just minutes south of Ponoka town site, in a separate, enclosed bay                                    Wonderful Welcome from Wilbur
of our garage. My intention was to provide the basics of the basics.                                            See you soon!
Necessary items one would need to complete a quilting project.
We opened to the public, by appointment only, in June 2017.                                 Tuesday - Friday, 1-5 pm and Saturday, 11-3 pm
Then, my husband got sick. We waited two-and-a-half years for him                                            or by Appointment
to get the surgery he desperately needed to repair his deteriorated                          Call or text: 403.391.8786 |
spine. We found out later they had actually lost his file! His very
successful surgery finally happened in January 2020. The day he was
to have his post-operative appointment to find out the extent of his
                                                                                                                   Prairie Points
procedure, was the same day the world shut down. We decided against                                                Quilt Shop
keeping his appointment because one of the doctors in the clinic was
beginning self-isolation after being exposed to the Novel Coronavirus.                   Blue Sign: A262024 • Twp 422 (Spruce Road), Ponoka
After just living through having a virus, there was no way we were
going anywhere near that office! Post-op visit or not! Don never found                                @PPQSPonoka                    @gremlynn1
out, conclusively, what he had done, but he feels great and that’s all he            Follow owner, Lynn Burdett, and her stories about #noregretsranch and #ppqsponoka
really cares about. Hopefully one day, we will know more.
MarCh/april free! - Alberta Country Register
6                                                                                                                                                             March/April 2021
                                                   Northwest Territories • Saskatchewan
> continued from page 5                                                            And fabric collections,
The answer is, yes. Yes, I miss having my little shop. I always have—              too! I can’t fully express
right from the very day we closed the doors for the final time. I miss             how excited I am to
the interaction with my dear customers and friends. I miss walking                 be able to offer a fully
into a cheerful environment and being inspired to create something                 stocked quilt shop
beautiful. I miss having the newest and latest fabrics on my shelves.              again. It will take time
I miss helping a customer plan out a quilt, then seeing the finished               to rebuild my inventory,
project, brought in later.                                                         but I will soon have a
                                                                                   lovely selection again.
And sew, we decided to restyle my studio, thus allowing for more
space in order to greatly increase my inventory into a full-sized quilt            We are now open
shop. There are several new fabric lines, precuts and specialty threads            Tuesday to Friday from
arriving. We now offer a full colour range of 108"-wide backing and                1:00 pm to 5:00 pm and
two more lines of blenders, arriving within the next few months.                   Saturday from 11:00 am
                                                                                   to 3:00 pm. The shop will also be open by appointment, for those who
                                                                                   prefer to come outside regular hours. We will be following all of the
                      Northwest Territories                                        Alberta Health Services COVID-19 guidelines, without exception, so
                                                                                   hours are subject to change without notice, as per current regulations.
                                                                                   We are doing it! And I am sew excited to be given another opportunity
                                                                                   to continue living my dream.
                                                                                   Sew looking forward to seeing you soon!
                                                                                   Lynn Burdett
                                                                                   Prairie Points Quilt Shop
                                                                                   A262024 TWP 422, Spruce Road, Ponoka County, AB w


                                                                                                                                                  Your Sewing Store
                                                                                                                             Kit Sale
                                                                                                                            only   $137
    Botanical Bundle-dyed                                                                                                     Regular $275

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                                                                                                                                                       We clean and service all
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                                                                                           A Happy Place to Make and Learn
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                                               Etsy @MeadowsweetEcoDyeing      
                                          Instagram @MeadowsweetEcoDyeing
MarCh/april free! - Alberta Country Register
ALBERTA COUNTRY REGISTER                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         7
                                                             For Sale • Tours • Wanted • Wholesale

                           Great Gift Idea                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Traditional Ukranian Recipes!
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Culinary Treasures
                   Share The Country Register with a friend                                                                                                                                                                                                                            • 279 pages of trusted, tasty recipes handed                      Business
                   For the convenience of those who may not be able to pick up                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         & Wholesale
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         down from generation to generation                             enquiries
           a free copy from advertisers, we offer 1 year (6 issues) subscriptions
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Only                                                                                           welcome

         (within Canada) for $24/yr including GST to cover the cost of postage.                                                                                                                                                                                                        • Produced by non-profit organization
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        $                                St. Basil Ukrainian Catholic Women’s League

  Name:___________________________________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                      plus shipping                  To order, contact:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Elsie Yeremiy • • 780-292-4107


  ________________________________________________________________                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Wholesale
            Please enclose cheque for payment or call 587-585-3545
     to arrange invoice and credit card payment. Send cheque and info to:
       Alberta Country Register, 114 - 919 Centre St NW, Calgary, AB T2E 2P6


  Wanted to Buy
  Used Gammill Longarm Quilting Machine with
  Statler System. Will arrange disassembly/transport/
  reassembly from anywhere within Canada.                                                                                       Siena Fleece Fabric FLennelette Cuts Permablend Celestial Batik Cotton Melton Lambs Fleece Nylon Bareknits Prints Yarn-Dye Plains-People Kasha Microfleece Ripstop Outerwear Siltex Arctica Lycra-Rib-Knit Denim Batik Canvas Anthology Wool Basics Wholesale
                                                                                                 Siena Fleece Fabric FLennelette Permablend Celestial Batik Cotton Melton Lambs Fleece Nylon Bareknits Prints Yarn-Dye Plains-People Kasha Microfleec

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Ripstop Outerwear Siltex Arctica Lycra-Rib-Knit Denim Batik Canvas Anthology Wool Basics Wholesale Siena Fleece Fabric FLennelette Cuts Permablend
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Supporting Canadian Businesses for 50 years with a focus on Quality and Service

  Private sale only. No dealers please.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        YOUR #1 FABRIC WHOLESALER
  Contact Marley at 780-616-8224

                                  For Sale

                                 Quilt Shop for Sale!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      BARE KNITS™

                                 Dream big...                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     WHOLESALE SALES ONLY: REGISTERED BUSINESSES,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  FABRIC STORES, QUILT SHOPS, MANUFACTURERS!!!

                                 Be your own boss!                                                                                                                                                                                                          10 Robinson Street   Winnipeg, MB, Canada (888) 474-5839 (204) 582-2371
                                                                                                             Siena Fleece Fabric FLennelette Cuts Permablend Celestial Batik Cotton Melton Lambs Fleece Nylon Bareknits Prints Yarn-Dye Plains-People Kasha Microfleece Ripstop Outerwear Siltex Arctica Lycra-Rib-Knit Denim Batik Canvas Anthology Wool Basics Wholesale

                                 • Approximately 3,100 sq ft building on Main Street
                                   beside Canada Post                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Tours
                                 • Renovated in 2014, with new furnace and large
                                   air conditioner
                                 • Includes 800 sq ft owner’s suite/classroom with fridge,
                                   stove, washer, dryer and ¾ bath
                                 • Lots of built-in and movable shelving units, specially
                                   designed quilt display rack, assorted tables and chairs,
                                   office furniture and large cutting table
                                 • Separate storage shed at back approximately 16' x 12'
                                 • Private parking space at back of building
                                 • Inventory (approximately $80,000) is mainly cotton fabrics,
                                   wide backings, batting with some quilting notions
                                 • Prodigy longarm is negotiable
                                 • Building could be sold separately
                                 • 2020 Yearly Expenses:
                                   Taxes $2342.11 • Power $1653.29
                                   Natural Gas$1755.67 • Sewer/Water $904.00

                           Pipers Lake Quilt Shop
                                 229 Main Street, Spiritwood, Saskatchewan
                                 For more information
                                 Text or Call Dianne at 306-619-9295
                                 MLS number: SK838853
MarCh/april free! - Alberta Country Register
8                                                                                                                                                                                       March/April 2021
                                                                        Brooks • Lethbridge • Medicine Hat

Marvelous Meatballs                                                                                         Thoroughly mix in the ground beef until everything is well
                                                                                                            incorporated. Using a small scoop or your hands, form 1½" diameter
by Lynn Burdett (Gremlynn)                                                                                  (about) meatballs. Arrange on greased baking sheets. Bake about 15 to
I love big batch cooking for quick and easy meals afterward. These                                          16 minutes until completely cooked and no pink is showing.
amazing meatballs are a great freezer filler. They thaw, reheat and taste                                   Remove the baked meatballs onto another baking sheet, topped with
freshly made, from frozen. Enjoy!                                                                           a cookie rack to allow any fat to drain away. These meatballs can be
For about eight dozen (96) meatballs you will need:                                                         packaged into several zip lock freezer bags, a single layer per bag, or
4 large, fork beaten eggs          4 tsp Worcestershire sauce                                               frozen on another baking sheet, then transferred to freezer bags or
1 cup, milk                        4 tsp sea salt (or any salt)                                             large plastic freezer container, after frozen. They freeze beautifully for
½ cup finely chopped onions        1 tsp ground black pepper                                                three months.
or about ¼ cup dehydrated          1 tbsp garlic powder                                                     To use, add desired
onion bits                                                                                                  frozen meatballs to
                                   4 lbs of lean ground beef
2 cups, quick oatmeal                                                                                       whatever sauce or
                                                                                                            dish you are heating
Preheat oven to 425 F°, grease two large baking pans with sides.
                                                                                                            up—spaghetti sauce,
In a large bowl, combine eggs, milk, diced onions, seasonings                                               stew, gravy, sweet
and oatmeal. Stir until well blended.                                                                       and sour, etc. The
                                                                                                            meatballs will thaw

                                                      Great Fabrics
                                                                                                            and heat through
                                                                                                            within a few minutes.
                                                                                                            Or to use plain,
                                                         40-50% off!                                        microwave until
                                                                                                            reheated.                Photographs provided by Recipe Tester, Louise Crossley
                                                                           New stock is coming in,
                                                                so the shelves need to be cleared!

                                                         Our clearance room holds bolts of fabrics                  Recipe for
                                                          that need a new home. Even designers
                                                         like Tula Pink, Kaffe Fassett, Andover,              Meatball Ste w
                                                                Tilda World and Art Gallery have                        ous
                                                                                                                 Using Marvel
                                                                some yardage that is up for grabs.
                                                                                                                 Meatballs found
                                                         With a clearance like this, it is a first come             on page 24!
                                                                 first served offering, so don’t wait.
                                                                              Come visit us soon.
                                                           Open M-F 9-5, Sat. 11-4. Closed Sunday.

                                                                                                                        Fabric Everywhere!
    fabric clearance blue flwrs.indd 1                                                 2/09/21 2:07:08 PM           With a large selection of patterns, colours and prints...
                                                                                                                    We have all your quilting needs covered!
                                                                                                                    • Quality fabric & flannels
                                                                                                                    • Kits available in large & small              Come & Check out our
                                                                                                                    • Aurifil Thread •Embroidery CDs                Bernina Longarm
                                                                                                                    • Great selection of Cuddle (60" & 90")
                                                                                                                    • Mask-making supplies
                                                                                                                    • Madeira machine-embroidery thread
                                                                                                                    • Wide-width backing • Notions & more!          Servicing all makes
                                                                                                                                                                    of sewing machines

                                                                                                                                                                   NEW BERNINAS!
                             We’ve got everything you need for                                                          Ask about our
                               all your quilting projects...                                                          Rewards Program!
                                                                                                                            Spend $500 &
                                                                                                                            receive a $50
                                                                                                                            gift certificate

                                We are following all COVID guidelines
                                to keep our customers and staff safe                                                                               902 Kingsway Ave., SE Medicine Hat, AB
                                                                                                                                                   403-487-5114 •
                                           Tuesday to Friday 10 am to 5pm                                                                          Mon. to Fri. 10 am to 5 pm • Sat. 11 am to 4 pm
                                              Saturday 10 am to 4 pm                                                                               Ask about our gift certificates!
                                         Closed Sunday, Monday & holidays.

MarCh/april free! - Alberta Country Register
ALBERTA COUNTRY REGISTER                                                                                                                                                                   9
                                                                    Coaldale • Lethbridge • Taber

                                                                                                            All Your Favourites
                    Great selection of:
        Fabrics • Batiks • Kona • Patterns • Books                                                           in One Location!
               Quilting & Sewing Notions                                                          Fabric ► Patterns ► Books ► Kits ► Precuts
                       1st Tuesday of every month:                                                Check out upcoming online classes                                                Watch
                   ROLL THE DICE FOR YOUR DISCOUNT!                                               If it isn’t online, send an email or give us a phone call...             Facebook
                   Open: Monday to Friday 9:30 am to 5:00 pm
                                                                                                  We will do our best to assist you.                                          Live
                           5321A - 48 Ave. Taber, AB                                                                                                                             every
                                                                                                  Subscribe to our newsletter                                                  Tuesday!
                       (between ATB & Total Office Supplies)                                      For info about our upcoming sales and events!
                 Ph/Fx 403-223-1516 •

            Swing into Spring with a
        quilt project from Village Quilts!
              Ask about our Block a Month Programs!
               • Quilting supplies • Notions • Thread                                                         Open: Monday to Friday 10-5 | Saturday 10-4
          • Long Arm Services • Top Grade Quilting Cottons                                                           Our doors are open for regular shopping, but we still offer
                                                                                                                           curbside pick up and shipping on all orders
                       • 4000+ Bolts of Fabric                                                                     Phone, email, web, Facebook and Instagram orders welcome
                                                                                                                       Credit Card, PayPal or eTransfer payments accepted

                                                                                                                   1401 20th Ave. Coaldale, AB
                                                                                                           403.345.4048 |
          Southern Alberta’s largest supplier of Moda fabric & Pre-cuts
      1419 3rd Ave., S. Lethbridge, AB • 403-320-1817 •                 
                 Monday to Saturday 10 - 5 • Closed Sundays & Holidays

                                                                                                                                 Dealer for
        Let Us Help You with                                                              Have you                              Viking
                                                                                     checked out our                           Machines
         Your Next Project!                                                          virtual classes on
              Home to Over 10,000 Bolts                                                 the website?
                 of quality cottons, flannel,
                       fleece & minky                                                                                                         Two certified technicians available
                        Huge Selection                                                                                                                        Featuring
                of batiks products & fabrics                                                                                                              Q’nique 21 Pro
                                                                                Canadian Distributor                             Dealer for
            New Fabrics Arriving Weekly!                                                                                         Grace
                                                                                                                                                      15 Longarm Machines
                                                                                                                                                      Q-Zone Hoop Frames
                                                                               Contact us for details

                                                                                                            We’re open!
                                                                                                    Let our friendly and knowledge-
                                                                                                    able staff help you with all your
                                                                                                    quilting and embroidery needs.

        Find fabulous fabrics at Fabric Fusion                                                     OPEN Monday through Saturday 10 to 5 • Closed Sunday
                                                                                                                              #449 Mayor Magrath Dr. S.,                                                                                                Lethbridge, AB • 403-394-3331
MarCh/april free! - Alberta Country Register
10                                                                                                                                                             March/April 2021
                                      Cardston • Claresholm • Fort Macleod • High River • Pincher Creek

Orchids in Bloom Versatile Tote                                                                   MATERIALS LIST
                                                                                                                                             ASSEMBLY OF TOTE
                                                                                                                                             • Fuse the stabilizer to the wrong
Pattern provided by Northcott®                                                                    Outer Pockets: 1½ yds (1.4 m)                side of the outer bag pieces
                                                                                                  Outer Body, Upper & Lower                    using a hot iron. Fusing the
Approximate Finished Size                         This handy gardening bag has                                                                 handles will be completed later.
22½" W x 18¼" H                                   plenty of exterior pockets for                  Bands: 1¼ yds (1.2 m)
                                                                                                  Handles: ⅜ yd (0.4 m)                      Exterior Pockets
                                                  garden tools and other gadgets,
                                                  is fully lined and has a boxed                  Lining: 1¼ yds (1.2 m)                     • For both pockets, fold fabric in
                                                  bottom construction.                            Stabilizer (stiff fusible): 1 yd (0.9 m)     half, wrong sides together to form
                                                                                                  Other Supplies                               self-lined pockets and press.
                                                  Tote pictured uses Northcott®
                                                  collection Orchids in Bloom.                    Rotary cutter, mat and ruler               • Pleated Pocket: Pattern
                                                                                                                                               requirements allow for three
                                                  Sewing Information
                                                                                                  CUTTING INSTRUCTIONS                         separate pockets, each with 1"
                                                  Use ¼" seam allowance unless                                                                 pleat on each side. Pin folds and
                                                                                                  Outer Pockets
                                                  otherwise stated.                                                                            baste across bottom raw edges
                                                                                                    Pleated Pocket:
                                                  WOF = Width of Fabric.                                                                       of pocket to hold pleats in >>
                                                                                                    Cut one piece 23" x 35½" WOF
                                                                                                    Unpleated Pocket:
                                                                                                    Cut one piece 19" x 23" WOF
                                                                                                  Outer Body
                                                                                                    Cut two pieces 12¼" x 23" WOF
                                                                                                  Upper Band
                                                                                                    Cut two pieces
                                                                                                    3¼" x 23" WOF
                                                                                                  Lower Band
                                                                                                    Cut two pieces
                                                                                                    4¼" x 23" WOF
                                                                                                    Cut two pieces 6" x 26" WOF
     Always something new and quilty!                                                             Lining
        Fabric • Kits • Notions • Books • Patterns • Classes                                        Cut two pieces 19" x 23" WOF
                                                                                                    Cut the same size pieces as
        838 - 18 Street • Fort Macleod, AB                                                          for the outer body, upper and
          Julie Magson • 403-894-7791                                                               lower band.

                    @littleredquiltshack                                                            Cut two handle stabilizer
                                                                                                    pieces 1½" x 26"

                                                                                                      Southern Alberta’s
                                                                                                      Quilt Shop
                                                                                                      Fabric, Notions,                       257 Main Street, Cardston, Alberta
                                                                                                      Art & Craft Supplies                    403-653-2633 • Fax 403-653-2644

                    FRIENDLY, HELPFUL STAFF
                       FABRIC • NOTIONS
                              new stock arriving weekly!
                   Check out our easy-to-use website                                                  Your Go-To Shop for Fun,                                     it a yea
                My Project Planning: Allows quilters to coordinate fabric
                                                                                                      Friendship and Fabric

                 for a project before putting it into their shopping cart!

                                                                    • Check out our Classes on the Website!
                         SPECIAL! Free shipping on                                                    • Remember to Watch us live on Facebook!
                      regular quilting cotton* over $79!                                                                                                      EA
                                                                                                                                                                   R NIN
                                                                                    Our doors


                                                                                    are open...
                        *Bulky fabrics may have applicable shipping costs             we are
                   105 - 49th Ave. W., Claresholm, AB                              COVID-19
                                                 Guidelines                                                                 656 Main Street
                                                                                                                                                           Pincher Creek, AB
                   Ph. 403-625-4353 |
                   Follow us on Facebook and/or check our website                                                                                               403.904.4040
                       to see our weekly specials, hints & tips,
                            featured products & contests.
     @willowcreekquiltstore                                           @willowcreekquiltstore
ALBERTA COUNTRY REGISTER                                                                                                                                                                                               11
                                                                                 Bragg Creek • Calgary
  place. Pocket depth will                                bottom two corners. Cut out            are not twisted. Pin in place and                             FINISHING THE TOTE
  measure approximately 11".                              squares through all layers.            sew to reinforce the handles for                              • Exterior should be right side out
  Place raw edge of pocket along                        • Stitch tote bottom. Press seam         strength and durability.                                        and interior should be wrong
  one raw edge of the body of the                         open.                                LINING ASSEMBLY                                                   side out.
  bag and baste in place. Stitch                        • Stitch tote sides. Press seams       • With right sides together, pin                                • Insert tote into lining, making
  vertical lines centred between                          open.                                  the lining pieces together.                                     sure right sides are together,
  each pocket created to provide                                                                                                                                 matching side seams and
                                                        • With tote still wrong side out,      • Mark, then cut 2" squares out
  separation. Stitch starting and                                                                                                                                tucking handles between the
                                                          create boxed bottom seams              of the bottom two corners. Cut
  ending only on pocket piece                                                                                                                                    two sections.
                                                          by folding the bottom edge so          out squares through all layers
  and not extending onto the
                                                          bottom seams match with side           (as on the outer bag section).                                • Stitch top seam, easing any bulk
  body of the bag. Trim sides of
                                                          seams. Pin and stitch across to      • Stitch bottom seam, leaving a                                   along the way.
  pocket if necessary to line up
                                                          create boxed bottom using a ¼"         generous 1O" opening in the                                   • Turn tote right side out through
  with body of bag.
                                                          seam. Reinforce by stitching over      centre for later in turning the tote                            the opening left at the bottom of
• Flat Pocket: Lay the raw edge of                        previous stitch line.                  right side out. Press seam open.                                the lining.
  pocket along bottom raw edge
                                                        Handle Assembly                        • Stitch both side seams together.                              • Tuck lining into the tote and
  of body of the bag and baste
                                                        • Fold the long edge of the handle       Press seams open.                                               press along the top edge of
  in place. Stitch vertical lines to
                                                          fabric in half, wrong sides          • Create boxed bottom seams by                                    the bag. Top stitch along the
  section into pockets, starting
                                                          together and press.                    aligning bottom seam with side                                  top edge approximately ⅜”
  and ending on pocket section
  only. Pocket depth will measure                       • Open up and bring outside              seams as previously done on                                     away from edge. Slipstitch the
  approximately 9¼".                                      edges to the center crease.            the outer body. Stitch seams,                                   opening in the lining bottom
                                                          Press. Re-open and line up             press open.                                                     closed. w
                                                          one piece of 1½" x 26" fusible
• Sew lower bands to bottom                               interfacing along the centre fold
  edges of both outer body pieces.
  Press seams towards band.
                                                          and press in place. Fold long
                                                                                                  Longarm Quilting Services
                                                          edges again in half and press.
  Topstitch approximately ⅜"                              Handle should measure 1½"
                                                                                                                    Let’s work together!
  from seam.                                                                                            You do the piecing and leave the quilting with us!
                                                          wide. Topstitch approximately
• Sew upper bands to top edge                                                                                 Wide selection of
                                                          ⅜" along both long edges                 thread, batting and extra-wide backing
                                                                                                                                                Partnered with Trendtex Fabrics
                                                                                                                                                      Choose from 1000s
  of outer body pieces, pressing                          of handle. Repeat for other                                                                  of bolts of fabric...        Karen Johnston • 587-574-4407
                                                                                                        Computerized edge-to-edge        
  towards band. Topstitch                                 handle.                                    makes your quilt perfect every time!             Use code: MOO020                      Bragg Creek, AB
  approximately ⅜" from seam.                           • Cut the handles to the desired                                                                                
• Pin exterior front and back                             length, adding ½" for stitching
  pieces right sides together,                            into bag. Space the handles
  matching seams and edges.                               evenly on the right side
• Along the bottom, measure
  and mark 2" squares out of the
                                                          (exterior) of both sides of the
                                                          tote, making sure the handles           Pre-order Now!
                                                                                                  Order your Brother machine
                                                                                                  on time for spring delivery
   Now in two locations!                                                                          Reserve a Brother machine for as low as $100*
   • Over 19,000 products
                                                                                                           Luminaire 2
   • Join us daily on Facebook for live tutorials                                                      Innov-ìs XP2 Sewing,
                                                                                                      Quilting & Embroidery
   • Check out our website!                                                                                  Machine

       #208, 3400 - 14 Street NW,      #22, 9250 MacLeod Trail SE,
       Calgary, AB • 403-455-6772      Calgary, AB • 403-457-7790
                                                                                                         NQ3600D                                                                  The Fashionista 2 Sewing,
                                                                                                   Quilting & Embroidery
                                                                                                                                                                 My Sewing Room                            PR1055x
   SCRAPBOOKING, CARD-MAKING & PAPER CRAFTING STORES                                                                                                              403-252-3711                   Entrepreneur® Pro X
                                                                                                                                                                                                  Sewing, Quilting &
                                                                                                                                                                                                Embroidery Machine

                                                                403.669.9523 • Calgary South

                        Help Celebrate our 10th Anniversary!                                                                                  PQ1500SL High-speed
                                                                                                                                                 Straight Stitch
                             Enter your name and win to have a quilt top                               NS80E Design Star 2                      Sewing Machine

                                    Longarm Quilted for FREE!                                           Sewing Machine
                                                                                                                                                                                                3534DT Serger
                                                                                                                              *Refundable deposit. Expected delivery time varies by model.

                     Professional Longarm studio
                specializing in free motion custom work                                                  MY                                      148 - 8228 Macleod Trail SE
                                                                                                                                                 Calgary, AB Canada T2H 2B8
        • Free motion light custom, ruler work • Edge to Edge
      • Embroidery Services • Machine Rentals & much more!                                               SEWING                                  403-252-3711 (phone ordering)
             • Huge 108” wide backing inventory + batting

     Now offering: Sewing Machine Maintenance & Repair                                                                                 
12                                                                                                                                                                                           March/April 2021
                                                                     Airdrie • Beiseker • Canmore • Cochrane
                                                                                                        but only one blue? Take note. Before                    “A good stash
                                                                                                        even leaving home we have                                contains a
                                                                                                        identified a colour needed to                          large variety of
                                                                                                        balance the collection and another,                     colours, even
by Barbara Conquest of BlueSky Quilting
                                                                                                        probably, not needed.                                   ones we don’t
Stash in the Right Direction!                                                                           Pundits decry impulse buying, but                        much like”
                                                                                                        most quilters I know, including me,
True or False? I made serious dents in my fabric stash during the covid                                 do it frequently. The trick is to steer
lockdown with more time to sew.                                                                         impulses in the right direction. Since
True or False? With loosening restrictions... I need to go shopping to                                  much impulse buying (read: on sale)
replenish or augment my stash.                                                                          to build or supplement a stash is done
Oh happy day! Buying online is convenient, but nothing beats the                                        without a specific project planned,
scent and feel of new fabric in a bricks-and-mortar shop, to say                                        it may be useful to keep the following
nothing of the thrill of the chase.                                                                     in mind.
Ideally, we quilters balance and curate stashes to spare a last-minute                                     • A stash should have a large proportion
frantic search, often unsuccessful, for a particular style or colour                                          of neutrals; they are indispensable—
needed to complete a spur-of-the-moment project. But how many                                                 the blacks, whites, creams, greys, tans,
of us do? Here’s our chance! Before rushing out the door, credit card                                         browns, etc. Some people regard red as
in hand, to gas up the car and head down the road, let’s look at what                                         a neutral, a personal preference;
remains in our post-covid stash. Are there any gaps in the colour                                          • Using charcoal, instead of black, is easier on aging eyes and gives
range? Is there a preponderance of one colour, say a pile of purples,                                         almost the same result;
                                                                                                           • Small prints often “read” as their background colour and may be
                                                                                                              useful as either background or features;
                                                                                                           • Bright yellow demands attention, often overshadowing other
                                                                                                              colours. We might need less yellow than say, green, nature’s
                                                                                                              background colour;						>>

                                                                                                            FABRIC  NOTIONS  THREAD                                                          Hey! We have
                                                                                                           BATTING  KITS  IRONS  GIFTS                                                           Monday
                               Hours: Wednesday to Saturday 10 - 5 • Sunday 12 - 5                                                                                                           9:00 am - 5:00 pm
                         - Complete Needlework Supplies -                                                                                                                                           Tuesday
                                                                                                                                                                                             9:00 am - 7:00 pm
                             • Complete line of DMC • Anchor floss • Numerous Fabrics • Beads
        Retreatot                                                                                                                                                                                 Wednesday
        moved          • Jewelry findings • Specialty threads, embellishments • Punch needle supplies
     June 4- 6, 2021                                                                                                                                                                         9:00 am - 7:00 pm
                       GIFT CARDS • LESSONS & GATHERINGS ARE CANCELLED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE                                                                                                        Thursday
      Magazines         Special orders welcome at no extra charge!                                                                                                                           9:00 am - 7:00 pm
        new &                                                                                                                                                                                        Friday
      back issues        We ship worldwide (except Africa, S. America & China)                                      207 - 6th Street, Beiseker • 403-947-2091                                9:00 am - 5:00 pm
                                                                                                            OPEN: Monday, Friday & Saturday 9-5 • Tuesday to Thursday 9-7                          Saturday
     New websion | | Ph. 403-932-3390                                       CLOSED: Sundays & Holidays                                        9:00 am - 5:00 pm
     coming so   !             Bay 2, 185 First Street East, Cochrane, Alberta                                  Shop our store online... spend over $100 and get Free Shipping!                Sunday & Holidays

                                                                                                                                                  Sunday, May 9th is
                                                                                                                                                  Mother’s Day
                                                                                                                                                  Come in and see us for gift ideas,
                                                                                                                                                  or consider a Pinheads Quilting
                                                                                                                                                  Gift Certificate for that someone special...
                                                                                                                                                  At Pinheads Quilting you
                                                                                                                                                  can always shop online!

                                                                                                                                                           Check out our
                                                                                                                                                           new Berninas!
                                                                                                            6124 Creekside Village • 403 MacKenzie Way SW, Airdrie • 587-254-1035
                                                                                                                                         across from Sobeys, corner of Railway & MacKenzie
                                                                                                            Monday to Friday 9:30 am to 5:30 pm • Saturday 9:30 am to 5:00 pm • Sunday 11:00 am to 5:00 pm

                                                                                                                                                                                               Visit and like us
                                                                                                                                                                                               for news & info!
ALBERTA COUNTRY REGISTER                                                                                                                                                                           13
                                                           Hanna • Innisfail • Olds • Red Deer County • Three Hills
 •   A good stash contains a large variety of colours, even ones we                                 •    Plaids and stripes, especially stripes, make interesting bindings
     don’t much like. “Ugly” colours have their place. If chosen well,                                   and borders;
     they can bring out the beauty of other colours;                                                 • Experts suggest basics and neutrals should make up 40% of a
 •   Directional fabrics can be tricky to incorporate into a project.                                    balanced stash, colours 40% and others 20%!
     Themed fabrics (e.g. animals, cars) may be directional. Check for                             Using the word “collection” rather than “stash” might legitimize your
     directionality if it will matter;                                                             purchases in the eyes of significant others. (Might). Words to live by
 •   Mottled fabrics and most batiks are very versatile ;                                          and a useful hint: variety is the spice of life (and characteristic of a
                                                                                                   working stash).
 •   Novelty fabrics (e.g. lamés, metallics, etc.) can be wonderful
     accents, but a little goes a long way;                                                        If a beautiful fabric calls your name, buy it!
 •   An otherwise unremarkable fabric, on sale, may make great                                     Article ©Barbara Conquest, BlueSky Quilting, Tofield, AB
     backing;                                                                                      Quilter illustration © Marcy Horswill w
 •   If storage space is available, themed holiday fabric often goes on
     sale after the holiday. Buying ahead ensures availability for the
     following year;

                          Treat Yourself...                                   Quilting                  Come to our Red Barn on the Farm for Fine Fabrics & More!
                          Curl up with some                                   with a
                          good books this year!                               Twist!
                          Abbington Pickets Series                            Make this
                          “...memorable characters, a well-developed          stunning quilt!

                                                                                                                       March Madness
                          setting, and a plot line that will keep readers     Try some hand
        Now available     wondering what will happen next...”
        on Audiobooks                                                         embroidery
                           — Laura Matheson                                   combined with

                          Written by Alberta’s own H. Corinne Hewitt!         quilt blocks!

                 #108 - 2nd Ave. West, Hanna, AB • Open 10 am - 5 pm Mon - Fri
       403-854-2201 • •

                                                                                                                       Watch social media for details!
                                                                                                                          We Offer a Whole Room of Holiday...               Home Decor
                                                                                                                        and Favourite Designers all in One Place!

                                                               All Green Fabrics
         424 Main St., Three Hills, AB
                                                                                (regular priced)
              Ph: 403-443-5551                                                  in March
                                                      All Batik Fabrics                                                                                                   From Red Deer
                                                                            (regular priced)            A place to Gather, Learn, Create & Share!                         Head west on Hwy. 11, turn
                                                                            in April                 403-588-2445 •                               left and head south on Hwy.
                                                                                                                                                                          781. Turn right and head
                                                                                                    Open Wednesday to Saturday 10 am to 5 pm                              west on Township Rd. 381.

                                                                                                                    All the Supplies Any Quilter Needs
                                                                                                                                           Fabric • Notions • Books
                                                                                                                                                  Patterns • Classes
                                                                                                                                                 Longarm Quilting
                                                                                                                  With                         5028 49th St., Innisfail, AB • 403-597-3067
                                                                                                              this Coupon                                       Tuesday to Friday 9:00 - 5:00
                                                                                                              10% OFF                                                  Saturday: 10:30 - 5:00
                                                                                                              Store-wide                          Watch
                                                                                                                                                 for more
                                                                                                                                                 specials                  Watch for
                                                                                                                                                 in store!                 LIVE Sales
                                                                                                                                                                           on Facebook!
14                                                                                                                                                                          March/April 2021
                                                                            Bentley • Caroline • Red Deer

     Merry March                                                      You flick Time forward anticipating
                                                                        Spring’s arrival.
                                                                                                                                   We do not expect you to be predictable, March:
                                                                                                                                   You enter like a lion and go out like a lamb; or
     Merry March,                                                     You churn the winds to transform kites                       You arrive in mellow spirit and exit fiercely
     We have no expectations of you!                                    into sky dancers.                                            like a lion,
     You freeze us one day and warm us the next.                      You paint our gardens in yellows and purples,                Leaving April as the real herald of spring.
     You deliver onion snow for farmers.                              With swaying daffodils and prim forsythia                    In your unexpectedness, we expect change,
     We raise a toast for luck on St. Patrick’s Day,                    and violet carpets.                                          surprise, and
     Munch bread and give thanks on                                   You can do anything you want                                 A ride on the wild side!
       St. Joseph’s Day,                                              And we simply shrug and say,                                                          Barbara Kalkis © 2020
     And then repent through Lent.                                    “Oh, that’s just March!”

      A safe place in the country to connect with friends and have some fun
                                                       Experience the
                                                   Ultimate Retreat Centre
                                        Rest              Relax             Recharge

     We offer a cozy getaway
     Safe for small group gatherings,
     both inside and out
     Quilters • Crafters • Friends • Family                          We
     Good food • Warm wood stove fires                               you!
     Peace and quiet to restore the soul

     1-866-382-5299 • email:
     45 minutes west of Red Deer Easy 2-hour drive from Calgary or Edmonton
     Close to Caroline, AB Only minutes from Beaver Creek Mercantile
     Visit our website or follow us on Facebook for event updates!
                                                                                                                        OPEN: Thursday & Friday 11 am to 6 pm • Saturday 11 am to 5 pm

                    Two Stores ◊ One Great Loyalty Card ◊ 10% off!
           Premium Quilting Cottons ◊ Precuts ◊ Notions ◊ Classes ◊ Demos on request ◊ Retreats
                 Country Shopping in Caroline, AB                                                                 City Shopping in Red Deer, AB
                                                                              Come &                  We hope to invite                                                   Lots of
                                                                             see what’s              you for sew days &                                                  New Lines
                                                                               NEW!                    classes in April!                                                 Arriving!
                                                                                                         We miss you!

         Orders &
      Curbside Service                                                                      Check in with
        provided at                                                                       Darian & Debbie
                                                                                                                                                                                  Orders &
       all locations!                                                                      on Facebook for                                                                     Curbside Service
                                                                                          Monthly Specials                                                                       provided at
                                                                                             & Weekly                                                                           all locations!
                                                                                          Manager Specials
                                      OPEN                                                                                            OPEN
                  Wednesday to Saturday 10am - 5pm ◊ 403-722-2050                                               Tuesday to Friday 10am - 5pm ◊ Saturday 10am - 4pm
      Directions: Turn south from 4-way stop in Caroline. Travel
                                                                                                                 Urban Farmhouse Fabric
      2.5 miles, turn west on Township Rd. 36-0. Travel 1 mile,       @BeaverCreekMercantile             140 - 4828 53 Street ◊ 403.406.1285                    @UrbanFarmhouseFabric
      turn south on Range Rd. 6-2. We’re at the end of the road.

                             Please respect COVID-19 store rules: two metres distancing and four to six customers in store at one time
ALBERTA COUNTRY REGISTER                                                                                                                                                                               15

                 C R E AT I V I T Y
                            S TA R T S H E R E

                                                                                                                                                      SEWING & EMBROIDERY MACHINE

                                                                                                                                                    Large Embroidery Area - with the
                                                                                                                                                    included creative™ MASTER HOOP
                                                                                                                                                    embroider up to 240 x 150mm

                                                                                                                                                    Embroidery Intro PC and Mac®
                                                                                                                                                    Software included

                                                                                                                                                                       On-screen Customizing
                                                                                                                                                                       of Embroidery Designs

                                                                                                                 SEWING & EMBROIDERY MACHINE

             Substantially increase the work area of
          your creative™ machine with the Extension
                        Table with Adjustable Guide.                                                                                      Exclusive Stitch Creator™ - create
                                                                                                                                          new or edit built-in 9mm stitches

                                                                                                        SEWING & EMBROIDERY MACHINE

                                                                                                         Larger Embroidery Area -
             Get the 200 x 200mm creative                       ™                                        up to 360 x 350mm
                   Quilters Hoop, perfect for
               stitching embroidery designs                                                              Basic Shape Creator™ -                                     Precise Positioning - place
                                                                                                         combine decorative stitches                                 every embroidery design
                           within quilt blocks.
                                                                                                         or design elements instantly                               exactly where you want it.

            At Participating Canadian Dealers – Find Great Deals and Specials Offers In-Store – Contact Your Local Dealer Today!

                  Cotton Candy Quilts & Sewing                                                    Sewing Lane                                           Johnson’s Sewing Centre
                   Grande Prairie (780) 532-2202                                           Lethbridge (403) 320-9700                                            Edmonton
                                                                                                                                                  North (780) 452-0102 / (800) 567-0132
                  Kountry Knits & Sewing Centre                                              Sewing World                                         South (780) 496-9375 / (877) 373-9464
                 Fort Saskatchewan (780) 998-1635                               Calgary (403) 259-4075 & (403) 282-4919

                 Red Deer Sewing Centre                                                        The Sewing Center
         Red Deer (403) 346-2597 & (877) 976-3279                                            Camrose (780) 672-2732

         ©2021 KSIN Luxembourg II, S.a.r.l. All rights reserved. MAC is a trademark of Apple. All rights reserved.                               

 PFA-21-0001 Creative Country Register Ads-10.25x13-AB.indd 1                                                                                                                               1/5/21 9:21 AM
16           March/April 2021
18                                                                                                                                                                                           March/April 2021
                                                                ForestBurg • Irma • Leduc • Killam • Ponoka • Stettler

Dyeing Wool with Easter Egg Dyes                                                                                      Meanwhile, mix the dye. You’ll need Easter egg dye (I use PAAS),
                                                                                                                      plastic containers for mixing the dyes, plastic spoon, tablespoon,
by Vickie Clontz                                                                                                      measuring cup, white vinegar, water and paper towels.
Easter egg dye comes in so many pretty colors and is permanent on                                                     Mix the dye: place three tablespoons of white vinegar into a small
protein fibers, such as wool and silk, when heat-set and used with a                                                  container and add the dye tab. Let tab dissolve completely, then add
mordant—in this case, white vinegar. The purple dye even separates                                                    half cup water and another tablespoon of vinegar. Mix. You can check
into beautiful hues of lavender, blue and pink!                                                                       the colour by dipping a corner of a paper towel into the dye.
Here is how to do it:                                                                                                 Remove items to be dyed from the
Fill a basin with room temperature water and add a squirt of soap,                                                    basin and squeeze out the soapy
such as dish-washing liquid (I use blue Dawn concentrate). Add the                                                    water. Arrange in an aluminum
fabric to the soapy water and soak for at least 30 minutes.                                                           roasting pan or oven-safe container
                                                                                                                      that you do not plan to cook in. Add
                                                                                                                      the dye to the wet fabric. You can
                                                                                                       OPEN           pour it, spoon it or paint it on with a
           WE CaRRY all ThINgS COUNTRY!                                                              Wed, Thurs       sponge brush. Fabric should be very
                     Rustic • Farmhouse • Chippy • Primitive                                         & Fri 11-5
                                                                                                     Sat 10-5 &       wet. When all the dye is added, place
             Barn Stars • Country Affair Candles • Wall Décor • Park Designs • Throws
             Country Furniture • Textiles • Framed Prints • Country Signs & Much More                 Sun 11-4        in oven and turn to 225 degrees.
                                                                                     in the Little                    Cook for approximately 40 minutes,
               SISTERS COUNTRY RUSTICS                                                 Red Barn                       checking periodically to make sure
                 Country Home Décor & Gift Store • 587-797-1368
                                                                                                                      the fabric is not scorching. You can
       10 min. N of Ponoka • 250072 Menaik Rd (TWP Rd 442) • 1/2 km West of Hwy 2A
                                                                                                                      add more water if needed. When
                                                                                                                      water is fairly clear, your fabric
                                                                                                                      is done!
                                                                                                                      Let cool completely and rinse in room temperature water. Gently
        Quick turnaround time!                                                                                        towel-dry fabric; lay fabric out flat to finish drying.
                Longarm quilting services & rental                                                                    Please note this technique is only permanent on protein fibers and will
                      Quick turnaround time
            Reserve a hanger for guaranteed finish date                                                               not work on synthetic or plant fibers, such as cotton or linen. For more
           Assorted Widebacks and Fireside                                                                            fun dyeing ideas, please visit my website:
           in stock to help finish your quilts!
                                                                                                                      Vickie Clontz is the owner of Annie’s Keepsake in Kernsville, NC, and is
                    APQS Machine Sales
        come in for a test drive and get all your questions                                                           celebrating 31 years in business. She regularly attends both local and
             answered with a “try before you buy”                                                                     national trade shows. Contact Vickie: w
                 program while you finish a quilt                              214 - 5906 50th St., Leduc
         Appointments Preferred: 780.913.3982                                        780.913.3982
                                                                                                                                               Happy New Year
                                                                                 Hours: 9:30-4:30 Monday to Friday
                                                                                 Open Saturday for classes & appts.
                                                                                                                            so much
                                                                                                                            for your                                                                                            continued                           Quilter’s cotton & flannel | Batiks
                                                                                                                            support!                     Fleece & Minki | Quilt Batting | Wide Backings
                                                                                                                                                             Kits | Fat Quarters | Handmade Items
                                                                                                                                                          Notions | Patterns | Threads | Essential Oils
      Quilting Supplies                                                                                                                           Thank you for your support in respecting our safety guidelines!

     & Sew Much More!                                                                                                                            CREATIVE KLUTTER QUILT SHOP
          Fabric • Notions • Yarn                                                                                                                                     Open Mon. - Sat. 9-5
         Longarm Rental & Sales                                                                                                                             Box 105, 4907 - 50 St., Irma, AB T0B 2H0
                                                                            5104 - 47th Ave.,                                                     | 780-754-2227
        Machine Service & Repair                                           FORESTBURG, AB
           Custom Embroidery                                           780-582-2110 •                                          
        Memory Bears and Pillows                                      Small town store... big time selection!

         Central Alberta’s
      Husqvarna Viking                                                           March/April

                                                                                     Sale                                Let us help you with
       & Handi Quilter                                                                                                                                                              Crafty Creations Quilt Gallery
     Sewing Machine Dealer
                                                                                                                         your Quilt’s Story
                                                                           Buy one metre, get the
      Handi Quilter Amara 20 Longarm for rent!                                                                                             Quilts • DMC Floss • Kits
                                                                        second metre of same fabric

                                                                                                                                           Quilt Notions • Fabrics
                                                                                                 %                                         Patterns • Quilting Classes
                                                                                                 off                                       Longarm Quilting
                                                                                                                                                                                   Where Every Quilt Tells a Story
                                                                           Looking for a Bargain?
                                                                               Check out the                              Join our In-store Crafty Creations
                                                                               Sale Room!
                                                                                                                            20% Membership Club!
     5008 - 50th St. Stettler • 403-742-0295                                                                                                                                       5007 - 50th St, Killam, AB
     homespunseasons@shaw .ca                                                                                                                                                             780.385.0974
     Open 10:30 am to 4:30 pm                                                                                                         Members get an automatic 20% off
     Monday to Friday
                                                                             Please PHONE THE SHOP                                    all fabric, notions, patterns & kits!             @quiltinginkillam
                                                                         to place orders and check hours                                                               CreationsbySharleen
     FREE SHIPPING on Canadian orders over $125
                                                                     WE ACCEPT ONLY CASH, CHEQUES OR ETRANSFER,
                                                                         but reward any purchase with a discount!
ALBERTA COUNTRY REGISTER                                                           19
                                                                Camrose • Ponoka

  Salsa Garden                        Cleaning with kids in the house is like
  If you want to try something          brushing your teeth with Oreos...
  new in your raised garden
  beds this year, think about
  themed garden boxes, such
  as a salad garden, a kid’s       Something for Everyone!
  garden or a salsa garden!
  In a salsa garden box, plant
  ingredients like tomatoes
  (four plants), chili peppers
  (two plants), green peppers
  (two plants), garlic (two
  plants), cilantro (two plants)
  and red onions (four plants).
  Make sure each plant has
  room to grow! Water, weed
  and fertilize when needed.
  Enjoy your fresh salsa later
  in the season!                      Antiques, Uniques,
                                      Collectibles & Crafts
                                          3500 Square Feet
                                        with OVER 40 vendors
                                      Tues. - Fri. 10:00 am to 5:30 pm
                                         Sat. 12 noon to 5:30 pm
                                      Always closed Sunday and Monday

                                       5010 49 Ave, Ponoka, AB
                                       Follow on Facebook or call
20                                                                                                                                                                                      March/April 2021
                                                                       Falun • Rimbey • Rocky Mountain House • Winfield

     Zoom Sew-and-Chat                      Take a Class!                                                               When I get a headache, I take
      Every Wed. until May, 12pm-3pm
                                            March 13        • Catch-all caddy class
       Sign up on the website for the
     newsletter with weekly zoom links      March 20, 27    • Beginner quilt class
                                                                                                                      two aspirin and keep away from
                                            March 9, 17, 24 • Tunic class with Katia Jersey knits         Fabric      children, just like the bottle says...
     Mystery Quilt-Alongs                                     (Choose from mid-day or evening)
                                                                                                       Cork Fabric
     in the Twenty One Stitches Group       April 14, 21, 28 • Tunic class with Katia Jersey knits
            15% Discount                                                                               Interfacing
                                            April 17        • Squiffy sling
      at the beginning of every month
                                            April 24        • Tuffet (might be a supplemental day)
        PRIZE for the first one done!                                                                    Notions
       Twenty-One                                                    4808 49th St.
              Stitches                                           Rocky Mountain House
                                         Quilt Store               AB • 403-895-5222
                    15% Senior’s discount last Wednesday of each Month
                                                                                                      Bag Supplies
                                                                                                                        Check out our online sales!
                   Open Monday to Friday 10:00 am - 3:00 pm • Closed long weekends •
                                                                                                                          You are Welcome to Shop in the Store...
                                                                                                                                  • Masks required • Mandatory hand sanitizer available
                                                                                                                                               • Only shoppers in store please
                                                                                                                                        • If door handle is locked (and we are open),
                                                                                                                               store is at capacity... we will allow you in as soon as possible
                                                                                                                              Curbside pickup still available • Shipping anywhere in Canada!

                                                                                                                             Open Tuesday to Saturday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
  DMC                    Quilting • cotton & flannel • batting & backing                                      paint            For those with health concerns, appointments available
                                 PRIMARILY NORTHCOTT FABRICS                                                                         on Tuesday to Thursday 10:00 am to Noon
  felting                                                                                                  stencils
  plastic canvas
                         Notions • zippers • thread • buttons • elastic                                  paracord               Biggest Little Quilt Store in Alberta!
                              • dye • snaps • velcro • handbag hardware
  rughooking                                                                                          woodburning                        Quilting & Fabrics
                         Yarn • great yarn assortment • anti-pilling yarns
  beading supplies                • needles • hooks • looms • patterns                                polymer clay
  many kits                                  Card Making &                                              miniatures
  art supplies                           Scrapbooking Supplies                                       Diamond Dotz
                                                                                                                              #10 - 2 Ave. East, Winfield, AB • 780-682-2666
  embroidery                                                                                         basic supplies
                                   OPEN: Tuesday to Friday 10-4:30 • Sat. 11-2
                                  Closed Sunday/Monday • Phone 403-783-0266

                                                                                                                                                                           online shopping

                                                                                                     The latest Riley Blake        ®
                       CheocrkInt-shtoisre oYaurdta! ge                                              Jelly Rolls and Precuts
                                           $ 98 6
                                                                                                                                                                          Proudly operating in
                                                                                                 Books • Patterns • Bargain Bundles                                          Falun, Alberta
                                                                                                         Notions and More!                                                In-person Shopping
                             Starting at                                                                                                                                  Fridays 10am - 2pm
                                                                                             Free shipping on all Canadian orders over $149                          Storefront on Range Rd 275
                                                                                                                                                                      Blue Sign: 4500 60A RR275
                                                                                                                                                                       (2 km north of Hwy 611)
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