March / April 2021 - Langtoft Parish Council

Page created by Heather Acosta
March / April 2021 - Langtoft Parish Council
March / April 2021

March / April 2021 - Langtoft Parish Council
FOLS - Friends of Langtoft School

Saturday 3rd April & Sunday 4th April

FOLS - Friends of Langtoft School have
organised for wooden carrots to be placed around the
village, with the help of villagers volunteering their gardens
for us to do this.
March / April 2021 - Langtoft Parish Council
FOLS - Friends of Langtoft School

Saturday 3rd April & Sunday 4th April

Maps of where the carrots are around the village
will be sold in the local village One Stop shop before the
event for £2 each.

You will have to unscramble the letters from each carrot to
make up an anagram.

Once you have successfully completed this you can return
your map to the local village One Stop shop, where they
will reward your efforts with a little Easter treat.

The support from our local village One Stop shop and
everyone in the village has been amazing. Some people
have already come forward and kindly donated money to
help us with this event.

All the money raised from the event will be given to the

We would love for everyone to get involved & have some
Easter fun, as well as raise some money for our village

Many thanks
Jack Barton

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March / April 2021 - Langtoft Parish Council
Langtoft Parish Council Meetings
Minutes of the Langtoft Parish Council (LPC)
Meeting via Zoom link on Wednesday
25 November 2020 at 19:00
Present: Cllr. Andy Halfhide (Chair), Cllr. Andy Hallam
(Vice Chair) and Cllrs. Debbie Hallam, Angela Brogan,
Yvonne McCulloch, Steve Valentine, Brian Branch and John
Swift , Sarah Gresty Parish Clerk
County and District Councillors: Barry Dobson, Rosemary Trollope-Bellew and
Kelham Cooke
Members of the public: 9
Public Forum:
1. A member of the public reported fly tipping on Stowe Road leading to Barholm
on the grass verge there are an orange bucket and vehicle tyres and other items.
Response: Cllr. Andy Halfhide had reported fly tipping in the layby to SKDC.
Action: Clerk to report and photo remaining fly tipping.
Queried the fencing around 36 Aquila Way. The clerk confirmed this conforms with
the permitted development height.
The new replaced street lamp on Stowe Road does not display its LCC ID.
Action: Cllr. Cooke to follow this up.
There are still cars parking on the verge in West End by the village hall.
Action: This verge is the responsibility of LCC Highways.

Queried the costs of the goal posts on Black Bull Green (BBG). Cllr. Halfhide
informed the member of the public that these costs were for 2 sets of goal posts,
one for BBG and one East End Park (EEP), and were the most competitive quote
Queried items on the agenda , payments already made. Clerk explained that
these were budgeted items and approved by full council.
Queried the need to list correspondence. Clerk explained that this was a
transparency issue and enabled all residents to see what correspondence the
Parish Council had received.
2. A member of the public spoke on behalf of the tenant of 46 West End and the
overgrown area used by this household to enable off-street parking. The member
of the public had approached SKDC on several occasions to see if this strip of land
could be purchased with negative results. Thought that SKDC should be more
supportive as this property had no parking facilities.
Action: Member of the public to send details to Cllrs. Rosemary Trollope-Bellew
and Kelham Cooke.
March / April 2021 - Langtoft Parish Council
Langtoft Parish Council Meetings
3. A member of the public also wanted to speak on behalf of
the tenant of 46 West End for assistance from SKDC to help
flatten and clear the garden as this was unmanageable at
present. There had been lots of rubbish left by a previous
clearance and the gate was broken. Action: as above details
to Cllrs. Rosemary Trollope-Bellew and Kelham Cooke.
4. A member of the public asked for an update on Penfield.
Cllr. Halfhide had chased this with Chris Nicoll last Friday. However, nothing was
forthcoming. All very frustrating as the German end of the signing process is the
hold up.
Questioned why the £10k SKDC grant was taken up after first being refused earlier
by LPC. Cllr. Halfhide explained that these funds were being held at present and
would be used for a Covid related project, something for the village for residents
wellbeing, such as Penfield or the play area.
5. A member of the public dialed in for an update from Cllr. Dobson.
Action: Cllr. Dobson to send a link for reporting nuisance parking direct.
Cllr. Dobson is seeking permission to raise a Traffic Regulation Order with LCC
Highways regarding HGV access into the village and additional double yellow lines at
the crossroads. This is being pursued.
Public Session closed 19:36
20/21-243       Chairman’s welcome and remarks. Cllr. Andy Halfhide formally
                opened the meeting.
20/21-244       Apologies: There were none.
20/21-245       Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests: There were none.

                Minutes: To approve the minutes of:
20/21-246       Parish Council meeting held on 13 October 2020. Proposed as a
                true and accurate record of events by Cllr. Andy Hallam, Seconded:
                Cllr. Andy Halfhide and unanimously RESOLVED

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March / April 2021 - Langtoft Parish Council
Langtoft Parish Council Meetings
Continued: Wednesday 25th November 2020
To receive reports from County and District Councillors and the Police - Cllr.
Barry Dobson Report
Road Safety – 'No Need to Speed'
A message from Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership: Last week was Road Safety
Week: Drivers can be seen regularly speeding through towns and villages only to end
up losing what they’ve gained, waiting at the next junction. It’s that time of year again,
especially after Lockdown2, when people urgently need to get somewhere. In a
crash, 1mph can mean the difference between life and death. With someone injured
on a UK road every four minutes the main message, not only at this time of year, is
that there's No Need to Speed. Slower traffic is safer, makes places more welcoming
and can encourage people to walk or cycle more often.

New Foot- and Cycleways The Department for Transport (DfT) has announced
funding allocations for the second round of their active travel fund – with £799,900 on
its way to Lincolnshire. The funding is to be used to give people more opportunities to
choose walking and cycling for their day-to-day journeys, to boost active travel and
reduce traffic congestion.
This can apparently be used to stop rat-runs as well as improving pedestrian
environments, walking and cycling routes. Cllr Richard Davies, executive councillor
for highways at Lincolnshire County Council, said that we are looking at an extra
£900K to make walking and cycling easier in Lincolnshire.
We’re hoping, of course, that this will encourage greater use of public transport and
non-polluting modes of travel, such as walking and cycling where convenient,
possible and, above all else, safe. You can submit your ideas for pavement
widening, new cycleways or road closures online at
The second round of funding comes as data from fitness app Strava has revealed
over 16,000 more cyclists took to Lincolnshire's roads in 2020, compared with 2019.
The data also showed that more people are choosing to commute on their bikes in
Lincolnshire, with around 2,000 more regular commutes logged through the app each
month compared to last year.
Lincolnshire County Council will be publishing information about the schemes that
form part of this second round of funding soon, including details how communities
can get involved in shaping those plans.
BP Service Station Well, despite all the efforts, this has been approved. I would like
to see us now putting in a request to consider making the roundabout that marks part
of the border between Langtoft and The Deepings into a Dutch roundabout. This is
successful in assisting pedestrians and cyclists over busy junctions in Holland and
there is even one in Cambridge.
March / April 2021 - Langtoft Parish Council
Langtoft Parish Council Meetings
Continued: Wednesday 25th November 2020
A15/East/West End Intersection. We have discussed this, and it is my intention
after the last Langtoft PC meeting to renew our efforts to alleviate the issues at this
junction. It is going to be a long haul. The first and easiest thing is to apply for a TRO,
which Cllr Richard Davies has told me he would support, to restrict large vehicles
passing through the village from King Street and also restrict the parking in front of the
This is now even more important with the potential new extraction site at the junction
of King Street and Greatford Road. We’ve said in the past that this needs to be
policed. So, there is now a new app: which
will register the situation and instigate action. It’s yet to receive any praise or criticism,
but it’s worth a try.
Counter Fraud and Investigations turns 10! Lincolnshire County Council's Counter
Fraud and Investigations Team (CFIT) has achieved a lot in 10 years – saving £7.7m
of taxpayers' money being lost due to fraud. Fraudsters excite your interest in an email
that make you want to reply immediate: ‘free tickets to Strictly Come Dancing’ was a
recent one. Remember if the offer is too good to be true, it probably is. Report
suspicious email to the Service Desk on 01522 555555.
Food Support for Children and Others. LCC will not leave vulnerable children or
anyone else to go hungry over holiday periods. The government has made
substantial additional financial support to low income families in these difficult times.
Lincolnshire County Council also received £835k from the government for additional
support for vulnerable people, which have already allocated as follows:

• almost £400,000 to the Lincolnshire Food Partnership to ensure new and emerging
  local food banks will have grants and support in place to help them to thrive. To
  find details of your local food bank go to
• a further £215,000 to the Community Lincs Programme run by the YMCA which
  support Good Neighbour schemes and food kitchens for communities in
  Lincolnshire. You can find schemes here:
• during the Covid 19 pandemic provided the Lincolnshire Resilience Forum (LRF)
  with £217,000 to bulk purchase food stock to support our most venerable
• The team at LCC will respond to requests for support positively especially if there
  are children in need. If people need help then they can contact LCC on or 01522 782030 and they will direct you
  to further support.

I end my report by wishing everyone a merry and safe Christmas and hope to see
every healthy in the New Year.

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March / April 2021 - Langtoft Parish Council
March / April 2021 - Langtoft Parish Council
For further information email:
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March / April 2021 - Langtoft Parish Council
Langtoft Parish Council Meetings
Continued: Wednesday 25th November 2020
Cllr. Rosemary Trollope-Bellew Report
The SK community fund is again open for applications to provide financial assistance
for:- Small grants – groups can apply for between £500-£2000; Community Events-
groups can apply for between £500-£5000; Community Projects- groups can apply for
between £500-£5000
Projects that tackle loneliness, social/rural isolation, mental heath & wellbeing; outdoor
facilities, work to community buildings & social enterprises that support communities in
the district.
Application-small grants scheme can request up to 100% of projected costs.
Groups wishing to apply for assistance with a community event or project with a value
in excess of £2000 can request up to a maximum of 80% of total, the other 20% must
be contributed from elsewhere of which 10% can be from in-kind volunteering or
Closing date 4th December and 26th February 2021.
For more information email –
I still have some money from my SK Ward councillors grant.
At the INVESTSK we had a business meeting and had 120 businesses register to hear
about the government grants available.
Deerpark Drive – problem parking the issue has continued and is being progressed
You can report any flytipping to sk and include a photo.
BP/Marks & Spencer-SKDC refused planning permission at Langtoft/Market Deeping
roundabout A15/A1175 has been overturned at appeal. It was felt that there was not
sufficient evidence to show that the location and access would not be safe.
SKDC are both looking at budgets for next financial year. Balancing the books is
going to be difficult and some hard decisions will have to be made but will protect
essential services.
Cllr. Kelham Cooke Report.
BP filling station obviously lost appeal SKDC had a good legal team who put forward
valied reasons, but these proved not to be strong enough. Luckily fees are not
payable by SKDC.

Next InvestSK business meeting December 8th Covid Tier system. Fighting for SKDC
not be included with North Lincolnshire in tier system as Boston and East Lindsey
cases are high. Result to be announced by government tomorrow (26 Nov 2020)
Langtoft Parish Council Meetings

Continued: Wednesday 25th November 2020
There will be a vaccination site within district location TBC hoped to be up and
running in December.
Business Grant scheme had given £500k to business’ still taking enquiries and
Full Council meeting tomorrow with all 56 Councillors
SKDC taking back control of leisure facilities by forming LeisureSK
Police Report Nov 2020 PCSO Rowena Everitt-07976947146
Every three months, we listen to your concerns and look at recent crime statistics to
shape the things we will concentrate on for the next three months. Based on this, our
priorities for the next quarter are:
1. Groups of youths causing a nuisance If you think there is an issue we should be
   focusing on, please get in touch at one of our public engagement events or
   contact us by email or social media.
2. Hare Coursing There has been a recent rise in reports of hare coursing in the
   area. Lincolnshire police continue to work with local farmers to try to combat this
   via the Op Galileo team and local officers.
3. Series of Thefts from vehicles. There was a series of break ins to Vehicles in the
   Langtoft area overnight on 11th October 2020. The investigations are still
   ongoing with some potential leads being followed up.
Vehicle ASB Northfields industrial estate
Our previous priority was to target the individuals who used the area of Northfields
Industrial Estate in Market Deeping as a racetrack and for unauthorised car meets. A
night of action was carried out on 19th September, which included members of the
Safer Roads Team, Special Constables ad the Local Neighbourhood Policing team.
This night was not as successful as hoped, as the usual offenders did not arrive.
However, there were several vehicles in the area that were seized for having no
Whilst on a routine patrol on 3rd October 2020 officers found a number of vehicles on
the industrial estate and the drivers admitted that they had the intention of causing
ASB with heir vehicles. Although no offences had been committed the vehicles were
moved on and a number of the drivers had vehicle defect notices issued to them.
Each of those in attendance received Anti-social behaviour warning notices and there
has been no reported incidents since this date.
                                        Page 11
Langtoft Parish Council Meetings
Continued: Wednesday 25th November 2020
Financial matters
a) Finance and General Purposes group – Report by Cllr. Andy Hallam. The
meeting was held on 2nd November by zoom call, there were 4 people in
attendance, 3 Councillors and the clerk. The news is all positive, the bank
statements and accounts are all in order and the internal audit has been
successfully completed.

As the auditor had not submitted an invoice due to being in hospital it was
unanimously agreed to pay the usual £50 fee and to send her some flowers.
Action : Clerk to action. RESOLVED

 Not surprisingly the PC has not spent as much as was originally budgeted, due to
the C-19 Lockdown, however the unspent amounts should be ring fenced as post
lockdown they may well be needed for projects such as Penfield, EEP pond and
new play equipment. The PC has received the £10,000 grant rebate from SKDC
and this is being held for the moment, until a suitable project is found (potentially a
disabled viewing gallery at Penfield) Budget estimate requests were sent to all
working groups for their 21/22 forecasted cash requirements.
b) Financial Report for the period 01 April 2020 to 31 October 2020 was presented
by the Clerk.
Quotes are being sort for the reinstallation of 2 dog waste bins one at BBG and
one on Hyde Gardens. The prices obtained so far by the clerk were not suitable
services. In the meantime, Cllr. Halfhide had contacted SKDC which had agreed
to install another black litter bin, enabling dog waste to be disposed of free of
charge. Action: Clllr. Halfhide to pursue. This item to be added to the next
The additional signature mandate to add Cllr Steve Valentine as a signatory to
Unity Bank had been resent due to the bank losing the first mandate. It was hoped
that Cllr. Valentine would soon receive the login details.
c) Budget and precept calculation for 2021/22. Councillors were asked to look at
the spreadsheet circulated by the clerk and an Extra Ordinary meeting would be
called by the Chair to resolve this item on 15th December 2020 via a zoom link at

d) To Approve Payments as follows:
BDG August mowing £200 – already paid
Langtoft Parish Council Meetings
Continued: Wednesday 25th November 2020
20/21-252   LALC annual review £17.50 – already paid
20/21-253   HMRC Qtr. 2 Tax and NIC £575.40 – already paid
20/21-254   Anglian Water cemetery to 4/10/20 £43.63 – already paid
20/21-255   Savills – allotment to 10/10/20 £85.00 – already paid
20/21-256   N. Bright October salary – already paid
20/21-257   S. Gresty October salary – already paid
            acceptance of payments Proposed Cllr. Andy Halfhide, Seconded
            Cllr Andy Hallam and unanimously in favour RESOLVED
            To note Income received:
20/21-258   Bank interest to 30/6/20 £25.53
20/21-259   J Reedman interment for VC £90
20/21-260   SKDC precept £12.250
20/21-261   Scholes interment - Parr £180
20/21-262   SKDC com clean 20/21 £453.44              All payments noted
21/20-263   Governance – Consideration for adoption of the following
            a) Complaints Procedure
            b) Policy Grievance
            c) Policy Disciplinary
            d) Policy Equality and Diversification
            Action: Cllrs. Andy Halfhide and Hallam to review these policies
            and tailor to LPC for presentation at the February LPC meeting.
20/21-264   Cemetery group
            Naylor plot – free of charge plot in the memorial garden. The clerk
             proposed that a deed of grant be issued free of charge for plot
             number 48 in the memorial garden.
             Allow issue of deed of grant free of charge: Proposed Brian Branch,
             Seconded Angela Brogan and unanimously RESOLVED
21/20-265   Consideration of Co-option of Liz Jarman to the Parish Council
            A private interview took place between the LPC and Liz Jarman.
            Liz then left the meeting for LPC to consider her co-option.
            A closed vote took place and Liz Jarman was co-opted to LPC.
20/21-266   Planning: Appeal Ref APP/E2530/W/20/3249826 Land adjacent to
            the A15/A1175 Roundabout, Peterborough Road, Market Deeping BP
            filling station application. As mentioned in the Councillors, planning
            permission was granted on appeal. Now the plan is to meet with
            Market Deeping TC to prepare to take up BP’s offer to meet prior to
            construction. This is an opportunity to improve safety for residents,
            improve and lengthen the footpath, and possibly receive some s106
            money towards traffic lights at crossroads with the support of District

                                   Page 13
Langtoft Parish Council Meetings
Continued: Wednesday 25th November 2020
S20/1893    Planning application. This has been received after the agenda
            was issued. Parish Councillors had viewed the application and did
            not want to make any comments regarding this application.
            Action: Clerk to notify Case Officer.
20/21-267   Amenities Group – Cllr Andy Hallam reported on the amenities
            meeting held on 3rd November by zoom call. 5 councilors, including
            the chair, were present. There were 7 items on the agenda, ranging
            from the recent inspection report at BBG park to new play equipment
            items for EEP, EEP pond, the Christmas tree at the crossroads and
            budgets for the coming 21/22 year. 13 action points were allocated
            within the group at the meeting, including: replacement benches in
            EEP, assisting the events group with their Christmas reindeers,
            actions for the clerk and action for the village gardener to paint some
            of the metal work on the play equipment).
            The next meeting will be in the new year prior to the January council
            James Knott has been approached to quote for the removal of the
            trees on EEP pond
            Pete Coles had been approached regarding the management of EEP
            pond within the Penfield group and would be happy to take this on.
            He suggested contacting English Nature or a knowledgeable body to
            source further guidance. Cllr. Brian Branch had some useful plans
            of the pond.
            Action: Cllr. A Hallam to contact Amanda Jenkins and Clerk to
            contact Patricia Craggs conservation officer at SKDC.

            Gate repairs at BBG approx. £30
            Table tennis table for EEP costs £1332.50+VAT
            Action: Cllr Andy Halfhide to contact Andy Richman to chase
            alternative price.
            £293 plus vat for wood to repair benches on EEP. Action: Cllr. Brian
            Branch to order.

20/21-268   Events Group – Cllr. Yvonne McCulloch reported :
            Christmas Card – all in hand, the clerk has the labels ready (107)
            for when the cards come back from the
Langtoft Parish Council Meetings

Continued: Wednesday 25th November 2020
             Christmas @ Crossroads – The tags/baubles are ready and will
             placed at the crossroads on 5th, 12th and 19th Dec for everyone to
             hang on the tree.
             Reindeer – all in hand, it is hoped these will be ready by the end of
             the week. They then need to painted before they are placed around
             the village. Everyone will be encouraged to look for the Reindeer
             and post a picture on FB with them. Approx. cost of paint approx
             £90; Rudolph opposite the shop; West End near the seat opposite
             Manor Way; Ash Close/Back Lane - Byway sign
             Black Bull Green near planter on the corner Westfield Way or in the
             park; Manor Close; Church; East End Park; East End grass verge
             Deerpark Rd We will advertise these events on FB and posters
            around the village. Action: Cllr. Andy Hallam to source stakes for
20/21-269    Website formal Adoption of Accessibility Statement for compliance
             and update of new site. Proposed Cllr. Andy Halfhide, Seconded
             John Swift unanimously RESOLVED.
22:00        Suspend standings for 10 minutes to finish the meeting
             Proposed Cllr A Halfhide Seconded Cllr. S Valentine.
20/21-270    Communications:- eComms Cllr Steve Valentine had circulated
             recommendations. Everyone was in agreement that
             communications could be improved.
            Action: Cllr. Steve Valentine to do a presentation giving more
            information at the Extra Ordinary PC meeting on 15 December.
20/21-271   Grapevine – Action: Clerk to contact Jeannette Pearson for an
            update on the December edition.
20/21-272   Village Hall
             Management committee. Cllr. Andy Halfhide had researched
             further and recommended that LPC sign The Charity Commission
             documentation. Action: Clerk to inform Jeannette Pearson that
             LPC would like an invite to future meetings to have a closer working
20/21-273   Correspondence were noted from agenda.
20/21-274   To receive Items for Future Meetings
            LPC meeting on 5th January will be cancelled and replaced with an
             extra ordinary pc meeting on 15 December.
             Langtoft Annual Awards Ceremony
20/21-275    Date of future meetings: 2021: 16 Feb, 30 Mar, 11 May-Annual
             Parish Meeting, 18 May-Annual Parish Council meeting, 29 Jun, 24
             Aug, 12 Oct 23 Nov Venues TBC

            Meeting closed at 22:08

                                   Page 15
Langtoft Parish Council Meetings
Minutes of Langtoft Extra Ordinary Parish
Council Meeting via Zoom link on Tuesday
15th December 2020 at 19:00

Present: Cllrs. Andy Halfhide (Chair), Andy Hallam (Vice
Chair), Debbie Hallam, Angela Brogan, Yvonne McCulloch,
Steve Valentine, John Swift, Liz Jarman and Sarah Gresty-
Parish Clerk with no members of the public.


20/21-276      Chairman’s welcome and remarks. Cllr Halfhide opened the
               meeting and paid special thanks to the Events Working group who
               had arranged the reindeer figures around the village. This had
               received many positive comments and had been a huge success.
20/21-277      Apologies: received from Brian Branch.

20/21-278      Disclosure of Pecuniary Interests: There were none.

20/21-279      To resolve the Budget and precept for 2021/22. 'To resolve to
               accept the precept workings for the coming financial year as
               agreed at this meeting. The precept was calculated at £28053
               however, it was Proposed by Cllr. Andy Hallam and seconded by
               Cllr. Andy Halfhide and unanimously RESOLVED to meet the
               £3553 increase (from the 2020/21 precept) from Parish Council
               reserves. The 2021/22 precept request will be £24,500
               unchanged from 2020/21.
20/21-280      Presentation by Cllr. Steve Valentine on communications: -

               A full discussion took place.

               Action: Cllr Steve Valentine to approach LIL administrator and
               Jeannette Pearson for advice on setting up a no comments Parish
               Council Facebook page and report back to the next meeting for a
               Meeting closed at 20:37
Langtoft Players

Well what can I say, life has been at a standstill for everyone this
year Last January Players were ready to start rehearsals for our
Spring play a farcical comedy called “ Love on the Beach” ( oh to
be on one now ). I was happy to be prompt for the play, but unfortunately one of the
cast had to drop out, so I was approached to take on the part , of a batty old lady.
When I looked at the part it was bigger than I thought ( my brain doesn't retain
words like it used to ). I swallowed hard and said yes.

As I had booked a cruise for mid February I felt I hadn’t got long to learn my lines .
There was only one thing to do, I had to take my script with me. I sailed off into the
sunset with script in my hand.

My poor friend that I went on holiday with, had to play all the various parts, to test
me on my words. Laying on deck soaking up the sun, passers by kept looking at this
poor woman muttering to herself, as I went through my words.

When I returned in March I felt pleased with myself, as I was nearly word perfect,
and felt I would quickly slot in with the rest of the cast. A week later came the news
that we were going into lockdown. What a blow to everyone who had worked so
hard over the months. Not to be defeated we are holding monthly meetings on
Zoom to keep us word perfect. Zoom was a new experience for most of us. The
younger members of the cast were spot on, the older members were a bit hit and
miss with this new world of Zoom. I am pleased to say we are experts now. Meeting
monthly gives us a chance to keep in touch with each other. My words are fading
into the distance, hopefully everything will fall into place once we can get back onto
the stage.

When will we be able to perform “ Love on the Beach” is any ones guess, but we will
be back in the not to distant future. Watch this space.

The village hall has had a makeover whilst we have been in lockdown , so will be
exciting to see the new transformation. After the makeover, I went in to sort out
Players paint cupboard , getting rid of old paint tins and brushes . Our refreshment
cupboard was cleared of things we don’t need any more. So a job well done. All
Players lights have been Pat tested this months, so we are ready to go when we
can perform again. We hope to see an audience in the not to distant future, when
life gets back to normal, and we can perform our 3 productions a year once again.

A big thank you to all our supporters, we hope to entertain you soon.

Take care from Langtoft Players.

Carole Walker
                                        Page 17
County Councillor
Barry Dobson
May is the anniversary of my 4 years
representing Langtoft at Lincolnshire
County Council. It’s been an absolute
pleasure working with Langtoft Parish
Council and with their support in making
this already great village even better. I’ve
been privileged to meet many residents
and resolved as many issues as
possible, the last major one being the collapse of the part of the road at the
crossroads. On a cold and wet night, I met with the Chairman and Vice
Chairman of the Parish Council and together we managed to mobilise a
crew that made the road safe until it was repaired.
There are still ongoing issues; the A15 intersection being one of them.
Together, we have been able to manage gritting up to the school and we’re
now continuing our campaign for this to be extended up to and including
parts of King Street.
One of my major tasks for this year is to get a Traffic Restriction Order to
prevent heavy goods vehicles passing through from King Street to West
End and to stop HGVs using New Road where they present a danger to
pedestrians and damage the road that was not made for this weight and
size of vehicle.
As Executive Support Councillor for Economy & Place I’ve supported our
businesses, including our Eventus Centre. Among other roles, I was given
the opportunity to become a member of the LEP Energy Council, exploring
energy from renewable resources in order to reduce carbon emissions,
making our air as clean as possible. I have also campaigned on the
maintenance of the built environment being as green as possible.
It’s been my honour and privilege to support you throughout my time as
your county councillor and I hope to be able to support you for another 4
Best wishes to all for a healthy and safely unlocked summer with our lives
returning to normal as we continue to roll out the fantastic vaccination
scheme; a remarkable achievement of our great NHS.

St Michael & All Angels, Church
Letter from the Vicarage
As I write this we have been marking the National Day
of Reflection, a day that marked a year since we went
into lockdown for the first time. A day when we
remembered all those who had lost their lives because
of the Corona virus.
A year… Look how far we have come, look at how we
have coped.
How many of us can zoom with family and friends, or perhaps work from
home using one of the many platforms that allow team working.
Look at how far we have come, we have met neighbours or got to know
them better, we have done shopping for strangers, we can tell when
someone is smiling even though we can only see their eyes.
Look how far we have come , we have learnt new skills…oh, you don’t
think you have… well you have learnt to stay at home, to celebrate
differently, to social distance, to manage an ever changing future, you
have new skills.
This year has been challenging and heart breaking, we have missed
family and friends, we have said goodbye to many, many people and
those left behind have been unable to grieve with their friends and family
But if you are reading this, then you are still here and there is hope
We will soon celebrate Palm Sunday, Holy week and Easter and if there
is something to hang on to it is that no matter how dark the days ahead,
there is always an Easter morning, a day of hope, resurrection. And joy
There may be times when things feel overwhelming, when the restrictions
and isolation are just so hard to cope with, the uncertainty of what is to
come, unmanageable, but in the midst of it all is the hope and love that
Easter reminds us of. We are not alone, we are loved and God is not
looking down from his heavenly throne, he is amongst us, in the kind
touch of a friend or perhaps a nurse, he is in the beautiful blue skies but
also in the dark nights, and ever present source of strength and comfort.
Look how far we have come, and look at how much we have to hope for.
Happy Easter - Carolyn
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Langtoft Pearls Bowls Club

Well what can be said about our
bowling season 2020, like all other
clubs, entertainment, pubs and
businesses we were hard hit by the Covid restrictions which have had
a big impact on our club both socially and financially.

It was the first time ever that the Stamford and Peterborough leagues
plus county competitions were cancelled, this is where our main
revenue comes from by members paying match fees for all league
games played. However thanks to our Chairman and Green keeper
when restrictions were eased during the summer a new competitive
game was introduced for members which was Covid friendly. This
enabled members to play safely following the guide lines and
subsequently led to them taking part in the club's singles and pairs

Coffee mornings returned in July being held outside which helped
enormously with the social interaction of members. We were so
thankful that we were able to bowl albeit limited and make use of the
green which still had to be maintained throughout the summer.
Thanks to our green keeper Nick Carr who spent many hours
together with his team battling against extreme temperature, spells of
no rain, followed by excessive rain throughout the season was still
able to give us an excellent bowls surface.

Bowls greens are costly to maintain and the club was really relieved
that our Chairman Nolan Catterwell managed to obtain a grant from
Sports England which went some way to meeting our costs and
alleviate the loss of our income and fundraising events. As hard as it
was last summer it must be said that our members who did play
bowls and came to the coffee mornings really enjoyed themselves
and found it really beneficial to their health and well being so if things
hopefully return nearer to normal this spring anyone who has thought
about bowling or just belonging to the club socially we would love to
hear from you, information on taster sessions will be announced prior
to the green hopefully reopening at the end of April.
Langtoft Pearls Bowls Club

Throughout the winter the club has had jigsaws and books available
in the clubhouse for members to borrow which hopefully has helped
alleviate some of the problems of lockdown.

It is being planned for the Stamford and Peterborough leagues to go
ahead this summer subject to government restrictions being lifted and
hopefully we will be opening up coffee mornings each Wednesday
again when allowed with Covid safety measures in place.

Information regarding the club can be found on our website

Best Wishes, Anne White

      The Hyde & Mossop Charity would like
        to thank the Langtoft Shop for their
     donation of £ 27.11 from the donation box
              they keep on the counter

             Many thanks for your support!

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Peter of Hyde Gardens has been raising the Union Flag on special occasions like
the Queens birthday, the St. George, The Red Ensign (known as the "red
duster!") for Merchant Navy day in September and, during the past year of the
pandemic, a flag expressing our heartfelt thanks to all those who have worked
tirelessly in the NHS.

We all know Peter from his delightful Christmas displays, which every year
without fail, enthralls all from little children to adults and raises money for
charities. Long may he continue with this.

Now, after many, many years of changing the flag at the appropriate times,
knowing which one to fly and when, Peter is stepping down from this service to
Langtoft and handing in the flag winder! Diane and Steve Valentine will pick up
the mantle and they certainly have a hard act to follow!

The committee of the Langtoft Village Hall and all residents would like to say a
huge thank you Peter for all the years you have performed this duty, rain or
shine, it is very much appreciated.

Many thanks Peter for your wonderful contribution!
Tackling problem potholes
The recent cold and wet weather has caused more potholes to appear on
  our roads. However, we're working hard to fix potholes and keep our
  roads safe and in January alone our teams repaired 2,480 potholes
 across Lincolnshire. Extra gangs patrol our A and B roads so they can
quickly repair problems they see. In areas where there are more serious
road defects, we'll bring forward patching and resurfacing schemes once
                           the weather improves.

  This winter, we've been out gritting nearly 90 times, and spread over
25,000 tonnes of salt on the roads. At the end of the winter in 2018, when
  we had similar weather, we had nearly 20,000 outstanding reports of
 potholes. Currently, we have less than 3,000 outstanding reports, and
            repairs are already scheduled for 70% of those.

             Please continue to report potholes to us

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