Pandemic Sub-Plan - A sub-plan of the Manningham Municipal Emergency Management Plan Version 2.1 TRIM D14/34199 - Manningham Council
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Pandemic Sub-Plan A sub-plan of the Manningham Municipal Emergency Management Plan Version 2.1 TRIM D14/34199 As endorsed by the MEMPC 5 February 2016 Acknowledged by Council 15 March 2016 Last Audited on 25 May 2016 (VICSES) 1 Pandemic Sub-Plan
TABLE OF CONTENTS Endorsement 3 1. Introduction Error! Bookmark not defined. 2. Purpose Error! Bookmark not defined. 3. Relief Principles Error! Bookmark not defined. 4. Relief Coordination Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.1. Municipal Responsibilities Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.2. Activation of relief services Error! Bookmark not defined. 4.3. ERC Teams – Council Staff and Regional Arrangements Error! Bookmark not defined. 5. Support for individuals and Communities Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.1. Emergency Relief Centre (ERC) Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.1.1. Emergency Accommodation (Shelter) Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.1.2. Food and Water Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.1.3. Material Aid (Non-Food Items) Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.1.4. Spontaneous Volunteers Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.2. Essential Services Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.2.1. Drinking Water for Households/Marinating Food Supplies Error! Bookmark not defined. 5.2.2. Replacement of Water used in Response Error! Bookmark not defined. 6. Communicating in Relief Error! Bookmark not defined. 7. Impact Assessment Error! Bookmark not defined. 8. Evaluation, Exercising and Maintenance Error! Bookmark not defined. 9. Appendix 1 – MRM Standard Operating Procedure Error! Bookmark not defined. 10. Appendix 2 – List of Acronyms and Abbreviations Error! Bookmark not defined. 11. Appendix 3 - Sub-Plan Amendment Record Error! Bookmark not defined. 2 Pandemic Sub-Plan
Endorsement This plan was formally adopted and endorsed by: 3 Pandemic Sub-Plan
1. Introduction The Pandemic Plan has been produced as a sub-plan of the Municipal Emergency Management Plan. It is essential that a pandemic emergency has its own tailored response and recovery procedures, given the unique set of issues that set it apart from any other emergency. The internationally accepted definition of a pandemic is: 'an epidemic occurring worldwide, or over a very wide area, crossing international boundaries and usually affecting a large number of people’ (Last, 2001). A pandemic is unpredictable and must be effectively planned for at all levels of government, business and community to ensure that adequate response and recovery is implemented should a pandemic enter Australia. This plan intends to cover all types of potential pandemic events and also has relevance and application to other public health emergencies, such as biological terrorism, chemical spills and nuclear contamination, or hazards secondary to emergencies and disasters, such as cholera outbreaks following floods. If a pandemic event occurs, response and recovery will be led by either Federal or State Government. Local government will be a key support agency under the direction of the Federal or State departments. 2. Aims To clarify Council’s role in a pandemic emergency. To provide an effective recovery plan in the event of public quarantine activation. To ensure that Council provides appropriate support to manage a pandemic event, as directed, by government. 3. Objectives Prevent and reduce the spread of a pandemic event through Council owned facilities and events. Complement the municipal Business Continuity Plan. Assist in the provision of mass vaccination services to the community, where a pandemic vaccine is available. Assist the Department of Health to effectively disseminate health messages to the community, including Manningham staff. 4. Pandemic phases Inter-pandemic (period between pandemics): Between pandemics the Alert phase may be triggered e.g. influenza, caused by a new subtype that has been identified in humans. Increased vigilance and careful risk assessment, at local, national and global levels, are characteristic of this phase. If the risk assessments indicate that the new virus is not developing into a pandemic strain, a de-escalation of activities towards those in the inter-pandemic phase may occur. 4 Pandemic Sub-Plan
Pandemic: This is the period of global spread of a human virus e.g. human influenza, caused by a new subtype. The movement between the inter-pandemic, alert and pandemic phases may occur quickly or gradually, as indicated by the global risk assessment, principally based on virological, epidemiological and clinical data. Transition: As the assessed global risk reduces, de-escalation of global actions may occur, and reduction in response activities or movement towards recovery actions by countries may be appropriate, according to their own risk assessments. Australian Description phase ALERT A novel virus with pandemic potential causes severe disease in humans who have had contact with infected animals. There is no effective transmission between humans. The novel virus has not arrived in Australia. DELAY Effective transmission of novel virus detected overseas in: - Small cluster of cases in one country overseas; or - Large cluster(s) of cases in only one or two countries overseas; or - Large cluster(s) of cases in more than two countries overseas. A novel virus not detected in Australia. CONTAIN Pandemic virus has arrived in PROTECT A pandemic virus which is mild Australia causing a small number in most but severe in some and of cases and/or a small number moderate overall is established of clusters. in Australia SUSTAIN Pandemic virus is established in Australia and spreading in the community. CONTROL Customised pandemic vaccine widely available and is beginning to bring the pandemic under control. RECOVER Pandemic controlled in Australia but further waves may occur if the virus drifts and/or is re-imported into Australia. 5 Pandemic Sub-Plan
5. History Australia has a history of pandemic events, and epidemic events that have had the potential of becoming pandemics. In the past two centuries pandemics; and potential pandemic events, have included the spread of a variety of influenza viruses, plague, smallpox, polio, scarlet fever, measles, Encephalitis Lethargica and HIV/AIDS. The table below provides a general overview of these events: PERIOD DISEASE CATEGORY CONTROLS IMPLEMENTED # OF DEATHS Approx 12,000 Scarlet Early Childhood - School attendance restrictions (Australia) 1830 – 1880 - Cleansing, fumigation of public (3,225 in Vic) Fever epidemic places and affected homes 87% under 10 years old 1836 – 1838 Influenza Pandemic - Public health messaging Not indicated 1857 – 1860 Influenza Pandemic - Public health messaging Not indicated - Formal isolation and quarantine Local epidemic with implemented 607 cases - Vector (rat) control programs 1894 - 1930 Plague pandemic potential resulting in 159 - Area quarantine, fumigation, (Worldwide pandemic) deaths cleansing, demolition and special burials. Local epidemic with - Federal quarantine imposed 2,900 cases - Mass vaccination via priority 1897 – 1940 Smallpox pandemic potential resulting in 44 listing (61,000 vaccines) (Worldwide pandemic) deaths - Cleansing and fumigation - Isolation and quarantine 130,000 cases procedures 1889 – 1891 Influenza Pandemic resulting in 2,500 - Public education deaths - Home quarantines Epidemic with - Vaccination 2,000 deaths 1903 – 56 Polio pandemic potential - Public education recorded - Border isolation - Public wearing of masks 1918 – 1919 Influenza Pandemic 14,000 deaths - Closure of public places and events Encephalitis Epidemic with 1918 – 1928 - Home isolations 600 deaths Lethargica pandemic potential - Wearing of masks 1957 - 58 Influenza Pandemic 800 deaths - Public education - Wearing of masks 1968 – 1969 Influenza Pandemic 1,000 deaths - Public education 23,033 cases 1982 – - Public education resulting in 5,116 HIV/AIDS Pandemic current - OH&S procedures (in Australia as at 2006) Source: ABS 2006; EMA and Curson, P - University of Sydney 5.1. Influenza pandemic Seasonal influenza viruses circulate and cause illness in humans every year. These viruses tend to cause deaths mainly in elderly people, immune-compromised people, pregnant women, babies and people with chronic underlying medical conditions. However, the pandemic influenza, a new subtype, is much more deadly due to the population not being previously exposed and therefore being much more susceptible. A pandemic influenza virus will have the ability to move effectively and rapidly from human to human, making containment very difficult. 6 Pandemic Sub-Plan
History demonstrates that influenza pandemics are moderately rare, but when they occur will generally be very deadly. The following table provides a summary of known influenza pandemic events worldwide: Pandemic year Area of Influenza A virus Estimated Estimated Age groups of emergence origin subtype (type of case fatality attributable most affected and common animal genetic excess mortality name introduction/recomb worldwide ination event) 1918 Unclear H1N1 (unknown) 2–3% 20–50 million Young adults “Spanish flu” 1957–1958 Southern H2N2 (avian)
7. Disease Description- Current Threats Although Australia has a history of a broad range of pandemic disease types, the two current main concerns are influenza and Ebola. 7.1. Influenza The Victorian Health Management Plan for Pandemic Influenza (2014) defines that an influenza pandemic occurs when a new influenza virus emerges and spreads around the world, and most people do not have immunity. The Plan further defines influenza as a viral illness that attacks the respiratory tract (nose, throat and lungs) in humans. The virus is transmitted in most cases by droplets, but it can also be transmitted in certain situations by direct contact or aerosols. Although mild cases may be similar to an upper respiratory tract infection, influenza is typically much more severe, usually comes on suddenly, and may include fever, headache, tiredness, cough, sore throat, nasal congestion and body aches. It can result in complications such as pneumonia. Seasonal influenza occurs annually and primarily causes complications and/or death in people aged over 65 years and those with chronic medical conditions. The vast majority of people exposed will recover and develop immunity to that strain of virus. The Department of Health and Human Services (Victoria) states that since 2003, documents produced by the WHO have stated that an influenza pandemic occurs ‘when a new influenza virus appears against which the human population has no immunity, resulting in several, simultaneous epidemics worldwide with enormous numbers of deaths and illness’ However, following the emergence of influenza A(H1N1)pdm09, initially referred to as ‘swine flu’, this description became controversial and was amended as evidence indicated that the majority of cases had a generally mild clinical course and the presence of protective immunity in older people, and questions were raised as to whether influenza A(H1N1) constituted a pandemic at all. 7.2. Ebola In March 2014, an Ebola Virus Disease outbreak was declared by the WHO. The outbreak began in West Africa with nearly all cases caused by human-to-human contact. Ebola is transmitted through direct contact with the blood or body fluids of an infected person or animal (including unprotected sex up to 3 months post infection). Ebola is not transmitted through the air. Contact and droplet precautions are sufficient to prevent transmission. In case of a suspected or confirmed case of Ebola in Victoria the Department of Health has produced the Victorian Ebola Virus Disease Response Plan (September 2014). As per previous emergency management arrangements, the role of local government in an Ebola pandemic involves assistance by local Environmental Health Officers (EHOs) and other Council staff if health sector resources become strained due to an increase in confirmed cases. EHOs may also provide advice and verification that a home where a person may have been ill has undergone appropriate cleaning in accordance with infection control procedures. 8 Pandemic Sub-Plan
8. Policy Context 8.1. Global plans and framework Pandemic Influenza Risk Management - WHO Interim Guidance (2013) The International Health Regulations (2005) - signed by Australia and aims "to prevent, protect against, control and provide a public health response to the international spread of disease in ways that are commensurate with and restricted to public health risks, and which avoid unnecessary interference with international traffic and trade”. The Pandemic Influenza Preparedness Framework (PIP) - provides for the sharing of influenza viruses and access to vaccines and other benefits to implement a global approach to pandemic influenza preparedness and response. 8.2. Commonwealth plans National Action Plan for Human Influenza Pandemic 2011, encompassing the National Influenza Pandemic Public Communications Guidelines - outlines the roles and responsibilities of the Commonwealth, States and Territories and local governments and the coordination arrangements for the management of a human influenza pandemic and its consequences in Australia. Australian Health Management Plan for Pandemic Influenza (AHMPPI) 2009 -provides the overarching framework for all pandemic preparedness and response activities within the health sector and outlines the Australian phases. Critical Infrastructure Resilience Strategy - planning to maintain continuity of the food supply during significant national emergencies. Health Aspects of Chemical, Biological and Radiological (CBR) Hazards (2000) - This manual has been issued in response to a recognised need to have medical information widely available to the health and medical community for the treatment of persons affected by CBR hazards. 8.3. Victorian plans - Department of Health and Human Services Victorian Ebola Virus Disease Response Plan (2014) Victorian Health Management Plan for Pandemic Influenza (2014) Victorian Action Plan for Human Influenza Pandemic (June 2012) Victorian Public Health & Wellbeing Plan 2011 – 2015. State Health Emergency Response Plan (third edition, 2013) Victorian Health Priorities Framework 2012-2022: Metropolitan Health Plan Community Support and Recovery Sub Plan - Victorian Department of Human Services March 2008 Victorian Government ICT Strategy 2014 - 2015 8.4. Regional plans Eastern Region Local Government Regional Pandemic Plan 9 Pandemic Sub-Plan
8.5. Municipal plans Municipal Emergency Management Plan Manningham Healthy City Strategy & Action Plan 2017-2021 9. Pandemic Emergency Measures Health and its support systems are vulnerable to loss and disruption from a variety of acute hazards, including: 1. Health events, such as pandemic influenza, chemical spills and nuclear contamination 2. Hazards secondary to emergencies and disasters, such as cholera outbreaks following floods 3. System destabilises, such as earthquakes or acute energy shortages. The management of the risks associated with such hazards is central to the protection and promotion of public health. The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) State Health Emergency Response Plan (SHERP) outlines the policies, procedures and emergency management arrangements for public health emergencies, including infectious disease incidents. Under the SHERP, the responsibility for controlling infectious disease emergencies lies with the Communicable Diseases Prevention and Control Unit (CDPCU) of DHHS and, in particular, with the Chief Health Officer (CHO) as the Incident Controller (IC). For an influenza pandemic, the Victorian Government has a Victorian Influenza Pandemic Plan (2014), which sets out the actions undertaken at various severity levels during an influenza pandemic. The decision to respond relies on transmissibility, severity, mortality rates, demographic/community impacts and rate of change. Additional emergency management arrangements will also be put in place as per the Emergency Management Manual Victoria (EMMV), to ensure: 1. Clarity about the command and control responsibilities for the incident 2. Management and control of the incident are adequately resourced 3. Adequate communication occurs throughout the incident; specifically within DHHS and other Government agencies, external stakeholders and the community. The State Health Emergency Response Plan (SHERP) will be used to facilitate multi agency response. As outlined in EMMV, the State Emergency Response Coordinator is the Chief Commissioner of Police, whose role it is to coordinate all activities of all agencies with roles and responsibilities in an emergency. The SHERP is available via the Department of Health and Human Services website. The role of local government, as outlined in the National Action Plan, is to: Determine and maintain pandemic influenza policies and plans consistent with the role of local government and complementing relevant state, territory and national policies and plans Maintain business continuity plans to enable the delivery of local government essential services 10 Pandemic Sub-Plan
Support national, state and territory response and recovery by representing the needs of local communities and contributing to their continuing viability Support state and territory emergency management frameworks Work with business and the community In partnership with state and territory governments, inform the public of planning and preparation under way and maintain information to the public during the response to, and recovery from, an influenza pandemic Work with their respective state and territory government to develop public education material and ensure effective ‘bottom up’ information exchange is undertaken. 10. Business Continuity Plan (BCP) Council’s BCP will be kept entirely separate from this plan, but will operate in parallel during a pandemic emergency, to ensure Manningham City Council, as an organisation, can continue to operate, serve the community and implement the pandemic plan. 11. Community profile This information is contained in Part 2 - Area Description and Risk Assessment, of the Municipal Emergency Management Plan (MEMP). It is necessary to ensure that the MEMP is checked before any additional information is sought. 12. Communication Pandemic messaging will be produced by the Department of Health and Human Services in consultation with the Australian Government and communicated to Council via ‘Situation Reports’. These reports will detail the number of cases, dedicated flu clinics, school closures, border control, business information, and Australia’s current pandemic phase. Public messaging will give advice on preventing and containing the pandemic, number of deaths and areas worst affected. National announcements regarding key milestones will be made by the Prime Minister (or delegate), following consultation with states and territories (through the National Pandemic Emergency Committee) and relevant commonwealth agencies. At the municipal level, communication procedures are outlined in the Communications and Media Sub-Plan (TRIM D14/88708). Council’s Communications and Marketing Unit is responsible for both community and internal staff pandemic communications, supported by the Social & Community Services and Health & Local Laws Units. All Council service units will have a responsibility to distribute approved information as provided by Communications and Marketing, e.g. health to restaurants, engineers to contractors, social and community to community groups and CALD community leaders, etc. Council’s Communication and Marketing Unit will prepare a script based on DHHS advice, for customer service staff or other Council staff who may take calls from the general public seeking help and information during a pandemic. 11 Pandemic Sub-Plan
12.1. Key Stages of Communication STAGE COMMUNICATION 1 – Proactive communication Preparation of key messages Focus on promoting facts/ key information of Planning and proactive pandemic in Victoria, contact key agencies and communication prevention through hygiene measures Internal communication and briefings Community and staff education Information/ updates Liaison with Eastern Metropolitan Region (EMR) councils, Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV), DHHS and health agencies. 2 – Pandemic management Regular updates: information and advice to staff information and community/ with revised key messages to cater for new information Influenza case/s in Messages to focus on communicating services Manningham – response and available/ clarifying Council’s role and referral to containment appropriate agencies Communicating actions to ensure business continuity Communicating occupational health & safety measures for staff Liaison with EMR councils, MAV, DHHS and health agencies. 3 – Crisis communication Regular updates: information and advice to staff and community/ with revised key messages to Widespread cases and high cater for new information (e.g. vaccinations, use of service demands masks, staffing & service arrangements etc.) Communications of temporary closures of facilities/ sporting events/mass gathering activity Messages to focus on communicating services available/ clarifying Council’s role and referral to appropriate agencies Communicating actions to ensure business continuity Off-site communications Liaison with EMR councils, MAV, DHHS and health agencies. 12 Pandemic Sub-Plan
12.2. Communication Methods INTERNAL EXTERNAL Councillor briefing Website page EMT briefing Media release Manager/ Coordinator briefing Fact sheets and posters Staff briefing Advertising – Leader newspaper M-focus articles Local radio briefs DL brochure – attached to payslip Podcast FAQs Targeted mail drops Intranet page Multi-lingual communication All users emails Facebook Posters Twitter 13. Control strategies This plan identifies a number of strategies that may need to be undertaken in the event of a pandemic. Depending on the transmission mode of the agent, varied control measures will be implemented to prevent/limit transmission. During a pandemic, agencies within the Manningham municipality may be required to assist with control strategies appropriate to the nature of the contagion. This will be handled within existing emergency management arrangements; incorporating both response and relief arrangements as detailed in the MEMP (TRIM D13/11009). 13.1. Social distancing (Isolation) Social distancing (isolation) can minimise the risk of transmission. Advice will be forwarded to staff based on State information, including suggestions to minimise contact. 13.2. Limiting mass gatherings Mass gatherings have the capacity to spread viruses among participants. Events/ places that may be considered as mass gatherings include schools/education facilities, concerts, large sporting events, citizenship ceremonies, festivals, shopping centres, cinemas, nightclubs and places of worship. In the event of a pandemic, mass gatherings organised within or by the municipality will be reviewed in line with the DHHS advice. The DHHS will determine the approach based on the particular nature of the contagion and advise private business and event organisers of their obligation to close and cancel events. Council’s Social & Community Service Unit will make the decision to cancel council managed events. 13 Pandemic Sub-Plan
Municipal Events Australia Day Carols by Candlelight Dapper Day Out (Senior's Afternoon Tea Cinema Under the Stars Dance) Epic Youth Festival Family Festival at Finns Healthy Lifestyles Week Heritage Week Manningham Iranian Society of Vic (Iranian Fire Festival) Warrandyte Festival Mullum Mullum Festival Passion Play Pottery Expo Reconciliation Week Program Senior's Multicultural Gathering Spring Outdoor (Environmental Events) Templestowe Village Festival View the events calendar here. 13.3. Work from home/ restricting work place entry As a minimum, on declaration of the Australian ‘Contain Phase’, agencies will, via their BCP, determine the need to advise staff and visitors not to attend if they have symptoms of the pandemic or have been in contact with someone who has/d symptoms of the pandemic. Employees shall be advised not to come to work when they are feeling unwell, particularly if they are exhibiting symptoms associated with the pandemic. Unwell employees will be advised to see a doctor and to stay at home until symptom free and medical clearance has been provided. Staff who have recovered from the pandemic related illness are unlikely to be re-infected (most will have natural immunity) and will be encouraged to return to work as soon as medical clearance is provided. In extreme cases, it may be desirable that staff do not gather in the same place. In this instance, work from home (remote) practices may need to be authorised and then supported by the IT department. 13.4. Council Visitors In order to prevent and limit the likelihood of pandemic transmission between Council staff and visitors, the following actions should be undertaken. The following procedures are currently in place at both Council offices, and will remain even in inter-pandemic times. Hand sanitiser dispensers, laminated health/ information (staff must wash hands), visitor use sanitisers, posters and poster frames. P2 masks, individual sachet wipes, bacterial wipes, aprons and gloves are available in storage Stringent cleaning procedures and the use of anti-bacterial cleaning products Enhanced cleaning and servicing of air conditioners Sanitary waste management, including the installation of foot pedal operated lidded bins A dedicated budget allowance for essential supplies In response to pandemic extra precautions would be taken to prevent infection. These include: Reducing staff travel and using other non-contact methods of communication Implementing the Visitor Policy to restrict entry to the public and contractors into Council Offices Cancelling/ relocating mass gatherings, such as festivals Stock piling cleaning products 14 Pandemic Sub-Plan
Implementing enhanced cleaning services Distributing face masks to ADSS home workers Distributing hand sanitiser and alcohol wipes Enhanced cleaning and servicing of air conditioners. Or switching off/ isolating air conditioning in favour of providing natural ventilation. Some of these actions will only be implemented if the pandemic is particularly infectious or severe. 13.5. Virtual Municipal Emergency Coordination Centre (MECC) operations The Manningham MEMP details arrangements for the normal operation of the MECC. Should social isolation be considered as the most appropriate control strategy by the control agency, the MECC can still be managed by staff remotely logging onto Crisisworks. Communication via telephone rather than gathering in the predetermined MECC facility should also be considered. As a pandemic is likely to be long running, consideration should be given to incorporating the MECC role into a person’s normal role. The long-running nature of pandemic also means the MECC may not need permanent full staffing. 13.6. Municipal waste collection arrangements This plan complements Council’s waste contract arrangements by ensuring that all current contracts include the provision for pandemic planning. The current municipal waste collection contractor will work with DHHS and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regarding suitable disposal of contaminated waste product during a pandemic. It is anticipated that standard weekly waste collections would continue, which would prevent any build-up of waste in the municipality. 13.7. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) The Commonwealth has the National Medical Stockpile of PPE and the criteria for its use are outlined in the Australian Health Management Plan for Pandemic Influenza. DHHS also has a state stockpile. These stockpiles are intended to protect healthcare workers in hospitals, flu clinics and DHHS staff if they are involved in direct patient care. Local government and other agencies do not have a role in frontline health care work, therefore are not eligible for the state or commonwealth stockpiles. When planning for a pandemic, local government and other agencies need to consider their BCP and look at the risks of operating core business functions and how they will protect staff at risk. 13.8. Food Delivery AUSFOODPLAN-Pandemic addresses National food supply during a pandemic. The plan includes arrangements for grocery stores to implement social distancing, and continue to supply groceries, hygiene and sanitary products. The Plan does not cover vulnerable communities that are sick or not able to get to stores. The role of food supply at the State level is shared between DELWP/ DJPR and DHHS. If local food deliveries are required, this will be managed within the existing Emergency Management arrangements. 15 Pandemic Sub-Plan
13.9. Pharmaceutical Access Whilst it is expected that normal pharmaceutical business will continue to operate, each business will determine its own risk exposure and level of operation. In a pandemic this may impact the ability for the community to access pharmaceutical supplies. In this eventuality, the State Pandemic Incident Management Team will be required to manage the supply of pharmaceutical goods. 13.10. Vaccination / Immunisation Advice on the process of mass vaccination is provided in the Mass Vaccination Guide, which forms Appendix 8 of the Victorian Health Management Plan for Pandemic Influenza. The Manningham Mass Vaccination Plan (TRIM D13/14560) is based on the guide, and outlines the method and detail for Manningham’s Health Department to undertake vaccination during a pandemic. If requested by the Department of Health, Council will activate and implement the Plan, which details: Activation Vaccination strategy (priority groups) Routine vaccination in the inter-pandemic periods Mass vaccination centres––session structure and management (administration, documentation, consent etc.) Logistics coordination / requirements Various pro forma documents (immunisation consent form, record of administration and report of suspected adverse events). The nature of the contagion will determine the configuration and/or the need for additional clinics. The DHHS will determine whether other locations across the region are required for use as a vaccination clinic, such as scout halls or community facilities. Eastern Melbourne Medical Local will work with agencies to establish other centres upon request. Neighbouring municipalities should be contacted to provide details of their pre-planned vaccination centres. Agencies will need to remain flexible in the event of extraordinary requests. 13.11. Mass fatality The Victorian Institute of Forensic Medicine (VIFM) is responsible for all deceased persons where there is no doctor’s certification of death. The VIFM has a capacity for normal operations and surge capacity arrangements for a significant number of deceased persons. The VIFM will use the Disaster Victim Identification INTERPOL Guidelines to identify multiple bodies after a mass fatality (likely in a pandemic). Cultural sensitivities are taken into account and teams are briefed on local religious beliefs, cultural attitudes and practices and political systems. Depending upon the emergency and situation, there remains an unlikely potential that local government may be requested to assist. Requests would be made to Victoria Police, and the Municipal Emergency Response Coordinator (MERC) would make any requests of the Municipal Emergency Resource Officer (MERO). In ALL instances, detailed advice should be obtained from the VIFM. 13.11.1. Ovals The VIFM may request a location to establish a temporary storage facility. The VIFM has 16 Pandemic Sub-Plan
arrangements in place for the supply of refrigerated shipping containers, the support services required to fit them out and the staff to manage them. A location such as a sporting oval would be suitable and would hold between 60 – 100 containers, depending upon whether a mortuary is also established on site. Other considerations should include: Location – away from schools, community facilities or residential areas Vehicular access for two wheel drive vehicles Access to power – Supply grid or generator/s Access to water – mains preferred Security – temporary fencing with black screening mesh Signage Sites should be identified on a needs basis and agencies will need to remain flexible when selecting sites. 13.11.2. Burial sites In rare, exceptional circumstances, Council could be asked to identify possible sites for burial of deceased persons. These areas should be carefully considered, as they are likely to remain as cemeteries and/or at very least, memorial sites into the future, and the site will have little chance of repatriation and return to its previous use. Consideration should be given to the use of existing cemeteries such as Anderson’s Creek and Templestowe Cemeteries. A typical site would require a long, relatively shallow trench where each body would be separated by a piece of chipboard type material. Bodies would ideally be wrapped in plastic, and clearly identified with some form of reference number and recorded on a map or plan. Bodies would not be stacked on top of each other, to facilitate exhumation and reburial by families at a later date if required. If requested to provide such a location, Council may also be required to supply excavators, chipboard dividers, cable ties and tags that will not degrade (e.g. metal tag with engraving or stamps). The deceased will need to be photographed, have a DNA sample taken and photo of their teeth – all to be catalogued and sent to a central repository (most probably at the VIFM Central Office). Unless exceptional circumstances existed, this would be done by the VIFM or their authorised agents. 13.11.3. Cremation Unless specific directions are issued by the VIFM, cremation will not be considered in the event of mass fatality situations. In the event directions are issued, detailed information as to specific requirements will be given at that time by the relevant authority. There are no crematoriums in Manningham. 13.12. Health Services Eastern Health is the agency responsible for the primary health care services within the Manningham municipality. In order to prevent the spread of influenza infection within hospitals during a pandemic, the DHHS will implement a designated hospital model. This model includes the implementation of pandemic 17 Pandemic Sub-Plan
clinics as patient numbers increase, to contain transmission and to reduce the workload on hospital emergency departments and GP clinics. Within Eastern Health, Box Hill Hospital is the only hospital that has been identified by the DH as being one of sixteen Victorian designated hospitals. Council will receive relevant information from hospitals and health providers through the Department of Health and Human Services. Inner Eastern Melbourne Medicare Local will support Eastern Health in the set up and staffing of community pandemic clinics. For a list of general practice providers available during an emergency go to Inner Eastern Melbourne Medicare Local will provide a liaison between agencies and practitioners/clinics during a pandemic event. Any additional support for the establishment of additional clinics should follow existing Emergency Management arrangements and will be coordinated by the Incident Controller and the Incident Management Team. 13.13. Civil disturbance It is likely that, as health and mortality issues increase, the responsibility of the justice system will rapidly expand through greater calls for service, added security responsibilities for health care and related facilities, enforcement of court-imposed restrictions, public education, control of panic and fear and associated behaviours, and ensuring that the public health crisis is not used as an opportunity for individual or organisational (criminal) gains. Public health emergencies pose special challenges for Victoria Police, whether the threat is manmade (e.g. the anthrax terrorist attacks) or naturally occurring (e.g. flu pandemics). Policing strategies will vary depending on the cause and level of the threat, as will the potential risk to the responding officers. Depending on the threat, the role of Victoria Police may include enforcing public health orders (e.g. quarantines or travel restrictions), securing the perimeter of contaminated areas, securing health care facilities, securing vaccination centres, controlling crowds, investigating scenes of suspected biological terrorism, and protecting national stockpiles of vaccines or other medicines. If this occurs, the request will originate from the controlling agency (DHHS), but a protocol with DHHS outlines that all necessary PPE will be provided by DHHS. The Victoria Police Influenza Pandemic Plan identifies police responsibility on the following potential impacts: Increased violence at fever clinics Hijacking of vehicles transporting vaccines Burglaries on pharmaceutical companies and chemists Black market selling vaccines Continuous demand for extra services from Customs, Department of Health and Human Services, Quarantine Services Police members reluctant to enter home where persons suspected to be affected Large scale absenteeism of police staff No access to sufficient levels of PPE IT technology collapse Limited capacity of remote dispatch centre Prisoner management 18 Pandemic Sub-Plan
14. Recovery Arrangements Manningham’s recovery arrangements are detailed in the Recovery Plan, available at TRIM D13/9909. The recovery arrangements in a pandemic are coordinated by the Department of Human Services and will be long lasting and operate parallel to response activities. Recovery from a pandemic will focus mainly on three of the five environments:- Social: Encourage people to return to their ‘normal’ social routine. Facilitate community events. Work with CALD communities. Provide measures to restore emotional and psychological wellbeing. Economic: Return to regular retail spending. Return to work and disposable income. Decreased demand on the health system. Built: Return to normal use of essential and community infrastructure (the public transport system). Transition back into office buildings for people who were temporarily working from home. Lessening demand on medical facilities. Possible outcomes during/ after a pandemic: Impact as a result of an Consequence to the community influenza pandemic Staff absenteeism Reduced ability to deliver basic services e.g. HACC and health services. Loss of income. Extra stress on already struggling families. Death of employees Loss of local knowledge, will take longer to train new person and restore the service, time for organisation to find new person Decreased socialisation/ Depression, loneliness Breakdown of community support mechanisms Increased pressure on services Greater demand on resources, decrease in means of distribution. Current receivers of care may receive insufficient care School closure Parents of dependent children can’t go to work. Teachers and school staff can’t work. Economic loss Increased need for information Conflicting messages and misinformed social media groups can cause anxiousness and fear Overloaded hospitals and Reduced capacity to treat all patients, patients with medical centres minor problems less likely to be admitted 19 Pandemic Sub-Plan
Impact as a result of an Consequence to the community influenza pandemic Animal abandonment Abandonment of the animal originally responsible for carrying the flu. Fear of animals. Animal cruelty. Eastern parts of Manningham affected. Increased numbers of More pressure on already struggling services. vulnerable people and Increases care requirements of vulnerable people. Less emergence of new groups numbers of carers available. Closure of public places Reduced ability to buy supplies, loss of entertainment Widespread economic Increase in crime. Stress on families. Businesses will disruption struggle. Reduced ability to buy essential supplies. Reduced employment Psychological health Trauma, depression Manage health people Survivor guilt 20 Pandemic Sub-Plan
15. Appendices 15.1. Contacts For complete list, refer to Volume 2 of MEMP available at TRIM D13/10158. 15.2. Council facilities Council owned facilities may be closed or co-opted during a pandemic depending on advice/ instruction from the Department of Health. There will need to be a suspension of regular services to these facilities if they do close during a pandemic (e.g. cleaning) Regular users and booked users will need to be informed that the facilities are closed/ unavailable until further notice. Facility Capability Capacity Contact Ajani Centre Functions/Meetings 300 9840 9300 Ajani Community Hall Functions/Meetings 180 9840 9300 The Pines Learning Centre - Functions/Meetings 180 9840 9300 Function Room The Pines Learning Centre - Functions/Meetings 75 combined or 9840 9300 Rooms 16/17/18 25 each The Pines Learning Centre - Functions/Meetings 100 combined 9840 9300 Rooms 13/14 or 50 each The Pines Learning Centre - Meetings 20 9840 9300 Room 15 Koonarra Hall Functions/Meetings 80 9840 9300 Templestowe Memorial Hall - Functions/Meetings 100 9840 9300 Main Hall Templestowe Memorial Hall - Meetings 30 9840 9300 Meeting Room East Doncaster Public Hall Functions/Meetings/1 100 9840 9300 6th, 18th, 21st birthdays Bulleen & Templestowe Functions/Meetings 110 9840 9300 Senior Citizens Centre - Main Hall Bulleen & Templestowe Meetings 40 9840 9300 Senior Citizens Centre - Bingo Room Bulleen & Templestowe Meetings 15 9840 9300 Senior Citizens Centre - Library Room Doncaster Senior Citizens Functions/Meetings 100 9840 9300 Centre - Main Hall 21 Pandemic Sub-Plan
Facility Capability Capacity Contact Doncaster Senior Citizens Meetings 30 9840 9300 Centre – Lounge Doncaster Senior Citizens Meetings 12 9840 9300 Centre - Committee Room Doncaster Senior Citizens Crafts/Meetings 20 9840 9300 Centre - Craft Room Warrandyte Senior Citizens Functions/Meetings 100 9840 9300 Centre Wonga Park Hall Functions/Meetings 100 9840 9300 Currawong Bush Park - Meetings 20 9840 9300 Conference Centre Currawong Bush Park - Meetings 15 9840 9300 Environment Centre Currawong Bush Park - Camping 12 9840 9300 Camping Heimat Centre - Main Hall Functions/Meetings 100 9840 9300 Heimat Centre - Multi- Functions/Meetings 60 9840 9300 purpose Room Domeney Recreation Centre Functions/Meetings 60 9840 9300 - Room 2 Domeney Recreation Centre Functions/Meetings 60 9840 9300 - Room 4 Domeney Recreation Centre Functions/Meetings 60 9840 9300 - Room 5 Domeney Recreation Centre Functions/Meetings 120 9840 9300 - 4&5 Combined 15.3. Legislation Quarantine Act 1908 (to be replaced by the Biosecurity Act) Air Navigation Act 1920 Customs Act 1901 Privacy Act 1988 National Health Security Act 2007 Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 Emergency Management Act 1986 & Emergency Management Act 2013 Essential Services (Year 2000) Act 1999 Victorian Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 SHERP 2013 15.4. Supporting documents WHO guidance document; Pandemic Influenza Risk Management - nterimGuidance_Jun2013.pdf Victorian Action Plan- June 2012 - 22 Pandemic Sub-Plan$FILE/Victoria n%20Action%20Plan%20for%20Human%20Influenza%20Pandemic%20- %20June%202012.pdf Commonwealth public information - Eastern Region Local Government Regional Pandemic Plan - Metropolitan Region/EMR MEMEG/Collaboration Groups/Eastern Metropolitan Councils Emergency Management Partnership (EMCEMP)/Eastern Metro Councils - EMP Regional Plans and Documents/Pandemic Influenza Eastern Health Strategic Plan - 0report%2036pp%20lr.pdf AHMPPI - 781E000F7FBB/$File/ahmppi-2009.pdf Department of Health – Ebola publications - Emergency Management Manual Victoria - 23 Pandemic Sub-Plan
16. Version Control UPDATED VERSION SECTION DATE DESCRIPTION BY 1.0 All sections 2014 Plan developed Esther Daniel Plan reviewed and December scope transitioned from 2.0 All Sections Helen Napier 2014 influenza only to all types of pandemic Garth 2.1 All Sections March 2019 Branding update Stewart 24 Pandemic Sub-Plan
Contact Details Council’s Emergency Management Team 9840 9333
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