The Pit Bull Resource Guarding Diabetic Treatment Options Stress Reduction with Pet Music Lessons Learned from Canine Companions GREAT LAKES PET ...

Page created by Judy Thornton
The Pit Bull Resource Guarding Diabetic Treatment Options Stress Reduction with Pet Music Lessons Learned from Canine Companions GREAT LAKES PET ...
The Pit Bull
                                                   Resource Guarding
                                                   Diabetic Treatment Options
                                                   Stress Reduction with Pet Music
                                                   Lessons Learned from Canine Companions
                                                   GREAT LAKES PET EXPO: Details Inside
Fe b r u a r y 2 0 07 | Vo l u m e 4 I s s u e 2


                                                                    In-Focus Photography
The Pit Bull Resource Guarding Diabetic Treatment Options Stress Reduction with Pet Music Lessons Learned from Canine Companions GREAT LAKES PET ...
The Pit Bull Resource Guarding Diabetic Treatment Options Stress Reduction with Pet Music Lessons Learned from Canine Companions GREAT LAKES PET ...
The Pit Bull Resource Guarding Diabetic Treatment Options Stress Reduction with Pet Music Lessons Learned from Canine Companions GREAT LAKES PET ...
Publisher’s Letter
As we slide into another month of cold winter weather, do you sometimes feel a lack of enthusiasm to walk your dog, play a game of fetch, or buy
a new toy for indoor play? There could be no better time to rejuvenate you and your companion than with a trip to the Great Lakes Pet Expo on
February 10th. You'll marvel at the sight of new toys, delicious treats, training ideas, and more as you peruse aisle after aisle of the latest in pet
products and services. Flip over to page 13 for a full listing of vendors in attendance and make sure to mark your calendars for this event!
Not only does our zest to play with the dog subside during these cold months, but also our eagerness to support local Humane Societies and
Adoption Organizations. On February 27th, Companion Animal Resource and Adoption Center, located inside Southridge Mall, will be holding
their "Spayghetti and No Balls" fundraiser dinner as they celebrate Spay Day USA. This is a great chance to not only support a local organization in
their efforts to unite local animals with new homes, but you'll also fill your belly with a hearty meal. Details are found on page 20.
Finally, you've probably already noticed the breed on the cover. For many people, it is hard to disassociate a Pit Bull with terms such as "aggres-
sion," "mauling," "attacking," and so forth. At Fetch Magazine, we believe that any and every breed is prone to bite, growl, or in some cases, phys-
ically attack another dog or person. However, we also believe that the behavior of our canine companions is a direct result of the training and treat-
ment we provide. Although so-called "Aggressive Breeds" such as Pit Bulls are widely known for the terror they can create, most people don't real-
ize how docile these breeds can be as well. I encourage you to read our Breed Profile of the Pit Bull on pages 24 & 25 and to hopefully learn some-
thing new that will help you appreciate all of the positive features in this breed but also how important it is that we as owners need to properly train
every canine walking through our front door… from the smallest Chihuahua to the largest Pit Bull.
Joseph & Jennifer Kojis

Advertiser Directory
Blade Sharpening                                    Doggy Day Care                                      Pet Photography & Artistry
Eagle Point Sharpening                              Central Bark Doggy Day Care                         In-Focus Photography
262-673-7976                                        414-353-9991                                        414-483-2526
                                                    Lucky Dog! Dog Day Care                             Stephanie Bartz Photography
                                                    262-363-5951                                        414-453-2060
Animal Motel
                                                    Playtime Doggy Daycare New                          Unique Perspectives
                                                    414-475-7708                                        262-679-9791
Just Like Home Doggie Motel
                                                    Release the Hounds
414-640-0885 / 920-927-1922                                                                             Pet Sitting
                                                                                                        Bay View Pampered Pets
Canine Rehab
                                                    Humane Society                                      414-486-1891
Best Friends Veterinary Rehab
                                                    Elmbrook Humane Society New
262-375-0130                                                                                            Pe t Wa s t e Re m o v a l
                                                                                                        Fido’s Dog Waste Removal Service
Dog Apparel                                         HAWS New
Dogs and Their People                     
                                                                                                        Scoop's Pet Waste Removal
262-543-3979                                        Wisconsin Humane Society
Dog Camp                                                                                                Retail/Online Stores
Camp Dogwood New                                    Legal Advice                                        Bark N’ Scratch Outpost
312-458-9549                                        Megan Senatori
Dog Days of Wisconsin                               608-252-9395
                                                                                                        Just Pucci
                                                    Pet Cemetery & Crematory                            262-334-4389
Dog Exercise                                        Companion’s Rest                                    The Doggy Bag
Canine Campus                                       414-282-6600                                        262-560-1717
262-965-5971                                        414-762-4446                                        McPets
Dunkin Dawgs                                        262-652-7488                                        414-476-8640
608-741-9420                                                                                            Metropawlis
                                                    Pet Events & Seminars                               414-273-PETS (7387)
Dog Training                                        Great Lakes Pet Expo
                                                                                                        The Natural Pet
4 My Dogz New                                       414-840-8691
262-820-0763                                        Companion Animal Resource & Adoption Center New
                                                                                                        Pawprints Across Your Heart
Amiable Dog Training                                414-421-8881
414-289-7785                                        First Aid for Pets
Best Paw Forward Dog Training                       262-879-0165
                                                    Pet Food & Treats                                   Pet Supplies 'N' More
Cudahy Kennel Club
                                                    The Barkery New                                     262-679-6776
                                                    414-257-3597                                        Waldschmidt Town & Country Mart
For Pet's Sake Dog Training
                                                    Companion Natural Pet Food                          262-251-1400
                                                    414-961-LIFE (5433)
Greater Racine Kennel Club                                                                              Ve t e r i n a r y
                                                    For Pet's Sake Dog Training (BARF Diet)
262-681-0700                                                                                            Animal Doctor
K-9 Obedience Training Club of Menomonee Falls                                                          414-422-1300
                                                    Three Amigos Dog Treats
262-252-3569                                                                                            Best Friends Veterinary Center
Milwaukee Dog Training Club                                                                             262-375-0130
414-961-6163                                        Pet Gifts & Pawties                                 East Towne Veterinary Clinic
Paws-itivly Behaved K9s                             Ultimate Poker Supplies                             262-241-4884
262-488-1982                                        414-745-7650                                        Harmony Pet Care
Teaching Dogs New                                                                                       262-446-2273
                                                    Pet Grooming                                        Silver Spring Animal Wellness Center
                                                    Michelle’s Pet Grooming New
Wisconsin Humane Society                                                                                414-228-7655
                                                    Pampered Paws
                                                                                                        Please support the businesses that support us.
                                                                                                        Tell them you saw their ad in Fetch Magazine.
                                                    Petlicious Pet Spa
4 Fetch Magazine | February 2007
The Pit Bull Resource Guarding Diabetic Treatment Options Stress Reduction with Pet Music Lessons Learned from Canine Companions GREAT LAKES PET ...

                                                               TA B L E
February 2007
Volume 4, Issue 2
                                                                           CO N T E N T S

                                                                          F EATURES
Joseph Kojis

Design and Production
Jennifer Kojis

Contributing Writers
Janice Biniok
Annette Mayfield
Jean Scherwenka
                                                                      11 Canine Obesity Drug Approved
Anne Skaradzinski
Keri Weyenberg                                                        12 AWARE’s Great Lakes Pet Expo
Training Bits
Johanna Ammentorp
K9 Obedience Training Club of Menomonee Falls
                                                                      13 Lessons Learned from Canine Companions
Ask the Vet
The American Animal Hospital Association
                                                                      18 Playtime Doggy Daycare Now Open
The Legal Beagle
Megan Senatori
                                                                      20 “Spayghetti & No Balls” Fundraiser
DeWitt, Ross & Stevens, S.C.

Hair of the Dog
                                                                      21 Pet Music Sooths Human Stress
Helena Buettner
Madra Pet Styling                                                     22 A Personal Experience of Fostering - part two
Contributing Photographer
Stephanie Bartz
stephaniebartz photography
                                                                      23 New Central Bark DDC in North Shore
Increase your customer base by reaching current and future
                                                                      24 The Pitbull
dog lovers with Fetch Magazine. For more information,
call 414-489-1027 or email

Photo Submissions
If you would like to submit photos of your dog, please use the
following means: E-mailed submissions are preferred at

                                                                          CO L U M N S / DE PA R T M E N T S If hard copy only, mail to: Fetch Magazine,
P.O. Box 070489, Milwaukee, WI 53207. Include following
statement with signature for all photo submissions: I grant
Fetch Magazine permission to reproduce my photo(s). Signed
by: If you would like photos returned, please include a postage-
paid, self-addressed envelop.

Fetch Magazine
                                                                        6 Ask the Vet
P.O. Box 070489
Milwaukee, WI 53207
                                                                        8 Training Bits
Phone: 414-489-1027                                                16-1
                                                                      17 Coupon Section
                                                                      26 Dogs Around Town
Fetch Magazine is available free due to the support of our

                                                                      27 Breed Rescue Groups
advertisers. Please support the businesses that support us
and remember to tell them you saw their ad in Fetch Magazine.

Fetch MagazineTM. All Rights Reserved. Reprinting in whole
or part without written consent from the publisher is strictly
                                                                      28 Event Calendar
                                                                      30 K9 Kid Zone

                                 Cover photo of Allsion’s
                                 Kona courtesy of
                                 In-Focus Photography.

                                                                                                          2007 February | Fetch Magazine 5
The Pit Bull Resource Guarding Diabetic Treatment Options Stress Reduction with Pet Music Lessons Learned from Canine Companions GREAT LAKES PET ...
Ask the                                        may become resistant to insulin. Weight
                                               control through diet and exercise may
                                               help prevent the onset of type II diabetes.
                                                                                               for you and your pet. Treatment may
                                                                                               also include:

                                                                                               - A combination of oral medication and a
                                               Veterinarians can provide nutritional             special veterinarian recommended diet.
                                               and exercise counseling, and wellness test-     - Proper weight management consisting
                                               ing to help prevent the onset of diabetes.        of diet and regular exercise.
                                                                                               - Spaying in female diabetic pets.

Question: Can you provide me with
information on Diabetes in canines and

                                               Common signs of diabetes in your pet
                                                                                               Treating a diabetic pet involves close
                                                                                               monitoring. Some pet owners monitor
treatment options available to me from a       include increased water consumption             their pet's blood glucose levels themselves
veterinarian and also treatment options        and frequency of urination. Weight loss         to keep tabs on their pet's condition at
I can do at home?                              despite a large appetite may also occur.        home. Medication, diet and activity levels

Answer: Diabetes mellitus is a disease
involving glucose (sugar) in the blood and
                                               Left uncontrolled, diabetes can become a
                                               life-threatening condition for your pet.
                                               Failure to treat diabetes results in elevated
                                                                                               need to be supervised on a daily basis to
                                                                                               determine if treatment is effective.

insulin. Insulin is a hormone produced by      blood sugar levels leading to dehydration       Insulin overdose may cause low blood
the body to regulate blood glucose. Diabetes   and body chemistry disorders that can           glucose levels, resulting in disorientation,
occurs when your pet's body has too much       eventually cause coma and death.                weakness or seizures. If you notice any of
blood glucose because he either doesn't                                                        these signs in an otherwise responsive
produce enough insulin or is insensitive to    Diagnosis                                       pet, offer the pet food. If the pet is uncon-
the available insulin in his body.                                                             scious, apply Karo syrup or honey to his
                                               Take your pet to the veterinarian as soon       or her gums. In either case, contact your
Diabetes is one of the most common hor-        as possible if you notice any of these          veterinarian immediately.
monal disorders in dogs and is most often      changes in his or her behavior or physical
seen in older, overweight female dogs.         appearance. Your veterinarian will conduct      Administering insulin injections
                                               a thorough physical examination, including
There are two types of diabetes. Type I        blood and urine tests to determine if your      Daily insulin injections are the most
diabetes results from a deficiency of          pet has diabetes.                               effective means of treating diabetic pets.
insulin in the body due to an insufficient                                                     With proper instruction from your vet-
number of insulin-producing cells. Type I      Treatment                                       erinarian, patience and practice, admin-
diabetes is the most serious form of the                                                       istering insulin to your pet does not have
disease and most often develops in young       Your veterinarian will recommend an             to be an unpleasant experience. Keep the
pets. Type I diabetes is not preventable.      appropriate course of treatment for your        following tips in mind:
                                               pet. Most diabetic pets require one or two
Type II diabetes is more common, resulting     daily injections of insulin to control blood    - Relax. If you are nervous or fearful
from a body's resistance to the effects of     glucose levels. Your veterinarian can           about giving the injection, your pet
insulin. Older, obese pets are more suscep-    train you in proper injection techniques        might pick up on your emotions and
tible to type II diabetes because fat cells    to make the experience more comfortable         become nervous too. Take a deep breath
                                                                                               and relax before administering the injection.
                                                                                               Calm your pet down by gently massaging
                                                                                               him before giving the injection.

                                                                                               - Warm the insulin before injecting it by
                                                                                               holding the syringe filled with insulin
                                                                                               between your fingers for a minute.
                                                                                               Injecting cold insulin may cause discom-
                                                                                               fort in your pet. Never use hot water,
                                                                                               microwave or any other heating device to
                                                                                               warm the insulin.

                                                                                               - Reward your pet so that she associates
                                                                                               the injections with a pleasant experi-
                                                                                               ence. Show your pet a treat before
                                                                                               administering the injection and give the
                                                                                               treat to her immediately after the injection.

                                                                                                                     - continued on page 18

6 Fetch Magazine | February 2007
The Pit Bull Resource Guarding Diabetic Treatment Options Stress Reduction with Pet Music Lessons Learned from Canine Companions GREAT LAKES PET ...
The Pit Bull Resource Guarding Diabetic Treatment Options Stress Reduction with Pet Music Lessons Learned from Canine Companions GREAT LAKES PET ...
                                              you approach, with or without hackles           expression pick up the food dish or toy,
                                              raised. You may hear a low growl, and           look at it and then give it back. To accustom
                                              then a snarl. Rarely do they just lunge         my dogs to hands in the food dish I will

                                              out and attack to guard their possession.       walk by and put a special treat in the
                                              Therefore I feel we need to teach them          dish as a surprise.
                                              skills so they learn how to defer to us.
                                              This will also show respect for the puppy       What do you do if protective behavior has
                                              or dog acknowledging that what he has           already started and as you approach your
Resource Guarding                             is important to him, but we need to see it.     dog he gives hard eye contact, growls,
                                                                                              snarls or lunges? If you have a medium
Resource guarding is a very common            Some resource guarding begins because           to large breed dog over the age of three to
problem in many dogs. Some dogs would         of the common theory that if we are dom-        five months you may have missed the
never think of it. They defer easily to us.   inant over our dogs we should be able to        window of opportunity to physically rep-
These are thought of as submissive or         remove anything from them at any time.          rimand him. With a young puppy I have
'nice' dogs. However, big or small, well      Because of safety issues this may be true       grabbed the scruff of the neck, taken his
bred or puppy mill, many dogs may try         but it needs to be treated as just one          prize and verbally reprimanded him in a
protecting a possession. In wild dog or       more skill we train into our canine com-        low growly voice. I am also aware that
wolf packs even very young puppies are        panions. I believe we actually set our          this is a red flag to start immediately
allowed to protect and keep what they         dogs up for protective behavior early in        desensitizing him to my approach with
already have in their mouths. Think of        puppy hood if we take away a raw hide or        the above techniques. In addition I start
this - if you were eating your dinner and     a toy and it just disappears. He may            working on the 'trade up' command.
anyone, even a close friend, approached       think 'hey wait a minute, that was mine!'
uninvited and took the plate from you it      Or, we approach, hear a growl, and back         1. Give the dog or puppy an item he really
would be very rude and you would              off! 'Well', he thinks, 'that worked!' What     likes, such as a favorite toy or chewie.
protest. Perhaps at the very least you        I prefer to do with my dogs is approach         Let him really get into it.
would say, 'Excuse me? That's mine!'          them and give a simple command, like            2. A few minutes later approach him
Obviously dogs do not communicate that        'out.' Assess the dog's reaction. If he looks   with something of higher value. A bis-
way. They may stand over the object as        up at you with soft eyes and a happy            cuit, piece of chicken, or a Kong with
                                                                                              peanut butter works well. A different toy
                                                                                              might work too.
                                                                                              3. Let him see it or smell it and say
                                                                                              'Let's trade!'
                                                                                              4. If he looks receptive, reach down, take
                                                                                              his and give him yours. You could also
                                                                                              trade back again. BE CAREFUL!! Know
                                                                                              your dog and looks for signs of guarding.
                                                                                              Remember that when you are reaching
                                                                                              in you are putting your face in close prox-
                                                                                              imity to his mouth!

                                                                                              Many dogs with resource aggression can
                                                                                              be turned around. I would never trust
                                                                                              them with a child however, because kids
                                                                                              can't read the signs of aggression. It's up
                                                                                              to you not to put your dog in a situation
                                                                                              where that could occur.

                                                                                              Keep practicing obedience. Teaching a
                                                                                              dog skills forms a relationship. If you
                                                                                              have a strong relationship this goes far
                                                                                              in solving this issue.

                                                                                              Johanna Ammentorp has thirty years expe-
                                                                                              rience owning and training 10 different breeds
                                                                                              of dogs, including a Bichon with a UD, a Flat
                                                                                              Coat with a CD, and a Pembroke Corgi with a
                                                                                              CDX. Most importantly, she resides on a 45-
                                                                                              acre farm in Menomonee Falls, in which her
                                                                                              dogs must be fully trained to enjoy that freedom.
                                                                                              She currently instructs beginning obedience at
                                                                                              K9 Obedience Training Club in Menomonee Falls.

8 Fetch Magazine | February 2007
The Pit Bull Resource Guarding Diabetic Treatment Options Stress Reduction with Pet Music Lessons Learned from Canine Companions GREAT LAKES PET ...
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                               Murphie is looking for play partners in the worst way, and she’s not the only one! Safer than
                               dog parks, and no minimum visit requirements make Playtime Doggy Daycare an outlet for
                               you to socialize your dog with other dogs, and burn off that extra mischievous energy they may
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                                                                                                   2007 February | Fetch Magazine 9
Fetch_halfpg.indd 1                                                                                            1/15/2007 6:33:32 PM
The Pit Bull Resource Guarding Diabetic Treatment Options Stress Reduction with Pet Music Lessons Learned from Canine Companions GREAT LAKES PET ...
10 Fetch Magazine | February 2007
FDA Approves the First Drug for                                                              adverse reactions associated with human

                                   Obese Dogs
                                                                                             use, including abdominal distention,
                                                                                             abdominal pain, diarrhea, flatulence,
                                                                                             headache, nausea and vomiting.

                                                                                             Slentrol is manufactured by Pfizer Inc.,
                                             Veterinarians generally define a dog that       New York, N.Y.
                                             weighs 20 percent more than its ideal
                                             weight as obese. Surveys have found that
                                             approximately 5 percent of dogs in the

                                                                                             Please support
                                             United States are obese, and another 20-30
                                             percent are overweight.

                                             Slentrol is a new chemical entity, called
                                             a selective microsomal triglyceride transfer
                                             protein inhibitor, which blocks the
                                             assembly and release of lipoproteins into
                                             the bloodstream. The mechanism for pro-
                                             ducing weight loss is not completely
                                             understood, but seems to result from
                                             reduced fat absorption and a satiety signal
                                             from lipid-filled cells lining the intestine.     support us.
                                             The drug is given to the dog in varying
                                             amounts over the course of the treatment.
                                             The dog is given an initial dose for the
                                             first 14 days. After that, the veterinarian
The Food and Drug Administration             will assess the dog's progress at monthly
(FDA) announced the approval of              intervals, adjusting the dose depending
Slentrol (dirlotapide), a prescription       on the dog's weight loss. After the dog
drug for the management of obesity in        has achieved the goal weight, the drug's
dogs. Slentrol reduces appetite and fat      manufacturer recommends continued
absorption to produce weight loss. A vet-    use of the drug during a three-month
erinarian will determine whether the         period, while the veterinarian and dog
dog should be treated, based on the dog's    owner establish the optimal level of food
weight and general health.                   intake and physical activity needed to
                                             maintain the dog's weight.
"This is a welcome addition to animal
therapies, because dog obesity appears to    Adverse reactions associated with treatment
be increasing," said Stephen Sundlof,        with Slentrol include vomiting, loose stools,
D.V.M., Ph.D., director of FDA's Center      diarrhea, lethargy and loss of appetite.
for Veterinary Medicine. "Veterinarians
are well aware that overweight pets are      To discourage human use, the label of
at a higher risk of developing various       Slentrol includes the standard warning,
health problems, from cardiovascular         "Not for use in humans. Keep this and all
conditions to diabetes to joint problems."   drugs out of reach of children," and cites

                                                                                                          2007 February | Fetch Magazine 11
Were you                                                                                                non-profit whose mission is to "foster

               A W Ait'sRthatE time of year again?
                                                                                                        cooperative relationships among animal
                                                                                                        welfare organizations and to improve the
                                                                                                        lives of companion animals in Wisconsin
                                                                                                        through Adoption, Wellness, Advocacy,
                                                                                                        Rescue and Education." You get the
It's that time of year again; time to think    ties walk tightrope, push carts, jump AWARE part right? It's also an acronym
of heart, roses, and the ones we love. If      through hoops and run a cat-sized agility for Alliance of Wisconsin Animal
you and your sweetie share a love for          course. Since I can't get my cats to Rehoming Efforts. So what do they do,
dogs as well as each other what better         acknowledge my existence, unless they you ask? Penny Romasko, the expo's
way to start off your Valentine's Day          want food or cuddle time, I can't imagine manager said they "work to bring res-
then with a trip to AWARE's third annual       them actually doing anything on command. cues and shelters together, to be an advo-
Great Lakes Family Pet Expo.                   This I have to see!                                      cate for animals and to educate the pub-
                                                                                                        lic." A recent example of the education
Still looking to meet that special someone?    As if the pet                                            initiative was the 'Veterinary Medicine
Well there is no better place to meet          parade and                                                                   for the Non-Vet' confer-

                                                                      Great Lakes
someone special, as there will be a parade     shows aren't                                                                 ence; where AWARE
of adoptable companion animals on-site         e n o u g h ,                                                                brought together animal

                                                                       Pet Expo
for you to meet and greet. Don't think         there's still                                                                industry professionals,
you'll meet your type? Think again, if it      the shopping.                                                                such as veterinarians
has fur, feathers or scales it will be rep-    I don't know                                                                 and behaviorists, and pet
resented. For those of you who think off       about anyone                February 10th, 2007                              owners to discuss vet-
the leash, spiders are even represented at     else, but I find     Milwaukee County Sports Complex                         erinarian medicine in
this year's event.                             the shopping                      6000 W. Ryan Rd                            terms we can all under-
                                               at pet events                        Franklin, WI                            stand. So what's in the
Personally I'm looking forward to the          to be purrfectly                       10am-5pm                              future for AWARE? "Of
entertainment. This year's line up             suited for my          $5 Adults, $3 Kids 10 and under                       course to continue rais-
includes Alex and Swee'Pea, an amazing         taste - sorry I                                    ing money for the shel-
duo that's toured the states and the T.V.      couldn't resist    Please keep your furry, scaly, fuzzy pets at home. Plenty ters" said Penny "and to
                                                                     of adoptable animals will be available for viewing.
circuit, with appearances on David             the pun. But                                                                 start a program that
Letterman, Good Morning America and            where else are                                                               would provide help to
was voted the Smartest Dog in the World        you going to                                                                 seniors in need."
by the audience of the Jay Leno Show.          find 200 vendors all catering to the pet
How can you pass up an act like that? To       connoisseur. Treats, toys and other pet Sounds like an awfully good cause to me.
prove that dogs aren't the only talent out     necessities are always in great selection, So before you head out for that extra special
there, Acro Cat will also be performing.       and since you're out you might as well valentine's night out, spend the day having
In this also nationally recognized act, kit-   pick up a little something for yourself, fun and helping a worthy charity.
                                               perhaps jewelry, clothes or a little some- Remember, even if your little bundle of
                                               thing else that calls out attention to your fur is the most pampered pooch out
                                               puppy pride? There will also be a wide there, not all pups are so lucky. Besides,
                                               range of service professionals available to spending a day shopping, enjoying fun
                                               consult with, so if you need a new entertainment, and getting to say
                                               groomer or perhaps need a trainer to "awwww" at the adorable critters seems
                                               work on Fido's not-so- gentlemanly man- like a great, and enjoyable, way to help
                                               ners, here's a one stop shop. There will out. If you're interested in doing even
                                               even be booths called "Ask the Vet" and more to help homeless pets and are willing
                                               "Ask the Trainer" so you can get specific to donate a few hours of your day, email
                                               advice from a professional.                              Penny at for vol-
                                                                                                        unteer opportunities at the event.
                                               Parking is just one dollar and will be in Looking for more of a long-term commit-
                                               ample supply this year. The dollar charge ment? Contact your local shelter or
                                               is being used to pay for lot attendants and favorite breed rescue group to see how
                                               shuttles to make sure visitors will be you can make a difference.
                                               able to find a space easily and stress-free.
                                               Coming off the holiday season, I know I'll Keri Weyenberg has spent her life surrounded
                                               appreciate that.                                         by the joy of companion animals. She's
                                                                                                   worked, volunteered and educated others to
                                                                                                   provide a better life for pets and their people.
                                               If you've never been to the pet expo                She now spends her days writing and spending
                                               before, you might be asking yourself, who           time in the company of her friends and family,
                                               is AWARE and what is my admission ben-              both with and without fur.
                                               efiting? Glad you asked. AWARE is a
12 Fetch Magazine | February 2007
Great Lakes Pet Expo Vendor Listing
4 My Dogz                              Golden Retriever Rescue of Wisconsin      Quality Pet Products
4 Paws Photography                     Good Shepherd K9 Rescue                   Rags 2 Wags Pit Bull Rescue
Adopt-A-Husky                          Greater Racine Kennel Club                Ratbones Rescue
Airedale Terrier Rescue and Adoption   Green Acres Boxer Rescue                  Release the Hounds Doggie Day Care
Alan Fine Art Photography              Happy Tails Barkery and Boutique          Residents for Off Leash Milwaukee Parks
All Creatures Photography/Lure         HART of Wisconsin                         Rock's Positive Dog Training
  Coursing Fanatics                    Havanese Rescue                           Sardius Salukis
All Saints Saint Bernard Rescue        Healing Hands for Horses                  Save our Spots Dalmatian Rescue, Inc.
American Water Spaniel Rescue          Heavenly Hearts Rescue                    Second Chance Pet Adoption
Animal Doctor                          Humane Animal Welfare Society             Second Hand Purrs
Animal Emergency Center                Itty Bitty Farms Custom Agility           Shadow's Doberman Rescue
Ask the Trainer                          Equipment                               Shorewood Cocker Rescue
Ask the Vet                            Jilly Jax Pet Designs                     Sirius Companion Dog Training
B&J's Pampered Pup Bakery              Jordan's Pet Bakery                       Southeastern Wisconsin Herding Dog
Bark N Scratch Outpost                 Just Pucci                                  Rescue
Basset Buddies Rescue                  K9 Obedience Training Club of             Specialty Purebred Cat Rescue
Brew City Small Dogs Rescue              Menomonee Falls                         Starr Images
Buddies for Life                       Kindness Canine Behavior Consultants      Sweet Expressions
Buddy Bones Bakery                     Kindred Spirits Animal Comm.              Tahitian Noni International Canine
Camp Dogwood                           Kodiak Jacks Gifts                          and Equine Products
Canine Rehabilitation Center at        Labrador Education & Rescue Network       Tamcroft Gifts for Pets and Their People
  Pewaukee Veterinarian                Leann Johnson Animal Communicator         Tell Tale Signs
Caring Aid Rescue and Education for    Little Buddies Bichon Rescue              The Bakery Barn
  Border Collies                       Logan's Doggie Bed and Breakfast          The Labrador Connection
Carol Schultz Animal Communicator      Lucky Dog! Dog Day Care                   Three Amigos Dog Treats
Cat Things by Chris                    Lure Coursing Fanatics @ All              Three Dog Collectibles
Center for Avian Rehabilitation and      Creatures Photography                   True Hearts of Rottweiler Rescue
  Education                            Manthei Enterprises                       Unique Perspectives
Central Bark Doggy Day Care            Midwest American Bulldog Rescue           United Animal Nations/Emergency Animal
Chesapeake Retriever Rescue WI, Inc.   Midwest Beagle Rescue, Education            Rescue Service
Chicagoland Bully Breed Rescue           and Welfare                             United Yorkie Rescue
Citizens United for Animals            Midwest Italian Greyhound Rescue          US Rewards Fundraising
Collar my Canine                       Milwaukee Area Domestic Animal            Valley of the Kings
Companion Animal Resource and            Control Commission                      Veterinary Rehab Marketing Specialists
  Adoption Center                      Milwaukee Dog Training Club               Washburn Promotional Products
Companion Natural Pet Food             Mini Aussie Rescue and Support            Washington County Humane Society
Companion's Rest Pet Cemetery          MN/WI Collie Rescue                       Western Great Lakes Akita Rescue
Countryside Humane Society             Nature's Variety Pet Foods                White Paws German Shepherd Dog Rescue
Creative Image Embroidery              New Beginnings Shih Tzu Rescue            Wisconsin Adopt a Golden Retriever
Cudahy Kennel Club                     Northcentral Maltese Rescue                 Rescue
Dancers with Woofs Club                Olde Country Style Almonds                Wisconsin Boston Terrier Rescue
Dane County Humane Society             Pawprints Across Your Heart               Wisconsin Cocker Rescue
Doggy Toyland                          Paws-itivly Behaved K9's                  Wisconsin Doberman Rescue
Dogs and Their People                  Pet Portraits by Julia                    Wisconsin German Shorthair Pointer
Dogs R Us                              Pet Prints Plus                             Rescue
Eagle Pack Pet Food                    Petcentric Pet Supplies                   Wisconsin House Rabbit Society
Elm Grove Police Department K9 Unit    Petlane                                   Wisconsin Humane Society
Elmbrook Humane Society                Petlicious Dog Bakery and Pet Spa         Wisconsin Interstate Search and
Energetic Therapy                      Pewaukee Veterinary Service                 Recovery K9 Team
English Springer Spaniel Rescue        Photo's by CAZ                            Wisconsin Rat Terrier Rescue
Fetch Magazine                         Pop Art Petraits                          Wisconsin Saint Bernard Rescue
For Cat’s Sake                         Professional Pet Sitters Association of   Wisconsin Sheltie Rescue
For Pet's Sake                           Wisconsin                               Wisconsin Tractor Supply
Foxhaven Embroidery                    Proper Paws University                    Wisconsin Veterinary Referral Center
Friends of Rescued Mastiffs            Pug Hugs, Inc. (Milwaukee Pug Fest)       Yorkshire Terrier Wisconsin Rescue
Furz Off and Me & Them Pet Bakery      Puppy Mills Breed Misery                  Young Living Essential Oils
Lessons                                      and is always kind to everyone. She has
                                             taught me that you can never have too
                                                                                            love with him and we brought him home.
                                                                                            Once he kept a home invader at bay who

                                             many friends!                                  was trying to gain entrance through the
                                                                                            front door even when my 24 year old son
                                             Mini Cooper, a former Arkansas resident,       was standing right behind me. His gentle
                                             was found on the streets running with a        side comes out at the day care. He protects
Have you ever been taught a lesson from      Chihuahua. He was on "death row" when          the puppies and any dog that he thinks
your pet? Do you see your canine companion   he was sprung and adopted out to a nice        needs it. As I was talking, he laid on his
wait patiently for his food and think,       family here in Wisconsin. When he came         back, wiggling back and forth and making
'maybe I could show more patience in my      to the dog day care he was very appre-         a lot of people laugh. A couple girls came
life.' Last summer I was asked to give a     hensive. As he saw dog after dog come in       up to me after I spoke and told me that
talk on how dogs affect my life. The         and start to play his eyes lit up and I        they had been attacked by a neighbor's
venue was the Blessing of Animals for        could see in his demeanor that he couldn't     Rott and they were afraid. Later as I was
the Saint Assisi week at the Catholic        believe his good fortune! To me he repre-      sitting and watching the K-9 unit's
Church in Eagle.                             sents hope.                                    demo, the two girls came and sat down
                                                                                            by me. In no time Patton was on his back
What I talked about easily transfers to      Buddy, another Golden, started coming          enjoying them scratch his tummy and
any animals, so I thought I would share      when he was 12 weeks old. He is now 10         then sat in their laps (he is only 114
a little of it. At the Blessing there were   months old and full of energy. I call him      pounds). After the demo, the two girls
horses, cats, dogs, a woodchuck, a snake     "Big T" for "Big Trouble." He steals my        leaned over and told me they decided
and a pint size little girl even brought     bananas, pens, toilet paper, paper towels,     they weren't afraid of ALL Rotts anymore.
her fish! The Blessing was a benefit for     phone books, and anything else he gets         Patton has taught me that first impres-
the Wildlife In Need animal rescue. In       his paws on. I can be seen several times       sions can be deceiving.
addition to their presentation, a K-9 unit   a day yelling "Buddy!" chasing him
demonstrated their maneuvers.                around the dog day care. When I get            So my lessons learned are:
                                             close to him he passes his booty off to one
I spoke about why I started the dog day      of his friends and the chase resumes. The      Hang with friends everyday - including
care, Lucky Dog! in Mukwonago, WI.           guys next door to me tell me they hear         the four-legged types!
When Bill and I walked dogs at the shelter   my yelling "BUDDY" whenever I am outside
we noticed that 99.9 percent of them         and they just laugh. For me he adds            Get and give plenty of hugs and kisses
would not have been there if it weren't      humor, attitude, and patience and made         everyday. Always work on being more
for their humans neglecting them. One of     me realize that sometimes the things           patient. It is easier to clean up a mess
our goals is to keep dogs out of shelters.   that cause you the most grief can bring        than break a spirit. Love unconditionally
                                             out the best in you AND I need to eat my       and enthusiastically!
Some of my dog day care dogs showed up       bananas before he gets here!
at the Blessing and I talked about them                                                     Finally, take constant notice of your
individually and the lessons I've learned    Another one of the dogs I spoke about          canine companions. You never know
from each of them.                           was my own Rottweiller Patton.                 when their seemingly everyday actions
                                                                                            result in a lesson learned.
One of them Nila, a 2 year old Golden        When we first saw him, he was in a kennel
Retriever is one of the most social dogs I   at the shelter acting very fierce - guarding   Annette Mayfield, owner of Lucky Dog! Dog
have. She treats all dogs with respect       his new 6 by 8 home. My husband fell in        Day Care Inc believes that an exercised and
                                                                                            social dog is a happy dog. She is dedicated to
                                                                                            helping keep dogs off the streets and out of
                                                                                            shelters. In her spare time, she is a Master
                                                                                            Gardener, rides her horses and cares for her

14 Fetch Magazine | February 2007
2007 February | Fetch Magazine 15
16 Fetch Magazine | February 2007
2007 February | Fetch Magazine 17
continued from page 6

- Teach sit and stay so that your dog will
sit still during the injections. Practice
"sit and stay" when you are not going to
give an injection as well, and your pet
will not immediately assume that sitting
means that he is going to get a shot.

Living with a diabetic pet

Caring for a diabetic pet can be a fulfill-
ing experience, and diabetic pets can
provide just as much companionship and
enjoyment as your other pets. Pet owners
should not expect their diabetic pets to
have a significantly shorter life span
than healthy pets. The following sugges-
tions may make caring for your pet more
comfortable for both of you:

- Develop a good relationship with your
veterinarian. Don't be afraid to ask ques-
tions about your pet's condition and
treatment plan.

- Have your pet wear a Diabetic identifi-
cation tag in case he gets lost.

- Develop a routine for your pet and stick
with it. A consistent routine will reduce
mistakes and help you learn your pet's
normal behavior so you can spot signs
that may indicate a hypoglycemic attack.

- Never leave home without sugar in case
your pet suffers from a hypoglycemic

Diabetes does not have to be a life-
threatening disease. While diabetes can-
not be cured, with consistent treatment,
patience and love, your diabetic pet can
live a normal, happy, healthy life.

The American Animal Hospital Association
(AAHA) is an international association of
more than 32,000 veterinary care providers
who treat companion animals. Established in
1933, AAHA is well known among veterinarians
and pet owners for its standards for hospitals
and pet health care. Over 3,000 veterinary
hospitals voluntarily participate in the AAHA
hospital evaluation program.

18 Fetch Magazine | February 2007
West Allis                                 has over 20 years experience in the industry.
                                               Nail trims, ear cleaning, baths, furminator
  Celebrates the                               brushouts, hair trimming, and our
  Grand Opening                                Pampered Pup package (Hypo-Allergenic
                                               wash, conditioner and tooth brushing is
   of Playtime                                 available for only $14 extra, AND GET
  Doggy Daycare!                               IT FREE ON YOUR FIRST VISIT!)

On Saturday, January 13th, Playtime            Kenneling/Boarding is also available                        Village Court
Doggy Daycare celebrated its Grand             year round. We have 5 indoor kennels, and            890 Elm Grove Road | Elm Grove
Opening with a bang! Over 275 visitors         6 indoor/outdoor kennels, and we guarantee                 262-754-5579
stopped in for tours, snacks, and stayed       2 hours of playtime a day for your dog
                                                                                                 Tuesday - Friday 10 - 5 | Saturday 9 - 3
for training demonstrations by 4 My            during their stay, which is included in                 Closed Sunday & Monday
Dogz, grooming demonstrations by our           the price. Our kennels are 5' x 5' Inside,
staff groomer, free photography sittings       and 5' x 10' Outside, with doggy doors to
                                               go from inside to out at will during office      Well-Bred Bargains is a high-end resale
for the visiting dogs, and to collect infor-                                                    boutique operating in partnership with
mation from various animal rescues.            hours. We also feature flexible drop off
                                                                                                 Elmbrook Humane Society. All of the
Playtime was proud to have L.E.A.R.N.,         and pick up times, with weekend
                                                                                                  proceeds from the sale of donated
All Saints Rescue, Placement & Wellness        dropoffs/pickups at no extra charge.                   items will benefit the shelter.
Services, and Media Paws set up booths.
We would like to thank everyone who            And, we also have training, which is provid-
                                                                                                    What can I bring to Well-Bred Bargains?
attended and volunteered for making our        ed by 4 My Dogz, on weeknights year
                                                                                               Furniture, Women's Clothing, Designer Accessories,
Grand Opening a special one!                   round. From Puppy Kindergarten to Basic           Fine China and Crystal, Artwork and Pottery,
                                               Manners, and from Agility Foundations               Fine Jewelry,Watches (w/ batteries), Men's
                                               to Advanced Agility, we have the training            Clothing, Children's and Teens Clothing,
Playtime Doggy Daycare has over 20,000
                                               classes you were waiting for!!!                                and Sporting Goods.
square feet for its facility and grounds,
and has no minimum visit requirements,                                                         What cannot be donated to Well-Bred Bargains?
flexible pricing plans, and extra long         Playtime Doggy Daycare is proud of what
                                                                                                    Bicycles, exercise equipment, shoes,
office hours for convenient drop off &         we have accomplished, and look forward                 toys, electronics, and appliances.
pick ups for the working professional.         to a bright future! Stop in for a visit!
Our location is centrally located, less                                                         Donation Accepted Wednesday and
                                               Playtime Doggy Daycare                              Saturday or by appointment
than a minute from the Zoo Interchange,
                                               528 S. 108th St.
and one block from freeway access. Our
                                               West Allis, WI
staff of professional dog handlers average
                                               Just one block south of I-94
10 years of experience dealing with pets,
ranging from handling, grooming, training
and management at all levels.

We have full-service grooming available,
Monday thru Friday, and our groomer

                                                                                                               2007 February | Fetch Magazine 19
Please plan to join
  the Companion
 Animal Resource
   and Adoption

as they celebrate Spay Day USA on
Tuesday, February 27th with a
"Spayghetti and No Balls" dinner and
auction to benefit their spay/neuter

Located in the upper level of Southridge
Mall, the adoption center will open at
3:00pm for check-in and for viewing of
raffle items. Auction items will be on dis-
play in center court located in the lower
level of the mall. Marilynn Mee from
WKLH will emcee the auction beginning
at 7:15pm. Dinner will be served in the
upper level community rooms with three
seatings; 4:30, 5:30 and 6:30pm. As din-
ner seating is limited, advanced pur-
chase of tickets is highly recommended.

Dinner tickets on sale NOW at the adop-
tion center during open hours or by mail-
ing payment to PO BOX 341545;
Milwaukee, WI 53234. Cost is $15 each
or $25 for two. (Carryout meal tickets are
available for only $10.) Each ticket
includes a meal and five raffle tickets.
Additional raffle tickets available at a
cost of $1/each.

For more information or to donate an
item or service to the raffle or auction,
visit or call

20 Fetch Magazine | February 2007
Pet Music
                                                                                             If dogs could classify stress-reducing pet
                                                                                             music, they might call it great music "to
                                                                                             chew a bone by" or "to take a nap by."
                                        Can Soothe the Savage Human                          Humans might discover the same CD
                                                                                             provides perfect music "to crochet by" or
A number of music producers caught a          indicated that 54 percent of Americans         "to do yoga by." Would it be such a bad
ride on the wave of new and innovative        were concerned about the level of stress       thing to abandon the TV in favor of lis-
pet products that emerged in the late         in their every day lives.                      tening to music "to read a good book by?"
1990s when they created musical
arrangements especially for our furry         The number of pets experiencing stress         Better yet, pet owners can share the
friends. Take Laurel Canyon Animal            is likely to come in a close second, since     experience with their pets by including
Company, for instance, a music company        animals are known to be extremely per-         peaceful pet music in their interactions.
that produces "Music to Make Dogs             ceptive of human emotions. Body lan-           It is, after all, good music "to groom a pet
Happy." Humorous pet-related verses           guage and voice tone speak volumes to a        by." There's nothing like a mellow
keep dog owners giggling, while squeaky       pet, so if Master is stressed, Fido and        melody during dog training sessions to
toys and other sound effects stimulate        Fluffy probably are, too.                      encourage pets and their people to take
their dogs.                                                                                  things slow and be patient.
                                              "I think pets cheer up their owners and
Then, enter Pet Music, a company that         do know when they are stressed," says          The calming effect of a Pet Music CD
recently reintroduced pet music specifi-      Brodsky. But in the process of turning to      obviously has more applications than are
cally designed to calm pets and help with     pets for stress relief, pet owners may not     immediately       apparent.       While
separation anxiety. No cutesy verses or       realize they are transferring tension to       Rappoport's original intention was to
stimulating sound effects here. Just soft,    their animal companions.                       create "a natural way to address pet
lulling instrumentals that promote                                                           stress and separation anxiety," he has
relaxation.                                   Lorraine Zdeb, a professional pet sitter       also succeeded in soothing the savage
                                              in Manville, NJ, who specializes in stress     human.
When the results of a study at Queens         reduction for both people and their pets,
University in Belfast, Northern Ireland,      speaks of a love energy connection             Janice Biniok has written numerous arti-
                                                                                             cles and several books on companion animals.
were released in 2002, it confirmed what      between humans and their animals.              A former professional dog groomer, she now
these music producers have been claim-        "People do not realize just how powerful       combines her English degree with 30 years
ing all along: Animal behavior is influ-      that is," she says. "If the owner is not       experience to provide written resources for pet
enced by music. Heavy metal can get           calm, the animal will not be."                 owners. She is a member of the Dog Writers
canines in a tizzy and classical composi-                                                    Association of America, Inc. and is currently
                                                                                             involved in therapy dog work with her talent-
tions can quiet them. But what Dan            The vicious cycle of stress is easy to envi-   ed partner, Blazer.
Rappoport, president of Pet Music, prob-      sion: Master comes home from a stress-
ably didn't count on was the affinity         ful day at work and passes stress on to
humans would have for the same pacify-        his dog. The dog is stressed from being
ing music.                                    left home alone all day, so he chews up
                                              the couch in frustration and passes
A modern alternative to classical music,      stress on to his master. Stress could be
Pet Music's tranquil CDs seem to appeal       considered the most highly contagious
just as much to the human senses,             psychological zoonosis known to human
according to some of the consumer             (and animal) kind. So it makes sense
reviews on One CD buyer           that humans and animals should seek
boldly admits, "Forget the pets, I love the   the same treatment.
soothing music."
                                              Rappoport concurs. "Pet Music is good
Amy Brodsky, owner of a pet sitting           for human stress, too; just don't listen
business called The Waldog Astoria in         and drive at the same time," he jokes.
Warwick, NY, confides, "I have listened
to it for years. It's very relaxing, and we   The inter-species benefits of stress-
all need to relax."                           relieving music obviously apply to dogs,
                                              cats and birds, but the benefits to
It shouldn't be surprising that pet own-      humans were not a consideration when
ers are assuming the use of their pets'       Rappoport first embarked on a quest to
stress-reducing music, since humans,          help distressed pets. "When our original
perhaps, suffer even greater stress than      series was released in 1999, my partner
their animal companions. An American          and I did it almost as a lark, being as we
Psychological Association survey in 2004      were refugees from the record business."
                                                                                                            2007 February | Fetch Magazine 21
Bella was bonding with me
My Foster                                                                                                     quickly. She was a combina-
                                                                                                              tion of perky, submissive,
 Experience                         | part two
                                                                                                              bouncy and very, very
                                                                                                              smart. On the fourth day
                                                                                                              however, a new trait
                                                                                                              emerged, a behavior no
The benefits of fostering far out-weighed                                                                     other dog we owned ever
the temporary routine change that would                                                                       exhibited - fear. Suddenly it
happen at our house for humans and dogs.                                                                      seemed everything was cause
Our home was Bella's until she was adopted.                                                                   for alarm - a cabinet door
                                                                                                              being closed, airplanes flying
Bella's first day with us was September                                                                       overhead, seeing her shadow
2, 2006. I called our vet of 17 years and                                                                     in the oven door, Daryl's
made an appointment to have her examined                                                                      voice, a car driving past the
and scheduled the shots she still needed.                                                                     house, all dogs and plastic
Then I got her puppy supplies ready - a 5                                                                     bags of any size.
lb. bag of puppy food, her new collar and
leash, a new set of stainless steel bowls,                                                                 She'd bark, coil back defen-
puppy chew toys and of course a cozy                                                                       sively, sometimes snarl,
blanket. And I started an "All about             First and foremost I wanted to get baby        hide behind my legs or run for cover. I
Bella" daily journal. Everything would           Bella started on routines: potty training,     was stunned. Who took my quiet and
go home with her when she was adopted.           feeding, playing, sleeping and the basics      calm puppy?
                                                 of sit, down, wait and leave it. A "starter
Next, I re-arranged the kitchen and bed-         kit of routines" if you will, that she could   I knew I needed to act fast and spend as
room for the crate to be moved back and          take with her.                                 much extra time with her that I could to
forth between the rooms at different                                                            try and help her. Frankly, I was con-
times of the day. Bella amazed me at her         Except for her size, you'd think she was       cerned about her future with a new fam-
young age with how incredibly calm she           all German Shepherd. Most people spec-         ily if I didn't. I pulled out books I had and
was in the crate. It didn't matter what          ulated that she'd be 50-plus pounds            re-read chapters on fear in dogs and
time of day it was or if the crate was in        when full grown, but I had my doubts           bought more to get me started on a plan.
the house or the car, the only way you           because her face was so petite. Her eyes
could tell she was in there was by the           were a sparkly chestnut brown color and        I questioned whether I was capable of
adoring 'thump, thump, thump" of her             when she looked up at you, a small crescent    taking this on, but I went to work anyway
tail against the hard plastic sides when         moon of white showed in stark contrast         using plenty of positive reinforcement
she knew you were near. It was rapid fire        to the dark. And her ears either flopped       with smelly, delicious treats and classic
thumping the instant you made eye con-           down together, or one tip was bent and         conditioning techniques.
tact. The sound was irresistibly endear-         the other tip perked up, or both plastered
ing. I smiled instantly every time I heard       to the side of head when she was excited       All of us were getting stressed with an
the thump.                                       to see you.                                    exceedingly over reactive and skittish puppy
                                                                                                in the house. I wasn't mentally prepared
                                                                                                for this and Daryl most certainly wasn't.
                                                                                                Tension started to build. Any secret
                                                                                                thoughts I entertained about possibly
                                                                                                adopting her were vanishing fast.

                                                                                                Adoption applications started to come in
                                                                                                for Bella. The time I was spending with
                                                                                                Bella to help her face her fears was starting
                                                                                                to pay off. Siena and Bella were having a
                                                                                                blast together. Bella was growing on us,
                                                                                                but three dogs in one house? Maybe.
                                                                                                Find out the rest of the story in next
                                                                                                month's issue.

                                                                                                When not at her job as a Project Manager,
                                                                                                Anne Skaradzinski makes time to be with
                                                                                                her dogs or with other dogs at training class-
                                                                                                es, volunteering with dogs or writing about
                                                                                                dogs. She co-authored a self-published book
                                                                                                with her husband, loves writing, photography
                                                                                                and the outdoors.
22 Fetch Magazine | February 2007
North Shore
Welcomes New
Doggy Day Care
Central Bark Doggy Day Care, owned
and operated by Nicole Cybela along
with Hilary James and Matt Wolfert,
recently opened their doors to canine
companions looking for a place to play in
the North Shore. Nicole's passion for
working with animals began at a very
young age - growing up on a hobby farm!
Her first encounter with the four-legged
variety, a boxer named Jak, convinced
her that the canine world was where she
belonged. Currently, Jak has two sisters,
Jil (a Boxer) and Chica Bonita (a
Chihuahua). This "puppy love" led her to
fours years with Central Bark where she
                                                Please mark your calendar for Saturday,
used her marketing degree to manage
                                                February 24th for Central Bark's Grand
Northside and Downtown Milwaukee
                                                Opening Celebration. The festivities
locations. During this time she met
                                                begin at noon and end at 4:00 pm. "We
Hilary James and Matt Wolfert. Their
                                                promise it will be a day filled with good
dogs, Chewy (a Brussels Griffon) and
                                                eats and loads of fun." Nicole states.
Payton (a Lab Mix), were daily cus-
                                                Appointments for animal communication,
tomers at the Northside location.
                                                reiki, and massages will be available.
Because of their shared belief that
                                                Adoptable dogs from various rescue
Central Bark offered dog families an
                                                groups will also be attending in hopes of
invaluable service, they looked into open-
                                                finding a new home. Leashed, social dogs
ing a franchise.
                                                are welcome. All proceeds will be donated
                                                to local rescue groups. "We hope you can
"We are thrilled to announce our dream
                                                make it!"
finally became a reality and are excited
to be a part of the Mequon community."
                                                Central Bark Mequon is located at 11035
Nicole stated. Central Bark is conve-
                                                N Industrial Drive. For more informa-
niently located south of Mequon Road on
                                                tion please call 262.512.WOOF (9663),
Industrial Drive. Furry family members
                                                email, or
will find 9,000 square feet of indoor and
outdoor space to frolic and play. Nicole
shared, "We proudly provide our dogs
with a fun, safe, and structured environ-
ment which will improve the quality of
your dog's life and enhance your relation-
ship with your pet. After all, who doesn't
enjoy a tired dog at least once a week?"

The staff at Central Bark invites you to
stop in to take a tour of their new facility.
Nicole states, "Our program provides a
social, interactive environment with
staff, 'who are as crazy about your dog as
you are." By sending your dog to doggy
day care on a weekly basis, you'll help to
ensure a happy, well-rounded pet.
Personalized services in addition to dog
day care include grooming, sleepovers,
birthday parties, training (coming soon),
and the best doggy boutique around. "We
carry the latest and greatest things for
your pooch."
                                                                                            2007 February | Fetch Magazine 23
                                                                                                   The Pit Bull
  Heroic Underdogs:                                                                                       Pit bulls attack humans. False
                                                                                                          generalization. It's interesting to
 The Truth about Pit Bulls                                                                                note that several breeds have had
                                                                                                          higher incidences of human attacks-
Naturally sweet natured, super smart
                                                                                                          Cocker Spaniels, Shepherds, and
people lovers, pit bulls are misunderstood
                                                                                                          Dobermans, for example. Any dog
dogs with a long reign in the "dangerous
                                                                                                          can become human-aggressive if
dog world," according to Liz Phipps, edu-
                                                                                                          abused or trained to do so. A pit
cator/trainer and Board Member with
                                                                                                          bull needs human companionship
Chicagoland Bully Breed Rescue (CBBR).
                                                                                                          and interaction; life at the end of a
Thanks to her group and many others
                                                                                                          chain stresses a pit bull to the
dedicated to anti-fighting, education,
                                                                                                          point of unpredictable behavior.
and responsible ownership, the pit bull's
bad rap is starting to wane. "It's cyclical,"
                                                                                                          Pit bulls are dog aggressive. False
says Phipps, and she sees the time when
                                                                                                          generalization. Pit bulls have been
bully breeds will join dogs like the
                                                                                                          selectively bred to fight other dogs,
Doberman, German Shepherd, and
                                                                                                          creating an inbred potential for
Boxer whose "scary dog" days are in their
                                                                                                          them to do so. But like any dog,
pasts. Examining pit bull myths can help
                                                                                                          they range from dog aggressive to
bring the dog's nasty cycle to a close.
                                                                                                          exceptionally dog friendly; 83.5% of
                                                                                                          pit bulls tested by the American
The Breed's Background. Stop right
                                                                                                          Temperament Test Society passed.
there-pit bull is not a breed, but a type of dog
                                                                                                          Passing average for all breeds is
that can include the following breeds:
                                                                                                          77% (
American Pit Bull Terrier, American
Staffordshire Terrier, Staffordshire Bull
                                                                                                           Responsible owners understand
Terrier, American Bulldog, and the Bull
                                                                                                           that pit bulls need to be well-
Terrier. These "bull breeds" have English
                                                   up" probably gave rise to this scare myth.            socialized, properly trained, and vig-
ancestors who were initially trained to
                                                   A ramped up version claims that a pit           orously exercised. "I turn down three
fight bears or bulls, hunt pigs and other
                                                   bull's jaws can exert as much as 1,200 lbs      times the number of applications that I
small animals, and more recently to fight
                                                   per square inch of pressure. National           accept," says CBBR's Phipps. "I ask,
each other. Some of the traits and char-
                                                   Geographic's Dr. Brady Barr tested several      'What do you want to do with your dog?'
acteristics retained from their background
                                                   animals' bite pressure and found that           If their first answer is 'Go to classes,' boom!
include agility, strength, an eagerness to
                                                   domestic dogs average 320 lbs psi. The          They're right up there." Phipps gives free
please, a willingness to work, and a
                                                   American Pit Bull Terrier tested lower          private training classes.
strong need to bond with humans.
                                                   than both the German Shepherd and
The Wisconsin Humane Society (WHS)                 Rottweiler. ("Dangerous Encounters:
does not offer pit bulls for adoption; they        Bite Force," 8/18/2005)
put them down. False. "Regardless of
breed, all dogs need to pass behavior              Pit bulls are not good with children.
assessment and medical exam in order to            False. Responsibly owned pit bulls love
be considered for adoption. In 2006, we            kids and enjoy a long history as favorite
adopted out 29 pit bull or pit bull mixes          children's companions and family dogs.
to new homes," says Angela Speed,                  Children must learn proper dog manners
Public Relations Specialist for WHS. "Pit          with any breed, and it's never recommended
bulls are no more or less likely to be put         to leave a child and a dog unsupervised.
down. In fact, we have a pit bull on staff.
One of our education dogs is a pit bull. We        Pit bulls make excellent guard dogs.
use Duncan to introduce children to dogs."         False. Guarding is not in pit bulls' breeding
                                                   background, and they're too people-
A special enzyme enables pit bulls to lock         friendly to be any good at it. Out of love
their jaws. False. Pit bulls have the same         and loyalty they instinctively protect
jaw structure as any other dog. Above              their family from danger, but get an
average determination and focus from               alarm system to protect your property as
their selective breeding to "never give            well as your dog.

24 Fetch Magazine | February 2007
Potential owners should be aware of         Some examples of famous and heroic pit
                                                  breed specific legislation (BSL) ranging    bulls include: Helen Keller's beloved dog
                                                  from leash laws and fencing require-        "Sir Thomas"; America's first canine dec-
                                                  ments (City of Milwaukee ordinance) to      orated war hero, WWI "Sgt. Stubby";
                                                  complete ban on pit bulls. Knee jerk bans   NASA's handpicked dog to assist recovery
                                                  "are often caused by a lack of knowledge    of Astronauts from 2003's shuttle disaster,
                                                  about dogs in general, or these specific    "Dakota"; and the #1 U.S. Customs Dog,
                                                  breeds in particular," says CBBR Board      "Popsicle," found during a drug bust
                                                  Member Cindy Steinle.                       where he was left to die in a freezer.

                                                  From most accounts, BSL is ineffective.     Did I mention that pit bulls are tough?
                                                  "[It] punishes responsible dog owners
                                                  while bad dog owners go underground."       Websites:
                                                  Veterinarian, animal behaviorist, dog (Pit Bull Rescue Central)
                                                  trainer, and writer Ian Dunbar says
                                                  "Breedism is the doggy equivalent of
                                                  racism-discriminating against and con-
"Pit bulls are extremely intelligent," says
                                                  demning dogs for who they are, instead
Phipps. "Most pits are the stars of their
                                                  of for what they have done."                Jean Scherwenka loves dogs, writing, and
classes. If you stimulate them mentally,                                                      the opportunity to combine the two in her
you're going to have a great dog. But                                                         articles for Fetch.
never teach them to do light switches,"
she warns. "At 3 am when they want
attention, your lights are going to go on
and off, on and off!" Phipps teaches elemen-
tary school children how to pet a dog,
what to do if they see a stray dog, and
how to breed a dog.

Potential owners ideally looking for rescued
pit bulls will find a wide and varied selection
of breeds, colors, and ages. For those who
prefer a pup, Phipps profiles the respon-
sible breeder. "First and foremost, they
do a background check on you. They ask
for references, and they give you references.
They request a home visit." Contracts
with return clauses are a must, stating
that if for any reason you can't keep the
dog, you must give it back to the breeder.
"If they don't care if your dog ends up in
a shelter, they're not a good breeder,"
says Phipps.

                                                                                                            2007 February | Fetch Magazine 25
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